Oct. 26, 1937. y.J.'D_. WALKERl ' Y ROTARY DISTRIBUTOR Filed oct. 15, _1934 y ` @más 2,097,111 ' 2 sheets-sheet 1 Oct. 26, 1937. ` J. D. WALKER ` ` 2,097,111 ROTARY’ DISTRIBUTOR - Filed Oct. l5, 1934 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 / l @y ' w07@ “5%3. Patented Oct. 26, 1937, l lPai-‘ENT jor-Eier. u rra -sTA'rEs ` n no'rAniî’ïivs'lrïmu'ron' .lamœv Donald Walker, Aurora, Ill., assignor, by mesne assignments, to ‘The> American Well ' Works, Aurora, lll., a'corporation o! Illinois> ' Application october 15, 193,4, semi No; 748,285 is on.' (ci. 21o-Ln This invention relates to rotary distributors capable of distributing liquor uniformly thereoverl without .requiring appurtenant dosing tanks or and more particularly to rotary distributors em ployed for spreading liquor uniformly over a cir cular trickling filter b_ed. . pumps.v Further,v the present invention provides a distributor which can take care of any hows, that come to the plant, the operation of the dis In the Adevelopment of sewage disposal plants, tributor -being vindependent of' the head vand volume- at the distributor, and therefore. vpro one type of disposal system comprises the dis tributing of sewage in a substantially uniform sheet over the area of aïñlter bed. The sewage, as it trickles through the interstices in the filter 10 medium, is acted upon by biological life or bac ducing a 'distributor which may operate on a very minimum‘head or ñow. ` In this connection; the present distributor is so designed that after it` has once started rotat teria which form a surface or nlm over the in-` dividual ñlter particles, and the »sewage emerges ing, 'the drive unit has only to overcome the -frifc- ' from the bottom of the ñlter bed ln'astabilized _tion losses in the liberally designed .ball bear ing upon which the distributor is mounted-> with and oxidized condition. ' ` 15 . Distributors of the type now in use with which ` - respect to its central supporting Mmember. and 15» I am familiar are almost entirely of the reac these friction losses .require relatively little power tion type,l that is, the reaction of the liquory consumption. v, v ' - Another object- of the present invention is to . ‘emerging’from orifices or jets in the distributor arms produces rotation of‘the -distributor.. This - provide distributor arms lwhich 'are “capable of , distributing the sewage over the nlter bed in a 20 necessarily requires. a dosing tank to store up sufficient liquor so that When'it is introduced „ uniform sheet over- the entire area of the stone into the distributor, it will, upon emergence from the jets or orifices, produce a sufñcient reac tion impulse to eiîect rotation of the distributor. 25 'Ifhe operation of such a distributor isA inter or other ñlter medium so that most efñcient use of the stone from the surface on down is made. In order to overcome the defects-which occur `in the reaction type of distributor arms, I have 25 provided, in the, present invention, arms made of . mittent, and is dependent upon the head and volume of the liquor at the distributor. Further, steel tubing'with widenon-clogging slots milled appurtenant dosing tanks and pumps are neces in the bottom> through which the sewage dis charges. Directly' below these >slots I provide a sary for its operation, and it is inherentlyun» splash plate which spreads the discharge from 30 satisfactory in thatit may concentrate flow of the slots into a wide thin nlm which drops onto the ñlter bed.v These illms are overlapping inl the area covered by the distributor arms' so that tate the distributor arm, v _ A further objection to the useof such types of . complete and uniform. distribution is provided. distributors arises from the fact that the areal It is apparent that by the provision'of the holes of the jet or o_riñce in the distributor larm must at the bottom of the distributor arms the arms are self-draining and self-ñushing'. l" be kept -quite small to produce a suilicientreac. sewage overonly a restricted portion of the bed if the reaction discharge is not suñicient to ro -tion impulse,l and consequently clogging and Another feature ofthe present invention is the provision of afree wheeling drive between the stoppage-of now occurs _due to solid particles ln '40 the sewage. Further, these jets or orifices must be directed laterally outwardly of the ârm, and consequently are not self-draining, and are not self-flushing. The present invention‘pro'vides -a positively . ~-rotated distributor, driven by a fractional horse speed »reducing gearing and the distributor, ' 40 whereby possible interruptions of power will pre _vent the reverse rotation of the distributor from - imposing any strains upon the gearing. , power motor having a built-in reduction gear to y produce a- slow-speed uniform rotation of the By the use offsplashfplates fordistribution, it - advantage ~may be taken of " the filter media.' distributor arms. The gearing is provided with a dog tooth clutching member, to prevent damage to the reduction gearing if reverse rotation ofthe which .comprises ¿relatively expensive _selected 'distributor should inadvertently occur due to down tothe bottom of the ñlter bed.