Announcements Adult Education Today. Jack Spong continues with part IV of his five-part series. “The Fourth Gospel—Tales of a Jewish Mystic” Today: “The Mother of Jesus and the Beloved Disciple at the Cross — A Call for new Relationship between Christians and Jews” January 25: “The Climax of the Fourth Gospel—It is the Crucifixion not the Resurrection” Class begins at 10 am sharp and will conclude in time for questions, and an on-time arrival to the 11:15 am service! Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Breakfast is Tomorrow at the Hyatt in Morristown. The breakfast begins at 8 am and Alan Bowen is selling tickets TODAY. Senator Cory Booker will be the keynote speaker. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. A Nominating committee has been formed to gather names of parishioners interested in standing for election at our Annual Meeting on February 22, 2015 (services will be at 8am and 10 am, with the meeting following the conclusion of the 10 am service.) Do you feel called to serve or know someone that might want to get involved in the leadership of St. Peter’s.? Contact Janet or Danielle Baker ( Thank you! A thank you to so many that participated in our holiday giving opportunities. We gave a total of 83 gifts to YCS (Youth Consultation Service), Morris View, and Spring Hills. Thank you to Gale Jackson for heading up this Outreach effort and to Yvette White for her publicity, posters and more! Although all tags were taken off the tree, 12 gifts were not returned. So some last minute shopping ensured and the “missing” gifts were graciously donated by Gale Jackson and Ed Butera, and Isabel and Jerry Creighton. Thanks to Ellen Merwin for her work on securing our 300 plus bottles of shampoo for the inmates at the Morris County Jail. This is a joint effort with all of the churches in town and it’s great that we participate. “All shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you”. Deuteronomy 16:17 The Friendliest Bridge Game East of the Mississippi. If you are an experienced Bridge player, or want to brush-up or learn the game, just come. There is a table for you. It’s free. A new session began on Friday, January 16th, there is still time to join the group. Bridge meets in the Parish hall from 10 am to noon. For more information call 973-539-0663. The ten commandments. This Friday, January 23 at 7:30pm, Joshua Stafford will improvise the soundtrack to the Ten Commandments on St. Peter’s colorful Skinner Organ. This epic film from 1923, directed by Cecil B. De Mille, is divided into two parts: the first a recreation of the biblical story of the Exodus; the second a modern story concerning two brothers and their views of the Ten Commandments. Tickets for Adults: $15, Students: $10, Children under 18 Free. Tickets may be purchased in advance at: Http:// –tencommandments-jan-23-730pm Repairs to begin! The scaffolding is up and we are hustling and bustling around the offices packing up and moving out so that the interior plaster work can begin. I will keep you updated and appreciate your patience during this time. Meetings, etc. may need to be relocated, but I will be in touch! -Dee Klikier Sunday Evening Contemporary Service. We are exploring the possibility of beginning a Sunday Evening Contemporary Service. If this interests you, we will be gathering together at 6:30 pm on January 18th in the Guild Room. For more information, contact Todd. 2015 PLEDGE CARDS If you have not submitted your pledge card for 2015, do so as soon as possible so that we can continue to offer our ministries and programs. As always we appreciate your support. Questions, contact Mary Beth King in the Church Finance office—973538-0555 ext. 10. Thank you! Did you know that pledge payments can be made through gifts of stock. Please notify Mary Beth King: when doing so. Send all securities to Pershing DTC #443 For further credit to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Account # RWY860001 Ref. WPS—Jennifer McGuire To mail physical securities, please be in touch with Mary Beth King. 2015 Offering envelopes are available in the back of the church. Please pick them up to help us save postage. If you would like envelopes and do not find ones prepared for you, please contact Mary Beth in the church office. Yoga is back at St. Peter’s! After a holiday break, yoga is back on Tuesday evenings in the Guild Room. Class will be geared toward all-levels and will take place from 6:00 pm—7:15 pm. A $10 donation to the teacher is appreciated but no one will be turned away. Wear comfortable clothing (no shorts) and bring a towel or yoga