Consultant Announcements - Ohio Department of Transportation

01-16-15 Posting Date
Revision to Programmatic Selection Group No. 01-12-15
The Department has determined that additional construction inspection/administration is
required in District 4. Therefore, an additional agreement for selection has been added
for a total of 2 for the project identified as follows:
VAR-D04 Construction Inspection/Administration, PID No. 97696
Maximum prime compensation revised to $1,000,000.00 each agreement.
Number and allocation of inspectors revised from 23 to 16 each agreement.
The posted Scope of Services has been revised accordingly.
In addition, the number of inspectors required for the following project has been revised:
MAH/TRU-80-4.50/0.00, Construction Inspection/Administration, PID No. 77260
Reallocation of 9 inspectors.
The posted Scope of Services has been revised accordingly.
01-14-15 Posting Date
Updates to Programmatic Selection Group No. 01-12-15
VAR-D10 Culvert Replace/Rehab, PID No. 97323
Latitude/Longitude coordinates table has been added to Scope of Services site;
Additional information available at the following site:
Due to concerns that the number of individuals currently prequalified for construction
inspection and administration services is insufficient, the prequalification requirements
for individuals will be eliminated for CI/CA projects. The Construction Management Firm
and Unlimited Cost Accounting categories will remain where applicable.
For the following agreements, prequalification in construction inspection/administration
categories is not required, but actual prequalification of individuals and partial completion
of the requirements will be considered in the selection rating. Refer to the Scope of
Services document for the approximate number of personnel required for the various
categories. Provide resumes for proposed staff including prequalification status, and if
not prequalified, a summary of requirements partially or completely met.
VAR-D03 Construction Inspection No. 2015-1 and 2015-2, PID Nos. 97781/97790
MAH/TRU-80-4.50/0.00, Construction Inspection/Administration, PID No. 77260
VAR-D04 Construction Inspection/Administration, PID No. 97696
Maximum prime compensation increased to $1,500,000.00
Number of inspectors reduced from 31 to 23.
The posted Scope of Services has been revised accordingly.
VAR-D11 Construction Inspection, PID No. 99050
01-12-15 Posting Date
Submission of Letters of Interest
Procedural Changes
Please note the following procedural changes effective with the Programmatic Consultant
Selection Group 01-12-14:
Change in Submittal Deadline
The Letter of Interest submission deadline has been revised to 2:30PM on the due date.
Prequalification for Construction Inspection
Please note that prequalification categories for Construction Inspection are included in this
Programmatic Consultant Selection group. With the exception of the Construction Management
Firm category, individuals are prequalified for all other Construction Inspection and
Administration categories. Since the Letter of Interest System checks the prequalification of the
prime consultant and named subconsultants to ensure that the project prequalification
requirements have been met, prequalified individuals must be listed as subconsultants to meet
the prequalification requirements.
01-12-15 Posting Date
Opportunity Corridor Section 2 Matchmaker
The Ohio Department of Transportation will be hosting a Matchmaker event designed to provide
prime contractors/engineering consultants and subcontractors/sub-engineering consultants the
chance to meet with the goal of establishing relationships for the upcoming design-build project,
Opportunity Corridor Section 2. This event will allow for meaningful networking opportunities
including one-on-one meetings.
Date: February 10, 2015
Time: Noon to 5 p.m.
Location: Bureau of Workers’ Compensation 4800 East 131st Street, Garfield Hts.
To view a list of work types necessary for this project please visit:
To register your company please visit:
Deadline for registration is Monday, February 2, 2015.
Please contact Deborah Green at 216.584.2003 or with any
01-12-15 Posting Date
FY 2016 Research Projects
Request for Proposals
Response Due Date: 03-06-15
The Research Section at the Ohio Department of Transportation is now accepting proposals for
the following studies:
Solicitation #
Project Title
Assessment of Salt Procurement and Distribution Processes
Crack Resistance and Durability of RAS Asphalt Mixtures
Effective and Efficient Roadside Ditch Cleaning Using BMP’s for Erosion
and Sediment Control
Evaluation of Roadway Subsurface Drainage on Rural Routes
Evaluation of Technology for School Bus Stop Ahead Signs
Evaluating the Particle Size Distribution of Ohio’s Stormwater Runoff
Evaluation of Grade Crossing Hazard Ranking Models
Evaluation of Safety Practices for Short Duration Work Zones
Please read the requirements of each proposal section thoroughly. Changes have been made
to our Proposal Formatting and Submission Guidelines. Highlighted changes include:
The proposal and budget form will be submitted using Adobe Forms. You will complete
general information on the form, then attach a PDF of the proposal and the Excel budget
form. After you click submit, you will receive a confirmation email. Attachments are
limited to 20 MB.
Non-Ohio based organizations must include an Ohio based partner within the proposal.
Questions regarding a RFP or submission process should be submitted using the RFP
Inquiry Form.
Noncompliance with the formatting and submission guidelines is cause for rejection of a
submission. ODOT reserves the right to reject any and all submissions. Submissions must be
received by 3:00 PM (ET) on March 6, 2015 in order to be considered. Absolutely no
extensions will be granted to this deadline. Please make your submission in plenty of time
to allow for servers to process your email. Additional information concerning submission
requirements is available on the above listed site.
All questions concerning the solicitation should be directed to Research at 614-644-8135 or Clarifications will be posted to the Research RFP site as they
become available, so please check back to this site for updates. Please feel free to forward this
message to your colleagues.
View the RFPs and obtain information on submission requirements at the following site:
Thank you for your interest in transportation research in Ohio.
12-23-14 Posting Date
Feedback on Consultant Fee Estimation Guidance
The Department’s Consultant Fee Estimation Guidance, available on this website under the
heading “Manuals & Contract Documents”, is actively being used on new agreements,
modifications and task orders. This document was developed in a joint effort between the
Department and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio (ACEC). This
guidance serves as a reference tool for ODOT Consultant Contract managers, project
managers (both ODOT and Consultant) and other staff involved in estimation and negotiation of
staff hours to effect a uniform and consistent process in Districts and Central Office.
