January 2015 Messenger - Anoka United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church of Anoka
Nor thern Light of Ramsey
J AN AU RY 2 0 1 5
Stay in touch with Rome
Dear Friends
At the end of the year, Sherry
and I take off for a big adventure
– a month in Rome with 28 college students. Sherry, along with
another professor, will be leading
an introductory class in Christian
theology; mornings will be spent
in the classroom with afternoons
and weekends spent visiting historic sites in and near Rome. I
plan to use the time to learn as
much as I can about early Christianity in Rome (and to take pictures to share in preaching and
teaching when I return). I also
look forward to a refresher course
in what it is like to be 19 or 20
years old and to gain insight into
a new generation’s perceptions of
faith and church. If you would
like to see pictures, I’ll be posting
them occasionally on a blog I
have created:
ress.com. (click the blog photo on the front page of the
website.) I hope you will pray
for us on our travels. We will
be praying for you.
In January the church will be
in good hands as Pastor Cullen is sharing his time between
Anoka and Northern Light.
On Sundays, Rev. Marilyn
Evans, who formerly served as
associate pastor at Anoka, will
be preaching, except on January 11 when Rev. Cody Nielsen will be our guest preacher.
Cody is the director of the
Wesley Foundation at the
University of Minnesota, working
to raise up a new generation of
Christian leaders.
And as the New Year begins, I
want to say once again how
profoundly grateful I am for the
opportunity to serve as a pastor of
the United Methodist Church of
Anoka. Every day I get to work
together with a talented, creative,
and dedicated staff, along with
energetic, committed leaders in
our congregation. I am proud of
the work our church is doing and
look forward to being a part of
God’s plans for us in the future.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Bill
New Sunday Morning Bible Study
A new Sunday morning
Bible study
starts January
11. We will
view and discuss God is
Closer Than You
Think. Based on
the book by
John Ortberg, this study
will look at ways
to connect with
God. Sessions
will include God’s
Great Desire for
People, Where is
God in My
World?, Partnering with God To-
day, Listening to the
Voice of God, God
Wants a Relationship
with You, and Heaven
Breaking Through. This
group will run for six
weeks. Come and join
us during the Sunday
Morning Adult
Discovery Hour!
Inside this issue:
January Worship
Were YOU married here?
Communion Teaching Service
Anoka Kicks Arts
Reading Plan for 2015
Northern Light celebrates!
More Missions news
Kids Connection
Worship at UMCA in December
We welcome back Rev.
Marilyn Evans as our
guest preacher while
Pastor Bill & Sherry are
in Rome.
January 4 Communion
“Home by a Different
January 11 J. Cody
Nielsen, Wesley Foundation Director (see
additional info below)
January 18 Human
Relations Sunday
“If I Had Sneezed”
January 25
“A Fragment of a
Ministry of the Month—Wesley Foundation
a United Methodist
Campus Ministry
—Seeking Justice
—Asking Questions
—Exploring Faith
—And Welcoming YOU!
Envelopes are in the
pews or mark the
memo of your check
for the WESLEY
this month.
Page 2
What is Wesley? The
Wesley Foundation is a
United Methodist related campus ministry at
the University of Minnesota that is dedicated
to welcoming all people. Its mission statement sees the Wesley
Foundation as a community who seeks to
practice justice, cross
faith traditions, and
create a world of tolerance and compassion
for all persons.”
The Gopher Wesley
Foundation is located
at 1219 University Avenue SE in Dinky Town
on the U of M campus,
and it seeks to be a
place for students and
staff to find community
while in college.
5 Core Values of the
Wesley Foundation:
1. Provide spiritual
formation and community for college
students on campus
through worship,
Bible and book
study, and retreat.
2. Foster authentic
communion among
student communities, engaging in
questions of faith &
integration of theological insights into
the vocational paths
of students.
3. Engage the campus
in the Christian
faith journey.
4. Train students as
leaders of the
church today
through opportuni-
ties & activities to
gain vocational
5. Missionally connect
the church beyond
itself to the university institution
providing pastoral
presence for faculty,
staff and student at
all times.
J. Cody Nielsen is the
foundation’s director.
Our church is delighted
to have Cody preaching
at both services on January 11. He will be happy to field questions
and comments between
THANK YOU so much
for your generous support of this ministry!
Volume 1, Issue 1
Were you married at UMCA?
