Church of the Immaculate Conception “God’s People Sharing God’s Word” 2300 Church Road Arnold, Missouri 63010 636-321-0002 Fax. 636-321-0004 Immaculate Conception Parish 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 God’s People sharing God’s Word in Jefferson County since 1840 PARISH PRIEST Reverend Larry Huber, Pastor 636-321-0002, ext 1-14 E-mail PARISH OFFICE Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday, Saturday and Sunday the Office is Closed Rental Information 636-321-0002, ext. 1,10; FAX: 636-321-0004 E-mail: PARISH SERETARY Mary Robert 636-321-0002, ext 1-10 CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST THE LORD’S DAY 5:00 PM Saturday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Sunday 12:30 PM, Spanish Mass WEEKDAYS Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Church open by appointment daily for prayer. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of each month, from 8:30 AM until 5:45 PM, concluding with Benediction. PARISH WEBSITE PARISH CENTER 636-321-0002, ext. 2, 3. PARISH BOOKKEEPER Julie Cronin 636-321-0002, ext 1-11 PARISH BULLETIN E-mail PARISH COUNCIL (Fourth Wednesday, 7:30 PM) Mark Howell (Chairman), Cathy Fugina, Kelly Weinrich, Vince Selders, Charlie Arriaga, Letty DiMariano, Meghan Swaller, Kusal Mihindukulasuriya, Chris Hoelker, Mark Corio, Kathy Deddens. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Tuesday and Wednesday, 6:30-7:45 pm Mary Winkelmann, Coordinator 636-321-0002, ext. 1,74 HOLY CHILD SCHOOL Mr. Dwight Elmore, Principal 636-321-0002, ext. 1,20 Certificate Program (636) 321-0002 ext. 1,27. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY 636-321-0002, ext. 6 CONFESSIONS Friday, 7:15 to 7:45 AM Saturday, 4:00 to 4:45 PM, or by appointment. MORNING PRAYER and COMMUNION SERVICE Monday—Friday, 6:30 AM DEVOTIONS TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Tuesday, just before the 8:00 AM Mass ROSARY Tuesday and Saturday after 8:00 AM Mass and Sunday, 6:30 and 8:30 AM PRAYER GROUP Renewal Prayer Group - Every Wednesday 7:30 PM, Parish Center TENDER LOVING CARE Angel Weldele @636-343-4310 Meals for sick or recovering and rides to church or doctors, BAPTISM OF CHILDREN First and Third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM or by appointment. Parents are required to attend one preparation meeting, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. Parents should be registered in the parish. Godparents must be at least 16 years old and baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholics. MARRIAGE To allow sufficient time for marriage preparation, at least six months’ advance notice is required. Contact the Parish Office to schedule a planning meeting with a priest HOLY ORDERS and CONSECRATED (RELIGIOUS) LIFE Have you considered serving God’s people as a priest, deacon, brother or sister? For more information, call the Rectory or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 314-792-6460. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: ANOINTING and HOLY COMMUNION The Sacrament of Anointing is for anyone seriously ill or anticipating surgery. It is available after any Sunday Mass or by appointment with one of the priests. Holy Communion will be brought on Sundays to anyone who is unable to come to Church; call the Rectory Office (ext. 1,10). 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 HAPPY BIRTHDAY I.C. Last week at Mass a member of the 175th Birthday committee shared information about decorating birthday cakes to be placed around the community. The basic cake will be supplied by the birthday committee with the signature information. The rest of the cake will be decorated and financed by various interested organizations. If your organization is interested in decorating a cake have the organization lead fill out the form below or email the information. Cakes will be ready for decorating around the first of February and will need to be completed by Palm Sunday. Cake Decorating: Organization Name:_______________________________________ Contact Person:__________________________________________ Phone #:___________________ e-mail:______________________________ Fill out and return to Rectory or email to Last week answers: 14 families came together to create the parish. These families started their effort in 1839. The parish was formally started in 1840. There are currently 1,456 families registered in our parish. Do You Know: ….what year the first church was built? ….who was the first priest to serve the first families of the parish? ….what year the school first opened? ….how many students are in Holy Child School this year? Answers in next weeks bulletin 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Our 1st Cake General Fund Parish