- This pro-` duces two distinct advantages, namely, a better Aeffluent for a given bed depth, andthe use_'of a lesser bed depth than is required in the case where sewage is applied in a' non-uniform sheet. Winder-other force when the motor is stopped. A primary object of the present invention __is to provide a distributor which. is uniformly ro »tate'd over the circular ñlter bed, and which is , is possible to Spread the sewage uniformly over 45` the entire areaI oitlfle'bed.v Inthis manner, full stone of substantially- uniform size, so that 'the ñltenmedium is affected from the upper surface tol 2 2,097,111 Also, by the use of this -type of distributor, with uniform distribution, there is less “sewage ñy” breeding, since the entire surface of the iilter bed is kept wetted. ' ' Y A further advantage provided by the present Í In the drawings: in Figure 1; the sewage liquor before it reaches the bottom of ' the bed. I have found that because of the relatively large mass and weight of rotary distributors of this type, whereby the ordinary types of distrib utors have' relative high static and kinetic in ertias, considerable difliculty has been experienced in providing a driving mechanism, of economical design and requiring only a small operating power ~ supply, that will be eiïective to overcome the initial static inertia of the distributor when the , » Figure 1 is a side elevational view of a rotary distributor mounted in‘position over a tricklíng 5 vided by sealing means interposed between the feed pipe and the supporting collar for the dis tributor at the. lower portion of the distributor housing, whereby _no sewage can leak from` the feed pipe directly downwardly past the support porting column for the distributor, and conse > quently not efficiently oxidizing and stabilizing , constructionand. operation of a preferred form filter bed; ' centrated dosing of sewage adjacent the sup ` of the invention. invention is the provision of means for prevent ing short circuiting of the filter bed. 'This is pro ing column into the filter bed, producing a con ~ Figure 2 is a plan view of the distributor shown Figure 3 is a vertical sectional view taken cen trally through the distributor and `its supporting column; Figure 4 is an enlarged vertical sectional view of the seal provided between the overñow flange and the distributor manifold well; Figure 5 is a sectional view through one of the distributor arms, taken substantially on the line 5_5 of Figure 3; `and Figure 6 is a diagrammatic view, partly in section, of a modiñed type of driving means. Referring 'now in detail `to the drawings, in 20 Figure 1 I have shown aV filter'bed comprising the tank indicated at 6, provided with arbase ‘I having a central. supporting column sformed therewith. The bed 6 is preferably constructed of reinforced concrete or the like. Disposed within the bed 6, ‘-'which is cylindrical in shape, I provide a illter bed of substantially uniform height, indicated motor is started. Also, due to the weight of the ' generally by the reference numeral 9, and com distributor, there is a tendency, when the motor -posed of relatively hard rocks, which rocks are of 'il stopped, for the distributor to continue its a size such that, in a preferred embodiment'- of rotary movement, resulting in overstressing and possible breakdown ofithe driving connections between the rotatable drum of the distributor and the driving motor, with consequent whipping of the distributor arms which may result in entire disablement ofthe gears or shafting. In order `to overcome these disadvantages, I have devised a driving structure wherein the rate of acceleration of the distributor may be con trolled in order to increase the time interval be fore predetermined speed is reached so that the u c: the invention, they pass a two-inch screen and are retained upon a one-finch screen. The rock is carefully selected for hardness, and the indi» vidual particles- thereof, >when piled into the bed 5, provide a plurality of interstices therebetween 35 through which the sewage liquor trickles as it is discharged