January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Memories of the Future The Future is as Bright as the Promises of God St. John Brebeuf Parish 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-8145 www.sjbrebeuf.org Page 1 Page 2 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Dear Parishioners, This past November I spent some time in prayer on retreat. The time away helped me to once again enter into God's presence – to abide in His love. I encourage you to find time to stop and reflect on God's movement in your life. See the notice below inviting you to take some time away for yourself. Take some time away with God! God's Paintbrush by Vince Hovley, S.J., “Beauty seen is never lost, God's colors all are fast.” – John Greenleaf Whittier “She really put her heart into it,” “the heart of the matter,” “they were heartbroken,” … we talk this way and when we do we are usually talking about our inner lives, our spiritual lives, about the depth of ourselves, about what means most to us. Concerning this inner life, Israel made a wonderful contribution - the Sabbath. Israel resolved to never live seven days without taking one full day to center their hearts on what mattered most, to rest and re-create themselves. We Christians transferred the Sabbath to Sunday because of Jesus' resurrection...and we developed a tradition of making retreats, of taking a longer period to focus on our spiritual lives. “For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” - Ephesians 2:10 For that reason our retreats and our retreat houses have great value...there is a sense in which we can make the retreat house a place for our own sacred hearts, a place to dwell. “Home is where the heart is,” or as Jesus would say, “Where your treasure is, there is your heart.” A free and extended translation of an old Roman thought runs: “The color of your love dyes your soul and your soul dyes your world.” In other words, where we place our hearts, where we truly dwell, colors the way we see the world. That is why we make retreats: to vivify our vision of what truly matters and to dwell there and never leave. In light of all this, a retreat house, especially its chapel, can become a symbol of our hearts, a sacrament of where we dwell. Retreat Days - Saturday and Sunday at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, Il Men - February 7- 8, Women - March 7 - 8 and if need be March 28 - 29. An information session will take place on January 21 at 7:30 pm in the school library to review the format and answer your questions. Some preliminary reading material will be given out. Cost: Free will offering. Peace, Father Mike Meany Altar Bread and Wine will be Offered in Memory of Chester & Gertrude Dubas Donated by the Dubas Family during the week of January 18, 2015 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY As we begin a Parish Bereavement Ministry, we ask that you pray about God’s call to YOU into this ministry. Think of how rewarding it will be to help those in their time of special need. Training will be provided, and as in many ministries, the schedule is up to you. Pray for the Bereavement Ministry and speak to any parish staff member for more information. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 Thursday February 5, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Parish Ministry Center St. John Brebeuf Lent/Easter-A Spiritual Preparation for Liturgical Lectors. Presenter: Father Robert Banzin, Former Pastor, Teacher and Liturgical Consultant. This session is designed for Lectors and Cantors to further understand the Word proclaimed in the Scripture readings and Psalms. Understanding the authors and their original audiences will help you reach our present day listeners. This session is also open to all parishioners. READINGS FOR JANUARY 25 First Reading — The Ninevites turn from their evil way in response to Jonah’s message (Jonah 3:1-5, 10). Psalm — Teach me your ways, O Lord (Psalm 25). Second Reading — The world in its present form is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:29-31). Gospel — Jesus proclaims, “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” The new disciples abandon their nets and follow him (Mark 1:14-20). Page 4 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Devotions in the Church Rosary Monday through Friday After 8:45 AM Mass After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Including