This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Pre-school Introduction for Parents ِﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﻟﻠﱠﻪِ اﻟﺮﱠﺣْﻢَٰنِ اﻟﺮﱠﺣِﻴﻢ As parents we should try and teach our children these duas and make our home, a place where Allah is remembered. The benefits of making dua and asking Allah for anything is huge, as are its virtues. Supplication is an act of respect to Allah and by offering supplications, we are actually carrying out Allah’s instructions. Allah says: “And your Lord said: Supplicate to Me, I shall answer you.” [Qur’an Ghâfir: 60] There are many supplications that the Prophet Muhammad taught us to say in different situations. With this in mind this book is your source of knowledge for you and your kids. We have made videos to go with each dua so that learning is more fun and interactive. Insha Allah, the hope is that you will share this with your friends and families so more people learn with us. We’ll email you and you can get the videos from This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Pre-school Introduction for Kids Salaam kids, this is Haleema and Musa and we are so happy that you found our book and are here learning with us. Our mum wanted us to learn the basic duas in Ramadhan so we thought why not make it more fun and learn with all of you too. We love learning duas in this fun way. Musa thinks we get extra treats from Allah because we are learning to remember these duas! Haleema says her mum lets her do more creative stuff because of the dua she makes to Allah! You can watch us learn these in a video each day. Tell your mum and dad to go to and you will find all our videos there. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Pre-school Dua for learning رﱠبﱢ زِدْﻧِﻲ ﻋِﻠْﻤًﺎ What it means: O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge Transliteration: Kids: By saying this dua Allah helps you learn and become smarter! Rabbi zidni ilman Qur’an Surah Ta-Ha [20:114] Mum and Dad: Teach your kids to say this every time they want to learn something or do something better. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 1 Dua for Jannah َﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃَﺳْﺄَﻟُﻚَ ﺍﳉَْﻨﱠﺔ What it means: Oh Allah! Grant me Jannah AlFirdous Transliteration: Allahuma as'aaluka Jannat il Firdous Reported by Nasa’i Kids: We all want Jannah and if you say this 3 times then Jannah will ask Allah for you to be let in! Amazing! Mum and Dad: Say this 3 times and Jannah will pray for you. There is nothing easier! For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 2 How to say ‘hello’ ُاﻟﺴﱠﻼمُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻜُﻢْ وَرَﺣْﻤَﺔُ اﷲِ وَﺑَﺮَﻛَﺎﺗُﻪ What it means: Peace, Mercy of Allâh and His Blessings be upon you. Transliteration: as-salaamu ‛alaykum wa raḥmatullaahi wa barakaatuh Muslim & Al-Bukhari Kids: Saying hello to someone in an Islamic way brings a lot of reward. It is one of the best things a Muslim can do! Mum and Dad: Abdullah Ibn a man asked Muhammad AAamr (RA) reported that the Prophet !: Which Islam is the best? He replied, “Feed (the poor), and ! greet those whom you know as well as those whom you do not.” For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 3 Dua to thank Allah ُ أَﻛْﺒَﺮ ُاﷲ What it means: Allah is the greatest. Kids: This is such an easy one and we say it all the time. Did you know what it meant? Imagine what greatness can Allah bring to your life when you say this! Transliteration: Mum and Dad: Allahu akbar. Encourage your children to say this after different activities like when they finish something, when they are happy, at any time. Its so simple, anyone