भारतीय कपास निगम लिलमटे ड (भारत सरकार का उपक्रम) “कपास भवन”, 27-ए रे सकोसस रोड, इन्दौर – 452003 दरू भाष नं : 0731-2434136, 2547877, फैक्स नं : 0731-2530523 ई-मेल : वेबसाईट : पूर्त स : अस्थाई ारार पर बएसएसससएस(कृषष)/बएसकॉम/बएसएस सनातकों की भती भारतीय कपास निगम लिलमटे ड, जो कक भारत सरकार का उपक्रम है , के शाखा कायाािय इन्दौर, में पूर्त स : अस्थाई ारार पर रूपये 12000/- प्रनत माह समेककत वेति (consolidated wages) पर “अस्थाई फील्ड सााकक/अस्थाई ाफफस क्लकस” के रूप में काया करिे हे तु बी.एस.सी.(कृषि)/बी.कॉम/बी.ए. सिातकों की आवश्यकता है निु. जानत/निु जिजानत/नन्य षपडडे वगा रर कजिजकि हडडीकै्ड उ्मीदवारों के लिये आरक्षण तथा आयु में डूट सरकारी नियमों रर मागादशाि के निुसार होगी नंनतम तारीख 31.10.2014 है आवेदि पत्र प्रा्त करिे की रूचि रखिे वािे उ्मीदवार षवतत ृ जािकारी तथा आवेदि-पत्र जामा के लिये हमारी वेबसाईट तथा गवामेट वेबसाईट से डाउििोड कर सकते हड शाखा प्रबंरक THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) Branch Office: Indore RECRUITMENT OF ANY GRADUATES (ON TEMPORARY BASIS) TENDER NOTICE 1) Name of the Sealed Post tenders in the prescribed2) Number of format in two vacancies bid-system, 3) Eligibility are invited Qualification from the well experienced Security Agencies for providing services of security personnel 4) to Maximum Age the 5) Reservations : Temporary Clerks (Field Assistant/Document Assistant/Office Staff (A/C)/ Office Staff (General) : Based on requirement : a). For Temporary Field : Science or any other equivalent degree (science background upto SSC level is must) from any recognized University with knowledge of computer. b). For Temporary Clerk (A/c): B.Com from a recognized university with knowledge of computer. c). For Temporary Clerk (General): The candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university with knowledge of computer. : 27 years as on 31.10.2014 (relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (excluding Creamy Layer), for Physically Handicapped (VH, HH & OH) 10 years (15 years for SC/ST, 13 years for OBC). : For SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped persons will be provided as per Government of India’s directives. The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Branch Office, Indore, invites application from B.Sc (Agri.) /B.Com/B.A graduates, for the posts of Temporary Field Staff/Office Clerk. The selected candidates will be on a consolidated wages of Rs.12000/- p.m all inclusive. The selected candidates can be posted in Branch Office Indore or on its purchase centres. Wherever grade points are awarded, a certificate of equivalent percentage of marks certified by the Institute/ University will have to be attached with the application. Interested persons fulfilling the criteria mentioned above may send their application in the required format which can be obtained by sending self addressed stamped envelope at the following address or can be downloaded from our website and Government website Application form duly filled in must be accompanied by attested copies of (a) Proof of date of Birth, (b) Mark Sheets of SSC/HSC and graduation as well as copy of Degree Certificate, (c) Caste Certificate issued by Empowered Authority & PH certificate (if applicable). Completed Application Form subscribing the name of the post applied for on the envelope should reach at the following address on or before 31.10.2014: Branch Manager, The Cotton Coporation of India Limited, ‘Kapas Bhavan’, 27-A, Race course Road, Indore (M.P) – 452003. (i). (ii). (iii). Reservation: For SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH will be as per Government of India’s guidelines/directives. Change in Job-Profile and Posting: The candidate can be posted Branch Office Indore or on its purchase centres. The Management also reserves its right to change the job-profile of the candidate at its discretion at any time. The Corporation shall not be responsible for any postal delays/ wrong delivery/ nondelivery of communication at any stage of the recruitment process. Incomplete application can be summarily