Week of January 12-17, 2015 In this Issue: * Character Education * First Semester Finals Week * Christmas Concert Videos * Community Pep Band * Spring Sports Meetings * SC Open House * Volunteer Opportunities Calendar: Jan 19 Jan 20-22 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 29-31 MLK Jr. Day (no school) Finals Week End of 1st Semester Teacher Inservice (no school) Prime Time Crime Performance February 7 HS Ski Trip to Hoodoo February 9-13 Court of Hearts Week February 11 ACSI Instrumental Festival February 13 Court of Hearts Coronation February 16 Presidents Day (no school) February 18 Lions Vision Screening (Elem) February 24 Benton Co. Career Convention February 27 Junior Achievement Day (Elem) March 3 SC Open House March 5-7 The Tempest Performance March 11 ACSI HS Choir Festival March 11 Red Cross Blood Drive March 12 Elem. Spring Pictures March 19 End of Third Quarter March 20 Teacher Inservice (no school) March 23-27 Spring Break March 30 Elem. & JH Teacher Conferences (no school for Preschool - 8th) April 3 April 6-8 April 16-18 April 20-23 April 24 April 25 Good Friday (no school) JH/HS Achievement Testing SC Drama Performance Elem. Achievement Testing Math Olympics (Elem. no school) Junior/Senior Banquet May 2 SC Auction Character Education Topic: Boldness/Courage For the month of January, we will be emphasizing the character trait of Boldness (Courage): The confidence to do or say what is true, right and just. Our weekly verse for this week and next is Acts 4:13: “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Be sure to review the Character Trait email sent home by Mr. Villers. It contains practical applications, Bible stories, and discussion questions for families to review at home. A quote it included this week regarding boldness: “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the small voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” SC Football Players Earn All-State Recognition Four SC football players were selected for the 2014 3A All-State Team. Ty Villers was selected as 1st Team Defensive Back and 2nd Team Wide Receiver. Oren Hills earned 1st Team Defensive Line and 2nd Team Offensive Line. Adam Wiens was also chosen for 2nd Team Defensive Line, and Austin Howell was selected as 2nd Team Line Backer. First Semester Finals Week Schedule Please note that there will not be school for SC students (all grades) on Monday, January 19 (Martin Luther King Jr. holiday) and Friday, January 23 (teacher inservice/professional development). Please watch for an email this week with details of next week’s Finals Schedule. Christmas Concert Videos Available Online You can now view videos of our Elementary and JH/HS Christmas programs from the school website. Please share the following link with grandparents and other family members who may not have been able to attend. http://www.santiamchristian.org/activities/ConcertProgramVideos. cfm#32379 HS Ski Trip Postponed Due to poor snow conditions, the high school ski trip that was planned for January 24 has been tentatively rescheduled on Saturday, February 7. More information to follow as the date approaches. Ways You Can Support SC SC Open House Please mark your calendars and invite your friends to attend our Open House on Tuesday, March 3. From 5:30-7:30 p.m. our preschool, elementary, junior high, and high school faculty will be available so you can tour the campus, visit teachers, and view our curriculum. This is a great time to visit with the teachers your student will have next year and is particularly helpful for those who are transitioning from elementary to junior high and from junior high to high school. Invite any friends who you think would be a good fit at SC. The junior high and high school also offer a visitation day on March 3. Interested students can spend the day at SC shadowing one of our students to see what school here is like. Looking for a Way to Complete Volunteer Hours? Are you looking for a way to support SCS and take care of your volunteer hours at the same time? We have the answer for you! We are looking for motivated individuals who would like to be a part of our solicitation team for our annual auction. If you have are interested or would like more information, please contact Jennifer Preston in the Development Department. Parent Volunteers Needed On Tuesday, February 24 the Junior Class will be attending the Benton County High School Career Convention at Oregon State University. The purpose of this event is to provide a career development opportunity for high school students in Benton County. Would you consider contributing to the success of this event as a: * Booth Sponsor * Career Speaker * Mock Interviewer * General Volunteer To volunteer your services please register at http:// www.bchscc.org. Scrip = Tuition Purchase gift cards for your favorite stores/ restaurants through SC’s Scrip program. Scrip orders are due on MONDAY. Orders placed by 8:30 a.m. on the order day will be filled and returned to you that week by Thursday. For a copy of the Scrip order form, please click on this Scrip link. Order forms with payment should be