Friday Flapper January 16, 2015 [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] Calendar of Events January 16/17, Friday/Saturday - Jr. Boys BB at CHSS (overnight in Rupert) January 21, Wednesday - English 11 Exam - Last day to order Pink Shirts! - Grade5/6 BB practice January 22, Thursday - Biology 11 Exam January 23, Friday - H.S Semester Break – No School Gr 8-12 - Ski/Snowboarding Day 8-12 January 24, Saturday - Jr. Boys BB at Caledonia January 26, Monday - Early Dismissal 2:05 p.m. January 30, Friday - H.S. Report Card #2 - Lost and Found – Take Day January 31, Saturday - Jr. Boys BB at HAZ February 6, Friday - 24 Hour Famine February 9, Monday - Family Day – No School February 11, Wednesday - Grad Photos February 13/14, Friday/Saturday - Jr. Boys ZONES at HSS February 23, Monday - Early Dismissal 2:05 p.m. February 25, Wednesday - Anti Bully/Pink Shirt Day February 27, Friday - Lost and Found – Take Day March 5, Thursday - Senior Presentations 7:30 p.m. Individual Highlights: Hot Lunch and kitchen 2 Anti-bullying day 2 Bazaar 3 Re-Registration forms 4 Semester Break 4 Centennial Christian School 250-635-6173 Charlene Brown By Tim Block It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you our wonderful Administrative Assistant, Charlene Brown. Some have compared her to Daniel - capable, hardworking, prayerful, and organized, except that would make Mr. Roukema Nebuchadnezzar, and CCS Babylon. So that comparison falls apart a bit. Charlene belongs to Joshua (grade 7), Annabelle (grade 6), Joel (grade 5), and her loving husband Adam (graduated a long time ago). I recently met with her and had a great conversation regarding her journey to this place of vocation at Centennial. Q. What do you most enjoy about your job? A. Interacting with people. Listening to great tunes while crafting amazing Friday Flappers, the fantastic view out my window, and managing all those permission slips that come in from Mr. Block, so fun!! Q. What do you least enjoy about your job? A. Managing that ridiculous pile of lost and found clothes. Really!?! Q. When did you first realize you would make a great Administrative Assistant? A. We had flooding in our basement one year, and I had to organize the paperwork for insurance. I went into the insurance office so well organized that the insurance guy offered me a job right there. I guess I have a gift for organization. As soon as I had kids, I knew I wanted to be a secretary at a school. I felt a calling to this work. I hoped for it, and did the steps that needed doing to qualify for it. Q. Your path to this position at CCS is a little winding. What are some of the other careers you have been engaged in? A. I took the Office Assistant Certificate program from the Northwest Community College, while at home with my children. After that was complete, I worked with Dr. Lindsay as an Administrative Assistant/Chiropractic Helper, I ran my own cleaning business, and was assistant manager at Warehouse One. When this job became available, I jumped at the opportunity. Q. What is your dream Saturday? A. Probably a drive to Rupert with my amazing family, eating out, and shopping. No cooking, no cleaning, no fighting (not that there is any fighting in my home)! Friday Flapper Page 2 of 4 Charlene Brown Continued Q. What is a favourite vacation memory? A. When Josh and Annabelle were really young we went to Stanley Park, and went to Science World. We all loved it… Oh, and Disneyland was pretty cool. Q. What do you do while Adam’s gone fishing? A. The kids and I go to the lake, jump off the rocks at Kleanza Creek, and find other fun things to do. The odd time, you could catch us on the river bank with Adam! And on rainy days we love to watch movies Stop by the office and just try to talk with Charlene without getting an amazing smile and all the help you need. Her energy and enthusiasm for our school is contagious. What a blessing to have Charlene Brown as our Administrative Assistant! Hot Lunch Help “Be a parent who doesn’t ignore the flying arrows of life but who helps your children pick up their sword and shield.” The Love Dare for Parents If you would like to help out in our awesome Hot Lunch program, please come into the school and there is a sign sheet on the kitchen door. We would love the help! Thank you! The Hot Lunch Team Knives Who would like to come and volunteer their time to sharpen our knives in the kitchen? Kitchen Helpers Pink Shirt / Anti-bullying Day February 25 is Anti Bullying and Pink Shirt Day in BC. As a school we have decided that we would like to participate in this day to promote Anti-bullying awareness. To help support this event we are selling Tshirts through the office for $7 each. All orders must be placed by Wednesday, January 21. Come on in and place your order as soon as possible! Sizes in Youth xsmall - xlarge and Adult small - 2x large If you are interested in checking out where the proceeds from the Tshirts go, please click