The new agenda for 2015

Newsletter of Pollok Golf Club: January 2015
The new agenda for 2015
Captain’s Comment
Once again we enter our new year
uncertain of how our membership
numbers will hold up. Despite a
decline in members, our accounts
for the past couple of years have
shown virtually break even at an
operating level.
This has been as a result of strict
controls from our Manager, Captains and
Finance Convenors. That said, there have
been some serious discussions in
Committee; we considered tee signage,
we’ve introduced guest fees and have
amended our Life Membership terms. I
also addressed our income issue with
existing Life Members, highlighted the
Course Etiquette
Members are reminded that Pollok
prides itself on following the
correct course etiquette which
includes avoiding slow play and
allowing faster games through. In
particular, given the hard work of
the greenkeeping staff to maintain
our greens in such fine condition,
members are asked to ensure all
pitch marks are repaired.
Replacing divots and raking
bunkers should be seen as
integral parts of members’ rounds.
financial pressures we are under and am
hopeful of a positive response to my plea
for increased donations.
In an effort to involve members more
Despite the difficulties in significantly
fully in decisions affecting the Club,
increasing income, my priority is to
the Captain will hold surgeries in the
ensure the high standards of the course
Clubhouse when members can have
and clubhouse remain. I can assure you face-to-face discussions on any topic
and I’m by no means complacent - that
of their choosing. The first of these
we have a great deal to be proud of and
surgeries will be on 12th January with
thankful for at Pollok.
the second on 16th February. On both
Our Membership and Marketing Subdates the Captain will be available
Committee will be challenged with
from 5pm. Further dates will be
identifying new revenue streams and
announced later.
maximising our existing sources of
income. I do not forget we are a members’
which will include Lady Members and
club and need to ensure our members
Family membership.
have the access they deserve. But we do
I would encourage you to share your
have superb facilities and a great staff, so
and thoughts with either them or me,
need to capitalise on our strengths and
advantages. You all have a part to play in but once their report is ready we will have
a full opportunity to discuss their findings.
this too, by not only encouraging new
Finally, being Captain of Pollok does,
members but using our facilities for all
course bring significant responsibilities,
manner of celebratory occasions.
least of all in the comments I’ve just
Even with all of these attempts to raise
- and I’m very conscious that as we
income, I come to an important question:
our 125th anniversary the
is the membership model we have
keep coming. However, there
working, and is it sustainable?.
is also much enjoyment to be had. My
Given our Ordinary numbers have
dropped from 458 to 417 over the past two handicap even dropped last season. So
we’ll see if that can continue!
years I suggest, for the
future of the Club, we
Richard Morris has finalised the Senior Section's programme for
need to think of other
next season. Please let him know your preferences for the matches
sources of members.
you wish to play in by returning the form he distributed by e-mail
From a commercial
sense, combined with
No. Venue
possible political
Mon 27 April Turnberry Golf Club
12 Pollok
pressures and, indeed, a
more inclusive approach,
Wed 27 May Royal Perth Golfing Soc 12 Royal Perth
I think it would be
wrong not to consider
Mon 8 June Buchanan Castle
12 Buchanan Castle
seriously our
Thu 16 July Glenbervie Golf Club
16 Glenbervie
membership policy.
Thu 30 July Blairgowrie Golf Club
16 Pollok
To that end, and in
Mon 10 Aug Prestwick St Nicholas
12 Pollok
line with a number of
prominent male-only
Thu 27 Aug Bothwell Castle
12 Bothwell Castle
clubs, I’ve asked the
Mon 31 Aug Glasgow Golf Club
16 Killermont
Membership and
Wed 9 Sept Kilmacolm Golf Club
12 Pollok
Marketing Sub12 Pollok
Committee to undertake Wed 16 Sept Murrayfield Golf Club
a study into the Club’s
Mon 21 Sept Bruntsfield Golf Club
12 Bruntsfield
membership policy,
Captain’s Surgeries
Published by Pollok Golf Club: 90 Barrhead Road, Glasgow G43 1BG
Tel: 0141 632 4351 Fax: 0141 649 1398 E-mail:
Junior trophy winners line up
The Junior Section after the Annual Prize Giving with Convenor Stewart Boyle
and Glasgow Warriors and Scotland fly-half Duncan Weir (third from right)
Centenary Trophy
- Player of the Year
John Bisset
Junior Championship John Bisset
Andrew Jamieson Trophy Gregor Cockburn
David Reid Trophy
Medal Finals Scratch
Robbie Boyle
Philip Devine
Medal Finals Handicap Philip Devine
Eclectic Competition
John Bisset
Eclectic Competition
Sean Clarke
We are moving the Members’ Guest
Day to 13th June to avoid clashing with
other events and, hopefully, to boost the
numbers entering, writes Phil Taylor.
Ladies’ Day in turn will take place
later in the season.
After the 2014 Club Championship,
the Committee with the Match and
Handicap Convenor reviewed the
format of the knockout stages and the
conclusion was to revert to a previous
format. So this year we will have three
qualifying medals on 9th May, 16th
May, 30th May with Saturday 6th June
as a reserve in case of bad weather. The
two best scores will count and the first
knock-out stage will be held on Friday
Smart Alick’s quiz corner
The Captain and Vice-Captain were playing a Mann Cup tie. The Captain scored a 7
on the 7th and asked the Vice-Captain what he holed out in. The Vice-Captain,
forgetting he had played 3 off the tee, said he had a 5. So the hole was claimed by the
Vice-Captain to go one up. As they approached the 8th Green the Vice-Captain realised
he had actually scored a 7 and not a 5 at the 7th hole and advised the Captain
accordingly. Should the result of the 7th hole be changed to a half?
12th June for 16 qualifiers, the second on
the following Monday 15th June. The
semi-finals are on the following Friday,
19th June. The final will be played on the
following Sunday, 21st June.
Finals Day 2015 will be Sunday 20th
September when all the finals of the
summer knockout competitions will be
played. All competitors must be
available to play on finals day should
they reach a final. Members should not
enter any competition if they know that
they cannot make that date. If after
entering a competitor subsequently
discovers that he cannot play in finals
day he should immediately withdraw
from the competition.
Stone the Crows
Duncan McGhie reported that while
playing the third last November, a crow
picked up his ball and hopped off with
it. Duncan chased it and got the ball
back. In the same round, when playing
the 16th, the same crow - or possibly a
close relative - again picked up his ball
and this time flew
off with it. Members
well acquainted with
the rules will know
the correct procedure
to adopt in such an
A crow
No. As the Vice-Captain gave the wrong score for the 7th hole and had not corrected the
error before they had teed off on the next hole, under Rule 9-2b(iii) he gave wrong
information. The Vice-Captain loses the hole and the Vice-Captain is now one down. Normally
in Match play (Rule 2-5) it is not possible to make a claim once either player has teed off at the
next hole. However, an opponent providing wrong information as to his score is an exception
to the Rule. It should be noted that for the claim to be valid it must be made before either
player tees off at the 9th tee.