The Department is interested in receiving specific feedback on its use. In an effort to provide
ongoing refinement of the guidance, the Department has established an e-mail address for
users to post questions, comments or suggestions for improvement. Please reference a
specific task line item or section of the guidance.
The email address is:
Questions and responses will be posted on the this website under the heading “Proposal & Fee
Information”. Response time may vary based on the nature of the question, comment or
12-22-14 Posting Date
Submission of Letters of Interest
Change in Submission Time Limit
Due to on-going issues with the current Letter of Interest submission deadline of 11:59 pm on
the due date, the submission deadline for letters of interest will be revised to 2:30 pm on
the due date, effective with the January 12, 2015 Programmatic Selection Group. This
change will ensure that Office of Consultant Services and IT staff are available to answer
questions and resolve problems prior to the deadline.
12-15-14 Posting Date
January 13, 2014 Programmatic Group
Tentative DBE and EDGE Goals
The projects listed for the 01-12-15 Programmatic Consultant Selection Group under the Future
Consultant Program heading (shown below on this page of the web site) include a tentative
listing of the projects assigned DBE and EDGE goals. Please note that this list is preliminary
and may change in the actual posting.
11-24-14 Posting Date
Stormwater BMP Training
The Office of Hydraulic Engineering has 10 seats left for this Stormwater BMP Training. We are
opening these 10 spots to ODOT design consultants. Since there are so few spots, please do
not RSVP if you do not currently work on the design of post construction BMPs on ODOT
projects. We are also limiting this to one person per consulting firm. Please RSVP to Becky
Humphreys at if you would like to commit to attending this
training. First-come, first-served.
Date: Friday, December 12, 2014
Time: 8:00-4:30
Where: ODOT Central Office Auditorium
Cost: No Cost
RSVP: Required for Attendance
Stormwater Training
Dr. Bill Hunt and Ryan Winston from North Carolina State University will provide one day of
training regarding stormwater practices appropriate to highway situations and conditions. It will
describe stormwater management strategies that attempt to prevent, reduce and treat the
impacts of changing land use on water quality as well as predictable adverse hydrologic and
hydraulic changes. Case studies will describe practices applicable to Ohio based on case
studies and experience in North Carolina’s transportation departments. An overview of the Low
impact development (LID) approach (mimic the characteristics of runoff before development) will
be given by as well as other practices descriptions, applicability, as well as design
characteristics. The intent is to provide potential new tools for providing post-construction
stormwater controls for Ohio practitioners. Ultimately this will result in improved planning and
design processes for Ohio highways as well as improve compliance with state and federal
stormwater permit requirements.
Dr. Hunt is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University's
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering department. Dr. Hunt holds degrees in
Civil Engineering (NCSU, B.S., 1994), Economics (NCSU, B.S., 1995), Biological & Agricultural
Engineering (NCSU, M.S., 1997) and Agricultural & Biological Engineering, (Penn State, Ph.D.,
2003) and is a registered PE in North Carolina. Since 2000, Hunt has assisted with the design,
installation, and/or monitoring of over 90 stormwater best management practices (BMPs),
including bioretention, stormwater wetlands, innovative wet ponds, green roofs, permeable
pavement, water harvesting/cistern systems and level spreaders. He teaches 20-25 short
courses and workshops each year on stormwater BMP design and function throughout NC and
the US. Hunt is an active member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological
Engineers (ASABE), serving as NC Section President and as Past-Chair of the National ASABE
Extension Committee. He is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
where he serves on the Urban Water Resources Research Council, the LID committee, and is
co-chair of the Bioretention Task Committee. He was chair of the 2nd National LID Conference
held in Wilmington, NC, in March 2007. Locally, he is a member of the Neuse Education Team,
NC Watershed Education Network and the NC Association of Extension Specialists.
Ryan Winston is an extension and research engineer in the Biological and Agricultural
Engineering Department at North Carolina State University. He works under Dr. Bill Hunt
studying the performance of innovative stormwater control measures. His primary research
focuses are the performance of permeable pavement, bioretention, and highway stormwater
practices in North Carolina and Ohio. He has designed, installed, and monitored BMPs in six
U.S. states.
8:00 Registration
8:30 Introduction and LID Overview (45 min)
9:15 Transportation Specific Case Studies (part I - 1 hr)
10:15-10:30 break
10:30 Transportation Specific Case Studies (part II - 30 min)
11:00 Bioretention (45 min)
11:45 lunch on your own (45 min)
12:30 Full Depth Permeable Pavement (30 min)
1:00 Permeable Friction Course (45 min)
1:45 Filter Strip Design and Performance (30 min)
2:15 - 2:30 break
2:30 Swale Performance including Implementation of Check Dams in Swales (1 hr)
3:30 Decision-making process - how to select the right post-construction controls for the site (45
4:15 - 4:30 Wrap-up and Questions
***This class will be limited to the first 40 people to RSVP. Please only rsvp if you are
committed to attending.***
11-17-14 Posting Date
Request for Letter of Interest
VAR-STW-P3 Advisory Services
PID No. 92818
On November 24, 2014, the Department will post a request for Letters of Interest for statewide
strategic and financial advisory services to the Division of Innovative Delivery on a task order
basis. A single team will be selected to provide these services. The services requested include:
1) Evaluation of potential public private partnerships, revenue generating projects or cost-saving
opportunities. 2) Preparation of financial analysis, studies of commercial viability and feasibility
of various projects, and strategic recommendations regarding revenue generating projects and
cost-saving opportunities. 3) Development of documents for use in requesting statements of
qualification, proposals or information from private sector partners. 4) Providing assistance to
the Department in evaluating submittals received in response to requests for qualification or
proposals received. 5) Providing strategic advice and assistance to the Department in
developing contract documents to implement P3 agreements, revenue generating projects or
cost-saving opportunities. 6) Market sounding for P3 Projects. 7) Other related services as
The maximum prime compensation will be $1,000,000.00 and the duration of the agreement will
be 24 months from date of authorization to proceed.
