Winter 2015 – Library and Information Technician Program The following distance education courses are planned for the Winter 2015 Term: LIBRLT110 Introduction to Libraries and the Information Industry INFO10172 Information Technology for Library Technicians INFOLT402 Electronic Publishing and Emerging Library Technologies LIBR10041 Online Searching LIBR10044 Reference Processes LIBR10045 Reference Services and Sources LIBR10040 Library Programming, Marketing and Advocacy LIBR10042 Resource Description and Access I LIBR10043 Resource Description and Access II LIBR10039 Library Classification LIBR10038 Indexing and Subject Analysis INFOLT340 Database Design for Information Workers LIBRLT351 Serials LIBRLT350 Acquisitions LIBR10037 Circulation and Inter-Library Loan HRESLT150 Human Relations and Supervision MGMT10041 Library Financial Management and Budgeting LIBRLT385 Children’s Services and Issues LIBRLT335 Multimedia LIBRLT405 Law Libraries and Legal Research LIBRLT375 School Libraries LIBR10034 Youth Services and Issues LIBR10004 Health Libraries and Resources LIBR10035 Introduction to Metadata and Metadata Applications OADMRM100 Records and Information Management Fundamentals LIBRRM103 Archives WORKLT290 Field Work I WORKLT490 Field Work II Communications course Literature course Computer Course COMP10136 Introduction to Computers 1 General Education Registration Registration for the Winter term begins Tuesday, November 25, 2014, with early registration for returning students beginning a week earlier. Registrations will be accepted until 6 days after a course starts, as long as there is still space available in the course. Registration instructions are available on the Continuing Education web site under “Register”. The complete Continuing Education Catalogue for the Winter term will be available at Course Dates All courses begin on Tuesday January 13, 2015 and end on Tuesday April 21, 2015, unless otherwise stated in the course description. For courses with online exams, your instructor will provide instructions regarding the scheduling of the final exam. For courses with final exams that need to be written in person, these will be held in the week of April 18-25, 2015. Course Content Course content will be posted online as weekly lectures. Some courses have textbooks. Textbooks are not included in tuition fees. They must be ordered from Mohawk’s online bookstore at under “Textbook Search”. It is recommended that you wait for registration confirmation before ordering textbooks, as these materials are not accepted for return by the bookstore. Registration confirmation is mailed out by the Registration department within two weeks of registration. Returning students can confirm registration by logging on to view their academic record on Mocomotion at Exams The following Winter term courses have final exams that need to be written in person: LIBRLT110 Introduction to Libraries and the Information Industry LIBR10045 Reference Services and Sources HRESLT150 Human Relations and Supervision LIBR10037 Circulation and Inter-Library Loan In addition, some literature, communications and general education courses have final exams. Exam instructions and the proctor policy can be found by visiting the Continuing Education web page under “Online Learning” approximately 8 weeks after courses begin. If you are outside of the Hamilton area, you can make arrangements with the OntarioLearn department of your local college to write at one of the OntarioLearn exam sessions. Alternatively, you can write the exam in a local college or university testing centre. If there is a fee associated with this, it is your responsibility. Computer requirements You will need regular access to a computer with an Internet connection and Web access for the duration of your course. A Macintosh or PC system with these minimum requirements: PC: Pentium III 600 MHz processor or faster, 256 MB RAM or greater (512 MB recommended), Windows XP/ Vista/ Win7. MAC: Intel x86 based processor, 512 MB RAM or greater (1GB recommended), Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Internet Access: Students must access and use their own Internet account to connect to their online courses. An Internet account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) providing SLIP/PPP connections is required. Freenet accounts will not work. High speed is recommended for the ideal learning experience. However, for the patient learner, a 56k dial-up connection will work. Cable or DLS connections will also work. Web Browser: A graphical browser such as Internet Explorer (version 7.0 or higher) or Mozilla Firefox (version 3.0 or higher) is required. In some instances, it may be necessary for some users to upgrade their Web browser programs. Technical assistance is available. Email: Depending on the platform system being used, you may be assigned an email account that is accessed within your course or you may be required to use your personal email account. Software: Most courses require word processing software. Individual courses may have additional technical and/or software requirements. Accessing Your Course Student accounts will be set up on January 13, 2015. For instructions on how to access your course area, go to under “Start An OntarioLearn Course”. You can sign in on or after January 13, 2015. Contact information For more information, contact Dolores Harms Penner, Program Manager: - by e-mail: - by telephone: 905-575-2309 - by fax: 905-575-2381 - by mail: Library and Information Technician Program, Mohawk College, P. O. Box 2034, Hamilton ON L8N 3T2 LIBRLT110 – Introduction to Libraries and the Information Industry (CRN 11351) Analyze the role of libraries in an information society, with emphasis on access to information, the organization and services of different types of libraries, and the roles of participants in the information industry. Required course. Prerequisite: You must satisfy the Program Admission Requirements. Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Dolores Harms Penner INFO10172 Information Technology for Library Technicians (CRN 11205) Focus on various types of information technology used in the library setting including mobile devices, e-readers, playaways, ipads and tablets, QR codes and various software and applications. Access to a current mobile device equipped with a built-in camera, and capable of downloading an app to allow capture of a QR code is required. Equivalent to INFOLT390 Personal Computer Support for Library Technicians. Required course. Prerequisite: None. Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Lynda Chapple INFOLT402 Electronic Publishing and Emerging Library Technologies (CRN 11425) Focus on electronic publishing, including using basic web design, 3D printing, screen recording, blogs, microblogs, augmented reality and gamification. Required course. Prerequisite: Computer Basics with Windows, Word and Excel (INFO10156) or Intro to Computers 1 (COMP10136). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Gail Shackleton LIBR10041 – Online Searching (CRN 11208) Learn to apply Boolean constructs and other concepts for efficient retrieval of information from the Internet, library catalogues and commercial databases. Equivalent to Information Work I (LIBRLT220). Required course. Prerequisite: Intro to Libraries and the Information Industry (LIBRLT110). Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Michelle Purcell LIBR10044 – Reference Processes (CRN 11224) Explore fundamental principles of professional accountability that underpin the provision of information services in libraries. Develop effective reference interviewing techniques to answer customer queries. Explore topics related to the management of information service including service standards, in person and virtual service points, policy development and strategies for continuing professional development of staff. Equivalent to Information Work II (LIBRLT420). Required course. Prerequisite: Online Searching (LIBR10041) Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Michelle Purcell LIBR10045 – References Services and Sources (CRN 11103) Focus on reference services and resources used to answer information queries from library customers. Compare and evaluate traditional and emerging reference resources and apply online search skills to effectively answer typical customer queries. Euqivalent to Information Work III (LIBRLT425). Required course. Prerequisite: Reference Processes (LIBR10044) Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Evelyn Kemp LIBR10040 Library Programming, Marketing and Advocacy (CRN 11207) Examine vital client service skills including program planning, outreach, public relations, marketing and partnerships. Equivalent to Client Services (LBRLT435). Required course. Prerequisite: Information Work I (LIBRLT220) or Online Searching (LIBR10041). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Natalie Gibbons LIBR10042 Resource Description and Access I (CRN 11204) Focus on RDA guidelines for descriptive catalogue records and MARC coding and ISBD punctuation for bibliographic records in an automated environment. Equivalent to Descriptive and Access Cataloguing I (LIBRLT302). Required course. Prerequisite: Introduction to Libraries and the Information Industry (LIBRLT110). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 329.04 Instructor: Stephanie Reid LIBR10043 Resource Description and Access II (CRN 11223) Examine form and choice of entry according to RDA cataloguing guidelines, cataloguing applications of the World Wide Web, and sources of cataloguing copy in an automated environment. Learn to critically appraise public access catalogues. Recognize the changes in MARC coding resulting from RDA cataloguing guidelines. Equivalent to Descriptive and Access Cataloguing II (LIBRLT305). Required course. Prerequisite: Resource Description and Access I (LIBR10042). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Donna Thomson LIBR10039 – Library Classification (CRN 11208) Study the principles of classification. Learn to use the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme and Library of Congress Classification scheme. Explore issues related to the process of classifying library materials. Equivalent to Subject Analysis and Classification (LIBRLT325). Required course. Prerequisite: Descriptive and Access Cataloguing II (LIBRLT305) or Resource Description and Access II (LIBR10043). Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 351.21 Instructor: Valerie Neil LIBR10038 Indexing and Subject Analysis (CRN 11209) Study the principles of indexing including abstracts, indexing types and rules, and subject analysis. Equivalent to Indexing and Abstracting (LIBRLT325). Required course. Prerequisites: Subject Analysis and Classification (LIBRLT320) or Library Classification (LIBR10039). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 329.04 Instructor: Janice Cole Mabee INFOLT340 Database Design for Information Workers (CRN 11260) *ACCELERATED (Jan. 13-Mar. 3/15) Examine the role of relational databases in library and information work. Learn to create a database, enter and edit records, search for information and create simple reports. MS Access 2013 required. Not open to students with INFO10081 Access Core. Required course. Prerequisite: Computer Basics with Windows 7, Word and Excel (INFO10156) or Intro to Computers 1 (COMP10136). Length: 21 hours. Fee: $ 208.19 Instructor: Stephanie Reid LIBRLT351 – Serials (CRN 11215) Explore the technical service aspects of serials with emphasis on ordering, tracking and cataloguing. Evaluate the impact of technology on serial collections. Required course. Prerequisite: Descriptive and Access Cataloguing I (LIBRLT302) or Resource Description and Access 1 (LIBR10042). Length: 18 hours Fee: $ 186.02 Instructor: Valerie Neil LIBRLT350 – Acquisitions (CRN 11001) Focus on the acquisition of monographs. Develop skills in searching, ordering, receiving, accounting, collection development, the book trade and automating acquisitions functions. Required course. Prerequisite: Descriptive and Access Cataloguing I (LIBRLT302). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Anne Pottier LIBR10037 – Circulation and Inter-Library Loan (CRN 11522) Explore circulation basics for libraries and information services. Topics include inventory control and inter-library loan and document supply. Equivalent to Collection Maintenance and Inventory Control (LIBRLT215). Required course. Prerequisite: Introduction to Libraries and the Information Industry (LIBRLT110). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Dolores Harms Penner HRESLT150 – Human Relations and Supervision (CRN 11127) Learn to apply the basic principles of effective supervision including planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, delegation and time management in a library environment. Required course. Prerequisite: None. Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Dolores Harms Penner MGMT10041 - Library Financial Management and Budgeting (CRN 11002) *ACCELERATED (Jan. 13-Mar. 3/15) Discuss financial management concepts relating to libraries, with a focus on budgets, financial statements, library funding and strategic planning. Learn to use basic financial information to set goals and objectives. MS Excel software required. Prerequisite: Intro to Libraries and the Information Industry (LIBRLT110) and Computer Basics with Windows, Word and Excel (INFO10156) or Introduction to Computers 1 (COMP10136). Length: 18 hours Fee: $ 186.02 Instructor: Stephanie Reid LIBRLT385 – Children’s Services and Issues (CRN 11885) An issues-oriented introduction to the wide range of responsibilities associated with children’s library services. Investigate the basics of planning and administration, collections development and management, information and readers’ advisory services, and programming and program promotion. Option course. Prerequisite: None. Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Jane Venus LIBRLT335 - Multimedia (CRN 11881) Focus on materials in formats such as video, DVD, films, CD-ROMs, compact discs, records, cassettes, software, talking books, pictures and maps. Also, explore the acquisition, processing, cataloguing, storage, and circulation of these materials. Discuss issues such as copyright and public performance, equipment needs and maintenance, as well as other trends. Option course. Prerequisite: Descriptive & Access Cataloguing II (LIBRLT305) or Resource Description and Access II (LIBR10043). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Michelle Purcell LIBRLT405 - Law Libraries and Legal Research (CRN 11884) Explore the Canadian and Ontario legal systems, with emphasis on legal materials, legal research, and the basics of running a law library. Learn to use primary and secondary legal materials and find information on specific topics using both print and electronic resources. Explore acquisitions, cataloguing and collection development in a law library setting. Access to a law library is required. Option course. Prerequisite: None. Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Cynthia Simpson LIBRLT375 - School Libraries (CRN 11525) Focus on the unique features and issues of elementary and secondary school libraries. Examine collection development and management, readers’ advisory and reference services and library programming. Consider new and emerging initiatives such as the Learning Commons model of school library services. Option course. Prerequisite: None. Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Lou Murray Gorvett LIBR10034 – Youth Services and Issues (CRN 11877) Explore the role of public library staff in youth advocacy and community partnerships serving youth. Investigate the basics of collection development, programming, space design and readers’ advisory services. Option course. Prerequisite: None. Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Christine Dalgetty LIBR10004 - Health Libraries and Resources (CRN 11875) Learn about key health information resources in all formats and identify the features and issues of different types of health libraries. Develop skills in searching the major indexes, electronic databases and the World Wide Web to find quality information to meet the reference needs of your varied clients. Option course. Prerequisite: Information Work III (LIBRLT425). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Mark Aaron Polger LIBR100035 - Introduction to Metadata and Metadata Applications (CRN 11878) Learn to apply metadata schemes and standards to describe digital and electronic web resources. Knowledge of HTML coding recommended. Option course. Prerequisite: Electronic Publishing and Emerging Library Technologies (INFOLT402), Serials (LIBRLT351) and Descriptive & Access Cataloguing II (LIBRLT305) or Resource Description and Access II (LIBR10043). Length: 36 hours Fee: $ 319.04 Instructor: Marina Morgan OADMRM100 – Records and Information Management Fundamentals (CRN 11492) Develop your skills in inventorying, retention and destruction scheduling, and records management, including electronic records. Optional course for Library students; required course for Records and Information Management Certificate students. Prerequisite: None. Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Carolynn Bart-Riedstra LIBRRM103 - Archives (CRN 11102) Develop an understanding of archival theory and practice. Focus on the relationship between archives and records management, acquisition and appraisal, arrangement and description, reference services, preventive conservation, and facility planning and security. Option course for Library students. Required course for Records Management Certificate students. Prerequisite: None. Length: 39 hours Fee: $ 341.21 Instructor: Carolynn Bart-Riedstra WORKLT290 Field Work I (CRN 11272 for session Jan. 13/15 – Apr. 21/15, CRN 11316 for session Feb. 2/15 – May 11/15, CRN 11317 for session Mar. 2/15 – June 8/15, CRN TBA for session Apr. 1/15 – July 8/15) The goal of field work is to broaden your educational experience to include the varied services of different types of libraries. Supervised experience in libraries is essential in the development of library skills. Prerequisites: INFOLT390 (Personal Computer Support) OR INFO10172 (Info. Technology for Library Techs) LIBRLT420 (Information Work II) OR LIBR10044 (Reference Processes) LIBRLT320 (Subject Analysis and Classification) OR LIBR10039 (Library Classification) LIBRLT215 (Collection Maint. & Inventory Control) OR LIBR10037 (Circulation and InterLibrary Loan) Length: 105 hours Fee: $ 157.63 Instructor: Dolores Harms Penner Note: Please review under “Field Work” and submit a placement planning form to the instructor before registering. WORKLT490 Field Work II (CRN 11330 for session Jan. 13/15 – Apr. 21/15, CRN 11318 for session Feb. 2/15 – May 11/15, CRN 11319 for session Mar. 2/15 – June 8/15, CRN TBA for session Apr. 1/15 – July 8/15) The goal of field work is to broaden your educational experience to include the varied services of different types of libraries. Supervised experience in libraries is essential in the development of library skills. Prerequisites: WORKLT290 (Field Work I) INFOLT402 (Electronic Publishing and Emerging Library Technologies) INFOLT340 (Database Design) LIBRLT350 (Acquisitions) LIBRLT351 (Serials) HRESLT150 (Human Relations and Supervision) LIBRLT435 (Client Services) OR LIBR10040 (Library Programming, Marketing and Advocacy) LIBRLT325 (Indexing and Abstracting) OR LIBR10038 (Indexing and Subject Analysis) Length: 105 hours Fee: $ 157.63 Instructor: Dolores Harms Penner Note: Please review under “Field Work” and submit a placement planning form to the instructor before registering. COMMUNICATIONS COURSE To satisfy the Communications course requirement students must take any ONE of the following three courses. You may also substitute a post-secondary communications course from another institution, but approval in advance is required. Contact the Program Manager for details. If you have a bachelor’s degree, the Language Studies dept. will automatically approve your exemption application for COMMLL041 Communication. Contact the Program Manager for details. COMMLL041 - Communication (CRN 11332) Description: Develop thinking, writing, reading, speaking and listening skills with emphasis on effective written communication. Note: This is not a self-paced course, regular weekly class postings are mandatory and strict deadlines apply. 45 hours. Fee: $ 407.55 NOTE: This course starts on Jan. 13/15. Additional sessions of this course begin on Feb. 2/15 (CRN 11134) and Mar. 2/15 (CRN 11457). COMM10073 - Introduction to Intercultural Communication (CRN 11184) Description: Build skills and confidence in communicating respectfully with people from different cultures. Consider differences in gestures, personal space and customs and identify intercultural issues in North American society. 