On Sunday, February 8,
2015, we will have a
special celebration of all
couples who were married at the United
Methodist Church of
Anoka (or elsewhere by
one of our pastors).
Some may have been
married many years ago
at our previous location
on Jackson Street; others have been married
more recently. Whenever your wedding took
place, we hope you will
join us for worship on
this special Sunday and
for a special reception
at 9:30am.
If you know someone
who was married in our
church – but is no longer a part of our congregation – invite them to
come to church with
you on Sunday, February 8, 2015.
All couples are invited
to take part in a small
group on Wednesday
evenings from 6:30 to
7:30, February 11 March 18. We will read
and discuss the book
Ten Lessons to Transform
Your Marriage, by John
Gottman and Julie
Schwartz Gottman.
Teaching Service of Communion on February 1
On Sunday, February 1
we will have a special
Celebration of the
Presence of Jesus: A
Teaching Service of
In this service we will be
learning why we do
what we do in worship.
Also, we will learn
about the different
aspects of the communion service and their
biblical basis. This will
be for all ages and will
take place at both
morning services on
February 1. Children
will learn about the
meaning of communion and how to receive
it; adults will have a
deeper experience of
the presence of Jesus at
communion. Come
and join Jesus at the
An update from the Finance Committee
This is just a snapshot of finances through December 15, 2014.
Income: $629, 355.44
Expenses: $630, 343.60
Thank you for your faithful generosity to the budget of UMCA. You
have helped relieve suffering, provided hope and made a difference in
the world. It’s exciting to see what we can do in 2015!
Page 3
A fine arts festival for the families of Anoka and sur-
Introduce children to
the joy of the arts at
Come and experience live interactive exhibits.
There will be opportunities to discover the arts
in new ways through music, painting, photography, and performance. Best of all, this is a
FREE opportunity for you to expose kids to the
joy of creativity.
DAY: Sunday, January 25
TIME: 3:00-5:00pm
LOCATION: United Methodist Church of Anoka
850 South St. — Anoka, 55303
QUESTIONS? Call 763-421-2378
Sunday, January 25 - 3-5pm
Reading Plans for 2015
I am going to lose 20 pounds this year…I will clean the basement this year…
I am going read the whole Bible this year!
Plans, intentions, resolutions, and commitment are words that often appear in the media at the beginning of each
new year. While it is easy to make goals, putting our words into action is a whole different matter. How about
making a reading goal for 2015? Are you thinking about making a daily devotions goal for this year? Our church
library has a large selection of devotions and meditations along with books establishing a devotional schedule.
Tapestry of Life: Devotions for the Unique Woman by Nancy Corbett Cole
In the words of the author, “Every woman takes the threads and materials each day hands her and works them into
the tapestry that becomes her life. The quality of the material handed to an ordinary woman determines the quality of her tapestry. The truly unique woman transcends inferior materials by spinning them through the hands of a
loving Savior, Jesus Christ, and with His touch creates a tapestry that belies its raw beginnings—a tapestry that is
truly beautiful and wondrously original.”
Tea Time with God: A Quiet Moments with God Devotional published by Honor Books
“These meditations will fit into you busiest schedule and give you a boost at the end of your most hectic day. Full
of inspiring scriptures, eye-opening quotes, heartwarming anecdotes, and real-life stories, they’re brief enough to
read in a few moments, yet deep enough to transform your heart and mind.”
Be Still and Know by Millie Stamm
“Begin each day with a verse of Scripture and a meditation amplifying that Bible verse in light of your innermost
needs. The author has drawn upon a lifetime of personal experience and devotions reading to build these inspirational messages. You will feel as if a good friend has come to chat and share insights that God has given to her.”
Prayers that avail much for Men by Germaine Copeland
The author wrote this book as “a primer for learning how to pray effectively for your family, career, and ministry.
When you pray according to the Scriptures, you can be assured that you are praying in live with God’s will and that
He will honor His word.”
A Closer Look at the Evidence by Richard and Tina Kleiss
The goal of this book is to provide “evidence for the existence of our Creator. Written in 365 easy-to-read devotional nuggets drawing from over 70 expert sources to show how 26 different areas of knowledge confirm that
God’s Word can be trusted as a basis for truth, guidance, and hope.”
