↳ Dive Architects Though dangerous at times, risk is something a designer should take in order to take a step Dive had been based in London since its foundation, then last year you opened your new office forward. After operating for many years based in London since they established Dive Architects in Stockholm. Is there any special reason for the relocation? In your new environment, what has there in 2001, designers Andy Nettleton and Ia Hjärre ventured to relocate their base to Stockholm, changed in terms of operation? Sweden, in 2009. Even though a great deal must have changed around them, they do not seem to Relocation is a little like starting all over again especially in a new country, new regulations, new be worried. Instead, from their new environment where they are closer to nature, combined with business, new everything. We feel you can work everywhere and from anywhere, the limit is only in their experience in a city of diversity and complexity, they expect they would add another level of your head. Distance is not an issue to us it just puts more pressure on the clarity of your depth in their design. For them where you are located is not an issue as long as you have a clear communication. But, however transient you are you need a base and for us that is Stockholm. We design philosophy, and what is important is communication with client. For those who enjoy have a large office space which we share with other professions (something we also did in London) jumping into adventure, ‘dive’ must be a word that truly speaks about themselves. Such a positive this creates a dynamic and inspiring workplace. It is sometimes said when you tire of London you mentality is well-reflected in their space design works. One of the most remarkable qualities of Dive are tired of life, but the fact is you never tire of cosmopolitan cities. Between us we have lived in Architects is their keen sense in using colours, and the bright spaces they create with light and Paris, Barcelona, Chicago, Oporto, Berlin, Vienna and the last 15 years in London. Stockholm is colours resemble the smile of a baby that shines without a shadow. I look forward to seeing their small in comparison we have new home turf to explore. It was only on leaving London we realised next moves who are ready to plunge into projects, beaming with expectations. one becomes very ‘London-centric’. We feel here in Stockholm we are more aware of what is happening around us in the whole of Europe. It is good with a change, somewhat of an awakening. What does the name of your studio mean? Tell us the story about it as well as how Dive was We also felt it was important to find a balance in our working life, you create ‘good’ when you are established. feeling ‘good’. Stockholm is a very green city closely connected to nature and water. Something you Dive derived from a desire to have a name that was not linked to surname configurations like N&H do not take for granted living in the centre of London in fact you often forget it exists. So this way Architects or Nettleton Hjarre Associates. We wanted to create a broader platform, we felt it was you live in a city but can also enjoy the proximity to nature. important not to brand the company as only us, it should have space to grow and adapt. We liked the idea of using a word that illustrates an action, so the verb became a concept of representing the You create diverse combinations of colours in space. We would like to know the meaning of dynamics of running a company. In England ‘dive’ also has connotations to dodgy bars. In fact we colour in Dive Architects’ space which is devoid of formative excessiveness. And how do you used to hang out in a bar called The Dive Bar in China Town. When we found the following conduct your colour research and make the decision? definition in a dictionary that made us very happy as it felt true to us. We are not adverse to working in monochrome as opposed to polychrome. White is also colour, in v. dive, dived, div.ing, dives : To plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigour and gusto. the shadows the white becomes slightly mauve or purple sometimes blue, as the sun moves along 모험은때때로위험을수반하지만, 디자이너들로서는일보 되어있는이들의다음행보를기대해본다. 전진을위한관문이기도하다. 