THE FIELDS INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 “But in my opinion, all things in nature occur mathematically.” René Descartes, 1596–1650 2 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences COVER IMAGE BY MEREDITH SADLER CONTENTS About Fields 4 Message from the Chair 5 Message from the Director 6 Our Activities 8 Thematic and Focus Programs 8 General Scientific Activities and Seminar Series 10 Seminar Series 14 Outreach 15 Special Lectures 16 Commercial and Industrial Mathematics Program 17 Mathematics Education 18 Fields Institute Fellows 19 Publications 20 Donors 22 Administration 23 Governance 24 Financial Statements 26 Annual Report 2013–2014 3 ABOUT FIELDS The Fields Institute was founded in 1992 in Waterloo, and in 1995 moved to Toronto, where it is housed on the University of Toronto campus in a building designed for scientific communication. The Institute is named after Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields (1863-1932), who established the premier international prize in mathematics, now known as the Fields Medal. The mandate of the Fields Institute is to advance research, training and communication in all areas of the mathematical sciences, including pure and applied mathematics, statistics and theoretical computer science, on a global scale. It supports collaboration with researchers and users of mathematics in the physical, biological and earth sciences, engineering, medicine, economics and finance, telecommunications and information systems. It has a highly successful incubation program for start-up companies that is unique among mathematical sciences research institutions world-wide. Every year, the Fields Institute’s programs and activities attract more than 4000 participants from around the world. The primary activities of the Fields Institute are Thematic and Focus Programs, ranging from one to six months in length. These involve long- and short-term visitors, postdoctoral fellows and students, and include workshops and seminars, distinguished lectures, and graduate courses. In addition, the Institute supports a wide range of programs of shorter duration such as workshops and conferences, mini-courses, summer schools, seminar series, and public lectures. The Fields Institute bridges basic and directed research. Its programs cut across traditional discipline or university boundaries. They bring together leading scientists and students, educators and users of mathematics in commerce and industry. The Institute runs well-es- 4 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences tablished commercial and industrial programs with corporate affiliates, including Industrial Problem Solving Workshops. The Institute’s Centre for Mathematical Medicine is rapidly expanding its activities in collaboration with Canada’s outstanding medical research community. The Fields Institute has a large and diverse educational program, including the Fields Mathematics Education Forum, the Fields Undergraduate Network (FUN), the Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program, and the Math Circles program for high school students. The Institute publishes two book series, Fields Institute Communications and Monographs, with Springer, as well as two peerreviewed electronic journals, Fields Mathematics Education Journal and Mathematics-In-Industry Case Studies. The Institute’s major sources of funding are the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and eight principal sponsoring universities — Carleton, McMaster, Ottawa, Queen’s, Toronto, Waterloo, Western, and York. There are also sixteen Affiliate Universities in Canada, the US and Europe — Brock, Guelph, Houston, Iowa State, Lakehead, Université Lille 1, Manitoba, Maryland, Nipissing, Ontario Institute of Technology, Royal Military College, Ryerson, Saskatchewan, Trent, Wilfrid Laurier, and Windsor. Current Corporate Affiliates are IBM Canada, CANNEX., S&P Capital IQ, Sigma Analysis and Management, Synchrony Consulting Services Inc., and Waterfront International Ltd. MESSAGE from the CHAIR During this past year the Institute continued to solidify its reputation as one of the world’s leading mathematics research centres. Thematic programs remain its flagship vehicle, while focus programs and problem solving workshops expand the range of ways in which the Institute supports the mathematical community. The Fields Medal Symposium, as indicated in last year’s message, continues to flourish and gain increasing recognition and is now an established event in the international calendar of the mathematical sciences. This past year has seen a strengthening and expansion of the Institute’s relationships with its funding agencies. The renewal of grants from the Ontario Ministry of Trades, Colleges and Universities and from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council provides stability that underpins the forward planning of the Institute’s activity. Inclusion in a new multiinstitute NSERC initiative focused on industrial partnerships expands the range and scope of what the Institute offers the research community. Enhancement of the Institute’s standing in the priorities of the United States’ National Science Foundation provides valuable encouragement to all involved with Fields. Not all news is rosy. Last year in this report I welcomed Walter Craig as the Institute’s Director and Chief Executive Officer. Walter stepped in quickly and firmly, setting underway a number of initiatives. His ability to reach out to the world’s mathematical community was proving especially beneficial to the Institute’s activity. With great regret I must inform you that for reasons of his health Walter has decided he must step down as Director at the end of June, 2015. The Institute is about to initiate at this moment the search process for Walter’s successor. In last year’s report I commented on the importance to the Institute and its work the dedication and endless effort of its staff. This year Alison Conway, Manager of Scientific Programs, will be retiring. Alison’s smile and cheery greeting has been the face of Institute for many, many of the four thousand visitors who pass through our doors each year. We are grateful for her service at the Institute and wish her well in the year’s ahead. I would like to thank all those whose attention to the direction and operation of the Fields Institute makes it successful. In addition to our Directorate and staff, there those who devise and run programs, workshops and other activities; members of our Scientific Advisory Panel who ensure the quality of the Institute’s science; the board of directors who are ultimately responsible for governing the Institute; and our members, especially our university members, whose support is critical. John R. Gardner January 2015 PHOTO: RICHARD CEREZO Annual Report 2013–2014 5 MESSAGE from the DIRECTOR During the academic year 2013-2014 the Fields Institute was able to expand its scientific and training programs renewing (and increasing to a certain extent) our grant support for these activities. We have been able to increase our modes of contact with research scientists in industry, through a collaborative platform with the other Canadian mathematical sciences institutes. And as well we have been able to perform some much needed updates to our infrastructure, both physical and to our website and computer system. Through the scientific activities we host and support, and through our publicity and media presence, the Institute has an increasing recognition in the public sphere as a source of knowledge and a resource for information on and about the mathematical sciences in Canada and in the world. I have now been the Director for a year and a half, which has been a very busy, however inspiring, time for me. As well as being a period of serious grantsmanship for myself and for the staff, it has been gratifying to contribute to and participate in the mathematical events that take place at the Institute. During this year Fields has hosted a broad variety of scientific programs and activities, including a major thematic program on Calabi - Yau varieties: Arithmetic, geometry and physics (July - December 2013, with lead organizer Noriko Yui (Queen’s University)) and a second major thematic program on Abstract harmonic analysis, Banach and operator algebras (January - June 2014, with lead organizers Anthony To-Ming Lau (Alberta) and Matthias Neufang (Carleton)). The second Fields Medal Symposium took place at the Institute on September 30 to October 3, 2013, in honour of Elon Lindenstrauss (Fields Medal 2010). These events are growing to be major dates on the international mathematical sciences schedule. In addition to these programs, we have hosted and supported numerous events and workshops across the broad spectrum of the mathematical sciences. It is our mandate to bring internationally prominent mathematical scientists to collaborate and communicate with their Canadian counterparts, as well as to showcase Canadian contributions on the international scene. The major grants competition in 2013 was the competition in the new NSERC program Collaborative and Thematic Resources Support in Mathematics and Statistics Program (CTRMS). The Fields Institute performed very well in this competition, with the outcome being that the Institute received a CTRMS program award of $1.2 million annually for five years (2014 - 2019). This will be applied to support scientific activities at the Fields Institute. This award continues the funding that was previously granted under the Major Resources Support Program which was phased out earlier in 2013. A second major source for Institute support comes from the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU). We are grateful for the strong continuing support from this Ministry for all aspects of the Institute’s activities, from mathematics education and advanced training, to mathematical sciences outreach, to the highest level of internationally prominent mathematics research. A third major NSERC grant is the result of a collaboration between the three principal Canadian mathematical sciences institutes, the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM), the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) and the Fields Institute. We have named this initiative the Institutes Innovation Platform, its purpose is to develop programs and activities that stimulate interaction between academic and industrial researchers working in the mathematical sciences. The Fields Institute is using the resources of this initiative to build an Industry Liaison office, and has named Dr. Huaxiong Huang as the new Associate Director for Industry Liaison, and Tyler Wilson as our Industry Liaison Officer. In this role, Dr. Huang will facilitate connections between academic research mathematicians and their counterparts in industry. Dr. Huang will also be developing events that will be aimed at advancing a scientific environment within the Institute that nurtures connections and collaborations between academic researchers and scientists in industry. 