Improvements Loose Cash St. Vincent de Paul Youth Ministry-Pro Life March Votive Candles St. Louis Review $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,113.00 486.00 669.42 460.00 1,455.58 94.20 170.00 Others $ 191.00 $ Brian and Steve Ott built the cake. They gave the cake to a group of parishioners to be painted and decorated. (Steve Faller, Kathy Faller, Rose Ziegler, Steve Ott, and Betty Kutilek) Thank You to each and everyone for all your hard work.. 14,639.20 January 4th - 5th, 2015 677 Envelopes distributed 196 Envelopes in collection 41 0nline Envelopes 4 Youth Envelopes Congratulations to the following students who received their First Reconciliation Julia Beiter Stevie Blakeney Charlotte Blomstrom Madison Bridick Natalie Briggs Boden Brokaw Zachary Buck Nora Carnaghi Kaelyn Carter Alexandria Champaign Cooper Clark Kiefer Cook Thomas Crowder Audric Dumlao Chase Ferris Mateja Gaia-Mauer Buddy Gil Cooper Gillum Truman Hagenbuch Bryce Horner Wesley Jefferis John Jercinovic Theo Long Connor Mantler George Mateyko Jack McKinley Stephen Metcalf Madison Miller Nick Muessig Dominic Nicoletti Giuseppe Numerosi Michael O’Hara Zoe Reich Talan Reichert Abigail Rhoads Leah Scheidt Brayden Schmidt Joshua Schmitt Aiden Schumacher Megan Shellenbergar Morgan Stokes Natalie Torres Sarah Tordilla Molly Turnquist Sean VanEtten Andrew Wagner Morgan Walt Sofia Waltman Emma Williams Evan Wingbermuehle Abigail Ziercher 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 During all the Masses last week, a member of our 175th anniversary committee gave us a quick overview of what will happen during the yearlong celebration of the 175th anniversary of our parish. For the most part, we will use ongoing parish events to highlight Immaculate Conception’s 175 years of serving in the Arnold area. For example, at this weekend’s parish trivia night, some of the trivia questions will involve the history of our parish. During the Parish Picnic in May, there will be members of our parish offering different stories on the history of our parish. As I mentioned last week, this year’s celebration will culminate with a Sunday Mass Celebration with Archbishop Robert Carlson on the feast of All Saints, Nov. 1st. We were hoping to get the Archbishop at a date closer to Oct. 13th, 1840 which is the founding date of our parish; however the Archbishop is a very busy Man. At last week’s Mass, you saw a beautifully decorated cake. I would like to thank Kathy Faller and others for decorating this cake. We are asking other parish organizations to decorate more cakes in order to highlight their ministry to Immaculate Conception and this area. The cakes will be provided by the parish and all your organization will need to do is decorate them. If your organization is interested, please call Mary at the parish office. This coming Thursday is an information night for any parent interested in sending their child to Holy Child Kindergarten next year. This year’s Kindergarten class is the biggest in ten years. Once a parent decides on a school, they usually stay with that school for the duration. The child develops friendships and it is hard to pull them from that school. That is why our Pre-school program is so important. Families who send their children to our Pre-school program already have an emotional connection to the school and all of the parents and students. The next challenge for Holy Child is to convince the parents to send them to the Kindergarten. Convincing parents to continue through the entire Holy Child Grade school program becomes much easier once those bonds are established in Kindergarten. Holy Child will also have an open house after Sunday Masses on January 25th. All are invited to simply walk through the halls of our grade school, visit some of our teachers, and see what a great school we have at Holy Child; “where a Holy Child is a happy child.” Fr. Huber Scout Sunday February 8th, 2015 9:00 am Mass Pack 419 and Troop 419 will be celebrating Scout Sunday on February 8th. We invite all past and present Scouts and Scouters in the parish to a celebration of Mass at 9:00 am followed by breakfast in the Parish Center. Please RSVP to Rich Harper, 636-942-1154. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Boy Scout Troop 419 celebrated it's 60th anniversary in 2014 The troop had more than 250 people attend including 24 of the troop's 50 Eagle Scouts. Some of the earliest Eagle Scouts earned their award in the 1960's. The troop was overwhelmed by the attendance and hoped for 120 to 140 people. The Troop attended a number of camping trips including the highlight of the year, summer camp. The troop had a large number of scouts and adult leaders attend camp Bunn, which is about 90 miles north of Arnold in east central Illinois. The Troop also is pleased to announce that we have 5 new Eagle Scouts who earned their Eagle Rank in 2014. From left to right - Scout name and a brief description of his project: Andrew Harper installed a rosary garden in St. John's Catholic Church Cemetery. Dan Owensby installed a french drain at St. Davids Church & Atheletic Association to route storm water coming from the athletic fields away from the parking lot Mark Berra constructed and delivered two feed storage boxes for the benefit of the Wolf Sanctuary Samual Alexander constructed a memorial garden at Meramec Heights Elemetary School in recognition of the first principal, Ray Hodge. Not pictured - Seth Slotterback constructed an awning on the Arnold Food Pantry Building. The awning protects the double doors allowing food to be loaded and unloaded out of the weather. The troops Eagle Count now stands at 54 with several more coming in 2015. SAVE THE DATE! Book sale Sat. March, 28th. Drop-off dates for books to be announced soon. Info: Sharon Ott, 636-296-3655. PRIMETIMERS Our next meeting will be on January 26th at 7:00pm. We will be playing the dice game. Please bring 20 nickels per person for the game. The only requirement we have for membership is that you are 50 or older. If you've never been to a meeting, please consider joining us. We are a fun group and would welcome some new members. Thank You to all who helped decorate Church for Christmas. It was beautiful. Also, a thank you to those who helped dismantle the decorations. A special thanks to Steve Faller for making new on and off switches for the Christmas trees. Next year new switches will be on the crib and a new stand for the crib. ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Since you love your fiancé, give him or her the gift of commitment. Start by planning to attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend. Weekends are held at the Marianist Retreat Center in Eureka. The next one will be Feb. 27 – March 1, and there will also be Weekends in June and September. For more information, call Jim and Cheri at 636-379-0962, or visit our website at: http:// INFORMATION WILL BE SENT ON MARCH 1st Update Membership Information NOW Does our Church database have YOUR family membership record correct? Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our annual Guide Book & Directory. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so that the information in the Guide Book & Directory is correct. The Church Office number is 636-321-0002, ext 1-10. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Immaculate Conception Parish School of Religion Congratulations to the 2nd students who received their First Reconciliation. Mary Winkelmann, Coordinator 636-321-0002, ext. 1,74 JCYM Youth Ministry of I. C. and St. David Meeting Schedule All youth are welcome to attend meetings and bring friends. JH is for grades 6th-8th and HS is for grades 9th -12th. JH youth must be signed in and out of all meetings and events by an adult. January 2015 Mon. 19th Leave for DC March for Life Please keep us and all those journeying to the Pro-Life Rally in your prayers. Return from DC March for Life Sat. 24th Thur. 29th Luke Prep Meeting (YC 6:30-8:00PM) February 2015 Sun. 1st Thur. 5th Sun. 8th Thur. 12th Sun. 15th Thur. 19th Sun. 22nd HS Meeting (YC 5:30-8:00PM) Luke Prep Meeting (YC 6:30-8:00PM) JH Meeting (YC 6:00-8:00PM) Luke Prep Meeting (YC 6:30-8:00PM) HS Meeting (YCenter 5:30-8:00PM) Luke Prep Meeting (YC 6:30-8:00PM) JH Meeting (YC 6:00-8:00PM) Let’s Go Blues! The tickets for the March 12th 7:00 pm game against the Philadelphia Flyers have arrived!! Tickets cost $22 (great price!) You may pay with cash or checks payable to Holy Child School. This is an 8th grade fundraiser. All 8th graders and their parents can help them with ticket sales. For all questions, please see or call Mrs. Swaller @ 636-333-2200. Recap of Week 20 What an exciting start to the New Year! We have been very busy getting ready for Catholic Schools Week (January 25- 30th.). The faculty has lots of fun activities planned for the kiddos. The week will kick off with an Open House followed by: a ParentChild “picnic” in the gymnasium, a Vocational speaker, Student Appreciation Day, Spelling Bee, Trivia Contest, Faculty/8th Grade volleyball game and a Teacher Appreciation Day. By the way, we are looking for some help with Teacher Appreciation Day. We need parents to assist in supervising the students for one hour that day so that the teachers may enjoy their lunch together as a faculty. Please consider lending a hand to show how much we appreciate all the hard work our staff does to make Holy Child School such a special place to learn and grow. Please call the office to