Selection Schedule
Official Notification on Website
Letters of Interest Due
The agreement will not include a Goal for DBE or EDGE participation.
10-27-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification Training – Soils and Aggregate Inspector
The NorthEast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) and the
Independent Laboratories Institute (ILI) have partnered to provide an ODOT accepted training
and certification program for Soils and Aggregate Inspectors. NETTCP is an FHWA recognized
agency currently providing transportation technician training and certification in seven
Northeastern states, and will conduct the actual training and testing activities. ILI is the
education and training foundation of the American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL),
and will provide course logistics and coordination.
Courses have been scheduled in the Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus areas during the first
several months of 2015 and additional courses will be scheduled based upon demand. Class
size is 14-20 candidates and the course includes 2 days of instruction in classroom and
laboratory followed by a half day exam with both written and performance tests. The course has
an approximate 75% historical pass rate. Fees are $635 for ACIL or NETTCP members and
$865 for non-members. Passing candidates will receive a five year NETTCP certification that
includes a photo ID.
Inspector certification is a prerequisite to becoming an ODOT Prequalified Soil And Aggregate
Inspector, which allows them to work as soil technicians on ODOT and federally funded LPA
projects. This certification is also available through accepted programs provided by the National
Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET).
Please contact Steve Bowser at for additional information or visit
the NETTCP website ( for information on the course schedule, course outline,
exam, etc. On the NETTCP home page click on “Certification Courses” and you will find the
“Soils and Aggregate Inspector Course”.
10-13-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification Change
Project Inspector (Structures) Category
The requirements for prequalification as a Project Inspector (Structures) have been revised to
accept ODOT HT Series training and certifications completed by former ODOT employees as
an alternate to the Department’s Advanced Structures Test, as follows:
Successful completion of the Department’s Advanced Structures Test.
Successful completion of all three of the following ODOT HT Series training and
certifications as a former ODOT employee:
a. HT.110 Basic Structures
b. HT.207 Advanced Structures
c. HT Construction Structures Certification Test
Complete information concerning the requirements to become prequalified is included in the
Department’s Consultant Prequalification Requirements and Procedures, updated October 13,
10-09-14 Posting Date
Consultant Fee Estimation Guidance
The Department’s Consultant Fee Estimation Guidance is now available on the Consultant
Services page of ODOT’s website under the Manuals & Contract Documents section, under
the Proposal Documents category. This document was developed in a joint effort between the
Department and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio (ACEC). Details of
the October 16, 2014 Webcast Presentation are included in the 9-15-14 announcement shown
below. This guidance will serve as a reference tool for ODOT Consultant Contract managers,
project managers (both ODOT and Consultant) and other staff involved in estimation and
negotiation of staff hours to effect a uniform and consistent process in Districts and Central
In this initial version of the Guidance, only Project Development Process activities are
addressed. In the future, additional work types including real estate acquisition, bridge
inspection and construction administration/inspection may be added.
10-06-14 Posting Date
Design-Build Program
The Office of Consultant Services website has been updated to provide information regarding
the Department’s Design-Build Program. A direct link to the Division of Construction
Management is now available under the “Design-Build Program” Heading.
09-22-14 Posting Date
We have been notified by consultants that the following message is popping after attempting to
save or submit under the Electronic Letter of Interest Submission system for the September
2014 Programmatic Selection Group:
Prime consultant does not meet the prequalification requirement for Cost Accounting
System – Unlimited.
The Department’s Division of Information Technology has identified the problem and a fix will be
deployed MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22nd at 1:00PM. We apologize for the inconvenience.
09-22-14 Posting Date
Ohio Department of Transportation
Consultant Fee Estimation Guide
Webcast Presentation October 16, 2014 10:00 am to 11:30 am
The October 16 webcast will be available at:
09-15-14 Posting Date
Ohio Department of Transportation
Consultant Fee Estimation Guide
Webcast Presentation October 16, 2014 10:00 am to 11:30 am
The negotiation of equitable fees was included as a discussion topic on the agenda of the May
2012 ODOT/ACEC Ohio Partnering Conference, which led to the initiation of a joint effort
between ODOT and ACEC Ohio to address the issue. The ODOT/ACEC Consultant Fee
Committee first met on February 27, 2013 and proceeded to develop Steering and Oversight
Committees, along with thirteen technical subcommittees. Myron Pakush, Deputy Director of
ODOT’s District 12 Office, served as Chairperson for the overall effort.
The initial effort to prepare comprehensive guidelines for estimation of fees is now complete.
The Guide will be implemented for use in negotiating fees for projects included in the
September 2014 Programmatic. An initial webcast presentation of the Guide will take place on
Thursday October 16, 2014 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am as part of the ACEC Transportation
Committee Meeting. The webcast will include an introduction of the Guide and presentations by
each subcommittee. Additional training webcasts are being scheduled for later in October.
A link to the October 16 webcast will be provided prior to that date.