6 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences PHOTO: JURGEN POSCHEL A fourth resource for scientific activities at the Institute is its recent National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, which awards the Institute direct NSF funding for the purpose of supporting US-based researchers and trainees to participate in the Institute’s programs and activities. This NSF grant will be administered by the Institute. It serves to simplify the process of garnering NSF funding for US-based participants in Fields Institute activities, for which previously participants had to apply and report on individually and separately. There have been many changes at the Institute over the past year, both scientifically and in our staff. We are currently re-evaluating our fund-raising efforts and expanding them in terms of their sources and their purposes. There are several initiatives to improve our computer infrastructure and our specially developed FieldsLive video-streaming system. We are working to build connections with our sister mathematical sciences institutes internationally, and to establish collaborative agreements with them over conferences, young scientist exchanges, and other potentially valuable joint activities. It is gratifying that the Fields Institute has taken its place among the top handful of the world’s major mathematics institutes. It is able to do so because of the financial support that it receives from both public and private sources. But the real key to the Institute’s past successes and its current momentum is that the members of the Canadian mathematical sciences community are steadfast contributors to the intellectual content and depth of the Institute’s programs. The Fields Institute is therefore both a contributor and resource for the mathematical sciences community, as well as a grateful recipient of intellectual investment from this community. One role of the Director is to keep it moving in this way, which I find to be an inspiring thought. Respectfully, Walter Craig January 2015 Annual Report 2013–2014 7 OUR ACTIVITIES THEMATIC AND FOCUS PROGRAMS The principal purpose of our Thematic and Focus Programs is to draw together researchers with common interests for collaboration. Regular workshops, conferences and advanced graduate courses are arranged by the program organizers to support these goals. A Program generally consists of one to six months of concentrated activity in a specific area of current research interest in the mathematical sciences. Among the components are short- and long-term visitors, post-doctoral fellows, graduate courses and lecture series, seminars, workshops and conferences. JULY 2013 FOCUS PROGRAM ON NONCOMMUTATIVE DISTRIBUTIONS IN FREE PROBABILITY THEORY Organizers: R. Speicher (Saarland and Queen’s), D. V. Voiculescu (UC Berkeley), S. Belinschi (Queen’s), B. Collins (Ottawa), J. Mingo (Queen’s), A. Nica (Waterloo) This program focused on the distributions of the noncommutative variables. Such variables, like the quantum mechanical observables, are operators and the distributions are expectations associated with them. In the case of one variable, the noncommutative distributions are expectations of spectral measures and are classical probability measures. For several variables, such distributions are expectation values of noncommutative monomials (there are many more of these than commutative ones). The program emphasized the distributions aspect in all parts of free probability: explicit determinations of distributions if possible, methods of computing distributions, uses of facts about distributions in applications. This is a timely topic since recent developments in a variety of directions in free probability are also advances in the distributions aspect, ranging from new noncommutative analysis tools, new combinatorial and discrete mathematics aspects, the appearance of new quantum symmetries and new types of distributions. JULY 2 – 6 Workshop on Combinatorial and Random Matrix Aspects of Noncommutative Distributions and Free Probability JULY 8 – 18 Inter-Workshop Program JULY 22 – 26 Workshop on Analytic, Stochastic, and Operator Algebraic Aspects of Noncommutative Distributions and Free Probability JULY/DECEMBER 2013 THEMATIC PROGRAM ON CALABI-YAU VARIETIES: ARITHMETIC, GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS Organizers: M. Gross (UC San Diego), S. Gukov (UC Santa Barbara), 8 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences R. Laza (Stony Brook), M. Schütt (Hannover), J. Walcher (McGill), S-T. Yau (Harvard), N. Yui, (Queen’s University, Lead Organizer) The rise of mirror symmetry some 20 years ago has established Calabi-Yau varieties as one of the most versatile subjects in mathematics and physics. Ever since, there has been an unmistakable research focus on Calabi-Yau varieties. This research has culminated in spectacular results in many different areas such as arithmetic, algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry, and physics (string theory). There are numerous examples in which Calabi-Yau manifolds are encountered at the junction of two (or more) different fields of research. For example, the list of relations with physics starts with the unexpected relevance of algebraic varieties as compactification manifolds for string theory, continues with the even less expected enumerative predictions resulting from mirror symmetry, and can be extended all the way to present day discoveries. This major Thematic Program covered arithmetic, geometry and physics of Calabi-Yau varieties. The Program started with an introductory summer school and centred around four workshops. Each workshop was preceded by one week of introductory lectures. JULY 2 – AUGUST 30 Introductory Summer School on Calabi-Yau varieties; Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics SEPTEMBER 9 – 13 Concentrated Graduate Course preceeding the Workshop 1 on Modular Forms around String Theory SEPTEMBER 16 – 20 Workshop on Modular Forms Around String Theory OCTOBER 7 – 11 Concentrated Graduate Course preceeding the Workshop 2 on Enumerative Geometry and Calabi–Yau varieties OCTOBER 15 Distinguished Lecture Series: Maxim Kontsevich (IHES), What is Tropical Mathematics? OCTOBER 15 – 19 Workshop on Enumerative Geometry and Calabi-Yau Varieties OCTOBER 16 Quivers, Cluster Varieties and Integrable Systems OCTOBER 17 Fukaya Category Meets Bridgeland Stability OCTOBER 21 – 25 Workshop on Physics around Mirror Symmetry NOVEMBER 11 – 15 Concentrated Graduate Course on Hodge Theory in String Theory NOVEMBER 13, 14 & 18 Coxeter Lecture Series: Claire Voisin (École Polytechnique) NOVEMBER 18 – 22 Workshop on Hodge Theory in String Theory AUGUST 2013 FOCUS PROGRAM ON COMMODITIES, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL FINANCE Organizers: R. Aid (EDF), R. Carmona (Princeton), M. Davison (Western), I. Ekeland (Paris- Dauphine) M. Ludkovski (UC Santa Barbara), R. Sircar (Princeton) The central objective of the program was to gather researchers in stochastic analysis, mathematical finance, financial economics, and insurance mathematics to exchange ideas on the current state-ofthe-art in commodities and environmental finance, and forge new directions of research. This was accomplished by three five-lecture Short Courses given by leading researchers, as well as two Research Workshops in the theme of the program. Stochastic optimal control, stochastic differential games, dynamic risk transfer and backward stochastic differential equations are the main probabilistic foundations of financial mathematics that were the focus of this program. AUGUST 6 – 27 Summer School AUGUST 14 – 16 Workshop on Electricity, Energy and Commodities Risk Management AUGUST 27 – 29 Workshop on Stochastic Games, Equilibrium, and Applications to Energy and Commodities Markets JANUARY – JUNE 2013 THEMATIC PROGRAM ON ABSTRACT HARMONIC ANALYSIS, BANACH AND OPERATOR ALGEBRAS Organizers: H. G. Dales (Lancaster), G. Elliott (Toronto), T. Giordano (Ottawa), E. Kaniuth (Paderborn), D. Kerr (Texas A&M), A. T. Lau (Alberta - lead organizer), M. Neufang (Carleton and Lille 1, lead organizer), Z-J. Ruan (UIUC), A. Toms (Purdue), G. Willis (Newcastle, Australia) Description: Groups belong to the most fundamental objects in mathematics. In abstract harmonic analysis, one studies groups that are equipped with a topology making the group operations continuous, and various spaces and algebras associated with those groups, such as the group algebra, the measure algebra, the Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras, the group C*-algebra, the group von Neumann algebra, etc. The last two examples play a central role in C*- and von Neumann algebra theory, respectively, and thus establish a link between abstract harmonic analysis and the theory of Banach and operator algebras. ACTIVITIES: JANUARY 6 – APRIL 4 Graduate course on Crossed products of C*-algebras and Banach algebras. Instructor: N. Christopher Phillips (Oregon), Dean’s Distingished Visiting Professor. JANUARY 6 – 17 Concentration Period: Winter School February 10 – 20 Concentration Period: Group Structure, Group Actions and Ergodic Theory MARCH 26 – 28 von Neumann Lecture Series: Uffe Haagerup, University of Copenhagen, Approximation Properties for Groups and von Neumann Algebras MARCH, JUNE Concentration Period: C*-Algebras and Dynamical Systems MARCH – APRIL Concentration Period: Banach and Operator Algebras over Groups MAY 27 – 29 Coxeter Lecture Series: Sorin Popa (University of California, Los Angeles), On II1 factors arising from free groups acting on spaces May Concentration Period: Operator Spaces, Locally Compact Quantum Groups and Amenability MAY 26 – 30 Workshop on Operator Spaces, Locally Compact Quantum Groups and Amenability JUNE 16 – 20 Workshop on C*-Algebras and Dynamical Systems JUNE 23 – 27 42nd Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and Their Applications ONGOING THEMATIC PROGRAM ON OPERATOR ALGEBRAS Organizer: George Elliott (University of Toronto) Description and Activities: The Operator Algebras Thematic Program began in 1996, after a two- year major program in the same subject, and has continued since then (with external funding). During the 2013-2014 year, nine postdoctoral fellows participated in the program, for an average of nine months each. Many of these were supported by the six-month Fields Institute Thematic Program Harmonic Analysis, Banach, and Operator Algebras, which also meant that, for that six months, the present program