Benediction ) First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus After 8:45 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass First Saturday Devotions To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and After 6:30 PM Polish Mass Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group Monday 7:00 PM Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM Hour of Divine Mercy Friday 3:00 PM (Includes Stations of the Cross) January 18, 2015 LITURGICAL CALENDAR Saturday, January 17 1:00—First Reconciliation Sunday, January 18 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00—Catholic Women’s Club 1:45—Baptisms (Polish) 3:00—Sto. Nino Ng Tundo Saturday, January 24 12:00—Archdiocese Diaconate Program 5:00—LifeTeen Sunday, January 25 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00—Family Mass—Catholic Schools Week 2:00—Baptisms Sunday, February 1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12:30—Baptisms (Polish) Pray for priests every Thursday The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayers daily, Monday through Friday, immediately following the 8:45 AM Mass; Saturday following the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday before the 7:30 AM Mass. Praying the rosary together in front of the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Christ's followers were skeptical when He preached the reality of His Body and Blood as food and drink. St. John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer went about with Him." Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did not understand any more than those who left Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord," he said, "to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." We have the "Word of Eternal Life" right here with us day and night in our Adoration Chapel. Do you have something you want to ask Him? There are several hours needing adorers. Please pick one for your personal hour with Him. Altar Server Schedule Week of January 19—25 Monday: 8:45—Stanislaw Swiatek, Samantha Wargo Tuesday: 8:45—Maria Lojko,Vincenzo Genualdi Wednesday: 8:45—Alexis Gandeza, Vincent Macam Thursday: 8:45—Kirsten Macam, Anthony Genualdi Friday: 8:45—Ryan Inumerable, Megan John Saturday: 7:30—Ian Duda, Kaitlyn Maczek Gabriella Vos 5:00—Connor Fallon, Ray Joseph Cassie Corbes 6:30—Magda Chilinski, Erik Karpinski Karolina Dyczko Sunday: 7:30—Denise Gomez, Adam Gucik Patrick Jurkulak 9:00—Braeden Manogura, Bryanna Manogura Brandon Manogura 10:45—Cameron Faust, Julia Nawara Caitlin Aguada 12:30—Julia Lukasik, Dariusz Jozwiak Agata Soltys 6:00—Alina Bosak, Daniel Bosak Piotr Mialkowski January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 VIRTUS TRAINING Per Archdiocese policy, all employees and volunteers working with children, in any Catholic Parish and/or School must attend a Virtus Training Session, before beginning their service to their faith community. We will be offering this training, here at St. John Brebeuf on the following dates: Monday, January 26, 7:00 PM—10:00 PM, PMC-A Monday, February 23, 7:00 PM—10:00 PM, PMC-A You need to only attend one session; however, you must be present for the entire three hours to get credit and to receive your certificate. You must also be registered on -line in advance of the date of the class. To register, access www.archchicago.org and clicking on the lower left side of the screen, where it reads: Protecting Children. The screen will then walk you through the registration process. For further information call Larry Skaja at 847-966-8145. Please arrive 30 minutes before the class to sign in. No one will be allowed in after the session starts. Reserve your VIP Tour & Breakfast Table Today SJB HOSTS ACCW VICARIATE II OPEN BOARD MEETING The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women of Vicariate II Board will have an Open Meeting on Monday, January 26 at 9:30 am at the May Ministry Center. All SJB women are invited to attend to see what the ACCW is about. Refreshments are served. Contact Judi Stephens at 847-842-9295. Page 6 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 SJB YOUTH MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS JANUARY 2015 1. JOIN US THIS SUMMER! SJB Youth Ministry is registering teens for our Summer Service camp “ALIVE IN YOU 2015”. Be part of an inspirational summer experience! We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois, from June 23 through June 28, 2015. Registration fee is $120 if turned in by January 31, 2015. Interested? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting (847-239-2379) or emailing her for the registration form. Tell your friends! ALL TEENS 13 YEARS AND OLDER ARE WELCOME! 2. Our next OPEN ROOM is this Sunday, January 18th, in the Youth Ministry Office from 7:009:00pm. Enjoy video games, board games, new DVDs. Invite your friends, and make new ones! Youth Ministry provides snacks and pop. Pizza is $3.00. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! 3. TEENS join us this Monday, January 19th for our Service Day. It's a great way to use your day off from school! We meet at 9:00am by the St John Brebeuf School gym doors. We will visit with residents of St Andrew Life Center in Niles, then conclude with lunch at Culver's in Morton Grove. Contact Mrs Pam Perez by texting her (847-239-2379) for a permission form and more details. 4. Our next LIFETEEN MASS and LIFE NIGHT is this Saturday, January 24th. We gather in church for the 5:00 Mass, and proceed to FLANAGAN HALL until 8:00pm for the evening activities. Enjoy food, games, inspirational witness talks, music, and more! ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! 5 SAVE THE DATE! Join Youth Ministry for our Overnight Lenten Retreat Saturday February 21st to Sunday February 22nd in the Parish Ministry Center. Enjoy food, games, inspirational prayers, worship music, witness talks, and fellowship with other youth. $5.00 donation and permission form required to attend. More details coming! Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM or our group St John Brebeuf YM Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director, 847-966-9815 www.pjperez52@yahoo.com Check out our upcoming events at www.sjbrebeuf.org and select Parish Ministries, then Youth Ministry, then select Calendar. “We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. We sensationalized the effects of illegal abortions, and fabricated polls which indicated that 85 percent of the public favored unrestricted abortion, when we knew it was only 5 percent. We unashamedly lied.” Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Co-founder of NARAL. Let us continue to pray daily: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 January 18-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” Often we are looking for happiness in very selfish ways, but we find that when we look for ways to make others happy, it is then that we truly become happy. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust. Parish Office: (847) 966-8145 Email: sjbrebeufsvdp@yahoo.com We are again asking our parishioners to participate in this special fund-raiser to help women in crisis pregnancy situations by supporting the pro-life work of The Women's Centers of Greater Chicagoland starting on January 10 and 11, weekend. They provide kind and compassionate counseling to women in crisis pregnancies, along with ongoing material and financial assistance. They are Catholic-run, so the Mass and other prayers are said for women and babies every day in their chapel. This is a wonderful opportunity for parishioners of all ages, including children, to be able to work together to support "life". Baby bottles will be found in main entrances of church for you to take home and fill with spare change. Please return the bottles before any of the masses on the weekend of February 14-15. Please take one bottle per family. Extras will be available in the back of the church the next couple of weekends if you fill up your first one. Thank you for participating in this worthy cause. Page 8 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Hospital Bed Available There is a family in the parish wishing to donate an electric hospital bed. Anyone in need of this bed kindly call the parish office and leave your name and phone number. A member of St. Vincent de Paul Society will contact you to arrange for you to pick it up. Call 847-9668145. SJB INTERNATIONAL NIGHT Friday, February 13th, is the date of our annual International Night. This popular event will again have a taste of food from various countries. If you would like to be an “Ambassador” for one of the countries, please contact Sheila Ryan, 847-207-8717. Fiesta ng Sto Nino Ng Tundo You are invited to our 27th annual Fiesta ng Sto. Nino Ng Tundo on January 18, 2015 at St. John Brebeuf Church. 