Information Technology - College of the North Atlantic Qatar

C o l l e g e o f t h e N o r t h At l a n t i c – Q ata r
Information Technology
What’s inside
Welcome to the School of Information Technology
The CNA-Q story
Why a diploma works for you
Why you would like it here
Choosing an Information Technology program:
Information Systems – Hardware
Information Systems – Software
Information Systems – Network and Systems Administration
(Advanced Diploma)
Information Systems – Web Developer
(Advanced Diploma)
Application checklist
Entrance requirements / How to apply and register
Campus map
Contact us
“We learned new skills
in web designing and
programming using Java
that made me confident
I have the right start for
my career.”
Fatma Ghanem
Information Systems – Software,
Class of 2012
My friends recommended CNA-Q and the
College exceeded my expectations.”
Yousef Alsahlawi
Information Systems – Hardware, Class of 2012
Welcome to the School of Information Technology
at college of the north atlantic – qatar (cna-q)
Develop your IT skills using modern equipment –
Mac labs, Lego MindStorm robots, business-sized
servers and more.
Balance classroom lectures with hands-on learning
through labs, presentations and groupwork.
gain real-world experience before you graduate
through a full semester work term in the IT industry.
Learn from frienDly instructors with years
of industry experience. You will feel welcome here at
CNA-Q – just ask our students!
The School of IT has its own
studeNt louNge
with a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Students
can study, use computers, or even research
the latest video game technology.
CNA-Q at a Glance
Opened in 2002
Large campus with modern facilities
Located in Duhail, northern Doha
4,676 full and part-time students in
the 2010 – 2011 academic year
2,500 alumni from full-time
3,500+ graduates from part-time
380+ Canadian instructors
25+ countries represented by
our students
20 student clubs and societies
The CNA-Q Story
CNA in Qatar
college of the north atlantic – qatar is a
partnership between the State of Qatar and College
of the North Atlantic in Canada. We officially opened
in September 2002. CNA-Q fills the State’s need for
graduates who have hands-on training in their field
of study and are ready to start work right away. As
the second largest post-secondary school in Qatar,
CNA-Q now has 2,000+ full-time students.
college of the north atlantic (cna) was chosen by
the State of Qatar from top colleges around the world
to fulfill Qatar’s need for a technical college. With 40+
years of success and a long list of program offerings,
CNA created what is now Qatar’s premier technical
college – CNA-Q.
full and part-time students
in 2010 – 2011 academic year
CNA-Q programs are tailored to Qatar’s top industries.
Our institution complements degree-granting
universities in Education City and elsewhere in Qatar.
When you join CNA-Q, you are joining a community
of over 20,000 students enrolled every year at CNA
campuses in Canada and Qatar.
Diploma vs. Degree
People ask us all the time why we offer diplomas
and not degrees. It’s because many jobs require
specific expertise that you don’t get in a university
degree program. CNA-Q gives you the education
you need to qualify for those jobs right away.
Here’s why a CNA-Q diploma
works for you:
find your place in qatar’s economy
CNA-Q programs train you specifically
for top industries in Qatar
graduate sooner
Diploma programs are often shorter than
degree programs
Be a leader in your field
Our programs are often the first – and
only – of their kind offered in Qatar
transfer your credits
Apply to universities in Canada, the US
and the UK through 60+ articulation
With 17 campuses in Canada
and one in Qatar, CNA delivers
full and part-time programs to
students every year
Why you would like the School of Information Technology
The School of Information Technology is about more than computers and programming.
Read on to find out how you can build your resume and have a lot of fun while doing it.
Real work experience
national robot olympiad
CNA-Q hosted the 2011 National Robot Olympiad
(NRO) for Qatar. This event invites primary,
preparatory and secondary school teams to
compete using Lego MINDSTORM robots.
Our two-year IT diploma programs include an 8-week
work exposure so that you have real work experience
when you graduate.
Digital star competition
This event was created by CNA-Q and the Supreme
Council of Information and Communication
Technology (ictQATAR). It has been hosted by
CNA-Q since 2009. It invites primary, preparatory
and secondary school students and teachers to
show innovative use of technology in education.
exploring ict in education conference
This event was created by CNA-Q and ICT Qatar,
and has been hosted at CNA-Q since 2008. It is a
conference for teachers and school administrators
in Qatar, featuring guest speakers from around the
world about best practices of ICT in education.
cna-q skills competition
All CNA-Q students are invited to participate in
the annual CNA-Q Skills Competition. There are
30+ categories, ranging from Public Speaking to
Website Design.
Project management
Our Advanced Diploma programs include a capstone
project to tie together the tools and knowledge
that you acquired during the program. These projects
enable you to gain real-world experience in
managing projects.
Competitions like the ones at
CNA-Q allow students to work
in teams and teach them teamwork
and problem solving, which are
skills they need in the workforce.”
