EXHIBITOR MANUAL Dear Exhibitor, On behalf of the European Association of Urology, I am very pleased to present you with the Exhibitor Manual for the upcoming 30th Anniversary EAU Congress in Madrid. Comprehensive additional information on key dates, contacts, EAU exhibition rules and regulations and EAU services is also provided. For technical orders and various additional facilities and services you may need to set up your exhibit, please refer to the the online platform of IFEMA. I urge you to take particular note of all applicable deadlines and due dates; meeting these dates will avoid unnecessary expenses. Please share this information with any staff in your company and/or third parties involved in the EAU Madrid 2015 exhibition. We kindly request you to observe the rules and regulations of the EAU and of the IFEMA and look forward to a successful EAU congress and exhibition! We have made every effort to ensure that the Exhibitor Manual is comprehensive and easy to use but if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. With kindest regards, Henriet Wieringa Exhibition Manager P.S. Please note that the congress days are 20-24 March 2015; the exhibition will be open Saturday 21 through Monday 23 March only! CONTENTS 1. KEY DATES AND DEADLINES 2. CONTACT PERSONS EAU AND PROVIDERS 3. GENERAL INFORMATION EAU CONGRESS / EXHIBITION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Exhibition location Emergency telephone number Scientific programme Exhibitors entitlements, including publication in the Exhibition Guide EAU Opening Ceremony 4. EAU RULES AND REGULATIONS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Regulation compliance Publicity rules Enforcement of rules and regulations EAU rules with respect to non-official meetings on 18 - 25 March 2015 Advertising Exhibits Visitors Security Rental of meeting rooms Hospitality suites Rental of storage rooms Housing Catering on the stand Floral services WiFi Smoking policy 5. REGISTRATION / BADGES 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Exhibitor badges Free full registrations Exhibitor registration rules Congress registration Labour badges 6. BOOTH CONSTRUCTION RULES AND REGULATIONS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 Booth construction and dismantling times Bare floor space Booth floor plan for approval Separation wall Sides 70% open and transparency 50% Maximum building height / Rigging / Double-storey stands Rules for pillars inside stands Meeting rooms on the stand Non-occupation of aisles Prohibitions in IFEMA Feria de Madrid IFEMA construction rules & regulations 6.11.1 6.11.2 6.11.3 6.11.4 6.11.5 6.11.6 6.11.7 6.11.8 6.12 6.12.1 6.12.2 6.12.3 6.12.4 6.12.5 Ramp Stand safety Utilities provided through utility ducts/channels Water and drainage. Compressed air Regulations for installing air conditioning equipment Regulations for gas installations and other elements using fuels Regulations for installing Wi-Fi Removal of waste and assembly and display materials IFEMA regulations for carrying out electrical installations General items Events of all kinds Electricity supply Electricity connection Electrical distribution of installations and/or stands a.- Protection measures for guaranteeing safety b.- Electrical cables c.- Bases and sockets d.- Motors e.- Lighting f.- Ground connections 6.12.6 Installation of illuminated signs 6.12.7 Regulations for using the installation 6.12.8 Emergency signs and lighting 6.13 Extended building times 6.14 Exhibitor Services Centre IFEMA 6.15 Labour badges 6.16 Alcohol and drugs 7. IFEMA: CHARGES, ORDERING AND RULES & REGULATIONS 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Compulsory charges Set-up charge Minimum Electrical Consumption Ordering of booth equipment and services from IFEMA IFEMA payment terms and conditions for Exhibitor Services Exhibitor Services Centre IFEMA Rules and Regulation Manuals and Forms IFEMA 8. TRANSPORTATION / FREIGHT 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Official freight forwarder On-site Fairexx desk and office Unloading/reloading timeslot required Access time for vehicles for dismantling Courier shipments Parking 9. EAU ORDER FORMS 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Order Form Labour Badges Order Form Insert in congress bags Order Form Delegates list Order Form Barcode scanner Exhibition Guide – Advertising opportunities 1. KEY DATES AND DEADLINES 15 January, 2015 Deadline for submission stand design plans. By mail or by email to: Congress Consultants BV, Attn. Ms. Henriet Wieringa, P.O. Box 30016, 6803 AA Arnhem, The Netherlands E-mail: h.wieringa@congressconsultants.com 10 February, 2015 Deadline for submitting a Product Description or Company Outline (on-line) that will be published free-of-charge in the Exhibition Guide. Each exhibitor will receive an email with their sign-in details and instructions on where and how to enter the profile. 13 February, 2015 Deadline for ordering Pre-registered delegates list 16 February, 2015 Deadline for artwork Advertisement in Exhibition Guide 20 February, 2015 Deadline for ordering Insert in Congress bags 23 February, 2015 Deadline for ordering Exhibitor badges 26 February, 2015 Deadline for ordering Barcode scanners 3 March, 2015 Deadline for ordering booth equipment and services with IFEMA against the normal rate. Orders received later are subject to a 25% surcharge. 3 March, 2015 Deadline for ordering Labour badges 6 March, 2015 Deadline for Timeslot request form unloading/reloading 18-20 March, 2015 Wednesday 18 March Thursday 19 March Friday 20 March CONSTRUCTION OF STANDS 08.30-21.30 (not for exhibitors that ordered a shell scheme) 08.30-21.30 08.30-24.00 21-23 March, 2015 EXHIBITION OPENING HOURS Delegates Exhibitors Saturday 21 March 09.15-18.15 08.00-18.45 Sunday 22 March 09.15-18:15 08.00-18.45 Monday 23 March 09.15-18:15 08.00-24.00 The exhibition will close Monday 23 March at 18.15 h. 23-24 March, 2015 Monday 23 March Tuesday 24 March DISMANTLING OF STANDS 18.15-24.00 (access vehicles < 3,5 ton as of 21.00 hrs!) (access vehicles > 3,5 ton as of 22.00 hrs!) 08.30-21.30 2. CONTACT PERSONS EAU AND PROVIDERS ORGANISER EAU 2015 – CONGRESS CONSULTANTS B.V. Tel. Fax E-mail Website CONTACT PERSONS : +31 26 389 1751 : +31 26 389 1752 : info@congressconsultants.com : www.eaumadrid2015.org EXHIBITION Ms. Henriet Wieringa Tel. : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : h.wieringa@congressconsultants.com EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION Tel. Fax E-mail : +31 26 389 1751 : +31 26 389 1752 : exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com SPONSORING (ADVERTISEMENTS, BAG INSERTS, ETC.) Mrs. Lisette Schreuder Tel. : +31 26 389 0680 Fax : +31 26 389 0674 E-mail : l.schreuder@uroweb.org DELEGATES LIST Mr. Ton Brouwers Tel. : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com MEETING ROOM Ms. Emma van Os Tel. : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : e.vanos@congressconsultants.com HOSPITALITY SUITE Mrs. Lisette Schreuder Tel. : +31 26 389 0680 Fax : +31 26 389 0674 E-mail : l.schreuder@uroweb.org BARCODE SCANNER Mr. Ton Brouwers Tel. : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com INDUSTRY SESSIONS Ms. Karina van Lenthe Tel. : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : k.vanlenthe@congressconsultants.com HOUSING – K.I.T. GROUP GMBH Ms. Merryn Scholz Tel. : +49 30 24 60 34 00 Fax : +49 30 24 60 32 00 E-mail : eau2015hotels@kit-group.org LOGISTICS - FAIREXX LOGISTICS FOR EXHIBITIONS BV Mr. Paul van Zijl Tel. : +31 251 25 00 60 Fax : +31 251 25 00 65 E-mail : info@fairexx.nl SECURITAS Mr. Eduardo Bejarano Vigara E-mail : eduardo.bejarano@securitas.es CONTACT PERSONS IFEMA EXHIBITOR SERVICES (SHELL SCHEME / ELECTRICITY / FURNITURE/ HOSTESS, ETC) *For ordering and payment: Exhibitor Services Servifema Tel. : +34 91 722 3000 E-mail : servifema@ifema.es *For technical questions related to IFEMA Services: Technical Secretariat Tel. : +34 91 722 3000 E-mail : stecnica@ifema.es SITE INSPECTIONS Ms. Ana Carrazon E-mail : acarrazon@ifema.es EXHIBITION VENUE IFEMA FERIA DE MADRID Avda. del Partenón 5 28042 Madrid Spain Website : www.ifema.es 3. GENERAL INFORMATION EAU CONGRESS / EXHIBITION 3.1 Exhibition location The exhibition accompanying the 30th Annual EAU Congress will be held in Hall 9 of IFEMA. 3.2 Emergency telephone number In case of an emergency, please call +34 91 722 5400 so that all necessary measures can be taken immediately. 3.3 Scientific programme The 30th Anniversary EAU Congress will contain an innovative and exciting scientific programme encompassing all aspects of urology. Leading opinion leaders from all over the world will be invited to participate in the extensive programme which will include: Urology beyond Europe day Abstract Sessions Plenary Sessions Thematic Sessions Industry Sessions EAU Section Meetings Special Sessions ESU Courses Hands-on-training Sessions Residents day 16th International EAUN Meeting 3.4 Exhibitors entitlements, including publication in the Exhibition Guide Exhibitors are entitled to: • Attend the technical exhibition • Attend the Industry Sessions • Distribute press material at their own press conferences, at the Press Centre and at the booth • Company name and profile description in the Exhibition Guide* for all congress delegates *Each exhibiting company can submit on-line a Product Description and/or Company Outline that will be published free-of-charge in the Exhibition Guide in which all exhibitors will be listed together. The Exhibition Guide will be inserted in the Saturday edition of the Congress newsletter. The Exhibition Guide will also be available at the Congress website. Each exhibitor will receive an email with their sign-in details and instructions on where and how to enter the profile. The deadline for submitting the profile is 10 February 2015. 