Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

8, 2
ary 1
Christ the King Parish
St. John the Evangelist Church
72 South Main Street
Sacred Heart Church
52 Pleasant St
PO Box 2756, Concord, NH 03302-2756
St. Peter Church
135 N State St
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Jn 1:35-42
As we start a new year we are once again called by the Lord. In the Old Testament we hear the “Calling of Samuel” which is at first unfamiliar to him but finally he responds: “Speak, for your servant is listening.” In the New Testament
Our Lord is identified as the “Lamb of God”, the promised sacrifice that will save
all people from their sins. Following this the first disciples respond to His call.
And in St Paul we learn that this calling is Body and Soul and by being temples
of the Holy Spirit we are made ready for our calling.
The Call
Saturday: 4 PM
Sunday: 7 AM
9 AM
11 AM
7 PM
7 AM, 9 AM, 12:10 PM, 7 PM
12:10 PM
5:30 PM
Wednesday 7 AM & 12:10 PM
Thursday 5:30 PM
7 AM & 12:10 PM
Tuesday and Thursday
4:45-5:15 PM
2:30-3:45 PM
It is necessary, then, to appeal to the spiritual and moral capacities of the
human person and to the permanent need for his inner conversion, so as
to obtain social changes that will really serve him. The acknowledged priority of the conversion of heart in no way eliminates but on the contrary
imposes the obligation of bringing the appropriate remedies to institutions and living conditions when they are an inducement to sin, so that
they conform to the norms of justice and advance the good rather than
hinder it.
Without the help of grace, men would not know how "to discern the often
narrow path between the cowardice which gives in to evil, and the violence which under the illusion of fighting evil only makes it worse." This
is the path of charity, that is, of the love of God and of neighbor. Charity
is the greatest social commandment. It respects others and their rights. It
requires the practice of justice, and it alone makes us capable of it. Charity inspires a life of self-giving: "Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life will preserve it." (CCC 1888-9)
“In the written scroll it is prescribed for me, to do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is within my heart!”
Catholic News
Pope Francis: Lord's Baptism Mass and Angelus
[2015-01-12 Vatican Radio]
Noting that the descent of the Holy Spirit at
Christ’s baptism in the Jordan is the sign by which the
Lord begins His public
teaching ministry, Pope
Francis said, “We often pray
to Jesus, we pray to the Father, especially when we
pray the “Our Father” – but not so frequently do
we pray to the Holy Spirit – it is true, no? – He is
the Forgotten One.” The Holy Father went on to
say, “We need to ask for His help, His strength,
His inspiration,” explaining, “the Holy Spirit, who
entirely animated the life and ministry of Jesus,
is the same Spirit who now leads Christian existence, the existence of [every] man and woman
who say they are and want to be Christians.”
In his homily, the Holy Father focused on three
related themes: on the Word of God as nourishment for the soul; on faith as an intrinsically and
essentially ecclesial reality – something that is “of
the Church” and into which we are incorporated
in baptism; on the anointing that is part of baptism, and therefore on the sacrament as one of
royal, prophetic and priestly consecration. Departing from his prepared text, the Holy Father
offered some homiletic reflections on the importance of prayer – especially of prayer to the
Holy Spirit – in the life of Christians. “It is so very
important to pray to the Holy Spirit,” he said, “for
the Spirit teaches us to carry forward the family,
the children – He makes it possible to see that the
children grow up in the atmosphere of the Holy
Trinity.” The Pope went on to say, “It is precisely
the Spirit who leads them forward – and this is
why we need not forget to invoke the Holy Spirit
often, every day.”
Parish News
January 10-11, 2015
Fuel and Utilities
$ 12,045.50
$ 4,402.75
The Special Collections this weekend are for
Maintenance and for the Diocesan Seminarian Fund
Diocesan Seminarian Fund: Educating seminarians is
an investment in the future of the Catholic Church in
New Hampshire, but this goal cannot be fulfilled
without the help of the faithful.
The cost to educate a seminarian is more than $100
for every day he is in formation. This expense includes tuition, room and board at a seminary. 100%
of every dollar collected for the Seminarian Education Fund goes toward supporting the education of
men studying for the priesthood. This annual collection is the primary source of funding for seminarian
Please be generous. Thank you for your support!