Samsul Karim
Director, UAE & Qatar
The School of Information Technology is an Approved Centre to offer
the international Computer driving licence (iCdl), internationally
recognized as the global standard for end-user computer skills
Research initiatives
Part-time studies
Students have the opportunity to conduct research
projects with instructors at CNA-Q. Some projects are
funded by the Qatar National Research Fund under the
Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP).
The School of Information Technology also offers
many Continuing Education courses to the community
and Corporate Training courses tailored to
industry needs.
how can it students help turtles in qatar?
A research project by Math, Science and IT instructors
at CNA-Q is entitled “Build an Environmental Research
Robot to clean the beach at Ras Laffan Industrial
City – a nesting habitat for the hawksbill turtle in
Qatar.” IT students help by programming the robots.
In 2011, the project won a $15,000 US Ford Motor
Company Conservation and Environmental Grant for
student involvement in research. It also won $70,000
US in 2008 from ConocoPhillips.
Areas include:
• Cisco CCNA certification
• Oracle Database Administration Certification
• Project Management Certificate
• International Computer Driver's License (ICDL)
• Computer Security and Self Defense
• Web Page Design, Animation and Development
• Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) in the
School Curriculum
For part-time studies and short courses, contact
the Corporate Training and Continuing Education
Department at:
did you kNow?
Information Technology
graduates can transfer
their credits and continue
their studies.
We have articulation agreements with
universities worldwide, including:
Athabasca University, Canada
Teesside University, UK
University of Bradford, UK
For detailed information, consult
the latest Academic Calendar.
Information Systems – Hardware
Information Systems – Software
ChoosiNg AN iNformAtioN
teChNology progrAm
Do you like…
...building computers and networks?
Try information systems – hardware
...programming languages and the Internet?
Try information systems – software
If you already have an IT diploma
or degree, check out our Advanced
Diploma programs:
Did you study hardware?
Try information systems – network
and systems administration
Did you study software?
Try information systems –
Web Developer
Information Systems – Network and Systems Administration
Information Systems – Web Developer
It only takes 1 year
for a Hardware or
Software graduate
to receive an
Advanced Diploma
We practice what we teach – In 2011,
CNA-Q became the first educational
institution in the GCC to achieve
iso 20000-1:2005 CertifiCAtioN
iN it serviCe mANAgemeNt
Information Systems – Hardware
so you are interested in hardware
You like to do things with your hands. You are good at
troubleshooting and learning new technologies. Subjects
like LAN/WAN computer networks, Internet connectivity
and network administration are interesting to you.
Upon graduation from Level 2 you will receive an
Information Systems – Hardware Diploma.
potential career choices
• Network Administrator
• Computer Support Specialist
• Helpdesk Manager
sample course listing
• Problem Solving for Information Technology
• Information Systems Security
• Enterprise Mail Systems
‫‪The difference between CNA-Q and other universities‬‬
‫‪is that we do a lot of hands-on work. This gives the‬‬
‫‪student the opportunity to have two years of experience‬‬
‫”‪with different applications and software.‬‬
‫‪Mona Kassem‬‬
‫‪Information Systems - Hardware, Class of 2011‬‬
‫أنظمة المعلومات – األجهــزة‬
‫تعنى بالمكونات المادية لجهاز الحاسوب؟‬
‫حسن حل المشكالت‪ ،‬تريد ان‬
‫وتـ ِ‬
‫تستمتع بالعمل بيديك‪ُ .‬‬
‫تتعلم تقنيات جديدة تثير اهتمامك مثل شبكات الحواسيب‬
‫المحلية الواسعة‪ ،‬و توصيل شبكة االنترنت و إدارة الشبكات‪.‬‬
‫بتخرجك من المستوى الثاني سوف تمنح درجة‬
‫دبلوم في أنظمة المعلومات – األجهزة‬
‫خيارات الوظائف الممكنة‬
‫• إداري شبكات‬
‫• متخصص في دعم الحاسوب‬
‫• مدير مكتب المساعدة‬
‫عينات من جداول المقررات‬
‫• حل مشكالت تقنية المعلومات‬
‫• أمان أنظمة المعلومات‬
‫• أنظمة بريد المؤسسة‬
350+ teAChers from 150+ sChools
attended the Exploring ICT in Education Conference in 2011
This event is hosted annually by the School of IT to share
new ideas and practices with school teachers about how
to use technology in the classroom
Information Systems – Software
so you are interested in software
You like to design things using computers. You are
comfortable using the Internet to communicate with
others. You are interested in programming languages
such as Java and C++, software development and
Upon graduation from Level 2 you will receive an
Information Systems – Software Diploma.