was immersed in a much larger one. Also, eight graduate students participated in the program, including one visiting student, a long-term participant of the six-month major program. Two faculty members of nearby universities, Ilijas Farah (York) and Maria Grazia Viola (Lakehead, Orillia Campus), continued their long-term active participation in the program. A regular working seminar was held, in which everyone associated with the program reported on his work. Subjects discussed included structure and classification theory for amenable C*-algebras, dynamical systems based on such C*-algebras, and noncommutative geometry. The purpose of this Thematic Program was twofold. On the one hand, numerous exciting developments have taken place in the last ten years in the area of Banach algebras and abstract harmonic analysis, which are currently reshaping the field. These advancements include the heavy use of operator space theory in abstract harmonic analysis, the rapid development of Fourier analysis on locally compact quantum groups (a concept which was introduced in 2000) and deep links with topological dynamics and ergodic theory. The second goal of this Program was to bring together researchers from disciplines which often interact little, but can benefit tremendously from exchanging their ideas. Striking examples of such instances occur between topological semigroups and bidual Banach algebras, topological dynamics and operator algebras - for instance through the recently solved Kadison-Singer Conjecture - as well as between operator spaces and quantum groups. Annual Report 2013–2014 9 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Fields-supported General Scientific Activity (GSA) consists of one-day to one-month of concentrated activity in a specific area of current research interest in the mathematical sciences. These activities can be in the form of workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or summer schools. GSA incorporate opportunities for the involvement of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. A large number of GSA are scheduled for each academic year. Supported topics are often newly emerging areas in Canadian mathematical sciences, adding breadth to the range of research supported by the Fields Institute. Activities held at the Fields Institute unless otherwise indicated (includes locations at the University of Toronto campus). Organizers are from the institute where the activity were held, unless otherwise indicated. July 7 – 12, 2013 Conference on Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Scientific Committee: K.C. Chang (Peking), Ivar Ekeland (Paris), Joel Feldman (UBC), Changfeng Gui (Connecticut), Bill Johnson (Texas), Louis Nirenberg (NYU), Gabriella Tarantello (Rome), Nicole Tomczak-Yaegermann (Alberta) Local Organizers: Stephen Gustafson (UBC), Young-Heon Kim (UBC), Dong Li (UBC), Abbas Moameni (Lethbridge), Tai-Peng Tsai (UBC), Juncheng Wei (UBC), Meijun Zhu (Oklahoma) Held at University of British Columbia July 22 – 24, 2013 Workshop Celebrating 40 Years of Nested Dissection Organized by Esmond G.Ng (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory), Justin W.L. Wan Held at University of Waterloo July 22 – 25, 2013 15th Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS 2013) Organized by Helmut Jürgensen Held at Western University July 23 – 26, 2013 28th Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications Organizing Committee: Logan Hoehn, Alexandre Karassev, Ihor Stasyuk, Murat Tuncali, Vesko Valov Scientific Advisory Committee: Krystyna Kuperberg (Auburn), John C. Mayer (Alabama at Birmingham), Jan van Mill (Amsterdam), Lex Oversteegen (Alabama at Birmingham), Juris Steprans (York), E.D. Tymchatyn (Saskatchewan) Held at Nipissing University, North Bay July 29 – August 2, 2013 3rd International Summer School on Information Security in a Quantum World (QKD) Organized by Oleg Gittsovich (Vienna), Thomas Jennewein, Norbert Lütkenhaus, Vadim Makarov, Michele Mosca Held at Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo 10 of Michigan), Richard Lockhart (Simon Fraser), Bruno Rémillard (HEC Montréal) Held at the University of Waterloo July 29 – August 2, 2013 3rd International Summer School on Information Security in a Quantum World (QKD) Organized by Oleg Gittsovich (Waterloo),Thomas Jennewein (Waterloo), Norbert Lütkenhaus (Waterloo), Vadim Makarov (Waterloo), Michele Mosca (Waterloo) Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo August 2 – 3, 2013 Emerging Issues, Statistics Methods and Applications: A Workshop of Celebrating the Birth of ICSA – CANADA Chapter and the International Statistics Year Organized by Wendy Lou (Toronto), Grace Yi (Waterloo) Held at the Westin Harbour Castle Toronto Hotel August 8 – 10, 2013 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry Organized by Therese Biedl (co-chair), Timothy Chan, Francisco Claude, Hella Hoffmann, Shahin Kamali, Alejandro López-Ortiz (co-chair), Anna Lubiw (co-chair), Daniela Maftuleac, Patrick Nicholson, Venkatesh Raman, Alejandro Salinger, Hamideh Vosoughpour, Gelin Zhou Held at the University of Waterloo August 12 – 15, 2013 22nd International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics Organized by S. Ejaz Ahmed, Chair (Canada), Augustyn Markiewicz (Poland), George P. H. Styan (Honorary Chair) (Canada), Goetz Trenkler (Germany), Jeffrey J. Hunter (New Zealand), Simo Puntanen (Vice Chair) (Finland), Dietrich von Rosen (Sweden), Julia Volaufova (USA), Hans Joachim Werner (Germany) August 12 – 16, 2013 Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control V Organized by Amr S. Helmy (CQIQC, Toronto), David G. Cory (Waterloo), Paul Brumer (Toronto), Aephraim Steinberg (Toronto), Li Qian (Toronto) July 29 – August 2, 2013 Workshop on Flexible Network Design Organizers: by Anupam Gupta, R. Ravi, (Carnegie Mellon), Stefano Leonardi (Sapienza, University of Rome), Joseph Cheriyan (Waterloo), Jochen Könemann (Waterloo), Laura Sanita (Waterloo), Chaitanya Swamy (Waterloo) August 15 – 16, 2013 Conference on Space Efficient Data Structures, Streams and Algorithms: a conference dedicated to Ian Munro Organized by Andrej Brodnik (University of Ljubljana), Alejandro López-Ortiz, Venkatesh Raman (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai),Alfredo Viola (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay) Held at the University of Waterloo July 31 – August 2, 2013 Statistical Science in Society: A conference to celebrate the International Year of Statistics and the launch of the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute Scientific Advisory Committee: Hugh Chipman (Acadia), José Garrido (Concordia), Jack Kalbfleisch (University August 15 – 18, 2013 CAM Conference, joint meeting of the Canadian, American and Mexican Physical Societies Organized by Gordon Drake (Canadian Association of Physicists, CAP), Erin O’Sullivan, (Queen’s, CAP) Held at the University of Waterloo The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences August 19 – 22, 2013 Workshop on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics Organized by David Amundsen, Lucy Campbell, Emmanuel Lorin Held at Carleton University August 23 – 24, 2013 CanQueue 2013, 15th Annual Conference for Canadian Queueing Theorists and Practitioners Organized by Elizabeth Jewkes, Qi-Ming He Held at the University of Waterloo August 24 – 26, 2013 MAGE – Methods and Algorithms for Genome Evolution Organized by Cedric Chauve (Simon Fraser), Nadia ElMabrouk (Montréal), Eric Tannier (Claude Bernard Lyon 1) Held at the Hotel Chateau-Bromont, Eastern Townships, Quebec August 26 – 30, 2013 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling & Computational Science (AMMCS – 2013) Organized by Monica G. Cojocaru (Guelph), Manuele Santoprete (Wilfrid Laurier), Hasan Shodiev (Wilfrid Laurier), Robert Jerrard (Toronto), Herb Kunze (Guelph), Roman Makarov, Brian West, Ilias Kotsireas, Roderick Melnik (SIAM) Held at the University of Waterloo September 23 – 24, 2013, Industrial – Academic Workshop on Optimization in Finance and Risk Management Organized by Oleksandr Romanko (Risk Analytics, IBM), Jonathan Y. Li (Ottawa), Antoine Deza (McMaster), Elkafi Hassini (McMaster), Kai Huang (McMaster),Thomas R. Hurd (McMaster), Roy H. Kwon (Toronto), Chi-Guhn Lee (Toronto) September 30 – October 3, 2013 Fields Medal Symposium: Honouring Elon Lindenstrauss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Fields Medal 2010) Organized by Dmitry Jakobson (McGill), Peter Sarnak (Institute for Advanced Studies), Alex Eskin (Chicago), Marina Ratner (University of California, Berkeley), Ralf Spatzier (Michigan) October 15 – 17, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. Distinguished Lecture Series: Maxim Kontsevich, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques October 15 – 17, 2013 SCHOLAR: A Scientific Celebration Highlighting Open Lines of Arithmetic Research Organized by Alina Carmen Cojocaru (Illinois at Chicago), Chantal David (Concordia), Hershy Kisilevsky (Concordia), Francesco Pappalardi (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) Held at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montreal October 19 – 20, 2013 The 15th Midwest Optimization Meeting Organized by Hristo Sendov (Western) Held at Western University October 21 – 22, 2013 Sojourns in Nonlinear Economics 2013: Neil Lancaster, University of Leicester Organized by Matheus Grasselli (Fields) October 24, 2013 Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality Book Launch: Edward Frenkel, University of California, Berkeley Organized by Matheus Graselli October 27 – 30, 2013 Quantitative Finance Retrospective Workshop Organized by Marco Frittelli (Milan), Matheus Grasselli (McMaster), Lane Hughston (Brunel University and University College London), Thomas R. Hurd (McMaster), Catherine Lubochinsky (Global Risk Institute), Mathieu Rosenbaum (University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris 6) October 28-31, 2013 Congres de Mathematique Nord-Pas de Calais/Belgique Organized by E. Creusé (Lille 1), C. De Coster (Valenciennes), A. Gloria (Bruxelles), S. Nicaise (Valenciennes), C. Troestler (Mons) Held in Valenciennes (France) and Mons (Belgique) October 31 – November 2, 2013 Mathematics for New Economic Thinking: An INET Workshop at the Fields Institute Organized by Matheus Grasselli (Fields), Marshall Auerback (INET) November 4 – 8, 2013 BIOMAT 2013, International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology Organized by Jianhong Wu (York), Eduardo Massad (Sao Paulo), Seyed Moghadas (York), Rubem P. Mondaini (Rio de Janeiro), Dorothy Wallace (Dartmouth), Leonardo Mondaini (Rio de Janeiro), Sivabal Sivaloganathan (Centre for Mathematical Medicine), Huaiping Zhu (York) November 11, 2013 2013 CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize Lecture: Bruce Reed (McGill) How I learned to do mathematics November 12 – 15, 2013 CEMPI Conference on Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics Organized by S. De Bièvre, C. Drutu, B. Fresse, M. Lefranc, D. Markouchevich, M. Neufang, A. Taki Held at the Université Lille 1, Villeneuve D’Ascq, France November 13, 14, 18, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. Coxeter Lecture Series: Claire Voisin, Institute de Mathématiques de Jussieu November 14 – 15, 2013 Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science: Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University November 23 – 24, 2013 Montreal – Toronto Workshop in Number Theory: Progress and Prospects in Number Theory Organized by Eyal Goren (McGill), Stephen Kudla (Toronto) November 25 – 29, 2013 Retrospective Workshop on Discrete Geometry, Optimization, and Symmetry Organized by Károly Bezdek (Calgary), Asia Ivic Weiss (York), Antoine Deza (McMaster), Yinyu Ye (Stanford) December 9 – 13, 2013 Focused Workshop on Exterior Differential Systems and Lie Theory Organized by Rui Loja Fernandes, (UIUC), Niky Kamran (McGill), Peter J. Olver (Minnesota) January 3 – 4, 2014 Meeting on Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups: Compact Quantum Principal Bundles Organized by George Elliott (Toronto), Piotr M. Hajac (Warsaw), Jonathan Rosenberg (Maryland) January 10 – 12, 2014 Conference on Hamiltonian PDEs: Analysis, Computations and Applications Organized by Philippe Guyenne (Delaware), David Nicholls (University of Illinois at Chicago), Catherine Sulem (Toronto) January 24 – 26, 2014 Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics Organized by Sara Faridi (Dalhousie), Hugh Thomas (New Brunswick), Mike Zabrocki (York) Held at Dalhousie University Annual Report 2013–2014 11 February 2, 2014, Sundays at 3 pm Royal Canadian Institute Lecture: Stan Wagon, Mathematics and Computer Science, Macalester College, St Paul Minnesota Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics Held at the MacLeod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto February 3, 2014 at 2 p.m. Public Lecture: Stan Wagon, Mathematics and Computer Science, Macalester College, St Paul Minnesota March 15 – 16, 2014 Workshop on Algebraic Varieties Organized by James D. Lewis (Alberta) and Noriko Yui (Queen’s) March 19, 2014 Public Lecture: Dine Ousmane Samary (Benin’s University of Abomey – Calavi) Fields-Perimeter Africa Postdoctoral Fellow Lecture Master equation of correlation functions for tensorial group field theory March 24 – 26, 2014 CMM Workshop on Diabetes Systems Biology Organized by Anmar Khadra (McGill), Santiago Schnell (Michigan), Sivabal Sivaloganathan (Waterloo, CMM) March 27 – 29, 2014 CMM Workshop on Mathematical Oncology V: Heterogeneity and Plasticity in Cancer Organized by Siv Sivaloganathan (Waterloo, CMM), Phillip Maini (Oxford, CMB), Vito Quaranta (Vanderbilt, VICBC), Mohammad Kohandel (Waterloo, CMM) April 4, 2014 Fields-Carleton Distinguished Lecture Series: Uffe Haagerup, University of Copenhagen Held at Carleton University April 5, 2014 Math in Motion...Girls in Gear Organized by Judy Shanks, Chrysostomou, Carol Miron Lise Groen, Sophie April 8 – 9, 2014 YSI Workshop @ 2014 Annual Plenary Conference Organized by Enno Schröder (INET) April 28, 2014 Symposium on Mathematical Biology in the Undergraduate Curriculum Organized by Sue Ann Campbell (Waterloo), Troy Day (Queen’s), Louis Gross (Tennessee), James Stewart (McMaster) May 1-2, 2014 Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days Organized by Vida Dujmovic (Ottawa), Daniel Panario Held at Carleton University May 1-2, 2014 Biomath Days, Conference on Mathematical Modelling in the Biological Sciences Organized by Robert Smith? and Frithjof Lutscher Held at University of Ottawa May 1 – 4, 2014 Canadian Mathematics Education Forum Organized by Ann Arden (Osgoode Township District High School and University of Ottawa), Richard Hoshino (Quest University), Kathleen Pineau (École de technologie supérieure), Peter Taylor (Queen’s), Sarah Watson (Canadian Mathematical Society) Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa 12 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences May 2, 2014 Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium: The Mathematics and Statistics of Food Safety Organized by Allan Willms (Guelph), Julie Horrocks (Guelph) Held at University of Guelph May 5 – 6, 2014 Graphs and Algorithms Workshop Organized by Jason Brown (Dalhousie) and Lorna Stewart (Alberta) Fields Institute May 16 – 17, 2014 22nd Ontario Combinatorics Workshop Organized by Ada Chan (York), Mike Zabrocki (York) Held at York University May 16 – 18, 2014 XVIIth colloque pan – québécois des étudiants de l’institut des Sciences Mathématiques University of Laval May 20 – 21, 2014 2nd Annual Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference Held at the University of Guelph May 19 – 23, 2014 Workshop on Lie Theory and Mathematical Physics Organized by Terry Gannon (Alberta), Michael Lau (Laval), Erhard Neher (Ottawa), Masato Okado (Osaka) Hosted by the University of Ottawa, and held at Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal May 21 – 23, 2014 15th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics Organized by Andrew Frey, Gabor Kunstatter, Dwight Vincent Held at the University of Winnipeg May 22 – 23, 2014 CANSSI-SAMSI Workshop on Geometric Topological and Graphical Model Methods in Statistics Organized by Peter Kim (Guelph), Hélène Massam (York), Ezra Miller (Duke) May 24, 2014 2014 Statistics Society of Canada Student Conference Organized by Patrick Brown, Jamie Stafford, Jon Lee, Eleanor Pullenayegum (University of Toronto & Hospital for Sick Children), Stacie Bellemare May 23 – 26, 2014 Workshop on Algebraic and Geometric Invariants of Linear Algebraic Groups and Homogeneous Spaces Organized by Vladimir Chernousov (Alberta) and Kirill Zainoulline Held at the University of Ottawa May 28 – 30, 2014 Advancements to State-Space Models for Fisheries Science: CANSSI Collaborative Research Team Project Team Leader: Joanna Mills Flemming (Dalhousie) May 27 – 29, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. Coxeter Lecture Series: Sorin Popa, University of California, Los Angeles On II1 factors arising from free groups acting on spaces June 1 – 3, 2014 27th Biennial Queen’s Symposium on Communications (QBSC 2014) Organized by Francois Chan (Royal Military College), Melike Erol-Kantarci (University of Ottawa), Jun Li (Communications Research Centre), Behnaz Ghoraani (Rochester Institute of Technology), Semra Gulder (Communications Research Centre Canada), David Kidston (Communications Research Centre Canada), Sreeraman Rajan (Defence Research and Development Canada), Hossam Hassanein, Mohamed Ibnkahla, Bahman Gharesifard, Bernice Ison Queen’s University (Held at Holiday Inn Waterfront, Kingston, Ontario) June 2 – 3, 2014 Time Series Methods and Applications: the A. Ian McLeod Festschrift Organized by David A. Stanford, Reginald J. Kulperger, Hao Yu Held at Western University June 4, 2014 CMM Workshop on Taking Advantage of Theory and Analysis in Neuroscience: A Hippocampal Microcircuit focus Organized by Frances K. Skinner (Toronto Western Research Institute / University Health Network) June 6, 2014 Avner Magen Memorial Lecture: Konstantinos Georgiou Lift-and-project systems for combinatorial optimization problems: More than a decade of fascinating positive and negative results June 9 – 13, 2014 Mini-workshop on automorphic forms and geometric Langlands program Organized by Chung Pang Mok (McMaster), Kam Fai Tam (McMaster), Patrick Walls (McMaster) June 12 – 15, 2014 Theory Canada 9 (TC 9) Conference Organized by Arundhati Dasgupta (Lethbridge) (Chair, CAP Division of Theoretical Physics), Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia) (Vice-Chair, CAP Division of Theoretical Physics), Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier) (Conference Co-Chair), Marek Wartak (Wilfrid Laurier) (Conference Co-Chair), Hasan Shodiev (Wilfrid Laurier) (Conference Co-ordinator) Held at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Held at the Universite Lille 1 June 23 – 27, 2014 Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics: Spectral Graph Theory, Erdös – Ko – Rado Theorems and Quantum Information Theory (In Honour of Professor Chris Godsil’s Mathematical Contributions) Organized by Ada Chan (York), Bill Martin (Worcester Polytechnic), Aleksandar Jurišić (Ljubljana), Karen Meagher (Regina), Mike Newman (Ottawa) Held at the University of Waterloo June 23 – 27, 2014 42nd Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and Their Applications (COSy) Organized by Man-Duen Choi (Toronto), George Elliott (Toronto), Anthony To-Ming Lau (Alberta), Matthias Neufang (Carleton and Lille 1) June 23 – July 4, 2014 Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures – Counting Arithmetic Objects Organized by Henri Darmon (McGill), Chantal David (Concordia), Andrew Granville (Montréal) Held at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montreal June 29 – July 3, 2014 26th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2014) Organized by Elizabeth Beazley (Haverford College), Benjamin Braun (University of Kentucky), Susanna Fishel (Arizona State University), Caroline Klivans (Brown University), Aaron Lauve (Loyola University), Jeremy Martin (University of Kansas),Kathryn Nyman (Willamette University), Kyle Petersen, Mark Skandera (Lehigh University), Bridget Tenner (Chair), Jennifer Wagner (Washburn University), Mike Zabrocki (York University) Held at DePaul University, Chicago June 16–20, 2014 13th Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA XIII) Organized by Ayse Alaca, Saban Alaca (main organizer), Paul Mezo (Carleton), Damien Roy (Ottawa), Abdellah Sebbar (Ottawa), Gary Walsh (Ottawa), Hugh Williams (Calgary/ Carleton), Kenneth Williams Held at Carleton University June 18 – 21, 2014 IEEE North American School of Information Theory Organized by Stark C. Draper (Toronto), Warren Gross (McGill), Ashish Khisti (Toronto), Patrick Mitran (Waterloo), Serdar Yüksel (Queen’s) June 20 – 21, 2014 Conference on Graph Theory, Matrix Theory and Interactions: a Conference to celebrate the scholarship of David Gregory Organized by Sebastian Cioaba, Bryan Shader, Ram Murty, Claude Tardif, Kevin Vander Meulen, David Wehlau Held at Queen’s University June 16 – 20, 2014 14th Canadian Quantum Information Summer School and June 23 – 27, 2014 11th Canadian Quantum Information Student Conference Organized by Jianxin Chen (IQC, University of Waterloo), David Kribs (Chair), Nengkun Yu (IQC, University of Waterloo), Bei Zeng (Co-chair) Held at the University of Guelph June 23 – 