3.5 EAU Opening Ceremony Join us at the eURO Auditorium for the Opening Ceremony to celebrate the launch of the 30th Anniversary EAU Congress. Day Opening Ceremony : Friday, 20 March 2015 : 18.00 – 19.30 hrs. eURO Auditorium 4. EAU RULES AND REGULATIONS 4.1 4.2 Regulation compliance The exhibitors agree to observe all regulations and requirements stipulated in this document and shall not construe them as merely administrative. The exhibitors agree to observe all regulations and requirements stipulated by IFEMA. The EAU trusts that all companies, next to the EAU regulations, commit to the regulations of the EFPIA and the existing local and national Spanish regulations and The Code of Good Practice of Farmaindustria (Spanish Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies). This is of importance to the EAU in order not to harm the EAU event and activities. The information contained in this manual can be subject to change. The exhibition manager and the authorities of the conference centre shall exercise full power in the duties vested to their rank to find the means necessary in order to enforce the present regulations to their full extent. The exhibitors accept to comply with all regulations thereof and any new provision and/or amendment that may be brought due to the circumstances at that time, and adopted as being in the best interest of the event pursuant to which the organisers reserve the right to convey new information even verbally. Any infraction of customary and statutory regulations, instructions or government decrees and/or amendments enacted or referred to, may result in the immediate eviction of the offending exhibiting person or company by decision of the organisers, without prior notice and without prejudice to any compensation that could be claimed as a result against the offender in repair for damage and signed payment default or injury from which the event could suffer. The aforementioned shall apply in particular in the event of insurance default, non-conformity to the general instructions, failure to comply with safety regulations, non-occupancy of the booth, absence of the reservation form duly completed and signed, payment default. Disputes arising in connection with the present clauses shall be settled in any court having jurisdiction over the organisers’ head office. The text in the Spanish language shall be deemed authentic and shall sole be taken into consideration. Publicity rules Only the congress organisation has the right to distribute promotional and/or press material at the congress centre and exhibition area. The exhibitor is only entitled to distribute promotional material at his own booth. The exhibitor is only entitled to distribute press material at his own press conferences, at the Press Centre and at the booth, which may not contain ideological or political subject matters. It is not allowed to violate official instructions and directions, particularly those of the fire department. Interviewing is prohibited in the exhibition area without written permission of the EAU. Acoustic presentations are allowed only if they are arranged in such a way that other exhibitors are not disturbed by them and visitors in the hall aisles are not hindered in any way. No live scientific presentations are allowed on the booth without written permission of the EAU. For optical and acoustic demonstrations, only approved safety materials may be used. 4.3 The use of monitors or monitor walls at the booth is permitted as long as the distance to the aisles is at least one meter. In case a video is shown at the booth, the content should be known to the congress organisation. In case musical presentations or other sound or visual playback equipment are used, the exhibitor is responsible for acquiring the performing rights (copyright) and has to apply for the corresponding permit in due time before the congress starts. Failing to do this, the exhibitor must anticipate claims. In no case, claims can be enforced against the congress organisation. Those interfering with the flow of visitors, especially those which cause congestion at the hall aisles, are detrimental to the running of the event. Enforcement of rules and regulations Should, through a legal decision by a Spanish court (judgement, etc.) an exhibitor have been prohibited from offering services or from making advertising presentations of the same and should the exhibitor refuse to comply with the legal decision and to cease offering the products and services or making an advertising presentation on his exhibition booth, the congress organisation can exclude the exhibitor from the current event, as long as the legal decision has not been set aside in a subsequent decision by a court of appeal. In this case the booth rent will not be refunded, either fully or partially. The congress organisation is not obliged to check the correctness of the legal decision. If the legal decision is set aside, later, by a court of appeal, the exhibitor has no right to claim damages when he is excluded on the basis of the earlier legal decision. The same applies if the exhibitor continuously breaches the regulations of the congress exhibition show or if there are reasons that justify the termination of the booth rental contract without notice. 4.4 EAU rules with respect to non-official meetings on 18-25 March 2015 *During the period 18 – 25 March 2015 inclusive, it is strictly forbidden to hold any other (scientific) meetings, symposia, workshops or hands-on training sessions involving more than 5 congress delegates, either within the congress venue or at other location(s) in the city of Madrid or surrounding areas (500 km). It is also forbidden to organise repeat meetings involving less than 5 congress delegates. The EAU Congress Office should be informed of any meeting(s) involving more than 5 congress delegates during the days mentioned above. *Any formal presentations occurring at hospitality events will be regarded as scientific meetings. *Hospitality events may only be organised outside the official congress hours and not during the official social events. Violation of the above mentioned rules will have consequences for participation in the official exhibition or sponsored session programme. *The EAU trusts that all companies, next to the EAU regulations, commit to the regulations of the EFPIA and the existing local and national Spanish regulations and The Code of Good Practice of Farmaindustria (Spanish Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies). This is of importance to the EAU in order not to harm the EAU event and activities. The information contained in this manual can be subject to change. *Exceptions to the above rules are at the discretion of the EAU, please contact Mr. Peter Hazenberg, p.hazenberg@uroweb.org if you require further information. 4.5 Advertising The inside area of the booth may be used by the exhibitor for advertising purposes, although only in respect of the exhibits displayed by him. The congress organisation may issue regulations relating to the design of the outer booth areas taking to account of the overall effect to be given by the exhibition. Publicity measures may neither be implemented outside of the boundary of the booth nor on or in front of the fair ground; subject to this condition is also the use of persons for publicity purposes, as well as the distribution of any kind of advertising material, for example leaflets, posters, stickers etc. in the gangways of the exhibition hall, on the exhibition ground or in the direct vicinity of the exhibition ground. It is equally prohibited to carry out surveys, tests, competitions, raffles or contests outside of the booth. 4.6 Exhibits During the event, booths must be furnished with the exhibits which have been registered and accepted for display. Within this period of time, exhibits may not be removed or exchanged for other types of exhibits. During the hours of opening, articles may not be concealed. 4.7 Visitors Only registered visitors will be allowed to the exhibition area. The congress organisation is entitled to carry out appropriate checks at the entrance and to refuse entry to visitors without the appropriate badge. 4.8 Security Please note that the congress organisers provide hall security, no stand security! Exhibitors are advised to observe the following recommendations: Do not leave the booth unattended during exhibition hours. Protect all exhibits if they cannot be securely locked away at the end of each day. Valuables should be secured away in a safe area. The organiser nor the congress centre can be held liable for any thefts, loss or damages incurred on articles left on site during day or night. You can hire stand security with the company Securitas: Contact person : Mr. Eduardo Bejarano Vigara E-mail : eduardo.bejarano@securitas.es 4.9 Rental of meeting rooms We will rent out meeting rooms to exhibitors. Please contact Mrs. Tessa Vreeman for more information: Tel : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : t.vreeman@congressconsultants.com 4.10 Hospitality suites We will rent out hospitality suites to exhibitors. Please contact Mrs. Lisette Schreuder to discuss this option: Tel. : +31 26 389 1751 Fax : +31 26 389 1752 E-mail : l.schreuder@uroweb.org 4.11 Rental of storage rooms On request storage rooms will be constructed in the back of Hall 9. You can order a storage room via the online platform of IFEMA. 