rejected. The Corporation reserves the right to shortlist candidates for interview. No correspondence will be entertained with the candidates not shortlisted. Mere fulfillment of qualification will not entitle the person to be called for interview. Number of vacancies can be increased/ decreased, at the discretion of the Management, without assigning any reason and without issuing any further notice. Management reserves the right to raise the Standard of Specifications to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview. Canvassing in any form and /or bringing in any influence will be treated as disqualification. For OBC candidates it is to mention that the non-creamy layer certificate should be validity specific i.e it should be valid as on the date of this advertisement or it should have been issued recently (issued on or after 1.04.2014). The Corporation reserves the right to fill/ not to fill all or any of the post herein advertised without assigning any reason and without issuing any further notice. The Corporation reserves the right to cancel this advertisement either partially/ wholly at any time, at its discretion without assigning any reason and without issuing any further notice. Management reserves the right to reject the application of any candidate without assigning any reason. The candidate will have to attend interview at their own expenses and Corporation will not bear any expenses in this regard. Any legal proceeding arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Indore. ावेदन फामस Application Form पासपोटा आकार का जोटो िगाएं Affix Passport size photo Application for the Post of : __________________________________________ 1. परू ा िाम (बडे नक्षरों में ) Name in full (In capital letters) 2. षपता का िाम/Father name 3. माता का िाम/Mother name 4. थायी पता/Permanent Address: ( सरिेम प्रथम /Surname first) दरू भाि िं./ Tel. No. : ई-मेि आय.डी./ E-Mail I.D.: 5 पत्रािार के लिए पता यदद उपयक् ुा त(4) से निग हो / Address for correspondence, if different than (4) above : 6. श्रेणी (कृपया पष्ट करें ) िागू कॉिम में निशाि िगाए) Category (Please specify) (Please tick mark the column applicable) सामान्य / General : नि.ु जा./ SC : नि.ु ज.जा./ ST : 7. न.षप.जा./ OBC : शारीररक षवकािांग (वीएि/एिएि/ओएि): Physically Handicapped (VH/HH/OH): क्या आप नपसंख्यक समद ु ाय से संबचं तत है, यदद हॉ ं तो कृपया पष्ट करें कक क्या आप मिु िम/कक्रश्ियि/लसख/बषु धिसट/ जोरािययन्स (पारसीज) है : Whether you belong to Minority Community. If yes, please specify whether you are Muslim/ Christian/ Sikh/ Buddhists/ Zoroastrians (Parsis):________________________________________ 8. 9. लिंग: Gender: ________________________________ वैवादहक िथनत : Marital Status: _________________________________ 10. वतामाि नियोक्ता का िाम, पता, संपका िंबर तथा ई-मेि आईडी (यदद वतामाि में कायारत हो तो) Name, address, contact number and e-mail id of the present employer (if currently employed) (Use separate sheet, if required): _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 11. 12. जन्म तारीख तथा पण ू ा विा में आयु : Date of Birth with Age in completed years (as on 30.06.14): जन्म तारीख (ता./माह/विा) : __________________________ Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) : __________________________ आयु (दद. on 31.10.14 को ) : _______ विा _________ माह Age (as on 31.10.14) : _______years________months नहाता/ Qualifications: बोडा/संथा/षवश्वषव्यािय आरंभ्का उत्तीणा का िाम माह एवं करिे का Name of the Board/ विा माह एवं Institution/ University Month & विा Year of Month & joining Year of passing 10वीं/ 10th 12वीं /12th िातक/Graduation िातकोत्तर / Post Graduation नन्य यदद कोई हो तो / Others, if any कुि नंकों नध्ययि का प्रनतशत Aggregate % of marks प्रणािी (पण ा ािीि ू क की /आंलशक/दरू वती) Mode of study (Full time/ Part time/ Distance Mode) 13. निभ ु व/ Experience (यदद आवश्यकता हो तो निग शीट का उपयोग करें , उसी जोमेट में given below): कंपिी/संगठि ताररत काया ककया है पद/ Post held का िाम जहॉ ं /कायारत है / Name of the company/ organisation where worked/ working 14. िेककि वह िीिे ददये होिा