27, 2014 Number Theory Days Organized by Gautami Bhowmik, Niels Borne, Baptiste Calmès (Artois), Pierre Dèbes, Mladen Dimitrov, Ahmed Laghribi (Artois), André Leroy (Artois) Annual Report 2013–2014 13 SEMINAR SERIES Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar Organizer: Nantel Bergeron and Tom Denton (York University) Terlaky (Lehigh), H. Tuenter (Ontario Power Generation), H. Wolkowicz (Waterloo), M.H. Wright (NYU), D. Zyngier (McMaster) The purpose of this seminar is to cover exposition on topics of algebraic combinatorics which are of interest to the people attending, so please feel free to come and participate. Every year we pick a new topic to explore. We will be selecting the seminar topic for this year shortly, so attend the first few talks if you want to influence the decision. The inaugural meeting of the Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar took place on November 2, 2004. The seminar meets in the early evening of the first Tuesday of each month. Each meeting is comprised of two related lectures on a topic in optimization; typically, one speaker is a university-based researcher and the other is from the private or government sector. The series welcomes the participation of everyone in the academic or industrial community with an interest in optimization – theory or practice, expert or student. Applied Mathematics Colloquium/Seminar Organizing Committee: Jim Colliander (Toronto), Walter Craig (McMaster), Catherine Sulem (Toronto), Robert McCann (Toronto), Adrian Nachman (Toronto) , Mary Pugh (Toronto), Huaxiong Huang (York) The Fields Institute Colloquium/Seminar in Applied Mathematics is a monthly colloquium series for mathematicians in the areas of applied mathematics and analysis. The series alternates between colloquium talks by internationally recognized experts in the field, and less formal, more specialized seminars. In recent years, the series has featured applications to diverse areas of science and technology; examples include super-conductivity, nonlinear wave propagation, optical fiber communications, and financial modeling. The intent of the series is to bring together the applied mathematics community on a regular basis, to present current results in the field, and to strengthen the potential for communication and collaboration between researchers with common interests. Art/Science Salon Organizers: Stephen Morris (Toronto), Roberta Buiani (York) ArtSci Salon consists of a series of semi-informal gatherings facilitating discussion and cross-pollination between science, technology and the arts. ArtSci Salon started in 2010 as a spin-off of Subtle Technologies Festival ( to satisfy increasing demands by the audience attending the Festival to have a more frequent (monthly or bi-monthly) outlet for debate and information sharing across disciplines. In addition, it responds to the recent expansion in the GTA area of a community of scientists and artists increasingly seeking collaborations across disciplines to successfully accomplish their research projects and inquiries. Automorphic Forms Seminar Series Organizer: Chung Pang Mok Centre for Mathematical Medicine Seminar Series Organizer: Siv Sivaloganathan Fields-Origins Institute Seminar Organizing Committee: Walter Craig (Fields Institute & McMaster) and Jon Stone (McMaster) Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar Organizing Committee: N. Alexandrov (NASA), M. Anjos (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal), B. Chachuat (Imperial College London), A.R. Conn (IBM Watson), A. Deza (McMaster), F. Kafyeke (Bombardier Aerospace), S. Karisch (Carmen Systems), J. Martins (Michigan), B. Protas (McMaster), T. 14 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Fields Quantitative Finance Seminar Organizing Committee: Ron Dembo (Zerofootprint), Matheus Grasselli (McMaster, Fields), John Hull (Toronto), Tom Hurd (McMaster), Moshe Milevsky (York), Rosen (R2 Financial Technologies) The Quantitative Finance Seminar has been a centerpiece of the Commercial/Industrial program at the Fields Institute since 1995. Its mandate is to arrange talks on current research in quantitative finance that will be of interest to those who work on the border of industry and academia. Wide participation has been the norm with representation from mathematics, statistics, computer science, economics, econometrics, finance and operations research. Topics have included derivatives valuation, credit risk, insurance and portfolio optimization. Talks occur on the last Wednesday of every month throughout the academic year and start at 5 pm. Each seminar is organized around a single theme with two 45-minute talks and a half hour reception. Fields Geometric Analysis Colloquium Organizing Committee: Spyros Alexakis (Toronto), Walter Craig (Fields & McMaster), Spiro Karigiannis (Waterloo), McKenzie Wang (McMaster) Geometric Representation Theory Seminar Organizing Committee: Joel Kamnitzer (Toronto), Peter Samuelson (Toronto), Oded Yacobi (Toronto) These seminars focus on research in representation theory and algebraic geometry. Geometric Structures Laboratory Organizing Committee: Marco Gualtieri & Steven Rayan (Toronto) The Geometric Structures Laboratory is a general scientific activity based in Toronto at the Fields Institute. Senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate students, and undergraduate summer research assistants meet regularly to deepen their understanding of problems at the frontier of geometry, and at the interface of geometry with physics. They host frequent mini-courses on exciting new topics in geometry and related mathematics. Geometry and Model Theory Seminar Organizers: Ed Bierstone, Patrick Speissegger The idea of the seminar was to bring together people from the group in geometry and singularities at the University of Toronto (including Ed Bierstone, Askold Khovanskii, Grisha Mihalkin and Pierre Milman) and the model theory group at McMaster University (Bradd Hart, Deirdre Haskell, Patrick Speissegger and Matt Valeriote). As we discovered during the programs in Algebraic Model Theory Program and the Singularity Theory and Geometry Program at the Fields Institute in 1996-97, geometers and model theorists have many common interests. The goal of this seminar is to further explore interactions between the areas. It served as the main seminar for the program on O-minimal structures and real analytic geometry, which focussed on such interactions arising around Hilbert’s 16th problem. Inverse Problems and Image Analysis Seminar Organizers: Abdol-Reza Mansouri (Queen’s), Adrian Nachman (Toronto) Number Theory Seminar Organizing Committee: Leo Goldmakher, Jing-Jing Huang Operator Algebras Seminar Organizer: George Elliot Physics/Fields Colloquium Organizing Committee: Mary Pugh (Toronto), Stephen Morris (Toronto) The goal of the Physics/Fields Colloquium is to feature scientists whose work is of interest to both the physics and the mathematical science community. The series has been running since the Spring of 2007. Usually there is one speaker per semester. Each speaker gives a primary, general talk in the regular physics colloquium venue and, whenever possible, a second, more specialized talk at the Fields Institute. Quantum Algebra Seminar Organizers: David Penneys, Peter Samuelson Set Theory Seminar Series Organizing Committee: Miguel Angel Mota, Ilijas Farah, Juris Steprans, Paul Szeptycki (York) Toronto Probability Seminar Organizers: Bálint Virág, Janosch Ortmann (Toronto) Toronto Quantum Information Seminars The Toronto Quantum Information Seminar is held roughly every two weeks to discuss ongoing work and ideas about quantum computation, cryptography, teleportation, et cetera. We hope to bring together interested parties from a variety of different backgrounds, including math, computer science, physics, chemistry, and engineering, to share ideas as well as open questions. OUTREACH The Fields Institute provides support for projects whose goal is to promote mathematical culture at all levels and bring mathematics to a wider audience. Our current outreach programs target students from middle and secondary school, as well as undergraduates studying mathematics. Caribou Mathematics Competition at Brock Organized by Thomas Wolf (Brock) The Caribou Mathematics Competition is a Canada wide free online contest that is held over six days during a school year. It has had many positive effects at participating schools so far, and these positive impacts are expected to be reproduced at other schools as the contest’s reach grows. In participating elementary schools, feedback from teachers has noted that students’ understanding of mathematics has become richer, as they demonstrate a greater facility with problem solving, patterns, symmetries, and logic. Most importantly, and beyond any content knowledge, students’ image of mathematics has changed: they now look upon mathematics as an area they wish to compete in and to be good at. This image-building is expected to have a profound long-term effect. The most direct effect of the contests is the additional practice that students get. With six contests per year in each age group, and practice at home and in new math clubs, students improve their abilities, and with improved abilities comes greater interest. Currently the number of practice tests taken is about 2.5 times higher than the number of contests taken; this speaks to the effectiveness of the contest in stimulating regular student practice. Math Performance Festival Organized by George Gadanidis (Western) The Math Performance Festival has completed its sixth year, with over 100 entries from Canada and Brazil, judged by Tracy Bone (Juno Award Nominated Musician), J.C. Campbell (Award Winning Musician), Jay Ingram (Award winning producer of the Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet), and Penn Kemp (Western University’s Poet-in-Residence). It offers students of all ages an opportunity to share their mathematical experiences in a creative fashion. Students shared their learning with parents, and feedback from parents was used to create the lyrics for their songs. The Festival has also added a Science category. September 2013 – June 2014 Fields Math Circles Organized by Luke Chang (Fields) Every Saturday afternoon, from mid-September until mid-June, high school students from across the GTA get together at the Fields Institute to work on challenging mathematics questions. Fields Math Circles is an extra-curricular high school enrichedlevel mathematics program, where students can broaden their mathematical knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills, for personal interest and also to prepare for mathematics Annual Report 2013–2014 15 competitions. The meetings provide mathematically talented high school students with