this link, Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal Page 3 of 4 Friday Flapper School Bazaar The Grade 10 and 11 classes will be hosting a school bazaar Friday, February 27, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. It will be a fun-filled evening with games, desserts and dinner. Games, snacks and coffee will begin at 4:00 p.m. and run all evening. The dinner will be from 4:30-6:30 p.m. There will also be a silent auction. Please feel free to donate items or services to this if you like. This will be a fundraiser for their upcoming Encounters with Canada trip. Please keep this date on your calendar open for a wonderful evening of fun, fellowship and food! Invite your friends too! Grade 10/11 Students Help Wanted – Bargain Hunters In order to make the games room at the bazaar successful, we are looking for donations for the fish pond, pick-a-pocket, jar table and cake walk. If you are able to donate any of these items, please drop them off at the school office any time in the next month. Fish Pond: Items for the fish pond should be worth 25 cents. Please wrap them and label them boy or girl if it is meant for one or the other. Pick-a-pocket: Items for the pick-a-pocket should be worth 50-75 cents. Please wrap them and label them boy or girl if it is meant for one or the other. Jar Table: Items in jars should be worth about $1. You can put anything and everything in the jars….candies, toys, etc. Please ensure that items are new or new condition. Stop by the office if you would like to see some examples. There will be a prize for the most creative decorated collection of three or more jars (all blue, three blind mice, or whatever you can imagine!). Please let the ladies in the office know if your jars are in the contest so they can be set aside. Cake Decorating Contest: We will be holding a Cake Decorating Contest for our Cake Walk! We ask that if you bake a cake, you bake 11 cupcakes to go with it….so everyone gets a prize in the cake walk. There will also be a prize for the best decorated cake and cupcakes! Use your imagination! If you have any questions or are willing to help us out with the bazaar, please call Diane Leffers at the school, 250-635-6173. Grade 10/11 Students Forks Our fork supply in the school has diminished quite drastically over the first part of the school year. If you happen to see any forks that may not belong in your supply, please send them on to the school to replenish Thank you! “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians432 Friday Flapper Page 4 of 4 *Important* Re-registration (2015-2016 School Year) “We do not develop habits of genuine love automatically. We learn by watching effective role models – most specifically by observing how our parents express love for each other day in and day out.” Josh McDowell . Re-registration forms for next year have gone home with your children. They are bright so you can’t miss them! Please check that all information is correct and that any missing information is filled in. Specifically, please check the emergency contact info and all medical info as we have had some updates in the system and have lost some important information. Thank You! It is important that we have these forms back so we may begin planning staffing and classroom assignments for next year. Please have your forms into the school office by Friday, January 30. If you know of people interested in sending their children to our school, please have them stop by the office. Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal 24 Hour Famine Mr On Friday, February 6, High School Students will be participating in a Twenty Four Hour Famine. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of hunger locally and around the world. After a regular school day, students will be going around the neighbourhood collecting food for the Terrace Churches Food bank. A devotional time as well as various games and activities are being planned by the Student Council. The event will end at midnight (12:AM, Feb. 7) We hope to see all students there. High School Student Council Upwords Boardgame Does anyone have an Upwords Boardgame that they would be willing to donate to the school? We would really appreciate it! Mrs. Carla MacDonald Semester Break – High School Friday, January 23 there will be no school for the High School Students. Some of the High school students have chosen to take part in the Ski/Snowboarding day on this day. If you have not brought in forms or money for this event, they need to be in Monday morning. Students who are skiing or snowboarding need to be at the school by 8:15am Friday morning, sharp. Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal The Diviners Congratulations to the cast and crew of the CCS annual High School theatre production. Everyone save the date – May 8 and 9 for the production of The Diviners, by Jim Leonard, Jr. Mrs. Jo-Anne Voogd
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