potential career choices
• Programmer
• Software Developer
• Internet Applications Developer
• Database Administrator
sample course listing
• Object Oriented and Event Driven Programming
• Customer Service
• Data Structures
‫أنظمة المعلومات – البرمجيات‬
‫تعنى بالبرمجيات؟‬
‫ و تفضل إستخدام‬.‫ُيـعجبك التصميم بإستخدام الحاسوب‬
‫ و تثير اهتمامك برمجة لغات‬.‫اإلنترنـت للتواصل مع اآلخرين‬
.‫ وتطوير البرمجيات وقواعد البيانات‬Java & C++ ‫معينة مثل‬
‫بتخرجك من المستوى الثاني سوف تمنح درجة‬
‫دبلوم في أنظمة المعلومات – البرمجيات‬
‫خيارات الوظائف الممكنة‬
‫• مبرمج‬
‫• مطور برمجيات‬
‫• مطور إستخدامات اإلنترنت‬
In 2011, CNA-Q hosted Qatar’s
NAtioNAl robot
olympiAd (Nro),
where 250 primary,
preparatory and secondary
students built robots using
Lego Mindstorm kits
‫• إداري قواعد بيانات‬
‫عينات من جداول المقررات‬
‫• البرمجة المحددة بمكون قائم بذاته في نظام‬
‫ والبرمجة المرتبطة باألحداث‬، ‫برمجيات معين‬
‫• خدمة العمالء‬
‫• هيكلة المعلومات‬
Information Systems –
Network and Systems
through the
students apply their
knowledge and skills
to build a solution to a
network and systems
administration problem
so you are interested in network and
systems administration
You already have a diploma or degree in the
hardware field. You want to know more about
computer networks and systems. You are ready to
become an expert in areas like security controls,
routers/switches and network performance.
Upon graduation you will receive an Advanced
Diploma in Information Systems – Network and
Systems Administration.
potential career choices
• Hardware Systems Consultant
• IT Operations Manager
• Network Manager
sample course listing
• Scripting
• Emerging Trends in Network and
Systems Administration
• IT Service Management
‫– ‪Graduates from CNA-Q’s Information Systems‬‬
‫‪Hardware program can enter directly into the‬‬
‫‪AdvANCed diplomA progrAm‬‬
‫أنظمة المعلومات –‬
‫إدارة الشبكات واألنظمة‬
‫تعنى بإدارة الشبكات واألنظمة؟‬
‫لديك درجة دبلوم أو شهادة في ميدان المكونات المادية‬
‫لجهاز الحاسوب (‪ )Hardware‬و تريد أن تعرف المزيد عن‬
‫خبيرا في‬
‫مستعد لتكون‬
‫شبكات و أنظمة الحاسوب ‪ ،‬لعلك‬
‫ميادين معينة مثل مفاتيح التحكم األمني ‪ ،‬و أداء الشبكة‬
‫و موجهات توزيع البيانات على الشبكات و مفاتيح التبديل‪.‬‬
‫بتخرجك سوف تمنح درجة دبلوم متقدمة في‬
‫أنظمة المعلومات – إدارة الشبكات واألنظمة‪.‬‬
‫خيارات الوظائف الممكنة‬
‫‪The Advanced Diploma program was inspiring and‬‬
‫‪educational. Most of all, it prepares you for the‬‬
‫‪challenges you will face in the field and how to handle‬‬
‫”‪a network on a large scale.‬‬
‫‪Lenin Dias‬‬
‫‪Information Systems – Network and Systems Administration‬‬
‫‪Class of 2011‬‬
‫• إستشاري األجهزة (‪)Hardware‬‬
‫• مدير عمليات تقنية المعلومات‬
‫• مدير الشبكات‬
‫عينات من جداول المقررات‬
‫• برمجة‬
‫• تيارات صاعدة في إدارة الشبكات واألنظمة‬
‫• إدارة خدمات تقنية المعلومات‬
Students and staff are working on a research project
entitled “developing the first CNA-Q mobile App
for CNA-Q students and measuring its impact on
CNA-Q student experiences”
Information Systems –
Web Developer
so you are interested in Web Development
You already have a diploma or degree in the software
field. You would like to learn more about advanced
web and e-business applications. Anything webrelated is of interest to you – server management,
security and more.
