2015 Newcastle Regional Show th 6 – 8th March DAIRY GOAT SCHEDULE Entries Close 4 pm – Friday 27th Feb 2015 For Penning Allocations Newcastle Regional Show DAIRY GOATS 6th – 8th March 2015 WELCOME We look forward to your participation and wish you well with your exhibits HOW TO ENTER You can enter any competition in the Newcastle Regional Show by simply undertaking the following: Check the Schedule – they usually do change every year so it is very important that you read it thoroughly, including the conditions or regulations, making note of the relevant information, for example: Closing date for entries into each section may vary Inclusion of a stamped addressed envelope, if required Inclusion of Veterinary Certificates, if required Forward your entry form together with the appropriate entry fee to: Newcastle A.H. & I. Association PO Box 53 BROADMEADOW NSW 2292 or hand deliver to: Newcastle Show Office Inside Curley Road gate BROADMEADOW General Information Entries must be set out on the appropriate entry form and accompanied by the entry fee No refund of entry fees will be made Judging All decisions of the judge/s will be final All exhibitors are requested to refrain from conversing with the judge/s during judging unless asked to do so. The use of mobile phones or electronic equipment is NOT permitted during judging of each class. Entry to the Showground Exhibitors wishing to enter the showground during the running of the Show will pay normal gate prices unless otherwise specified in this Schedule, or if the exhibitor is a member of the Association Vehicular access is permitted in the lead-up and following the Show via Australia Road Gate ONLY, for the delivery and collection of your exhibit. Vehicular access is permitted for animal exhibitors only during the Show Membership of the Association Membership subscription for 2013 is $25.00 (Junior membership is $20.00) and members may in turn purchase additional tickets for guests at $15 and children at $10 each, which allows them unlimited entry. Membership closes st on 31 January, 2015 so please contact the Show Office to apply. To Contact the Show Office Write: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Box 53 Broadmeadow 2292 02 4961 2085 02 4961 6552 admin@newcastleshow.com.au www.newcastleshow.com.au ENTRY FEE: $2.00 per animal per class except group classes which are $2.00 per group. Entries close: 27th February 2015 to allow for penning allocation JUDGING - 9.30 am on Sunday – 8th March 2015 DAIRY GOATS TO BE ON THE GROUNDS BY 8.30 AM LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THE DAY UP UNTIL 9.00 AM However a late Entry Fee of $3.00 per entry will apply. ALL CLASSES MAY BE DIVIDED AT THE JUDGE’S DISCRETION Please Note: All Dairy Goat exhibitors will enter by the gate on Australia Road. Judge: Chief Steward: Ring Steward: Book Steward: tba Brett Gleeson TBA Mallory Gleeson All enquiries regarding the schedule, please contact Brett Gleeson on 0408781232 or email b.gleeson@bigpond.com. RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Classes may be divided at the discretion of the Chief Steward in consultation with Judge. All animals to be judged under DGSA By-Laws and the Newcastle A H & I Association Rules and Regulations, as well as being registered with appropriate bodies. All micro-chipped animals must be identified. Owner to provide scanner. All entries received by the closing date will be allocated pens. Five or more animals entered and pre-paid by one exhibitor by the closing date, will be allocated 1 free gate pass. A SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE MUST BE FORWARDED WITH ENTRIES. Any person with four or less animals will pay normal gate entry fee. Dustcoats or clothing carrying insignias or markings that may identify the exhibitor will not be worn by attendants parading exhibits before a judge. No stud signs permitted to be displayed prior to the start of or during judging. Exhibitors are requested to refrain from conversing with the judge during judging, unless asked to do so. All stock must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor, except in specified group classes. Goats entered in any group or progeny class or special class must be entered in the respective age class. All goats attending this Show must be negative for C.A.E.V. and Johne’s Disease, display no symptoms of Mycoplasmosis, Mastitis, Caseous Lymphadenitis, and no obvious signs of external or internal parasites. Johne’s Disease: No goats may be exhibited at Newcastle Regional Show unless from a stud /property for which a Goat Show Health Declaration has been submitted to the Secretary. See declaration in this Schedule. C.A.E. Regulations: Separate pens will be provided for C.A.E. free animals, on production of a current vet. certificate (certificates not to be more than 6 months old) as proof. Please state on entry form if separate pens are required. Footrot Regulations: Any animals coming from the quarantined areas of the State must produce proof of disease free flocks and all entry forms must be signed by the exhibitor. Also see Goat Show Declaration PRIZE MONEYS FIRST: $10 SECOND: $5 st nd rd RIBBONS: These will be awarded for 1 , 2 and 3 in each class. Special Award Ribbons will also be awarded where stated. SPECIAL PRIZES: Will be awarded where marked PRODUCT PRIZES: ALL PRODUCT PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO WINNERS ON THE DAY. TUFFROCK PTY LTD of KURRI KURRI, have donated 10 x $20 vouchers, value $200 KIRKWOOD PRODUCE COMPANY PTY LTD of RUTHERFORD, have donated 4 x $25 gift vouchers, valued at $100 NORCO RURAL HUNTER of MOTTO FARM, have donated 2 x $25 Vouchers, valued at $50 WADWELL GRAIN & STOCKFEED of WOODBERRY, have donated 6 x 25kg bags of grain ALEX BERRY has donated $70 in prize money ****************************************** Our thanks to the following for their donations to the Dairy Goat Section: Tuffrock Pty Ltd of Kurri Kurri Wadwell Grain & Stockfeed Kirkwood Produce Company Pty Ltd of Rutherford Norco Rural Hunter of Motto Farm Alex Berry DAIRY GOAT CLASSES 1 BEST PREPARED AND PRESENTED GOAT AND HANDLER: Goat must be entered in any of the following classes. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SAANEN DOE IN MILK, any age. TOGGENBURG DOE IN MILK, any age. BRITISH ALPINE DOE IN MILK, any age. ANGLO NUBIAN DOE IN MILK, any age. AUSTRALIAN MELAAN DOE IN MILK, any age AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE IN MILK, any age. DRY DOE, ADB, any age, must have kidded within the past 2 years. 9 TYPE AND PRODUCTION. To be judged for Type only, out of 100 points. Doe must have competed in an official 24 hr Milk Production Test anywhere in Australia within the last 2 years. Test points to be clearly stated on entry form and presented to the Book Steward prior to the commencement of judging. BEST UDDERED DOE IN MILK. 1st Lactation. (Does must have been entered in Classes 2 – 7). BEST UDDERED DOE IN MILK. 2nd and Subsequent Lactation. (Does must have been entered in Classes 2 – 7). SENIOR DOES 10 11 BEST UDDERED DOE OVERALL: Ribbon SENIOR CHAMPION DAIRY DOE: Ribbon RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR DAIRY DOE: Ribbon All milking Does to be milked out. JUNIOR HANDLERS Classes 12 & 13 (No entry fee, no prize money) 12 13 CHILD HANDLER, under 10 years. JUNIOR HANDLER, 10 years to 16 years. WINNERS OF CLASSES 12 & 13 JUNIOR HANDLERS: Trophies and Ribbons DOE KIDS Please state age in months, if there are sufficient entries, class will be split 14 15 16 17 18 19 SAANEN DOE KID, under 12 months. TOGGENBURG DOE KID, under 12 months. BRITISH ALPINE DOE KID, under 12 months. ANGLO NUBIAN DOE KID, under 12 months AUSTRALIAN MELAAN DOE KID, under 12 months. AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE KID, under 12 months CHAMPION DOE KID: Prize and Ribbon JUNIOR DOES 20 21 22 23 24 25 SAANEN MAIDEN GOATLING, 12 months & under 24 months. TOGGENBURG MAIDEN GOATLING, 12 months & under 24 months. BRITISH ALPINE MAIDEN GOATLING, 12 months & under 24 months. ANGLO NUBIAN MAIDEN GOATLING, 12 months & under 24 months. AUSTRALIAN MELAAN MAIDEN GOATLING, 12 months & under 24 months. AUSTRALIAN BROWN MAIDEN GOATLING, 12 months & under 24 months. JUNIOR CHAMPION DOE: Ribbon GRAND CHAMPION DAIRY DOE: Prize and Ribbon. (Selected from Senior Champion Doe, Champion Doe Kid and Junior Champion Doe) BUCKS 26 27 28 BUCK, ADB, under 12 month BUCK, ADB, 12 months to 24 months BUCK, ADB, over 24 Months GRAND CHAMPION DAIRY BUCK: Prize and Ribbon. BEST EXHIBIT: Trophy and Ribbon provided and presented by Newcastle A H & I Association BEST OF BREED BEST OF BREED SAANEN: Ribbon BEST OF BREED BRITISH ALPINE: Ribbon BEST OF BREED TOGGENBURG: Ribbon BEST OF BREED ANGLO NUBIAN: Ribbon BEST OF BREED AUSTRALIAN MELAAN: Ribbon BEST OF BREED AUSTRALIAN BROWN: Ribbon A PRESENTATION OF PRIZES AND TROPHIES WILL TAKE PLACE SHORTLY AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF JUDGING. Office use only 2015 NEWCASTLE A H & I ASSOCIATION INC. DAIRY GOAT EXHIBITORS ENTRY FORM Receipt No: ** Exhibitors are requested to answer all questions contained on this form - Please return WAIVER form with this entry** Class No. Name of Exhibit Breed Tattoo Or Chip No Date of Birth Name of Sire Entry Fee Name of Dam TOTAL Rules and Regulations: NAME OF EXHIBITOR: ___________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: 1. 2. Regulations as for Newcastle AH & I Association, DGSA By-Laws. This form should be completely filled out and sent prior to closing date to assist with penning. Entry fee must accompany entry form. Please read schedule for full rules and regulations. Separate pens will be provided for C.A.E.free animals on production of a Vet. certificate. Please state at bottom of this form if required. Footrot regulations: any animals coming from quarantined areas of the State must provide proof of disease-free flocks. 3. 4. 5. 6. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ PHONE: ______________________ Date:__________________ Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I wish to apply for separate pens ....................... (Please tick) GST STATUS - I verify that I enter on the following basis: Does your stud have MN accreditation status? □ Yes / □ No Reason for separate pens ............................................................................................ A Recreational basis In the course of my Business and my ABN number is ................................................ AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES COUNCIL OF NSW INC. Parental Indemnity and Waiver RISK WARNING The Agricultural Societies Council of New South Wales advises that the participation, including passive participation, in events or activities at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. The risks involved may result in property damage and/or personal injury including death. 1. I, the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that participation, including passive participation, in events and activities at this, or at any show contains an element of risk of injury. 2. I. the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that the risk warning at the top of this form constitutes a ‘risk warning’ for the purpose of Division 5 of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW). 