Our Lady of Grace & St Edward Chiswick with St Dunstan Gunnersbury 020 8994 2877 chiswick@rcdow.org.uk www.ourladyofgracechiswick.org Keep up to date with parish news and activities on Twitter @ourladychiswick SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Team Canon Anthony Dwyer Fr. Andrew Chamiec Sharon Bowden Parish Priest Assistant Priest Administrator Fr. Andrew writes:‘Je suis Charlie’. These now famous words have brought a small satirical magazine the height of publicity in recent days. Scenes of people wearing badges emblazoned with those simple words and waving the Tricolore aloft, have been seen in the media. The slogan of ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ has also been referred to. Something has been struck upon. A chord has resonated. I heard that the printers were struggling to keep up with demand for that magazine, which does not just satirise Islam, but also other religions and political institutions. What is it about that magazine that appeals to people? Why has demand for it increased? Some people may buy it as a statement of defiance, others in sympathy for those who died, others out of curiosity. I would suggest it is because it raises questions about freedom and what it implies. The right to freedom of expression is all well and good, but what does freedom actually mean? One definition: ‘Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility.’ This quote is taken from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1731). Notice how responsibility is mentioned. Freedom goes together with responsibility. Another says, ‘The people of our time prize freedom very highly and strive eagerly for it. In this they are right. Yet they often cherish it improperly, as if it gave them leave to do anything they like, even when it is evil’. (A quote taken from one of the documents of Vatican II called Gaudium et Spes, 17). Freedom taken to its extreme often seems to end in violence and despair. How does all this relate to religion? ‘Freedom is exercised in relationships between human beings. Every human person, created in the image of God, has the right to be recognized as a free and responsible human being. All owe to each other this duty of respect.’ (CCC 1738) True freedom is found in God. Let us pray that this true understanding of freedom may always be respected. At all Masses: RESPONSES: Page 7 SUNDAY MASS: READINGS: Page 90 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: st 1 Reading: Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6, 12-14 Psalm: 127:1-5 Response cf v 5 nd 2 Reading: Colossians 3:12-21 Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 All viewable at: http://www.universalis.com/mass PEGGY FORREST - RIP The family of the late Peggy Forrest, wish to thank all the parishioners who attended her funeral mass, sent mass and sympathy cards, flowers and gave generously to the charities. The family are grateful for the kind words of support during their sad loss and knowing how much she was thought of by her community, has meant a lot. A mass will be offered for your intentions. LET US PRAY For those who are sick: Mr Casciello, Claudio Boggi, Louise FitzGerald Burden, Marie O’Keeffe, Mrs O’Brennon, Mr. Coleman, Maureen Blair, Cecil Pocock, Wally Gribben, Rose Murphy, Thomas O’Sullivan For those recently deceased: Mary Barlow, Maria Sweeney, Luis Badas, Cristino Diveros, Peter McAuliffe For those whose anniversaries are at this time: Matthew Moore, Bridget Noonan, Joe Johnson, Kitty McLean, Bridget Meikle, James Benson, Ivy Murphy, Maria Zbigniew, Albert & Anne D’Annunzio, Clarina Fernandes, Paul Walters THIS WEEK – Sat 17/1 6.30pm Sun 18/1 8.30am 9.45am 10am 11am 12.15pm 6.30pm Mon 19/1 ND 2 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Vigil Mass ND 2 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Gunnersbury) 10.00am 6.30pm ANN INT INT Bernard Toussaint NO MASS RD Maria Zbigniew ANN Betty O’Grady NO MASS SICK Clarina Fernandes Ivy Murphy ANN ANN Albert & Anne D’Annunzio People of the Parish ANN INT ST. VINCENT FERIA 10.00am 12.30pm Sat 24/1 RIP ST. AGNES 10.00am 12.30pm Fri 23/1 RD RD INT FERIA 10.00am Thur 22/1 Bridget Noonan, Joe Johnson, Bridget Meikle & Kitty McLean Dr. & Mrs Horgan Andrew Nolan James Benson People of the Parish The Daly Family Glenys Hales NO MASS 10.00am 12.30pm Wed 21/1 RD ST WULSTAN 10.00am 12.30pm Tues 20/1 Denjoe Mahony ST. FRANCIS DE SALES Vigil Mass CONFESSIONS: Saturday 11am – 12 noon & 5pm – 6pm (or by appt) MORNING PRAYER: Friday 9.40am EXPOSITION: Monday – Friday 1pm – 5pm, Saturday Holy Hour 5pm-6pm BENEDICTION; Saturday 6pm. SUMMER FAIR Now that the New Year has begun, we look forward to the summer, and the Chiswick Summer Fair. We are presently forming the organising Committee and are looking for parishioners to assist with organising this popular parish event. Anyone willing to serve, or who would like more information, please leave your contact details at the Parish Office. MORNING PRAYER Morning prayer will be said in common on Friday mornings at 9.40am in St Edward’s Room. All are welcome to join in this beautiful public liturgy of the Church. SPIRITUALITY PTT The Spirituality Group continues to meet from time to time and to consider activities which may help parishioners to grow in their spiritual lives. The group would welcome new members. If you would like to know more about this group, please speak with Canon Anthony ALTAR SERVERS & PARENTS Fr. Andrew is holding the service of Benediction every Saturday evening at 6pm, before the 6.30pm Mass. He would like Servers involved in this and would like to train you so that you can take part in this service. The training will take place on Sunday 25th January at 4.00pm. Please let Fr. Andrew know via email: chiswick@rcdow.org.uk whether you