4.12 Housing The EAU has appointed as official housing bureau K.I.T. GmbH. Contact person : Ms. Merryn Scholz Tel : +49 30 24 60 34 00 E-mail : eau2015hotels@kit-group.org Click here to access the on-line booking system. 4.13 Catering on the stand Exhibitors are allowed to bring their own food and/or drinks. It is allowed to serve alcohol on the stand. Exhibitors are not allowed to sell food or beverages. You are advised to arrange catering via Eurest. If you use another caterer, you must fill in the form entitled “Catering in stand Communication” available on the IFEMA website, www.ifema.es – Convention and Congress Centre – Rules of Participation – Forms, and submit it to: catering@ifema.es. If applicable, a copy of the form must also be submitted to the Barajas District Department of Health Services, Quality and Consumption. Eurest: Contact person : Ms. Loreto Sanchez Tel : +34 91722 5214 (office) / +34 6969 60677 (cell) E-mail : pedidostand@eurest.es 4.14 Floral Services You can order flowers and plants via the company Decoraplant. They have a store onsite as well. Email : decoraplant@decoraplant.es 4.15 WiFi The EAU offers free WiFi during congress days in the IFEMA except for the Exhibition Hall. 4.16 Smoking policy Smoking is prohibited inside the congress centre and the exhibition hall. 5. REGISTRATION / BADGES 5.1 Exhibitor badges Each exhibitor is entitled to a number of free exhibitor badges which are allocated according to the booth size. These badges can only be used by the employees of the exhibitor, and for persons acting on behalf of the exhibitor. These badges are to be carried by their users at all times in the congress venue. SQM BOOTH < 30 sqm 30 – 74 sqm 75 – 100 sqm > 100 sqm Number of free exhibitor badges 2 4 6 8 The Corporate Sponsors of the European Association of Urology will be given exhibitor badges free of charge without limitation. Organisers of Industry Sessions are entitled to 10 free exhibitor badges. The exhibitor badge gives entrance to the exhibition grounds as well as to all Industry Sessions. All additional exhibitor badges will be charged. 5.2 Insofar as additional exhibitor badges are required these may be ordered at Congress Consultants, against payment. They are only to be used by the staff of the exhibitor. The badges are not transferable. € 70,- (excl. VAT) will be charged for each additional exhibitor badge. All badges over the complimentary allotment must be paid for in advance. Additional badges will not be generated without advance payment. If misused, the badges will be confiscated with no right to take legal proceedings. The exhibitor badge(s) and the free full registration(s) have to be ordered on-line. By 3 January 2015 all exhibitors will receive a username and password in order to be able to enter the exhibitor registration section of the EAU website. The deadline for ordering exhibitor badges is 23 February, 2015. Free full registrations Exhibiting companies have the right to apply for free full registrations (just for company personnel) as stated below: Exhibiting Non-Corporate Sponsor companies < 75 sqm 1 Exhibiting Non-Corporate Sponsor companies > 75 sqm 2 Exhibiting EAU Gold Corporate Sponsors 3 Exhibiting EAU Platinum Corporate Sponsors 5 Only these free full registrations are valid as a delegate badge ánd as an exhibitor badge. These badges allow early entry into the exhibition hall, within the time schedule for exhibitors. The exhibitors with a free full registration will receive a congress bag. All congress badges over the complimentary allotment must be paid for, see § 5.4. Please note that normal congress badges do not allow entrance to the exhibition before/after the official opening hours, not even if the congress badge-holder is an employee of an exhibiting company!!! 5.3 5.4 Exhibitor registration rules No distributors, suppliers or models will be allowed admission to the exhibition hall unless an active exhibitor agrees to register them. In this case, badges will note only the name of that exhibiting company, not of the distributor/supplier. Placing business cards in or over the official badge will result in expulsion from the exhibition hall. Any distributor or supplier without proof of company affiliation will be directed to attendee registration and required to pay the non-member on-site registration fee. Physicians who wish to register as exhibitors must be full-time employees of the exhibiting company and have a company ID or a business card. Everyone needs a badge to enter the exhibition grounds No one under the age of 16 years will be allowed at the exhibition grounds. Congress registration Exhibitors who want to take part in the scientific congress programme should be registered as congress delegates. Please note that the normal congress badges do not entitle to enter the exhibition before the official opening hours, not even if the congress badge-holder is an employee of an exhibiting company!!! Please instruct your personnel that will pick up a normal congress badge and who needs to enter the exhibition before/after the official opening hours, to mention this at the Registration Desk. In that case the congress badge can be validated as an exhibitor badge as well. Congress registrations can be made on-line through the EAU Website. There you can also find the different fees. The on-line registration system will close on 2 March 2015. After this date registrations can be made on-site at the congress venue from 19-24 March 2015. 5.5 Labour badges Labour badges have to be requested in advance by means of the order form in chapter § 9.1 of this Manual. The labour badges have to be picked up in the Delivery area or at the Exhibitor Services Centre of IFEMA. Labour badges are not valid on exhibition days! Exhibitor badges allow access during the building-up days as well. 6. BOOTH CONSTRUCTION RULES AND REGULATIONS A detailed booth floor plan must be sent by mail/email for approval to Congress Consultants and to IFEMA no later than 15 January 2015, see § 6.3. 6.1 Booth construction and dismantling times The construction and fitting out of the booth must have been completed and the exhibition hall cleared of persons and goods not exhibited at the booth, at the latest by 24.00 hours on Friday 20 March, 2015. The dismantling of the complete booth equipment and installation, including the exhibitors’ own booth structures and fittings, may not start before 18.15 hours at Monday 23 March and must have been completed and the exhibition hall cleared at the latest by 21.30 hours on Tuesday 24 March, 2015. The booth area must be cleared and handed over to the responsible hall inspector. In case of disobedience, the additional cost will be charged to the exhibitor for removal. The times for exhibition, move in and move out are as follows: 18-20 March, 2015 Wednesday 18 March Thursday 19 March Friday 20 March CONSTRUCTION OF STANDS 08.30-21.30 (not for exhibitors that ordered a shell scheme) 08.30-21.30 08.30-24.00 21-23 March, 2015 EXHIBITION OPENING HOURS Delegates Exhibitors Saturday 21 March 09.15-18.15 08.00-18.45 Sunday 22 March 09.15-18:15 08.00-18.45 Monday 23 March 09.15-18:15 08.00-24.00 The exhibition will close Monday 23 March at 18.15 h. 23-24 March, 2015 Monday 23 March Tuesday 24 March 6.2 DISMANTLING OF STANDS 18.15-24.00 (access vehicles < 3,5 ton as of 21.00 hrs!) (access vehicles > 3,5 ton as of 22.00 hrs!) 08.30-21.30 Bare floor space The booth will be hired out as “SPACE ONLY”, which means that the booth site will be rented out without any prefabricated walls, installations, furniture, electricity, carpet and furnishings, or any other technical supplies and facilities. The exhibitor shall personally take care of the set-up and installation of the booth (which means carpet, walls, if needed or prescribed, furniture, electricity, etc.). Especially for the EAU, a Shell scheme package will be offered for just € 40 per sqm (excl. VAT). You can also order special furniture packages. These can be ordered via the online platform of IFEMA. All other equipment and services like carpet, furniture, cleaning, hostesses, electricity, etc. can also be ordered via the online platform of IFEMA. The exhibitor or his booth constructor must inform themselves on site, prior to the start of planning work as to the technical factors on hand and must take precise measurements. No responsibility can be accepted for the correctness of such data. 6.3 Booth floor plan for approval Every exhibitor must submit as well * a Ground plan and elevation of the booth: * as a render: This information has to be sent by mail or email before 15 January 2015 to both: Congress Consultants B.V. Att. Ms. Henriet Wieringa P.O. Box 30016 6803 AA Arnhem The Netherlands E-mail: h.wieringa@congressconsultants.com and to: IFEMA / Technical Secretariat Tel.: + 34 91 722 30 00 E-mail: stecnica@ifema.es The drawings should clearly indicate the planned layout, equipment and furnishing of the stand, as well as the “transparency” concept. Also indicated must be the location of power outlets, electricity cables, water and compressed air connections as well as telephone and ventilation installations. A three-dimensional drawing or photograph of the model, a top and a side view drawing indicating the various heights and the open/transparent parts must be submitted. If special constructions are planned (information towers, moving parts, etc.), additional information will have to be submitted. All designs will be judged on transparency, size, location, volume and technical aspects. No approval from Congress Consultants ánd from IFEMA means no permission to construct the stand! Please note that if you construct a booth deviating from the approved design, you will have to tear it down and rebuild as approved. If time is too short to do so, a penalty will be stipulated, depending on the extend of the deviation. 