The October 16 webcast will be available at:
09-15-14 Posting Date
Construction Inspection and Administration
New Scope of Services Document and Consultant Prequalification Implementation
Implementation for Local Public Agency Projects
The Department has now implemented a new scope of services document for use on Local
Public Agency (LPA) projects. This Scope of Services document is based on incorporation of
the Department’s Construction Administration Manual of Procedures, and recently implemented
prequalification categories for Construction Inspection and Administration services. The new
Scope can be edited for use on projects that include either construction contract administration
or inspection, or both. The document includes instructions for editing to suit specific situations,
and a listing of the approximate number of personnel required for the various
inspection/construction engineer categories. This scope of services document must be used on
all Federal-aid projects that utilize consultant inspection and/or administration. The new
document can be found on the Consultant Services page of ODOT’s website under the heading
“Local Government Project Notifications”, at the following address:
For detailed definitions and requirements for the various prequalification categories, refer to the
Department’s “Consultant Prequalification Requirements and Procedures”, located under the
heading Prequalification Information on the Consultant Services page of the Department’s
website, address as follows:
The sample project announcements available on the Consultant Services page of ODOT’s
website have been updated to include the new categories.
09-11-14 Posting Date
Programmatic Selection Group No. 09-08-14
VAR-D09 Cons Insp/Cons Admin LPA Proj, PID No. 97351:
After re-assessing the needs of the District, the above referenced project has been
removed from September 2014 programmatic selection group.
08-25-14 Posting Date
Updates to Consultant Prequalification Manual
The Department's Consultant Prequalification Requirements and Procedures has been updated
effective this date as follows:
Section 1.08
For clarification of the name listed on the W-9, we have added
language for the certificate issued by the Ohio Secretary of State for
non-engineering firms:
The name listed in the W-9 must be the same as that listed on the
Certification of Authorization issued by the State Board of Registration
for Engineers and Surveyors, or State Board of Landscape Architect
Examiners for Landscape Architecture firms, or the certificate issued
by the Ohio Secretary of State indicating that your firm is authorized to
do business in Ohio.
Section 2.15(B)(2)(a)
The ODOT Load Rating with Hand Calculations Course is
no longer offered and has been eliminated as a
Section 2.53(B)(3)
The language “or Degrees
requirements” has been added.
Section 2.54(B)(4)
The following requirement has been added as an alternate
to NICET Highway Construction Level III with Structures
Work Elements:
Prequalified as a Construction Engineer Level 1 with six
months of experience in inspection of highway bridges and
other highway structures. The experience requirement may
be met concurrently with experience requirements for other
prequalification categories."
Section 3.01
The language has been corrected to state that financial
package must be submitted annually to the Office of
External Audits, no later than six (6) months after the
close of the Consultant’s fiscal year.
08-18-14 Posting Date
September 8, 2014 Programmatic Group
Tentative DBE and EDGE Goals
The projects listed for the 09-08-14 Programmatic Consultant Selection Group under the Future
Consultant Program heading (shown below on this page of the web site) include a tentative
listing of the projects assigned DBE and EDGE goals. Please note that this list is preliminary
and may change in the actual posting.
08-04-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification - Construction Inspection and Administration
September 2014 Programmatic Group
Procedures for Selection
Due to insufficient numbers of prequalified individuals, the Department has elected to delay
complete implementation of prequalification requirements for the September 2014
Programmatic Group. However, prequalification and partial completion of the requirements will
be used as “subfactors” in the selection process.
The Scope of Services for each Construction Inspection/Administration agreement will include a
listing of the approximate number of personnel required for the various inspection/construction
engineer categories, similar to the following:
ODOT Prequalification Category
Approximate Number
Project Inspector
Structures Inspector
Coatings Inspector
Traffic & Electrical Inspector
Soils & Aggregate Inspector
Construction Engineer Level 1
Construction Engineer Level 2
Non-Prequalified Personnel
Documentation Clerk
Other (Describe)
Approximate Number
Although not required, the Department will consider actual prequalification of individuals and
partial completion of the requirements in the selection rating. Submittal of resumes of proposed
staff members will be required.
If construction administration activities are included in the agreement (Construction Engineer
categories required), the prime consultant must have a current Certificate of Authorization from
the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors in accordance with
ORC 4733.16.
Please note that updated Scope of Services documents based on incorporation of the
Department’s Construction Administration Manual of Procedures will be used. Standard
documents have been developed for: 1) General Inspection Services; 2) General Administration
and Inspection Services; 3) Project Specific Administration and Inspection Services.
07-28-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification - Construction Inspection and Administration
Prequalification List Now Posted to Website
Please note that the Prequalification Information section of the Consultant Services page has
been updated to include a list of individuals currently prequalified in Construction
Inspection/Administration categories, and firms prequalified in the “Construction Management
Firm” category. Prequalified firms are listed with the “Prequalified Engineering Consultants” list.
These new prequalification categories will be used for selection in the September, 2014
Programmatic selection.
07-14-14 Posting Date
Consultant Evaluation System
Scoring System Changes 2014
Effective July 14, 2014, the change to a 1-10 rating scale for the Department’s Consultant
Evaluation System (CES) will be implemented, along with changes to login procedures for
ODOT users. All agreements that have a “Consultant Evaluation Complete” date prior to
07/14/14 will retain the existing 10-8-5-1 rating scale. Agreements that do not have a
“Consultant Evaluation Complete” date entered on the implementation date will use the new 110 rating scale.
A complete summary of the changes is available on the Consultant Services page of ODOT’s
website under the heading “CES Scoring Update 2014”, or the following address:
07-01-14 Posting Date
Request for Letter of Interest
HAM-Elmore to Central Parkway Connector
PID No. 98109
The Department is not in a position to request Letters of Interest at this time. The Official
Notification on the Website for this project is being delayed from 07-07-14. No new date has
been established.
06-30-14 Posting Date
Request for Letter of Interest
HAM-Elmore to Central Parkway Connector
PID No. 98109
On July 7, 2014, the Department will post a request for Letters of Interest for environmental
documentation and preparation of construction contract plans for a new urban collector from
Elmore Street to Central Parkway in the City of Cincinnati. The new bridge will span Spring
Grove Avenue, Mill Creek, active rail lines, and Interstate Route 75. The work will be a
continuation of the completed Conceptual Alternative Study and Bridge Type Study previously
completed. These documents can be viewed at the following location:
Following is a tentative schedule of the consultant selection activities:
Official Notification on Website
Letters of Interest Due
Scope of Services Meeting
Authorize Consultant
The agreement will include a DBE Goal of 10%.