would be interested in taking part in this. Many thanks for your help and support. FLAME2 YOUTH CONGRESS This year in March some of the youth of our parish will attend the Flame2 Youth Congress. For more information see the website: http://cymfed.org.uk/flame2/. Date: Saturday March 7th Time: 11am to 5:30pm Venue: Wembley Arena Age Group: 14 and over. Cost of Tickets: £20 each. Ten thousand young people are expected to attend it. Places need to be booked before the 29th January. To book a place contact: Sister Graça asap.Email: graca.almeida6@gmail.com phone 07787132912 YOUNG ADULTS’ GROUP The Young Adults’ Group is meeting this Sunday 18th January at 7:30pm (after 6.30pm Mass). We will have a Lectio Divina session in the Young Adults’ Room at the Parish Centre. If you are aged 19-30 and you would like to share your faith with others in a community setting, come and join this group. All are welcome. CONFIRMATION REMINDER The Confirmation sessions continue to take place between 5.00pm and 6.15pm on the following dates: 24th Jan: 7th, 28th Feb: 7th, 14th, 21st March. The final part of the session will take place in the Church during Holy Hour which will include some meditative music and will now finish at 6.15pm with Benediction. Please speak to Fr. Andrew for more details. CHRISTMAS APPEAL 2014 Calais Refugees Christmas Appeal A huge THANK YOU to all those that contributed to keeping some of the 2300 refugees camped in the woods in Calais warm this Christmas. On 27th December the Comboni Sisters' Cenacle group in Chiswick personally took your donations and distributed them to the refugees in Calais. We are going again on 31st January with EMMAUS to take more donations tents, camping stoves, lanterns, candles, sleeping bags, waterproof trainers, walking boots. If you can help, please contact: ginettelytton@googlemail.com or you can donate online https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/calais To see a video of our trip to Calais go to: www.stopsinaitorture.org/calais/ or look at the News section on our new parish website LENTEN APPEAL 2014 Thank you from Uganda! The much needed Nissan truck we raised money for during our Lenten appeal in 2014 has finally arrived in Uganda! We've just received photos, which are up on our new parish website and facebook page. Here is a letter to us all from Uganda: “Dear All Greetings from Fr. Patrick Nyakasura Catholic Parish. We are ok here. Happy new year 2015. Please receive the Photos of the Nissan Hard body. It’s a nice vehicle. Thank you very much for your contribution. God bless you. Now we are constructing the wall fence for the security of the Parish property and Priests. Greet everybody in your community”. Yours Fr Patrick. TEA & COFFEE MORNING On Tuesday After Mass until 11.30am St. Edward’s Room. Everyone welcome! WESTMINSTER YEAR BOOK The new Westminster Year Book is now on sale in the Repository or from the Parish Office, weekdays, price £4.50. ST. EDWARD’S CLUB The next meeting takes place tomorrow, Monday19th January in the Parish Centre, Dukes Ave. TODDLER GROUP The Toddler group has resumed and takes place on Friday mornings from 9.30am in the Parish Centre, Dukes Avenue. Collections for Last Weekend Chiswick: £4672.09 Gunnersbury: £ 252.03 MANY THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY CHURCH CLEANING ROTA This week the Tuesday Cleaning Group will be cleaning the Church GUNNERSBURY NOTES WEEKDAY MASS Tuesday at 9.30am. Sunday Mass at 10.00am. PLEASE DONATE YOUR UNWANTED CHRISTMAS GIFTS We will be holding an auction of unwanted Christmas gifts in order to raise money for the Little Company of Mary to be held on Sunday 1st February after the 10:00 mass. Please bring your unwanted gifts either on the 1st or over the next two weekends' PARISH CHILDREN’S DISCO! The PTA of St. Mary’s School is holding a children’s Disco on Friday 30th January 2015 in the Parish Centre. All Parish children from up to Year 6 are invited to attend. The Early Disco: Up to Year 3 is at 5.45pm 7.00pm. The Late Disco: Year 4 to Year 6 is at 7.30pm -9.00pm. Tickets cost £6 on the door. Parents/ Guardians must complete a registration form for each child before entry to the Disco. We have the best DJ in Chiswick and there will be spot prizes as well as a fabulous tuck shop, cold drinks and Glow Toys to buy. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW IN 2015? CAFOD needs your help in ending poverty and injustice overseas. Find out how you can live your faith and put your skills to good use at Understanding CAFOD Day on Saturday, 24 January, in London SE1, from 10am to 4pm. Book online at: understandingcafod.eventbrite.co.uk or call 0208 449 6970. CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY The Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) are collaborating with the Brandenburg Choral Festival to raise money for the work of CCS. Three ‘a cappella’ acts are lined up to entertain you while you enjoy a beverage from the very reasonably priced bar (the cheapest in Central London!). The concert will take place at 8pm on Wednesday the 28th of January and Tickets are £12. To book, please call 0208 969 5305. The concert is being held in a TOP SECRET LOCATION in Central London that will be revealed to you when you buy your ticket(s). NEW IRISH DANCING CLASSES! All children from 4+ welcome at a new class in the Parish Centre, Dukes Avenue. Classes began on Thursday 8th January from 7pm. Please contact Mairead Manton for further details on 07713114054 / mantons2@yahoo.co.uk Chiswick Liturgy Info – 9.45am Mass. Responsorial Psalm My God said to me, “Follow!” My God said to me, “Come!” My God called out my name. “Here I am! Here I am, to do your will!” Gospel Acclamation Please see Mass Book
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