let them know that you will be willing to help out. Thank You Kindergarten Information Night ** Pre-K Parents: SAVE THE DATE ** There will be a an informational meeting for all parents of children entering Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year on Thursday, January 22nd @ 7:00 pm in the “A Room”. Complimentary babysitting complete with interactive activities /snacks for the kiddos will be available to all. If you know of any parent interested in our Kindergarten program, by all means please extend this invitation to them. We look forward to meeting the parents of all future Mustangs this evening. ** Coin Collection Challenge** To Support Our Veteran’s Please join us in our effort to assist a really worthy cause. During Catholic Schools Week (January 25th-30th) we have decided to sponsor the “ Focus Marine” organization. This organization works with young service men/women returning after being recently deployed in combat. They provide services that assist our young men and women trying to assimilate from wartime to peacetime. Many of these returning warriors suffer from the repercussions of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This worthy organization was chosen as a small thank you to all who have served to protect the freedoms we enjoy everyday. For any questions re: “Focus Marine” please see Mr. Dennis Bible. Each day we will be asking the children to bring in coins of various denominations (ie: Monday will be PENNY Day.) ALL proceeds will go to the “Focus Marine” organization. Thank you for your support of this noble venture. Catholic Schools Week The Catholic Schools Week Committee met recently. We have set a schedule for this year’s Catholic Schools Week events. We are still working out the details but the themes for each day have been set. They are as follows: Sun., January 25th: Open House 10:00 am-1:00 pm Mon., January 26th: “Souper” Family Day Tue., January 27th: Faith Day Wed., January 28th: Spirit Day Thur., January 29th: Teacher Appreciation Day Fri., January 30th: Student Appreciation Day 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Men for Christ Conference Saturday, February 7, 2015 7 AM doors open; 8:30 AM Conference begins Conference concludes with 4:00 PM Vigil Mass Location: Peabody Opera House, Downtown St. Louis Theme: The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. -Luke 10:2. Speakers: George Weigel, Tim Staples, Terry Barber and Monsignor James J. Ramacciotti. Find conference details and complete your online registration at Catholic Women for Christ Conference Saturday, March 21, 2015 7:45 AM doors open; 9:00 AM Keynote, 4:00 PM Concluding Mass Location: St. Charles Convention Center, St. Charles, MO Theme: If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire." - St. Catherine of Siena. Speakers: Teresa Tomeo, Syndicated Catholic talk show host and motivational speaker and Brenda Sharman, Founding National Director of Pure Fashion. Arnold Knights of Columbus Council #6018 Youth Basketball Challenge Competition All boys and girls ages 9-14 are invited to participate in this free local level competition for the 2015 Knights of Columbus Basketball Challenge, with the winners progressing through local, district, and state competitions. The local competition will be held January 23 at 6:30 pm at Immaculate Conception Parish Gym, 2300 Church Rd. Arnold, MO 63010. Sign in starts at 6:15pm the day of the event. For additional information, contact Mark Webb (636) 464-2578. ICAA Baseball/Softball/ T-Ball registration January 1-31st Register online at January 18, 2015 Pro Life Our parish has always been very supportive of our pro-life projects and of the Knights of Columbus. Last weekend, your generous responses to the “Roses for Life” Campaign combined with the second collection for our Youth Ministry’s bus trip to Washington, D.C., was no exception. We can’t adequately express how grateful we are for all the support you give to our projects and to babies and mothers who benefit from these projects – and to us, spiritually and psychologically, whenever discouragement creeps in. Members of the Arnold K.C. who attend the “March for Life” take all our signed roses to Wash., D.C., and present them to our senators and congressmen. At the same time, Knights from all over our nation are doing the same thing with millions of roses for life for their politicians. This is a very powerful message with lasting impact for present office holders and for candidates seeking office. Before, during, and after the “March” you can see and hear pro-life office-holders and future candidates speaking and participating in various pro-life events. K.C. is very visible at the “March” and we’ve often mentioned the many ways K.C. has supported