can do this! Al-Bukhari & At-Tirmithi For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 4 Dua if a bad thing happens َﻗَﺪﱠرَ اﷲُ وَﻣَﺎ ﺷَﺎءَ ﻓَﻌَﻞ Kids: What it means: Sometimes bad things happen and it can be tough and we feel lonely. Know that Allah is always there and He loves you. Say this and you will feel better. Allah has decreed and what He wills, He does. Mum and Dad: Transliteration: qaddar-allaahu wa maa shaa’a fa‛al Al-Bukhari & At-Tirmithi The strong believer is better and more loved by Allah, than the weak believer and there is goodness in both. If a a difficulty happens then don’t say ‘if only so and so’, its much better to say this dua and let Allah help you. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 5 Dua to start anything!! ِﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﻟﻠﱠﻪِ اﻟﺮﱠﺣْﻢَٰنِ اﻟﺮﱠﺣِﻴﻢ What it means: Kids: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. This is the first line of the Qur’an, so learn this and you know some of Allah’s book! Transliteration: Mum and Dad: BismilLahir Rahmanir Raheem Qur’an, Al-Fatihah, 1. We all say this but do many of us know what it means? Make sure you learn it with the meaning and have true understanding. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 6 Dua for when you are angry ِأَﻋُﻮذُ ﺑِﺎﷲِ ﻣِﻦَ اﻟﺸﱠﻴْﻄَﺎنِ اﻟﺮﱠﺟِﻴﻢ What it means: I take refuge with Allah from the outcase (shaytan). Transliteration: ِaAAoothu billahi minash shaytanir rajeem. Muslim & Bukhari Kids: If you ever get angry then say this. It really does help to calm you down. If you are still a bit upset then keep saying it! Mum and Dad: If you or your kids are still a bit annoyed after saying this, then go and make wudu - its an amazing way of getting rid of anger and frustration! For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 7 Dua for drinking milk ُ وَزِدْﻧَﺎﻣِﻨْﻪ ِ ﻟَﻨَﺎﻓِﻴﻪ ْ ﺑَﺎرِك اﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ What it means: Allah, bless it for us and give us more of it. Transliteration: Allahumma bariklana feehi wazidna minhu. At-Tirmithi Kids: If you say this dua before drinking milk it will put blessings in it and make it more tasty! Mum and Dad: Sometimes children fuss over drinking milk; it’s a great nutritious drink and with this dua will have added benefits! For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 8 Dua before sleeping أَﻣُﻮﺗُﻮَأَﺣْﻴَﺎ اﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ َﺑِﺎﺳْﻤِﻚ What it means: In Your Name , O Allah , I die and I live. Transliteration: Bismika Allaahumma 'amootuwa 'ahyaa. Al-Bukhari & Muslim Kids: If you want to be protected by Allah when you sleep, be sure to say this dua! Mum and Dad: Add saying this dua to your bedtime routine with the kids. You can get them to say it after they are tucked in bed. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 9 Dua for nightmares ِ اﻟﺮﱠﺟِﻴﻢ ِ ﻣِﻨَﺎﻟﺸﱠﻴْﻄَﺎن ِأَﻋُﻮذُﺑِﺎﷲ What it means: Kids: I seek refuge in Allah from the Devil. If you have a bad dream say this and it will make you feel better. Transliteration: aAAoothu billahi minash shaytanir rajeem. Al-Bukhari & Muslim Mum and Dad: Teach your kids to learn this so that at night they know what to say when they are scared. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 10 Dua after waking up ُ اﻟﻨﱡﺸُﻮر ِ أَﺣْﻴَﺎﻧَﺎﺑَﻌْﺪَﻣَﺎأَﻣَﺎﺗَﻨَﺎوَإِﻟَﻴْﻪ اﻟﱠﺬِي ِاﳊَْﻤْﺪُﷲ What it means: Kids: All praise is for Allah who gave us life after causing us to die, and unto Him is the resurrection. Say this dua when you wake up and you will have the best start to the day! Transliteration: Mum and Dad: Alhamdu lillaahil lathee 'ahyaanaa ba'da maa 'amaatanaa wa'ilayhin nushoor. Every day if you want the best day then wake up remembering Allah. This one is for you and the kids! Bukhari & Muslim For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 11 Dua for going to the bathroom ِ وَاﳋَْﺒَﺎﺋِﺚ ِ اﳋُْﺒُْﺚ َ ﻣِﻦ َ ﺑِﻚ ُ أَﻋُﻮذ إِﻧﱢﻲ اﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ [ِ]ﺑِﺴْﻤِﺎﷲ What it means: Kids: (Before entering) [In the Name of Allah]. (Then) O Allah , I seek protection in You from the male and female unclean spirits. Remember to say this every time before you go into the bathroom and you will be protected by Allah. Transliteration: [Bismillaah] Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oothu bika minal khubthi wa khabaa 'ith. Bukhari & Muslim Mum and Dad: This simple dua has a lot of rewards and protects your children’s from the jinns (spirits) and devils in the bathroom. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 12 Dua for leaving the bathroom َﻏُﻔْﺮَاﻧَﻚ What it means: I seek Your forgiveness Transliteration: Ghufraanaka Kids: Remember to say this every time you leave the bathroom! And do your best not to use too much water! Mum and Dad: This simple dua has a lot of rewards! Abu Dawud, IbnMajah & AtTirmithi For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 13 Dua for getting dressed [َ ]اﻟﺜﱠﻮب ﻫَﺬَا ﻛَﺴَﺎﻧِﻲ ِاﻟﱠﺬِي اﳊَْﻤْﺪُﷲ ٍ وَﻻَﻗُﻮﱠة ﻣِﻨﱢﻲ ٍ ﻏَﻴْﺮِﺣَﻮْل ْ ﻣِﻦ ِ وَرَزَﻗَﻨِﻴﻪ What it means: Praise is to Allah Who has clothed me with this (garment) and provided it for me, though I was powerless myself and incapable. Transliteration: Alhamdu lillaahil lathee kasaanee haathaa (aththawba) warazaqa neehi min ghayri hawlim minnee walaa quwwatin. Bukhari & Muslim Kids: When you are lucky enough to get new clothes or getting dressed say this to thank Allah! Mum and Dad: This is a lovely simple dua that makes getting dressed full of reward! Lets all say it together. For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 14 Dua for getting undressed ﺑِﺴﻢِ اﷲ What it means: In the name of Allah. Transliteration: bismillaah Kids: Saying the dua when you get undressed or changed for bed even puts blessings in that. After saying the dua you can think of the bedtime book you will read! Mum and Dad: Encourage your children to say this as they are getting changed and say it yourself too! At-Tirmithi For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 15 Dua before eating ِﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﷲ Say these duas & get b le s s i ng s w he n yo u eat. ِاﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ ﺑَﺎرِكْ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ﻓِﻴﻪ ُوَأَﻃْﻌِﻤْﻨَﺎ ﺧَﻴْﺮًا ﻣِﻨْﻪ What it means: What it means: When you are about to eat, say: “In the name of Allah. When Allah feeds you, you say: “O Allah, bless it for us and feed us better than it.” Transliteration: Transliteration: Bismillaah Abu Dawud & AtTirmithi allaahumma baarik lanaa feehi wa aṭ‛imnaa khayran minh At-Tirmithi For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 16 Dua after eating ٍاﳊَْﻤْﺪُ ﷲِ اﻟﱠﺬِي أَﻃْﻌَﻤَﻨِﻲ ﻫَﺬَا وَرَزَﻗَﻨِﻴﻪِ ﻣِﻦْ ﻏَﻴْﺮِ ﺣَﻮْلٍ ﻣِﻨﱢﻲ وَﻻَ ﻗُﻮﱠة What it means: All praise is for Allah who fed me this and provided it for me without any might nor power from myself. Transliteration: alḥamdu lillaahil-ladhee aṭ‛amanee haadhaa wa razaqaneehi min ghayri ḥawlin minnee wa laa quwwah Kids: Say this to tell Allah how happy you were with all your yummy food! Mum and Dad: This is a really amazing way to end a meal. Did you know that the Hadith says Whoever says this supplication, his sins shall be forgiven as mentioned in the hadith. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmithi & Ibn Majah For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 17 Dua for going out (leaving the house) ﺗَﻮَﻛﱠﻠْﺖُ ﻋَﻠَﻰ اﷲِ وَﻻَ ﺣَﻮْلَ وَﻻَ ﻗُﻮﱠةَ إِﻟﱠﺎ ﺑِﺎﻟﻞ، ِﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﷲ What it means: Kids: In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah and there is no might nor power except with Allah. If you go out and you want Allah to look after all your toys and your bed, say this! Transliteration: Mum and Dad: bismillaahi, tawakkaltu ‛ala allaah, wa laa ḥawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah When you say this as you leave your house, did you know the angel will say: "you shall be defended, protected from shaytan and guided” Abu Dawud For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 18 Dua to travel on a spaceship* *(or any other form of transport!) ،َ وَﻣَﺎ ﻛُﻨﱠﺎ ﻟَﻪُ ﻣُﻘْﺮِﻧِﲔ،ﺳُﺒْﺤَﺎنَ اﻟﱠﺬِي ﺳَﺨﱠﺮَ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ﻫَﺬَا وَإِﻧﱠﺎ إِﻟَﻰ رَﺑﱢﻨَﺎ ﳌَُﻨْﻘَﻠِﺒُﻮن What it means: Mum, Dad & Kids: Glory to Him who has brought this [vehicle] under our control, though we were unable to control it [ourselves], and indeed, to Our Lord we will surely return. This is such a cool dua! You can say it on any form on transport: spaceships, airplanes, buses, bikes, cars, camels. Transliteration: Subḥaan alladhee sakh-khara lanaa haadhaa, wa maa kunnaa lahu muqrineena, wa innaa ilaaa rabinaa la munqaliboon Muslim For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 19/20 Dua for Shopping ُ ﻟَﻪُ اﳌُْﻠْﻚ، ُﻻَ إِﻟَﻪَ إِﻟﱠﺎ اﷲُ وَﺣْﺪَهُ ﻻَ ﺷَﺮِﻳﻚَ ﻟَﻪ َ ﻳُﺤْﻴِﻲ وَﳝُِﻴﺖُ وَﻫُﻮَ ﺣَﻲﱞ ﻻ، ُوَﻟَﻪُ اﳊَْﻤْﺪ ٌ ﺑِﻴَﺪِهِ اﳋَْﻴْﺮُ وَﻫُﻮَ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻛُﻞﱢ ﺷَﻲْءٍ ﻗَﺪِﻳﺮ، ُﳝَُﻮت Transliteration: laa ilaaha ill-allaahu waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, yuḥyee wa yumeetu wa huwa ḥayun laa yamootu, bi yadi-hil-khayru, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer At-Tirmithi, Ibn Majah & others For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 19/20 Dua for shopping ُ ﻳُﺤْﻴِﻲ وَﳝُِﻴﺖ، ُ ﻟَﻪُ اﳌُْﻠْﻚُ وَﻟَﻪُ اﳊَْﻤْﺪ، ُﻻَ إِﻟَﻪَ إِﻟﱠﺎ اﷲُ وَﺣْﺪَهُ ﻻَ ﺷَﺮِﻳﻚَ ﻟَﻪ ٌ ﺑِﻴَﺪِهِ اﳋَْﻴْﺮُ وَﻫُﻮَ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻛُﻞﱢ ﺷَﻲْءٍ ﻗَﺪِﻳﺮ، ُوَﻫُﻮَ ﺣَﻲﱞ ﻻَ ﳝَُﻮت Translation: "None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all power and praise. He gives life and causes death, and He is living and does not die. In His hand is all good and He Omnipotent over all things." For mum, dad and kids: The messenger of Allah ! said: Whoever goes into a shop (market and says (the above dua): Allah will wipe a million bad deeds from his record and grant him a million good deeds, and will elevate him a million degree (of virtue)- ([and will build him a house in paradise] in another narration). For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 21 Dua for entering your house . وَﻋَﻠَﻰ رَﺑﱢﻨَﺎ ﺗَﻮَﻛﱠﻠْﻨَﺎ، وَﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ﺧَﺮَﺟْﻨَﺎ،ﺑِﺴْﻢِ اﻟﻠﱠﻪِ وَﳉَْﻨَﺎ What it means: Kids, Mum and Dad: In the name of Allah we enter and in the name of Allah we leave, and upon our Lord we place our trust. Anas ibn Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Muhammad ! said to me, "Dear son, when you enter your house, greet your family (by saying Salam 'alykum), for it will be a blessing (Barakah) both to you and to your family." Transliteration: Bismi allāhi Wa Lajnā, Wa Bismi Allāhi Kharajnā, Wa `Alá Rabbinā Tawakkalnā. Abu Dawud For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 22 Dua for protecting yourself or when you feel happy! ِ ﻻَ ﻗُﻮﱠةَ إِﻟﱠﺎ ﺑِﺎﷲ، ُﻣَﺎ ﺷَﺎءَ اﷲ What it means: (This is) what Allah has