Upon graduation you will receive an Advanced
Diploma in Information Systems – Web Developer.
potential career choices
• Webmaster
• Internet Consultant
• Web Security Manager
sample course listing
• Multimedia for the Web
• Web Server Management
• Web Application Development with ASP.NET
– ‫أنظمة المعلومات‬
‫مطور صفحات الويب‬
‫تعنى بتطوير صفحات الويب؟‬
‫لديك درجة دبلوم أو شهادة في ميدان البرمجيات و تريد أن‬
‫تعرف المزيد عن شبكات اإلنترنـت المتقدمة و التطبيقات‬
‫ و يثير إهتمامك كل ما له صلة‬.‫اإللكترونية لميدان األعمال‬
‫بصفحات الويب مثل إدارة الحاسوب أو البرنامج المزود‬
.‫ و األمن وغيرها‬، ‫للشبكة المحلية‬
‫بتخرجك سوف تمنح درجة دبلوم متقدمة في‬
‫أنظمة المعلومات – مطور صفحات الويب‬
our students learn many
lANguAges by the
end of this program
‫خيارات الوظائف الممكنة‬
‫• مدير موقع‬
‫• إستشاري شبكة اإلنترنت‬
‫• مدير أمن صفحات الويب‬
‫عينات من جداول المقررات‬
‫• الوسائط المتعددة ألغراض صفحات الشبكة‬
‫• إدارة خادم شبكة اإلنترنت‬
(ASP.NET) ‫• تطوير تطبيقات صفحات الشبكة باستخدام‬
AppliCAtioN CheCklist
Applying to the College?
Here’s what you will need:
Completed application form
pick one up at the registrar’s office in
Building 1 or download it from the college
website at:
official copy of secondary school grades
If you have not attended a State school, we
will provide you with a letter to take to the
Ministry of Education to validate your grades.
Copy of passport photo page
Copy of Qatar National
identification Card
letter of sponsorship from the
sponsoring organization (if applicable)
processing fee of 100 Qr
Note: Students must be legal residents of Qatar
and possess a Residency Permit ID number in
order to be eligible to apply to the College.
Entrance requirements
How to apply and register
information systems – hardware or
information systems – software
Just follow these 4 easy steps:
High school graduation certificate with the following:
Minimum 60%
English Language
(Grade 12 level)
Minimum 60%
Academic Mathematics
(Grade 12 level)
Advanced Mathematics
(Grade 12 level or equivalent)
Minimum 60%
Minimum 50%
Three additional courses
at the Grade 12 level
1. Submit your application (please refer to the
Application checklist on the opposite page).
2. Write our entrance examination (English and
Math placement test).
3. Wait to hear from the College if you have been
accepted to your program.
4. Register for your program during the scheduled
registration time at the beginning of each semester.
Note: Students in their final year of high school will
be accepted conditionally pending receipt of final
exam results.
advanced Diploma in information
systems – network and systems administration
or information systems – Web Developer
Graduation from the Information Systems program at
CNA-Q or a diploma (2 – 3 years) or degree in a related
discipline from a recognized institution.
Note: Qatari Nationals 19 years of age or older who do
not meet the entrance requirements for this program may
be considered on an individual basis under the Mature
Student Clause.
Get your workout between classes at
the gym, in the pool or on the field.
Buy your lunch from the co-ed
cafeteria in Building 13 or the
male and female cafeterias
in Building 3.
Get extra help in areas like
writing, math, independent
learning, and career
counselling. Check your
College email account in
our computer lab. Grab a
table with your classmates
for a relaxing place to
study and do group
projects. Staff are always
available for support.
School of
Check out our selection of books
and electronic resources. Book a
study room for some quiet time.
Where you will spend most of your
time in classes and labs.
Finding your way around the Campus
01Auditorium, Lecture Theatres,
and Exhibition Hall
02 VIP Entry
03Administration, Finance,
Marketing and Registrar’s Office
04 Art Room
05Academics and EFL Classrooms
06 Bookstore and Student Affairs
07Language Studies and
Academics Faculty
08 Oil and Gas Training Centre
09School of Engineering Technology
10School of Information Technology
11 Business Studies Faculty
12Centre for Banking and Financial
Studies, Corporate Training
and Continuing Education, and
Security Academy
15 Central Plant
16Facilities and Campus Services:
Shipping and Receiving
17 Female Recreation Centre
18 Male Recreation Centre
19 School of Health Sciences
20 School of Health Sciences
E5 Tennis Courts
E6 Soccer Pitch
Enjoy a break
from studying.
Follow us on:
Special thanks to the Dean of
Information Technology, and the
faculty and staff of the School of
Information Technology for their
valuable contributions. A very
special thanks to our students
and alumni for sharing their
stories and bringing CNA-Q to life
on campus and in their careers.
Leigh McGlone
Hassen Rathore
Maram Al Mahmoud
Hanane Korchi (Arabic)
Jennifer Tipple
Diane Martin
Adrian Haddad
Dr. Naji Al Hadithi
Questions about the School of
Information Technology
Chair of Information Technology
Phone +974 4495 2510
Questions about applying or registering
Questions about part-time studies
Registrar’s Office
Phone +974 4495 2008
Corporate Training and Continuing Education
Phone +974 4495 2123
College of the North Atlantic – Qatar
68 Al Tarafa, Duhail North
P.O. Box 24449
Doha, Qatar
Phone +974 4495 2222
+974 4495 2200