S R A E Y Y EARL y r o t c e r i D y t e f a S d l Chi NALS WOR O I S S E F O R E FOR P A RESOURC ER 5 YEARS OLD ND CHILDREN U HAVE O H W S E I L I AM KING WITH F PAGE 1 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY contents page no Introduction 2 Prompts for Professionals 3 Factsheets 5 Directory 35 PAGE 2 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Introduction to the Child Safety Directory The Child Safety Directory has been developed in order to aid professionals working with families or visiting homes with young children from birth to five years old. Whenever a visit to a child's home takes place, there is an opportunity to observe life in the home. The next page of this pack aims to supply you with information to identify potential difficulties, hazards and problems within a household. Following this, the subsequent factsheets give you the means to deal with these issues. This may include giving further information to parents or guardians by making use of the leaflets listed alongside every section. If you think that further action is needed, in the back of this resource is a directory of locally available services that will be able to provide further help, advice and input for parents and families. We hope that you find this directory a useful tool for the effective safeguarding of children, and that it enhances and complements your daily work. PAGE 3 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY CHILD HOME SAFETY PROMPTS The following is a list of ‘trigger questions’ for professionals visiting the homes of families with young children. 1. CAN YOU SEE HAZARDS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN? These may include: ? unclear, untidy, disorganised household ? hot drinks ? sharp objects ? choking hazards ? lighters within reach ? evidence of smoking 2. ? evidence of alcohol or illegal drug use ? pets in household ? ungated staircases ? unsafe electrics ? exposed fire or heater ? baby placed on couch ? evidence of domestic abuse ARE THERE ADEQUATE PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN PLACE? E.g. stairgates, window locks, cupboard locks, fireguard, smoke alarm, separate cot, high chair etc 3. ARE THE PARENTS/CARERS AWARE OF AND RESPONDING TO THE SAFETY ISSUES RAISED? ? How are they responding to your questions? ? Would they welcome information and signposting? ? Is additional support needed to implement safety? If so, you can refer the parents to relevant organisations to support them. YOUR RESPONSE - ‘WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT IT?’ a) b) c) d) Provide brief information and advice where appropriate, using the Fact Sheets contained within the Child Safety Directory to support you. Signpost the family to other services (information available in the Directory). With permission, directly refer the family to other services (information available in Directory) e.g. ? Fire home safety check ? Handyman service ? Child safety equipment (Children's Centres) ? Children's social care Consider whether to start the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) process (e.g. completing a CAF form). PAGE 5 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY factsheets page no Alcohol and Drug Misuse 6 Baby Sleep Safe 9 Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse 11 Feeding Safely 15 Fire Safety 17 Home Safety 19 Immunisation 22 Safety Around Pets 24 Smoke Free Homes 26 Sun Safety 28 Travel Safely 29 Water Safety 31 General Child Safety Advice 33 PAGE 6 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE WHAT IS THE ISSUE? ! ! ! ! ! WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? One in eleven children in the UK live in a family with alcohol problems. Over a quarter of a million young people have one or more parents with a serious drug problem. Over 50% of child protection case conferences include parental alcohol misuse and it is a contributory factor in cases of neglect. Problem drinking is often kept secret in families and both parents and children may be reluctant to seek help. Drugs and alcohol are contributory factors in a significant number of road accidents. ! ! ! ! ! ! Many sudden infant deaths locally have been associated with parents alcohol use and falling asleep with baby in bed or on a sofa. Alcohol and illegal drug misuse can damage families, impacting on parents’ ability to care for their children, how the family functions and affecting children from pre-birth to adulthood. Alcohol misuse in families increases the risk of children developing serious emotional and social problems in their adult lives. Parents with alcohol or drug problems may become increasingly focused on their drinking or drug taking behaviour, and therefore may become less loving, caring, nurturing or less consistent, leading to neglect, abuse or domestic violence. Even moderate alcohol use can reduce attention to safety. Alcohol and drug use when pregnant can damage the unborn baby. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Parents misusing alcohol or illegal drugs generally try to give the impression of normality and a secure family life. ? Parents may try to conceal their drink/drug problem from their children, often unsuccessfully. Conflict caused by drinking alcohol is particularly harmful. ? Children's behaviour is often affected by the unpredictable behaviour of their parent. Children living in chaotic families have increased emotional problems and are more likely to become withdrawn, build up a 'fantasy world', become angry or aggressive towards others, or take part in antisocial behaviour as a way of coping. For others, violence and aggression is learned behaviour arising from living in a disruptive household where arguments are common. ? There may be drug paraphernalia (e.g. tin foil, needles, pipes, medicine bottles) and/or alcohol bottles present in the home. ? You may be able to smell alcohol on the person. ? Parents may appear intoxicated. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? The following leaflet has been recommended by professionals for use by parents: Pregnancy and Alcohol Alcohol and Families: What you need to know WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.talktofrank.com www.alcoholconcern.org.uk www.drinkaware.co.uk www.units.nhs.uk www.nhs.uk PAGE 7 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No ARCH Initiatives Support for people misusing drugs in St Helens (until 31/03/2010) 01744 730072 47 Ashley House Support for people misusing alcohol and drugs in Halton. Halton 0151 422 1400 0845 6011500 48 Footsteps Footsteps provide support for families of those misusing drugs. North Cheshire 01925 244524 49 FRANK National Drugs Helpline 0800 776600 n/a Health Improvement Team Identification, screening, offering of brief advice/interventions and referral for clients within the Neighbourhood Management areas: Central Link, Sutton, Parr, Earlestown. St Helens 01744 697433 Halton 01928 593062 58 Lifestyles Team Support for people misusing alcohol. St Helens 01744 457225 50 PADA (Parents Against Drug Abuse) Support for families of substance users. (10 am - 4 pm, Monday - Friday). 08457 023867 n/a Young Addaction Support for young people (13-19) misusing drugs in Halton. 01928 580242 n/a Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Team Support for young people (13-19) misusing drugs in St Helens. 01744 675605 n/a Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Alcohol and families. What you need to know about alcohol. Professionals and Both Parents Health Improvement Team, NHS Halton and St Helens. Call 01928 593062 or 01744 697433 for copies. Pregnancy and Alcohol Parents www.orderline.dh.gov.uk Quote: DOH 287652/ Pregnancy and alcohol Babies and pre-natal Where to find it PAGE 8 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it How much is too much when you’re having a baby? Parents Babies and pre-natal email dh@prolog.uk.com Quote: 277507/How much is too much when you’re having a baby? Alcohol, know your limits (website) Parents Babies and pre-natal http://units.nhs.uk/index.php FRANK (website) Young People (useful for everyone) n/a www.talktofrank.com PAGE 9 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY BABY SLEEP SAFE WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Over 300 healthy babies die unexpectedly every year in the UK due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) which is also known as cot death. Following the advice below will help to reduce the risk of SIDS. The impact on families is devastating. There have been several deaths due to SIDS in Halton and St Helens over the past year. Recent research shows that the rate of SIDS increases strongly if the baby shares a bed. The safest place for a baby to sleep is in his or her own cot or crib in a room shared by an adult - this includes daytime sleeps too. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? People smoking in household. ? Evidence of baby sleeping in bed with parents - cot may not be present or not always used. ? Baby sleeping with parent on sofa, armchair or bed. ? Is the room too hot or are there too many blankets on the cot? ? Alcohol or drug use by parents - this increases the risk of falling asleep with the baby, overlay and suffocation. ? Baby not breastfed. ? Baby not immunised. ? Mothers under the age of 20 years. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Don’t let anyone smoke in front of baby. ? Always sleep baby in own cot, on their back without overheating. ? Breastfeed baby and make sure they have their immunisations. ? Seek prompt medical attention if baby is unwell. ? Never sleep with baby on sofa/armchair, or with you in bed. This can lead to suffocation, particularly if you are tired or have taken alcohol. ? If you have a drink make sure that someone who hasn’t had alcohol is caring for your baby that night. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.fsids.org.uk www.nhs.uk www.dh.gov.uk WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Health Visitors Health Visitors can provide advice and support to parents and carers on preventing sudden infant death and support for people affected. Halton 0151 495 5066 St Helens 01744 627567 59 PAGE 10 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY BABY SLEEP SAFE Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Reduce the Risk of Cot Death: NHS Booklet Parents Babies DOH dh@prolog.uk.com quote: 292301 Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Give me room to breathe Parents Babies www.lancashire.gov.uk/education /safe_child_board Poster/factsheet Dangers of co-sleeping Parents Babies www.fsid.org.uk There were three in the bed FSID poster Parents Both www.fsid.org.uk Time to go back to sleep Flyer Parents Babies FSID Helpline 020 7233 2090 www.fsid.org.uk PAGE 11 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY CARING SAFELY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Children need care and support to keep them safe. Being a parent of young children can be challenging and many parents can feel isolated and overwhelmed. Every year children are hurt because they are not cared for adequately. This can include: ! Neglect - basic care and shelter ! Physical abuse ! Sexual abuse ! Psychological abuse Parents with additional needs (e.g. substance misuse, mental health difficulties) may need more support to keep their children safe. Early intervention and support can prevent problems escalating. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Disorganised household - untidy. ? Change in children’s behaviour - more withdrawn. ? Signs of bruising. ? Changes in family circumstances - new partners, family break-ups etc. ? Parents feeling unable to cope. ? History of domestic abuse with carers. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Discuss concerns with parents/carers unless sexual abuse or fabricated illness is suspected. ? Discuss concerns with senior manager within organisation and follow organisational processes. ? Engage with other agencies through CAF process. ? Referral to social care if real and immediate concerns of harm. WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Children’s Centres Range of services for children and families. Halton St Helens 01928 706306 0800 952 9523 39/40 Children’s Social Care Family Support Services. Halton St Helens 0151 907 8300 01744 456000 41/42 Health Visiting Support and advice for families on all health issues 0-5 years. Halton St Helens 0151 495 5066 01744 627567 59 PAGE 12 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY DOMESTIC ABUSE WHAT IS THE ISSUE? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1in 4 women will experience domestic abuse within their lifetime. 30% of women in England and Wales say they have been physically assaulted by a partner at some point. 30% of domestic abuse starts or escalates when a woman is pregnant. 90% of children are in the same or next room during the incident. 750,000 children a year witness domestic abuse. Males can also be victims of domestic abuse. Police receive a call to stop domestic abuse every minute. 12 women a week are killed by a current or former partner. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? ! ! ! WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Are parents/carers aware of the risks to both themselves and their ability to parent appropriately? ? Are there recent stressors within the family? E.g. divorce/separation, violent history, debt, unemployment, isolation, alcohol/drug misuse etc. ? Does the child have evidence of physical or emotional harm? E.g. unexplained injuries/bruises, anxiousness, depression, Children living in households where abuse occurs are at risk of serious harm and possibly death. Living with domestic abuse can have a long term effect on the victim’s ability to keep themselves and their children safe. The effects of witnessing domestic abuse can affect children in a variety of ways. This can vary depending on the age, vulnerability and resilience of the child. Effects might include: stress; illness; lack of trust; inability to develop “healthy relationships”; anger; isolation; anxiety; shame; disruptive behaviour at home/school. nightmares, flashbacks, recurring physical complaints e.g. stomach aches, temper tantrums, withdrawn, aggressive, etc. ? Does the adult show signs of emotional or physical abuse? For example, do they have unexplained injuries; or are they accompanied by a partner who won't let them speak for themselves or have they missed health screening appointments etc? WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? They are not alone. ? They will be believed. ? People are available to offer advice or support to help you live safely. ? Help is available. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.nspcc.org.uk www.sthelens.gov.uk PAGE 13 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY DOMESTIC ABUSE WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Children’s Services (Children’s Social Care) Telephone to report concerns about a child being abused or neglected. Halton (9am - 5pm) 0151 907 8305 Halton Out of Hours 0345 0500 148/ 0151 907 8314 41 St Helens (9am -5pm) 01744 456600 St Helens Out of Hours 0845 0500148 42 Cheshire (Halton) 0845 458 0000 70 Merseyside (St Helens) 0151 709 6010 71 Police Ring to report concerns about domestic abuse. This service deals with some aspects of drug enforcement and supports the multi-agency concept with both advice and training. It also advocates harm reduction and enforcement. Child Protection 0151 777 6384 Domestic Violence 0151 777 6389 Both Mon - Fri 9 am - 5 pm Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 In an emergency where someone is in danger, always dial 999. NSPCC Provides treatment and therapeutic support services for children who have been abused, domestic abuse prevention in order to help children and their families overcome domestic abuse and help rebuild healthy relationships. They also provide training on domestic abuse for local agencies. www.nspcc.org.uk 01744 614682 n/a PAGE 14 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY DOMESTIC ABUSE Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Are you having domestic/relationship difficulties? Parents Both St Helens Council. Quote: 0800662M PAGE 15 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY FEEDING SAFELY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Breastfeeding protects babies against infection and is the best form of food for the first 6 months. Breastfed babies are less likely to become overweight children. If bottle/formula feeding is used then all equipment needs to be sterilised and formula made up correctly. Babies should not be weaned before 6 months and nothing should be added to feeds before this time. Sugary drinks can harm babies’ teeth and should be avoided. As babies grow children need lumps in food to help develop their mouth muscles for chewing and speech. Drinks should be given in a beaker cup where possible. The right nutritional start in life provides protection against infection and lays the right foundation for growth. Poor weaning can cause childhood obesity, poor speech and dental decay. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Babies under 6 months being given solids. ? If the mother is breastfeeding then support and encourage them to continue as long as possible. ? Choking hazards evident. ? Bottles with sugary drinks evident. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Feed baby only milk up to 6 months ? Gradually introduce a healthy range of ? Keep an eye on your child when eating to make sure they don’t choke food ? Don’t use food as a reward WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.nhs.uk/start4life www.breastfeeding.nhs.uk www.nhs.uk/conditions/babies-weaning www.laleche.org.uk WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Health Visitors/Midwives Can provide information, advice and support on breastfeeding and weaning. Halton 0151 495 5066 St Helens 01744 627567 59 Community Food Workers The team offers a number of initiatives to support parents and children in their early years, e.g. breastfeeding support groups, weaning parties, and healthy eating programmes. Halton 01928 759307 St Helens 01744 677028 43 PAGE 16 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY FEEDING SAFELY Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Get Closer - Support Group Booklet Parents Babies NHS Halton and St Helens Weaning: Starting Solid Food Parents Babies www.dh.gov.uk/publications Ref 278960 Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Parents Babies www.abm.me.uk Breastfeeding Answer Book La Leche League Professionals Babies www.laleche.org.uk Directory of Breast Feeding Resources Professionals Babies www.dh.gov.uk Pub. No. 4097197 National Childbirth Trust Professionals and Parents Babies www.nctpregnancyandbabycare.c om PAGE 17 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY FIRE SAFETY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Accidental fire, injury, death: You’re twice as likely to die in a fire if you don’t have a smoke alarm that works. ! 90 people die each year because the battery in their smoke alarm was flat or missing. ! Over half of home fires are caused by cooking accidents. ! More than five fires a day are started by candles. ! Every three days someone dies from a fire caused by a cigarette. ! Faulty electrics (appliances, wiring and overloaded sockets) cause around 7,000 house fires across the country every year. There have been a number of preventable fires in Halton and St Helens over the last year. The impact is devastating for the family. ! WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Are there working smoke detectors in the property? ? Has a Home Safety Assessment (HSA) been carried out by the Fire Service? ? Overloaded electrical sockets ? Matches and lighters in reach of children ? Candles on plastic surfaces It is easy to be wise after the event, but some simple measures adopted by families could reduce the number dramatically. ? Missing or removed internal doors ? Blocked escape routes ? Discarded cigarettes or overflowing ashtrays ? Children sleeping on matresses on floors WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Suggest free home fire safety check from the Fire Service ? Check their smoke alarm regularly WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.cheshirefire.gov.uk www.merseyfire.gov.uk WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Fire and Rescue Service Free home fire safety checks and smoke alarm fitting service Cheshire (Halton) 0151 495 3510 53 Merseyside (St Helens) 0151 496 4000 54 PAGE 18 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY FIRE SAFETY Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Fire Safety in the Home Parents Both FS069 www.firekills.gov.uk Cheshire Fire Service Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it 6 sense poster Parents Both ww.cheshirefire.gov.uk Fancy a cuppa? Education pack Professionals Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT DVD001 Home Fire Safety Advice Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Parents Both www.merseyfire.gov.uk Hot drinks can hurt me Parents Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT POS011 How safe is your child from burns and scalds Parents Babies www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT LEA012 Keep hot drinks out of my reach Parents Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT FLY001 PAGE 19 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY HOME SAFETY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The risks are greater in children aged 1 - 4 years and include: ! Hazards left in reach - hot drinks, cleaning fluids, small items, cigarettes, heaters, unsafe electrics. ! Falls from heights – stairs, windows, furniture. ! Fires – smoke detectors not working, chip pans, lighters. ! Inadequate/unsafe heaters, unsafe electrics, poorly positioned cookers. ! Safety equipment not being used or not properly installed. ! Children being left alone with dogs. A large number of hospital A&E attendances and admissions in young children are due to preventable accidents in the household. Many of the more serious events occur when children are in other households - e.g. neighbours and grandparents, so parents need to be happy with the level of safety in all situations where they leave their children. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Home in poor state of repair and ? Hazards visible in the home – risk of falls, choking hazards, etc. ? Appropriate safety equipment not installed – organisation. ? Parents/carers not aware of or motivated to deal with the risks. window & cupboard locks, stair gates, fireguards, etc. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Fit smoke alarm ? Try to keep the home as tidy as possible. ? Fit appropriate safety equipment if it is not already installed. ? Access local Handyman schemes where available. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.rospa.com www.direct.gov.uk WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Equipment Schemes Can offer support with purchasing and fitting safety equipment Halton Helps 0151 423 3121 51 Family Information Service 0800 952 9523 Home Improvement Agencies Private Sector Initiatives Carry out home safety checks, fit equipment to homes and carry out repairs Inspection of properties and financial assistance Handyman St Helens 01744 456237 Home Improvement Agency St Helens 01744 676555 Halton 0303 333 4300 St Helens 01744 671602 Halton 0151 906 4831, ext 3070 57 62 63 65 66 PAGE 20 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY HOME SAFETY Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Be Safe 0-8 months: You and Your Baby Be Safe 2-3 years: Better and Faster Be Safe 3-5 years: Growing Up Fast Be Safe 8 months - 2 years You and Your Toddler Keep your home free from damp and mould Parents Babies Parents Toddlers Parents Toddlers Parents Toddlers Parents Both Halton Helps/Hertfordshire Health Promotion Halton Helps/Hertfordshire Health Promotion Halton Helps/Hertfordshire Health Promotion Halton Helps/Hertfordshire Health Promotion Astron B40843 4/05: for free copies call: 08457 741 741 PAGE 21 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY HOME SAFETY Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Accident alert Parents Both Accidents and child development Professionals Both Assured and Assured Shorthold Tenancies: A guide for tenants Essential information for landlords and agents Halton Helps Home Equipment Low Price Scheme - leaflet Housing Options in St Helens How safe are your child’s toys? Parents Families Landlords N/A www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT CH001 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT GUI001 Welsh Assembly Government ISBN 978 1 4098 1104 6 Asset skills Parents Both Available from Halton Children’s Centres Parents Parents Families Both How safe is your child at home? Parents Both How safe is your child from a serious fall? How safe is your child in the garden? Parents Both Parents Both I can choke on small things Parents Both I can easily fall down stairs Parents Both Make sure my fingers don’t get trapped Preventing childhood accidents Parents Both Parents Both Preventing homelessness Parents Families Put small things where I can’t choke on them Parents Both What might poison your child? Carbon Monoxide NHS Leaflet Parents Parents Both Both St Helens Council. 0600611B www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT LEA002 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT LEA019 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT LEA018 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT LEA013 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT POS013 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT POS014 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT FLY003 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT GUI009 St Helens Council: Urgan Regeneration and Housing 0601039G www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT FLY002 www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.htm. Quote: CAPT LEA011 www.orderline.dh.gov.uk Quote: DOH 289814 PAGE 22 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY PROTECTION FROM INFECTION AND IMMUNISATION WHAT IS THE ISSUE? ! ! ! ! ! ! WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Children who are not immunised are at risk of developing a preventable disease that could have serious consequences for the child. If there are a lot of children in a community who are not immunised, the number of children at risk of developing a vaccine preventable disease will increase and there will be an increased risk of an outbreak of disease. Immunisation is a safe and effective way of protecting children against serious diseases. In the UK, the childhood immunisation programme starts at 2 months of age. It is important that children receive their vaccines at the right age. It is never too late to have a child immunised. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Are parents motivated and able to take their child for immunisation appointments? ? Are parents/carers aware of the benefits of immunising their child? ? Are parents/carers aware of the risks of not immunising their child? It is important that babies have their first vaccines at 2 months of age to ensure that they are protected from serious disease as early as possible. It is also important that children receive all of the vaccines that they are eligible for as this will ensure that they obtain maximum benefit from the immunisation programme. Children who cannot be immunised because of a medical condition or treatment that they may be taking also gain protection if there is a high uptake of vaccines in the community in which they live. ! ! ! ? Do parents/carers have access to information on the childhood immunisation programme? ? Are the parents up to date with their own immunisations (e.g. MenC vaccine is recommended up to age 25 years)? WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Contact their Health Visitor or GP surgery for further information. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.immunisation.nhs.uk www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Health Visitors Provide information and advice on immunisation. Halton 0151 495 5066 St Helens 01744 627567 59 PAGE 23 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY PROTECTION FROM INFECTION AND IMMUNISATION Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it A guide to immunisations up to 13 months of age Parents Babies www.orderline.dh.gov.uk NHS 284537 A guide to pre-school immunisations 3-5 years Parents Toddlers www.orderline.dh.gov.uk NHS 275776 Immunisations at 12 and 13 months of age Parents Babies www.orderline.dh.gov.uk NHS 284414 Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Childhood immunisations poster Parents Both NHS 275875 Immunisation Institute of Child Health Professionals and Parents Both www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/immunisation/ Immunisation Professionals and Parents Both www.immunisation.nhs.uk New vaccines for children under 2 years of age Parents Both NHS 276439 TB BCG vaccine and your baby Parents Babies NHS 283286 PAGE 24 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY SAFETY AROUND PETS WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? To raise awareness of issues surrounding infants, babies and young children in relation to ensuring the infant remains safe at all times around pets. Although this section refers to dogs, much of the information below can be applied to any other household pets. ! ! Every year several children in the UK are killed or seriously injured by dogs. To reduce the number of injuries in the household from animal bites and scratches. will do damage. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Children/babies/toddlers being left unattended with dogs moving freely around. ? Dogs looking nervous and unsure around adults, children, babies and toddlers. Dogs may have tails down or tucked between their legs, have ears back or be backing away all the time. They may be panting and pacing. ? Over boisterous dogs that may be jumping around on the furniture and near children. They may be uncontrollable by owner. Just a scratch with a claw ? Collecting by the dog of children's toy's and reluctance to give them up. ? Dog taking food from the child's hands, bowls, etc. ? The dog sleeping on the child's cushion, bed etc. ? Evidence of fouling and marking within the property, especially in areas predominantly used by the child. ? Cat litter trays should always be kept clean. Toxocariasis is present in both cat and dog faeces. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? Dogs are pack animals first, pets next and should always be the lowest member of their pack: the family. This is done by following simple guidelines. A few points are listed below: ? A dog must not sit close to the child eating, highchairs ? Use of dog gates, indoor crates, etc. to provide ? A dog should never be allowed to be at a higher level ? Train the dog to sit when greeting people, especially than the child i.e. a toddler playing on the floor with the dog on the furniture. ? A dog should not be allowed access to the upstairs of the house and should never be allowed to rest on the top landing. Any toddler crawling upstairs is in a vulnerable situation. ? A dog must always eat last within the family. children. all, babies, infants and children must never be left alone with a dog. ? This also applies when visiting friends and relatives homes. or the dining table. Train the dog to sit away in its bed. barriers. ? Above WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.thekennelclub.org.uk www.battersea.org.uk WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Dog Warden Service (Council) Advice on what to do about dangerous dogs Halton 0303 333 4300 St Helens 01744 456789 45 46 RSPCA Local Centre 0151 486 1706 n/a PAGE 25 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY SAFETY AROUND PETS Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Safety Around Dogs Parents Both Battersea Dogs & Cats Home www.battersea.org.uk The Blue Dog Parent Guide and CD Rom Parents Both British Small Animal Veterinary Association www.bsava.com BSAVA product Code: P04000 PAGE 26 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY SMOKE FREE HOMES WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Babies and children exposed to cigarette smoke have: ! Much higher risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome than children of non-smokers. ! Increased risk of meningitis. ! More chance of getting glue ear which can lead to partial deafness. ! Increased risk of asthma attacks and chest infections. ! Much higher risk of needing hospital care in their first year of life. ! More chance of coughs, colds and wheezes. ! More time off sick from school compared with children of non-smokers. Tobacco smoke contains poisonous gases, tar and thousands of toxic chemicals. Children are even more sensitive to smoke than adults as their bodies and lungs are young and still developing. Children need protecting by keeping their playing, sleeping and eating areas completely smoke free. Every three days someone dies from a fire caused by a cigarette. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Smell of tobacco ? Evidence of cigarettes/lighters/ashtrays in the home ? Parents visibly smoking in front of children WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Try to smoke outside and out of sight of children ? Has the parent/carer considered quitting? If so, can you support them to access the smoking cessation service? WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.nhs.uk/gosmokefree WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Health Improvement Team Smoke free home award scheme (targeted at specific wards in Halton) 01928 593 085 75 Smoking Cessation Services (SUPPORT) Offers advice and support to help people stop smoking (available to anyone who wants to quit smoking) Halton 01928 593043 St Helens 01744 814837 76 PAGE 27 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY SMOKE FREE HOMES Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Protecting babies and children from second hand smoke: tips for smokers who live with children Parents Both www.orderline.dh.gov.uk Quote: DOH 508VA Parents Both www.smokefree.nhs.uk Second hand smoke kills (leaflet) Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Protecting babies and children from second-hand smoke (leaflet) Parents Both www.orderline.dh.gov.uk Quote: DOH 5080SHS Second hand smoke kills (leaflet) Parents Both www.orderline.dh.gov.uk Quote: DOH 273950/6000D Smoke free homes pack The smoke free team Parents Both Halton Borough Council PAGE 28 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY SUN SAFETY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Getting sunburnt as a child is painful and leads to a greater risk of skin cancer in later life. ! ! ! WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? Babies Check that: ? Babies under the age of six months are being protected from the sun at all times. ? Ideally they should be kept in the shade as much as possible. ? Sunscreen is being used to protect any exposed areas of skin. ? Babies in buggies are being protected by the use of a sun umbrella, as quite often, arms and legs are exposed to the sun. Children’s skin burns easily. It is important that children, especially babies and toddlers, are given the protection they deserve. The good news is that sun damage can be avoided. Experts believe that in four out of every five cases skin cancer is preventable. Toddlers and Young Children Check that parents and carers are following the advice below: ? Take care not to let your child burn. Don’t be fooled by a cool breeze or light cloud. ? Make sure your child is covered up with loose fitting clothing and wearing a hat and sunglasses. ? Ensure your child stays in the shade between 11am and 3 pm when the sun is strongest. ? Make sure you apply a high factor sunscreen to your child with an SPF of at least 15+ and high UVA protection. Apply this generously and often, especially if in and out of water. ? If possible use a child’s sunscreen and patch test before using it to check for allergies. ? Try to get your child to drink plenty of fluids. ? Report any changes to moles or skin growths that you notice on your child to your doctor. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? Sun Smart Campaign Cancer Research UK www.sunsmart.org.uk www.cancerresearchuk.org WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Directory Page No Health Improvement Team Can offer general advice and support on sun protection. Halton St Helens 01928 593057 01744 626667 n/a Health Visitor Practice Nurses Doctor or Pharmacist Can help if parent has noticed changes to child’s skin, e.g. moles or new growths. Halton St Helens 0151 495 5066 01744 627567 59 PAGE 29 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY TRAVEL SAFELY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? ! ! ! ! WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Wearing seat belts saves over 2,000 lives every year. 80-90% of child seats are incorrectly fitted or adjusted. During a head-on collision, a young, unrestrained child in a car travelling at only 25mph can be catapulted forward through the windscreen. Nearly half of all children killed or injured on the road are passengers in cars. Wearing a properly fitted and adjusted restraint reduces the risk of injury to children by up to 65%. Adult seat belts are best for people with an adult bone structure. Children need to use child seats and boosters to be safe. Children up to 135cms in height must use the appropriate child restraint. ! ! The Law ! ! ! For everyone's safety, the law requires a seat belt to be used if one is fitted and children up to 135cm in height or 12 years old (which ever comes first) to use a child restraint when travelling in any car, van or goods vehicle. A child may use an adult belt when they reach 135cm in height or the age of 12. You must not carry an unrestrained child in the front seat of any vehicle. You must wear a seat belt in cars and goods vehicles where one is fitted. There are very few exceptions to this. The driver is liable to prosecution if a child under 14 does not wear a seat belt or child restraint. ! WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Cars with no booster seats in them. ? Parents unaware of how to fit a booster seat to the car. ? Inappropriate seat for weight of child. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? There are several different types of child restraints, baby seats, child seats, booster seats and booster cushions. Check on the seat description that it is suitable for the child's weight. ? Before buying a child restraint, you should try it out in your car to make sure it fits properly. Ask for a demonstration before purchasing. ? Take time to make sure your child restraints are fitted properly every time. ? If in doubt contact the Road Safety Team in the Council. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.dft.gov.uk/think www.highwaycode.gov.uk www.childseats.org.uk www.halfords com www.rospa.com www.mothercare.com WHO CAN HELP LOCALLY? Name of Service Support Offered Contact Details Road Safety Team (Council) For advice and support to fit car booster seats Halton 0151 4717 365 St Helens 01744 673233 Directory Page No 73 PAGE 30 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY TRAVEL SAFELY Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Road Safety Matters Parents Toddlers www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk Quote: T/INF/1307 Other Helpful Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Buckle up for Baby and You Parents Babies www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk Quote: T/INF/1103 Get Across Road Safety Parents Both www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk Quote: T/INF/697 How safe is your child in the car? Parents Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT LEA015 How to fit a child’s . . . Parents Both www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk Quote: T/INF/697 It’s fun to out, but . . . Parents Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT BKT007 Law - Department for Transport Professionals and Parents Both www.direct.gov.uk Seatbelts and Child Restraints Professionals and Parents Both www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk Parents Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT POS012 We can get thrown about in the car PAGE 31 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY WATER SAFETY WHAT IS THE ISSUE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Young children are at high risk of injury or death around water. There are two main areas of concern surrounding water safety: 1. Scalds in Bath Water ! ! Due to the fragile, thin skin of babies and small children they are much more easily scalded by water which would not be hot enough to harm an adult. ! Most instances of bath water scalds occur in lower socio-economic groups. ! 2. Accidental Drowning ! ! Children can drown in water of only 5cm (2 inches) deep. As well as baths, ponds and paddling pools, potential dangers include any container which may become filled with rain water. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR? ? Open garden ponds, filled paddling pools, and rain-filled garden containers may lead to drowning. ? Parents not aware of the risks. ? Leaving children unattended near/in water. Annually, around 450 under 5s are admitted to hospital with scalds from bath water. Another 2000 children experience less severe scalds not requiring hospital treatment. Of the severely injured children, around 20 will die as a result of their injuries, and many more will be left with longterm scarring, possibly requiring many years of hospital treatment. In 2007, 14 children under 5 died as a result of drowning. There were many more episodes of near-drowning, some leading to life-long disability. ? Having an older child in the bath who may turn on the hot tap. ? Adding hot water to the bath before cold will increase the chances of scalds in young children. WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE TO PARENTS? ? Never leave a child unattended in the bath ? Turn over any containers, wheelbarrows, or bathroom, or around water. ? Fit a thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) to taps. ? Cover up or fill in garden ponds, and put a fence with a self-locking gate around swimming pools. ? Empty and deflate or turn over paddling pools. etc in the garden which may fill with water. ? Make sure children cannot get into neighbours’ gardens. ? Don’t let older children play around water or swim in open water without adult supervision. WHERE ELSE CAN I GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION? www.capt.org.uk www.rospa.com/homesafety/advice/index.htm PAGE 32 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY WATER SAFETY Recommended Publications Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Water Safety Advice from STA for New Mums and Dads Parents Both www.swimkidz.co.uk/files/STA_T oddler_Brochure_ENG.pdf PAGE 33 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY GENERAL CHILD SAFETY ADVICE Helpful Publications Here is a list of publications containing general information about child safety. Publication Aimed at . . . Babies/ Toddlers Where to find it Babies Safety Tips Parents Babies www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT LEA020 I’m only a baby but . . . Parents Babies www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT BKT005 Keep your baby safe Parents Babies www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT BKT001 Now I can crawl I can . . . Parents Both www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT BKT006 Toddlers and Up Parents Toddlers www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT LEA021 Toddler Safety Tips Parents Toddlers www.capt.org.uk/sales/default.ht m. Quote: CAPT LEA021 Widnes Children’s Centres Activities and Services Parents Both Available from local children’s centres Widnes Children’s Centres Timetable Parents Both Available from local children’s centres PAGE 34 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY This page has been left blank for you to make any notes you may find useful. PAGE 35 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY directory The following two pages (36 and 37) provide a ‘quick view’ table for you so that you can easily identify the safety issues that each agency addresses. The directory of services begins on page 38 and is arranged in alphabetical order. PAGE 36 Arena Housing Group Children’s Centres - Halton Children’s Centres - St Helens Children & Young People’s Services - Halton Children & Young People’s Services - St Helens Community Food Workers - Health Improvement Team Community Parents Project - Halton Dog Warden Service - Halton Dog Warden Service - St Helens Drugs and Alcohol Services - Arch Initiatives, St Helens Drugs and Alcohol Services - Ashley House, Halton Drugs and Alcohol Services - Footsteps, St Helens Drug and Alcohol Services - Lifestyles Team Equipment Schemes Halton “Halton Helps” Family Support - St Helens Fire and Rescue Service - Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service - Merseyside Halton Domestic Abuse Service Halton Housing Trust Handyperson Scheme - St Helens Health Improvement Team (Drugs and Alcohol) Health Visiting - Halton Water Safety Travel Safely Sun Safety Smoke Free Homes Safety Around Pets Immunisation Home Safety General Child Safety Advice Fire Safety Feeding Safely Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse Baby Sleep Safe Alcohol and Drug Misuse CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P PAGE 37 Helena Partnerships Home Improvement Agency - Halton Home Improvement Agency - St Helens Home Start - St Helens Housing: Private Sector Initiatives - Halton Council Housing: Private Sector Initiatives - St Helens Council Independent Sexual Violence Advocate Liverpool Housing Trust Parenting Practitioners - Halton Plus Dane Group Police - Cheshire Police - Merseyside Riverside Road Safety - Halton and St Helens School Nursing Service Smoke Free Homes - Health Improvement Team (Tobacco Control) Smoking Cessation Service - Halton and St Helens Walk-in Centres Warm Front Water Safety Travel Safely Sun Safety Smoke Free Homes Safety Around Pets Immunisation Home Safety General Child Safety Advice Fire Safety Feeding Safely Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse Baby Sleep Safe Alcohol and Drug Misuse CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P PP PP P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P PAGE 38 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Arena Housing Group Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Arena Housing Group Caring Safely and c/o Arena Homes Domestic Abuse Tolver Street St Helens WA10 1EW 01744 670221 Feeding Safely Halton P www.arena-housing.com P Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice St Helens P P Open to All P Targeted Groups P Services offered: Housing and housing with support/care. Our main role is providing social rented housing for residents in a number of areas across the North West, including Halton and St Helens. Arena Homes provides general needs housing but Arena Options provide specialist housing and support to homeless people and families, young people and elderly who need extra care. We work in partnership with other agencies. Home Safety P Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Who the service is targeted at: Arena Homes services are aimed at all those who require accommodation. Arena Options is aimed at those people who need housing related support or care. Travel Safety How the services can be accessed: To access Arena Homes contact the Choice Based Lettings Schemes where appropriate or the main contact number (above). Arena Options provides many services which can accessed in different ways. Initially, contact 01744 670221. Water Safety Additional information: None. PAGE 39 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse P Baby Sleep Safe P Children’s Centres - Halton Contact Details: Children’s Centres - Halton Contact the Family Information Service on 01928 704306 or your local centre: Ditton Kingsway Warrington Road Halton Lodge Brookvale Halton Brook 0151 420 5482 0151 907 8350 0151 424 4686 01928 573107 01928 797160 01928 573265 www.halton.gov.uk Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse P St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P P Targeted Groups Fire Safety P Services offered: Halton Children’s Centres provide many different services and activities for parents, parents-to-be, their babies, toddlers, young children and the rest of the family. These services are provided in Centres, community venues and families homes. General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation P Halton Helps is a subsidised safety equipment scheme available to all families living in Halton who are registered with a Children's Centre. See page 51of this directory for more information. Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Both universal and targeted; working with other professionals to identify and support our most vulnerable families. How the services can be accessed: Families can access the service by registering with their local Children's Centre. Professionals can complete a Children's Centre service request form. Additional information: See website: www.halton.gov.uk Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety P Water Safety P PAGE 40 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug P Misuse Children’s Centres - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Caring Safely and P Domestic Abuse Feeding Safely P Fire Safety General Child P Safety Advice Home Safety P Immunisation P Contact Details: Children’s Centres - St Helens Contact the Family Information Service on 0800 952 9523 for details of Children’s Centres. www.sthelens.gov.uk Billinge Children’s Centre: Central Link Children’s Centre: Eccleston Children’s Centre: Four Ways Children’s Centre: Haydock Children’s Centre: Moss Bank Children’s Centre: Newton Children’s Centre: Parr Children’s Centre: Rainford Children’s Centre: main centre - Moss Bank Rainhill Children’s Centre: main centre - Thatto Heath Sutton Children’s Centre: Thatto Heath Children’s Centre: 01744 678225 01744 673444 01744 678211 01744 678026 01744 678334 01744 672020 01744 672037 01744 614340 Halton P St Helens Open to All Targeted Groups P 01744 678235 01744 678245 01744 822160 01744 678372 Services offered: Home Safety Equipment Scheme is targeted at those families with children aged 0-5 years who may not be able to afford home safety equipment. Safety Around Pets Eligibility criteria: Home visit is offered by Children’s Centre Link Workers who undertake a home safety assessment. Home safety advice and information is given to parents. Smoke Free Homes Who the service is targeted at: Families with children aged 0-5 years who may not be able to afford home safety equipment and meet the eligibility criteria. Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Professionals can access the service by contacting Children’s Centres directly or on a Sure Start service request form. Parents can self refer by contacting the nearest Children’s Centre or the Family Information Service on Freephone 0800 952 9523. Travel Safety P P Water Safety Additional information: See website: www.sthelens.gov.uk PAGE 41 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Children & Young People’s Services - Halton Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Children & Young People’s Services - Halton Grosvenor House Halton Lea Runcorn WA7 2WD 01928 704341 www.haltonsafeguarding.co.uk Social Care 0151 907 8300 Emergency Duty Team Out of Hours 0345 0500 148/ DutyOfficer@halton.gov.uk 0151 907 8314 Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: ! Family Specialist Service - social care advice and support for children with Level 3a and b needs. ! Children with disabilities team - provide social work support, community based services and respite support for families of disabled children. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Who the service is targeted at: Children and families who meet the criteria of need. Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes How the services can be accessed: If you are worried a child is being abused, contact the Safeguarding Children Board on the numbers above. Sun Safety Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety P PAGE 42 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Children & Young People’s Services - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Children and Young People’s Services - St Helens Caring Safely and Atlas House Domestic Abuse Corporation Street St Helens WA9 1LD Halton P Feeding Safely 01744 456000 0845 050 0148 9am - 5pm: Contact Centre Emergency Duty Team www.sthelenslscb.org.uk Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Open to All P P Targeted Groups Services offered: The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board has responsibility for ensuring services, policies and procedures are in place to safeguard children, young people and their families across St Helens. Children and Young People’s Services provide services which include: The Safeguarding Unit, The Family Support Service, Social Care Fieldwork Teams, The Looked After Children’s Team, The Children with Disabilities Team, The Young Peoples Team and the Adoption and Fostering Service. Who the service is targeted at: Children and Young People’s Services includes social care. On receipt of referral social workers assess, plan and review packages of support and protection for families in conjunction with partners and the voluntary sector. Social workers use a statutory assessment tool to complete initial or core assessments. The assessment should build on the Common Assessment Framework, completed in the first instance by other partners. The first priority is to ensure children are safe and their wellbeing is assured. We aim to do this by working alongside the family to ensure children are cared for within their own family. Where this is not possible we provide services to safeguard children, including those for looked after children and care leavers and children with a disability. How the services can be accessed: If you feel a child is in need of support or are worried a child is being harmed, contact Children and Young People's Services on the Contact Centre number or Out of Hours number. The Contact Centre will signpost you to the appropriate service. Additional information: Water Safety St Helens The Domestic Violence involving Children Project (DVIC) provides a specialist service for families experiencing Domestic Violence. The Parenting Commissioner commissions and co-ordinates parenting support services and the Think Family agenda. The Emergency Duty Team provides a specialist out of hours service. PAGE 43 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Community Food Workers - Health Improvement Team Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Community Food Workers - St Helens Based at: St Helens Parr Community Fire Station Correspondence to head office at: Bold Miners Neighbourhood Centre, Fleet Lane, Parr, St Helens, WA9 2NH Tel 01744 677028 (Fire Station) 01744 697432 (Head Office) Fax 01744 697434 Community Food Workers - Halton Based at: Brookvale Community Centre Correspondence to office at: Brookvale Community Centre, Northwich Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 6PE Tel 01928 759307 email: communitydietitians@yahoo.co.uk Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens P Open to All Feeding Safely P P Targeted Groups Fire Safety P Services offered: We offer a number of programmes about nutrition in the early years from breast feeding support group (St Helens currently) to weaning parties, healthy eating and grow, sow and eat programmes. We also offer cooking skills courses for parents with children under 5. Other programmes can be tailored depending on the groups’ needs. We provide our programmes in Children’s Centres, nurseries, community gardens and community centres. Nutrition training packages for the Early Years is available for all staff. Community Food Workers also offer services for school age children and adults. General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Our team works with children under 5 and their families. We work with a number of health care professionals such as nursery nurses and health visitors. We also provide training to all staff working in Early Years and Nutrition. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Please contact us via the telephone numbers above or written referral/requests to the postal addresses above. Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety PAGE 44 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Community Parents Project - Halton Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Community Parents Co-ordinator Caring Safely and The Kings Cross Project Domestic Abuse c/o Trinity Church Peelhouse Lane Widnes Cheshire Feeding Safely WA8 6TJ Tel/Fax 0151 420 4905 Halton P P Fire Safety St Helens Open to All P Targeted Groups claire@kingscrossproject.co.uk Services offered: General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation Safety Around Pets The Community Parents Programme provides a home visiting (buddying) and advice service to Halton families, particularly new parents and those who are in danger of being excluded. The Programme recruits and trains local residents who can identify the issues and challenges facing the families they are visiting. All volunteers will complete a comprehensive training programme in disciplines and good practice involved in family visiting, with regular specialist training updates as appropriate. In addition all volunteers are Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checked and are subject to two satisfactory references. Following training, our volunteers make home visits to discuss with parents any issues and challenges that they may be facing. They encourage families to share their concerns and then identify potential solutions, which may be through emotional support, practical help, and information about health or childcare matters and so on. They also support parents to attend services which they would not normally feel confident to attend alone, i.e. parent and toddler groups. Community Parents provide a non-stigmatising service which extends to all new parents especially those identified as being vulnerable, thereby picking up parents’ anxieties and concerns and offering positive intervention at an early stage before they escalate into a crisis situation. The definition of 'family' is not fixed and can vary to include a range of individuals who make up the core carers within the unit they consider as family. Who the service is targeted at: Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety The following family groups living within Halton: ! new parents ! lone parents ! teenage parents ! families referred by other agencies with previously identified support needs, such as managing housekeeping, managing money, parenting skills, emotional support ! families with a child with behavioural difficulties or special needs How the services can be accessed: Travel Safety Water Safety Families may self-refer to the service or be referred via another agency. If you are an agency making a referral, you must gain the consent of the parent/carer prior to doing so. Families/agencies may refer over the phone giving the following details: names and dates of birth of parents/carers and children, address, contact number/s, name of Health Visitor & GP, details of any other involved agencies. You may also obtain a referral form from the Kings Cross Project office if preferred and return via post/fax/email. Additional information: The Kings Cross Project opening times: Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-4.30pm PAGE 45 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Dog Warden Service - Halton Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Dog Warden Service - Halton Rutland House Halton Lea Runcorn Cheshire WA7 2GW 0303 333 4300 www.halton.gov.uk Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: The aim of the Dog Warden Service is to promote responsible dog ownership and to enforce dog control legislation where possible. Our Dog Warden can provide advice on a range of issues including barking dogs, stray dogs, dangerous dogs, dog fouling and the enforcement of Dog Control Orders. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Who the service is targeted at: Everyone Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes How the services can be accessed: Via 24 hour contact centre 0303 333 4300 or visiting our website www.halton.gov.uk Sun Safety Travel Safety Additional information: Halton Council also provide an out of hours collection service for stray dogs up to 11:00pm. If you have hold of a stray dog outside of office hours, please ring Animal Wardens on 0845 241 7253. Water Safety P PAGE 46 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Dog Warden Service - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Dog Warden Service - St Helens Caring Safely and 3rd Floor Domestic Abuse Wesley House Corporation Street St Helens WA10 1HE Feeding Safely 01744 456338 www.sthelens.gov.uk Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Halton St Helens Open to All P P Targeted Groups Services offered: The Dog Wardens provide regular patrols throughout St Helens and respond to queries about dangerous dogs, stray dogs and dog fouling. The service promotes responsible dog ownership through education and events working in partnership with Merseyside Police, RSPCA, Dogs Trust and local training schools. Home visits to microchip dogs are undertaken at minimal cost. Free Poop Scoops are available at the One Stop Shop, all Libraries and many other outlets throughout the borough. Immunisation Safety Around P Pets Who the service is targeted at: Everyone Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: If you are worried that a household you are working with has a dog that has bitten or acted aggressively, please telephone the contact number with your query. Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety If the household has a dog that you think may be a 'banned breed' dog such as a PIT BULL TERRIER TYPE a JAPANESE TOSA, FILA BRAZILIA or DOGO ARGENTINA, you should contact Merseyside Police on 0151 709 6010 or 0151 777 8760 and request a Dog Legislation Officer visit the property. PAGE 47 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Drug and Alcohol Services - Arch Initiatives, St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Arch Initiatives 44-48 Claughton Street St Helens WA10 4EY 01744 730072 Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse P St Helens Fax: 01744 756778 Open to All Targeted Groups Feeding Safely Fire Safety P Services offered: Our prescribing service includes: Assessments, goal setting, care plans, reviews, one to one support, harm reduction, syringe exchange, relapse prevention, liaison with Child Protection Services, working in the community with Sure Start Services, referrals to other agencies if appropriate. Health promotion, sexual health, health assessments including immunisation and blood borne virus testing, and detoxification programmes are offered by the Nursing Team. General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Prescribing services for adults aged 19 years and over using drugs. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Clients can self refer to treatment or can be referred by other professionals with their consent. Additional information: Our opening hours are Mon 9-5pm (once a month the service is open until 6.30pm). Tuesday 10-5pm. Wednesday to Friday 9-5pm. Travel Safety Water Safety P PAGE 48 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug P Misuse Drugs and Alcohol Services - Ashley House, Halton Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Ashley House Caring Safely and Ashley Way West Domestic Abuse Widnes WA8 7RP 0151 422 1400 or 0845 601 1500 Halton P Feeding Safely Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation www.ashleyhousehalton.co.uk St Helens P P Open to All P Targeted Groups P Services offered: Assessment, confidence building, goal setting and care plans. A Positive Parenting Programme (PPP) for parents. Work with children and liaise with child protection services. Workers will meet clients in home visits or at a neutral location. The service provides harm reduction, relapse prevention and maintaining abstinence, as well as offering health promotion including sexual health advice. Support for Carers. Family services for children and adults affected by substance misuse. A Needle Exchange Scheme and prescribing service are also available. Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Who the service is targeted at: Adult (19 and over) substance misusers with children under 18 and their partners. Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety How the services can be accessed: Self referral or referral by a professional with consent. Telephone the numbers above or fill in a form online (web address above). Additional information: Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday (and until 7pm on Tuesday). There is a drop-in service between these hours. PAGE 49 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse P Drug and Alcohol Services - Footsteps, St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Footsteps Tontine House Church Street St Helens WA10 1BD 01744 457110/01925 244524 info@footstepsforfamilies.org Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse P St Helens Open to All Targeted Groups Feeding Safely Fire Safety P Services offered: Footsteps offer a confidential listening, information and support service to any adult affected by someone else's drug or alcohol misuse. This is done via telephone support, one to one appointments, home visits and group meetings. We can help people to build upon their own strengths and coping skills, enabling family members to bring about small changes in themselves which can in turn improve the situation at home. Footsteps have friendly trained staff and our services are available to clients for as long as they wish to access them. General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Footsteps service is targeted to anyone (over 18) who is affected by someone else's drug or alcohol misuse, this includes parents, partners, siblings and grandparents. How the services can be accessed: The service can be accessed via referral from other agencies or self referral and can be by phone or in person, however this would be on appointment only basis as we do not currently have the facilities for a drop in service. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Additional information: Footsteps have offices in both St Helens and Warrington. PADA (Parents Against Drug Abuse) may also be able to support families of substance misusers. Contact them on 0845 702 3867 (Monday - Friday: 10 am - 4pm). Water Safety P PAGE 50 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Drugs and Alcohol Services - Lifestyles Team Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Lifestyles Team Caring Safely and NHS Halton and St Helens Domestic Abuse Balker House Cowley Hill Lane St Helens WA10 2AP Feeding Safely Halton P Enquiries Referrals 01744 457225 01744 457237 Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Safety Around Pets Open to All P Targeted Groups P Services offered: 1) Brief interventions to raise awareness of the harm to the client’s health that alcohol can potentially have. Motivational interviewing and community detoxification programmes for people misusing alcohol/drugs are also available. Home Safety P 2) Immunisation P P St Helens Primary care nurses provide health needs assessment, immunisations and healthcare interventions to all substance misusers (opiates, stimulants, steroids) accessing substance misuse services (including syringe exchanges) within St Helens and Newton-le-Willows. Who the service is targeted at: Adults within the St Helens Council area requiring assessments for alcohol, homelessness support, harm reduction for drug use. How the services can be accessed: Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety 1) Self referrals can be made via Telephone: 01744 457237. Referrals from other sources i.e. GP, relatives, other agencies can be made using service referral form. Fax: 01744 457239 (referrals from other sources can also be made via telephone). This service is for anybody aged 19 years who wants to cut down or stop drinking alcohol. The team works across all areas of St Helens and Newton-le-Willows. 14 Alcohol Clinics are held weekly in venues across the borough of St Helens. The service will offer people an appointment within a short timescale. 2) All individuals attending Community Drugs Treatment services will be offered an appointment with the team nurses; they can request to see the nurses at anytime during their engagement with drug treatment services. Service users accessing syringe exchange services can self refer to see the nurses via the syringe exchange worker. Anybody interested in community opiate detoxification can be referred by their drugs worker or self refer. Telephone: 01744 457237 3) Homeless Health Team will outreach and facilitate access to vulnerable individuals to services to improve mental and physical wellbeing. Additional information: The team operates Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm (although arrangements can be made to see individuals outside of these hours if required) PAGE 51 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Equipment Schemes Halton “Halton Helps” Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Equipment Schemes Halton “Halton Helps” Dundalk Road Widnes WA8 8DF 0151 420 5482 P Caring Safely and Halton Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: Low cost safety equipment for the home sold to parents and carers living in Halton. Equipment includes safety gates, fire guards, socket covers, baby monitors, bath mats, baby harness/reins, window locks, forehead thermometers, high visibility safety vests and fridge locks. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Anyone with young children in the household. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Families and carers need to be registered with a Children's Centre to buy equipment. Equipment currently available from 14 outlets in Halton including Halton Direct Link. Additional information: See website: www.halton.gov.uk Travel Safety Water Safety PAGE 52 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug P Misuse Family Support - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe P Contact Details: Family Support Teams - St Helens Caring Safely and Contact Family Information Service on 0800 952 9523 Domestic Abuse for details of Family Support Teams Halton P Open to All Feeding Safely Targeted Groups Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation P P St Helens P Services offered: 1. To work in accordance with Every Child Matters (ECM) progress report agenda outcomes for children, safeguarding and Child In Need (CIN) procedures. 