the ”March”. Locally, the Arnold K.C. has for many years contributed financially to the pro-life committees of both our parishes, to help send people to the “March”. Marketing strategists who revere getting the “Most Bang for your Buck” must envy the accomplishments of the energetic displays and enthusiastic demonstrations by the enormous numbers of young people in the “March for Life”. This is the generation most targeted by the abortion industry, and these kids’ very appearance has a demoralizing and devastating effect on the merchants of death. Other young people witnessing this celebration sometimes cannot resist the urge to join in. People of all ages, different races, religions, and of no religion, march in this endeavor for life. Politicians realize these kids marching are the ones who are the future, faithful, committed voters who will determine their destiny, and they are aware that these kids have many more friends just like them at home who couldn’t go to Wash., but who are praying for and supporting them, giving additional moral support and strength to those marching. Our kids on the “March” benefit from an exceptional, on site, educational and religious experience with all the evidence and history of the govt of the greatest nation in the world, including our religious heritage. Anyone who was unable to contribute to the Youth Ministry trip can do so any time by placing a donation in your envelope marked “Youth Ministry Bus Trip”; place it in regular collection, or in the front rectory door. Thank you again for all your support. Our prayers are critical for the success of any endeavor and for the safety, health of all participants (and for good weather). Young Adult Pro-Life Holy Hour and Rosary, Thurs,Jan.22, 7p.m., Cathedral Basilica. Fellowship to follow, Boland Hall. More info: or 314-792-7555. “9 Days for Life” novena, Jan.17-25, (from U.S. Bishops) More info: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Church Calendar Mass Intentions Monday, January 19 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass Tuesday, January 20 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass - Grades K - 3 Wednesday, January 21 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass - Grades 4 - 8 Thursday, January 22 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass 5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal Burlison / Kountzman Friday, January 23 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 7:15 am Confessions 8:00 am Mass All School Mass Saturday, January 24 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am Heavenly Dusters, Team #2—B. Abeyta, J. Swaller, E. Webelhuth, C. Hoelker 1:00 pm Wedding Burlison / Kountzman 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Mass Monday, January 19 8:00 am In memory of Suzanne Rakers Tuesday, January 20 8:00 am In memory of George Schwalbert Wednesday, January 21 8:00 am In memory of Virginia Layton Thursday, January 22 8:00 am In memory of Henry Trent Friday, January 23 8:00 am In memory of Sylvester Naumann Saturday, January 24 8:00 am All Souls in Purgatory 5:00 pm In memory of Joan Guentz Sunday, January 25 7:00 am In memory of Peggy Winkelmann Special Intentions of Mimi & Art Siebert 9:00 am In memory of Alice Cira 11:00 am In memory of Laverne Burkard 12:30 pm In memory of Ruby Yung WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Liturgical Ministers January 24th and January 25th Mass Times 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM Presider Fr. Huber Redemptorist Fr. Huber Fr. Huber Fr. Vogt, S.J. Deacon Steve Schisler Brad Buchek Joe Streckfuss Don Walker Lectors Matt Mayer LaVerne Henzler Brian Ott Theresa Ott Chris Terry Duke Redd Chris Fernandez Eucharistic Ministers Diane Sears Lil Ryan Janet Herman Art Siebert Mimi Siebert Tonya Lee Chris Terry Velda Walker Hollie Strawn Michelle Wolk Rosemary Leach Stanley Leach Joan Steele Scott Eichholz Servers Megan Walch Madison Flamm Hannah Walch Don Betz Carole Betz Shirley Betz Tina Bartz Anna Bartz Marissa Wheeler Brandon Anderson Tori Arriaga Abby Scheidt 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Parish Center / Gym / Youth Center Monday, January 19 8:00 am 3:00 pm Holy Child B 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey Gym 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Latchkey A-1 5:00 pm 9:00 pm Quilters 5:00 pm 6:30 pm George / Keisker Gym 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Cub Scouts Pack 419 A-1 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Van Etten / Wojew Gym 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Small RCIA E 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Bereaved Support Group D 7:00 pm 9:00 pm AA Meeting B 