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 18, 2015
(Music Issue)
St. John Regional School in Concord nourishes the
spiritual, academic and social growth of students with:
A tradition of excellent Catholic education for 127
years, providing a solid foundation for students age 4
through Grade 8 within a caring community
A Pre-K program which stresses social development
and readiness for Kindergarten
A middle school program which challenges students in
a caring environment
After school care until 5:30 PM is available.
Financial Assistance based on need is available.
Check out SJRS at our Open House, Saturday,
January 24 from 10 a.m. to noon tor call for a tour
of the school.
Openings for 2015-2016 in most grades
For more information contact SJRS
or Email:
61 South State Street, Concord
Gloria... #861 Alleluia... #862 Holy, Holy.. #864
We proclaim your death… #865 Lamb of God… # 869
The Lord’s Prayer will be sung p. 105 (M)
Resp. Psalm: Here am I Lord, I come to do your will
Missalette(M) Music Issue(MI) Voices (V)
Prelude: A Light Shines On Us This Day (Giffen)
11 AM
Entrance: #565 (MI) Sing a New Song 4pm, 7am, 9am, 11am
Offertory: Make of Our Hands a Throne (Warner)
Offertory: #614 (MI) Here I Am Lord
11 AM
4pm, 7am, 9 am, 7pm
Eucharist Antiphon: One Thing I Asked of the Lord 11 AM
O Nata Lux (Garau)
11 AM
Communion: #337 (MI) Behold the Lamb 4pm, 7am, 9 am, 7pm
Meditation: #353 (MI) Testify to Love
4 PM
Sending: #417 (MI)
4pm, 7am, 9am, 11am
Church of God, Elect and Glorious
7:00pm Mass only
Entrance: #270 (V) Here I am to Worship
Sending: #313 (V) Make Us Your Own
St. John the Evangelist Campus
67 ½ South State St.
Phone: 225-1122
Monday through Thursday 7 to 9 PM
Bins for food and toiletry donations can be found in
the back of the church. If you would like to make a
monetary contribution, please use one of the envelopes found in the pew and check the box next to
the Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity!
Our first gathering of young men exploring
their vocation will take place this Wednesday,
January 21st at the Christ the King Rectory at
6 PM. We will share prayer, a meal and explore
the topic of prayer and the various forms of
vocations. This event is open to young men of
high school age and older. If you are interested
please call the rectory at 224-2328.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Margaret Desmond invites you to attend their meeting on
Wednesday, January 21st at 6:30 PM at the St. John
Activity Center. There will be a speaker from CareNet.
We will also have a belated Advent/Christmas Party.
All women over the age of 18 are cordially invited to
Youth Ministry
High School Youth Ministry
All high school youth are invited to
come to Sunday Night Youth Ministry
for food, fun, faith, and friends on
January 25 from 3—6:45 pm at St.
John the Evangelist Activity Center.
Please contact Allison at for more information.
It's Super Bowl Sub time!
Volunteer your time and sandwich-making expertise
on Sunday, February 1st between 12:00-3:00! Come and
help make and sell Super Bowl Subs! This fundraiser
helps youth group members attend retreats throughout
the year and Workcamp! Be a part of the fun and contact Allison at if you can
attend. Different volunteer shifts are available, so sign
up soon!
Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities
St. Padre Pio Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Chapel, Capital Deanery, Concord
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Campus
Our hours are reaching a critical level again. Please
consider spending an hour with our Lord and God!
Our open hours:
Sunday: 8 AM,
Monday: Midnight, 1 AM, 4 AM
Tuesday: 4 AM; 10 PM
Wednesday: 4 AM, 2PM
Thursday: Noon
Friday: 1 AM, 2 AM, 5 AM, 8 PM
Saturday: 2 AM, 7 PM
For more information please feel free to contact Eric
and Kathy Vincello at: 229-1359, or
"Pray, Hope and Don't Worry", St. Padre Pio
"Forward always forward", St. Benedict
Young Adult Group starting up in the area!
