1 Report on “SWACHH BHARAT” activity [Clean India] 2nd October 2014 Presented by Colony Affairs Committee CSIR- CENTRAL ELECTROCHEMICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE KARAIKUDI - 630 006 October – 2014 2 Acknowledgements Dr.Vijayamohanan K Pillai - Director, CSIR-CECRI Dr.M.Jayachandran - Acting Director, CSIR-CECRI All HODs from CSIR-CECRI Controller of Administration, CSIR-CECRI Administrative Officer, CSIR-CECRI Finance and Accounts Officer, CSIR-CECRI Research Scholars & Project Assistants K.V.School Teacher and Students B.Tech Students Volunteers from H LS & Horticulture Volunteers from outside Secretary, Staff Club and EC members Staff from CSIR-CECRI – Departmental Canteen Staff of CSIR-CECRI and their Families 3 Colony Affairs Committee S.No. Name Role 1 Dr.M.Paramasivam Chairman 2 Shri.RV.Alagesan Member 3 Shri.M.Balakrishnan Member 4 Dr.K.Radhakrishnan Member 5 COA/AO Member 6 F&AO Member Representatives 7 Shri.B.Pazhanivel J road 8 Shri.G.Gurusamy K road 9 Shri.Someshwar Pandeya T road 10 Shri.J.Kennady 11 Shri.T.Ebinezer Rajendran 12 Shri.P.L.Shankar P & R roads 13 Shri.K.Rajendran Convener N & M roads R road 4 PLEDGE Mahatma Gandhiji taught us to live for the country. Mahatma Gandhiji broke the chains of slavery and freed Mother India. Let us all resolve Cleaning of Garbage/litter – This is the greatest service to our Mother India. I hereby pledge that: I shall myself render voluntary service (Shramdhan) for 100 hours every year, that is, two hours a week, to give effect to the resolution of Cleanliness. I shall neither litter nor allow throwing of litter/garbage in public places I shall commence cleanliness from my own self, my family, my residence and my work place. We all are aware that, only that country is clean, whose citizens do not litter or throw garbage in public places. We shall propagate the cleanliness drive in every village and every street. I shall pass on the pledge, I own today, to other 100 persons, who shall render 100 hours of service for cleanliness. 5 CONTENTS Section Content Introduction Page number 6 I About “Swachh Bharat” 7 II Summary of cleaning activities and locations 7 III Future Program 8 IV Follow-up action 8 V Pamphlets [Do’s and Don’t Do] 8 - 12 VI Activity photographs 13 - 27 6 Introduction i. Importance of Cleanliness: Cleanliness is our moral duty and a fundamental responsibility of an Indian citizen. It is necessary for all individuals to take part in their country’s progress. Cleaning our home and environment gives us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Cleanliness is a regular practice that prevents the spread of disease causing organisms. Every parent should educate their children with good cleanliness habits and they should be properly trained at an early age. ii. Impact of dirtiness: According to the UN survey, countries where open defecation practiced has the highest number of deaths of children under the age of five and it causes for communicable diseases. Now the time has come to eradicate the menace of open defecation in our country. Dirtiness is the source of Dengue fever, viral diseases and recent spread of Ebola. iii. How to implement the Cleanliness drive: We should spread awareness about hygiene and sanitation through public mass campaign such as marathons, pledge-taking marches, street dramas, debates, music, essay competitions and other community activities, may be used to attract public attention on this cleaning drive campaign. It is important that an effective participation of youth clubs, resident associations, self-help groups, rural and urban local bodies, NGOs, political parties, educational institutions and government and public sector officials at every level must work together in achieving to this cleaning campaign. The success of an awareness drive is ensure determined action for cleaning homes, workplaces, streets, public roads, market, railway stations and bus-stands, statues, monuments, rivers, lakes, ponds, parks and other public places. 7 I. About “Swachh Bharat” activities on 02nd October 2014 As part of “Swachh Bharat” [Clean India] campaign announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister & President of CSIR Narendra Modi, Gandhi Jayanthi was celebrated at CSIR-CECRI with special emphasis on the Clean India. After paying tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, Director, CSIR-CECRI Dr. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai took pledge along with 400 volunteers. The celebrations that began at 06.30 am drew around enthusiasts from the staff, research scholars, project assistants and B.Tech students of the institute as well as from the 3-teachers and 90- students of CECRI Kendriya Vidhyalaya. The volunteers, in 30 groups, began their modest contribution to keeping the country clean. Among spots chose were Karaikudi Railway Station, Kendriya Vidyalaya, CECRI campus and public roads. The shram dhaan that went on till 11:30 am witnessed a great sense of pride and team spirit among the young and the elders. Our volunteers also participated in the blog-taking and a rally organized by the railway authorities. The celebrations continued in the evening