interesting mathematics challenges outside of their regular school experience, in an environment in which students experience mathematics as a friendly and social activity. knowledge, improve their skills, increase their confidence and develop an appreciation for mathematics. The classes are intended to be an extended version of a math club that Professors Anna and Ross Stokke ran out of their home for three years. April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 Archimedes Math Schools Organized by Anna Stokke (Winnipeg), Ross Stokke (Winnipeg), Darja Kalajdzievska (Manitoba), Robert Craigen (Manitoba), Kingsley Bowles (United Way) The Fields Institute is proud to continue our support of the Archimedes Math Schools. They are a non-profit organization that was founded by math professors in Winnipeg who recognized the need for a low cost after-school math program for elementary school children. With the exception of their university student teachers, all individuals involved with the day-to-day operation of Archimedes Math Schools are unpaid volunteers. A total of 61 children completed the program in the 2012-2013 school year, most of whom returned to complete another year with in September, 2013. They had over 90 children registered for the 2013-2014 school year. Archimedes Math Schools run after-school math classes for children in Grades 4, 5 and 6. All lessons are planned by university math professors, who volunteer with the program, and are delivered by university math students. Their goal is to provide a structured and comfortable environment where children may expand their September 2013 – May 2014 SCM School Competitive Math Dragos Calitoiu (Carleton) SCM School Competitive Math Ottawa provides a competitive environment to learn advanced math concepts, running since 2010. The program contains around 110 students registered in three levels: grades 7-8, grade 9 and grade 10. Classes are organized on campus at Carleton University, Ottawa. The program is free of charge. Fields Institute supported last year the expenses related to the web hosting of their website www. SPECIAL LECTURES The Fields Institute’s Distinguished and Coxeter Lecture Series bring a leading mathematician to the Institute to deliver a series of three talks. The first of these lectures is intended for a general audience of mathematicians and the other two highlight recent important developments in the speaker’s area of study. The Institute also hosts public lectures, meant for a general audience. These are free events, intended to engage the public in mathematics research happening at Fields. September 30, 2013 FIELDS MEDAL SYMPOSIUM PUBLIC OPENING LECTURES Peter Sarnak (Princeton) Lecture Topic: Randomness in Number Theory Elon Lindenstrauss (Hebrew University) Lecture Topic: Information, Entropy, and Numbers October 15-17, 2013 DISTINGUISHED LECTURES Maxim Konsevich (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques) Thematic Program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics Lecture Topic: Oct. 15 What is tropical mathematics? Oct. 16 Quivers, cluster varieties and integrable systems Oct. 17 Fukaya category meets Bridgeland stability October 24, 2013 PUBLIC LECTURE Edward Frenkel (UC Berkeley) Lecture Topic: Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality November 11, 2013 2013 CRM-FIELDS-PIMS PRIZE LECTURE Bruce Reed (McGill) Lecture Topic: How I Learned to do Mathematics 16 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences November 13,14,18, 2013 COXETER LECTURES Claire Voisin (Institute de Mathématiques de Jussieu) Thematic Program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics Lecture Topics: Nov. 13 The canonical 0-cycle of a K3 surface Nov. 14 On the Chow ring of Calabi-Yau manifolds Nov. 18 Decomposition of the small diagonal and the topology of families November 14 - 15, 2013 DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES IN STATISTICAL SCIENCE Xiao-Li Meng (Harvard University) Lecture Topic (November 14): Trivial Mathematics but Deep Statistics: Simpson’s Paradox and Its Impact on Your Life Lecture Topic (November 15): Who is crazier: Bayes or Fisher? February 2, 2014 ROYAL CANADIAN INSTITUTE LECTURE Stan Wagon (Macalester College) Lecture Topic: Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics February 3, 2014 PUBLIC LECTURE Stan Wagon (Macalester College) Lecture Topic: Some Shocking Results in Mathematics March 19, 2014 PUBLIC LECTURE Dine Ousmane Samary (University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin and Perimeter Institute) Fields-Perimeter Africa Postdoctoral Fellowship Lecture Lecture Topic: Master equation of correlation functions for tensorial group field theory June 6, 2014 AVNER MAGEN MEMORIAL LECTURE Konstantinos Georgiou (University of Waterloo) Lecture Topic: Lift-and- project systems for combinatorial optimization problems; More than a decade of fascinating positive and negative results May 27-29, 2014 COXETER LECTURES Sorin Popa (University of California, Los Angeles) Thematic Program on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach and Operator Algebras Lecture Topic: On II1 factors arising from free groups acting on spaces COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL MATH. PROGRAM The Institute’s Commercial and Industrial Mathematics (CIM) Program acts as a bridge between the mathematics community and businesses that benefit from research in the mathematical sciences. In this way, the CIM program seeks to communicate results in mathematics to the business community. Program activities include seminars and workshops in mathematical areas of direct interest to industry, networking activities, and assisting mathematicians in connecting with industry, or in initiating their own commercial ventures. Activities take place across a broad spectrum of areas, of which financial mathematics forms one part. The program is coordinated by the Fields Institute’s Industrial Advisory Panel. September 2013 – April 2014 Quantitative Finance Seminar Organized by Phelim Boyle (Waterloo), Ron Dembo (Zerofootprint), Matheus Grasselli (McMaster), John Hull (Toronto), Tom Hurd (McMaster), Moshe Milevsky (York) • Held at the Fields Institute The Quantitative Finance Seminar has been a centerpiece of the Commercial/Industrial program at the Fields Institute since 1995. Its mandate is to arrange talks on current research in quantitative finance that will be of interest to those who work on the border of industry and academia. Wide participation has been the norm with representation from mathematics, statistics, computer science, economics, econometrics, finance and operations research. Topics have included derivatives valuation, credit risk, insurance and portfolio optimization. Talks occur on the last Wednesday of every month throughout the academic year and start at 5 pm. Each seminar is organized around a single theme with two 45-minute talks and a half hour reception. There is no cost to attend these seminars and everyone is welcome. September 2013 – April 2014 Industrial Optimization Seminar Organizing and Advisory Committees: Antoine Deza (McMaster), Bartosz Protas (McMaster), Danielle Zyngier (McMaster), Tamás Terlaky (Lehigh), Natalia Alexandrov (NASA), Miguel Anjos (École Polytechnique de Montréal), Benoit Chachuat (Imperial College London), Andrew R. Conn (IBM Watson), Fassi Kafyeke (Bombardier Aerospace), Stefan Karisch (Carmen Systems), Joaquim Martins (Michigan), Hans Tuenter (Ontario Power Generation), Henry Wolkowicz (Waterloo), Margaret H. Wright (NYU) • Held at the Fields Institute The inaugural meeting of the Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar took place in November 2004. Since then, the seminar has met on the first Tuesday of each month. Each meeting is comprised of two related lectures on a topic in optimization; typically, one speaker is a university-based researcher and the other is from the private or government sector. The series welcomes the participation of everyone in the academic or industrial community with an interest in optimization — theory or practice, expert or student. MICS Electronic Journal Editors-in-Chief: Alistair Fitt (University of Southampton) and Hilary Ockendon (Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics); Managing Editor: Huaxiong Huang (York) Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies (MICS) is a Fields electronic journal launched in January 2008. The central theme of MICS is the stimulation of innovative mathematics by the modelling and analysis of such problems across the physical, biological and social sciences. Topics have ranged over a variety of interesting subjects, including wireless networks, fluid bearings in hard disk drives, drying concrete, and optical networks. To facilitate rapid publication and support public knowledge dissemination, MICS is entirely electronic. The Open Journal System of the Public Knowledge Project is used to handle manuscript submission and online publication. Annual Report 2013–2014 17 The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre TThe IFID Centre is a non-profit corporation that is currently housed at the Fields Institute and is closely associated with the Schulich School of Business and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University in Toronto. The IFID Centre was launched over a decade ago, with broad objectives and a mandate to conduct and disseminate applied research in the field of financial risk management for individuals. The IFID Centre supports a wide network of researchers interested in the topic of consumer finance and personal insurance by sponsoring conferences, generating research reports and giving targeted seminars and keynote presentations to audiences in the U.S. and Canada. The IFID Centre’s operating revenues and sponsorship grants are contributed by corporations in the financial services sector who are interested in directing research attention towards this field of growing importance and influence. rate conferences, generated and published over 27 research reports (available at, and worked with over 40 different financial services companies and organizations around the world. They offer an annual award for the best Ph.D. dissertation related to “individual wealth management,” we have given individual grants to researchers at various Universities. In addition to its academic influence and presence, the financial media and press now view The IFID Centre as an accessible source of research on insurance, investments and retirement income planning. Our most recent event took place on November 27, 2014, with a conference devoted to the determinants and models of extreme longevity. Speakers included Leonid Gavrilov, Natalia Gavrilova, and George Graziani. The IFID Centre’s organizational structure