A new ministry for young adult Catholics
(in their 20s and 30s, married or single) is
starting up in the Concord area. Please
join us for our upcoming events (held on
the St. John the Evangelist Campus, Concord, NH):
Come and See Social
Free Pizza, Door Prizes, Fun and Games!
Meet Area Young Adults and Learn About Upcoming
Events—Bring a Friend!
Saturday, January 24th, 5:30—7:30 p.m.
Super Bowl Party
Bring Your Favorite Super Bowl Snack to Share
Watch the Game on the Big Screen
Sunday, February 1st, Starting at 6:00 p.m.
Find Us Online:
Natural Family Planning Classes at Christ the King
Looking to do something healthy for your marriage, your body and the environment?
Consider taking an NFP Class. It is over 99% effective, and has been know to have a positive effect
on a couple’s marriage. The course includes an
overview of Theology of the Body and thus enables couples to understand the beauty of their vocation. Great class for the engaged! The class series begins on January 24, 2015. Call Barbara at
463-7456 or e-mail
@ for more information.
Men's Book Discussion group: The next meeting will
be Sunday, January 18th in the IHM room, in Barry Hall
at 7 pm. We are currently reading "The Violent Bear It
Away," by Flannery O'Connor. New members are welcome. Please contact Bill Judd at 225-9003 for more
Mass of Reparation Society
Christ calls us to join him in the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass, in which his perfect sacrifice of the Cross
is perpetuated and offered for our sake to God the
Father. Christ’s heart is saddened as Mass Attendance in Europe and North America has dropped to
an all-time low. As Catholics we have an obligation
to pray that our brothers and sisters return to the
regular reception of Christ’s Sacraments, so that all
can give proper glory and honor to God. There is no
better way to do this, and to console Christ’s heart
than to voluntarily attend Mass when we have no
obligation to do so. By attending an extra Mass, we
show Christ that we voluntarily respond to his call
to participate in his Sacrifice to the Father. The devotion of the Mass of Reparation was approved by
Pope Leo XIII in 1886, and calls for its devotees to
only attend an extra Sunday or daily Mass to ask
Christ’s forgiveness for those who do not fulfill
their Sunday obligation, and to pray for greater
Mass attendance. If you are willing to make a commitment to attend an extra Mass for this purpose,
once a week, once a month or once a year, please
join the Mass of Reparation Society in our parish. Please call Sean Magee at 718-288-3274 or
email him at THAQUINAS@AOL.COM for further
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
"What are you looking for?" When Jesus asked the two disciples this question, they didn't give an answer. Instead, they
asked another question: "Where are you staying?" Obviously these men were interested in learning more about Jesus. They
wanted to accompany him and be in his presence. They decided to spend the whole day with him. But they were not quite
ready to reveal what they were really looking for.
Remember that at the time, these men were disciples of John the Baptist. They had heard John announce the coming of the
Christ, but they didn't know yet who he was. John's followers were certainly looking for something: the Messiah. Most likely, these men were interested in seeing for themselves whether or not this Jesus was the one they had been waiting for.
Apparently, he was. Andrew was convinced by that daylong encounter with Jesus. In the verse that
follows today's Gospel, we learn that "He first found his own brother Simon and told him, 'We have
found the Messiah'" (Jn 1:41). What a joy this must have been for Andrew! He found what he was
looking for. Indeed, the joy was so great that he couldn't wait to share the good news.
When we, like Andrew, take time to "spend the day" with Jesus, getting to know who he really is
through our daily prayer, then the happiness we experience will naturally overflow to others. The
process may begin with questions about who Jesus is; that's only natural. But once we find what we
are looking for, we can do what Andrew did by sharing the joy of the discovery with our own brothers, sisters, neighbors, and friends right here at home.
Volunteer Opportunities, Community Needs and Events
Pilgrimage to Rome October 6-15, 2015
Fr. Don Clinton and Fr. Patrick Gilbert are
leading a Pilgrimage to Rome from October
6 to the 15, sponsored by Canterbury Tours.
