Munich Airport Business Park MUNICH AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK Munich Airport Business Park is located in the direct vicinity of Munich airport and features high-quality architecture (among others from the award-winning architect Fumihiko Maki). An Info-Office is located in the park as a first point of contact for all people interested in the business park and for tenants and real estate agents. Over the past years, more than 50,000 m² of office space has been rented to numerous national and international companies. For example, AVON Cosmetics GmbH and McKinsey Capability Center are among the largest new tenants. More than 200 companies are located in the park, among them over 100 IT companies. Among these IT companies are world-known names like SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG and Cisco Systems GmbH. The Economic Development Department of the municipality of Hallbergmoos forms a permanent point of contact for the Munich Airport Business Park. The location HALLBERGMOOS With almost 10,000 inhabitants from a total of 80 different nations, Hallbergmoos is an interesting location to live and work in. The average age of people living in Hallbergmoos is 36.8 years. That makes Hallbergmoos one of the youngest townships in Bavaria. The manifold and diverse offerings of associations and the adult education centre (VHS) provide numerous possibilities for spending leisure time. In direct proximity to the Munich Airport Business Park there is a Sports and Leisure Park in an area of 160.000 m². The Sports and Leisure Park was opened in 2011 and offers various indoor and outdoor sports. In addition to a good infrastructure (supermarkets, banks, doctors and hotels), there are 5 kindergartens, day nurseries and also schools in Hallbergmoos. For more information please see:, and Munich Airport Business Park Contacts: Katrin-Jasmin Becker, M.A. Economic Development Gemeinde Hallbergmoos Economic Development Theresienstr. 76 85399 Hallbergmoos Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 8 11 55 22 12 8 Fax: +49 (0) 8 11 55 22 55 12 8 Flughafen München Schwaig A92 S1 Flu g Oberding AB-Kreuz Neufahrn MUNICH AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK B11 Isar Benjamin Henn Info-Office Manager Munich Airport Business Park Info-Office Ludwigstr. 47 85399 Hallbergmoos Germany Hallbergmoos S8 Flughafen > E-Mail: > hafen S-B B388 A9 Tel.: +49 (0) 8 11 99 87 27 9 Mobil: +49 (0) 171 8 29 13 51 Fax: +49 (0) 8 11 99 87 90 2 E-Mail: A99 München Passau Salzburg ahn gep lant Airport Business Centre AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTRE Modern office building and conference center The AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTRE (ABC) is a modern office building and conference center in the immediate vicinity of Munich Airport in the greater Munich metropolitan area. It has been in operation since July 1994 and accommodates international high-tech, software, multimedia and management companies. The building complex combines all of the structural and technical facilities needed to conduct business, communications and conference activities efficiently and cost effectively and at a high standard. The ABC is situated on a large plot of land in the midst of expansive green areas. The campus consists of office buildings, a conference center, casino, cafeteria, multi-storey car park and a visitors’ car park. With its ultramodern technical equipment, the office building meets all contemporary ergonomic and communication requirements, thus offering ideal working conditions. All the rooms of the ABC have cavity floors. The offices are equipped with an individually controllable heating and cooling system operated extremely inexpensively and in an