6.4 Separation wall All peninsula, corner and in-line stands must be separated from the neighbouring stand(s) by means of a separation wall. This separation wall must be 2.5 metres high and finished on all sides (white on the back). Neighbours can agree upon a higher separation wall with a maximum of 3 m. (except the rows of small booths in the middle of the hall, so the booth numbers A50, A52, A54, A56, B80, B82, C69, C72, D69, D73, D86, D88, F87, F91, F93, F96, G79 and G88). The separation wall is considered as part of the stand design and should be indicated on the stand drawings. 6.5 Sides 70% open and transparency 50% Stands should be fully accessible on all “open” sides. This also applies to the open sides of peninsula, corner and in-line booths. At least 70% of the sides facing the isles must be open. In addition, booths should have “transparency” and the openness of sight lines around and through the design, so that the surrounding area can be viewed through the booth and that neighbouring booths are not inappropriately obstructed. From all sides, the view through the booth must be at least 50%. Please note that not just walls have to be calculated, but also all other items in the booth that obstruct the view through the booth, like graphic panels, etc. Walls of more than 4 m. high will always also be reviewed with respect to hindrance for neighbouring stands. 6.6 Maximum building height / Rigging / Double-storey stands ● The maximum building height in general is 6 m. Exceptions: 1. the back walls and the separation walls of the rows of small booths in the middle of the hall, so the booth numbers A50, A52, A54, A56, B80, B82, C69, C72, D69, D73, D86, D88, F87, F91, F93, F96, G79 and G88, must be 2,5 m. high. 2. the rows of booths against the walls left and right of the main entrance, so the booth numbers B02, B04, C01, C03, C02, D01, F01, G02, H01, H02, I01and I03: max. building height 4 m. 3. Separation walls must be 2.5 metres high. Neighbours can agree upon a higher separation wall with a maximum of 3 m. (except for the rows of booths mentioned above at point 1). ● In principle rigging is possible, with the exception of the rows of booths against the walls left and right of the main entrance, so the booth numbers B02, B04, C01, C03, C02, D01, F01, G02, H01, H02, I01and I03. Please check the rigging points on the floorplan to find out if rigging is possible above your booth.. Any rigging projects must comply with IFEMA’s Rigging Rules and Regulations and all Rigging projects have to pass an inspection process. All exhibitors with rigging should: 1. Read the IFEMA rigging regulation (see attached Manual with Regulations) 2. Submit their rigging project accompanied by the “Request for authorization to fit hanging structure/rigging” form to inspeccion.rigging@ifema.es Rigging services can be hired via the online platform of IFEMA. For more information, please contact: IFEMA / Technical Secretariat Tel.: + 34 91 722 30 00 Fax: + 34 91 722 51 27 E-mail: stecnica@ifema.es Please note that the maximum building height is including any suspension! Besides, suspended items are seen as part of the design and thus have to be approved as well by Congress Consultants. ● Double-storey stands will not be allowed. 6.7 Rules for pillars inside stands Nothing can be stuck onto or drilled into pillars and these cannot be painted. Exhibitors can build structures around pillars which can be painted or decorated. 6.8 Meeting rooms on the stand Completely walled meeting rooms on the stand will not be allowed. Meeting rooms on the stand can, if desired, be surrounded by a wall of max. 1.20 m. high. Above 1,20 m. height just transparent glass partitions will be allowed. 6.9 Non-occupation of aisles Aisles, as escape routes, must remain, at all times, passable, including during set-up and dismantling periods. All material must be kept within the limits of the assembly area or the stand, leaving aisles and other common areas completely free. The cleaning services of Feria de Madrid will remove any object deposited in these areas, with the exhibitor having no right to claim for damages. 6.10 Prohibitions in IFEMA Feria de Madrid In Feria de Madrid it is prohibited: a) To affect the facilities of Feria de Madrid, or any of its structural elements. b) To spray paint inside the Feria de Madrid onto objects of any kind. c) To deposit or display material that is dangerous, inflammable, explosive and dangerous to health, which gives off unpleasant smells and that could inconvenience other Exhibitors or visitors to the fair. d) To make holes in the flooring or stick fitted carpet or construction elements to it with rubber adhesive or similar products. Such elements must be fixed with two-sided adhesive tape, or stuck to the wooden flooring requested by the Exhibitor for such a purpose, or using any other means, provided it is independent of the flooring. Exhibitors will not be allowed to paint, fit rawlplugs or cable chases of any type. e) To perforate, fix with nails or drills or attach any kind of fixture to the walls of the facilities. Nor is it permitted to paint, fit wall plugs or cable chases of any type. f) To use balloons inflated with light gases as decoration for stands. They can be used, after consultation with IFEMA Fair Services Management, when they are attached to a structural element of the stand or filled with innocuous heavy gases which prevent them from rising. g) To assemble structures in the areas defined as aisles for the fair. h) To aim spotlights outside the stand. i) To use of the hall utility ducts to pass cables or any other type of installation, except for coaxial cables for TV reception. Authorisation for these must be requested with the “Authorisation Request for Antenna Cable Connections” form available on the IFEMA website www.ifema.es – Convention and Congress Centre – Rules of Participation – Forms and sent to stecnica@ifema.es. j) To install antennas in outdoor areas or on hall roofs. Should exhibitors need to install an element of this kind, they must seek the corresponding permission, undertaking, in writing, to dismantle the elements once the show is over. 6.11 IFEMA construction rules & regulations 6.11.1 Ramp Stands that are built on top of wooden flooring, when this has a height of more than 19 mm, must have at least one disabled access ramp that is at least 1.20 m wide. 6.11.2 Stand safety The structures of the stand, as well as any of the elements used in its decoration, must be sufficiently rigid and stable for them to not pose any risk to people or property. The subsection on stairs, handrails and protection in changes of height outlines, in accordance with existing regulations and, specifically, with the provisions set out in the Technical Building Code (CTE) and complying with the following criteria: The gaps between second floors or changes of level directly open to the outside, at a height from floor level of more than fifty (50) centimetres, and the ledges of the flooring will be protected by a protective covering or a rail of ninety-five (95) centimetres in height. Protected with the same criteria are the exterior perimeters of the cantilevers on second floors that can be accessed by people. Uneven surfaces greater or equal to fifty (50) centimetres must be indicated through tactile and visual differentiation. The tactile differentiation must be 25 cm. away from the edge of the uneven surface. The Exhibitor is responsible for the structural safety of the stand. 6.11.3 Utilities provided through utility ducts/channels IFEMA may use the service ducts/housing situated inside a stand in order to provide service to adjacent stands where necessary. For the correct installation of utilities, the plan must be sent with their preferred location at least 30 days before the start of assembly of the Fair. Should the plan not be sent, IFEMA will situate the services following its own criteria. in the event the Exhibitor wishes to change these criteria, IFEMA will not guarantee the provision of the service and, should it do so, it will bill the Exhibitor for the cancellation of this service or for the transfer rate, as appropriate, and for new services, all of which in accordance with the existing rates outlined in the Rate Sheet available on the IFEMA website www.ifema.es – Exhibitors – Rates. All services (telecommunications, compressed air, water and drainage, electricity, etc.), will be supplied inside the duct/housing at the closest point possible to that requested by the Exhibitor. In cases of installing wooden flooring or another type of elevated or technical flooring in the surface of the stand that conceals access to the service ducts/housing, a point of registration must be set up in the exact location of the supplies, so that they can be accessed should there be an issue with the connections. Connection to IFEMA’s network will always be carried out under the supervision of personnel from IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. 