06-30-14 Posting Date
Revised Rates for Calculation of Net Fee
The revised average overhead rate for net fee calculation will be 152.06%, with a separate rate
of 167.44% for geotechnical work. These rates were calculated based on a weighted average
with the weighting based on funds encumbered from FY 2010 through FY 2014 (as of 03-3114). Sixty (60) firms were included in calculations for the overall rate, and ten (10) firms were
included in the geotechnical rate.
The revised rates will apply to proposals for agreements and modifications received in
Consultant Services on or after July 7, 2014, and similarly for task order proposals (for
existing agreements) received in District or other offices.
The revised average overhead rates are permanently posted under the heading General
Information. Questions should be directed to Dan Krajcovic, Mat Mauger, Jim Prosch, or John
Ray in the Office of Consultant Services.
06-30-14 Posting Date
Office of Materials Management Training Sessions
The Office of Materials Management is pleased to announce the following sessions of the Work
Type 57 Concrete Sealer Training:
August 21, 2014; October 24, 2014; November 21, 2014; February 19, 2015
For each course date, there are two options for participating: (1) by attending in-person at the
ODOT Office of Materials Management facility in Columbus, or (2) by attending a live Webcast
of the training at the ODOT District 7 Office (Sidney), District 8 Office (Lebanon), or District 12
Office (Garfield Heights).
LTAP is managing the registration process for these sessions. Details and registration
information are available online at:
06-30-14 Posting Date
Notice from the Division of Construction Management
and the Office of Consultant Services
Re: Opportunity for Training for SiteManager Usage
SiteManager Training for External Consultants:
Regional training in SiteManager data entry and SiteManager usage is being offered by
ODOT’s Division of Construction Management and Office of Consultant Services.
SiteManager is the ODOT database platform used to manage daily project reporting,
contractor payment determination, and material control for an ODOT construction project.
SiteManager data entry will be a requirement for the Consultants who will be performing
construction project management duties for the Department.
This training is being provided so attendees will gain a basic understanding of the
SiteManager application and documentation requirements for utilizing SiteManager. This
training is not providing inspection methodology, nor is this training a prerequisite
to become prequalified. It is being offered in response to recent inquiries on training
opportunities of SiteManager usage. Topics covered will be entry of daily work reports
(DWR), entry of materials, estimate generation, change order processing, and reports.
The cost for attendance is $150 / per attendee for the 6hr training. Payments can be mailed
via check or made in cash to the ODOT front counter (1980 West Broad Street, Columbus
OH – Contracts). User guides will be provided for the training. Checks should be made
payable to Treasurer, State of Ohio. Mailed to Ohio Department of Transportation, 1980
West Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43223 – Mail Stop #4110. Please include the purpose of
the payment if mailed.
Interested parties should contact Janet Treadway, SiteManager Administrator at 614-4667514 or to register for session(s). You will need to have the
following information ready to register; name and email of person attending and session
location / time.
Please note we will have a 20 person limit per session and will be on a first come, first
serve basis. Please register at least 3 days in advance of training.
Preliminary Dates and Locations:
Thursday, July 31, 2014
ODOT District 6
400 East William Street
Delaware, Ohio 43015
8:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday, August 7, 2014
ODOT District 8
505 South State Route 741
Lebanon, Ohio 45036
8:00am – 3:00pm
Thursday, August 14, 2014
ODOT District 4
2088 South Arlington Road
Akron, Ohio 44306
8:00am – 3:00pm
Thursday, August 28, 2014
ODOT District 2
317 East Poe Rd.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
8:00am – 3:00pm
These locations and proposed dates may be revised upon reviewing interested responses.
P. Brad Jones, P.E.
Deputy Director, Division of Construction Management
06-16-14 Posting Date
Prequalification Training List
The Office of Consultant Services has posted to the website a comprehensive list of
prequalification training information including links to outside sources as defined by the current
prequalification categories, under the "Prequalification Information" heading.
06-16-14 Posting Date
Consultant Evaluation System
Scoring System Changes 2014
The Office of Consultant Services has posted to the website a copy of the Powerpoint
Presentation and Video of the June 11, 2014 Implementation Meeting, under the CES Scoring
Update 12014 heading.
06-09-14 Posting Date
Construction Testing Dates
Dates for Flexible Pavement Test, Advanced Structures Test, Certification for Compaction
Test and additional sign-up information is available at the following site:
06-02-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification - Construction Inspection and Administration
NICET Central Office Test Location
Test Date:
Saturday August 23, 2014
Room GA
Time: Candidates must report by 7:00 AM
Exam start time:
8:00 AM
Additional details concerning registration for the NICET testing opportunity in ODOT Central
Office (1980 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223) are now available as follows.
The test location is listed as a “Public Site” on the NICET website, test center code: OH904.
Additional testing information is also included. To apply for testing, applicants must register for
online access and create an account with NICET. Instructions are provided below. Use the
following link to register:
If the candidate has never tested before, register as New to NICET and follow the
prompts to continue through the process.
If the candidate has tested before, register as an Existing Customer. Provide:
o Last name
o SSN(without spaces) and/or Gov’t ID (without spaces)
o Primary zip code (home or business) as included in the current NICET database
Once this process is completed, NICET will send an email with a temporary password.
Log back in using the NICET ID Number and temporary password, then hit Log In.
After accepting the Agreement, the system will direct applicants to a new screen:
On the left hand side near the bottom of the screen, look for the Exam Application link
and click on it.
Navigate through the system, make test selections, and complete the registration by
paying with a credit card. NICET accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American
Express credit cards.
