Public Grievance Redressal Cell ‘SAMADHAN’ A Public Grievance Redressal Cell called “Samadhan” has started functioning at Room No. 140, ground floor, Technical Building, Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) – H/Qs. The cell is established with an objective for Redressal of grievances of Employees, Consumers/Contractors related to business operation of Eastern Coalfields Limited. Following Telephone Nos. are available for lodging grievances in the Samadhan Cell. P&T -------Toll Free No. -------Mobile -------- (0341) 2520233 18003453229 9434796635 E-mail address of Public Grievance Cell – Samadhan is जन िशकायत िनवारण क ई टन कोलफ ‘समाधान’ ( ाउं ड िनवारण ‘समाधान’ स िलिमटे ड (ईसीएल) म जन िशकायत िनवारण क ारं भ कया गया है । कंपनी मु यालय के तकनीक भवन के भूिम-तल लोर) के कमरा सं या – 140 म समाधान नामक एकजन िशकायत को इस (प लक ि वा स र े सल सेल) को था पत कया गया है । का उ े य ई टन कोलफ स िलिमटे ड के यावसाियक संचालन से संबिं धत कमचा रय , उपभो ाओं/ठे केदार क िशकायत का समाधान करना है । समाधान जा सकती है : को म िन निल खत टे लीफोन नंबर पर िशकायत दज़ पी एवं ट --------- (0341) 2520233 मोबाइल --------- 9434796635 टोल इस जन-िशकायत को सं० --------- समाधान कराई 18003453229 का ई-मेल पता है --- '$AMADHAN' has started Publlc Griovanco CelI named fuuctioning nt Room No.l40, Ground Floor, Technicnl Butlding ECL HQ Sanctorla, Po-Disergarh,Dlst-Burdwan. The cell is e$tablishedwith an obJectivefor redrocsal of griwances of employees, Consumero, Contractorc reloted to businessoperationof Esstsm Coallieldslimited. Following TelephoneNos.are nvailablefor lodging grievancer in the $amadhanCelL P&T TOLLT'REE MOBII.,E :034125?.X233 :1S{103453229 t94347%i635 E-maillonnBss:srlevance'ecl@co-9lindia.ln 1*i='q: SAMADHAN CELL, ECL HQ Airn/Objective:Redressalofgrievalcesofenrployees,consurr]er.s/contractorsrelatedtobusiness uperarion o^Fa<refli CodlfieldsLimired. Scope: SamadhanCell will redressthe Grievancesrelatedto 1, Establishment i. Non -payment of CMPF, Pension, Gratuity, Leave Encashment& other teminal benefits . ii. Disparityin promotion, disputein increment iii. Transferand posting ofenployee. Claim ofcompassionateappoininent, paymentofthe termiral duesofthe deceased ir'. en'lployeepayable to the nominee / dependent. v. Fanily dispute / issues related to emerging o11compassionaleappointment between employeeand his mothe! / brother/sisterfor maintenance. viTermination. 2. Busincss 1. Keru1oOI Earnestmoney ii. ReftuldofSecudty Money iii. Non-bookingofcoal. 3, Land Acquisition Enployment againstlald. i. ii. iii. Co!np!!!4lj94sllq4!L Rehabilitatioi & Settlemefi. 4. Medical i. Nonpayn]errt ofmedicalreimbursement ofbills. 5. LrV i. Complaints agailis1lo4-repair ofcompany quader.sajld office maintenar]ce. 6. Finance 7. Misc / Others : Any other gdevance& abeyancebrouglit to the notice ofthe SamadhanCell. Plocedures: ) SanadhaaCell wiii works like a Single Vy'indowsSystem. > Conlplaintsarc rcceivedeilher in w ting or tluough toll free oo. > Ail grievance rcceivedarerecordedill a Registerwith Sl.No. & acl(r1owledged withil 3days. > Respective HOD is idolmed overphonetegardingrecaiptof complain. aleto be.redressed ! All grievances withiljQlfusald iflorger periodjs involved,thecomplaina.nt hasto be infomredtlnoughan interirnreply within60 Aaysindicatingtheleasonfor delayald additionaltimerequiredfor final redressal. > Lettersentto theHOD with stipulationoftime for Redlessal of grievance. ) Reninderwill be sert il] caseofnol-receiptofrcsponse. deptt.hasto beexamined alrdif fouudsatisfactory ) ReplyreceivedAomconcerned will be to the complainant. intimated replythecaseis retumedto theconcerned HOD throughDilector > I11caseofno[-satisfactory (Persomel)for re-examination ofthe case. the rcasonthereofl'lasto be statedandexplaincdto thecomplairalt. > ifthe replyis negative, Proceduresit Area / Units Level : thatwill co-ordinate redressal > EachArea/ u t shouldnominatea nodalofficerfor Grievance with Samadhan Cell HQ. r.eceived at Area/ Ulits shouldbeacknowledged at AIea/ Urits level. F Grievances > Nodal officer at Areafui]it will examinethe grievaDcereceivedal1dredlesssuchgdevances within the sjipd4g4 time fi:ameand comlrunicatethe actio{ takento the SamadhanCell, HQ for record resolvedat Arealevelwill be intirnatedto complainant. Grievances Cell HQ. Uuesolvedgrievalcesat Area/ Udt levelwill be foruardedto Samadhau A montblyrepofi in FomratA al1dB on the GlievanceRedressallwill be submittedby respectiveArea / Units to the SanadhanCell, HQ by the enrLaqevetlrnonth (AnnexrueA)
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