willed, there is no power except with Allah. Transliteration: maa shaa’ allaahu, laa quwwata illaa billaah Kids: If you ever feel a bit scared or worried or happy, say this! Ahmed, Ibn Majah & Malik Mum and Dad: Note: The Evil Eye means looking at something and be impressed with it and causing harm to it. This “looking” may or may not include jealousy, and can happen unintentionally. A person could even bring harm upon themselves! For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 23 Dua for when you sneeze What it means & Transliteration When one of you sneezes he should say: “All praise is for Allah.” alḥamdu lillaah …and his brother or companion should say to him: “May Allah have mercy upon you.” yarḥamuk- allaah …and he (i.e. the one who sneezed) should reply back to him: “May Allah guide you and rectify your condition.” yahdeekum-ullaahu wa yuṣliḥu baalakum Al-Bukhari ِاﳊَْﻤْﺪُ ﷲ ﻳَﺮْﺣَﻤُﻚَ اﷲ ُﻳَﻬْﺪِﻳﻜُﻢُ اﷲ ْوَﻳُﺼْﻠِﺢُ ﺑَﺎﻟَﻜُﻢ For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 24 Dua for thanking parents ُرَﺑﱠﻨَﺎ اﻏْﻔِﺮْ ﻟِﻲ وَﻟِﻮَاﻟِﺪَيﱠ وَﻟِﻠْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨِﲔَ ﻳَﻮْمَ ﻳَﻘُﻮمُ اﳊِْﺴَﺎب What it means: Kids: Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established This is a great dua to use when you want the best for mum and dad, it’s the best way to be really kind to them! Transliteration: Mum and Dad: rabban-aghfir lee wa liwaalidayya wa lilmu’mineena yawma yaqoom-ul-ḥisaab Note: This dua was made by Ibrahim (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for his parents, if its good enough for him, then its good enough for us! Qur’an, Surah Ibrahim 41 For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 25 Dua for forgiveness from Allah ، َ أَﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُ اﷲ، َ أَﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُ اﷲ، َأَﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُ اﷲ What it means: Kids: Transliteration: Mum and Dad: astaghfirullaah, astaghfirullaah, astaghfirullaah Any Muslim who commits a sin and as a result, performs ablution, prays two units of prayer (i.e. two rakAAat) and seeks Allah’s forgiveness, Allah will forgive him. I ask Allah for forgiveness, I ask Allah for forgiveness, I ask Allah for forgiveness. Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhi Another easy one that you probably know. Now you know the meaning too! For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 26 Dua for good in both worlds ًرَﺑﱠﻨَﺂ ءَاﺗِﻨَﺎ ﻓِﻰ ٱﻟﺪﱡﻧْﻴَﺎ ﺣَﺴَﻨَﺔً وَﻓِﻰ ٱﻷَْﺧِﺮَةِ ﺣَﺴَﻨَﺔ ِوَﻗِﻨَﺎ ﻋَﺬَابَ ٱﻟﻨﱠﺎر Kids: What it means: Our Lord! Give us in this world good & in the Hereafter good, & save us from the torment of the Fire Transliteration: rabbanaaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa ḥasanatan wa fil-aakhirati ḥasanatan wa qinaa ‛adhaaban-naar Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah 201. This is part of prayer so learning it is brilliant! Mum and Dad: Did you know it is incorrect to ask from Allah for this world only. This was one dua Prophet Muhammad used to say a lot. For todays video go to: ! This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 27 Dua when scared of people َاﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ اﻛْﻔِﻨِﻴﻬِﻢْ ﲟَِﺎ ﺷِﺌْﺖ What it means: Allah, protect me from them with what You choose (or as You will). Transliteration: Allaahummak fineehim bi maa shi’ta Kids, Mum and Dad: We all get scared, and it might be a bit odd, but do you ever get scared of people? Make this dua and Allah will look after you… Muslim For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 28 Dua to visit sick people ُﻻَ ﺑَﺄْسَ ﻃَﻬُﻮرٌ إِنْ ﺷَﺎءَ اﷲ What it means: Never mind, may it (the sickness) be a purification (for you), if Allah wills Transliteration: laa ba’sa ṭahoorun in shaa’-allaah Al-Bukhari, AtTirmidhi, Ibn Majah & Ahmed Kids, Mum and Dad: When the Prophet ! would enter upon a sick person, he would say, “Never mind, may it (the sickness) be a purification (for you), if Allah wills.” Ali Ibn Abi Talib related that he heard the Messenger of Allah ! say: “If a man calls on his sick Muslim brother, it is as if he walks reaping the fruits of Paradise until he sits, and when he sits he is showered in mercy, and if this was in the morning, seventy thousand angels send prayers upon him until the evening, and if this was in the evening, seventy thousand angels send prayers upon him until the morning.” For todays video go to: This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 29 Dua when amazed & delighted ُاﷲُ أَﻛْﺒَﺮ ِﺳُﺒْﺤَﺎنَ اﷲ What it means: Transliteration: Allah is the greatest. allaahu akbar What it means: How far from imperfections Allah is. Al-Bukhari & AtTirmidhi Transliteration: Subḥaan allaah Kids: Its simple- you know this one! Mum and Dad: These are lovely simple duas that you can use at any time when you are happy. When you see something that makes you smile make sure you remember Allah and that Him for allowing you to see that. For todays video go to: Al-Bukhari & Muslim This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect Day 30 Dua for guidance ًرَﺑﱠﻨَﺂ ءَاﺗِﻨَﺎ ﻓِﻰ ٱﻟﺪﱡﻧْﻴَﺎ ﺣَﺴَﻨَﺔً وَﻓِﻰ ٱﻷَْﺧِﺮَةِ ﺣَﺴَﻨَﺔ ِوَﻗِﻨَﺎ ﻋَﺬَابَ ٱﻟﻨﱠﺎر Kids: What it means: Our Lord! Give us in this world good & in the Hereafter good, & save us from the torment of the Fire Transliteration: rabbanaaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa ḥasanatan wa fil-aakhirati ḥasanatan wa qinaa ‛adhaaban-naar Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah 201. This dua asks for the best of everything for ever, now and in the future. Mum and Dad: Did you know it is incorrect to ask from Allah for this world only. This was one dua Prophet Muhammad used to say a lot! For todays video go to: ! This book contains Allah's words so please treat it with respect After school Whats next? ، وَرِزْﻗًﺎ ﻃَـﻴﱢـﺒًﺎ، اﻟﻠﱠﻬُﻢﱠ إِﻧﱢﻲ أَﺳْﺄَﻟُﻚَ ﻋِﻠْﻤًﺎ ﻧَﺎﻓِﻌًﺎ ًوَﻋَﻤَﻼً ﻣُﺘَﻘَﺒﱠﻼ Kids & Mum and Dad: What it means: Allah, I ask You for knowledge which is beneficial and sustenance which is good, and deeds which are acceptable. Transliteration: allaahumma innee as’aluka ‛ilman naafi‛an, warizqan ṭayyiban, wa ‛amalan mutaqabbalaa Ibn Majah. This is one of the best duas to say when you want the best knowledge, good (career, life, school etc.) in this world and for Allah to accept all your actions. The best time to say it is after you have finished praying fajr in the morning. [Kids you can say it when you get up too!] For todays video go to: Now what? I want to know more. ! told his friends and Did you know that Prophet Muhammad companions to ‘If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause them to travel on one of the roads of Paradise.’ [Abu Dawud]. Isn’t that amazing? Learning and education is very important, and more important is knowing what you are learning and how to apply it. We, Haleema and Musa, want you to have fun as well! So we are going to make more videos and books for you, insha Allah, but we want you to tell us what about. If you have ideas why not email our mum and dad at For the next few weeks we are going to go through the videos again and make sure we really got it. WE LOVE YOU FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH! Please remember us in your duas.
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