Once the exam application and payment is received, candidates will receive their test
confirmation notices the next day via email.
05-26-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification - Construction Inspection and Administration
NICET Webinar and Central Office Test Location
In order to provide information and assistance to those individuals interested in becoming
prequalified in categories that require National Institute for Certification in Engineering
Technologies (NICET) certification, NICET will host a webinar, and provide a testing opportunity
in ODOT’s Central Office, scheduled as follows:
June 26, 2014
10:00 am
Please use the following link to sign up for the webinar:
Registration is required. Instructions for accessing the
webinar will be provided to registrants.
Saturday August 23, 2014
Test opportunity in ODOT Central Office Room GA
Up to 34 work elements may be selected. Additional details
and registration instructions will be provided in the near
05-12-14 Posting Date
Consultant Evaluation System
Scoring System Changes 2014
In response to a certain level of dissatisfaction with the current 10-8-5-1 rating scale used in the
Department’s Consultant Evaluation System (CES), a change to a 1-10 rating scale is now
ready to be implemented, along with changes to login procedures for ODOT users. The new 110 rating scale will be implemented by setting a fixed implementation date in the CES system.
All agreements that have a “Consultant Evaluation Complete” date prior to the implementation
date will retain the existing 10-8-5-1 rating scale. Agreements that do not have a “Consultant
Evaluation Complete” date entered on the implementation date will use the new 1-10 rating
scale. A meeting to explain the new system and implementation plan will be held on June 11,
2014 as noted below.
A complete summary of the changes is available on the Consultant Services page of ODOT’s
website under the heading “CES Scoring Update 2014”, or the following address:
Announce CES Changes and Distribute Summary
Implementation Meeting and Webcast
ODOT Central Office Auditorium
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Webcast Link:
E-mail Address for Questions:
(For those not in direct attendance, send questions to this address
during the webcast)
Last day for ODOT staff to Complete Ratings in Current 10-8-5-1
Implementation Date
05-05-14 Posting Date
District 3 Planning & Engineering Administrator
District 3 would like to announce the appointment of Robert A. Hochevar as the new Planning &
Engineering Administrator. Bob’s career has encompassed over 31 years in the transportation
industry. He has held various positions in the industry at the global, regional and local levels.
Bob holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (1982) from the University of Akron and a
Master of Science in Engineering (1987) from Youngstown State University. Bob is a licensed
Professional Engineer in the states of Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina and Virginia. Bob and his
wife, Cathy, reside in Fairlawn and have three adult children. Please welcome Bob to District 3!
05-05-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification Change
Project Inspector Category
The requirements for prequalification as a Project Inspector have been revised to temporarily
include previous employment as an ODOT HT3, HT4 or TM3 with five construction seasons (of
8 months per season) of construction project technical experience as a substitute for an
Associate Degree or NICET certification.
After November 15, 2016 this temporary provision will be eliminated and individuals
prequalified under it will be required to meet the requirement for an Associate Degree or NICET
Complete information concerning the requirements to become prequalified is included in the
Department’s Consultant Prequalification Requirements and Procedures, updated May 5, 2014.
A simplified prequalification request for Project Inspector has been added under the
Prequalification heading of the Consultant Services page of ODOT’s website:
The new Construction Inspection categories will be used for selection beginning in September,
Additionally, the requirements for Project Inspector Section 2.53 (B)(2)(b) have been corrected
to read Flexible Pavement Test.
04-28-14 Posting Date
Office of Estimating
The Department will upgrade to Estimator 2.12a-1 on May 1, 2014. The sales department for
the program vendor will contact consulting firms regarding rollout of this upgrade.
04-21-14 Posting Date
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System Workshop - May 5th
In order to provide more information on innovative bridge replacement techniques the Ohio
LTAP Center in coordination with ODOT's Office of Local Programs and the Federal Highway
Administration are pleased to present this half day seminar on "Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil
Integrated Bridge Systems". Registration is available for in-person or webinar attendance.
Instead of conventional bridge support technology, Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS)
Integrated Bridge System (IBS) technology uses alternating layers of compacted granular fill
material and geosynthetic reinforcement to provide support for the bridge. GRS provides a
smooth transition from the bridge onto the roadway, and alleviates the "bump at the bridge"
problem caused by uneven settlement between the bridge and approaching roadway.
Please complete the form at the link below to register for the upcoming training event. Space is
limited, so register today!
04-21-14 Posting Date
Upcoming Training Sessions
June 3-5 – NHI-Culvert Inspection
This NHI 3-day intermediate level Culvert Design course provides participants with an in-depth,
hands-on understanding of how to hydraulically size and design a highway culvert.
June 10-12 – NHI-Urban Drainage
This NHI 3-day course provides a detailed introduction to urban roadway drainage design.
Detailed course information and registration forms are available on the ODOT LTAP website:
04-14-14 Posting Date
Prequalification of Subconsultants
The Department has recently noted instances in which a non-prequalified geotechnical drilling
firm (Geotechnical Field Exploration Services) was added to a project and performed services
without the knowledge of the Department. Section 2.31 of the Specifications for Consulting
Services (Delegation of Services) requires that subconsultants be prequalified, and any change
or addition of subconsultants to a project must be approved in writing by the Department.
04-14-14 Posting Date
AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures Meeting
The 2014 AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (SCOBS) annual meeting is being
held in Columbus, Ohio. The meeting is from June 22 through June 26, 2014 and will be at the
Hyatt Regency downtown Columbus. This is the first time that Ohio is hosting the SCOBS
annual meeting. Registration is now open. Early bird registration ends May 1, 2014. Below is
the link for all the meeting information, including registration. We hope to see you there.
04-07-14 Posting Date
May 12, 2014 Programmatic Group
Tentative DBE and EDGE Goals
The projects listed for the 05-12-14 Programmatic Consultant Selection Group under the Future
Consultant Program heading (shown below on this page of the web site) include a tentative
listing of the projects assigned DBE and EDGE goals. Please note that this list is preliminary
and may change in the actual posting.