consists of an Executive Director (currently M. A. Milevsky), a governing board of directors (currently N. Charupat and D.S. Promislow), and office manager who handles all day-to-day activities (A. Brand), as well as a number of research associates. To date, The IFID Centre has sponsored and organized ten sepaMATHEMATICS EDUCATION Ontario Mathematics Education (MathEd) Forum Co-chairs: Matheus Grasselli (Fields Institute), Dragana Martinovic (University of Windsor) Steering Committee: C. Anifowose (Vretta), I. Brodie (Toronto District School Board), B. Brown (Eipiphiny Society) C. Carruthers (Seneca College), G. Doctorow (Nova Southeastern University), J. Gardner (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board), J. Kezys (Mohawk College), M. Lovric (McMaster University), A. Mamolo (UOIT), J. Mgombelo (Brock University), C. Suurtamm (University of Ottawa), D. Talbot (Eipiphiny Society) The Fields Mathematics Education (MathEd) Forum offers a platform for discussion of issues in mathematics education at all levels, with special emphasis on education in Ontario. Monthly meetings, held either at the Institute or at one of its partner Universities, bring together teachers, curriculum consul- tants, graduate students, mathematics education researchers, mathematicians, ministry and policy consultants, and members of the general public with an interest in mathematics education. Activities of the Forum are coordinated with OAME (Ontario Association for Mathematics Education), OMCA (Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association), OCMA (Ontario Colleges Mathematics Association), CMESG (Canadian Math Education Forum) and other mathematics education organizations. Among the guest speakers in 2013-14 were P. Bengo (OISE), M. Mavor (Western and LKDSB), R. Milburn (Humber College), K. Lawrence (Mohawk College), C. Suurtamm (Ottawa) and A. Kajander (Lakehead). In the fall of 2011, the Forum launched the new online Fields Mathematics Education Journal. This international peer-reviewed journal provides open access to the range of themes that attract attention of the mathematics education community in Ontario, Canada and internationally. The focus of the periodical is to stimulate discussions, reflections, research, and commentaries about mathematics education within and between different interest groups. The 18 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences FMEJ particularly encourages submissions of manuscripts related to presentations at the Fields Mathematics Education Forum. The Journal is intended for anyone interested in mathematics education, including researchers and practitioners. It has an international editorial board and is published biannually. September 2013 – June 2014 Fields Math Circles Organized by Luke Chang (Fields) Every Saturday afternoon, from mid-September until mid-June, high school students from across the GTA get together at the Fields Institute to work on challenging mathematics questions. Fields Math Circles is an extra-curricular high school enriched-level mathematics program, where students can broaden their mathematical knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills, for personal interest and also to prepare for mathematics competitions. The meetings provide mathematically talented high school students with interesting mathematics challenges outside of their regular school experience, in an environment in which students experience mathematics as a friendly and social activity. Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award This $5000 annual award recognizing Innovation and Excellence in Mathematics Education was established in 2012 in honour of Margaret Sinclair, who passed away on February 21, 2012, after a brave struggle with a rare form of cancer. The award is sponsored by her family and friends. Margaret Sinclair was a Professor in the Faculty of Education, York University, and a pioneer of the Fields Mathematics Education Forum. The 2013 Award recipient was Ms. Kathryn M. Kubota-Zarivnij (OAME) and the 2014 Award recipient was Ann Kajander (Lakehead). FIELDS INSTITUTE FELLOWS The honour of being named a Fields Institute Fellow was established as a part of the Fields tenth anniversary celebration in 2002. It is a lifetime appointment for individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Fields Institute and to the Canadian mathematical community. Listed below are the names of all Fields Fellows, and the organizations that they were affiliated with at the time that the honour was bestowed. The 2014 recipients are in bold. James G. Arthur University of Toronto Martin Barlow University of Toronto Nantel Bergeron York University Edward Bierstone University of Toronto Allan Borodin University of Toronto Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques David Boyd University of British Columbia David R. Brillinger University of California–Berkeley Hermann Brunner Memorial University of Newfoundland Arthur Carty National Science Advisor, Government of Canada John Chadam University of Pittsburgh Jennifer Chayes Microsoft Stephen A. Cook University of Toronto Derek Corneil University of Toronto H.S.M. Coxeter University of Toronto Walter Craig McMaster University Donald Dawson Carleton University & McGill University Kenneth R. Davidson University of Waterloo Ron Dembo Zerofootprint Radford de Peiza University of Toronto Schools (retired) Antoine Deza McMaster University George Elliott University of Toronto Joel Feldman University of British Columbia Peter Fillmore Dalhousie University John B. Friedlander University of Toronto George Gadanidis Western University Alan George University of Waterloo Mark Goresky Institute for Advanced Study Stephen Halperin University of Maryland Gila Hanna OISE–University of Toronto Bradd Hart McMaster University Huaxiong Huang York University Tom Hurd McMaster University Rick Jardine Western University Lisa Jeffrey University of Toronto Vaughan Jones University of California–Berkeley Nicky Kamran McGill University Richard Kane Western University Manfred Kolster McMaster University Stephen Kudla University of Toronto Izabella Laba University of British Columbia François Lalonde Université de Montreal Peter Lancaster University of Calgary William Langford University of Guelph Anna Lawniczak University of Guelph Barbara Lee Keyfitz Ohio State University Mark Lewis University of Alberta Angus MacIntyre Queen Mary University of London Jerrold E. Marsden California Institute of Technology Gregory Margulis Yale University Dragana Martinovic University of Windsor John McKay Concordia University John Mighton JUMP Moshe A. Milevsky IFID Centre and Schulich School of Business Robert V. Moody University of Alberta Eric Muller Brock University Ram Murty Queen’s University V. Kumar Murty University of Toronto Adrian Nachman University of Toronto Matthias Neufang Université Lille 1 Peter J. Nicholson OECD–Paris George O’Brien York University Amit Oza Princess Margeret Hospital Josef Paldus University of Waterloo Edwin Perkins University of British Columbia Nicholas Pippenger Princeton University William R. Pulleyblank IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Centre Bruce Reed McGill University Nancy Reid University of Toronto Larry Rice University of Toronto Schools (retired) Carl Riehm McMaster University Elaine Riehm Author Dan Rosen R2 Financial Technologies Inc. David Rudd Sigma Analysis and Management Thomas Salisbury York University Luis A. Seco University of Toronto William F. Shadwick Finance Development Centre, London Michael Shub University of Toronto Michael Sigal University of Toronto Claudine Simson LSI Corporation Margaret Sinclair York University Siv Sivaloganathan University of Waterloo Gordon Slade University of British Columbia Victor Snaith University of Southampton Patrick Speissegger McGill University Juris Steprans York University Cameron Stewart University of Waterloo James Stewart McMaster University Catherine Sulem University of Toronto Éva Tardos Cornell University Peter Taylor Queen’s University Tamás Terlaky McMaster University Mary Thompson University of Waterloo Stevo Todorcevic University of Toronto Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann University of Alberta Karen Uhlenbeck University of Texas Matt Valeriote McMaster University James S. Wong Chinney Holding Company Ltd. Stephen Watt Western University Jianhong Wu York University Noriko Yui Queen’s University Annual Report 2013–2014 19 PUBLICATIONS MONOGRAPH SERIES The Fields Institute Monographs Series (Series Code: FIM) features high-quality research monographs growing out of various activities at the Fields Institute, including graduate course lectures and seminars. Volumes 1 to 28 are available for purchase from the American Mathematical Society Online Bookstore, and later volumes (29 to 31) are available on the Springer website. The Institute also has a limited number available at our front desk. 2013–2014 PUBLICATIONS 29 Optimal Stochastic Control, Stochastic Target Problems, and Backward SDE by Nizar Touzi, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, Springer 2013, 214 pp. 30 Uniform Spaces and Measures by Jan Pachl, Springer 2013, 205 pp. 31 Derivatives of Inner Functions by Javad Mashreghi, Laval University, Springer 2013, 169 pp. 32 Lectures on Sphere Arrangements, Karoly Bezdek, University of Calgary, Springer 2013, 175 pp. 33 k-Schur Functions and Affine Schubert Calculus, Anne Schilling, University of California, Davis, and Mike Zabrocki, York University, Springer 2014, 219 pp. FORTHCOMING IN THE FIELDS INSTITUTE MONOGRAPH SERIES Introduction to Calabi-Yau Varieties Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics: Lecture Notes on Concentrated Graduate Courses, Radu Laza, Matthias Schutt, Noriko Yui COMMUNICATIONS SERIES The Fields Institute Communications Series features proceedings and lecture notes growing out of the various activities at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences. Many of the publications evolve from each year’s main thematic programs. Interdisciplinary titles also emerge from programs and workshops focusing on applications of mathematics in science, engineering, industry, and business. Volumes 1 to 61 are available for purchase from the American Mathematical Society Online Bookstore, and volumes 62 and 63 are available on the Springer website. The Institute also has a limited number available at our front desk. 2013–2014 PUBLICATIONS 64 Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems, John Mallet-Paret, Brown University, Jianhong Wu, York University, and Huaiping Zhu, York University, Editors, Springer 2013, 496 pp. 65 Blaschke Products and Their Applications, Javad Mashreghi, Laval University, and Emmanuel Fricain, Université Lyons I, Editors, Springer 2013, 322 pp. 