by the rotary distributor. The base of the distributor `is mounted upon .the supporting column 8, and comprises, pref erably, a cast iron anchorage T I0 provided with '10 a clean-out ñange and also provided with a. drain Amaximum torque may be provided with minimum ‘ plug, I2. The T I0 receives sewage .from the stress on the structure. /In the same manner, sewage inlet pipe I3, which is connected thereto the rate of deceleration is decreased to lengthen the time interval for stopping rotation, preventing undue stress on the driving connection. By this means I am able to provide a vrelatively small initial starting torque upon the distributor with out overstressing the driving means, and by gradually bringing the distributor up to a pre determined-speed by means of .a variable ratio drive, no overstressing of the driving mechanism is produced. This is of distinct advantage in enabling starting, and stopping of the distributor without overstressing or disablement of the shaft ing-and driving means and without any tendency for the motor to stall. In addition, by reason of through the reducer I 4, the sewage being pumped through the pipe I3 into the T I0,_and thence into the distributor. The distributor itself comprises a distributor manifold, shown in Figure 3 at I5, upon which is mounted the revolving drum I6 by means of the cap bolts I1 threaded into the upper flange of 50 the manifold I5. The drum I6, at its upper end, supports the drive head I8 of >the distributor, which drive head is aligned coaxia-.lly with the drum IB. ' > The manifold I5 is provided with oppositely extending outlet ports indicated at I9, to which are secured the distributor arms 20, the arms 20 this arrangement, I am able to employ driving being threaded into an annular ñange plate 22 means having a relatively small power supply, -whichfis bolted, by bolts 2_3, to the flange at the whereby. aîn economically operating rotary dis outlet ports I9 of the manifold I5. tributar may be produced at Small cost in ac Extending upwardly from the vertically ex cordance with the teachings of ‘thisl invention! tending ñange 24 of the T I0 is a supporting spool Another feature of the present invention` is the or column 25, which is secured to the flange 24 -provision ofa distributor of this .type which is by means of the threaded flange plate 26 and the relatively ,compact in design, and is pleasing in bolts 21. This spool or annular collar 25 may be 65 appearance, while yet providing the requisite of any desired vertical extent, depending upon strength and rigidity 'for a structure of. this type. the depth of the filter bed 9, and the height at,` In this connection, the power supplymeans for-> which the distributor is to be supported above the the _drive motor is led through the filter bed and upper surface of the bed.V At its upper end, the supporting column within Aa submarine cable. spool 25 is provided with a threaded collar 28,4 Other objects and advantages of the present which is adapted to have abutting engagement 70 invention will appear more fullyfrom the follow- . with a second threaded collar 29, the collars being ving detailed description', which, taken in con-»' secured together by bolts 39. Threaded into the junction with the'accompanying drawings, will collar '29 is a supporting column32, which extends disclose to those skilled in the art the particular -upwardly within the revolving drum I6, and at u ’ its upper end is threaded into an annular collar tion of power and inadvertent reversal of direc- ` -tion of vrotation of the drum I8. Referring now in detail to the distributor arms, 33, the collar 33 being bolted to a bearing housing ' 34 mounted over the upper en_d of the column 32. 'I'he bearing housing 34 is provided with a flange 5 portion »35 which extends within an annular these 4arms extend radially outwardly of the> flange 36 carried by the base 31 of the motor hous-- vals, with wide non-clogging slots 68 milled in ing I8. Suitable packing or sealing means 38 ‘is provided therebetween to prevent passage of foreign matter or grit into the bearing housing 10 past the flange 35 and ñange 36. The base 31 the motor housing is bolted, by bolts 39, to an inwardly‘extending iìange 40 disposed at the up per end of the revolving drum I6; the bottom of the arms, as shown in detail in Figure 5. These slots or 4openings 60 are adapt- , ed to be" covered, if desired, by cover platesv 62 having slots 63 therein for sliding movement with 10 respect to a boltmemberi64 tapped into the pipe ‘20. Thus, by loosening the bolt member 64, the cover plate 62 may be slid over the opening 68 to - ' .The bearing