Each New Day by Corrie ten Boom
This is a classic from a woman who became legendary for her faith and wisdom. In this devotional book, Corrie
feels “there is something from God’s Word for every day. Some words may be of greater impact for you than others, but you should listen every day to what the Holy Spirit wants to say to you through the message. A person is
either a missionary or a mission field…I know that the Lord gave me these words. They are from Him who loves
you and who spoke through me to you.”
Also available are back issues of Disciplines: A Book of Daily Devotions published by The Upper Room in past years
along with books from the extensive Chicken Soup series.
Visit the church library. Browse through the shelves of devotionals, meditations, and inspirational literature. Get
started on making 2015 be an inspiring year.
Northern Light celebrations in December!
Happy New Year!
We ended December with a bang at Northern Light! Some of the highlights included:
-34 ladies participating in an art class on site at Northern Light
-125 in attendance on December 14 for our children's Christmas program
-Approximately 140 in attendance at our Candlelight service and live nativity at Kelley Farm
-A full house on Christmas Eve
We're so excited for what 2015 holds for Northern Light! We're meeting new people every week and they're getting connected in meaningful ways. Just this week, someone visiting for the first time told me, "this feels like
And that's just what you are helping to create in Ramsey, a place that can be a spiritual home for spiritual seekers
in every life stage, and we want all of you to have a chance to check it out.
There is a signup sheet in the fellowship hall that lists each Sunday of January and February. Feel free to sign up
as our guest for one week over the next two months to worship with us at 10am on a Sunday morning. You'll be
glad you did, and you'll be able to share with your
friends at UMCA and your friends in Ramsey about
all the excitement at Northern Light Church!
Grace & Peace,
Children’s Program Sunday
Kelley Farm Candle Light Service
The Candle Light walk to the live Nativity
Page 6
Volume 1, Issue 1
Mission opportunity from our missionary Paul Webster
Dear Congregations and individual Supporters,
I have just been made aware of the generous gift you have made toward my salary support. I want to let you
know how much I appreciate it.
It has been hard coming back to our site with its many problems. We just got our tractor going after having to
order new parts from the States. Our old dairy barn collapsed and will have to be replaced in the coming
months. I also found that the solar batteries in my house and those that powered our satellite dish failed and
required a trip to Lusaka to buy new ones. Little by little we are putting things back in order.
Through a generous gift to our Mujila Falls Agriculture Account (15016A) I am hopeful we can buy a new
tractor and disc harrow so we can resume planting maize, soybeans, sorghum, black beans, peanuts, etc. next
year. For the coming year we will be dependent upon buying maize from local farmers to feed our chickens. Hamilton did a good job with the chickens and kept our pine trees from burning during the long dry
season. I am very thankful for that.
Without Tshala, it is now necessary for me to travel more often to the Copper Belt for supplies and this cuts
into my work here. I am making an appeal for anyone with farm finance and management skills who would
like to apply to become a missionary here at Mujila Falls. Please let the GBGM know of your intensions ASAP
so we can plan for you here. A younger couple (under 50?) would be preferred so that we can have long-term
continuity here at Mujila Falls. Specific skills can run from animal husbandry, dairy farming, vegetable and
fruit farming, tree farming, hogs, sheep and goats, and skills in teaching agriculture to adults and young
people, as well as managing our day care center and teaching nutrition, sewing, knitting, crochet and child care
to women.
Again, thank you for your faithful support of my salary.
Your Servant in Christ,
Paul L. Webster
Human Relations Sunday—January 18, 2015
The 1st church-wide
special Sunday we're
is Human Relations
Day on January 18.
From the brochure:
"The Human Relations
Day offering supports
neighborhood minis-
tries through Community Developers, community advocacy in the
United States and Puerto Rico through United
Methodist Voluntary
Services and work with
at-risk youth through
the Youth Offender
Rehabilitation Program."
There will be envelopes
and materials in your
bulletin that day, or
mark your memo for
Human Relations Sunday.
Page 7
Our new Youth Director, David Long
We’re excited to announce we have found our new youth director! David Long
will be joining our staff in mid-January. We look forward to working with David
and learning more about him. He comes from St. Anthony, MN with a variety of
experiences with youth and teaching. Welcome to Anoka, David.
United Methodist Women’s News
The UMW have a light lunch and planning meeting, Saturday January 10 at 10am where they
spend down their budget. Everyone is welcome! The February planning meeting on Saturday,
February 14 will be followed by making and delivering the annual Cheerbaskets beginning around
11am. They can always use help with this service project to the nursing homes and homebound,
so watch for more to come.