िादहए/Use separate sheet if required but it should be in the same format as वेतिमाि Pay-Scale मूि कुि संगठि के काया वेति व्यापार का की (प्रनत (प्रनत वरूप माह ) Basic Pay (per month) (Rs.) माह ) Gross Salary (per month) (Rs.) (मॅन्युजॅक्िररंग/ रूपरे खा / Job Profile वेति व्यापार)/ Nature of Business Organisation (Manufacturing/ Trading) कायाािुभव की नवचत/ Duration of working experience से/ From तक/ To संख्या/ Number of विा/ Years प्रत्येक प्रश्ि का निददा ष्ट उत्तर हॉ ं या िहीं काटते हुए जैसी भी िथनत हो,दें : Specific answers to each of the question should be given by striking out Yes or (Please tick ) No as the case may be: ं क) क्या आपको कभी चगरतातार ककया गया ? हॉ/िहीं a) Have you ever been arrested? Yes/No ख) b) क्या आप पर कभी नलभयोग ििाया गया ? Have you ever been prosecuted? ं हॉ/िहीं ग) c) Yes/No ं हॉ/िहीं क्या आपको कभी कारावास में रखा गया ? Have you ever been kept under detention? Yes/No ं हॉ/िहीं घ) d) क्या आप को कभी नबाधिस ककया गया है ? Have you ever been bound down? ड.) e) क्या आप पर कभी षवचत न्यायािय ्वारा जुमाािा िगाया गया ? Have you ever been fined by a Court of Law? ि) f) ड) क्या आपको कभी ककसी नपरात के लिए षवचत न्यायािय ्वारा दोिी Yes/No ं हॉ/िहीं Yes/No ं हॉ/िहीं लसधिस ककया गया ? Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence? Yes/No ं क्या आपको कभी ककसी परीक्षा से रोका गया नथवा ककसी हॉ/िहीं षवश्वषव्यािय या ककसी नन्य शैक्षिणक निकािा गया ? प्राचतकारी/संथाि ्वारा माह/ Months g) Have you ever been debarred from any examination or rusticated by Yes/No any University or any other educational authority/institution? ज) क्या h) झ) i) ट) j) आपको कभी ककसी संघ िोक सेवा आयोग ्वारा ं इसकी हॉ/िहीं परीक्षा/ियि में प्रवेश से रोका गया या नयोग्य घोषित ककया गया ? Have you ever been debarred/ disqualified by any Public Service Yes/No Commission from appearing at its examination /selection? ं क्या इस जामा को भरते समय षवचत न्यायािय में आपके षवरूधिस हॉ/िहीं कोई मामिा िंबबत हड ? Is any case pending against you in any Court of Law at the time of filling Yes/No up this form? ं क्या इस जामा को भरते समय ककसी षवश्वषव्यािय या शैक्षिणक हॉ/िहीं प्राचतकारी ्वारा आपके षवरूधिस कोई मामिा िंबबत है ? Is any case pending against you by any University or any other Yes/No educational Authority/Institution at the time of filling up this form? कदद ऊपर उल्ल्लखखत प्रश्नों मसे से फकसए का उततर ‘ाॉ’ं ाै , तो मामले, गिरफ्तारी/कारावास/जुमासना/दोषषवषि/दं ड इतकादद तथा/का न्काकालक/ षवश्वषव्कालक/ शैक्षखर्क प्रागरकारी ादद के पूर्स षववरर् इस फामस को भरते समक दसे । If the answer to any of the above mentioned question is 'Yes' give full particulars of the case/ arrest/ detention/ fine/ conviction/ sentence/ punishment, etc., and/or the nature of the case pending in the Court/ University/ Educational Authority, etc., at the time of filling up this form. 15. निि ु ग्िकों की सि ु ी / List of enclosures: 1) जन्म तारीख के प्रमािणत प्रनत (एसएससी/एिएससी प्रमाणपत्र) Certified copy of proof of date of birth (SSC/HSC Certificate) 2) सभी शैक्षिणक योग्यताओं की माकाशीट की प्रनतयॉ ं Copies of mark sheet of all educational qualifications. 3) नचतकृत प्राचतकारी ्वारा जारी जानत प्रमाणपत्र की प्रनतलिषप Copy of Caste Certificate issued by Empowered Authority 4) षवकिांगता प्रमाणपत्र नितााररत जोमेट में षवकिांगता 40% से कम िहीं है यह उिििखत करते हुए कक संबचं तत Disability Certificate in the prescribed form stating that persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability. 5) षपडिे काया का निभ ु व प्रमाणपत्र तथा वतामाि काया का वेति ििप नियिु क्त पत्र एवं न्यति Experience certificate of the previous jobs and the appointment letter and latest salary slip of the present job. 6) यदद आपका षवश्वषवध्यािय/संगठि रेडेंडंग पधिसनत हो तो रेडेंडंग का प्रनतशत प्रमाण-पत्र प्रेषित करें Wherever grade points are awarded, a certificate of equivalent percentage of marks certified by the Institute/University. घोषर्ा/ Declaration मड एतद्वारा घोिणा करता/करती हूूँ कक मेरे ्वारा आवेदि पत्र में ददए गए सभी षववरण मेरी जािकारी के निस ु ार संपण ू ा तथा सही है साक्षात्कार के पव ू ा या साक्षात्कार के पश्िात मेरे ्वारा दी गई जािकारी झठ ू ी/गित या नपात्र होिे की िथनत में , मेरी उ्मीदवारी वत र्द हो जाएगी I hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false/incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the interview, my candidature will stand automatically cancelled. (उ्मीदवार का हताक्षर) उ्मीदवार का िाम Signature of candidate) : ___________________________________________ Name of candidate : ___________________________________________ ददिांक / Date : ___________________ थाि / Place : ___________________ नोट/ NB : 1. नि.