6.11.4 Water and drainage. Compressed air The general supply points for water, drainage and compressed air will be provided by IFEMA. Supply points of water and compressed air have a diameter of ½ inch, and drainage points have a diameter of 1 ½ inches, all of which have a female thread. The installation of any other element in the stand (washbasin, sink, connection, etc.) must be contracted independently. Connection to IFEMA’s network will always be carried out under the supervision of personnel from IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. In order to ensure the proper working order of the sanitary facilities, no more than two wastepipes may be installed per water source point contracted. 6.11.5 Regulations for installing air conditioning equipment Only air-conditioning systems whose condensation circuit is refrigerated by air can be used. It is not permitted to use systems that use water and other types of coolant in an open circuit for this purpose. It is also not permitted to use cooling systems that use water in a closed circuit and that do not meet the requirements set out for this kind of device in Royal Decree 865/2003, of 4 July. 6.11.6 Regulations for gas installations and other elements using fuels In the exhibition area, it is not permitted to emit vapours or gases that are inflammable, toxic or generally unpleasant, and which represent a danger to health and/or an inconvenience to the visiting public. Exhaust gases and vapours must be pumped outdoors from the exhibition areas through piping approved in accordance with existing regulations and after receiving authorisation for installation from IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. The only exceptions to the abovementioned requirement are devices that use gaseous fuels which are non-directed open-circuit run-off devices (type A devices), according to the provisions set out in Royal Decree 919/2006 of 28 July, approving the Technical Regulations on the Distribution and Use of Gaseous Fuels and their Complementary Instructions ICG 01 to IGC 11. 6.11.7 Regulations for installing Wi-Fi IFEMA offers Exhibitors the possibility of contracting a Wi-Fi network for accessing the INTERNET through an operator registered with the CMT (Telecommunications Market Commission) with the obligation to meet the obligations set out in existing legislation. Organisers, Exhibitors and visitors can access this Wi-Fi network through codes that are provided on a strictly confidential basis when contracting this service in the conditions set out in the IFEMA Services Catalogue. It is expressly forbidden for Organisers and Exhibitors to install Wi-Fi access points, whether for connecting to the INTERNET or for providing other functions. The aim of this measure is to prevent problems with interference, affecting points that the Organiser might install independently as well as IFEMA’s access points. Said interference could cause the existing Wi-Fi networks to not work properly. For fairs or events with a high profile of advanced users of telecommunications services who require special services not offered directly in the Services Catalogue, or if the services offered by IFEMA do not have the coverage and/or reach requested by an Exhibitor, fill in the “Authorisation Request for Wi-Fi Installations” form available on the IFEMA website www.ifema.es – Convention and Congress Centre – Rules of Participation – Forms and send it to the Technical and Maintenance Department- Telecommunications, telecomunicaciones@ifema.es, one month before the event date, where your needs will be analysed and the services authorised, if applicable, with the possibility that the installation may be offered by IFEMA. As the provider of these possible internet access services would not be one of the operators authorised by the Institution, IFEMA takes no responsibility for anomalies that might happen to Organisers or Exhibitors due to their use of these services. If the Organiser, exhibitors or suppliers install unauthorised Wi-Fi access points, IFEMA reserves the right to request the Organiser to tell its suppliers or exhibitors to switch off these access points. 6.11.8 Removal of waste and assembly and display materials Organisers of fairs and Exhibitors, in the case of their stands, as well as the companies contracted and/or subcontracted to assemble or dismantle stands, are obliged to assemble, dismantle and remove the assembly, decoration and exhibition materials used, in the periods of time allocated to do so. Should installations not be dismantled within the set time limit, the Organiser will pay IFEMA the cost of providing this service, in accordance with the budget provided by IFEMA for the work to be carried out. After the established times set for removing goods and decorative materials and for dismantling the installations used in the stands, all the materials remaining in the spaces ceded to the Organiser and occupied by Exhibitors, if any, will be considered waste materials and will be removed by IFEMA, the Organiser and Exhibitors, if any, forfeiting all rights to claim for damage or loss, and all costs relating to their removal being payable by the Organiser, which will be invoiced by IFEMA according to its Rate Sheet available on the IFEMA website www.ifema.es – Exhibitors – Rates for the total square metres awarded. 6.12 IFEMA regulations for carrying out electrical installations 6.12.1 General items All installation work will be carried out in accordance with the requirements demanded in the Low Voltage Electrical Regulations (Royal Decree 842/2002, of 2 August), Complementary Technical Instructions and any other internal provision set by the General Directorate of Industries, Energy and Mines of the Madrid Regional Government. All electrical installations carried out on the fair site must be submitted for approval by IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. For this purpose the Electrical Inspection Sheet, which can be obtained from the offices of the inspection company at the fair site, must be filled in and presented to the IFEMA Electrical Inspection Service . Three possibilities are envisaged, depending on the type of fair, the elements comprising the installation and the power requested. 6.12.2 Events of all kinds 1.- In this case, and as established in section 3 of the ITC-BT-04, if the events are of a temporary nature and will be held in open areas, the Design Specifications (MTD) must be presented, with the data specified in the ITC-BT-04 section 2.2., and in Order 9344/2003 of 1 October of the Regional Minister for the Economy and Technological Innovation, as long as the requested power is less than 50 kw. Before the installation starts up, the authorised installer must present the Installation Certificate and Design Specifications to an authorised Industrial Inspection and Monitoring body. Once the copies of the Installation Certificate have been processed, one of them must be given to the IFEMA Technical and Maintenance Department so that the definitive electricity supply can be provided for the installation. 2.- As in the above section, but if the power of the installation is 50 KW or over a plan for the installation must also be drawn up and signed by a qualified technician who will be directly responsible for its adherence to regulations. Before the installation starts up, the authorised installer must present the Installation Certificate, the corresponding plan and the documentation required by Order 9344/2003 of 1 October of the Regional Minister for the Economy and Technological Innovation, to an authorised Industrial Inspection and Monitoring body. Once the copies of the Installation Certificate have been processed, one of them must be given to the IFEMA Technical and Maintenance Department so that the definitive electricity supply can be provided for the installation. 6.12.3 Electricity supply All electrical energy powering the stands will be supplied by IFEMA, The characteristics of the supply are 400 V phase-to-phase and 230 V phase-to-phase and neutral. It is not IFEMA’s responsibility to provide supplies that could be required for direct current or for any other condition of stability and continuity different to that of the general supply, these being, in all cases, at the expense of the installer or the user of the stand and require prior authorisation from IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. IFEMA may, at its discretion, limit the power of the supply in situations where it may have a negative bearing on other users or for reasons of overload or the safety of its own lines and installations. The users of stands and facilities are obliged to keep a cos φ power factor of between 0.95 and 1. Electricity will be supplied to stands from 8:30 am to 9:30 pm. If an Exhibitor needs power outside this time frame, a request must be submitted in writing to the Fair Services Office – Technical Secretary, in addition to the form available on the IFEMA website www.ifema.es – Convention and Congress Centre – Rules of Participation – Forms – 24 Hours Electricity for stand form authorization. As power supply in the Fair Grounds is the responsibility of the electricity company providing the service, IFEMA takes no responsibility for anomalies that have nothing to do with the Institution, due both to the lack and quality of the service (frequency variations, voltage variations, transient responses, spikes, sags, short interruptions, micro-outages, harmonic flickers, etc.). 6.12.4 Electricity connection The electrical connection will be carried out by the installer of the stand, under the supervision of IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. It will be made from the distribution point that IFEMA states for best using the network, and will consist of a power socket manufactured by the company MARECHAL, with the following specifications: • Supply up to 32 A: “DS” type connectors 380/400 V-50 Hz 3P+N+T • Supply up to 63 A: “DS” type connectors 380/400 V-50 Hz 3P+N+T For consumption greater than 63 A, the board of the stand will be directly connected to IFEMA’s electrical supply. These outlets must be contained inside the distribution ducts/housings of the pavilions, accessible at all times in order to be able to solve possible issues. In the case of the North and South Conference Centres, the cables from the installer panel will be directly connected to the terminals distributed within these areas. 6.12.5 Electrical distribution of installations and/or stands a.- Protection measures for guaranteeing safety The installer will place an electrical board as close as possible to the supply entrance point, with at least: • A general all-pole circuit breaker (neutral breaker included) and gauge, according to the supply line. This circuit breaker can be 2 pole when their rating is not greater than 25A. • A residual-current device of 30 mA of sensitivity and with a rating not less than that of the general circuit breaker. Receiver devices with consumption greater than 16 A will be individually protected at the board. Electrical boards must have closed housing that cannot be opened apart from with the help of a tool or a key, with the exception of its manual starts. Should it be triggered from the inside, they must be protected against possible direct contact. The protection classes of the housings will be IP4X for interior and IP45 for exterior. They must be fixed to some structural element of the stand, and cannot be placed at ground level. The board and its features must be maintained in optimum condition. b.- Electrical cables For electrical installations in the installations and/or stands inside the halls, the cable used will be of a set minimum voltage of 300/500 V, in accordance with UNE 21027 or UNE 21031, suitable for mobile services, and channelled with tubing or channels, according to the provisions of the ITC-BT 20 and 21, and with protection class IP4X in accordance with UNE 20.324, or either a set tension of 450/750V with a polychloroprene or similar covering, in accordance with UNE 21.027 or UNE 21.150 and suitable for mobile services, or flexible cable of 450/750V (H07ZZ-F) in accordance with regulation UNE 21027-13. In these two last cases, it will not be necessary to install it inside tubing, although it won’t be accessible to the public. For outdoor installations that provide service to the stands or installations set up outside the halls, the cable will be of a set minimum voltage of 450/750 V with a polychloroprene or similar covering, in accordance with UNE 21.027 or UNE 21.150 and suitable for mobile services, channelled with tubing or channels, in accordance with the provisions of ITC 20 and 21 and with a IP4X protection class, in accordance with UNE 20324, or the cable can even have copper conductors, with a polychloroprene or similar covering and a set minimum voltage of 0.6/1 kV., suitable for mobile services, and not having to be installed inside tubing, although it will not be accessible by the public. The interior electrical installations of these stands will adhere to the previous point whenever it is not closed at all its parts. Seams and splices will be carried out with the use of terminals on the inside of the connection boxes. The flexible connections of the systems will be no longer that two metres, using the cable that is appropriate for the working conditions. All cabling which may be subjected to mechanical stress will be armoured or placed under a protection sheath. c.- Bases and sockets Bases for sockets must be high safety type and include grounding. Sockets installed in the ground will have adequate protection against water penetration and will have a IK10 anti-impact protection class. They must be installed at a distance over one metre away from any water access point. One single flex cable must be connected to the socket. Multi-way adapters cannot be used. Multiple bases must not be used, except for the mobile multiple bases which will be powered from a fixed base with a cable no longer than 2 m. d.- Motors All motors with a power rating over 0.75 kilowatts must be equipped with reduced intensity start-up systems, in accordance with the provisions set out in ITC-BT-47 of the current Low Voltage Electrical Regulations e.- Lighting Lamps located at least 2.5 m. from floor level or in places that can be accessed by people must be firmly fixed and placed in such a way that they pose no risk of danger to people or igniting materials. Any lighting system that reaches high temperatures must be sufficiently distanced from any inflammable material. f.- Ground connections Metal structures must be earthed. 6.12.6 Installation of illuminated signs The installation of lighted signs which require special voltage must be previously authorised by IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department and shall meet the following conditions: • Said signs must include individual magnetothermal protection for each raising transformer installed. • The signs, whose bottom part is at least 2.5 m from the ground, must be enclosed in housings of adequate dielectric quality. • Signs which are of a greater height must not have any uninsulated electrically charged part. • Lighted signs and installations powered with set output voltages (no load) of between 1 and 10 kilowatts will be subject to the provisions set out in regulation UNE-EN 50.107. 6.12.7 Regulations for using the installation No modification may be made to the electrical installation of the stand or installation once its connection to the network has been authorised, merely connecting receivers to the sockets or connection points allocated by the authorised installer for that purpose. Multi-way adapters cannot be used. Each one of the stand’s receivers will be individually and directly connected to the corresponding connection points installed beforehand by the installer for that purpose. Under no circumstances will it be allowed to recharge batteries or accumulators of any type inside the venue. Their inclusion at stands will only be allowed with prior knowledge and authorisation of IFEMA’s Technical Services and Maintenance Department. The Organiser, Exhibitor, their contractor and/or subcontractors will be responsible for the damages that could be caused due to modifications to or improper use of the electrical installation. 6.12.8 Emergency signs and lighting The buildings will have emergency lighting, which in the case of a failure in the normal lighting, will supply enough light for users to leave the building, to avoid panic and enable the signs to exits and protective or emergency equipment to be seen. 6.13 Extended building times The cost is 5.15 € per / m2 +21% VAT per hour until 24:00. After 24:00 exhibitors have to pay 10% of the rental of the entire hall so, 1800 € / per hour +21% VAT. Please contact IFEMA directly in order to arrange this. 6.14 Exhibitor Services Centre IFEMA To order any services onsite, follow-up on previous orders or any other issues regarding exhibitor services, exhibitors will find our Technical and Servifema staff at the IFEMA Exhibitor Care Desk conveniently located on the main Avenida, next to the entrance to Hall 8. The opening hours of the Services Centre are: Wednesday 18 March : 08.30-21.30 Thursday 19 March : 08.30-21.30 Friday 20 March : 08.30-21.30 Saturday 21 March : 08.30-21.30 Sunday 22 March : 08.30-21.30 Monday 23 March : 08.30-21.30 Tuesday 24 March : 08.30-21.30 6.15 Labour badges Labour badges have to be requested in advance by means of the order form in chapter § 9.1 of this Manual. The labour badges have to be picked up in the Delivery area or at the Exhibitor Services Centre of IFEMA. Labour badges are not valid on exhibition days! Exhibitor badges allow access during the building-up days as well. 6.16 Alcohol and drugs Drinking of alcohol onsite during the build-up and breakdown phase is forbidden. The taking of illegal drugs on site is strictly forbidden at all times. 7. IFEMA: CHARGES, ORDERING AND RULES®ULATIONS 7.1 Compulsory charges You will receive an invoice from IFEMA for 2 compulsory charges: 7.1.1 Set-up charge Each exhibitor must pay IFEMA, prior to the commencement of build-up, the setup charges corresponding to the different types of stands. 2015 Rates (excl. 21% VAT): * Set-up Charge B * Set-up Charge C Pop-up booths and shell schemes made of aluminium or similar materials This cost will be included in the shell schemes offered by IFEMA. Free Design Stand – Designed modular stands made of aluminium, stands made by carpenters and stands made from other material 4.02 € / m2 6.32 € / m2 If an exhibitor has not indicated which stand type will be applicable, the set-up charge C will be charged. 7.1.2 Minimum Electrical Consumption In addition each Exhibitor shall pay a minimum of electrical consumption according to the net surface of occupation of each stand at the rate of 130w/sq.m. The cost of this item for 2015 is: 7.2 3,492 €/m2 + 21% VAT Ordering of booth equipment and services from IFEMA You can order this online with the venue via the link: http://servisboutique.com/eau When you access for the first time, you need to create an account. Just fill in the information requested about your company and create your password (you will be able to change your data at “My Account”/”My Personal Info” anytime). For any questions please contact IFEMA directly: Exhibitor Services Servifema Tel. : +34 91 722 3000 E-mail : servifema@ifema.es 7.3 IFEMA payment terms and conditions for Exhibitor Services * 100% payment before start of setup * Services ordered in the 15 days prior to the setup or onsite will automatically have a 25% surcharge. * Services cancelled will have a 40% penalty. * Services that are requested in one location, or for which a location has not been specified and then need to be moved during setup, will suffer a 105€ penalty. PLEASE NOTE: Payment of all IFEMA services must be made before the start of setup or IFEMA will not allow the exhibitor and/or their standbuilder to access the venue until any debts are settled (onsite orders are logically resolved onsite). 7.4 Exhibitor Services Centre IFEMA To order any services onsite, follow-up on previous orders or any other issues regarding exhibitor services, exhibitors will find our Technical and Servifema staff at the IFEMA Exhibitor Care Desk conveniently located on the main Avenida, next to the entrance to Hall 8. The opening hours of the Services Centre are: Wednesday 18 March : 08.30-21.30 Thursday 19 March : 08.30-21.30 Friday 20 March : 08.30-21.30 Saturday 21 March : 08.30-21.30 Sunday 22 March : 08.30-21.30 Monday 23 March : 08.30-21.30 Tuesday 24 March : 08.30-21.30 7.5 Rules and Regulation Manuals and Forms IFEMA Please make sure to read and obey all IFEMA Rules and Regulations. They can be found on the EAU and the IFEMA website. On request they can be emailed as well (please send a request to h.wieringa@congressconsultants.com). 8. TRANSPORTATION / FREIGHT 8.1 Official freight forwarder The EAU appointed as official freight forwarder Fairexx Logistics for Exhibitions BV. All freight forwarders are allowed to transport and unload the booth material by taillift and manual palletjack into the exhibition grounds of IFEMA, but we strongly recommend Fairexx, since they are very experienced with exhibition logistics. On-site we will exclusively allow Fairexx to do the on-site handling with mechanical equipment, storage, etc. You can contact Fairexx Logistics for Exhibitions BV with respect to transportation, unloading, storage, customs, etc. and ask for an offer free of engagement: Contact : Mr. Paul van Zijl Tel : +31 251 25 00 60 Fax : +31 251 25 00 65 Email : info@fairexx.nl Website : www.fairexx.nl 8.2 On-site Fairexx desk and office To order any services onsite, exhibitors will find our desk also conveniently located at the IFEMA Exhibitors Care Office on the main Avenida, next to the entrance to Hall 8. The on-site Fairexx office will be located near the exhibition hall. 8.3 Unloading/reloading timeslot required To avoid traffic congestion at IFEMA, an unloading/reloading timeslot will be required. Please fill in the TIMESLOT REQUEST FORM EAU 2015 (appendix C) on page 14 of the Fairexx Shipping manual and tariffs EAU 2015 to request an unloading/reloading timeslot. Please note the deadline for submission of the form is 6 March 2015! 8.4 Access time for vehicles for dismantling On Monday 23 March at 18.15 hours Fairexx will start delivering the empties to the booths. Due to security reasons, vehicles will have access to the Loading Docks on Monday evening 23 March according to the size: access vehicles < 3,5 ton: as of 21.00 hrs access vehicles > 3,5 ton: as of 22.00 hrs 8.5 Courier shipments We strongly recommend exhibitors NOT to send their goods via courier companies. When inevitable do not send shipments directly to your stand unless you have a member of your staff present during the building-up days to receive them . If you do send goods by a courier company we suggest that you consign the courier airwaybill to the following address: FAIREXX LOGISTICS BV c/o Transferex S.A Pabellon de Servicios Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I E- 28042 Madrid / Spain Notify: EAU 2015 / Exhibiting company / Hall / Stand Number All packages must be labeled as described in the shipping manual. Reception & storage of courier shipment up to 5 kg. sent to this address (only EU goods in free circulation – NO bonded goods) and which will be picked up at the on-site Fairexx office (in the Delivery area) by the client, are free of charge. For shipments not consigned as described above, but directly to the exhibitor and stand, no liability is accepted. If you do send a shipment directly to the stand, the address to me mentioned is : EAU CONGRESS IFEMA – FERIA DE MADRID AVENIDA DEL PARTENON 5 28042, MADRID HALL 9 STAND Nº: … ONSITE EXHIBITOR CONTACT NAME ONSITE EXHIBITOR PHONE Nº : ………………………. : ………………………. Please note that IFEMA staff will not sign for any shipments; thus if there is no one onsite from the Exhibitor to accept the shipment, all deliveries will be refused by IFEMA. 8.6 Parking Trucks can park in the truck parking lot located behind Halls 1 & 3. The daily overnight rate is € 30.00. Additionally IFEMA has strict rules about vehicles accessing the venue and time spent in loading bay areas. We highly recommend you read IFEMA’s rules and regulations with regards to this matter. 9. EAU ORDER FORMS 9.1 ORDER FORM LABOUR BADGES Each staff member of a stand building company who will be present in the exhibition halls during building-up and dismantling is required to wear a LABOUR BADGE. The labour badges will be issued only with the exhibiting company name (no personal names needed) and have to be requested by means of this form. In order to prepare the necessary quantities in advance and to reduce on-site waiting times for you and your team, please indicate the QUANTITY of labour badges that you will need for your stand building team. Upon arrival, before entering the exhibition halls, the labour badges have to be picked up in the Delivery area or at the Exhibitor Services Desk of IFEMA. Labour badges are free of charge. Labour badges are not valid on exhibition days! Exhibitor badges allow access during the building-up days as well. Number of required LABOUR BADGES: ................................. Contact details Stand Builder: Company name : ________________________________________________ Contact person : ________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________ City : ________________________________________________ + code Country : ________________________________________________ Tel. nr. : ________________________________________________ Fax nr. : ________________________________________________ E-mail-address : ________________________________________________ Exhibiting company : ________________________________________________ Booth nr. : ________________________________________________ Please return before 3 March, 2015 to: Congress Consultants B.V., Att. Ms. Henriet Wieringa E-mail: h.wieringa@congressconsultants.com 9.2 ORDER FORM INSERT IN CONGRESS BAGS We hereby confirm that we would like to have our leaflet inserted in 12.500 congress bags for the price of € 8,200 (excl. VAT). We will deliver 11.500 inserts for the congress bags between 28 February and 6 March 2015. Inserts must not exceed an A4 format (210 x 297 mm) and a max. weight of 50 grams. Company : ________________________________________________ Contact person : ________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________ Country : ________________________________________________ Tel : ________________________________________________ Fax : ________________________________________________ E-mail : ________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Signature: __________________________ After receiving this reply form, we will send you a confirmation with further information regarding the bag inserts, the address where and when to send them, etc. Please return before 20 February 2015 to: Congress Consultants B.V., EAU 2015, Attn. Ms. Wendy Dennissen P.O. Box 30016, 6803 AA Arnhem, The Netherlands Fax: + 31 26 389 0674 or e-mail: w.dennissen@uroweb.org 9.3 DELEGATES LIST The European Association of Urology rents lists (in excel) of the delegates attending our upcoming EAU Congress in Madrid, 20-24 March 2015. The lists contain postal addresses (no email) and are for single use only. Two lists are available: 1) Pre-registered delegates. This list will be available as of 20 February, 2015 – only pre-registrations received by 13 February, 2015 will be processed. Use the pre-registration list to promote your booth ahead of the annual meeting. 