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 419 A-1, A-2 8:00 pm 9:00 pm Van Etten Gym Tuesday, January 20 8:00 am 3:00 pm Holy Child B 9:30 am 10:30 am LOTW YC 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey Gym 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Latchkey A-1 6:00 pm 8:00 pm PSR Gym 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Desafio Hispanic Community A-1 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Faith Sharing Group B 8:00 pm 9:30 pm George / Chrum Gym Wednesday, January 21 9:00 am 2:00 pm Quilting 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey Gym 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Latchkey A-1 6:00 pm 8:00 pm PSR Gym 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Bible Study B 7:30 pm 9:00 pm Renewal Prayer group A-1 7:30 pm 9:00 pm Finance Council D 8:00 pm 9:30 pm Brannan / Kutilek Gym Thursday, January 22 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey Gym 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey A-1 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Short / Fitzgerald Gym 5:00 pm 9:00 pm Quilters 6:00 pm 9:00 pm Kindergarten Information Night A 2 & 3 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Coleman / Cheaney Gym 7:00 pm 9:00 pm LOTW Meeting A-1 7:00 pm 9:00 pm RCIA D 7:00 pm 9:00 pm AA Meeting B 8:00 pm 9:30 pm O’Connell / Duncan Gym 8:00 pm 10:00 pm ICAA A-2, A-3 Friday, January 23 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey Gym 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Latchkey A-1 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Isenman Gym 6:00 pm 10:00 pm CYC Basketball Games Gym Saturday, January 24 9:00 am 4:00 pm CYC Basketball Gym 10:00 am 1:00 pm Brides Changing Room B 3:00 pm 4:30 pm RCIC D 6:00 pm 11:00 pm Rental A Sunday, January 25 10:00 am 12:30 pm Holy Child Open House Gym 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Rental A-3 1:00 pm 7:30 pm CYC Basketball Gym 6:00 pm 8:00 pm LOTW D Please pray for: Hospitalized: Recently Departed: Shotsie Ritchie (sister of Jan Boyer) George Schwalbert, Deployed : David Bryant, Steve Dudak, Matt Witte Please continue to pray for: Chris Akers, Cheryl Bauer, Holly Bess, Patricia Bonnot, Janet Boyer, Ashley Breyfogle, Julie Casey, Charlie DeBoor , Fr. Jack Dempsey, Keith Dotson, Sue Douglas, Danny Gierer, Laura Glisson , Al Grossius, Marilyn Horton, John Johnson, Victoria Jones, Catherine King, Eleanor Klahs, Maggie Love, Greg Mayer, Mary Mayer, Kacey McFarland, Savanah Medlin, , Arthur Mullins, Carl J. Moore, Jr., Carolyn Novak, Gabriel Ott, Jeannie Parks, Theresa Pfaff, Thelma Pogorzelski, Yvonne Pierson, Cookie Prindiville, Joyce Rockwell, Joe Ruzicka, Debbie Schisler, Judith Smith, Donna Thierjung, , Bob Uhlinger, Al Unterreiner, Patricia Vogelsang, Geraldine Voigtman, Evangelynn Wappel, Helen Wiesehan, Victorine Weissenbach, Herman Westrich, Thelma Westrich, Sarah Wise, JulesZimmermann, Irma Zimmermann, Dan Zmashenski, Peggy Zmashenski Readings for the Week Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 -- 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. 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Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call 24 Hour Emergency Service • Fully Insured Workmen’s Comp • General Liability Specializing in All Types of Roofing, Siding, and Gutters Stocks IRAs Bonds CDs Mutual Funds 401k Rollovers Randall R. Stahl, AAMS CertainTeed Select ShingleMaster All Work Guaranteed with a CertainTeed Umbrella Policy ® Financial Advisor 3613 Richardson Square Drive, Suite 200 Arnold, MO 63010 J.S. Paluch 1-800-945-6629 636-461-2266 Parishioner of St. Joseph Member SIPC Making Sense of Investing TM PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months At the Name of Jesus The Way, The Truth, The Life Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 What We Can Offer You and Your Business: 800-566-6150 • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.945.6629 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 FEY FUNERAL HOME 4100 Lemay Ferry Road, Mehlville, Missouri 63129 326800 Immaculate Conception Church (B) Family Owned and Operated since 1952 Forever Yours Memorial Pre-Need (314) 892-5691 Your Friendship is Our Success For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 awson DROOFING, INC. Ralph Sippel, Agent Auto • Home • Life • Health O: 636-296-7337 • F: 636-296-1010 Erin Mariscal, DDS 636-464-6444 1608 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO 124 Richardson Crossing Arnold, MO NOW OPEN Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX Now Buying Used Equipment for Inventory Please Call Dan at 314-660-8993 Diane G. Wilson, O.D. 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