ecologically friendly way with ground water and heat pumps. A new energysaving lighting system was developed to illuminate spaces, enabling people to work glare-free on screens. The ABC has its own emergency power supply and the connection to the fiber-optic network guarantees efficient workstations. Furthermore, the ABC has a goods elevator, which carries up to 2.5 tons. The modern conference center, integrated into the building complex, is designed for flexible use: The size of the individual conference rooms and their technical equipment can be adjusted to cater for individual wishes. The multi-storey car park with 745 parking spaces can be reached easily, regardless of weather conditions, from the administrative building via the casino/conference centre through a glass gangway. A visitors’ car park with 120 parking spaces is available to visitors and tenants. Airport Business Centre The ABC provides the following facilities for shared use: Conference area t4UBGGSFTUBVSBOU t$BGFUFSJBAFTQSFTUPXJUIBTIPQ t"#$-PVOHF t$POGFSFODFDFOUSFXJUIDBUFSJOH t4IVUUMFCVTTFSWJDFUPUIFTVCVSCBOSBJMXBZ TUBUJPO)BMMCFSHNPPTA4#BIO GSFFPGDIBSHF t8BTUFEJTQPTBMBOEDMFBOJOHTFSWJDFT t3FDFJQUPGHPPETBOEQPTU t%PDVNFOUEFTUSVDUJPO t&NFSHFODZQPXFSTZTUFN t0QUJNJ[FEUFMFDPNNVOJDBUJPOT t0QUJPOPGDPOOFDUJPOUP614 t#BOL%FHVTTB#BOL XJUIDBTIEJTQFOTFS t'$.5SBWFM4PMVUJPOToUSBWFMBHFODZ t)PSODMFBOJOHDPNQBOZDMFBOJOHMBVOESZTFSWJDFT shoe repairer service) t.PWJOHTFSWJDF t$BSFUBLFSTFSWJDF t4FDVSJUZJOUIFCVJMEJOH t4IPXFST t1IPOFOVNCFSXJUI.VOJDIEJBMJOH code (089) possible complex is designed for flexible use: The size of the individual conference rooms and their technical equipment can be adjusted to cater for individual requests. The modern conference centre integrated into the building tWBSJBCMFDPOGFSFODFSPPNTGPSVQUPQFSTPOT t$POUJOVPVTMZBEKVTUBCMFBNCJFOUMJHIUJOH t5FMFQIPOFDPOOFDUJPOT*4%/ t.JDSPQIPOFTZTUFNXJUIMPVETQFBLFSTNPCJMF and installed) t7JEFPQSPKFDUJPO t4MJEFBOEPWFSIFBEQSPKFDUPST t%FNPOTUSBUJPOBJETTVDIBTTDSFFOTGMJQDIBSUT pin boards are available t*OEJWJEVBMBJSDPOEJUJPOJOHDPOUSPM It is possible to provide catering services for conferences, ranging from a simple coffee break right through to buffet lunch. Catering for staff, conference participants and guests at lunch time is provided in a modern free-flow system. 3FGSFTINFOUTBSFBWBJMBCMFBUUIFAFTQSFTUPDBGFUFSJB which is a place where people can sit and have a talk. Special guests can be entertained in a closed VIP restaurant with a special range of dishes and service. Contact: Ms. Christin Piotter Senior Manager Tel.: +49 (0) 811 80 11 41 Fax: +49 (0) 811 80 13 00 E-mail: Am Söldnermoos 17 85399 Hallbergmoos Tel: +49 (0) 811 80 0 Artemis Artemis A perfect fit for you! HIRED Y L L U F The ARTEMIS is a freestanding, four-storey office building with an innovative and high-class architecture. It consists of two wings with a centrally located entrance. Due to its efficient grid dimensions, the building can be partitioned to suit your individual requirements and can thus be used in an economical manner. Fitments include for example: soundproof windows with exterior sun-screening, work places/offices with non-glare mirror screens and cavity installation floors, individually adjustable ventilation systems that ensure a comfortable atmospheric environment. The building is equipped with two elevators, one of which can be used as a goods lift and more than 100 parking places, of which 38 are underground parking spaces. OUT Artemis Data & Facts t5PUBMPGBQQSPYN¤IJHIDMBTTPGGJDFTQBDF t6OJUTBWBJMBCMFGSPNBQQSPYN¤VQXBSET tNHSJEEJNFOTJPOSPPNEFQUITPGVQUP 5.7 m, room height approx. 