L A S V E G A S J U LY 3 0 , 2 010 P R E V I E W I S S U E Youth Sports Flash FREE TAKE ONE YouthSportsFlash.com STORY OF THE WEEK Mayweather boxing camp: A KNOCKOUT IDEA Friendship, fitness focus of center-ring activities By Jeannette Carrillo Spotlight on the Desert Mermaids —Page 4 Check out Game On for BMX, other sports action —Page 7 Heading into the last week of his inaugural Mayweather Boxing Club Summer Camp, Floyd Mayweather Jr. couldn’t be happier with the results. “It was important for me to offer a free boxing camp this summer because I wanted to allow (kids) to be part of a firstof-its-kind summer boxing camp. There’s basketball and football camps out here for kids to go to but not boxing camps,” Mayweather said. “It makes me feel great knowing that I’ve been blessed, and I’m in a position to make a difference and give back. It’s truly a great feeling.” Tucked nondescriptly in between a Chinese Baptist church and a learning center, the team of volunteers, counselors coaches and staff of Mayweather’s training facility is hard at work, stressing a few vital lessons on health and life. Behind a glass door blanketed by black-out shades, the 5- to 7-year-old class is taking its morning break. Kids decked out in white Reebok T-shirts and black bicycle-like shorts chomp Courtesy of floyd mayweather jr. foundation U.S. boxing superstar Floyd Mayweather Jr. instructs kids in the fundamentals of boxing at his first-ever free summer camp in Las Vegas. on baby carrots and granola bars, while volunteers keep watch. Behind another door at the back of the room, the gym opens into a cavernous loft of mirrors alive with the sounds of teen campers rocking speed bags, whirling jump ropes and landing punches into padded coaches’ mitts. In the center of the space, the ring sprawls out into a plush, elevated stage. In the midst of activity, it is an impressive sight. “The purpose of the camp is twofold,” explained Nicole Craig, president of the Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation. “(The camp) is part of a positive environment. It teaches boxing skills and exposes kids to the benefits of health and fitness. There is no contact in here.” Or, at least not the kind of sparring normally associated with boxing gyms. Rather, a quick tour of the facility reveals coNtiNUed oN pAge 2 En guard! Fencing Academy welcomes recreational, competitive students By DaviD Bennett Coach’s corner: Titan Youth Sports Foundation gears up for season 4 —Page 6 Also in this issue: out & about: Centennial Jr. Bulldogs cheer squad - Page 3 gymcats turns ordinary kids into athletic superstars - Page 5 After the game: Giovanni’s Pizza - Page 6 Work hard play hard: athletic achievement leads to college - Page 5 Many sports promote sportsmanship, respect and tradition. In fencing, those attributes are part of its DNA as European fencing schools date back to the 12th century. At the Fencing Academy of Nevada, 1220 S. Rainbow Blvd., instruction is for both recreational and competitive fencers. The academy’s philosophy and training programs focus on the fencer as an individual. Colleen Brown, FAN manager, said the academy is a community of fencers who support one another. “We have members ranging in age from 8 to 60,” said Brown. “Although I would say 80 percent of our students are under 20. The attraction of fencing is that it is a mentally and physically challenging sport, Courtesy fenCing aCademy of nevada Fencing Academy of Nevada students battle it out in June at the Summer Fencing Nationals competition in Atlanta. pitting one person against another. One coached by a 40-year-old whose mentor is of the owners of the Academy refers to 70 years old. fencing as a physical chess game because “This is one large, extended family, fencers, just like chess players, are always and they all share a love of the sport,” thinking several moves ahead.” Brown said. The community of support Brown On the subject of family, Brown said refers to is the fact that an 8-year-old may “My two sons are fencers, and I believe it be taught by a 16-year-old who is being coNtiNUed oN pAge 3 Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas Page 2 July 30, 2010 Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas July 30, 2010 continued From page 1 Courtesy of floyd mayweather jr. foundation Mayweather Boxing Club Summer Camp coaches lead classes through a tug-of-war exercise and other fitness workouts at Mayweather’s gym near Chinatown. STORY OF THE WEEK continued From page 1 a more sentimental type of human contact in the form of a hug from one 5-year-old camper to his classmate in support of a good move. “In here, it’s all about making friends,” Craig said. “So far, we’ve had many kids ask to come back, and we’ve invited back two kids each from the earlier sessions to act as mentors to the younger kids.” The camp, which debuted July 5, is set to run through Aug. 9 