दरू भाष / Telephone : 044-28331156 फेक्स / Fax : 044-28331099 भारत सरकार / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA वित्त मंत्राऱय / MINISTRY OF FINANCE राजस्ि विभाग / DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE केन्द्रीय उत्ऩाद शल् ु क के मख् ु य आयक् ु त का कायााऱय , चेन्द्नै अंचऱ OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL EXCISE, CHENNAI ZONE 26/1,महात्मा गांधी मागा, नग ंु म्बाक्कम, चेन्द्नै-600 034 26/1, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034 सी.सं./C.No.II/31/07/2011-सं.नन.प्रा.-स्था./CCA.Estt. (PF-I) ददनांक/Date :16 /03/2012. Sub: CCA (Estt.) – Candidates qualified in the Graduate Level Examination, 2010 conducted by the SSC to the posts of Inspector (Central Excise) on the basis of result of Combined Graduate Level (Main) Examination, 2010 – Call letter for Certificate verification, Physical Endurance Test and Medical examination. – Reg. Ref : This Office letter of even no. dated 29.09.2011 & 07.12.2011 *** The following candidates, who have been recommended by the Staff Selection Commission for appointment to the post of Inspector in Chennai Central Excise Zone (Tamil Nadu & Puducherry) were directed to report for certificate verification, Physical standard / Endurance Test and Medical examination 09.01.2012 to 11.01.2012 vide this office letter referred above. 1 8201503298 Rank No. SLA 150 2 3001003808 252 POOJA JAIN 3 3201009394 253 GULSHAN KUMAR SINGH 4 4410505269 257 DEBAPARNA SAHA 5 2201006827 258 KANIKA GOEL 6 2405005131 259 MONISH GAUR 7 6005603464 260 NITIN SRIVAAVA 8 2201505250 261 RAJNEESH BHATIA 9 2201521989 262 DEEPAK KUMAR 10 1601506029 264 RAJEEV KUMAR 11 4410502161 267 AVIRUP CHATTERJEE 12 7204504571 269 ALOK KUMAR MISHRA Sl. NO Roll No NAME S/Shri./Smt HITESH KUMAR 13 3007005400 270 AMIT RAI 14 2201517737 272 ACHINT MITTAL 15 4410534259 276 SUMANTA KABIRAJ 16 8204500541 278 ASHUTOSH KUMAR JHA 17 3003013932 286 GYANENDRA KUMAR 18 4205502676 292 JAYANT KUMAR MISHRA 19 8007000891 436 LEELA LOHITA PATNALA 20 3206024517 462 RAJU KUMAR 21 2201501950 563 ABHINAV MISHRA 22 3009010788 588 RAKESH SINGH CHANDEL 23 3206020340 708 SHASHI KUMAR 24 1601500116 709 MANISH KUMAR 25 2405004987 716 MUNESH KUMAR MEENA 26 2402502532 723 BABLESH MEENA 27 2201524048 730 PRASHANT KUMAR 28 2405502175 733 BHARAT MEENA 2. The candidates are given final chance to report in this Office for verification of original certificates, Physical standard/ Endurance Test and medical examination on 16.04.2012 (11 A.M). 3. The candidates are directed to submit the duly filled in Attestation forms (in two sets) with out fail at the time of reporting in this Office. 4. The candidates are also advised to come prepared to stay for 3 working days (from 16.04.2012) for completion of the required formalities. It may be noted that the candidates have to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging during the stay. 5. If any candidate fails to report in this Office within the stipulated date, his/her candidature will be cancelled with out further notice. -Sd/(ऩेरी उमाशंकर) (PERI UMASANKAR) अऩर आयुक्त ( का. ि स.) ADDL.COMMISSIONER (P&V) To The Individuals Copy to: The Superintendent (Computer) Chennai-I (for display in the Internet) (By Speed Post) भारत सरकार / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA दरू भाष / Telephone : 044-28331156 फेक्स / Fax वित्त मंत्राऱय / MINISTRY OF FINANCE : 044-28331099 राजस्ि विभाग / DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE केन्द्रीय उत्ऩाद शुल्क के मुख्य आयुक्त का कायााऱय , चेन्द्नै अंचऱ OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER O F CENTRAL EXCISE,CHENNAI ZONE 26/1,महात्मा गांधी मागा, नग ुं म्बाक्कम, चेन्द्नै-600 034 26/1, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034 सी.सं./C.No.II/31/07/2011-सं.नन.प्रा.-स्था./CCA.Estt. (PF-I) ददनांक/Date : 16 /03/2012. Sub: CCA (Estt.) – Candidates qualified in the Graduate Level Examination, 2010 conducted by the SSC to the posts of Inspector (Central Excise) in the Central Board of Excise and Customs – Call letter for Physical Endurance Test, Certificate verification and Medical examination – Reg. Ref : This Office letter of even no. dated 12.12.2011 *** The following candidate, who has been recommended by the Staff Selection Commission for appointment to the post of Inspector in Chennai Central Excise Zone (Tamil Nadu & Puducherry) was directed to report for certificate verification, Physical standard / Endurance Test and Medical examination from 09.01.2012 to 11.01.2012 vide this office letter referred above. Sl. No. Roll No Rank No. SLD Name S/shri. 1 2201510316 290 ABHISHEK SINGH 2. The candidates are given second chance to report in this Office for verification of original certificates, Physical standard/ Endurance Test and medical examination on 16.04.2012 (11 A.M). 3. The candidate is directed to submit the duly filled in Attestation forms (in two sets) with out fail at the time of reporting in this Office. 4. The candidates are also advised to come prepared to stay for 3 working days (from 16.04.2012) for completion of the required formalities. It may be noted that the candidates have to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging during the stay. 5. If any candidate fails to report in this Office within the stipulated date, his/her candidature will be cancelled with out further notice. -Sd/(ऩेरी उमाशंकर) (PERI UMASANKAR) अऩर आयुक्त ( का. ि स.) ADDL.COMMISSIONER (P&V) To Shri. ABHISHEK SINGH SLA/00290 31-H (TOP FLOOR), L-POCKET, SHEIKH SARAI PHASE- II, SOUTH DELHI, NEW DELHI- 110017. Copy to: The Superintendent (Computer) Chennai-I (for display in the Internet) (By Speed Post)
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