03-10-14 Posting Date
New SMS Launch Date
Structure Management System (SMS) stakeholders:
After discussions with the developers and ODOT staff, ODOT has made the decision to launch
the new SMS in production mode “GO LIVE” the week of May 12, 2014.
The current Bridge Management System (BMS) will be switched to ‘read-only’ mode on April 3,
2014. Therefore data in the BMS will not get updated after switching to read-only mode. Any
unapproved inspection reports or changes to inspection or inventory data must be submitted or
made prior to April 2, 2014 in the current BMS or wait until after the new SMS goes live.
SMS Training:
 The Office of Structural Engineering will continue to provide open labs and will make
video tutorials available.
 Manuals, in development, will be imbedded into the SMS.
 Future Bridge Inspection Training, also in development, will incorporate changes
associated with SMS and Element Level Inspections.
For further information regarding the SMS transition, logging into the test-site, software &
hardware requirements, URL of SMS in production mode and any future announcements,
please refer to the following web page:
I want to thank all those that helped in the design, development, and testing of the new SMS
system. This truly has been a team effort. Thank you for your patience during the development
Tim Keller
Office of Structural Engineering
03-03-14 Posting Date
ODOT Research Projects
Response Due Date: 03-31-14
On behalf of Ohio’s Research Initiative for Locals (ORIL), the Ohio DOT’s Research Section is
currently accepting proposals for the following projects:
2015-ORIL1: Evaluation and Design of a MASH TL-3 Bridge Guardrail System
Mounted to Steel Fascia Beams
2015-ORIL3: Investigation of In-Situ Strength of Various Construction/Widening
Methods Utilized on Local Roads
2015-ORIL4: Analysis of Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) in Mix Design on Local Roadways
in Ohio
2015-ORIL5: Assessment of IRP Truck Registration for Ohio Counties
2015-ORIL6: Protocols for Alternate Load Paths Within Non-Redundant Steel
2015-ORIL7: Stormwater Best Management Practices for Local Roadways
Individual RFPs and submission instructions are available at the following link:
Please note that the proposal formatting requirements and submission instructions for ORIL
projects are somewhat different from ODOT’s guidelines, so please review them carefully to
ensure you are responding correctly. Noncompliance with formatting and submission guidelines
is cause for rejection of a proposal. Submissions must be received by 3:00PM(ET) on the
response due date listed above in order to be considered. Absolutely no extension will be
granted to this deadline.
All questions should be directed to or 614-387-2710. Clarifications will
be posted to the ORIL RFP site as they become available. The ORIL research program is open
to the entire transportation research community, including consultants and public and private
universities. ORIL does not prequalify researchers and accepts submissions from out-of-state
organizations. The ORIL Board and the ODOT Research Section reserves the right to reject
any and all proposals.
We thank you for your interest in transportation research in Ohio and look forward to receiving
your submission.
02-10-14 Posting Date
January 13, 2014 Programmatic
Projects to be Re-Posted for Letters of Interest
Due to the reasons cited below, a new request for letters of interest will be posted for the
following projects:
VAR-D02-General Eng Servs No. 2014-3
The selection subfactors have been revised
to place more importance on local
relations/communications, and a provision
for short interviews with shortlisted firms has
been added
No Letters of Interest were received. The
prequalification requirement for Complex
Roadway Design has been reduced to NonComplex
The request for Letters of Interest will be posted 02/10/14, with responses due 02/24/14.
01-27-14 Posting Date
CUY-Innerbelt CCG3 Consultant Selection
PID No. 82380
Tentative DBE Goal
CUY-Innerbelt CCG3 under the Future Consultant Program heading for February 10, 2014,
(shown below on this page of the web site) includes a tentative assigned DBE goal. Please
note that goal is preliminary and may change in the actual posting.
01-20-14 Posting Date
Consultant Prequalification Requirements and Procedures – 2014
Updated Manual
The Department’s prequalification manual has been updated and re-issued to reflect additional
prequalification categories and other miscellaneous changes. A summary of the revisions
Description of Change
Actions Required for Currently
Prequalified Firms
Language has been added to clarify that cost
accounting information must be submitted on
an annual basis.
Language and requirements concerning
Homeland Security/DMA forms has been
deleted. Language has been added to require
that certifications and/or training approvals be
currently in force at the time of prequalification
For bridge inspection, the category names
have been revised to: Level 1 Bridge
Inspection; Level 2 Bridge Inspection;
Underwater Dive Bridge Inspection.
The language has been updated to reflect
more specific references to National and State
standards, training courses and certifications.
prequalification now require successful
completion of an ODOT approved bridge
2.15(B)(2) inspection refresher training every 5-years (in
2.16(B)(2) the event the Comprehensive course was
2.17(B)(2) attended more than five years previous).
AASHTO Test Designation T 87 has been
revised to R 58
ASTM D7012 Compressive Strength of Rock
Core Specimens, Method C has been added
as a laboratory test requirement
applications for projects resulting in a formally
approved Section 404 Individual Permit from
the USACE and a Section 401 Water Quality
Certification from Ohio EPA has been reduced
from three (3) to two (2).
In section B.1. the term “ODOT’s procedures”
has been changed to “ODOT’s Real Estate
Manual, 5100 Section”.
In the definition of Value Analysis, the upper
limit for fair market value has been revised
from $5,000 to $10,000.
A requirement has been added to complete
ODOT Appraisal 105 - Appraisal Review Introductory Course.
“As a real estate appraiser” has been added to
section B.2. to clarify the licensure
In section B. the term “ODOT policy” has been
replaced with “Real Estate Manual sections”.
Section B.1. has been revised to require
experience on both residential and nonresidential parcels.