3:00 PM Novena; 4:00 PM Holy Mass will be officiated by Rev. Noel Reyes; 5:00 PM Church Procession Procession will continue from the Church to the Ministry Center for the reception. This Fiesta is sponsored by the Sto Nino members. For more information call Nellie Leynes, 847-912-8175. PRESENTATION OF MINISTRIES/ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council is asking all of the Ministries/Organizations to represent themselves to the Parish. During the next four months, leaders of our ministries will be in the main vestibule to present themselves to our parishioners. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are thinking about using your time and talent, this would be a great time to join. During January we will be highlighting the Commissions that make up Catholic Education. ACCW/CWU PRAYER BREAKFAST The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) and Church Women United (CWU) invite the women of the parish to the annual Christian Unity Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, January 20th at 9:15 AM at the Oak Lawn Hilton, 9333 S. Cicero. Cost is $25 (‘til 1/13, $27 at the door). Please contact Judi Stephens, 847-842-9295. Carpooling available. New Parishioner Registration Forms will also be available. ATTENTION: HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR GIRLS! The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) offers a $1,000 college scholarship (renewable to $4,000) and applications are now available. Please contact Judi Stephens at 847-842-9295 for an application or more information. Open to high school senior girls in Cook and Lake counties. The deadline is March 1. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time KNIGHTLY NEWS YOU CAN USE The campaign for the collection of funds for the baby bottle project is in full swing to benefit the Women's Center. Over the last 10 years we have been able to raise a significant amount of money and saved 179 newborns and helped the new mothers that are in desperate need for assistance. Please consider making this year another successful campaign. Can you believe since the first year of this campaign the babies that were saved are now celebrating their 10 years old birthday! On January 21st at 7 p.m. there will be a prayer service for respect life. Please consider being part of this service and pray for the sanctity of life. An honor guard has been requested from the Knights of Columbus to be part of this event. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint for this cause. The Knights of Columbus North American Martyrs Council 4338 would like to thank all patrons for your continued support of all of our charitable campaigns throughout the year and making them successful in Page 9 2014. We look forward to completing a strong year ending June 30, 2015. It is only because of your generosity that we are able to make our charitable goals which is our first degree of being a Knight. Because of you we are able to reach out to people in need in our community. Upcoming Events: January 21 - Prayer Service for Respect Life at 7:00PM at SJB Church. An Honor Guard has been requested January 28 - Officer Meeting PMC at 7:00 PM February 4 - Business Meeting PMC 7:30 PM If you have any questions regarding the Knights of Columbus Council #4338, please contact Grand Knight, Michael Curtis at 847-663-1733 or email:michaelc.kofc@gmail.com. Page 10 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 HOLY NAME MEN’S CLUB BOARD MEETING The Holy Name Men’s Club board meeting will be held on Monday, January 18th, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Ministry Center. All board and committee chairpersons are requested to attend as we will discuss several important upcoming events. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 11 CWC HOLIDAY PARTY The Catholic Women’s Club would like to thank all those who supported the annual Christmas Buffet. After enjoying a delicious meal including homemade cookies, the ladies played “Santa” bingo. This year the raffle table had an unusual amount of wonderful prizes. Table and door prizes were also given out. RoseMary Greco was the lucky winner of the flat-screen TV. It was a great beginning to celebrate the holiday season! Sue Anderson, Sue Doczekalski, Sheila Ryan— Chairpersons— Carolyn Dbrlik, CWC President CWC MASS AND COMMUNION BREAKFAST All members of the Catholic Women’s Club are invited to attend the 9:00 Mass on Sunday, January 18. Deceased CWC members will be remembered. The Mass will also be celebrated for the intentions of the present CWC members. Following the Mass, breakfast will be served in the Parish Ministry Center for CWC members and their families. Page 12 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Drodzy Parafianie, Podczas tego listopada, spędziłem trochę czasu na modlitwie w trakcie moich rekolekcji. Czas w samotności pozwolił mi na nowo wejść w obecność Bożą – aby nasycić się Jego miłością. Zachęcam Was do znalezienia czasu na modlitwę i rozmyślania nad Bożą obecnością w Waszym życiu. Spójrzcie na tekst poniżej, zapraszający do spędzenia czasu w samotności. Spędźcie trochę czasu sam na sam z Bogiem! Boży Pędzel napisany przez Vince Hovley, S.J. “Piękno ujrzane nigdy nie ginie, Boże kolory są szybkie” John Greenleaf Whitter. “Ona włożyła w to całe swoje serce”, “ważne jest to co mamy w sercu”, “zostali ze złamanymi sercami” ... mówimy w ten sposób zazwyczaj, podczas określania swojego życia wewnętrznego, duchowego, kiedy mówimy o swojej głębokości, na temat tego co jest dla nas najważniejsze. Mając na uwadze to życie wewnętrzne, Izrael miał wspaniały udział w tworzeniu Szabatu. Izrael zdecydował, aby nigdy nie spędzić siedmiu dni, bez spędzenia jednego dnia na zastanowieniu się nad tym, co jest najważniejsze, aby odpocząć i zregenerować się. My Chrześcijanie przenieśliśmy Szabat na niedziele z powodu zmartwychwstania Jezusa...i rozwineliśmy tradycje rekolekcji, spędzania dluższego czasu, aby skoncentrować się na naszym zyciu duchowym. “Jesteśmy bowiem jego dziełem, stworzeni w Chrystusie Jezusie dla dobrych uczynków, które Bóg z góry przygotował abyśmy pełnili” – List do Efezjan 2:10 Z tego powodu, nasze rekolekcje i nasze domy rekolekcyjne mają wielką wartość...dają nam poczucie, że możemy uczynić dom rekolekcyjny, miejscem naszych swiętych serc, miejscem, w którym możemy przebywać. "Twój dom jest tam, gdzie twoje serce", albo jak powiedziałby Jezus, "Tam skarb twój, gdzie serce twoje". Wolny i dłuższy przekład starej myśli rzymskiej: "Kolor twojej miłości, zabarwia twoją duszę a kolor twojej duszy, zabarwia twój świat." Innymi słowy: gdzie skierujemy nasze serca, tam gdzie tak naprawdę przebywamy, zabarwiamy świat, w którym żyjemy, zabarwiamy wszystko. To jest powód, dla którego jeździmy na rekolekcje: aby ożywić naszą wizję co tak naprawdę jest ważne oraz aby tam trwać i nigdy tego nie stracić. W świetle tego wszystkiego, dom rekolekcyjny, a zwłaszcza kaplica, może stać się symbolem naszego serca, sakramentem, gdzie będziemy przebywać. Rekolekcje odbędą się w sobotę i niedzielę w Domu Rekolekcyjnym Cardinal Stritch, Mundelein, Il – dla mężczyzn – 7-8 luty, dla kobiet – 7-8 marzec i jeżeli będzie taka potrzeba to również 28-29 marzec. Spotkanie informacyjne odbędzie się 21-go stycznia o godzinie 7:30 wieczorem w szkolnej bibliotece, aby dowiedzieć się o formie rekolekcji i odpowiedzieć na Wasze pytania. Rozdane zostaną wstępne materiały do czytania. Koszt: dobrowolna ofiara. Nikt nie będzie odrzucony ze względu na brak funduszy. Szczęść Boże, Ks. Mike Meany January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 13 Projekt Dziecięcej Butelki 10 lat w Parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf Po raz kolejny, zachęcamy naszych parafian do uczestnictwa w tej specjalnej kweście, aby pomóc kobietom w kryzysowych sytuacjach związanych z ciążą, poprzez wsparcie pracy Centrum w Obronie Życia w całym Chicago, rozpoczynającym się w weekend 10 – 11 stycznia. Centrum dostarcza dobrej i miłosiernej porady dla kobiet w kryzysie związanym z ciążą, wraz z materiałami i pomocą finansową. Jest to centrum katolickie, więc Msza Św. i inne modlitwy są odmawiane za kobiety i dzieci każdego dnia w kaplicy. Jest to wspaniała okazja dla parafian różnych grup wiekowych, wliczając dzieci, aby pracować wspólnie w obronie ”życia”. Dziecięce butelki będą dostępne w nawie głównej kościoła, aby zabrać je do domu i wypełnić drobnymi pieniędzmi. Proszę przynieść butelki przed jakąkolwiek Mszą Św. Podczas weekendu, 1415 lutego. Proszę wziąć jedną butelkę na rodzinę. Dodatkowe butelki będą dostępne przez następne weekendy z tyłu kościoła, jeśli zostaną zużyte te pierwsze. Dziękujemy za uczestnictwo w tym dobroczynnym dziele. Wieczór