3 m t%BZMJHIUXPSLQMBDFTXJUIOPOHMBSFNJSSPS screen fittings t4PVOEQSPPGXJOEPXTXJUIFYUFSJPSTVOTDSFFOJOH t$BWJUZJOTUBMMBUJPOGMPPST tFMFWBUPSTPOFVTFBCMFBTBHPPETFMFWBUPS tVOEFSHSPVOEQBSLJOHTQBDFT tPVUTJEFQBSLJOHTQBDFT t1VCMJDCVTTUPQJOGSPOUPGUIFCVJMEJOH Contact: Ms. Isabel Esmann gewerbegrund Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Arnulfstr. 39 80636 München Tel.: +49 (0) 89 55 25 77 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 55 25 77 44 Albatros Maximal Flexibility and Highest Quality The existing spaces and our flexibility make it possible The features listed are merely an illustration of the pro- to integrate your personal requirements as well as to integrate your individual design wishes to a large extent perty. Design features over and above that are individually recorded within the framework of the tenant fitout and finishing work description. t.PEFSOGVUVSFPSJFOUFEBSDIJUFDUVSF t*OEJWJEVBMEFTJHOXJTIFT t0QUJNBMDPOOFDUJPOTUPUIFBJSQPSUUPUIF highway/motorway and to local transport Features t/FXCVJMEJOH t3FQSFTFOUBUJWFFOUSBODFGPZFSTXJUIUXPTQFDUBDVMBS airplanes and natural lighting t$POUJOVPVTEPVCMFGMPPSXJUIGMPPSUBOLTGPS modern IT infrastructure t7FOUJMBUJPOBOEBJSFYUSBDUJPOXJUIUXPBJS changes per hour t)JHIRVBMJUZGMFYJCMFSPPNEJWJTJPO t*OEJWJEVBMDPPMJOHPGUIFPGGJDFTXJUINPEFSBUF utility charges t&YUFSOBMTVOQSPUFDUJPODPOUSPMMBCMFQFSSPPN t4PVOEQSPPGXJOEPXT Available spaces Ground floor approx. 1.500 qm There is the possibility of adjusting the spaces to individual requirements. Thus, units from approx. 168 m ² upwards can be rented. The house-own underground garage, with its 132 parking spaces, and the 60 outside parking spaces offer sufficient parking possibilities directly at the property. Albatros Real Estate Management: DIC ONSITE We, DIC ONSITE, are real estate managers specialized on commercial properties from the DIC group, one of the leading German real estate investment companies. We support over 340 high-class commercial properties in all of Germany. For a total of 2 million square meters of rental space we are the qualified real estate management in the use types office and retail business and in addition institutions of education and technology parks. The regional presence of our subsidiaries means the following for their users: t1SPGFTTJPOBMIJHIMFWFMTVQQPSU t/POCVSFBVDSBUJDDPPQFSBUJPO t'MFYJCMFRVJDLTFSWJDF Our leasing and letting managers would be please to show you the current and possible objects, as well as the services connected with them. For more information please visit DIC ONSITE also on the Internet at: Here you will find the current rental space portfolio for all of Germany. Kontakt: Mr. Johannes von Fürstenberg DIC ONSITE GmbH Munich Office Hanauer Str. 1 80992 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 89 8 18 88 01 42 Fax: +49 (0) 89 8 18 88 01 69 E-Mail: Helios Helios The HELIOS is a luminous example of high-class and The Helios is also a culinary highlight. The on-site cafe- well-designed architecture. Two comb-shaped building wings are joined by a light-flooded glass hall. Aligned to the light, approx. one thousand square meter sized glass hall, are the entrances to the units. The welcome areas of each floor can be reached via glazed elevators which further adds to the individual and representative Entrée. Exterior, electrical sun screening as well as variable room partitioning are just a few of the benefits of the building. Flexible cabling is secured by an installation floor which consists of an additional cavity floor along the window front. The modern design and generous guest drive-way along the “Canaletto” ensure that the HELIOS is remembered by everybody. teria will entertain your employees and guests. A conference center with catering services is available for conferences and meetings and the nearby Mövenpick Hotel Munich-Airport completes the gastronomic choice next to one more restaurant and two cafeterias at