Our Church Family
We celebrate the baptism of:
Carter Allen Summers, child of Jacob Summers & Danielle Thielen, 11/30/2014
Dominic Anthony Laluk, child of Taryn Ladyka, 11/30/2014
Easton Shawn McGinnis, child of Shawn & Trisha McGinnis, 11/30/2014
Talula Mae McGinnis, child of Shawn & Trisha McGinnis, 11/30/2014
Are YOU on Facebook?
Want to stay up-to-date with things that are happening, events coming up and invitations at UMCA?
Go to https://www.facebook.com/AnokaUMC and LIKE our church’s page. It will come right into
your own News Feed automatically. You can tell friends when you are here doing service and fun things
as well as rate the United Methodist Church of Anoka. Be sure to give us 5 stars!
As a bonus you will receive notification of the newsletter through mail chimp. Just one click!
Page 8
Volume 1, Issue 1
The latest news and information about the Children and Families of the United Methodist Church of Anoka.
Emily Wise
Director of Children’s
United Methodist Church of Anoka
In This Issue:
Sunday school schedule
Kids & Youth FROZEN
Feed My Starving
Anoka Kicks Arts for kids
Saturday, January 10th
January 21st
Join us while we watch the
movie Frozen, make tie
blankets for Hope 4 Youth
of Anoka and enjoy hotchocolate and popcorn.
All 5 yrs-12th Grade Students and FRIENDS! (Children
are welcome with a parent or guardian)
Pack meals Feed My Starving Children in Coon
Rapids with the UMCA. Between 11:30am and
1:30pm. We will then go for pizza on our way to the
sledding hill.
We will meet at UMCA at 11:00am and return by
FMSC—Coon Rapids
Park Location: 631 Lund Blvd, Anoka, MN 55303
If you would like to participate in this event:
$5 for pizza
Sign up at the youth or children bulletin board in the hall. There
are a limited number of spaces so sign up early.
Bring warm clothes and your sleds!
***if weather does not permit us to go outside, we will come back to
UMCA and play board games***
What’s Up
A fine arts festival for the families of Anoka and surrounding communities
Introduce children to
the joy of the arts at
Come and experience live interactive
exhibits. There will be opportunities to
discover the arts in new ways through
music, painting, photography, and performance. Best of all, this is a FREE
opportunity for you to expose kids to
the joy of creativity.
DAY: Sunday, January 25
TIME: 3:00-5:00pm
United Methodist Church of Anoka
850 South St. — Anoka, 55303
QUESTIONS? Call 763-421-2378
Saturday, January 25—3-5pm
January’s Memory Verse:
“Training the body has some value. But
being godly has value in every way. It
promises help for the life you are now
living and the life to come.”
(1 Timothy 4:8, NIrV)
Theme: Rehearsal room
Commitment: making a plan and sticking with it.
January 4th
Bible Story: Sand & Rock
Bottom Line: Practicing hearing what
God says.
January 11th
Bible Story: Model Prayer
Bottom Line: Practice praying to God.
January 18th
Bible Story: Who do you say that I am?
Bottom Line: Practice talking about
January 25th
Bible Story: Widow’s might
Bottom Line: Practice living for God.
Theme: Undercover Kindness
Kindness: Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them.
Preschool Sunday school Schedule 9:30am—1030am:
Basic Truth:
Jesus wants to be my
friend forever.
Key Question:
Who do you need?
Bottom Line:
I need Jesus!
Memory Verse:
“You are everything
I need.”
(Psalm 119:57, NIV)
850 South Street
Anoka, MN 55303
THEME: Help! I need somebody!
January 4th
Jesus has the power to help me.
January 11th
Jesus has the power to help my
January 18th
Everyone needs Jesus.
January 25th
I can ask Jesus for help.
763-421-2378 O
605-415-0924 C
Two Communities, One Hope
We have a vision for a church that
shares the good news of Jesus
with everyone: a church where
the congregation
relects the make-up of our
diverse community. We will
provide entry points for those
who are missing.
Northern Light is a campus of
the United Methodist Church of
Anoka Casual,bandledworship
Office and Staff Information
www.northernlightramsey.org DirectorofMusicMinistries: