»التعليم الإلكرتوين «واحد لـ واحد One-To-One E-Learning Solution About, Policies, and Procedures About, Policies, and Procedures Emiratization of Technological Careers www.iat.ac.ae التكنولوجـي ـ ــا ب�أي ـ ـ ـ ـ ٍـد �إم ـ ــارات ـ ـيـة »التعليم الإلكرتوين «واحد لـ واحد One-To-One E-Learning Solution About, Policies, and Procedures About, Policies, and Procedures One-To-One E-Learning Solution is designed to enhance the educational experience of students at the Institute of Applied Technology and foster learning by providing Apple MacBook Pro technology and relevant software with training provided by Intel® Teach Program. This guide describes One-To-One E-Learning Solution and addresses students’ and teachers’ responsibilities related to care and use of MacBooks and IT policy. THE INSTITUTE The Institute of Applied Technology was founded in 2005 through a Royal decree of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, as a corporate body with full financial and administrative independence. The establishment of the Institute was an initiative of General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. His Highness envisioned IAT as a world class Career-Technical Education system that would produce the scientists, engineers, and technicians needed for the UAE to build a knowledge-based economy. Chairman’s Message With the introduction of the Internet to the public in 1992, a new generation, the “Net-Generation”, has grown-up in a digital world that does not have defined limits or boundaries. People in this Net-Generation have developed distinguishing characteristics which include curiosity with a passion to discover, explore, and investigate. IAT is taking the lead in redefining education by introducing a customized mobile learning environment to each individual learner through One-To-One E-Learning Solution. One of the tools for this solution is to provide an Apple MacBook Pro to every student in order to transform learning into an exciting, fun, and fulfilling experience. Hussain Al Hammadi Chairman, Board of Trustees Institute of Applied Technology Signing Ceremony 18th June 2009, Al Ain Left to Right: Elias Abou Rustom, General Manager of Arab Business Machines (Apple’s distributor Company for the Middle East region); Dr. Abdullatif Al Shamsi, Director General of Institute of Applied Technology; and Ferruh Gurtas, Intel’s Corporate Affairs Group Director for Middle East Turkey and Africa region INSIDE IAT Vision and Mission What is One-To-One E-Learning? Why One-To-One E-Learning? How does it work? Appendix - Quick start for the Apple MacBook Pro - General Care and Use - Student MacBook Policy Contact Us 3 5 9 13 23 25 26 28 32 One-To-One E-Learning Solution 1 WorldSkills Calgary 2009, Canada. Institute of Applied Technology الـر�ؤيـ ــة م�صمم ح�سب �أرقى املعاييـر،ت�أ�سي�س املعهد بنظام تعليمي تكنولوجي العاملية لتوفيـر الكــوادر الوطنية من علمـاء ومهند�سني وفنيني يف .�سبيـل الو�صول �إىل جمتمع االقت�صاد املعريف IAT Vision Create a world class Career-Technical Education system that will produce the scientists, engineers, and technicians needed for the UAE to build a knowledge-based economy. IAT Mission Promote various programs of study in Provide specialized training programs order to meet the industrial and technical in technological fields for incumbent requirements of the UAE, and provide workers to develop their knowledge appropriate specializations to cover the and skills, which will enable them to industrial and technical requirements for operate, maintain and effectively manage a competent workforce. advanced equipment and systems in the industrial and technological sectors of Provide holders of G9, or equivalent, the UAE. with opportunities to study specialized programs in engineering technology Foster close and cooperative relationships linked with industry and development with the community, industry, commerce, needs of the UAE. and government, promoting and developing these to ensure that IAT is the institution of first choice. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 3 An IAT student during a graphic design session Institute of Applied Technology ما هو التعليم الإلكرتوين «واحد لـ واحد»؟ �إدرا ًكا مليول اجليل اجلديد و وتوجهاته يف ا�ستخدام و�سائل التكنولوجيا احلديثة يف كافة �أن�شطتهم ومواكبة امل�ستجدات العلمية والتقنية يف هذا، و �إميا ًنا ب�ضرورة توفري البيئة املحفزة للتعليم،اليومية ، وجعل التع ّلم �أكرث متعة و �إثارة من خالل ا�ستخدام التكنولوجيا احلديثة للو�سائط املتعددة، املجال فقد تبنى معهد التكنولوجيا التطبيقية تنفيذ م�شروع «�آبل واحد لـ واحد» من خالل اال�ستغالل الأمثل . ومنها توفري وجتهيز حا�سوب «�آبل» لكل طالب ومدر�س, لتكنولوجيا االت�صاالت احلديثة What is One-To-One E-Learning? Interactive Technology has become a significant tool of 21st century pedagogy. It has also become the language that our young generation speaks. In a classroom, the chalk-and-talk model is no longer intriguing. So, it would only make sense to speak the language of our young generation and bring the tools of technology into the classroom. The Institute of Applied Technology (IAT) responds to the emerging need for educational technology by providing students and teachers with Apple MacBooks powered by Intel Processors. A customized learning environment for each individual student is the aim of One-To-One E-Learning Solution. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 5 Institute of Applied Technology One-To-One with Apple and Intel® IAT is keen on providing its students with cutting-edge technology. Apple MacBook Pro technology, combined with IAT servers, is used for guiding students in the learning process and encourage them to express their ideas and to share them with their peers and the outside world. The Intel® Teach Essentials Course is designed for training teachers on how to integrate technology into their lessons and promote problem solving, critical thinking, and collaborative skills among their students. Intel® Teach is the largest, most successful program of its kind, having trained more than six million teachers in over fifty countries. 6 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology م�شروع «واحد لـ واحد» مع �آبل و �إنتل يحر�ص معهد التكنولوجيا التطبيقية على توفري �أحدث التطبيقات ،التي مت التو�صل اليها يف جمال تكنولوجيا املعلومات ،وو�ضعها ب�أيدي الطالب وت�شجيعهم على امل�شاركة الفعالة يف العملية التع ّلمية التعليمية ،والتوا�صل مع زمالئهم ومعلميهم من دون احلاجة �إىل وجودهم الفعلي يف املكان ذاته ،وكذلك مع خرباء وخمت�صني يف �أي مكان يف العامل. و�سيوظف برنامج �إنتل للتدريب لأجل تطوير مهارات املعلمني يف ا�ستخدام التكنولوجيا يف التعليم .يعترب هذا الربنامج من �أجنح برامج التدريب يف العامل ،حيث مت ا�ستخدامه لتدريب �أكرث من �ستة ماليني مدر�س يف �أكرث من خم�سني دولة. Photo courtesy: www.apple.com 7 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Photo courtesy: www.apple.com Institute of Applied Technology ملاذا التعليم الإلكرتوين «واحد لـ واحد»؟ وذلك من،مما ال �شك فيه �أن م�شروع التعليم الإلكرتوين «واحد لواحد» �سي�ؤثر يف املنظومة التعليمية ّ وتوفري مناخ درا�سي خلاّ ق،خالل حتفيز الطالب على التعلم الذاتي يتخطى جدران ال�صف و�أ�سوار و�سيوفر للطالب و�سلية �سريعة و�آمنة ال�ستخدام �أحدث. كما يتعدّى زمن احل�صة الدرا�سية،املدر�سة .م�صادر البحث الإلكرتونية حتى يكون م�ستعدً ا،وبذلك تتهي�أ الفر�صة للطالب لي�صبح �شري ًكا فعالاً يف العملية التع ّلمية التعليمية .ملتطلبات �سوق العمل احلديثة Why One-To-One E-Learning? With One-To-One E-Learning, educators have everything they need to engage students in digital learning, extending it beyond the regular school day. It ensures immediate and safe access to many educational resources that can help improve students’ academic and research skills such as: o Internet o Software Applications o E-Learning Tools. With One-To-One E-Learning, students have what it takes to become true partners in the learning process and acquire the experience necessary for a technology-oriented job market. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 9 Institute of Applied Technology Built for Education Apple MacBook Pro has the world’s most advanced operating system and software applications. This software has standard features catering for all students, regardless of their learning style or physical capabilities. Yet the MacBook Pro is so simple to use that it allows both instructors and students to be more productive, and makes class work more engaging. “This is exactly why it’s quickly becoming the #1 notebook in K-12 classrooms, as well as colleges.” Furthermore, MacBook Pro is loaded with features no PC can offer — features that really make a difference in education: o The most stable operating system o Safe for schools and students o Flexible, compatible, and rich in tools for collaborative work. 10 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology م�صمم للتعليم متتلك �أجهزة «�آبل ماكنتو�ش» �أحدث برامج الت�شغيل و�أنظمته يف العامل؛ مبا يخدم جميع م�ستويات الطالب مهما اختلفت قابلياتهم ومهاراتهم التعليمية .ولقد احتل جهاز «�آبل ماكنتو�ش» املرتبة الأوىل يف الكثري من املدرا�س واجلامعات؛ وذلك ل�سهولة ا�ستخدامه وموا�صفاته املتميزة التي ال تتوفر يف �أجهزة �أخرى ،ومنها: oنظام ت�شغيل م�ستقر. oا�ستخدام �آمن يف املدار�س. oمتوافق مع العديد من الأجهزة والربامج. Photo courtesy: www.apple.com 11 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Photo courtesy: www.apple.com Institute of Applied Technology كيف يعمل جهاز «�آبل ماكنتو�ش»؟ ،�إن جهاز «�آبل ماكنتو�ش» جم ّهز ب�أحدث التطبيقات الربجمية التي تخدم العملية التع ّلمية التعليمية : وهي كالآتي �آي اليف وهو برنامج فعال يتيح للطالب التعبري عن �آرائهم و�أعمالهم من خالل ال�صوت وال�صورة بالإ�ضافة : وهو يت�ضمن التطبيقات التالية.�إىل الن�صو�ص كاراج باند o �آي مويف .�آي ويب o o �آي فوت و �آي دي يف د ي o o How does it work? Apple MacBook Pro comes loaded with many world-class applications that are used as teaching and learning tools. iLife iLife is a powerful software suite that lets students express their ideas through video, images, text, and sound. iLife includes the following applications: o iPhoto — for storing, organizing, editing, and sharing digital photos o iMovie — for creating digital movies o GarageBand — for performing, recording, & creating music and podcasts o iDVD — for creating DVDs with professional-looking touch o iWeb — for producing websites, blogs, and wikis with MobileMe. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 13 Institute of Applied Technology Photo courtesy: www.apple.com iWork With iWork, students and teachers can craft sophisticated presentations, visually engaging spreadsheets, and complex documents. They can also incorporate all the digital content they create with iLife, by simply dragging their movies or photos from one application into another. iWork contains: o Pages — a word processing and desktop publishing application o Keynote — a presentation package o Numbers — a spreadsheet application. iWork is compatible with Microsoft Office. This allows documents to be opened, saved, and emailed as Microsoft Office files. 14 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology �آي وورك يعترب «�آي وورك» من التطبيقات املفيدة للطالب واملدر�س� ،إذ ب�إمكانهم ت�صميم العديد من العرو�ض التقدميية امل�شوقة� ،إ�ضافة �إىل عمل الوثائق واجلداول البيانية .كما �أن «�آي وورك» متوافق مع «�آي اليف» وبالتايل ميكن نقل �أي جزء من امللفات الرقمية من برنامج �إىل �آخر. Photo courtesy: www.apple.com 15 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology Photo courtesy: www.apple.com Final Cut Studio Final Cut Studio is an all-in-one suite for film, motion graphics, and audio post-production. The suite includes: o Final Cut Pro 7 — real-time editing for DV, SD, HD and film o Motion 4 — real-time motion graphics design o Soundtrack Pro 3 — advanced audio editing and sound design o DVD Studio Pro 4 — encoding, authoring, and burning o Color 1.5 — a new color grading application adapted from Silicon Color’s FinalTouch o Compressor 3.5 — a video encoding tool for outputting projects in different formats. Additional applications include: o Cinema Tools 4.5 — a special tool for film processing o Qmaster 3 — a distributed processing tool. 16 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology فاينل كــت �ستـوديو ي�ستخدم هذا الربنامج لأعمال الإنتاج ال�صوتي واملرئي بالإ�ضافة �إىل �إنتاج الت�صاميم والأفالم. ويت�ضمن التطبيقات التالية: oفاينل كت برو oمو�شن 4 � oساوند تراك oدي يف دي �ستوديو oكــلــــــر oكومربي�سر Photo courtesy: www.apple.com 17 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology Photo courtesy: www.apple.com The ultimate platform for mobile learning Portable computers, digital music players, and Smartphones have become major tools that students use for interacting in everyday life. IAT is engaging its students by using these devices to engage students in the learning process. Apple MacBook Pro with iPod touch and iPhone enables teaching and learning to happen anytime, anywhere, as it gives educators and students access to collaborative tools and the Internet 24/7. These devices are also the best way to take advantage of iTunes U, one of the largest and fast-growing sources of free educational content. iTunes U makes it easy for teachers to publish audio and video content, and for students to find, download, organize, and play it back. 18 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology املن�صة ّ املف�ضلة للتعليم املتنقل �أ�صبحت احلا�سبات املحمولة وامل�شغالت الرقمية والهواتف الذكية الأدوات الأ�سا�سية التي ي�ستخدمها الطالب للتوا�صل يف حياتهم اليومية .يحر�ص معهد التكنولوجيا التطبيقية على ا�ستخدام هذه الأدوات يف التعليم وذلك خللق ج ٍّو درا�سي مفيد وممتع يف الوقت ذاته. كما �أن هذه الأدوات تتيح للمدر�س التوا�صل مع الطالب داخل ال�صف وخارجه .فـ «�آبل ماك» مع «�آي بود» و «�آي فون» يتيح للطالب واملدر�سني ا�ستخدام �شبكة الإنرتنت والعديد من التطبيقات على مدار ال�ساعة. Photo courtesy: www.apple.com 19 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology Photo courtesy: www.apple.com �آي ت�شات �سريفر يعترب «�آبل �آي ت�شات» من الربامج التطبيقية للمرا�سلة ال�سريعة والذي ي�أتي مع نظام الت�شغيل «ماك يتيح هذا الربنامج التوا�صل بال�صوت وال�صورة ومن خالل، بالإ�ضافة �إىل الر�سائلة الن�صية.»�أو �إ�س وبوجود الكامريا واملايكروفون �ضم ًنا مع «�آبل ماك» ميكن للطالب اجراء خمتلف املحادثات.ال�شا�شة .وم�شاركة العديد من امللفات والعرو�ض التقدميية مع زمالئهم يف املعهد ويف كل �أنحاء العامل iChat Server Apple iChat is an instant messaging software application that is included with the Mac OS X operating system. It has audio, video, and screen-sharing capabilities, as well as text messaging. Apple MacBook Pro comes with a built-in camera and microphone, so students can have four-way video chats, give tele-presentations, and even share their screens with people all over the world. 20 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology ويكي �سريفر تعترب «ويكي �سريفر» من الأدوات املهمة التي ت�ساعد الطالب على التوا�صل والتعاون يف �إمتام خمتلف ،» ت�صميم وتعديل �صفحات «ويكي �سريفر- خا�ص بهم- �إذ ميكنهم من خالل موقع �إنرتانت.امل�شاريع كما ميكنهم البحث عن امللفات وال�صور وحتميلها. و �إعطاء املالحظات،�إ�ضافة �إىل اقتفاء املعلومات .بكل �سهولة وي�سر Wiki Server Wiki Servers help students to communicate and collaborate on projects through their own wiki-powered intranet site, along with a group calendar, blog, and mailing list. With just a few clicks, students can create and edit wiki pages, tag and cross-reference material, upload files and images, add comments, and search content. Photo courtesy: www.apple.com One-To-One E-Learning Solution 21 APPENDIX Institute of Applied Technology Quick start for the Apple MacBook Pro At the beginning, don’t let your excitement get the best of you, as it’s essential that you perform your setup in a systematic and careful manner. The MacBook Pro has been designed for a quick setup, so you can use it in just a matter of minutes. Portables experience much more wear and tear than desktops so it’s important to start off on the right foot by unpacking and removing your new MacBook Pro from the box very gently. Place it on a stable surface such as a table. Be sure not to put it upside down. Carefully remove any plastic or protective packaging from the exterior of the MacBook Pro. Do the same for anything packed on the inside of the side panel. To remove the side panel you will need to lift a latch on the back of the MacBook Pro. Carefully remove the side panel by pulling on the top and lifting it off the system. Remove any plastic from the cords. Check that the box contains everything as described in the “What’s in the Box” notice on the box label. If anything is missing or your computer is damaged, contact your school IT support department. Follow the instructions in the accompanying user manual. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 25 Institute of Applied Technology General Care and Use As an IAT user, you are responsible for your MacBook at all times, no matter where you are. You are expected to adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Do not load, download, or install any download updates and software or content which violates programs when so instructed by school UAE laws, including illegally obtained ICT lead teacher. software. 2. Do not load, download, or install unauthorized or unlicensed software, devices, or content which may conflict with the functioning of the current operating system and/or software. (If a student perceives a need to load, download, or install software, devices, or content, please refer to the Software Installation Section of this Policy). 3. Do not use the MacBook for profit or illegal activities. 4. Use the protective case provided in order to minimize damage and wear to the MacBook. 5. Maintain the operational integrity of the laptop by following the handling and care guidelines specified in this document and in class. 6. Take precautions to ensure the physical safety of the MacBook (i.e. do not leave it unattended in a public building, unlocked vehicle, or in proximity to pets and small children). 26 7. Promptly One-To-One E-Learning Solution 8. Promptly report any repairs needed, damage, loss or theft of the MacBook or its accessories to the ICT lead teacher. 9. Comply with routine laptop collections for condition audits, software upgrades, or part replacements. 10. Maintain backup copies of all personal and program-related documents and files. 11. Do not deface the MacBook in any way (i.e. decorative skins, stickers, etching, and marking). 12. You will be issued a carry-case when you receive your MacBook. Your MacBook carry-case should only be used for carrying the MacBook and charger. 13. When you are not using your MacBook, you should keep it in the carry-case or in your locker, which must be locked at all times. You are encouraged to take your MacBook home every day after school. Institute of Applied Technology 14. Your MacBook must be brought to 21. Do not expose your MacBook to direct school each day fully-charged — you sunlight, extreme temperatures, or need to charge your MacBook each ultraviolet light for extended periods evening. In cases where use of the of time. laptop has caused batteries to become discharged, students may be able to connect their computers to a power outlet in class. Once per month, the battery should be allowed to fully 22. Do not obstruct the MacBook’s vents and do not place it on surfaces such as paper or carpet. 23. Do not poke the screen. 24. Do not place anything on the keyboard discharge. Then fully charge for use. 15. Remove the battery when you store your MacBook for an extended period before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils, or disks). of time. A battery discharges during 25. Take extreme care to not place your prolonged storage. After a long storage fingers directly on the screen when period, recharge the battery fully. closing the MacBook. If pressure is 16. Don’t let the battery completely drain. Immediately shutdown if you are unable to connect to the charger. 17. Always remove CDs and DVDs when they are not in use – this preserves battery life. 18. Do not stack other items on top of the MacBook. 19. Never to the edges, crystals can be broken which will damage or ruin the screen. 26. Do not carry the MacBook while the screen is open. Close the MacBook before moving it. 27. The MacBook must be shut down before placing in the carry-case provided. attempt self-repair or reconfiguration of the MacBook or peripherals. 20. Keep applied to the screen, especially close your 28. Do not place an excessive amount of additional objects (e.g. folders, textbooks) in the carry-case with the MacBook and other electronic storage media away from magnetic fields, which can erase or MacBook. Excessive objects can place too much pressure and/or weight on the MacBook screen. corrupt your data. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 27 Institute of Applied Technology Student MacBook Policy Policy Statement The Institute of Applied Technology One-To-One E-Learning is designed to enhance the students’ educational experience and foster learning by providing MacBook Pro technology and relevant software. This policy addresses teachers’ and students’ responsibilities related to the distribution, care, collection, and audit of student MacBooks. Policy Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that: • IAT’s assets are protected; • Learning resources are properly and effectively utilized; • Develop student sense of ownership and responsibility. The above is accomplished by: • Making relevant parties, including the student MacBook users, aware of the policies and procedures related to One-To-One E-Learning; • Holding students accountable for their responsibilities in using and maintaining the issued MacBooks. The One-To-One E-Learning policies and procedures will be reviewed annually. Who Should Read This Policy All IAT students issued a MacBook, and staff who interface with those students. Deduction Scheme IAT provides Apple MacBooks to all its students with 50% subsidized price, where the remaining cost paid by the student will be deducted from students’ stipend over a period of 3 years starting from G10. The deduction will occur after each learning cycle and students who achieve an overall score above – or equal to – 85% will not pay for that learning cycle. 28 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology Students receiving MacBooks should exercise best practices in caring for and maintaining the MacBook so that it serves them during their entire study program at IAT. Students who successfully complete G12 and graduate from IAT will keep their MacBooks. Students who leave IAT before successfully completing their program with IAT will return their MacBooks without any reimbursement of amounts deducted from their stipend toward the acquisition of the MacBook. MacBook Distribution The School IT Team will distribute a MacBook to a student after the following criteria are met: 1. The student is officially registered with IAT. 2. The student reviews and signs the One-To-One Agreement, confirming that all pertinent policies and procedures have been read, and that the student understands and accepts the responsibility for any damage or misuse of the MacBook, with the corresponding policies in that regard applying. Each student and the student’s parent/guardian will be required to sign the MacBook Receiving Undertaking Letter forms verifying the receipt of the MacBook. Guidelines for MacBook Maintenance, Care, and Use i) Requesting Software Installation Approval and Assistance All software provided on issued MacBooks is licensed for use by IAT. If students deem it necessary to augment what is provided, authorization from the school ICT Lead Teacher must be obtained prior to installation. The authorization request must include: 1. The original media and proof of a license for installation. 2. Acknowledgement that software licensed for a single computer has not already been installed on another computer. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 29 Institute of Applied Technology If a student needs assistance installing software, the student can ask for help from the ICT Lead Teacher. Thereafter, the ICT Lead Teacher will direct the request to one of the campus IT team members. Help requests are handled in order of receipt. The school IT team will only assist with the installation of software programs or devices that are directly related to the student’s academic studies. During the course of regular repairs, software upgrades and installation, and condition audits, the school IT team will remove any detected unauthorized or illegal software installed on the computer by re-imaging the MacBook prior to returning it to the student. Re-imaging will result in the loss of files, data, personal settings, and any other data not backed up by the student beforehand. ii) Requesting Help Computer hardware and software assistance is available by requesting assistance from the ICT Lead Teacher who will direct the request to one of the campus IT team members. iii) Requesting Repairs All repairs must be done through IAT to guarantee that the warranty is not being violated. Students will pay for any cost resulting from the repair which may include replacing parts. If a MacBook needs to be repaired, the following procedures are to be followed: 1) Inform the ICT Lead Teacher about repairs needed. 2) After reporting the problem, students should leave their MacBooks at the school IT office. 3) Students will receive notification via phone, email, or in person as to when their MacBook or parts are ready for collection from the school IT office. Normally, MacBooks are returned within 2 to 3 school days. However, on occasion there may be a delay in the repair process due to various factors such as shipment of parts, compound repairs, etc. 4) If available and under predefined conditions, a replacement MacBook may be issued on loan to a student when his/her MacBook has been submitted for repair (e.g. if repairs take longer than a few days). 30 One-To-One E-Learning Solution Institute of Applied Technology iv) Lost or Stolen MacBook The students bear full responsibility for protecting their MacBooks from loss or theft. In the event that an issued MacBook is lost or stolen, the student can purchase the MacBook from IAT at full price. v) Virus, Hacking, and Security Protection To ensure that virus protection and other security patches are current, MacBooks must be docked and connected to the school’s network at least once every two weeks. In the case of suspected infection of a malicious program, the student should discuss the issue with the ICT Lead Teacher. vi) MacBook Collection For the purpose of assuring compliance with IT protocols at IAT, the Institute reserves the right to collect and examine any issued MacBooks at any time. vii) Additional notes • Students will not be allowed to use a family or personally owned MacBook at school. • Students should log in under their assigned username. They must only use their usernames and passwords. They must not share this information with others. Students must give their passwords to the technician when repairs, maintenance, or inspection are required. Otherwise their password will be reset. • No personal screensavers are to be used. • The volume must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes. • Students must no delete any folders or files that they did not create or that they do not recognize. Deletion of certain files can result in a computer failure. • Music and games are a distraction during class and must not be brought to school. Students are prohibited from downloading or saving music, games, or any applications in the MacBook. In the case where music is needed for a special lesson or project, the teacher may grant permission. All software loaded on the system must be provided by IAT. No personal software is permitted on IAT MacBooks; students who install personal software may be subject to disciplinary action. One-To-One E-Learning Solution 31 Institute of Applied Technology Contact us: 800 IAT IAT DIRECTORATE P.O. Box: 111499, Abu Dhabi, Tel: 02-401 8111 Fax: 02-401 8081 IAT CAMPUSES Abu Dhabi Al Ain Dubai Fujairah Ras Al Khaimah : : : : : Tel: 02 - 401 8222 Tel: 03 - 704 3000 Tel: 04 - 212 2888 Tel: 09 - 205 6000 Tel: 07 - 207 4000 Fax: 02 - 447 2551 Fax: 03 - 784 4200 Fax: 04 - 258 0001 Fax: 09 - 222 3099 Fax: 07 - 246 2420 © 2009 The Institute of Applied Technology. All rights reserved. No part of One-To-One Program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission. 32 One-To-One E-Learning Solution About, Policies, and Procedures Emiratization of Technological Careers www.iat.ac.ae التكنولوجـي ـ ــا ب�أي ـ ـ ـ ـ ٍـد �إم ـ ــارات ـ ـيـة
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