the place of location. Of course, the Mövenpick Hotel also offers first class accommodation and if needed offers additional conference and training rooms for even larger meetings. By the way, two grocery stores are located in proximity for day to day needs and a branch of the Sparkasse is conveniently located in the Helios. Helios Data & Facts t5PUBMPGBQQSPYRNIJHIDMBTTPGGJDFTQBDF t$PNCJOFEXJUIBBQQSPYRN light-flooded glass hall t'MFYJCMFXJUITFSWJDFDPSFTBOEHMB[FEFMFWBUPST t6OJUTBWBJMBCMFGSPNBQQSPYRNVQXBSET tNHSJEEJNFOTJPOSPPNEFQUITVQ to 5,40 m, room height approx. 3,00 m t&YUFSJPSFMFDUSJDBMTVOTDSFFOJOH t*OTUBMMBUJPOGMPPSBOEDBWJUZGMPPSBMPOHUIF window front t0OTJUFDBGFUFSJBGPSBMMFNQMPZFFTBOEHVFTUTPG the Munich Airport Business Park t$POGFSFODFDFOUFSXJUIDBUFSJOHTFSWJDF tVOEFSHSPVOEQBSLJOHTQBDFPVUTJEF parking spaces t1VCMJDCVTTUPQJOGSPOUPGUIFCVJMEJOH Contact: Ms. Isabel Esmann gewerbegrund Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Arnulfstr. 39 80636 Munich Tel.: +49 (0) 89 55 25 77 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 55 25 77 44 Leonardo Leonardo Munich Airport Business Park, a location with perspectives. Integrated into the modern business park, it is not a coincidence that the name of the object, LEONARDO, conjures up associations with the renowned genius Leonardo da Vinci. The affinity to special technology, architecture and aviation is demonstrated by this. Fitting with this, is the company address Lilienthalstrasse (Otto Lilienthal was a famous German aviation pioneer). THE OBJECT – ONLY THE VERY BEST Already at a first glance it is noticeable that LEONARDO sets optical standards with architecture and high-class facade design. With four upper floors, the object has a total of 11,550 m² office and useable space. t5IFUPQGMPPSIBTN¤TQFDJBMVTFBSFB available (e.g. for showrooms). t5IFVOEFSHSPVOEHBSBHFIBTQBSLJOHTQBDFT t5IFSFBSFBGVSUIFSPVUTJEFQBSLJOHTQBDFT t5IFQPTTJCJMJUJFT-&0/"3%0QSFTFOUTBSFWFSTBUJMF t'MFYJCMZBEKVTUBCMFUPJOEJWJEVBMOFFETGPSBIJHIDMBTT use that meets many requirements. t5IFFOUSBODFTUPUIFCVJMEJOHBSFQSFTUJHJPVTBOE create an individual character. t5IFPVUTJEFGBDJMJUJFTBSFHSFFOBOEJOWJUJOH to relaxation THE FITTINGS – HIGH QUALITY Quality - also in the fittings and finishing of the offices. Office rooms and hallways are fitted with high-quality carpeting. In the light offices there are channel grid ceilings with mineral fiber panels. A modern floor-duct system fulfills all requirements of current network technology. The high-quality impression is also characterized by the light natural stone floors in the entrance and stairway areas. External sun-protection elements positively influence the indoor climate. Leonardo THE SPACES OFFERED – FULLY COMPATIBLE Extraordinary tenants’ wishes are also realizable. The office spaces are flexibly adjustable to individual requirements. A window grid of 1.80 m creates good prerequisites for efficient room sizes. With room depths of 5.35 m or 7.15 m optimal efficient rooms are made possible. The following room sizes result from that: tBYJBMPGGJDFN¤PSN¤ tBYJBMPGGJDFN¤PSN¤ tBYJBMPGGJDFN¤PSN¤ Thus, this grid is suitable for modern, conceptually designed offices with single, group and combination offices. Rental units from approx. 200 m² upwards can be leased. Contact: Ms. Silke Schneider Bayerische Beamten Versicherung Thomas-Dehler-Str. 25 81737 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 89 67 87 34 36 Fax: +49 (0) 89 67 87 34 44 E-Mail: Ludwigsforum Ludwigsforum High standard for your future office The four-story LUDWIGSFORUM is an impressive appearance. It consists of three wings, each accessible through centrally located entrances and is complemented by a 200 lot parking garage. The high-class and extravagant architecture of the building is underlined with entrances out of natural stone and generously designed outdoor facilities. The three meter high offices are fitted with noise-insulated windows, exterior sun screening, installation floors and individually adjustable ventilation systems. The high quality carpeted floor and the installed light fitting complete the appearance. Each unit comes with sanitary facilities and tea kitchen ready installations. The LUDWIGSFORUM features four elevators and three ground level accessible freight elevators. The efficient grid dimension of approx. 1,80 m and room depths between five and sechs meters guarantee an ideal useable layout. The partitioning was done with dry walls, so that it can be easily adjusted to meet your requirements. Cellar space is available on request. Ludwigsforum Data & Facts t5PUBMPGBQQSPYRNIJHIDMBTTPGGJDFTQBDF t6OJUTBWBJMBCMFGSPNBQQSPYRNVQXBSET tNHSJEEJNFOTJPOSPPNEFQUITVQUPN room height approx. 3,00 m t/PJTFJOTVMBUFEXJOEPXTXJUIFYUFSJPS sun screening t*OTUBMMBUJPOGMPPST tFMFWBUPSTBOEGSFJHIUFMFWBUPST tDBSQBSLJOHTQBDFT t1VCMJDCVTTUPQJOGSPOUPGUIFCVJMEJOH Contact: Ms. Isabel Esmann gewerbegrund Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Arnulfstr. 39 80636 Munich Tel.: +49 (0) 89 55 25 77 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 55 25 77 44 Ludwigstrasse 49 Ludwigstrasse 49 Offices – surprisingly different! Leave sad, grey office buildings behind you and feel relaxed as you look forward to a successful future in a special atmosphere. Place your company in an environment that is already home to countless global enterprises, for instance SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG. Behind the building’s appealing facade there are extraordinary, fresh office spaces. Set your sights as high as you like, as we offer you a complete package that caters to all of your wishes: outstanding furnishing, flexible office division, a prestigious lobby area and much more. These office spaces with character and excellent transportation connections in Ludwigstrasse 49 in Hallbergmoos, Munich, appear to have been made especially for you, a modern and forward-looking entrepreneur with high standards! Ludwigstraße 49 Facts and figures t"UPUBMPGBSPVOENPGQSFTUJHJPVT office space for rent t1BSUJBMBSFBTQPTTJCMFTUBSUJOHGSPNBSPVOEN¤ t1SFTUJHJPVTMPCCZBSFB t$BWJUZGMPPSXJUIGMPPSCPYFT t&MFDUSJDTVOQSPUFDUJPOTZTUFN t'MFYJCMFEJWJTJPOPGTQBDF t"NQMFQBSLJOH t5XPMJGUT t$BGFUFSJBJOUIFCVJMEJOH t$FOUFSUPDFOUFSEJTUBODFN t3PPNEFQUIPSN t5XPMJGUT t$BGFUFSJBJOUIFCVJMEJOH t$FOUFSUPDFOUFSEJTUBODFN t3PPNEFQUIPSN Contact: Thomas Sterk Ritter Immobilien Management Carl-Zeiss-Ring 21 85737 Ismaning Germany Tel: +49 (0) 89 41 11 21 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 41 11 21 111 E-mail: Pegasus Pegasus Inspiration – Communication – Success! Pegasus is something special within the Munich Airport Business Park. It not only offers the advantages of modern, high-class and efficient office spaces but also a noticeable and prestigious company presentation in and on the property. With approximately 9,300 m² total renting spaces, Pegasus is one of the smallest properties within the Munich Airport Business Park. It convinces with its vital, helpful and friendly tenant community of presently 18 rental partners. As a special service, a full-day janitor is made available to the rental partners, also on Saturdays and Sundays, to carry out small repairs and maintenance work, for which purpose a janitor apartment was equipped within the property. With property branding and the name “Pegasus” the office building has a prestigious recognition factor that increases the attention for visitors and for people interested in renting. Clearly visible lit up pylons in front of the entrances to the access to the property guide visitors to the tenants of Pegasus. With their individual logos mounted on the pylons, the tenants can advertise their companies. An individually designed lighting concept gives the office building Pegasus an attractive appearance. Pegasus is built in closed construction with an appealing facade. The generous window front ensures very good natural lighting within the rooms. Via the green inner courtyard the four house entrances to the office building are accessible. At the same time the inner courtyard, with its benches, serves as a relaxation area. Outside parking spaces are situated on four sides around the building. The entrance and exit to the underground garage are situated on the right-hand side of Pegasus and from the underground garage the rental spaces can be reached without getting your feet wet via inside routes. Each house entrance has a generous entrance foyer that, if needed, can be equipped as a reception. Via the foyer the rental areas are reachable with the elevator and stairs. The light natural stone floors in the entrance foyer and the stairways reflect the high-class impression of the property. Pegasus Due to the individually designable floor plans different room types with efficient uses can be made available. The grid size is 1.35 m. The rental spaces in the houses are connected with one another, so that requests for large rental areas can also be accounted for. The smallest possible office unit is approximately 200 m², whereby office spaces on the top floor can be rented room by room. The office spaces are conceptually designed in a modern way and are fitted with carpeting or individually according to the wishes of the tenant. Each rental unit has a kitchenette. The ribbon windows are equipped with external sunprotection. For supporting natural ventilation, the office spaces are equipped with ventilation and air-extraction systems. In addition to the remaining office spaces in our house, a few storage spaces in the cellar, as well as parking spaces in the underground garage and parking spaces outside can be rented. The storage spaces can be loaded also with bulky goods or files via a goods elevator. At the same time the storage spaces and underground garage parking spaces can be reached comfortably by means of the respective elevator in the office stair well. Facts & Data t.PEFSODPODFQUVBMMZEFTJHOFEPGGJDFT t%JWJTJPOPGSFOUBMTQBDFBDDPSEJOHUPZPVS individual wishes t'MFYJCMFPGGJDFVOJUTGSPNBQQSPYJNBUFMZ 200 m² upwards t7JTJCMFBOEQSFTUJHJPVTDPNQBOZQSFTFOUBUJPO in and on the office building t&YUFSOBMTVOQSPUFDUJPO t$BSQBSLJOHTQBDFTPVUTJEFBOEJOUIF underground garage t$PNGPSUBCMFTUPSBHFTQBDFTJOUIFIPVTFXJUI a direct connection to your office space t*OUFHSBUJPOJOUPBOJOUBDUUFOBOUDPNNVOJUZ t&YDFMMFOUTJUFDPOEJUJPOTJOUIFIFBSUPGUIF Munich Airport Business Parks t(PPEDPOOFDUJPOUPUIFQVCMJDUSBOTQPSUOFUXPSL t%JWFSTFHBTUSPOPNJDBMGBDJMJUJFTBOEDBOUFFOTJO the direct surroundings t$PNNJTTJPOGSFFSFOUJOH Contact: Mr. Leonhard Otscheret Pegasus Vermögensverwaltung GmbH Tengstr. 27 80798 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 89 287 00 89 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 287 00 89 99 E-Mail: Skygate Skygate A clear view of the heavens The “Gateway to the Heavens” at Munich Airport Business Park is transparent and flooded with light, opening up completely new perspectives. The first thing most visitors entering the elegant “Skygate” office complex via the main entrance do is put their heads back to look up. The view out through the glass roof arching over the 800 square meter entrance lobby invites you to look directly up into the skies above. This is made possible by the sophisticated design of the vaulted glass roof, giving the Skygate a futuristic feel. The sky above is also reflected in the integral water features between the two buildings. The proximity to the airport makes for a particular highlight: Planes taking off and landing at Munich Airport can be seen from the windows of most of the offices and from the publically accessible roof terrace. Rooms flooded with light The rest of the building is just as impressive as the striking entrance lobby. The principle of “light and airy” runs through the entire complex. For example, the covered atriums, presenting the working day in a completely different light. Tenants can choose from all types of rooms and offices; rental units from a size of 400 TRVBSF NFUFST VQXBSET DBO CF GMFYJCMZ TVCEJWJEFE o fitments and finishings based on client wishes are possible at any time. In geographical terms the building in Zeppelinstrasse is centrally located within Munich Airport Business Park. A single underground car park covering the entire footprint of both office complexes provides 774 parking spaces and there are an additional 127 parking spaces outside the buildings. Skygate Facts & Figures Contacts: t$BWJUZGMPPST t*OEJWJEVBMGJOJTIJOHTBDDPSEJOHUPUFOBOUXJTIFT t"MMDPOWFOUJPOBMSPPNUZQFTBOEPGGJDFGPSNT are possible t$PWFSFEBUSJVNTGMPPEFEXJUIMJHIU tQBTTFOHFSFMFWBUPST tVOEFSHSPVOEQBSLJOHTQBDFT tPVUEPPSQBSLJOHTQBDFT t(PPETFMFWBUPST t#VJMEJOHEFQUIBQQSPYN t.PEVMBSEJNFOTJPOTBQQSPYN t'MFYJCMZEJWJTJCMFSFOUBMVOJUTGSPNN¤ Mrs. Markella Zogbaum HIH Hamburgische Immobilien Handlung GmbH Maximilianstraße 2 D - 80539 Munich Tel: +49 (0) 89 287 24 61 11 E-Mail: Mövenpick Enjoy Swiss Hospitality Located only 8 kilometers from Munich’s Franz Josef Strauss Airport The Mövenpick Hotel Munich-Airport is located only 8 minutes from the terminals of Munich’s Franz Josef Strauss Airport. The hotel is also easily accessible via highway. We offer our guests a regular guest shuttle bus from and to the airport. Although the hotel has a central location, it is situated in the middle of a green office park with a pleasant atmosphere. Relax and enjoy: our hotel will suit your needs and expectations in many ways. All 165 non-smoking rooms are spacious and comfortably equipped with airconditioning, guest safes, public Wireless LAN (at different minimum cost packages), as well as coffee and tea-sets. Our guests can also make use of our business corner with free of charge Internet access. Sustainability is a main focus of the Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts and for this reason all European hotels are Green Globe certified. Mövenpick Gastronomy and Entertainment tFree early-bird breakfast from 4 to 6 a.m., daily tFamous Mövenpick gourmet breakfast buffet from 6 to 10.30 am (at a charge) tDifferent breakfast options (buffet, packages, à la carte, continental, breakfast to go) tHot kitchen throughout the day in restaurant with exceptional winter garden open daily from 6 to 23 hrs tOutside terrace and beer garden during summer months from 6 to 23 hrs tChat point bar with sports bar lounge featuring SKY sport events on oversized screen tOpen show kitchen, Bavarian, international and Swiss specialties Sports and Leisure tFree sauna and steam bath tJogging track in close vicinity tConference rooms and festive events t12 meeting rooms with a capacity of up to 70 persons, fully air-conditioned, all with daylight tSpecialized in small meetings from 2 to 70 persons and with individual service Shuttle service t Hotel guest shuttle commutes daily from 5 to 23 hrs every 30 minutes t4UPQ)PUFMo5FSNJOBMTUPQQJOHQPJOU o 5FSNJOBM#o$FOUSBM"SFB4#BIO5SBJO o 5FSNJOBM%o)PUFM t$PTUéQFSQFSTPOQFSKPVSOFZ Contact: Mövenpick Hotel Muinch-Airport Ludwigstrasse 43 85399 Hallbergmoos Germany Tel. +49 811 88 80 Fax +49 811 88 84 44 E-Mail:
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