42 hours. Fee: $ 385.38 COMM10027 - Organizational Business Communication (CRN 11093) Description: Hone essential business communication concepts and skills with an emphasis on writing clear reports and documentation, making effective presentations, and enhancing interpersonal skills. 45 hours. Fee: $ 407.55 LITERATURE COURSE To satisfy the Literature requirement students must take any ONE of the following courses. You may also substitute a post-secondary literature course from another institution, but approval in advance is required. Contact the Program Manager for details. If you have a bachelor’s degree, the Language Studies dept. will automatically approve your exemption application for a literature course exemption. Contact the Program Manager for details. COMMLL903 - Canadian Literature (CRN 11426) Description: Focus on literary analysis (written and oral) of selected Canadian novels and short stories, with emphasis on target audience, the relevance of setting and plot in relation to Canadian culture and history, and literary devices. 42 hours. Fee: $ 385.38 COMMLLT06 - Introduction to Children’s Literature (CRN 11406) Description: Examine the history and development of children’s literature and its varied forms and techniques. Explore major authors and important issues presented in this genre. Note: May involve material that is explicit and/or offensive to some. 42 hours. Fee: $ 385.38 NOTE: This course starts on Jan. 13/15. An additional section starts on Feb. 2 (CRN 11199). COMM10095 - Understanding Literature (CRN 11374) Description: Learn to appreciate literature critically by reviewing literary history and examining different genres. Explore themes and conventions associated with these genres and develop and understanding of literary analysis and various critical approaches. Creative-writing students will benefit from a framework in which to appreciate and evaluate their own writing. 48 hours. Fee: $ 426.27 COMPUTER COURSE COMP10136 - Introduction to Computers 1 (CRN 11215) Learn to use the Windows operating system, identify and guard against security risks, and format documents and spreadsheets using Microsoft Word and Excel. Microsoft Works is NOT acceptable for this course. Equivalent to Computer Basics with Windows, Word and Excel (INFO10053 or INFO10113 or INFO10156). 42 hours. Fee: $ 385.38 NOTE: This course starts on Jan. 13/15. Additional sections start on Feb. 2 (CRN 11039) and Mar. 2 (CRN 11040). GENERAL EDUCATION Students in the Library Technician Program are required to complete two general education electives. The following courses satisfy the requirements for general education and are offered by Mohawk College through distance education: COURSE CODE COURSE NAME CONF10005 Anger Management PSYC10020 ARTT10014 GSCI10006 LAWSPF111 SSCISS105 PSYC10008 PSYC10002 PSYC10003 COMM10265 SSCI10006 COMM10277 PSYCSS271 PSYC10006 ENVR10006 ENVR10051 ENVR10005 INFO10158 INDS10009 BLDGAR173 SPRT10007 ARTT10045 SSCIPF202 ENVR10028 LABRPIR08 ENVR10048 SSCI10049 SSCI10026 GSCI10002 PSYCSS156 BUSNPIR10 EDUC10004 PSYC10027 ECONMCP03 GSCI10007 ENVR10050 HISTLLT05 HLTH10044 ENVR10049 SPORT10023 BUSNPIR22 PSYC10007 ENVR10052 Anthropology Art History and Theory Astronomy Canadian Criminal Justice System Canadian Politics Co-dependency as an Addiction Criminal Psychology - Psychopathic Minds Criminal Psychology 2 - Criminal Minds Critical and Innovative Thinking Cults and Terrorism Culture, Language and Linguistics Developmental Psychology Domestic and Workplace Violence Environmental Citizenship A Geography of Planet Earth Geological Disasters Growing Up Digital: Living and Working in Canada History of Aboriginal/Canadian Relations History of Architecture Hockey Hall of Fame Presents I Write the Songs Interpersonal and Group Dynamics – Police Foundations Introduction to Geology: An Overview of Planet Earth Introduction to Industrial Relations Introduction to Paleontology (Fossils) Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Racism and Discrimination Introduction to Science Introductory Psychology Labour Economics Learning Strategies: Learning How to Learn Learning, Thinking and Problem Solving Microeconomics Meteorology Minerals Myths and Legends Nutrition Oceanography The Olympics: Where Sport and Spectacle Meet Organizational Behaviour and Administration Personality Psychology Petrology (Rocks) SSCI10054 SSCISS027 COMM10276 SSCI10008 SSCI10031 SSCI10045 PSYC10012 SSCISS299 SSCISS108 SSCISS109 SSCI10046 SPORT10022 PSYC10009 HLTH10111 SSCI10003 HLTH10147 PSYCSS021 Philosophy of Art Concepts and Theories Political Science & Public Administration – Police Foundations Popular Culture and the Media Sexual Violence Soccer and Its Impact on Society Social Media and Society Social Psychology Society, Technology and Social Issues Sociology 1 Sociology 2 Sociology – Sport Sport: The Global Business of Making Money Sports Psychology Stress, Wellness and Nutrition The Study of Human Sexuality Wellness for Life World of Abnormal Psychology Information about these courses can be found in the Continuing Education Catalogue for the Winter Semester, 2015. Go to and, when the catalogue is available, click on Winter 2015 Catalogue.
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