2001년다이브아키텍츠를 ⓒ Åke E:son Lindman BOROUGH MARKET HOUSE, LONDON, 2009 영국에 기반을 두고 활동하다가 작년에스웨덴에 새로운 스톡홀름은 그에 비하면 작은 도시이며, 우리는 이제 사무소를 열었는데, 이전의 계기는 무엇인가. 환경의 탐험해 나갈 새로운 우리 구역이 생긴 것이다. 우리는 설립해 런던을 기반으로 활동하던 두 디자이너 앤디 사무소이름에는어떤의미가내포되어있나. 변화에따라작업에있어서도달라진점이있을듯한데. 런던에서살다보면‘런던중심적’ 이된다는사실을런던을 네틀턴과이아히예레는 2009년자신들의새로운터전을 다이브는‘N&H 건축사사무소’ 나‘네틀턴 히예레 어소 이전은어느면에서처음부터다시시작하는것과비슷하다. 떠나고서야 깨달았다. 이곳 스톡홀름에서는 유럽 세계 스웨덴, 스톡홀름에마련했다. 그들을둘러싸고있던많은 시에이츠’등과같이성을가지고만든것이아닌이름을 나라, 법규, 사업등모든것이달라질때특히더그렇다. 속에서우리주변에서무슨일이벌어지고있는지에대해 것들이 변화했을 테지만 별로 개의치 않는 모양이다. 갖고자 하는 욕망에서 나온 이름이다. 우리는 더 폭넓은 어디에서건 어느 곳에서건 작업을 할 수 있다고 본다. 더많이의식하고있다. 변화가있어좋다. 어느면에서는 오히려 다양하고 복잡한 런던에서의 경험을 바탕으로, 기반을만들고싶었고, 우리만을나타내는이름으로회사의 한계는 자신의 머릿속에 있을 뿐이다. 우리에게 거리 각성이라 할 수 있다. 일하는 생활에 균형을 잡는 것이 자연과 좀 더 친숙한 환경에서 보다 사려 깊은 디자인이 브랜드를한정하지않는것이중요하다고생각했다. 성장 차이는 문제가 되지 않는다. 소통을 더욱 명확히 해야 중요하겠다는 생각도 들었다. 기분이‘좋을’때‘좋은’ 가능해질것을기대한다. 이들에게중요한것은클라이언트 하면서 적응해 나갈 여지를 주어야 한다고 생각했다. 한다는 부분에만 약간의 압력이 더해질 뿐이다. 그러나 작업이 나온다. 스톡홀름은 자연과 물과 밀접한 아주 와의 소통이며, 뚜렷한 디자인 철학을 가지고 있다면 하나의 행동을 나타내는 낱말, 그래서 그 동사가 회사 아무리 일시적인 것이라 해도 근거지는 있어야 하는데 푸르른 도시이다. 런던 한복판에서 살다 보면 그런 면을 장소가어디든그다지큰문제가되지않는다고생각하기 운영의 역학을 나타내는 개념이 되는 낱말을 사용하면 우리에게는그게스톡홀름이다. 우리는런던에서도그랬던 당연하게받아들이지않는다. 실제로그런게존재한다는 때문이다. 모험을 즐기는 그들에게 다이브(dive는 ) 단연 좋겠다는생각이들었다. 영국에서는‘다이브’ 라는낱말이 것처럼넓은사무실공간을갖고있는데다른전문가들과 사실도잊어버리는때도많다. 그러니이곳으로옮겨와서 그들의성격을대변하는단어임에틀림없다. 그들의기저에 미심쩍은술집을나타내기도한다. 실제로우리는차이나 함께사용하고있다. 이렇게하면역동적이고영감넘치는 도시 속에서 살면서 자연과 가까이 지내는 것도 즐길 수 존재하는긍정적인마인드는공간디자인작업에고스란히 타운에있는'다이브바'라는곳에서죽치고지내기도했다. 작업환경이생겨난다. 런던에지겨워지면사는게지겨워 있게됐다. 드러난다. 무엇보다도 다이브 아키텍츠는 다양한 색을 사전에서 다음과 같은 설명을 보고 정말 기뻤다. 그대로 진다는말이있는데, 사실코스모폴리탄도시에대해서는 적재적소에배치하는감각이탁월한데, 빛과색이조화로운 우리를표현하고있었기때문이다. 절대로 지겨움을 느끼지 않는다. 우리 두 사람을 합치면 과도한 조형성이 배제된 다이브 아키텍츠의 공간 안에서 밝은공간은어두운구석하나없는아이의웃음을닮았다. (동) dive, dived, div・ing, dives 활력과기쁨을품고하나의행동 우리는 파리, 바르셀로나, 시카고, 오포르토, 베를린, 색이 가지는 의미에 대해 듣고 싶다. 색에 대한 연구와 비엔나등에서살았고, 지난15년동안은런던에서살았다. 결정은어떻게진행되는가. 흥미진진한 표정으로 프로젝트를 향해 뛰어들 준비가 이나사업에뛰어들기 ⓒ Åke E:son Lindman BERMONDSEY SQUARE RECEPTION, LONDON, 2008 ↳ Dive Architects the wall there is a broad spectrum there too. For us it has been a way to work with a surface. As a response to low budgets a way to create dramatic, fun and vivid spaces was simply using colours. We live in colour! The research is everything we see, day to day. Observations lead to inspiration. Travel, meetings, people. You have to be brave when using colour. Working with colours is largely intuitive. You feel it in your stomach when it is good, like a plate with beautiful food or a piece of art, it is not a formula. We always make to time to discuss colour just as one discusses materials and fittings for a project. Maybe the colours also stem from our personalities, from living in London where the grey clouds sometimes hang very low over the urban fabric. This question really has caused us to discuss colour at great length. Interesting that you write ‘devoid of formative excessiveness’, we feel it is more a discussion about spatial awareness and creating space, the ⓒ Åke E:son Lindman HACKNEY HOUSE, LONDON, 2008 colour is all part of it. Renovation can be more complicated than creating new projects because the existing space has to be respected. What are the methods or processes that Dive Architects use to ensure rational and creative results? Renovation is a complicated topic inherent to working with an existing structure or building fabric. The biggest complication is generally with preservation orders and the bureaucracy attached to such structures. However all these factors provide a framework to work within, a given starting point. The building was built to meet requirements of its time our task is to adapt it to ‘now’ and perhaps also to a different use. Beyond this we look to the existing fabric to provide some answers, some guidance. What should be retained and what actually can be retained? It is about finding the essence of what the building is about. You should not be sentimental but respectful in this search, as you remove one layer there is another to explore. The key is to identify what the building is about, a successful renovation project brings the building forward. 우리는무채색으로작업하는것을반대하지않는다. 흰색도 조형성이 배제된’ 이라고 썼는데, 우리는 그것이 공간과 색이며, 그늘에서는 흰색이 엷은 자주색이나 진홍색, 공간창조를어떻게인식하는지에관한논의에더가깝지 또는 푸른색이 되기도 한다. 햇빛이 벽을 따라 움직이면 않을까싶다. 색은그모든것의일부분이다. 거기서도 다양한 색상이 생겨난다. 우리의 경우 색은 HACKNEY HOUSE, LONDON, 2008 ⓒ Åke E:son Lindman 표면을가지고작업하는한가지방법이다. 