3. I understand that by participating in this show,…………………………………….(name of minor) may become exposed to the risk of injury, and I consent to the participation. 4. I, the undersigned assert that the above named minor voluntarily consents to participation in this Show. 5. I, the undersigned acknowledge the risk referred to above and agree to waive any and all rights that I, the above named minor, or any other person, may have against the Newcastle Regional Show in relation to any loss or injury (including death) that is suffered by the above named minor as a result of participation in this Show. 6. The undersigned must continually indemnify the Newcastle Regional Show on a full indemnity basis against any claim or proceeding that is made, threatened or commenced, and any liability, loss, including consequential loss, and loss of profits, damage or expense (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) that the Newcastle Regional Show incurs or suffers, as a direct or indirect result of the above named minor’s participation in any event held by the Newcastle Regional Show. I have read this form and acknowledge and agree with its contents, I have made any further enquiries which I feel are necessary or desirable and fully understand the risks involved in this activity I, ……………………………………………… of ………………..……………………..………………………… ………………………………………………am the parent/guardian of ……….……..………………………… Name: .......................................................................................................................................... Address: ............................................................................................ Postcode: ........................ Signature: ..................................................................................................................................... Date: ............................................................................................................................................ Signed for and on behalf of The Newcastle Regional Show. Name: ......................................................................................................................................... Signature: ..................................................................................................................................... Date: ........................................................................................................................................... pto AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES COUNCIL OF NSW INC. Indemnity and Waiver RISK WARNING The Agricultural Societies Council of New South Wales advises that the participation, including passive participation, in events or activities at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. The risks involved may result in property damage and/or personal injury including death. 1. I, the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that participation, including passive participation, in events and activities at this, or at any show contains an element of risk of injury and I agree that I undertake any such risk voluntarily of my own free will and at my own risk. 2. I. the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that the risk warning at the top of this form constitutes a ‘risk warning’ for the purpose of Division 5 of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW). 3. I the undersigned acknowledge the risk referred to above and agree to waive any and all rights that I, or any other person claiming through me, may have against the Newcastle Regional Show in relation to any loss or injury (including death) that is suffered by me as a result of my participation in this Show. 4. The undersigned must continually indemnify the Newcastle Regional Show on a full indemnity basis against any claim or proceeding that is made, threatened or commenced, and any liability, loss, (including consequential loss, and loss of profits), damage or expense (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) that the Newcastle Regional Show incurs or suffers, as a direct or indirect result of the undersigned’s participation in any event held by the Newcastle Regional Show. I have read this form and acknowledge and agree with its contents, I have made any further enquiries which I feel are necessary or desirable and fully understand the risks involved in this activity Name: .......................................................................................................................................... Address: ............................................................................................ Postcode: ........................ Signature: ..................................................................................................................................... Date: ............................................................................................................................................ Signed for and on behalf of The Newcastle Regional Show. Name: ......................................................................................................................................... Signature: ..................................................................................................................................... Date: ........................................................................................................................................... PTO
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