ु जानत/नि.ु जिजानत के जानत प्रमाणपत्र नि्िलििखत ककसी एक प्राचतकृत नचतकारी ्वारा जारी ककया जािा िादहए The caste certificate of SC/ST must be issued by any of the following empowered authority क) िजिा दं डाचतकारी/ननतररक्त ग) घ) श्रेणी वेतिभोगी दं डाचतकारी/उप षवभागीय दं डाचतकारी/तािक ु ा दं डाचतकारी/कायाकारी दं डाचतकारी/षवशेि सहायक ख) दं डाचतकारी/िजिातीश/प्रथम आयक् ु त/Dist.Magistrate/Addl. Dist.Magistrate/ Collector/ Dy.Commissioner/ Addl. Dy. Commissioner/ Dy.Collector/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Exec.Magistrate/ Extra Asst. Commissioner. मख् ु य महाप्रांत दं डाचतकारी/ननतररक्त मख् ु य महाप्रांत दं डाचतकारी/ महाप्रांत दं डाचतकारी Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Addl.Chief Presidency magistrate/ Presidencey Magistrate राजव नचतकारी जो तहसीिदार श्रेणी से िीिे के तर के ि हो … Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. क्षेत्रीय उप षवभागीय नचतकारी, जहॉ ं उ्मीदवार रर/या उिका पररवार रहता है Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. 2. नन्य षपडडे वगा के उ्मीदवारों को निके नन्य षपडडी जानत प्रतत ु करिा होगा को का तथा सक्षम प्राचतकारी ्वारा उिके ‘कक्रमी िेयर ‘ के बाहर होिे नन्य षपडडे वगा की श्रेणी में आरक्षण प्रा्त करिेवािे क्षम प्राचतकारी ्वारा निि ु ग्िक- 1 नितााररत प्रोजामाा में जारी जानत प्रमाणपत्र के निस ु ार घोिणा/प्रनतज्ञा पत्र दे िा होगा के निावा जारी का प्रमाणपत्र उ्मीदवारों िीिे ददए गए OBC candidates have to submit caste certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed form regarding his/her OBC status as well as exclusion from "creamy layer". The candidates seeking reservation under OBC category should submit a self declaration/ undertaking as per Annexure-I given below in addition to the certificate issued by the Competent Authority. 3. केंद्रीय या राज्य सरकार ्वारा गदठत चिककत्सा बोडा के सक्षम प्राचतकाररी ्वारा जारी षवकिांगता प्रमाण पत्र प्रतत ु करिा है The Competent Authority to issue Disability Certificate shall be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or a State Government. अनल ु ग्नक – 1 केवल अन्क षपड़ी ए पत्र ु /पत्र ु ी, जाित के उ्मएवारों के एलए घोषर्ा/प्रितञा मड____________________________________श्री _________________________________का जो गांव/शहर _______________________ िजिा राज्य ______________________ _______________________________का रहिे वािा /वािी हूूँ, एतद्वारा घोषित करता/करती हूूँ कक मड ______________________ समाज से हूूँ, जो कालमाक तथा प्रलशक्षण षवभाग कायाािय ज्ञापि संख्या 36012/22/93-थापिा-एससीटी ददिांक सरकार ्वारा सेवा में आरक्षण 08.09.1993 में ददए गए आदे शों के निस ु ार भारत के प्रयोजि के लिए षपडडे वगा के रूप में मान्यता प्रा्त भी घोिणा की जाती है कक मड ऊपर संदलभात कायाािय ज्ञापि ददिांक 08.09.1993 कॉिम -3 में उिििखत व्यिक्तयों/निभ ु ागों – कक्रमीिेयर से संबचं तत िहीं हूूँ है यह की निस ु ि ू ी के ावेदनकतास के ास्ताक्षर स्थान : ददनांक : (उ्मएदवार ्वारा घोषर्ा/प्रितञा पर ास्ताक्षर न करने पर अस्वएकार फकका जाएिा । ) ANNEXURE-I Declaration/ undertaking - for OBC Candidates only I, _______________________son/daughter of Shri._______________________ resident of village/ town/ city___________________district_______________state_____________ hereby declare that I belong to the _______________community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT), dated 8/9/1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/ sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum, dated 8/9/1993. Signature of the Candidate Place: Date: (Declaration/undertaking not signed by Candidate will be rejected)
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