66 Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Computational Science, Roderick Melnik, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Ilias Kot- 20 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences sireas, Wilfrid Laurier University, Editors, Springer 2013, 242 pp. 67 Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 Surfaces and Calabi-Yau Threefolds, Noriko Yui, Queen’s University, Editor, 2013, 602 pp. 68 Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Vladimir Pestov, University of Ottawa, Vitali Milman, Tel Aviv University, Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, University of Alberta, Monika Ludwig, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Editors, 2013, 395 pp. 69 Discrete Geometry and Optimization, Antoine Deza, McMaster University, and Karoly Bezdek, University of Calgary, Editors, 2013, 336 pp. 70 Rigidity and Symmetry Robert Connelly, Asia Ivić Weiss, Walter Whiteley (Eds.), 2014, 374 pp. 71 Algebraic Monoids, Group Embeddings, and Algebraic Combinatorics Mahir Can (Tulane), Zhenheng Li (University Of South Carolina), Benjamin Steinberg (Carleton), Qiang Wang (Carleton), 2014, 354 pp. 72 The Corona Problem: Connections Between Operator Theory, Function Theory, and Geometry Ron Douglas, Steven G. Krantz, Eric T. Sawyer, Sergei Treil, Brett D. Wick, 2014, 231 pp. tiu, 2015, 368 pp. FORTHCOMING IN THE FIELDS INSTITUTE COMMUNICATIONS SERIES Asymptotic Laws and Methods in Stochastics: A Volume in Honour of Miklos Csorgo, Don Dawson, Rafal Kulik, Mohamedou Ould Haye, Barbara Szyszkowicz and Yiqiang Zhao 73 Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics: The Legacy of Jerry Marsden Dong Eui Chang, Darryl Holm, George W. Patrick, Tudor Ra- PUBLICATIONS EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Carl R. Riehm (Managing Editor) Walter Craig (Director) Matheus Grasselli (Deputy Director) James Arthur (Toronto) Kenneth R. Davidson (Waterloo) Lisa R. Jeffrey (Toronto) Tom Salisbury (York) Juris Steprans (York) Noriko Yui (Queen’s) Publications Manager: Debbie Iscoe FIELDS NOTES The Fields Institute publishes its newsletter, Fields Notes, three times a year. Over 3500 copies of each issue are distributed free of charge in mailings to a wide range of universities throughout Canada, the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia. Managing Editor: Andrea MacLeod & Adam Zarboni Scientific Editor: Carl Riehm Annual Report 2013–2014 21 DONORS The Fields Institute conducts an annual giving campaign each year to raise funds in support of our scientific and educational programs. The management and Board of Directors of the Institute wish to express their profound thanks to the following, whose generous donations in the period April 2013–March 2014 are helping to support the work of the Institute. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN $1,000 to $10,000 Carl Riehm Elaine Riehm George Elliott Janet E. Halliwell Associates Inc. John R. Gardner Matheus Grasselli Moshe Arye Milevsky Noriko Yui Philip Siller In Honour of Ed Bierstone Sheila Embleton Walter Craig Deirdre Haskell $500 to $999 Anthony To Ming Lau $200 to $499 Gordon Simons Hans Tuenter In Honour of Professor Raymond A. Cuninghame-Green Ian Ainsworth Kenneth R. Davidson Mary E. Thompson W. Michael Roche Up to $199 Abdo Alfakih F. Leslie Thompson Hugh R. Wilson Hugh Thomas Jan Minac Jan Pachl Jean Hu In Honour of Cornell University’s and the University of Queensland’s Statistics Faculty past and present Ken Jackson Mary Roseborough Salisbury Peter Fillmore Philip Koop Stephen Berman (4 Anonymous donors) FIELDS MEDAL SYMPOSIUM MAJOR SPONSORS Gold Level Sponsor ($200,000 and up*) Silver Level Sponsor ($100,000 to $199,000*) James Stewart, Prof. Emeritus, McMaster University, text book author, donor of the Fields Institute Library * over several years 22 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Bronze Level Sponsors ($25,000 to $99,000*) Edward Bierstone, Fields Institute & the University of Toronto George Elliott, Fields Institute & the University of Toronto John R. Gardner Dan Rosen, R2 Financial Technologies Philip Siller, BroadRiver Asset Management, L.P. One-time Donations (Up to $499) Thomas Salisbury (1 Anonymous Donation) ADMINISTRATION Walter Craig Director Matheus Grasselli Deputy Director DIRECTORATE Huaxiong Huang Luke Chang Associate Director for Industrial Liaison Tanya Nebesna Administrative Coordinator Adam Zarboni Manager of Operations Communications Officer Tyler Wilson Josephine Kavanagh Industry Liaison Officer Receptionist PROGRAMS Alison Conway Cedric Miao (Until April 2014) Natasha Hanif (Until April 2014) Mimi Hao (From September 2014) Lauren Pelc-McArthur (From April 2014) Meredith Sadler (From September 2014) Manager of Scientific Programs Program Coordinator Thematic Program Coordinator Program Coordinator Scientific Program Coordinator Program Assistant ACCOUNTING Uma Gupta Financial Controller Paolo Scattarelli Sabrina Sousa Junior Accountant Junior Accountant COMPUTING Philip Spencer Jon Alexander Director of Computing Services Computing Support Specialist PUBLICATIONS Carl Riehm Debbie Iscoe Managing Editor for Publications Publications Manager Annual Report 2013–2014 23 GOVERNANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair John Gardner C. James CooperMaplesoft Sheila Embleton York University Charles Fefferman Princeton University Andrew Granville Université de Montréal Janet Halliwell JEH Associates Inc. Jason Marks Fiera Quantum Limited Partnership Kim McAuley Queen’s University Moshe Milevsky York University and IFID Centre Bob Roberts University of Ottawa Heart Institute Dan Rosen S&P Capital IQ Philip Siller BroadRiver Asset Management. L.P. and Fields Institute Vice Chair Janet Mason Fields Institute Director Walter Craig Fields Institute Deputy Director Matheus Grasselli Fields Institute Claude A. Accum Ian Ainsworth Edward Bierstone Sun Life Mackenzie Financial University of Toronto Hexagram Anne Swift Young Inventors International SRS (Raghu) VaradhanNYU SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL Gérard Ben Arous Helen Byrne Isabelle Gallagher Walter Craig Bill Goldman Matheus Grasselli Susan Holmes Stephen Kudla Rachel Kuske Courant Institute of Mathematical Science University of Oxford Université Paris-Diderot Fields Institute University of Maryland Fields Institute Stanford University University of Toronto University of British Columbia William Minicozzi Assaf Naor Duong Phong Moshe Vardi Claire Voisin Nick Wormald Massachusetts Institute of Technology Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Columbia University Rice University University of Paris VI Monash University INDUSTRIAL ADVISORY BOARD Walter Craig Fields Institute Ron Dembo Zerofootprint Matheus Grasselli Fields Institute Bradd Hart McMaster University Huaxiong Huang York University Alex Kreinin Algorithmics Inc. Moshe Milevsky York University–Schulich School of Business & The IFID Centre 24 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Kumar Murty University of Toronto Kruno Perkovic Synchrony Consulting Services Inc. Dan Rosen R2 Financial Technologies Inc. Thomas Salisbury York University Luis Seco Sigma Analysis and Management Tamás Terlaky Lehigh University MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION PRINCIPAL SPONSORING UNIVERSITY MEMBERS Jason Zhicheng Gao Carleton University Barbara Szyszkowicz Carleton University Yiqiang Zhao Carleton University Hans Boden McMaster University Ram Murty Queen’s University Mayer Alvo University of Ottawa Philip Scott University of Ottawa Kirill Zaynullin University of Ottawa Ray Carlberg University of Toronto Brendan Frey University of Toronto Paul Young University of Toronto Tom Coleman University of Waterloo Richard Cook University of Waterloo Sivabal Sivaloganathan University of Waterloo Rick Jardine Western University David Jeffrey Western University Stephen Watt Western University Xin Gao York University Eric Ruppert York University Juris Steprans York University DIRECTORATE MEMBERS Walter Craig The Fields Institute Matheus Grasselli The Fields Institute CORPORATE AFFILIATE MEMBERS Alex Kreinin IBM Algorithmics Inc. Moshe Milevsky York University and IFID Centre Kruno Perkovic Synchrony Consulting Services Inc. Dan Rosen S&P Capital IQ David Rudd Sigma Analysis and Management Bob Suriwka Waterfront International, Ltd. AFFILIATE UNIVERSITY MEMBERS Thomas Wolf Brock University Clifford Bergman Iowas State University Razvan Anisca Lakehead University Tianxuan Miao Lakehead University Matthias Neufang Lille 1 University Alexandre Karassev Nipissing University Alain Gosselin Royal Military College Dejan Delic Ryerson University Kenzu Abdella Trent University Anna Lawniczak University of Guelph Matthew Nicol University of Houston Stephen Kirkland University of Manitoba Scott Wolpert University of Maryland Raj Srinivasan University of Saskatchewan Sudhir Paul University of Windsor Greg Lewis UOIT Marc Kilgour Wilfrid Laurier University MEMBERS AT LARGE Claude A. Accum Sun Life Ian Ainsworth Mackenzie Financial Corporation C. James Cooper Maplesoft John Crow Lawrence and Company Inc. Ron Dembo Zerofootprint Sheila Embleton York University Charles Fefferman Princeton University John R. Gardner The Fields Institute Peter Godsoe Sobeys Inc. Andrew Granville Université de Montréal Janet E. Halliwell JEH Associates Inc. Hon. Roy MacLaren Jason Marks Fiera Quantum Limited Partnership Janet Mason The Fields Institute Kim McAuley Queen’s University Peter J. Nicholson Wealth Creation Preservation & Donation (WCPD) J. Robert Prichard Metrolinx Robert Roberts University of Ottawa Heart Institute Philip Siller BroadRiver Asset Management LLC Anne Swift Young Investors International SRS (Raghu) Varadhan NYU MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SOCIETIES MEMBERS Ken Barker University of Calgary & CACS Ian Frigaard University of British Columbia & CAIMS Keith Taylor Dalhousie University & CMS Corinne McDonald Dalhousie University & CORS Michael Evans University of Toronto & SSC Annual Report 2013–2014 25 FINANCIAL REPORTS 26 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Annual Report 2013–2014 27 28 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Annual Report 2013–2014 29 30 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Annual Report 2013–2014 31 32 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Annual Report 2013–2014 33 34 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Annual Report 2013–2014 35 36 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Annual Report 2013–2014 37 NOTES Annual Report 2013–2014 39 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences 222 College Street, Toronto, Ontario (416) 348-9710 •
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