mat. Questions? Please contact Emily O Smith Kimm at or 310-488-6785. Class begins on February 3rd. January 19, 2015—January 25, 2015 Monday, January 19—Martin Luther King Jr. Day Office Closed Tuesday, January 20 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 4:15 pm Choir Rehearsal-children 7:00 pm Principe de Paz, Church & Undercroft 7:30 pm Centering Prayer, Spong Library Wednesday, January 21 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 4:15 pm Choir Rehearsal—children 8:00 pm AA Meeting Thursday, January 22 12:10 pm Holy Communion, Church 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 4:15 pm Choir Rehearsal—children 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal—adults and teens Friday, January 23 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 7:30 pm Silent Film, Church 7:30 pm AA Meeting, Parish Hall Saturday, January 24 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study, Guild Room 9:30 am Soup Kitchen Sunday, January 25 8:00 am Holy Communion, Church 9:00 am Holy Communion, Church 10:00 am Adult Education, Jack Spong, Final Class 10:00 am Coffee Hour 10:00 am Church School 11:15 am Holy Communion, Church 12:30 pm Coffee Hour 1:00 pm Principe de Paz Child Care is offered every Sunday from 8:45 am— 12:30 pm. Please stop by the nursery and meet our babysitting team! “A Week at St. Peter’s” - If you would like to have something included in this publication, please email it to by Monday morning preceding the Sunday that you would like it to appear. Thanks. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 70 Maple Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960 Phone: 973 -538- 0555 Fax: 973-538- 7790 Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4 pm, Friday 9 am—1 pm Our website: w ww.stpeter The Parish Staff: The Reverend Janet Broderick, Rector The Reverend Todd Brewer, Associate Rector The Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, Bishop-in-Residence Mikael Salovaara, Pastoral Associate Joshua Stafford, Director of Music Dee Klikier, Facilities Manager/Administrator/Church School Director Mary Beth King, Financial Manager/Administrator Faith Winow, Executive Asst. to the Rector Deb Joyal, Communications Danielle Williams, Youth Group Director Trevor Wallace, Verger & Sexton KB Bader, Facilities and Maintenance Supervisor The Vestry: Danielle Baker (2015), Michael Sutcliffe (2016) Wardens; Spencer S. Marsh III, Treasurer; Frank Failla, Assistant Treasurer. Vestry: 2015: Nerissa Boccino, Michael Hudock, Eric Meyers, Carrie Stein; 2016: Isabel Creighton, Peter Gordon, Lisa Hatala, Vivian De Los Santos; 2017: Jennifer Dyer, James Galbraith, Deb Joyal, Christine Spong. In Our Prayers this Week Those who are ill, in need, or in any kind of trouble: Abby and Maddie, Alex, Bill, Bruce, Diane Clifton, Jocelyn Dyer, Mark, Ginny Gebauer, Valarie Gilliland, Mary Gorzegno, Weld Granbery, Katherine Greider, the Hazen Family, Peter, Peter Lareau, Jennifer Lewellen, Mark Livingston, Lilly, Lou, Laurie Olcott, the Olcott Family, John Patterson, Bill Pavlovsky, Robin Davis Perras, Bruce Roberts, Nery Rodriguez, Louise Sharretts, George Shimko, Andrew Smith, Christine Spong. Our at-home parishioners: Gail Avery, Virginia Gebauer, Letty Glimm, Jean Hausman, Connie Lucas, Jane MacDougall, Grace Terwilliger, Nancy Urquhart, Toddie Whitlock, and Yogi Yogisparan. For Those That Have Died: Pete Meyers, Robert Gutjahr and Anne Rubino. Altar flower dedications. Altar Flower forms are located in the PH on the bulletin board. Want to honor a birthday or special occasion? Dedicate flowers in the memory of someone? Complete a form and return it to the Parish Office (Dee or Mary Beth). A confirmation will be sent when you submit your request. If you do not receive, a confirmation within a week, please call Dee Klikier at ext. 11. Thank you. A Week at January 18, 2015 Saint Peter’s Church The Confession of St. Peter the Apostle Morristown, NJ Welcome! Welcome to St. Peter’s. We are delighted that you have decided to join us today. We hope that the beauty of our church, the magnificence of our music, and the power of the liturgy and preaching nourish your heart and mind. If this is your first time with us, take a moment to fill out a newcomer card so that we can welcome you and stay in touch. TODAY 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Holy Communion, Church Holy Communion, Church Adult Education—Bishop Spong—Part 4 Church School Coffee Hour Holy Communion , Church Coffee Hour Principe de Paz, Church Morris View, off-site
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