Section B.2. has been revised to require
experience on both residential and nonresidential parcels.
Eight new prequalification categories have
been added in Construction Inspection and
2.53 thru
A paragraph has been added to further
completion of the refresher
training with the next scheduled
Prequalification Renewal Request.
Submit the AMRL certification for
ASTM D7012 with the first
Renewal submittal after the firm’s
next scheduled AMRL review.
complete ODOT Appraisal 105 by
July 1, 2016
The new categories become
September, 2014. Prequalification
requests may be submitted at this
including prequalification.
References to “Limited” and “Not Applicable”
have been deleted.
All registration requirements for professional
engineers and surveyors have been clarified
to require registration with the Ohio State
Board of Registration for Professional
Engineers and Surveyors.
Key staff not registered in Ohio
must complete Ohio registration
by December 31, 2014.
01-13-14 Posting Date
New Course Dates for ODOT Soil and Rock Classification
Based on the high level of interest indicated for this topic, two additional course dates have
been added for the 1-day ODOT Soil and Rock Classification course:
March 6 and March 7, 2014
ODOT Office of Materials Management (Test Lab)
1600 W. Broad St. (43223)
A copy of the updated training announcement is available online at:
Please Note: If you were unable to enroll in the earlier course dates (February 20 and March 4,
which quickly filled to capacity) and were placed on a wait list, you will need to submit a new
registration using this updated form if you would like to enroll for the March 6 or March 7
Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis while seats are still available.
After these March sessions, this course will probably not be available again until the second half
of 2014 (tentatively September or October).
01-13-14 Posting Date
Notice of Soils And Aggregate Inspectors Certification Programs
The Department has added the NorthEast Transportation Technician Certification Program’s
(NETTCP) Soils And Aggregate Inspector Certification to be an acceptable credential for
nuclear density gauge operators (Supplement 1121). This certification is an alternative to the
currently accepted
certifications provided by the National Institute for Certification in
Engineering Technologies (NICET). Certification is a prerequisite to becoming an ODOT
Prequalified Soil And Aggregate Inspector which allows them to work as soils technicians on
ODOT and federally funded LPA projects.
The NETTCP and the Independent Laboratories Institute (ILI) have partnered to provide an
ODOT accepted training and certification program for Soils and Aggregate Inspectors. NETTCP
is an FHWA recognized agency currently providing transportation technician training and
certification in seven Northeastern states, and will conduct the actual training and testing
activities in Ohio. ILI is the education and training foundation of the American Council of
Independent Laboratories (ACIL), and will provide course logistics and coordination.
Courses are planned in the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo areas during the first
several months of 2014 and will be scheduled based upon response to this announcement. The
course includes 2 days of instruction followed by a half day exam with both written and
performance tests, and has an approximate 75% historical pass rate. Fees are $635 for ACIL
members and $865 for non-members. A host laboratory is needed for the performance exam,
which will receive one courtesy registration for their assistance. Passing candidates will receive
a five year certification that includes a photo ID.
Please contact Steve Bowser at for details or to provide an
estimated number of registrants for each location. Courses will be scheduled after receipt of a
minimum 8 candidate commitments per location. Information on the course (outline, exam, etc.)
can be found on the NETTCP website ( . On the home page click on
“Certification Courses” and you will find the “Soils and Aggregate Inspector Course”.
01-13-14 Posting Date
Request for Proposals
Office of Statewide Planning & Research
Response Due Date:
The Research Section at the Ohio Department of Transportation is now accepting proposals for
the following studies:
Solicitation #
Project Title
Evaluation and Analysis of Liquid Deicers for Winter Maintenance
Effectiveness of Wildlife Mitigation Treatments on the Nelsonville Bypass
Performance Comparison of Structural Steel Coating Systems
Evaluation of Cost Effective Protective Coatings for ODOT Snow & Ice
Performance Comparison of Abutment and Retaining Wall Drainage Systems
Forensic Study of Early Failures with Unbonded Concrete Overlays
Tack Coat Performance and Materials Study
Airborne Sensors for Transportation: Incident Management, Infrastructure
Assessment and Inventory
Bridge Trough Maintenance Evaluation on Finger Joint Bridges
Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Improved Internal Curing to
Reduce Cracking
Earthen Berm Noise Reduction Analysis
Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC)
Geotechnical Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC)
Please read the requirements of each proposal section thoroughly. Changes have been made
to our Proposal Formatting and Submission Guidelines. Highlighted changes include:
Each attachments in your submission is limited to 20 MB.
Required use of our modified Budget Form is to be completed and submitted in Excel
format (separate from the proposal), and should also be referenced in the proposal as
an Appendix.
The submission process has changed. The proposal and budget form will be submitted
using Adobe Forms. You will complete general information on the form, then attach the
proposal and budget form. After you click submit, you will receive a confirmation email.
Noncompliance with the formatting and submission guidelines is cause for rejection of a
submission. ODOT reserves the right to reject any and all submissions. Submissions must be
received by 3:00 PM (ET) on March 7, 2014 in order to be considered. Absolutely no
extensions will be granted to this deadline. Please make your submission in plenty of time to
allow for servers to process your email. Additional information concerning submission
requirements is available on the above listed site.
All questions concerning the solicitation should be directed to Research at 614-644-8135 or Clarifications will be posted to the Research RFP site as they
become available, so please check back to this site for updates. Please feel free to forward this
message to your colleagues.
To view the RFPs and obtain information on submission requirements:
01-06-13 Posting Date
AASHTO Audit Guide Courses
AASHTO Audit Guide courses are being held in Columbus for "Development of A/E Consultant
Indirect Cost Rates" and "Auditing and Oversight of A/E Consultant Indirect Cost Rates".
Additional information is available at the following website, subheading Current Training Course
Flyers and On-line Enrollment:
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End of ODOT Web Page Announcements