Conference Brochure

Mobile App Sponsor
Crossland Construction
Textura Corporation
Zurich North America
Brochure Sponsor
Simpson Construction Services
Lunch Sponsor
Lockton Companies
KCEF Dinner Sponsor
McCownGordon Construction
Welcome Night Sponsor
Central Mechanical Wichita
Evening Refreshments Sponsor
IMA, Inc.
Audio Visual Sponsor
Cornerstone Kansas City
Keynote Speaker Sponsor
Notebooks Sponsors
Central Air Conditioning
Martin K. Eby Construction
Danny Satterfield Drywall
Lanyard Sponsor
AGC of Kansas Board of Directors
Mike Hafling, President
CAS Constructors, Topeka
Ron Fowles, Vice President
Ron Fowles Construction, Manhattan
Kurt Grier, Treasurer
Martin K. Eby Construction, Wichita
Gregg Oblinger, Past President
Simpson Construction Services, Wichita
Bob Burns, Robert P. Burns, PA
Scott Casebolt, Key Construction
*Bennie Crossland, Crossland Construction
Patrick Crossland, Crossland Construction
Raymond Dondlinger, Dondlinger & Sons Const.
Tracy Green, B.A. Green Construction
** Chuck Grier, UCI
**Jim Grier, Martin K. Eby Construction
Ben Hutton, Hutton Construction
*Mark Hutton, Hutton Construction
John Johnston, J.E. Dunn Construction
**Rich Kerschen, The Law Company
Luke Kunkel, Conco Construction
Jim Rinner, Bartlett & West
Tom Saffel, Prairie Landworks
Joe Samia, Central Air Conditioning
Tim Sinclair, Pal’s Glass
Mike Swift, Thomas McGee, LLC
Eric Turner, McCownGordon Construction
Rean Wessels, Lee Construction
Fred Willich, Hi-Tech Interiors
Agua Fina
Service Awards Sponsor
MSM Contractors Association
Heads/Tails Prize During Auction Sponsor
MSM Contractors Association
Breaks Sponsors
Claco Supply
Tatro Plumbing
200 SW 33rd St.
Topeka, KS 66611
Phone: 785.266.4015
Fax: 785.266.2561
——————“Nationally Connected—Locally Focused”
The 81st
Annual Convention
January 29-30, 2015
Marriott Hotel, Wichita
“Nationally Connected—Locally Focused”
Convention Brochure
Presented by
Thursday, January 29, 2015
2:00 p.m.– AGC of Kansas Board of Directors
4:30 p.m. Meeting
Friday, January 30, 2015
9:00 a.m.
2015 AGCKS Officer & Board
Nominations & Installation
10:45 a.m.
September 16-18, 2015
Kan-Struct 2015
“Building Tomorrow’s Kansas Together”
Kansas’s first ever joint Construction/Design
Industry Convention & Expo hosted by the
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Kansas,
American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
of Kansas, and Associated General Contractors
(AGC) of Kansas with expected attendance of 700800 industry professionals. Look for details soon.
4:15 p.m.
Business Breakout Session 3
“Textura’s Construction Payment Management”
Speaker: Mike Planthaber, (Textura Corporation)
6:00 p.m.
President’s Reception
2014 Year in Review
10:30 a.m.
Century II Convention Center—Wichita
Business Breakout Session 2
“Tax Update: Affordable Care Act Compliance & Other Recent Tax Law Developments Affecting Contractors:
Speakers: Andrew Spikes, CPA, Stephanie
Bunten, CPA, & James Hilbert, CPA, (Mize
Houser & Company PA)
Past President’s Recognition
Legislative Dinner with
AGC of America’s Chief Executive
Officer, Stephen Sandherr
Mark Your Calendars……
3:30 p.m.
Member Recognition Awards
Sponsor: Mechanical & Sheet Metal
Contractors Association
5:00 p.m.– Welcome Reception
6:30 p.m. Sponsor: Central Mechanical Wichita
7:00 p.m.
Opening Session
Friday, January 30, 2015
Coffee Break
Sponsor: Claco Supply
Industry Update from AGC of America
Speaker: Stephen Sandherr, AGC of
America’s Chief Executive Officer
(Washington D.C.)
Sponsor: CBIZ MHM P.C.
12:00 noon State Building Awards Luncheon
Sponsor: Lockton Companies
2:30 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
Sponsors: Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, Belford Electric, CAS
Constructors, Claco Supply, Commercial Mechanical,
Drywall Systems, Foley Equipment Company/Foley
Rental, Ron Fowles Construction, Hodnett
Photographics, K-Coe Isom, The Law Company, Inc.,
Thomas McGee, LC, Monarch Cement, Salina Planing
Mill, The Waldinger Corp.
Business Breakout Session 1
“Ten HR Mi$takes That Can Co$t Your
Company Money”
Speaker: Anita Buchanan (National
Screening Bureau, Wichita)
Coffee Break
Sponsor: Tatro Plumbing
7:00 p.m.
KCEF Dinner
Sponsor: McCownGordon Construction
Evening Refreshments
Sponsor: IMA, Inc.
8:00 p.m.
Action Auction - McCurdy Auction, LLC
Take a minute to thank Lonnie and his
crew for their donated services.