housing 34 is provided with a cen close 'the same. 15'tral stud portion 42, which extends upwardly -` o 45 contained within the enclosed motor hous It will be noted that the openings 60, as shown l5 in Figure 1, are spaced unequally from the mani-_ -fold I5 in each of the pipes 20. This is for the purpose of providing uniform distribution of the liquor as itlleaves the splilSh `plate 65 and drops ing I8. onto the surface of the filter bedv s. therefrom and forms a support upon which the bracket 43 of the motor 44 is mounted. The motor 44 is provided with speed reducing gearing 20 . manifold> I5, and are provided, at spaced inter- 5. » , i - 2o v The stud portion 42 of the bearing housing 34 Extending valong the entire length of each of extends through a. suitable opening formed in the the arms 20 is a series of splash plates, indicated base flange 31 of the housing I8, and suitable oil lsealing means 46 is provided therebetween for at extending 65, eachñange of which or lip isprovided portion 66with having a normally a cush ioning member 61 extending along the defining 25 -edge thereof, the member 61 being formed of rub ber or the like. The plate 65 is secured to the pipe I 25 preventing entry of foreign matter along the sur face of the stud 42. o ' A suitable ball bearing member, indicated at 41, is interposed between the bearing housing 34 » or distributor arm 28 by means of a bolt 68, whichextends through a spacing bushing v69 and is 30 motor housing I8. This bearing 41 supports the tapped into the pipe-20. The bolt 68 enters the 30 ` weight of the distributor upon the shoulder of pipe at a slight angle, so that the splash plate 65 the bearing housing 34, and thus upon the column extends outwardly of the opening 60 at a slightly 32 and spool 25, and thus upon the T I0 and sup downwardly inclined angle with respect to the porting eolumn 8. The .bearing 41 is adapted to horizontal," 'so that liquor discharged through the n and a shoulder 48 formed on the base 31 of the I 35 run in oil, there being oil disposedV within the '_ opening 68" and spreading into a film> over the 35 substantially cup-shaped bearing housingr 34,' splash plate 6_5 will be discharged from vthe plate which oil is prevented from leaking out by means^ of the sealing means 38 and 46. This sealing means comprises vpacking or the like disposed in 40 wedge-shaped annular grooves adjacent the leak - age surfaces, and, due to the relatively- slow ro tation of the drum I6 with respect to the column 65 over the ylower end thereof. diametrically opposed sides thereof 'which are spaced 90° from the diametrically ‘opposed por- 40 tion I9 of the manifold I5,-is provided with nodes or> >supporting bosses indicated at 10, which are 32, substantially no entrance of foreign _matter adapted tol provide supports for'plate members into the bearing housing occurs. ' -45 1I, which plate members_ erve to support -fsuit- ì Referring now to the speed-reduction gearing 45, this gearingr includes a vertically extending able guy rods or the'like fo ner, _and these plates are free to rotate with’re ion has engagement with an internalring gear 50 53 formed'in the upper end of the driving head I8. A suitable cover plate 64 encloses the ringv gear 63 and the upper endvof the-drive head and ' . spect to the'supporting bosses 10, in order to pro'-- - vide for adjustment of the truss structure. Simi- 50 larly, at the lower end of the revolving drum I6 the stud portion 42 of thebearing housing 34, and that its lower end is passed through the cable stuñing box |86, and downwardly through the , and extending outwardly from the manifold I5, are a pair of supporting members orstruts "12, which form-bearings for the guy members 13.se-- , It will be noted that the-power supply for the 55 motor 44 is’ conducted through the submarine cable I65 upwardly through acentral. opening in ing the truss struc- 45 ture which supports the arms 20. The guy rods aresecured to'the plates >1I in any desired _man shaft 50, upon- which is mounted, for’free rota-4 tion with respect thereto, a pinion 52,*'which pin housing I8. I The drive head and motor housing ‘I8. upon . ' cured to and aligning the pipe 26 radially of the , 55 _ » manifold I5. - - ' It is thus apparent that the two diametrically >‘opposed distributing arms are bolted to the mani fold and are yrigidly trussed in bothplanes, that is, the vertical and horizontal planes, by adjust- 6o 60 bed 9 to a suitablesource of power. The shaft 50 also has keyed thereto a driving ‘ able guy rods. , Thedistributor can be furnished> clutch member- 55', which has dog tooth engage either with the conventional straight guy rods or ment,’as shown at 56, with‘ the pinion 52, whereby .with a curved top cord.A The latter is not only’ rotation in one direction of the shaft 56 -will cor 65 respondingly rotate the clutch 56, and conse > pleasing to the eye, but also materially cuts . . down the vertical‘extent ofthe distributor itself. 