with sports events. In the concluding remarks Director, CSIR-CECRI reminded the volunteers that what they did was just the beginning of a noble work and requested their cooperation in furtherance of the ideals laid down under Swacchta Bharat. Finally, CSIR-CECRI staffclub provided breakfast to the volunteers. II. Summary of cleaning activities and Locations Locations Institute premises: Approach roads towards from Administrative building to store Dispensary area, CSIR-CECRI B. Tech hostel KV. School premises Playground, CSIR-CECRI 8 Outside the Institute premises Karaikudi Railway station Entrance of railway station and platform Public road: Roadsides in-between Institute [westernside] and Western- Colony [easternside] III. Future program i. Cleaning Cleaning of workplaces, streets, public roads, market, railway stations, bus stands, statues, monuments, ponds, parks and other public places. ii. Awareness campaign Awareness campaign to be organized to create the awareness about hygiene and sanitation through public mass campaign such as marathons, pledge-taking marches, street dramas, debates, music, essay competitions and other community activities that can be used to attract public attention on this cleaning drive campaign. IV. Follow-up action On 21.10.2014: Organized an awareness campaign [door-to-door] in the residential area of CECRI quarters to prevent the spread of Dengue fever. V. Pamphlets [Do’s and Don’t Do] Pamphlets [given in pages 9 to 12] had been distributed to all the residents of CSIR-CECRI campus on 21-10-2014, during the awareness mass campaign to prevent the spread of Dengue fever. 9 DO कर्मचारी आवास तथा उसके आसपास के स्थान को साफ –सथ ु रा बनाए I/ Maintain quarters & its surroundings clean & tidy DON’T DO कूडा-कचरा इधर-उधर न फेंकें ।/Do not throw litter पेड़ों की काि-छांि स्वतः न करें । Do not cut the trees on your own. कूडा - कूडेदान र्ें ही डालें । Put waste in dustbins only कॉलोनी के भीतर पालतु जानवऱों पररसर को शन् ू य - प्लास्स्िक क्षेत्र बनाएं ।/Keep the campus ZeroPlastic Zone आवास र्ें कोई पररवतमन/ननर्ामण की अनर् ु नत नहीं है No addition/alteration in the Quarters are permitted को लाने की अनर् ु नत नहीं है । Pets are not allowed inside the colony 10 पेड लगाने / ककसी भी प्रकार के ननर्ामण की स्स्थनत र्ें कायामलय ककसी भी प्रकार का र्रम्र्त द्वारा उसे हिा ददया जाएगा और से ही ककया जाना चादहए Any type of Repair work/Painting is to be done through the office only. जाएगा कायम/रं गाई आदद कायामलय के र्ाध्यर् ननवासी को कायामलय द्वारा ककए जाने वाले र्रम्र्त/पन ु ननमर्ामण /रं गाई तथा अन्य सार्ान्य कल्याण- कायों र्ें अपना सहयोग दे ना होगा The resident must cooperate during themaintenance/renovation/painting work & other general welfare work done by the office ननवासी को तदहे तु दं डडत ककया If any trees grown/structure made, will be removed by office only कूडेदान (ववशेषतः आवास के सर्ीप) को हर्ेशा बंद ही रखें क्य़ोंकक उनर्ें आवारा कुत्ते उतर सकते हैं ।/ Dustbins(especially near quarters) should always be kept covered to avoid stray dogs jumping into it. पाइप/िैंक आदद को क्षनत न पहुंचाएं ।/Do not tamper/damage water छत तथा बरसात के पानी के ननकास pipes/Tanks etc. को साफ रखें स्जससे कक रुकाव/ररसाव की सर्स्या न हो Keep the roof/terrace and rain water drain clean and clear so that there is no water stagnation/seepage िैंक के ढक्कन को न हिाएं, अन्यथा सम्बद्ध ननवासी को नए ढक्कन के ललए शल् ु क दे ना होगा Do not remove cover of water tanks; otherwise the resident concerned will have to pay towards the replacement of the same 11 यातायात के ननयऱ्ों का पालन करें ।/Follow traffic rules बच्च़ों को िू वीलर अथवा फोर वीलर चलाने के ललए प्रोत्सादहत न करें । इससे दघ म ना की संभावना हो सकती ु ि वैध ड्राइववंग लाइसेंस के साथ ही िू वीलर अथवा फोर वीलर चलाएं ।/Drive two/four wheelers with valid driving license है Don’t encourage children to drive two/four wheelers, it may lead to accidents पररसर के भीतर 30 कक.र्ी./घंिे की रफ्तार बनाए रखें ।/Maintain speed limit 30km/hr within the campus पररसर र्ें सावमजननक स्थाऩों पर शराब/धम्र ू पान /तंबाकू आदद का सेवन र्ना है ।/Avoid alcohol/smoking/tobacco in public place in the campus आवास से बाहर ननकलते सर्य सभी जलाने की लकडी के प्रयोग/भंडारण से बचें Use/storage of firewood may be avoided इलैकदिक उपकरण़ों को बंद कर दें छत अथवा बैलकनी र्ें जलाने की Switch-off all electrical appliances while going out from your quarters. लकडी /पारं पररक चल् ू हा आदद का प्रयोग न करें Terrace and balcony area may not be used for keeping firewood/conventional Cooking stoves etc. 12 ननयलर्त कायम आदे श (जॉब काडम) के साथ-साथ स्वागनत कक्ष[र्ख् ु य द्वार] र्ें उपलब्ध रस्जस्िर र्ें लशकायतें दजम करें Complaints should be registered in the Register-Book which is available in the reception room[Main entrance] in addition to regular job cards सीईसीआरआई - पररसर र्ें पररवार के साथ हर्ेशा खुश रहें Enjoy –Be Happy with your family in CECRI campus. पररसर र्ें सावमजननक स्थाऩों पर शराब/धम्र ू पान/तंबाकू आदद के सेवन की र्नाही है Consumption of alcohol/smoking/tobacco in public place in the campus is prohibited. “डेंगु बख ु ार” के सम्बंध र्ें जागरूकता बरतें Be Alert on “Dengue Fever” 13 VI. Activity Photographs follows: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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