W Obronie Życia Z Grupą Ave Maria Środa 21 styczeń 7:00 wieczorem Msza Św Angielsko/Polska Adoracja z Różańcem w Obronie Życia Kościół Św. Jana Brebeuf Zapraszamy wszystkich do uczestnictwa w modlitwie o zakończenie aborcji w 42-gą rocznice tragedii Roe vs Wade i za ochronę uczestników marszu w Obronie Życia w Waszyngtonie D.C. i w całym kraju. Rycerze Kolumba udzielą straży honorowej wraz z obrazem Matki Bożej Guadalupe. „Jezu, Maryjo i Józefie bardzo Was kocham. Błagam Was o ochronę życia nienarodzonego dziecka, które duchowo zaadoptowałem, a które jest narażone na aborcję” Page 14 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 DUSZPASTERSTWO OSÓB W ŻAŁOBIE Co roku mamy pomiędzy 150 a 200 pogrzebów celebrowanych w parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf. Dzisiaj, chcielibyśmy rozpocząć Duszpasterstwo Osób w Żałobie, które będzie służyło naszej parafii. Prosimy, abyście rozważyli w jaki sposób możecie służyć w tym duszpasterstwie dla siebie nawzajem i dla rodzin, które są w żałobie. Wyobraź sobie, że asystujesz rodzinie, prowadząc modlitwy, pomagając im podjąć decyzje związane z Mszą Św. pogrzebową, ofiarując pomoc rodzinie po pogrzebie. Otrzymacie szkolenie i pomoc związaną z żałobą. Naszym celem jest, aby stworzyć zespół ludzi, którzy będą się wspierać i wymiennie służyć, podczas pogrzebów w parafii. To duszpasterstwo pozwoli Wam być wrażliwymi dla rodzin, służyć im w potrzebie i umocnić ich nadzieję. Zadzwońcie do biura parafialnego, aby zostawić swoje imię i numer telefonu. Modlimy się, aby wolontariusze podjęli nowe wyzwanie w tym nowym duszpasterstwie w parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 15 Page 16 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR DECEASED Janina Klincewicz Szczepan Kieloch Dolores Spetyla Genevieve Sliwinski Lea Bogucki Robert Moskal Celina Poniatowski MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your opportunity. We are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are used at Mass each week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered. Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received. Celebrating our SJB Military Remembrance St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the process of establishing a military remembrance presentation for all active and fallen since September 11, 2001. We are accepting family members names, branch of service and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, attention Legion of Mary. ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, COAST GUARD, NATIONAL GUARD. Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces: Timothy Casey Joseph Merkel Robert Monaco Thomas Neuhengen Christopher Vick Pvt. James Cunningham CDR John Tutwiler Dominic Carrabotta Mark Honsa Peter Merkel Chief Ryan Morrow Scott Rodberg Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Susanne Connolly Tutwiler Kevin Michael Kozeny Col. Barbara Jones (Wiltgen) May they return safely to their families. January 18, 2015 Pray for all our ill Members Carlyn Delort Eugenio & Antonia Dias Diana D’Costa Angela D’Costa Walter Przybysz Aidan Stotz Virginia Penkala Barbara Donovan Kathy Berresheim Sr. Rose Mary Carney Henryk Stankiewicz Michael Curtis Bob Biewald Lorraine Bielat Lourdes Vivar Dolores Perales Esther Prochaska Mary O’Toole Irene Dodaro Mildred Nosko Madeline Albano Jackie Weiss Sally Raphael Clem Juris Shahla Lahijani Anna Chacko Terry & Dominic DiVito Margaret Lach Mary Hamma Debbie Terzakis Souk Tha Phone Rose Ugel Cathy Neff Donna Miller Albert DeLorenzo Dorothy Cichon Kim Travaglio Pamela Sobie Charlene Green Jeffrey Bandis Betty Weiss Henry Zajac Kamillus Urban Patti Maher Tyska Ida Lui Stanley Kogut Zdzislaw Puacz Stanley Budzinski Laura Begale Michael Luisi Agnes Ornate Lorna Alba John Wargo Annette Schubert Patrick Leahy Eugene Mangan Adam Rowel Varant Minatiskan Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old Cyril & Peg Maher Elaine Friedman Patricia Clausen Dolores Gruzynski John Peter Rolwes Nanette Sadorra Oscar Malabanan Jeff Sefcik Lita Rosales Alma Kort Randolf Abana Noli Failma Christina Curtis Alberto Odulio Julie Cardone Bernadyne Semmerling Jerry Brazowski Michael Likvan Madeline Hendricksen Mary & Mario Colosi Ruben Pactol Mitchell Miklas Marcelino de la Cruz Donna Kornovich Geraldine Tyre Barbara Zonsius Edward Kolasa Patricia Jablonski Dolores Perales Linda Karno