05 î quently will rotate the pinion 52>and the ring In this connection, it is to be noted that thev head >gear 53. However, rotation of the ring gear 53 ~I8 for the rotating drum is a semi-steel casting, in an opposite directionwlll result in slippage y and is amply ribbed to caryv all the loads trans Vbetween- the. clutch >5,6 _' and the _'pinion 52,'and ' >mitted .by the guy rods. . 70 consequently will produce no reverse rotation In order to take care of any possible radial 70 f u'pon the shaft so, which wou1d be damaging mf loads at the base of the distributor, I preferably case worm gearing was employed in the speed provide four anti-friction roller bearings, indi reduction >gearing 45. 'I‘his free wheelingclutch cated at 86, spaced about and engaging the outer- . " zenga'gement or> drive provides ~for elimination of peripheral surface of the annular collar i 29.'_> l. ' 15 ystrains upon' the gearing.: due to possible interrup ' 'I'hese roller bearings 80 are carried upon suitable '7| .f f ' ' 2,097, 1 1 1 spindles 82, which spindles are carried by the driving structure which is of such design as to 4 , . manifold, and are adjustable as to their center and radius of revolution. 'I'his adjustment may be provided by means of the adjusting screws 83, which shift the supporting brackets 04 and the spindles 02 laterally with respect to the collar 29. ‘ It is desirable to provide for» exact dynamic bal ance of the distributor, and for this purpose ad 10 justable weighting of the distributor arms is pro vided for. prevent disablement or breakdown of the driving means during initial starting 'of the distributor/or upon stopping thereof. It is to be noted that because of the extremely long lever arm formed by each of the distributor arms, an extremely high leverage can be exerted upon the driving connections by a force exerted at the outer ends of the arms. For this reason it is necessary to provide relative slippage between the drum and the driving connections to accommodate any In addition, in order to prevent reverse rota such stresses. 'I‘he driving head ||5 of this em tion of the distributor when the power is cut off, 1 bodiment corresponds generally to the drive head I provide, adjacent the outer end of each of-the |8 of Figure 3, and is secured in` position upon the 15 arms 20, anchor rods -indicated at v81, which -top of the column 32 in a manner similar to that 15 anchor rods are rotatable in a vertical plane described in connection with Figure 3. -Extend about pivots 88 carried by the clamping members ing centrallyl upwardly within the head' ||5 is 89 secured to the arms 20. The arms 81, when a bearing member or. stud ||6 corresponding to . the distributor attempts to rotate ina direction the member 42 of Figure 3, which is preferably 20 opposite to that shown by the arrow in Figure 2, axially recessed to receive a shaft |I1 carried 20 dig into the ñlter media in the bed 6, and pre by the driving means. Mounted at the upper end vent this reverse rotation of the distributor. of the drum ||5 is a suitable. closure plate ||8 This is especially advantageous if the distributor having a central opening extending about any is placed in position where it is'subjected to gusts desired type of enclosedmotor ||9 mounted ver 25 of wind or the like, which wouldtend to impose tically within the drive head and extending out 25 severe stresses upon the shaft 50, pinion 52 and. wardly of the plate ||8 in order to provide for durch 55. A _ Considering now the operation of the distribu tor and the'- circulation of sewage in the system, 30 thelsewage enters the anchorage T I0, and passes upwardly through the spool 25 and into the lower end of the supporting column 32. From the column 32, the sewage emerges into the ro tating drum I6 and manifold I5 through slots or openings 90 formed in the column 32. Imme diately below the slots 90 and extending about the column 32 is an. inverted frusto-conical over flow. flange, indicated in detail in Figure 4 by the> lreference numeral 92. The flange is provided with a recessed portion _adapted to receive a seal ing material 93 for sealing engagement with the cooling thereof. . The motor I|9 is connected in any suitable manner with the unit |20 of a heliocentric re duction drive indicated generally at |22. This 30 drive may be of any well known type now on the market. If desired, any suit/able type of reduc tion gearing maybe employed in this connection. The reduction gearing |22 terminates in a drum |24 which is rotated at a constant speed through the reduction drive from the motor H9.` This Adrum-has its outer lateral surface ñnished as 'a brake surface, and is adapted to be engaged Aby braking surfaces formed upon twò semi-cir cular brake shoes |25 and |26 which are disposed in engagement with the drum |24 and are pro 'outer peripheral surface of the column 32, and vided with integrally formed web portions |21 is adjusted vertically by means of the slot 94 through which the adjusting bolt 95 extends, 45 the bolt 95 being tapped into the column 32. ' At its outer end, the flange'92 is provided with a engaging suitable thrust means |28 carried by the , drum ||5 for rotating the drum by means o`f the ,rotary driving force transmitted to the shoes |25 and |26 by the rotatable drum |24. Adjustable depending tongue portion 96, which tongue por tensioning means, comprising bolt members |30 ticn is adapted toI extend yinto an annular groove and nuts |32, with compression springs |33, are 91 formed in a collar 98 fitted over the cylindrical provided for- coupling the brake shoes together, member 9S which is threaded, at its lower end, into the base of the manifold I5 to deñne the manifold chamber orwell |00. The annular groove 911s adaptedl to be partial, ly ñlled with mercury. or the like, indicated'at 55 |02, into which the depending tongue 96 extends. It is thus apparent that liquor passing out through the openings 90 inthe column 32, and spilling over the flange 92 into the annular cham ber |05 in the manifold I5, will, at no time, be capable of passing within the annular collar 9,9, and thence downwardly past the outer surface of the spool 25 into the filter bed. The mercury seal |02 effectively prevents any sewage liquor, regardless of the vertical extent to which it may rise within the well |00, from passing into the _ interior of the member 99. This seal therefore prevents short circuiting of the ñlter bed, and serves to force all liquor spilling into the well |00 to be distributed through the arms 20. The col 70 umn 32 may be provided with additional openings below its upper end, as a precaution against any sewage liquor passing through stud 42 into the motor housing. , . Referring now in detail to Figure 6, I have disclosed in thisembodiment of my invention a and may be adjustable in any predetermined manner to vary the frictional engagement of the shoes |26 and |26 with the drum |24. Current for the motor I I3 is led up through any suitable means, such as the cable |05 extending through a ribbed-out portion of the bearing ||6 55 4and connected to a pair of contact rings |34 and _ |35 mounted in insulated relationship upon the outer end Íof the bearing |I6. Contact rings |34 and |35 are adapted to be engaged by suitable contact brush collectors |36 and |31 which en gage the contact rings |34 and ~|35 and which in turn are connected through suitable conductors which lead upwardly through the drum |24 and associated drive assembly to the motor I I9.v It is to be noted in this embodiment of the in 65 vention that upon initial actuation of the motor ||9 the'drum |24 is adapted to be driven at a predetermined constant speed determined by the reduction in drive through the unit |22. Due to the large static resistance of the rotary dis tributar, the shoes |25 and |26 will have an ap preciable amount of slippage with respect to the rotating drum |24 during initial actuation of the motor. 'I'he thrust of these shoes upon the driv ing means |28 will slowly start to rotate the drum 2,697,111 ||5 and, as the static inertia of the distributor is reduced, the shoes |25 and |26 will continue to apply an increasing rotary force to the drum until the drum or drive head ||5 is rotating at the speed of the drumV |24. At this time the shoes lock _with the drum |24, and the distributor is then rotated at a constant speed determined by 5. spaced central supports for said truss structure, tension members extending» from said brackets to said arms and from said brackets to the upper endsof certain of said truss struts to brace said arms against lateral whipping during rotation of said drum, and strut members extending out wardly normal to said arms at the base of said the reduction in drive between the motor I|9 1 drum and providing lateral truss supports for and the drum |24. Thus there is no tendency 5. In a rotary distributor of the class de 10 for distortion, overstressing _or disablement of any of the driving mechanism as the initial static _scribed having a driving _head and a depending revolving drum, a manifold at the lower end of load of the distributor is imposed upon'the driv said'arms.