H2020 Brokerage Event_Technology_13_DJS_Leicester_Jenkin

*SC5-11-2014/2015: New solutions for
sustainable production of raw materials
e [2015] New metallurgical systems*
Novel Environmentally-friendly Ore
Processing Techniques for the 21st Century
Gawen RT Jenkin & Daniel J Smitha
Andrew Abbottb
of Geology, University of Leicester, UK, grtj1@le.ac.uk
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Leicester, UK
Conventional ore processing
Ore + Energy (€)
Metal + CO2 (☹) + Wastes (€ ☹, CO2 ☹)
Can we do better? – Need a low energy (€) process, more environmentally compatible
A new chemistry - ionic liquids
• Anhydrous salts that are liquid at low temperature
– Powerful solvents
High selectivity in dissolution and recovery
Amenable to electrochemistry
Successfully used to recover metals from scrap and oxides
No large volume/low concentration aqueous waste
CuCl2 dissolved in different ILs
BUT, must be:
• Low cost
• Environmentally compatible
• No registration requirements
- We use non-toxic biodegradable Deep Eutectic Solvents
Gold dissolution by oxidation with I2
Reflected light
7 µm
7 µm
el = electrum (Ag:Au ~50:50 wt%)
Sample: gold ore, Cononish deposit, Scotland
Solution: I2 in ionic liquid, 10 mins, ~50°C
Abbott et al. 2014, Electrocatalytic Recovery of Elements from Complex Mixtures using Deep
Eutectic Solvents, Green Chemistry, doi 10.1039/C4GC02246G
Gold dissolution and recovery
Gold panned
Electrodeposition from
solution ~20 hours
Dissolution by
oxidation in ionic
liquid with I2, 48
Abbott et al. 2014, Electrocatalytic Recovery of Elements from Complex Mixtures using Deep
Eutectic Solvents, Green Chemistry, doi 10.1039/C4GC02246G
Dissolution by electrolytic reduction
• Change in solution colour indicates dissolution of other
Ionic liquid Pyrite in ionic liquid Arsenopyrite…
Chalcopyrite… Covellite…
• We have not yet found a native metal/metalloid, sulfide, sulfosalt or
telluride (e.g. calaverite AuTe2) that we cannot dissolve in DES ionic
• Electrolytic recovery of Au from solution is proven (+22 other metals) –
could quantitatively separate metals by different voltages.
• Ionometallurgy could thus offer a
whole new set of environmentally
benign tools for metallurgists.
• Looking for partners:
– High grade complex deposits and
concentrates optimum
– Lower grade deposits, heap leach
on the horizon
Cononish electrum inclusions in
pyrite (Hill et al. 2013)
• Contact us: grtj1@le.ac.uk, see Gawen Jenkin, Dan Smith