and is open to boys and girls age 5 to 18 who applied for the program in June. Three two-week-long sessions lead campers divided into age groups (5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 and 17-18) through lessons on fitness, discipline and good sportsmanship. The camps begin each day at 9 a.m. and conclude at 12:30 p.m. Parents are responsible for getting their kids to and from the gym. During the day, kids are shown a film, followed by an open discussion on the set of ethics highlighted on celluloid. Leonard Ellerbe, chief executive officer of Floyd Respect is big at Mayweather Boxing Club Summer Camp. In fact, it’s the No. 1 rule enforced by the staff, volunteers, coaches and counselors. The following list, emphasizing the camp’s Golden Rule, is posted, very clearly, in the gym for all to see. “The biggest lesson I hope the kids can take away from the camp is that hard work and dedication can help them achieve anything they want to in life.” Respect: -Yourself -Your coach -The gym/equipment -Peers -Volunteers — Floyd Mayweather Jr. Mayweather Jr. Promotions, leads each talk. At that point, Ellerbe says he knows the program has been a success by the type of feedback he gets from kids. “They ask all kinds of questions, and they’re very respectful. They’re having fun, and I know that they’re learning,” he said. Two weeks in, Craig said that the coaches, counselors and volunteers are all adapting well, adding that the biggest lesson the staff has learned this summer has been patience. “This is not a school environment, even though they are all school-age kids,” she explained. “But getting them to abide by a structure has been a lesson for us all.” Add to that the tight timing of putting the finishing touches on the days’ activities, coming on the heels of a major fight promotion and the gym’s recent expansion and Craig explained the pace has kept everyone on their toes. Thank goodness for a well-oiled machine. “The biggest lesson I hope the kids can take away from the camp is that hard work and dedication can help them achieve anything they want to in life,” Mayweather said. In Las Vegas, the foundation is researching offering an abbreviated camp over the Christmas break, followed by one next spring. Those camps would be shorter, lasting one week in length. For more information on the Mayweather Boxing Club Summer Camp, or for upcoming program dates and application deadlines, call 671-4176, or visit www.tfmjf.org. is teaching them certain life lessons that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Not only are you competing in a physical sport, but it’s also a mental sport that requires composure.” Thirteen-year-old Andrea Dilibero, a student at Alexander Dawson School, has been fencing for five years and doesn’t want to do anything else. “I like the competitiveness, and it’s such a challenge,” she said. “I’ve tried other sports but decided to focus on this Andrea Dilibero, 13 one, and now practice four times a week.” Last month, Andrea went to the Summer Fencing Nationals in Atlanta and participated in three events. There were more than 100 competitors in each event Page 3 and she placed in the top 50 of each one. “I love it,” she said. “I just want to keep doing it.” Teaching Andrea is Yves Auriol, head coach and maitre at the Academy, who was inducted into the United States Fencing Association Hall of Fame in 2007. Brown is proud to point out that many Fencing Academy of Nevada graduates are competing at top fencing universities, including Stanford, Harvard, Tufts, Air Force and Ohio State. Ongoing beginning classes for students age 7 to 14 with little or no experience are held throughout the year Monday through Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m. The cost is $175 per month for twice-a-week classes. All equipment is provided, and the first class is free. For more information on the Fencing Academy of Nevada, call 838-3320 or visit www.fencingacademyofnevada.com. Foil, épée or sabre? Modern fencing originated in the 19th century as a direct continuation of the 18th century French school of fencing, and has been featured at every modern Olympic Games. Currently, three types of weapon are used in Olympic fencing: foil, épée and sabre. Foil is a light thrusting weapon, where the valid target is restricted to the torso, the chest, shoulders and back. In the 17th century, it used to be named fleuret and was developed in France. Épée is a heavy thrusting weapon, where the valid target area covers the entire body. Sabre is a light cutting and thrusting weapon, where the valid target area is the saddle line -- from one side of the fencer’s hip to the other and up, including the head. The target area does not include the hands. The sabre is also used for training because of its light weight. — David Bennett Jeannette carrillo/Youth Sports Flash Out & About: Caught by the YSF team If you catch