The trip includes visits to Assisi, Sienna
and Florence. The cost is $3775.00. If you
are interested, please contact for an application
brochure or call them at 1-800-653-0017.
Volunteers are welcomed at Presidential
Oaks to make a difference in a senior’s
Life. If it may be a Friendly visit, reading ,
reciting poetry, creative craft, playing the
piano, or any other activity you could bring
to the home to enhance the residents
quality of life. Please contact Jane Teahan
–Activities Director (603) 225-6644 Ext
Parish Web Address:
“If you are called, reply, Speak, LORD, for your servant is
listening.” What is God calling you to in your Sacrament of
Marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are March 13 - 15, 2015 and May 19 - 21, 2015. For
more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710WWME or visit our webpage at
Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do
you go on eating binges? Is your weight affecting your life? There
is a solution. Contact Overeaters Anonymous at No dues. No fees. No weigh-ins. No
diets. We are a Fellowship. We meet at 5:30 pm, Thursdays at
Bow Mills United Methodist Church, 505 South Street, Bow. Contact Denise at 848-0542 for questions or more information.
Camp Fatima for boys and Camp Bernadette for girls are now accepting online registrations for the 2015 summer season. The camps, located
in the Lakes Region of NH, offer 2-week overnight sessions for children,
ages 6-15. For more information or to request a brochure and DVD, contact Michael Drumm at 603-364-5851 or You can also visit us on the
web Please don’t wait as sessions do
fill up quickly.
Valentine’s Day will soon be here…….Looking for a special night out for you and your sweetheart? The K of C Council
#112 will be hosting a Sweetheart Social and “The Not So Newlywed Game” on Saturday evening, January 24th. How
well do you and your sweetheart know each other after all these years? The audience and contestants will share lots of
laughs as 3 couples will compete for the “Not So Newlywed” champion title.
Doors open at 6:00pm, a steak and chicken dinner will be served at 6:30, followed by “The Not So Newlywed Game”. The
evening will be held at the Council Home, 52 Bradley St, Concord. Price for the meal will be $10 per person. This is our
only adults only social.
We hope you can join us for an exciting and entertaining evening. Reservations are required, please RSVP to Bob
Nadeau by January 17th at 783-6043 or to reserve your space or with any questions.
Kid’s Corner
John was standing with
two of his disciples, and
as he watched Jesus
walk by, he said,
"Behold, the Lamb of
God." The two disciples
heard what he said and
followed Jesus. Jesus
turned and saw them
following him and said to
them, “What are you
looking for?” They said
to him, “Rabbi”--which
translated means
Teacher--“where are
you staying?” He said to
them, “Come, and you
will see.” - Jn 1:35-39a
Excerpts from the Lectionary
for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970
Saturday, January 17 Vigil: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
4 PM †Dr. Thomas Halligan by the family
Sunday, January 18
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7 AM †All Souls Day Mass Intentions
9 AM †Susan Yanski by Christopher Paul
11 AM †Sam Giordano by Angela Lauricella
7 PM People of Christ the King Parish
Monday, January 19
12:10 PM †Eugene & Anita Fournier by the family
Tuesday, January 20
St. Fabien, St. Sebastian
5:30 PM †Barbara King by Hilda Goodrow
Wednesday, January 21
St. Agnes
7 AM †All Souls Day Mass Intentions
12:10 PM †All Souls Day Mass Intentions
Thursday, January 22
Day of Prayer for the Legal
Protection of Unborn Children
5:30 PM †All Souls Day Mass Intentions
Friday, January 23
St. Vincent; St. Maryanne Cope
7 AM †Lawrence & Marianna Fournier by the family
12:10 PM †Mabel Cote by Sol & Cathy Asmar
Saturday, January 24 Vigil: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
4 PM †Paul Spaulding, by his wife, Joanne
†Leslie Knowlton by Doris Harrington
Sunday, January 25
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7 AM People of Christ the King Parish
9 AM Intentions of Kirk Yanski by Mom and Dad
11 AM †Laura Riegel and the Malette family by Peggy Wayne,
Shana and Heidi
†John Lauricella by his loving mother, Angela
7 PM †Deceased of Christ the King Parish