2. Carrying out home visits to families. 3. Providing support and advice around financial issues, parenting, housing etc. 4. Supporting families with issues such as Domestic Violence, Drugs & Alcohol and Mental Health empowering them to make a change. 5. Direct work with children. 6. Facilitating Positive Parenting Programme parenting courses. 7. Empowering parents to make a change. Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety P Water Safety Who the service is targeted at: Planned referrals will include children/young people 0-16 years & resident within the four partnership areas of St Helens. ! Children/young people at risk of suffering significant harm. ! Looked after children/young people subject to a rehabilitation plan. How the services can be accessed: All referrals have to be accompanied by a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) or equivalent assessment. Referrals received through Children and Young People’s Family Support Team. Additional information: None PAGE 53 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Fire and Rescue Service - Cheshire Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Fire and Rescue Service - Cheshire Halton Community Safety Centre Widnes Fire Station Lacey Street Widnes WA8 7SW 0151 495 3510 www.cheshirefire.gov.uk Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All P Targeted Groups Fire Safety P P Feeding Safely Services offered: a) Fire safety education, advice and information b) Home Safety Assessments c) Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service receive referrals from social services and the police for people who have received threats of arson. Community Safety advocates have received specialist domestic violence training and can fit fireproof letter box covers. d) Fitting of smoke alarms. e) A range of community outreach services, including: > RESPECT programme for young people aged 13-19 years old. > Prince’s Trust Team Programme for 16-25 year olds. > ‘On the Streets’ detached youth work service. > ‘Firesafe’ programme for children and young people. General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: All members of the local community. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Telephone main contact number or Home Safety Assessments can be requested through www.cheshirefire.gov.uk. Travel Safety Additional information: See website. Water Safety P PAGE 54 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Fire and Rescue Service - Merseyside Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Fire and Rescue Service - Merseyside Caring Safely and Bridle Road Domestic Abuse Bootle Merseyside L30 4YD 0151 296 4000 or 088 731 5958 Feeding Safely (Home Fire Safety Check) 0151 296 4333 www.merseyfire.gov.uk P Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety P Immunisation Halton St Helens Open to All Services offered: ! Free home fire safety check. ! Fire safety education advice and information. ! Home safety assessments and fitting of smoke detectors. ! Community safety advocates work with vulnerable people to improve fire safety. ! A range of community outreach services, including: > Beacon course for young people > Life course for young people > Lifesaving youth initiative - 11 year olds > St Helens Young Fire Fighters > Fire Awareness Child Education Programme - ages 4-11 years Who the service is targeted at: Everyone can access home safety assessments. Outreach programmes aimed at young people and vulnerable groups. Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Freephone 088 731 5958 (self referral and professionals) Travel Safety Water Safety P Targeted Groups Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes P Additional information: See website. PAGE 55 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Halton Domestic Abuse Service Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton Domestic Abuse Service Freephone 0300 11 11 247 Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse For St Helens - see Domestic Abuse factsheet: page 13 St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: Fire Safety Advocacy through the provision of an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) service, Floating Support and Sanctuary Scheme. General Child Safety Advice IDVA - provides a service to victims at high and very high risk through crisis intervention; needs and risk assessment; independent advice; support for clients through the Specialist Domestic Violence Court, or other criminal justice interventions. Home Safety Floating Support provides support covering a range of tasks, for low to medium risk victims of domestic abuse, including although not limited to: help to maintain, identify or access accommodation; help with financial management; help with accessing benefits; help with accessing appropriate support services; practical support to live independently and manage a home. Sanctuary Scheme - Assessment leads to adaptations that provide a secure and safe environment whereby victims (and their children) can be protected from a violent partner, or expartner within their own home. This will include target hardening measures such as reinforced doors, locks and general crime prevention adjustments. Who the service is targeted at: Individuals and families who are/have experienced domestic abuse. How the services can be accessed: This service operates on a 24 hour, seven day a week basis and all referrals should be directly received by the Halton Domestic Abuse Service via the following pathways: Email: Franki.popescu@hadwaa.cjsm.net Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Direct number: 0300 11 11 247 Travel Safety Additional information: The service is provided by Halton and District Women’s Aid Association who also offer other services and can be contacted on 0151 495 2778. If you have any queries regarding the work of the Halton Domestic Abuse Forum and the Halton area strategy please contact Rosie Lyden, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Coordinator at Runcorn Town Hall on 0303 333 4300 or via email; Rosmary.Lyden@halton.gov.uk Water Safety P PAGE 56 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Halton Housing Trust Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton Housing Trust Caring Safely and Daresbury Point Domestic Abuse Green Wood Drive Manor Park Runcorn Cheshire Feeding Safely WA7 1UG Tel: 0151 510 5000 Halton P Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P P St Helens Fax: 0151 510 5100 www.haltonhousing.org Open to All P Targeted Groups P Services offered: We are the largest social landlord in the borough of Halton, with 6,100 homes in Widnes and Runcorn. We have a number of different types of general needs homes ranging from semi-detached houses, flats and maisonettes to more specialist bungalows specifically designed for older people. We provide a range of services, but our primary focus is on providing housing that benefits the local community and creates communities where people want to live. Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety Who the service is targeted at: We provide affordable homes for people who may not have the means to buy or rent a home privately, help people who are homeless and provide support to older or disabled people to help them live independently in their own home. How the services can be accessed: Anyone over 16 years old can apply to go on our housing register. Please note however that we only re-house under 18's in exceptional circumstances. If you would like to join our housing register, please ring or call into your local housing office. Additional information: Local office contact details: Simms Cross (Widnes) Ditton Office (Widnes) Grange House (Runcorn) Tel. 0151 510 5026 Tel. 0151 510 5025 Tel. 0151 510 5027 For full address details please go our website www.haltonhousing.org PAGE 57 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Handyperson Scheme - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Home Improvement Agency Handyperson Scheme - St Helens 2nd Floor Wesley House Corporation Street St Helens 01744 676555 or 671679 Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens P Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: Fitting of minor aids and adaptations such as grab rails, stair rails, following an occupational therapist assessment. Home repairs such as changing tap washers, replacing curtain rails, building flat pack furniture and changing light bulbs. Security issues, fitting window locks and door locks etc. Home safety checks, removing potential hazards in the home. Fitting of safety equipment. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Older, disabled home owners and vulnerable households. However, anybody may self refer. The service operates on a priority basis, so they will assess the risk level and target services accordingly. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: By self-referral or referral by a professional. Contact 01744 671679/676555 for minor repairs. Contact 01744 676600 for occupational therapist assessment. Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety P PAGE 58 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug P Misuse Health Improvement Team (Drugs and Alcohol) Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Health Improvement Team (Drugs and Alcohol) Caring Safely and Health Improvement Service Domestic Abuse NHS Halton and St Helens Cowley Hill Lane St Helens WA10 2AP Feeding Safely 01744 621785 St Helens Fire Safety Targeted Groups General Child Safety Advice Halton P Open to All P Services offered: Level One Intervention (Alcohol) - identification, screening, offering of brief advice/interventions and onward referral (when appropriate) for clients within the Neighbourhood Management areas of Central Link, Sutton, Parr and Earlestown. Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Who the service is targeted at: Health Professionals working within these areas can refer clients with alcohol related concerns. (Referral forms can be obtained from Health Improvement). Sun Safety Travel Safety How the services can be accessed: Through the completion of referral forms to Karen Davies, Health Improvement Practitioner. These can be accessed by calling Karen on the number above. Water Safety Additional information: None. PAGE 59 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Health Visiting - Halton and St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton Health Visiting Service, Health Care Resource Centre, Oaks Place, Caldwell Road, Widnes, WA8 7GD 0151 495 5066 St Helens Health Visiting Service, The Elms Annexe, Cowley Hill Lane, St Helens, WA10 2AP 01744 627567 Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All P Services offered: Halton and St Helens Health Visiting Service works with individuals, families and communities to improve health and tackle inequalities by promoting healthy lifestyles and addressing concerns about physical and mental wellbeing; ! ! ! P Feeding Safely P P Targeted Groups ! P The health of babies and young children Parenting and supporting young families Emotional wellbeing Living a healthy life Who the service is targeted at: Every family with a child under 5 years has a named Health Visiting team who can advise on everyday difficulties as well as immunisation programmes, parenting, managing difficult behaviour and any special needs a child might have. How the services can be accessed: You will find Health Visiting teams at your local GP surgery or at the local health centre or at your local children's centre. Contact details are available from the administrative base as detailed above. Additional information: Health Visitors are qualified nurses who have undertaken additional specialist training. Many people think that Health Visitors only work with babies and their families – this is not the complete picture. Health Visitors aim to promote the health of the whole community. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation P Safety Around Pets P Smoke Free Homes P Sun Safety P Travel Safety P Water Safety P PAGE 60 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Helena Partnerships Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Helena Partnerships Caring Safely and Head Office Domestic Abuse Alexandra Park Prescot Road St Helens Merseyside Feeding Safely WA10 3TT 01744 637383 Halton P P Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety P www.helenapartnerships.co.uk St Helens P Open to All P Targeted Groups P Services offered: Helena Partnerships is a housing association which owns and manages over 12,500 homes in St Helens. We provide general need housing and Helena Extra provides specialist housing and support to young people and those over 55. We work in partnership to provide fire safety advice and support is available for those suffering domestic violence. Our neighbourhood management service is provided via local teams and all services can be accessed via One Call on 01744 637383. Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Who the service is targeted at: Existing and prospective tenants who require housing within the borough. This includes vulnerable people, those who are homeless, young people and older people who require support to live independently. Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety How the services can be accessed: Services can be accessed via One Call on 01744 637383, Monday- Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm and an emergency service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Additional information: None. PAGE 61 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Home Improvement Agency - Halton Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton Home Improvement Agency Halton Borough Council Town Hall Heath Road Runcorn WA7 5TD 0303 333 4300 www.halton.gov.uk Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All Targeted Groups Feeding Safely Fire Safety P Services offered: a) Means tested financial assistance for minor/major repairs and renovations of privately owned dwellings. Certain eligibility criteria will apply. b) Assistance with 'Disabled Facilities Grant' home adaptations, including property surveys, drawing plans, obtaining quotes and monitoring works in progress. c) Handyperson Service: Minor household repairs and improvements to assist vulnerable people to stay living independently in their own home. General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: a) Owner occupiers living in Halton. b) Owner occupiers and private tenants living in Halton. c) Vulnerable family households living in Halton. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Self referral to Halton Borough Council's Contact Centre 0303 333 4300. Travel Safety Additional information: See website - www.halton.gov.uk Water Safety P PAGE 62 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Home Improvement Agency - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Home Improvement Agency - St Helens Caring Safely and St Helens Council Domestic Abuse 2nd Floor Wesley House Corporation Street St Helens WA10 1HE Feeding Safely 01744 676555 01744 676244 Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice homeimprovementagency@sthelens.gov.uk Halton St Helens P Open to All Targeted Groups P Services offered: Carry out home safety checks. Installation of security and safety measures. Minor household repairs based around safety issues and accident prevention. Falls prevention and removal of trip hazards. Fitting of assistive technology equipment - Carbon Monoxide monitors, cold alarms etc. Home Safety P Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Who the service is targeted at: Vulnerable Family Households within the St Helens Borough. Other domestic households where children may be cared for or regularly visit. Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety How the services can be accessed: The service can be accessed by professional bodies or self referral by any of the above contact details. (telephone, fax, email) or by calling into the Contact Centre at Wesley House. Additional information: Contact Centre open 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday. PAGE 63 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Home Start - St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Julie Smith Scheme Manager Home Start - St Helens Peter Street Centre Peter Street St Helens Merseyside WA10 2EQ Tel: 01744 737400 Fax: 01744 454603 homestartsthelen@btconnect.com Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens P Open to All Targeted Groups P Feeding Safely Fire Safety P Services offered: Home-Start St Helens matches home visiting volunteers with young families who are experiencing difficulties. Home-Start volunteers are parents themselves and, after completing an accredited course of preparation, they bring a family their personal experience and considerable knowledge of the resources in their local area. All volunteers are Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checked, have two references, are health checked and have a check carried out with Children and Young People’s Services. Their support is non-judgemental, free and confidential. A volunteer visits a family, in their own home, for two or three hours a week, for as long as a family needs them or until the youngest child turns five. A volunteer helps build a parent's confidence so they can make positive choices about how to run their own lives. In addition to providing emotional support, volunteers are able to provide practical support such as accompanying families to local groups, health appointments, etc. Home-Start volunteers act as a bridge between families and the social and economic benefits and services in their community that they may otherwise miss out on. HomeStart St Helens also offer support outside the family home in the form of a Family Group and a Multiple Birth Group. Who the service is targeted at: Any family with at least one child under the age of five years living in the Borough of St Helens. General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Families may self-refer to the service or be referred via another agency. If you are an agency making a referral, you must gain the consent of the parent/carer prior to doing so. Families/agencies may refer over the phone giving the following details: names and dates of birth of parents/carers and children, address, contact number/s, name of Health Visitor and GP, details of any other involved agencies. You may also obtain a referral form from the Home-Start St Helens office if preferred and return via post/fax/email. Additional information: Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Travel Safety Water Safety PAGE 64 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Housing: Private Sector Initiatives - Halton Council Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Housing: Private Sector Initiatives - Halton Council Caring Safely and Environmental Health Domestic Abuse Halton Borough Council 0151 906 4891 or Ext 3070 or Direct Link Offices Targeted Groups Fire Safety P Home Safety P St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely General Child Safety Advice P Halton P Services offered: Private Sector Housing Providing a service for tenants in the private sector, who are faced with disrepair issues within the property they rent. The tenant must make the landlord aware of the problems that exist in the first instance but if no action taken by the landlord the team can intervene by enforcing standards in rented properties. Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Private Sector Tenants Smoke Free Homes How the services can be accessed: Via main contact number 0151 906 4891 or Ext 3070 or Direct Link Offices Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety Additional information: To provide advice and assistance where required regarding private sector housing. PAGE 65 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Housing: Private Sector Initiatives - St Helens Council Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Housing: Private Sector Initiatives - St Helens Council Environmental Health 2nd Floor, Wesley House Corporation Street St Helens WA10 1HE 01744 671602 www.sthelens.gov.uk Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse P St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Fire Safety P Services offered: a) Property inspections and enforcement of standards in rented properties. b) Housing (financial) assistance for owner-occupied properties. General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety P Immunisation Who the service is targeted at: a) Residential tenants (including Registered Social Landlord tenants). b) Owner-occupiers. How the services can be accessed: a) and b) Service request direct from client or consensual referral from health professional. Additional information: See www.sthelens.gov.uk for further information on a) and b) above. Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety PAGE 66 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton Caring Safely and Telephone 01925 221546 P Domestic Abuse email: support@rapecentre.org Targeted Groups Fire Safety Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety P Open to All Feeding Safely General Child Safety Advice St Helens P P Services offered: The Independent Sexual Violence Advisor is specially trained to work sensitively in response to the needs of individuals who have experienced sexual violence. They offer practical and emotional support to people who have been raped or sexually assaulted. ISVA's offer advocacy and support through reporting to the Police and with any subsequent legal proceedings. ISVA's can also help with health issues such as GUM appointments as well as liaising with other social support agencies. Who the service is targeted at: ! Male and female clients aged 16+ for the ISVAs. ! Accept referrals for historical and recent incidents. How the services can be accessed: Referrals should be made via the central office which can be contacted on 01925 221546 or via email support@rapecentre.org They will require the client’s name, safe contact telephone number, address including postcode and date of birth. Also need to know when the incident occurred; if it was within the past 72 hours we need to contact the client ASAP to ensure they have been informed of/given access to morning after pill and PEPS medication. Travel Safety Water Safety Additional information: ISVA is employed by RASASC (Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre) who also offer more general sexual abuse support services such as a Young Peoples Service 10-19 which can be accessed through the contact information provided above. PAGE 67 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Liverpool Housing Trust Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Liverpool Housing Trust Priory House Northway Runcorn Cheshire WA7 2FS 01928 796000 St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P www.lht.co.uk Targeted Groups Fire Safety P P Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse P Services offered: Liverpool Housing Trust is a social housing provider. We provide general needs housing and support to vulnerable people and families who need additional support to live independently in their homes, e.g. adaptations, lifeline alarms. We work in partnership with other agencies to provide the following services: General Child Safety Advice Home Safety 1. 2. 3. We offer a Neighbourhood and Housing Management service to our tenants. We provide housing to rent, and operate a waiting list for our properties. Where a family (tenants only) requires additional support we have Tenant Support. We take part in multi-agency working, including making referrals to the Fire Service and we undertake home safety measures where necessary. Who the service is targeted at: Our services are aimed at all those who require accommodation. Arena, our Tenancy Support Service is aimed at those people who need housing related support or care. How the services can be accessed: For professional or self referrals please contact our Customer Service Centre on 01928 796000 and ask to speak to the Neighbourhood Housing Officer for the area concerned. Additional information: Our Customer Service Centre is open week days 8.00am to 8.00pm. 01928 796000. Our Office is open week days 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. P Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety P PAGE 68 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Parenting Practitioners - Halton Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Parenting Practitioners - Halton Caring Safely and Halton Brook Children’s Centre Domestic Abuse Fernhurst Halton Brook Runcorn WA7 4NJ Feeding Safely 01928 573265 Halton P P email: Home Safety Immunisation Open to All P Parenting@halton.gov.uk Targeted Groups Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice St Helens Services offered: Provide a rolling programme of structured parenting groups to help parents and other carers of children and young people to develop effective strategies for building a positive relationship with their child, encouraging positive behaviour and dealing with problem behaviours. Programmes available include Group ‘Triple P’ (Positive Parenting Programme), Teen Group ‘Triple P’ and the Family Links Nurturing Programme. We can also offer short, individual parenting interventions where this is appropriate (e.g. to help parents deal with a specific, minor issue). Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Parents and carers of children living in Halton. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Water Safety How the services can be accessed: Referral is via the single parenting group referral form which is available from the email address above, and which should be returned along with any assessments available (e.g. CAF, IA). Self referrals may be made by telephone, email or by calling in to any Children's Centre for assistance to complete a form. Additional information: Group ‘Triple P’ and Teen Group ‘Triple P’ are currently run on a termly basis, and Family Links Nurturing Programme once a year. PAGE 69 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Plus Dane Group Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Plus Dane Group Jackson House Second Avenue Runcorn WA7 2PD Freephone: 0800 169 2988 www.neighbourhoodinvestor.com Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All P Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: Housing. Our main role is providing social rented housing for residents in a number of areas across Merseyside and Cheshire, including Halton and St Helens. Plus Dane provides general needs housing for rent and shared ownership. Within the Halton area there is a Category 1 sheltered scheme for residents over 55 or with specific needs. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: All those who need housing, and the Shelter Scheme is available to those aged over 55 or with specific needs. How the services can be accessed: The service can be accessed via our Customer Care Centre, telephone freephone 0800 169 2988 or by calling into the Jackson House office between 9.00 am and 12.00 pm. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Travel Safety Additional information: Group ‘Triple P’ and Teen Group ‘Triple P’ are currently run on a termly basis, and Family Links Nurturing Programme once a year. Water Safety P PAGE 70 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Police - Cheshire Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Police - Cheshire Caring Safely and Clemonds Hey Domestic Abuse Oakmere Road Winsford CW7 2UA 0845 458 0000 (non emergencies) or call Crimestoppers Feeding Safely on 0800 555 111. In an emergency where an immediate response is required, always dial 999. Halton P P Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice www.cheshire.police.uk St Helens Open to All Targeted Groups Services offered: ! Investigation of crime. ! Joint investigations with Children’s Social Care relating to neglect. ! Management and participation in MARAC (Domestic Abuse). ! Crime prevention advice. Home Safety P Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Parents and carers of children living in Halton. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Neighbourhood Police Units - Runcorn and Widnes. Community Safety Team/CDRP/Public Protection Unit Referral Unit. Emergency Service. Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety P PAGE 71 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Police - Merseyside Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: St Helens Family Crime Investigation Unit 0151 777 1590/1595 Fax: 0151 777 1588 Merseyside Police 0151 709 6010 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Emergency 999 Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All P P Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: The St Helens Family Crime Investigation Unit (FCIU) offers a 7 day a week service between the hours of 9am and 9pm. The Unit is staffed by 13 police officers who are supported by a number of civilian police staff. All the police officers are trained detectives who specialise in investigations into child abuse, vulnerable adult abuse and domestic abuse. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety The department will also signpost victims of crime into the various support networks that exist locally and nationally. Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: The service is universal and is available to all members of the community. Smoke Free Homes How the services can be accessed: The services of the department can be accessed through the contact numbers listed about and also by calling into St Helens Police Station. Sun Safety Travel Safety Additional information: The St Helens FCIU works closely with many other statutory and voluntary agencies both locally and regionally. If you are unsure or unable to contact the department directly then anyone can contact the FCIU on your behalf. In most cases any contact with you will remain confidential. Water Safety P PAGE 72 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Riverside Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton Brook Avenue Caring Safely and Halton Brook Domestic Abuse Runcorn WA7 2NW Halton P Feeding Safely Century House Hardshaw Street St Helens 0845 111 0000 P www.riverside.org.uk Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets St Helens Open to All P P P Targeted Groups Services offered: Riverside is part of the Riverside group and has a range of rented properties for single people, families and older people throughout Merseyside including St Helens and Halton. We work with a range of partners in the area. We have protocols with the fire service to arrange safety checks in tenants’ homes. To apply for housing please contact our Customer Service Centre as detailed below or call into one of our offices. ECHG is also part of the group and has arrangements with managing agents in both these areas to provide accommodation for people needing support. Who the service is targeted at: People in need of housing and Riverside tenants in the Halton area. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: By contacting our Customer Service Centre on 0845 111 0000 or by visiting the office in Halton Brook or visiting our site on the internet. Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety PAGE 73 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Road Safety - Halton and St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Road Safety - Halton Lisa Scott, Road Safety Unit, Rutland House, Halton Lea, Runcorn, WA7 2GW 0151 471 7365 email: lisa.scott@halton.gov.uk Road Safety and Travel Awareness Gillian Roberts, St Helens Council, 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Corporation Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 1UQ 01744 673233 email: gillianroberts@sthelens.gov.uk P Halton Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse P St Helens Open to All Feeding Safely P Targeted Groups Services offered: 1. Free child car seat advice and fitting checked in vehicles for all members of the public living in Halton and St Helens. 2. Officers can visit groups organised by health professionals to deliver a road safety session to parents and their young children, e.g. post-natal classes, Health Visitor groups, family time groups etc. involving stories and role play for the children etc. 3. We can train any staff who are responsible for transporting children in the safe fitting of child car seats. 4. We can advise on general staff driving policies, work related road safety and eco driving for staff who drive as part of their work. Who the service is targeted at: 1. All members of the public living and working in the Halton or St Helens area. 2. Local employers in the Halton or St Helens area. How the services can be accessed: For Halton, contact the Road Safety Unit direct as detailed above, or through the Council's contact centre on 0303 333 4300. Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety For St Helens, contact the Road Safety & Travel Awareness unit direct as detailed above, or through the Council's contact centre on 01744 456789. Travel Safety Additional information: Useful websites: Thinkroadsafety.gov.uk, Childcarseats.org.uk, Rospa.com, Capt.org.uk Water Safety P PAGE 74 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug P Misuse School Nursing Service Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: St Helens: The Elms Annexe Caring Safely and Cowley Hill Lane, St Helens, WA10 2AW Domestic Abuse 01744 627570 email: lesley.brownlow@hsthpct.nhs.uk Halton P Halton: Widnes Health Care Resource Centre Feeding Safely P Oaks Place, Caldwell Road, Widnes, WA8 7GD 0151 495 5049 email: pat.byrne@hsthpct.nhs.uk Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice P Home Safety Immunisation P Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes St Helens P P Open to All Targeted Groups P Services offered: Provision of universal health screening at reception. Assessing the health needs of young people at key transitional points. Teenage Pregnancy: Mobile sexual health services (Clinic in a Box) across a range of school and community settings. Provision of CPD/PSHEe accreditation for community nurses and support staff. Asthma and life threatening allergies: Provision of training and support to children, young people, parents/guardians/and education staff. Healthy weight: provide the data for the National Child Measurement Programme. targeted support for hard to reach young people who are above 91st centile. Immunisation Programmes: HPV vacciantion programme for girls and leavers booster at year 10. Safeguarding: identification of children and young people at risk of harm, initiation and engagement of safeguarding procedures. Disability: School nurses providing required clinical skills for children with complex medical conditions. Drop-in Services across all secondary schools and the majority of primary schools for children, young people, parent’s and education staff. Sun Safety Who the service is targeted at: P Children and young people aged 15-19 years. Travel Safety How the services can be accessed: Via School Nursing Service - mainly school based but services are provided in community settings. Water Safety Additional information: P PAGE 75 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Smoke Free Homes - Health Improvement Team (Tobacco Control) Contact Details: Health Improvement Team (Tobacco Control) Suite 1E Midwood House Midwood Street Widnes WA8 6BH Tel: 01928 593085 Fax: 0151 420 6788 Halton Baby Sleep Safe P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens Open to All Targeted Groups Feeding Safely Fire Safety P P Services offered: 1. Smoke Free Home Scheme registration pack which contains useful information and advice on protecting children and pets against secondhand smoke. The pack also contains resources. 2. We can offer Smoke Free Home training to any staff that come into contact with young families. 3. If required, we can also refer patients and offer advice and support to stop smoking. Who the service is targeted at: Pilot scheme targeting Riverside and Kingsway wards in Widnes initially. This is a partnership with Environmental Health and Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service. The intention is to roll out the scheme across both boroughs in the future. It is aimed at parents. How the services can be accessed: Obtain official referral form by telephoning 01928 593085. Professionals should complete referral form and fax back to 0151 420 6788. Clients will receive pack upon receipt of faxed/posted referral form. General Child Safety Advice Home Safety Immunisation Safety Around Pets P Smoke Free Homes P Sun Safety Travel Safety Additional information: If client interested in stopping smoking support is available via Stop Smoking Service. Can self refer by phoning service on 01928 593043 or 01744 814837. P Water Safety PAGE 76 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Smoking Cessation Service - Halton and St Helens Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Halton and St Helens SUPPORT Caring Safely and c/o Irwin Road Clinic Domestic Abuse St Helens WA9 3UG Feeding Safely St Helens Area Office Halton Area Office 01744 814837 0151 420 6788 email: smoking.support@hsthpct.nhs.uk Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety P Halton P St Helens Open to All P Targeted Groups Services offered: Help and advice to stop smoking with trained practitioners in psychological and behavioural support. Provision to supply Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products or request to GP for prescription medication where appropriate. Group and 1:1 appointment sessions are available in a variety of locations including evenings and weekends. Immunisation Safety Around Pets Smoke Free P Homes Sun Safety Who the service is targeted at: Every smoker with a desire to quit, the service does not discriminate. Specialist services have been set up for pregnant women, patients with mental health issues, hospital services and youth. How the services can be accessed: Drop-in service at any session. Find up to date details of sessions on www.haltonandsthelenspct.nhs.uk and putting 'smoking' in the search option or by calling one of the above numbers. Travel Safety Additional information: See national website: www.smokefree.nhs.uk Water Safety PAGE 77 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Walk-in Centres Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: St Helens Walk-in Centre The Millennium Centre Corporation Street St Helens WA10 1HJ 01744 627401 Widnes Walk-in Centre Health Care Resource Centre Oaks Place Caldwell Road Widnes WA8 7GD 0151 495 5000 Halton P Caring Safely and Domestic Abuse St Helens P Open to All P Targeted Groups Feeding Safely Fire Safety Services offered: The assessment, diagnosis, treatment and/or referral of all patients presenting with a minor illness and or minor injury within four hours. General Child Safety Advice To provide open access to healthcare for minor illnesses and minor injuries, without an appointment, for registered and unregistered patients. Home Safety Immunisation Who the service is targeted at: Primarily treat residents of St Helens and Halton, but provides open access to all who present to the service, regardless of age, culture, disability, general or religious beliefs, accessible to local residents by public transport. How the services can be accessed: Access to Health Care Professionals, without an appointment, for registered and unregistered patients. Safety Around Pets Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety Aimed at all patients presenting with a minor illness or minor injury. Travel Safety Additional information: St Helens service is located within the town centre new build, close to trains and bus terminals and is open from 7.00am until 10.00pm Monday to Saturday and 9.00am to 10.00pm Sundays. Halton service is located within Widnes town centre, close to the bus terminal. Water Safety P PAGE 78 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY Alcohol and Drug Misuse Warm Front Baby Sleep Safe Contact Details: Warm Front Caring Safely and Insulation and Heating Grant Domestic Abuse 0800 316 6011 Feeding Safely Warm Front Heating Rebate Scheme 0800 316 3012 www.warmfront.co.uk Fire Safety General Child Safety Advice Home Safety P Halton P St Helens P Open to All P Targeted Groups P Services offered: National government funded scheme providing a package of insulation and heating improvements of up to the value of £3500 or (£6000 if oil, low carbon or renewable technologies are used). There is also a Warm Front Heating Rebate Scheme for those aged 60 or over owning their own home or renting from a private landlord, allowing people to claim a Warm Front £300 Heating Rebate towards the cost of repairing or installing a heating system. Immunisation Safety Around Pets Who the service is targeted at: Home owners or private tenants who meet certain criteria, including those in receipt of certain benefits. Smoke Free Homes Sun Safety How the services can be accessed: Direct access by public via website www.warmfront.co.uk or telephone the freephone number above. Travel Safety Additional information: Water Safety Benefit entitlement check call (freephone) 0800 072 9006 or email bec@eaga.com See also the Affordable Warmth section of the www.sthelens.gov.uk website for more information and for a free leaflet on energy efficiency. PAGE 79 CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY acknowledgements This resource has been developed by the Public Health Team of NHS Halton and St Helens under the umbrella of the Safeguarding Children’s Boards and Children’s Trusts of Halton Council and St Helens Council. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the writing and editing of this pack. Special thanks goes to Jeanette Jones, NHS Halton and St Helens whose work on the design and layout of the resource has been invaluable. CHILD SAFETY DIRECTORY For further copies of this resource please contact the Health Improvement Team on 01744 626667.
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