a fabulous photo moment, we’d love see it. Go to YouthSportsFlash.com to send us your picture for consideration in Out & About. From left, Kierra Johnson, 12, Gabriella Evangelista, 12, Alyssa Sayago, 12, and Kylie Nebeker, 13, members of the Centennial Jr. Bulldogs cheer squad take part in their team’s first fundraiser of the season July 24 at Albertsons at 8350 W. Cheyenne Ave. Funds raised during such events go to support individual teams of the Southern Nevada Youth Sports Association, a nonprofit corporation made up of four divisions of youth players. Participating students are grouped into leagues made up of first and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth and seventh and eighth graders. For more information on the organization, or to register for cheer or football teams, visit www.lvnvfootball.com. On the cover: Index photos from top: Paige Bentle in a synchronized swimming routine courtesy of The Desert Mermaids; Shawn Kullman riding her BMX bike at Ed Fountain Park courtesy of Kirsten Harris myBMX.com; flag football practice courtesy of Titan Youth Sports Foundation. Editor - Jeannette Carrillo editor@YouthSportsFlash.com Sales - Lisa Chao cell: 219-8885 sales@:YouthSportsFlash.com Art Director - Luwana Masteller art@YouthSportsFlash.com Youth Sports Flash is published every other week on Fridays by Youth Sports Flash, LLC 800 N. Rainbow, # 208 Las Vegas, NV 89107 702-570-7451 New Location as of Sept. 7th 500 E. Windmill Lane #145 next to Anytime Fitness Visit www.YouthSportsFlash.com for distribution, submitting corrections, letters to the editor, team scores, event dates & more! Your One Stop Business Service Center © Youth Sports Flash, LLC 2010 Get in to the game with the top professionals Covering youth sports news throughout the Vegas Valley in print every other week and online all the time at: Youth Sports Flash.com in the Youth Sports Flash team. Add our years of experience to your winning team and your business will have the opportunity to gain new customers and increase brand exposure. For advertising opportunities call: Lisa at 219-8885 Launch Your College Plan This Summer Call (It only takes a couple hours) Call 702-202-3900 o Trophies & Awards o Engraving o Flyers & Postcards o Mailbox Rental o Business Cards o Copies & Faxing o FedEx Shipping o Signs & Banners 259-2499 Page 4 Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas July 30, 2010 Mermaids in the desert Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas July 30, 2010 WORK HARD Gymcats turns kids into superstars PLAY HARD By DaviD Bennett Now’s your chance to tell us how hard you’ve worked on and off the field, court, gridiron, track, etc. To be considered for publication in Work Hard Play Hard, go to YouthSportsFlash.com and tell us your story. photos Courtesy of the desert mermaids the desert Mermaids is Nevada’s only nationally ranked synchronized swim team, and welcomes participation from swimmers between the ages of 7 to 17. clockwise from left, Annelise Lipowitz, Hannah Halverson and emma Burns strike a pose. circle of friends are, Haley Vogel, cassidy Ludwig, Nevie Lee, Amanda toolis, Mandie Stanton, Alex Morgan, christine cornish and emily Ho. the desert Mermaids celebrate following their participation at the regionals meet in Arizona. enrollment for the desert Mermaids is open year round and an introductory class is designed to help interested athletes learn more about the sport in a complimentary week of tryout. the team’s summer recreation program is scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at garside pool, 300 S. torrey pines drive. For more information on the desert Mermaids, call Kim Vogel at 525-9731 or visit www.nevadadesertmermaids.com. Section sponsored by The National Association For Moms In Business - www.NAFMIB.org Page 5 Andrew Mahalik, 18, earned an academic scholarship to the College of Eastern Utah in Price, Utah, following his work on the mound as a pitcher for Shadow Ridge High School. He graduated in June from Northwest Career and Technical Academy. Mahalik is the son of Betty and Andy Mahalik of Las Vegas. Of her son’s achievement, Betty said, “We are so proud of him because he got there through his own perseverance and dedication. That’s the truth.” Section sponsored by MePromos.com The summer is bustling at Gymcats, a training ground for would-be junior Olympians that was founded in 1992. Young girls and boys of all ages are picking dance, gymnastics, cheerleading or marital arts, where they will learn the various disciplines that will make her or him a more competent dancer, gymnast, cheerleader or martial arts competitor. Cassandra Rice, owner of Gymcats, said the curriculum is based on the USA Gymnastics Jr. Olympic program that provides training at all levels from beginning to Olympic. “We are proud that numerous members of our program have gone on to earn college