turned in to the school office. Online ordering can be done by clicking on the link provided above. Winter Sports Winter sports season is under way. Check the school calendar for dates/times when you can see on our high school basketball and wrestling teams in action. Pep Band Members Wanted Attention all band instrumentalists (students, parents, teachers, and alumni), we will have a pep band for the basketball games on Friday, February 6 (times to be announced). If you are interested, e-mail Annette Miller at millera@santiam.org and you can get a packet of pep band music ahead of time. Thank You For KitchenAid Mixers The Foods Department thanks you for your generosity! We have been blessed beyond measure! We have enough Kitchen-Aids for every kitchen now AND the teacher station! HS Spring Sports Informational Meetings Girls - are you interested in playing tennis this spring? Please come to an interest meeting with Coach Kier on Tuesday, January 13 during HS lunch. Grab your lunch and meet in the wrestling room. Students who are interested in high school track should plan to attend a brief introductory meeting on Wednesday, January 14 at 12:30 p.m. in Mr. Barton’s room. College Information Sessions SC’s College and Career Center has scheduled representatives from the following colleges to be on campus to meet with interested SC students. (Unless otherwise noted, sessions are held at Prince of Peace during 8th period.) For more information contact Mrs. Schaffner. 01/27 - LBCC - Manufacturing 03/03 - Pensacola Christian College SAT Registration Deadline February 13 is the deadline for high school students to register for the March 14 SAT. To register for the SAT, go to http://sat.collegeboard.org/register. Teen Aviation Weekend The Experimental Aircraft Association in Independence, OR is offering a Teen Aviation Weekend February 7-8 for interested students ages 14-17. It is completely free of charge. Students can register online at www.EEAA292.org. The Two Day Program Includes: *Hands on Activities Building a Model Plane *Demonstrations of Simulator Flying *How an Airplane Works *An Overview of Satellite Navigation *Discussion of Careers in Aviation and Aerospace *Flight in Light Aircraft (weather permitting) *Brown Bag Lunch Discussions on Aviation and Aerospace Topics What’s for Lunch? You can view our weekly/monthly lunch menus for all grade levels by clicking on the following link SC Lunch Menus. Community Notices 2015 Native Plant Sale The Benton Soil and Water Conservation District is having a Native Plant Sale. To get an order form, please visit their website www.bentonswcd.org or email treesale@bentonswcd.org. Over 60 species will be on sale including conifers, broadleaves, shrubs, flowers, grasses, and groundcovers. Plants are priced at $.50 to $4 each. Orders must be in by Friday, January 31. Pick up date is Saturday, February 21. January Youth Volunteer Opportunities Calling all students interested in volunteering and giving back to their community! Corvallis Parks and Recreation’s Youth Volunteer Corps offers volunteer opportunities after school and on the weekends. For January, we are in the process of planning projects with Stone Soup, Safe Haven Humane Society, and more! If you are interested in getting more information on these volunteer opportunities, please contact our office at (541)766-6467 or email Keeley Naughton or Jessica Kankovsky keeley. naughton@corvallisoregon.gov / jessica.kankovsky@ corvallisoregon.gov. Keep Corvallis Warm Project Corvallis Parks and Recreation’s Youth Volunteer Corps is looking for donations for our Keep Corvallis Warm project. We will be accepting donations of worsted, aran, and bulky yarn, as well as polar/ micro fleece for “no-sew” blankets and scarves. All donations will be used on January 19 to make gloves, blankets, hats, and scarves which will be donated to community organizations supporting those in need this winter. Donations can be dropped off at 1310 SW Avery Park Drive during business hours: Mon/ Wed/Fri 8-5; T/Th 12-5. If you have any questions, please contact Keeley Naughton (keeley.naughton@ corvallisoregon.gov) or Jessica Kankovsky (Jessica. kankovsky@corvallisoregon.gov) at (541)766-6467. AWSEM Clubs for JH/HS Girls STEM Academy is pleased to announce that registration for our Middle School and High School Girls AWSEM Clubs is now OPEN! You can register and find out more information on our website but below are the basics: Middle School: Tuesdays, Jan 27 - Mar 3, 5:00-6:30pm High School: Wednesdays, Jan 28 - Mar 4, 5:00-6:30pm Topics: Genetics, Civil Engineering, Beyond the Microscope, Engineering & Computer Science, Zoology, and Toxicology. Location: OSU Campus; Room TBA Cost: $85; Tuition Assistance/Scholarships available! Eagle Happenings Newsletter This all-school newsletter will be published each Monday afternoon. If you have something to submit to the newsletter, please e-mail your copy-ready announcement to beams@santiam.org by 9am on Monday morning. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, content, length, etc.
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