Marilyn Philippsen Butch Reeder Linda Bennett James Kurtzer Jim Woods John Nawodylo Wladyslaw Policht Franciszek Policht Jadwiga Cudnowska Adrian Quintana Morgan Prellberg Jan Martin Dorothy Pedtke January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, January 19—Weekday 6:30—Leopold Gorecki 8:45—Frank Kloska Tuesday, January 20—Weekday 6:30—For All Parishioners 8:45—Birthday Blessings for Lauren Lane Wednesday, January 21—St. Agnes 6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch 8:45—Coronato Bernardo Jesus De Peralta, Jr. (1st Anniv. Of Death) 7:00—Rozalia i Franciszek Kulis Anna i Franciszek Jeslonka Maria i Marian Nytka Thursday, January 22—Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children 6:30—For All Parishioners 8:45—Marian C. Endre Birthday Remembrance for Chester Dubas Friday, January 23—Weekday 6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch 8:45—For All Parishioners Saturday, January 24—St. Francis de Sales 7:30—For All Parishioners 5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany Thomas Birt Frank Sergot Michael Zuber Mary Casella 6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Stanislaw Kawalec (4th Anniv. Of Death) Ryszard Wrona Rudolf Cyrulik Page 17 Wladyslawa & Klemens Samborski Daniel Wrona Karolina & Antoni Muniak Stanislaw Rafalik (24th Anniv. Of Death) Sunday, January 25—Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany Andrew Beierwaltes Albert & Georgiana Dorsch Richard Jaretz 9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany Josephine & John Maltese Salvatore Badalamenti Ellen O’Donnell Andrew Beierwaltes Helena & Victor Kielar Dolores McAndrew Leokadia Jazwinski (10th Anniv. Of Death) 10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Lorenz Gfesser Anthony Quattrochi Irvin Blaszynski John Bizzotto 12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Wladyslaw Siwiec (24th Anniv. Of Death) Jacek Gabrys Wanda (18th Anniv. Of Death), Mieczyslaw & Kazimierz Niejadlik Maria Zembol (8th Anniv. Of Death) & Franciszek Zembol Julian Tarnowski Krystyna Liszka Kazimierz Malec (1st Anniv. Of Death) Leslaw Pawlica (10-C Miesiecy po Smierci) 6:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia For All Parishioners Requests for Mass Intentions Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office 12 days in advance of your request so they can be printed in the bulletin. Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. We appreciate your cooperation. Page 18 St. John Brebeuf Church Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Staff Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia Rev. Robert Pajor Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall Deacons: Larry Skaja Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban Music Director: Marek Rachelski Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz School Principal: Elise Matson Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary: Barbara Bronder Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave. Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave. Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014 Website: www.sjbrebeuf.org School: (847) 966-3266 Website: www.sjbschool.org Religious Education: (847) 966-3269 Youth Office: (847) 966-9815 Mass Schedule “We are a people of faith who offer each other and those touched by us the means to experience God through prayer, sacraments, education and mutual support in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.” January 18, 2015 Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish) Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:45 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish) Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish) Vigil: 7:00 PM English Reconciliation - Saturday 11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish) First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish) Baptisms Last Sunday of each month during 10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service (Polish): First Weekend of each month: at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday & Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction. Matrimony Four months notice is minimal. Eucharistic Adoration 24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel St. Vincent de Paul—sjbrebeufsvdp@yahoo.com
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