-- ing means. Further, when the motor is stopped, the slippage between the shoesi25-l26 and the 15 drum |24 will. allow the distributor to continue in its rotation until this frictional resistance brings it to stationary position. 'I'his prevents any undue stresses being imposed upon the driv ing means during stopping of the distributor. 20 It is apparent that any other suitable means may be employed in place of the friction drum and shoes shown in this embodiment of the invention. ~ . , _ . said drum, outwardly extending distributor arms ' carried by said manifold, supporting studs on said driving head, strut members extending laterally 15 outwardly _of said manifold intermediate said , arms, strut members extending vertically up-f wardly at spacedintervals along said arms, and a truss structure supported on said studs and strut members for supporting said arms in both vertical and horizontal planes, said structure providing .20„ a curved top chord having a maximum height less By adjusting the bolts |32, any desired pressure >than the spacing between said vertically extending of the shoes upon the drum may be provided, and 25 the acceleration rate will thereby be increased 6. Means for spreading liquor discharged from 25 or decreased. Thus the time interval of accelera . spaced openings formed in they bottom of a tubular tion is lengthened to prevent overstressing of the distributor arm comprising a substantially planar driving connections due to the linitial static re- - plate member having an angularly extending strut members. ’ ` . . , flange, cushioning means along the defining edge . sistance or inertia of the- distributor. Thev driv 30 ing ratio is thus automatically varied in accord of said iiange, and securing means supporting said' ance -with the inertial resistance of the dis-v plate and threading into said tubular member, ' said securing means mounting said plate in a. tributor. Having described my invention in accordance with the patent st-atutes, what I claim as new an desire to secure by Letters Patent is: " 1. In combination, a filter bed, a sewage inlet slightly inclined plane extending downwardly away from said ñange, said cushioning means en gaging the . outer periphery of _said tubular 35 pipe 4extending into said bed, a vertically extend ing supporting pipe, 'a bearing at the upper'end member. 7. In a rotary distributor of the class described, a »pair of oppositely extending distributor arms, of said pipe, a rotary .distributor supported on .clamp means mounted on said arms adjacent the said bearing, electrical _driving means supported . outer endsthereof, horizontal pivots carried by said clamp means, and anchor bars supported at ‘_one end by said pivots «and freely swingable in a on said bearing, non-reversible gearing between saidl driving means and said distributor, clutch means for driving said distributor in one direc tion and providing for free rotation of said dis vertical planel thereabout. ' ' - 8. 'I'he combination with a filter bed having a tributor in the opposite direction, and submarine cable means extending through said bed and sup porting pipe to said driving means for 'supplying electrical current to said driving means. 2. In a rotary distributor of the class described rotary’distributor mounted centrally thereof and provided with oppositely extending arms, of clamp means adjacent the extremities of each of said arms, pivots on said‘clamp means extend for spreading liquor over a filter bed, a revolving „carried by said pivots and vertically swingable drum, distributor arms, extending radially there from over said bed, means extending centrally of said bed for supporting said drum,'said supporting ~ means serving to conduct ‘unfiltered liquor to said 55 drum, electric driving means carried by said sup porting means for rotating said drum, and sub marine cable means extending through said bed and supporting means to said driving means for ingv rearwardly of said arms, and anchor bars into and out of engagement with said bed. 9. In combination, a rotary distributor, a. cen tral supporting'colurnn therefor, motor means l ñxed on saidv column, and driving means mounted for driving reaction between' said motor means and said distributor including a frictionally oper ated coupling between said driving means and said distributor for lengthening the time interval of acceleration and deceleration of said distribu supplying electrical current thereto. f" tor upon initial ¿starting and stopping of said 3. In combination, a rotary distributor, a cen tral supporting column therefor, oil-sealed bear- . motor. ing means therebetween, a motor mounted'on said ‘ . . - ` 1,0. In combination, a rotary distributor, a central supporting column therefor, and driving means disposed for driving reaction between said column, driving means between said motor and distributor, and cable means extending upwardly through said column and bearing means to`said ’ column and said distributor for driving said dis tributor and including means automatically vary motor for supplying electric current thereto. 4. In a rotary distributor of the class described,_ ing the driving ratio in accordance with the in a revolving drum, a cylindrical'driving head sup ported thereon, distributor arms extending radial ly outwardly from the lower end of said drum, vertically extending truss struts at spaced inter vals on said arms, a truss structure for -support ing said arms, studs projecting outwardly on op ertial resistance of said distributor. ` 11. In combination, a rotory distributor, a central lsupporting column therefor, and driving means mountedon said‘column fordriving said distributor and including means automatically varying the relative rate of rotation o'f the dis posite sides of said driving head, truss brackets ` tributor with respect to the speed of .said driving pivotally> supported on said studs and forming means. ` i is' - 2,097,111 12. In combination, a rotary distributor having a central rotatable drum, a central supporting column withinsaid drum, and driving means on said column including a motor and friction clutch coupling means between said- motor and said drum providing for overrunning movement of said driving means relative to said distributor during acceleration and for overrunning movement of said distributor relative to said drive means dur 10 ing deceleration. ~ 13. In combination, a rotary distributor having a revolving drum and a pair of oppositeiy extend ing arms, a central stationary feed pipe forming a support therefor and having outlet means inter 15 mediate its ends for supplying liquor to said arms, drivev means between the distributor and said feed pipe at the upper end thereof including friction controlled coupling meansfcrlengthening the time interval of acceleration and deceleration of said 20 distributor upon initial starting and stopping of rotation of said distributor, and motor means carried by said feed pipe and .sealed from the in terior thereof for actuating said driving means. 14. In combination, a rotary distributor, a radially extending arms, a central supporting column therefor having bearing means at its up per en_d providing for rotation of said distributor on said column, -and power operated driving` means including agear reduction means _inter posed between said distributor and the upper end of said column for rotating said distributor- in one direction, said means providing for free move ment of said distributor in the reverse direction, said central column having a feed connection and 10 outlet means serving to supply liquor to the arms -of said distributor.4 ~ \ 16. In combination, a rotary distributor having laterally extending` distributing arms and a. central drum portion, acentral feed pipe extend- . 15 «. ing axially of said drum for supplying liquor through said drum to saidarms, said pipe having bearing means at the upper end thereoi’support ing the weight of ysaid distributor, a bearing sur face about the lower end of _said feed pipe, cir 20 cumferentially spaced bearing means carried by said drum, means for adjusting said latter bear ings with respect to said surface for maintaining axial alignment between said drum and feed pipe, central ' supporting column therefor, driving and drive means reacting between; said drum and means between said column and said distributor _feed pipe -and including friction operatingv cou for rotating said distributor in one direction, pling means for-accelerating rotation of saidv dis means in said driving means for accommodating tributor in one direction in accordance with the relative movement of said distributor in the op» inertial resistance of said distributor, said drive 30 posite direction, and motoi` means at the upper end means providing for free relative movement of 30 of said column and enclosed within said distribu said distributor with respect to said feed pipe in tor for actuating said driving means. the reverse direction. - 15. In combination, a rotary distributor having JAMES DCNALD WALKER.
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