scholarships,” said Rice, who was named 2001 International Elite Coach of the Year. “One even became an Olympian, gymnast Tasha Schwikert. On top of that, 14 recent graduating seniors have gone on to full gymnastics scholarships at various universities.” This summer, Gymcats offered cheer camps called Cheer Jam for young boys and girls who were either just starting out or who had some cheer experience. Tiffany Jolley, head cheer coach explained how each child was divided into different levels. “Most were girls between the ages of 6 to 16. For some, it was their first contact with Gymcats and a great introduction to what cheer is all about. Others are photo Courtesy of gymCats gymcats students take a break from a workout to show off some gym spirit. geared toward teaching kids more advanced returning for a second or third time tumbling skills. because they’re serious about cheerleading, “Last year, several girls from a middle and this gives them a head start on school came as a group to Cheer Jam,” said improving their skills.” Jolley. “They worked together and were Cheer Jam offers specialized training able to take back to their school all the new in tumbling, dance, jumps, routines and things they learned. The three-day camp is stunting. As students' cheerleading skills a combination of cheers, choreography and increase, some join the competitive cheer tumbling. On the final day, we have a girls teams to compete locally or on a national night out with a pizza and movie night.” level. Others have gone on to receive According to Jolley, there are several scholarships to excel at universities such levels of instruction. Level One teaches as Boise State, Oregon State and North basic arm positions, jumps, tumbling, Carolina State. stunting, chants and basic formations. Jolley focuses on basic cheerleading, Level Two sees an increase in difficulty tumbling and jumps in her beginning cheer in all areas, including jumps, motions, classes so that each child can eventually tumbling and stunting. At this level, each have the skills to make a competitive or school cheer team. Tumbling classes are coNtiNUed oN pAge 7 UNIVERSITY CONNECTION SPORTS UNIFORMS Serving the athletic industry for over 25 years NEW PRODUCTS Coffee Mugs printed with your child or teams photograph. Great for the end of season gifts for Players and Family Members Engraved Awards for those outstanding players Put Your Childs Name and Number On Their Uniform! Make Your Team Standout From The Rest! Special Offer: Order 12 or more garments and receive a FREE embroidered Coaches Short sleeve polo shirt. • Sew-On, Silk Screen & Heat Transfer Letters & Numbers Available No • Large Selection of Colors & Styles Fencing for Kids Age 5 & Up Have your child train with the best at the largest fencing center in Nevada. Learn foil, epee and saber. All gear included. Also offering Summer Camps & Birthday Parties 5275 S. Arville St., Suite #332 (702) 222-1901 www.RedRockFencingCenter.com • High Quality Garments • School & Team Orders Welcome • Fast Turnarounds Available Sizes: • Youth • Boys • Girls • Men •Women • Baseball • Basketball • Track & Field • Softball • Hockey • Soccer • Football • Volleyball University Connection Sports Uniforms 4550 So Maryland parkway, Suite 12 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Phone: 1.702.736.9179 * Excluding Silk Screens - Min 12 garments Minimums* Page 6 After the Game By DaviD Bennett The Giovanni family has been hosting after-game pizza parties for the youth of Southern Nevada for some 20 years, and it remains a popular place no matter what the sport or time of year. Open five days a week, the Henderson hangout is located at 7380 S. Eastern Ave. at Warm Springs Road. Business hours are Sunday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. “What’s nice is that while the kids are enjoying their pizza, adults can order off our regular menu,” said Sue Giovanni, describing the abundance of Old-Worldstyle Italian favorites like homemade lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs or sausage, jumbo cheese ravioli, linguine with pesto sauce, chicken Marsala and baked ziti. Of course, if you’re in the mood for a signature calzone, a Stromboli or some New York-style cheesecake, well, they have that, too. And, when it comes to post-game celebrations, Sue requests that teams call ahead to secure a table. But if they walk in without a reservation, she said, “Don’t worry, we won’t kick you out.” For reservations, 896-6050. Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas July 30, 2010 Nikki says: Don’t just be in it to win it GAME ON Four seasons and growing. Learning from the past and taking those lessons into the future is critical to success in sports. And nowhere do we as coaches witness that than on the field. Success to us is different in a lot of ways. As leaders, we are not just in it to win it. As long as our kids enjoy themselves and come off the field confident that they did their best, we score a win with the sight of the smiles on their faces. As coaches, our job is to help kids have fun learning the fundamentals of sports. We strive at teaching our football players good sportsmanship, good conduct, to be team players and most definitely to have fun in all that they do. Being a coach goes well beyond fieldwork, as the responsibility also makes us role models and mentors. Our actions as coaches truly reflect our players. And because we work with children, we endure lots of different personalities and attitudes. But when it’s all said and done, it’s worth every effort we extend to see the rewards of an increased well-being. We have seen how confidence markedly improves a youngster’s overall life experience and accomplishments in school. We have witnessed, on several occasions, the positive changes in children’s attitudes toward school, and see proof of aboveaverage academic achievements. Being involved with after-school activities allows children's talents and true potential to shine. With a boosting of To submit event information to be considered for publication in Game On, go to YouthSportsFlash.com Nikki Kilburg coAcH’S corNer their self-esteem, kids will, hopefully, learn to give back, making a difference in the community. As coaches, we aim to see the Success to us is different in a lot of ways. As leaders, we are not just in it to win it. As long as our kids enjoy themselves and come off the field confident that they did their best, we score a win with the sight of the smiles on their faces. increased confidence and teamwork propel kids to do their very best. We take pride in all that we teach our children on and off of the football field. Some basic rules include: Players will not act in a manner that is disrespectful toward any teammate or opposing team; fighting among players and coaches is absolutely not to be tolerated; parents and coaches will demonstrate good sportsmanship regardless of the score of the game; players will display good sportsmanship ahead of their own desire to win; and players will shake hands with opposing team members at the conclusion of all games. So far at Titan Youth Sports Foundation, nowhere have we seen the success that follows a lesson well learned than in our own company. Every season so far, our core of coaches has seen our company grow in so many different ways. And when we were reminded by our fitness coach that the fun element we started in Season One seemed to be lacking in our program, we quickly got a grip and put the fun back into our teams. And, you guessed it, the success of going into our fourth season quickly followed. Lessons. Learn from them and everyone wins. Bring it back season four, we’re ready to roar! Page 7 coNtiNUed FroM pAge 5 student must have a hurdle round off and good arm motions. They also begin work in a team-structured setting. Level Three continues to build on the foundation each student received in Level Two. This class expands stunting, sharp motions and tumbling. After completing all three levels, students compete for becoming a Mini Star, Blue Star, Gold Star or All-Star team member. Besides Jolley, cheer instructors are Brandon Atkins and Christina Madison. Gymcats is located at 440 S. Parkson Road in Henderson. Free synchro swim show set for Aug. 5 If you're interested in synchronized swimming, check out Catch The Wave, an all-city synchronized swimming show set for 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 5. The event is free and will take place at Baker Pool, 1100 E. St. Louis Ave. This year’s show will take spectators on a synchro surfing tour. Swim teams from around the county will perform. For information, call 229-6395. Bowling for scholarships The Junior Bowlers Tour heads into the Las Vegas Open at The Orleans Bowling Center at 8 a.m. Aug. 6-8. The 14th-annual event will award a $4,000 scholarship top scratch prize, along with a $2,500 top handicap scholarship. Walk-ins are welcome. Open to bowlers age 9 to 21. For information, call 365-7400. Free backpack & 51’s fun Nikki Kilburg is a coach at Titan Youth Sports Foundation, a national nonprofit organization specializing in 11-man youth tackle football. Titan Youth Sports Foundation is affiliated with American Youth Football and is a national partner of the National Football League. To contact Nikki, call 272-0000 or email info@titanyouthsports.org. Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas July 30, 2010 Go back to school in style later this month with the help of the Las Vegas 51s, as the team hosts backpack night Aug. 7. Be one of the first 2,500 fans through the gates to receive a logo knapsack. The 51s will take on the Memphis Redbirds, the triple-A affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals. Gates open at 6 p.m.; game starts at 7:05 p.m. Continue your collection of 51’s bobbleheads with Las Vegas comedian Rita Rudner, Aug. 10. The 51’s will take on the Nashville Sounds. Game time is 7:05pm. Cashman Field is located at 850 Las Vegas Blvd N. For tickets, call 798-7825. Courtesy of Kirsten harris - myBmx.Com Cimarron Rose Community Center, 5591 N. Cimarron Road, on Saturdays, beginning in September. The fee is $70 and includes a jersey, an award, practices and a weekly game. For information, call 229-1607. present a free archery workshop for kids age 7-15 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Aug. 20. Advance registration is required. For information, call 229-6374. Titan Youth Sports Foundation is accepting registration for youth tackle football through Aug. 14. For more information call 272-0000. The Nellis Gun Club's junior smallbore program is in full swing this summer, from 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 28-29. Designed for kids age 8-19, the program is open to the public and focuses on safety, markmanship and responsibility. Fees are $7 to $10, depending on the type of gun reserved, and includes the gun, ammunition and targets. Registration must be made one week prior to the shoot day/s. For directions, information or to RSVP, call 453-8565. The 2nd Annual MAACO Bowl Clinic sponsored by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) youth football will be held Aug. 6 at the University of Nevada. The three-hour clinic will be led by the UNLV coaching staff and head coach Bobby Hauck. The clinic is free and open to kids age 8 to 14. Teens entering the 9th grade do not qualify. Open to registered players with a payment of $40 toward their league registration. For more information, visit www.lvnvfootball.com. Register now for fishing workshop Courtesy of the City of las vegas Are you ready for some football? The city of Las Vegas Department of Leisure Services will hold registration for three NFL fall flag football leagues for kids age 6-14 on Aug. 1. Youth age divisions are 6-8, 9-11 and 12-14. Competition will take place at the Land a whopper, or a whopper of a tale, Aug. 14, when Doolittle Community Center, 1950 N. J St., hosts a free fishing workshop for kids age 7-15. The event will begin at 10 a.m. and run to noon. Advance registration is required. For information, call 229-6374. Learn to use a bow & arrow at city-sponsored program Tired of traditional sports? Then why not give archery a try? The Doolittle Community Center, 1950 J. St., will Gun club welcomes junior marksmen BMX under way weekly at Ed Fountain Park BMX practice, 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, fee, $5. Racing Thursdays, registration from 6 to 7 p.m., fee, $10. Ed Fountain Park, located at the corner of Vegas Drive and Decatur Boulevard. For information, www.efpbmx.com. Paralymic sports scheduled through August Paralympic Sports Club of Las Vegas Quad rugby, 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays through August, ages 18 and over, fee, $30, John C. Fremont Middle School, 1100 E. St. Louis Ave. Track & field/hand cycling, 7:30 a,m. to noon, Wednesdays and Fridays through August, all ages, fee $30, Rancho High School, 1900 Searles Ave. For more information, call 229-4796. Courtesy of gymCats christian Waltan takes part in one of the free Autism classes at gymcats in Henderson. Autism project puts gymnasium students in the driver’s seat two years ago, Gymcats began offering free classes for kids with autism. according to Cassandra rice, Gymcats owner, it has been an incredible success. “Gymcats teamed up with F.e.a.t. (Families for early autism treatment) to help kids of autism build relationships, learn social skills, and improve gross motor learning skills while having fun,” said rice. “our 45-minute class is held once a month on a Sunday. it begins with the child meeting his or her partner. that partner is one of our kids who is attending Gymcats and has volunteered to be an assistant to a child with autism.” the class starts with an opening obstacle course, which works on basic rolls, balance skills, climbing over and under things, and jumping. later, they form groups and work on a routine to music. “We have seen tremendous changes in the kids who come to class regularly,” said rice. “We see improvements in listening, coordination and strength. Part of that is because they relate so well with our Gymcats kids.” For more information on Gymcats’ classes for children with autism, call 566-1414. — david Bennett Fast & Profitable Fundraising Teams, Schools and Leagues Earn up to 40%! Donna Hobbs Call me today! 702-396-6676 Donna@DonnaHobbs.com (one 26oz Candle earns as much as 7 candy bars) Need coach or teacher gifts? We have fabulous gifts & accessories for home & spa too! Complete Line Available Online at www.DonnaHobbs.com Page 8 Youth Sports Flash Las Vegas July 30, 2010
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