Communications tom cruise and Nicole kidman o Big money makers In sports, you have fabulously wealthy elite Soccer players, Messi – Barcelona Ronaldo Portugal David Beckham England Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, yow ming (retired) Hockey players Crosby, malkon, clitcho brothers in boxing International elites of three fabulously wealthy people have been formed I don’t know much about the financial side of cricket Cricket next to soccer is the most globalized sport, baseball comes behind cricket Political institutions and United Nations They tend to ignore global political organizations undermines national sovereignty and so have organizations like the EU (European Union) United Nations Growth of political institutions History of how the UN was formed All you have to know is that if he mentioned UNICEF is the United Nation’s Children’s Fund When you are giving to charity ask what proportion of every dollar goes to the people that actually need it UNICEF has one of the worst records of all charitable organizaitons when it comes to that The CEO of UNICEF receives 1.2 million a year which is 100 000 dollars a month plus all expenses plus a rolls Royce If you want to give to charity For the oakridge community centre who have breakfast for needy children Before they go to school go to oakridge and get breakfast Children who go to school with an empty stomach don’t learn very well One of the best organization 100% in oakridge goes to it because people administering it are volunteers one of the best charitable organizations is Salvation Army 90% goes to charitable United Way is not as good Countries that are members of the EU are subject to Parliament and subject to European courts Neither is the high court in EU same thing applies Merits and demerits in globalization are not raised There was a case in Canada in which a war criminal for another countries made that supreme court of Canada made a decision should be deported , and they were going to deported and UN said no you can’t deport the branch for UN Committee against torture setting many countries in that committee practice torture We have UN deport individual, you cant send back, he might torture UN is not elected We have electorial control over our courts We elect the prime minister so we have democratic control When it comes to UN we have no control over it A global culture two theses here o Single symbolic global culture (global consciousness) o (global culture) o is globalization producing a single symbolic global culture o if you can analyze globally o many people think globally today o many people say it began in 1969 o Neil Armstrong, took picture of the earth o Walking on the moon o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o High-definition picture very sharp and presents the earth as a whole and totality against the blackness of space People after 1969 used to call earth spaceship How did our consciousness, how has it evolved over time Our consciousness used to be rooted in our households Immediate relatives and extended relativeness Our consciousness was located in the kinship group and then it moved to band, to clan, to tribe and then finally under feudalism moved to feudal village and a feudal Campton and then to nation state main political unit that we find in the world today Nation state has its own defined economy because nation state has borders and they are protected and watched to some degree and nation state has its own money So legal system has its own weights and measures We used to use the old imperial system in Canada We have a hybrid between Metrics and old Imperial system Best example of globalization is the environmental movement particularly global warming The UN takes a leading role here, the IPCC (International Panel of Climate Change) UN global rule Global culture two Theses We have hybridization thesis and the homogenization thesis A hybrid is a mixture of different elements homogenization means all the same So is global culture is hybrid or homogenous Probably a bit of both McDonaldization representation of homogenization and formation of a single global culture Fastfood industry and MCDs operates the same everywhere Mcdonalds come to go with the spread of value When people talk about homogeonization United states has most powerful military No other countries have one to speak of When people talk of homogenoization they have mcds model in mind Homogenization pushed by US largest economy, largest cultural, music, movies influence (soft power) military (Hard power Coca Colonizaiton has spread American culture throughout the world Global culture is becoming homogenized What does evidence say? Ideas of democracy represent there are lots of differences around the world Mentions coca cola MTV, CNN American icons, Disney, Basketball, and Baseball etc. Basketball is behind cricket which is behind soccer which is behind baseball Critics say homogenization exaggerates influence America can be held with suspicion and fear and outright hostility on some occaisons Perhaps homogenization overstates the influences What we see happening globally is a return of ethnic separatism Globalization is supposed to mean the disappearance of ethnic identiy For a single global symbolic culture When we see the world today we see a return to ethnic identity When old soviet union collapsed 1988 1990 we saw country break up along ethnic lines Yugoslavia collapsed, broke up, into warring ethnic groups were in war kind of before
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