2) The final delegates list. This list will be available as of 13 April, 2015. Delegates List Available as of Pre-registered delegates list (estimated 5.000 names) Final delegates list (estimated 9.000 names) * excl. VAT 20 February, 2015 13 April, 2015 Exhibitors price € 825* € 1.090* The EAU requires pre-payment in full on this special offer (just for exhibitors!). Please find enclosed the order form for the delegates lists and mail or fax it to Congress Consultants B.V., for the attention of Mr. Ton Brouwers. CONDITIONS OF USE The delegates lists are the property of the European Association of Urology (EAU) as to which full copyright protection is asserted. Each recipient or licensed user of these lists is therefore bound to proceed strictly in accordance with the following conditions of use: 1. The delegates lists are licensed for a single use, solely for the authorized purpose indicated on the request for the list(s). 2. The licensed user agrees not to copy, resell, or otherwise distribute the list(s), nor to maintain them in a computerized database or file. 3. It is understood and agreed that EAU does not warrant the accuracy, nor completeness of the information contained herein, but expressly disclaims all warranties of sale or subsequent use. 4. The data is not to be used until payment in full is made to EAU. 5. Provision of the lists with names and addresses is not to be considered an endorsement of a service or product by the European Association of Urology. 6. By breaking one of the rules listed above, the European Association of Urology (EAU) has the right to charge the amount of € 5.000. ORDER FORM DELEGATES LIST Company : ________________________________________________ Contact person : ________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________ Country : ________________________________________________ VAT nr. : ________________________________________________ (Please note that companies with an address within the EU must fill in their VAT number.) Tel : ________________________________________________ Fax : ________________________________________________ E-mail : ________________________________________________ I would like to receive (tick appropriate box): Pre-registered delegates list to promote my booth before the start of the congress for the amount of € 825 (excl. VAT). The final delegates list for sales follow-up after the congress for the amount of € 1.090 (excl. VAT). I herewith agree with the conditions of use regarding the delegates list(s). 1. The registration list(s) are licensed for a single use, solely for the authorized purpose indicated on the request for the list(s). 2. The licensed user agrees not to copy, resell, or otherwise distribute the list(s), nor to maintain them in a computerized database or file. 3. It is understood and agreed that EAU does not warrant the accuracy, nor completeness of the information contained herein, but expressly disclaims all warranties of sale or subsequent use. 4. The data is not to be used until payment in full is made to EAU. 5. Provision of the list(s) with names and addresses is not to be considered an endorsement of a service or product by the European Association of Urology. 6. By breaking one of the rules listed above, the European Association of Urology (EAU) has the right to charge the amount of € 5,000. Date: _______________ Signature: _______________ Please return this form before 13 February 2015 (pre-registered list) / 10 April 2015 (final list) to: Congress Consultants B.V., EAU 2015, Attn. Mr. Ton Brouwers Fax: +31 26 389 1752 or e-mail: exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com 9.4 BARCODE SCANNER How does it work? A barcode will be printed on the badges of all delegates. This barcode is related to the participant’s record in the registration database. Exhibitors simply need to scan the barcode and if desired one or more of the qualifiers. The qualifiers are the details you would like to know from the delegates: i.e. product interest, follow up actions, status etc. At the end of each day, all scanners have to be returned to the exhibitor desk in the registration area, the data will be read and saved in Excel. Please note that if a delegate has not entered his/her e-mail address when registering for the Congress, you will not receive the e-mail address of this delegate! Benefits for the exhibitor Does it need to be said? In this area of mass information, direct marketing, customer relationship management, data warehousing, nothing is more important than correct profiling of your (potential) customers. Money and valuable time can be saved through an efficient use of your ‘sales time’ and marketing budget. Secondly, it is very practical: no need to collect business cards, no need to ask visitors their profile information, no need for data entry after the conference. Cost You can benefit from our services by signing up for a lead retrieval package: *A complete package at € 300 (excl. VAT) includes: - 1 Barcode scanner - 1 Customized qualifier sheet - Access to and assistance from our on-site exhibitor desk - Final download (Excel) will be sent by e-mail on Monday 13 April to the contact person mentioned on the order form. *Additional Scanners are available at € 250 (excl. VAT). If you wish to rent additional scanners on-site, please check at the Exhibitor desk if the EAU has extra scanners available. Please note that on-site it is not possible anymore to rent extra scanners including qualifiers; only scanners excluding qualifiers are possible. How to order? If you would like to rent a barcode scanner you can fill out the order form. We have also included a qualifier sheet which allows you to record extra information from every visitor to your stand. This information can be customized to your own preferences. Simply complete the enclosed order form and send it by fax or e-mail. For further questions please send an e-mail to: Mr. Ton Brouwers: exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com ORDER FORM BARCODE SCANNER Company : ________________________________________________ Contact person : ________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________ Tel. : ________________________________________________ Fax : ________________________________________________ E-mail : ________________________________________________ Booth number : ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ O We will rent ____ Barcode scanner(s) for our stand at EAU 2015 O We wish to use qualifiers. We will include our list of qualifiers Charge credit card: O AMEX O VISA O Euro/Master Credit card number: ____________________________________________________ CVC code: ___________ (only for Euro/Mastercard holders; CVC consists of the last 3 digits in the signature box on the backside of your credit card) Full name on card: ____________________________________________________ Expiry date: ___/___ Send invoice: Y/N VAT nr.: ________________________ (Please note that companies with an address within the EU must fill in their VAT number.) Date: ________________ Signature: ____________________________ Please return this form before 26 February, 2015 to: Congress Consultants B.V., EAU 2015, Attn. Mr. Ton Brouwers Fax: +31 26 389 1752 or e-mail: exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com LIST OF QUALIFIERS COMPANY NAME: BOOTH NUMBER: Please note that qualifiers need to be defined without any options: not correct is: -This delegate is interested in product … correct is: -This delegate is interested in product X -This delegate is interested in product Y not correct is: correct is: -This delegate manages … BPH patients in his practice each year -This delegate manages 0-35 BPH patients in his practice each year -This delegate manages > 35 BPH patients in his practice each year QUALIFIERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please return this form before 26 February, 2015 to: Congress Consultants B.V., EAU 2014, Attn. Mr. Ton Brouwers Fax: +31 26 389 1752 or e-mail: exhibitorregistration@congressconsultants.com 9.5 EXHIBITION GUIDE - ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES During the 30th Anniversary EAU Congress an Exhibition Guide will be published as a supplement to the first edition of EUT Congress News. This A3 publication will list exhibitors’ contact details and company description. Inclusion in the Exhibition Guide is free of charge for all exhibitors. To make your profile stand out, it is possible to place your logo or a small advertisement underneath your company description. Specifications and rates for this promotional option are as follows: Two advertisement sizes are available: 65.25 mm (W) x 20 mm (H) 65.25 mm (W) x 30 mm (H) € 790 € 1,075 If you would like to make use of this promotional opportunity, please confirm your booking by email to the email address mentioned below. The deadline for artwork is 16 February 2015. For bookings or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Wendy Dennissen European Association of Urology PO Box 30016 6803 AA Arnhem The Netherlands Tel Fax E-mail : +31 26 389 0680 : +31 26 389 0674 : w.dennissen@uroweb.org
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