예산이적을때 레노베이션은기존의공간을고려해야하기때문에오히려 극적이고 재미있고 생생한 공간을 만들어내려면 색을 신축보다 더 까다로울 수도 있겠다. 결과물의 합리성과 이용하면쉽다. 우리는색속에서살고있다! 우리가날마다 창의성을 꾀하기 위해 다이브 아키텍츠는 어떤 방법을 보는 모든 것이 연구이다. 관찰은 영감으로 이어진다. 취하는가. 여행하고, 사람들을만나고. 색을이용할때에는대담해야 레노베이션은 기존 구조물이나 건물 조직을 가지고 하는 한다. 색을 가지고 하는 작업은 대체로직관적이다. 좋을 작업을 가리키는 복잡한 주제이다. 가장 문제가 되는 때에는 아랫배에서 느낌이 온다. 접시에 담긴 멋진 음식 부분은주로그런구조물과연관된보호명령과관료주의 이나 멋진 예술 작품과 마찬가지이다. 공식을 가지고 이다. 하지만이런모든조건은작업을한정짓는틀이되어 하는게아니다. 프로젝트에서재료나부속물에대해서와 주기도 한다. 하나의 출발점이 되는 것이다. 건물은 그 마찬가지로색에대해서도늘시간을내논의한다. 어쩌면 시대의 요구조건을 충족하기 위해 지어진 것이다. 우리 색또한 우리 개성에서, 도시조직위로 잿빛구름이아주 과제는 그것을‘지금’ 에 맞춰 - 또 어쩌면 다른 용도에 낮게 드리울때도있는런던에서살았던경험에서나오는 맞게끔- 적응시키는것이다. 이런 면을넘어서서우리는 것인지도모른다. 이질문을받고우리는정말로오랫동안 기존 조직을 살펴보고 약간의 해답, 약간의 지침을 얻어 색에대해논의하게됐다. 흥미로운것은질문에서‘과도한 낸다. 무엇을유지할것인가, 실제로유지될수있는것은 ↳ Dive Architects Are there local characters you have to reflect on projects in other cultural regions such as the We feel our strengths lie in our experience, personalities, commitment and communication, but it is <British Council> in Sudan? Are there any anecdotes that happened while you were working in a the collaboration with the client that makes the project. This collaboration is a combined search to cultural setting that is different from yours? create a tailored solution, a custom made project. This requires commitment, energy, a hands on Our work for British Council brought us to Khartoum in Sudan and Bahrain in the middle east. The approach and humour. We strongly believe in this combination. This collaboration inevitable leads ethos of British Council is to showcase contemporary Britain overseas, so it is not directly a to close relationships with clients and often friendships that outlive our working together. After such reflection of local culture. However on an ambassadorial level there are of course local customs, a long process you have got to know each other on many levels. We see ourselves as having high traditions and planning laws to respect. In both of these instances there were stark geographical design aspirations without being totally uncompromising. Our aim is to produce the best solution differences, you are in a country where temperatures reach over 40 degrees, very different from the within these confines. It is important to find the positive aspect of any situation. Most rewarding is UK climate! In Khartoum the sun is particularly intense so shading of the building was a primary when the client is as proud of the result as you are. issue. The only suitable materials available locally were concrete blocks and bamboo. By using HEMMELSTONES, NORTH YORKSHIRE, IN PROGRESS standard hollow blocks we created a massive brise-soleil screen defining the building and creating a WALSALL PUBLIC SQUARE COMPETITION, WALSALL, 2005 There are countless architectural offices in the world. What do you think is competition in the separation between an escape staircase and the main building. It takes seven seconds for your eyes architecture business? What is your response to contemporary trends or ideas? Should you go to adapt from outside to inside of building so windows can only be narrow slots. In Europe we work ahead and become one of the leaders? with problems of cold bridges on this latitude it is the warm bridges. Everything is reverse. And There is a lot of competition, design offices all over the world, competing against each other. In then there are the practical cultural aspects; for example the way you design the bathrooms and the some ways our relocation has made things harder, at least in the short term. We were orientation to Mecca. To the fact that a man never shakes a women’s hand. Most rewarding on this established in London. However our knowledge and our portfolio stays with us. Regarding the project was to experience the immense pride the local team showed working on the project. Across contemporary trends and ideas. You have to search for something genuine, what makes ‘you’. cultures and languages, together create something that many will enjoy. Very special. Of course you can’t ignore web, media, films, the constant bombardment of messages and images. It can be all too easy to borrow from here and there, perhaps all architects are For an architectural studio, maintaining lasting relationship with client is directly connected to kleptomaniacs, but you lose something along the way. We feel the search is for the things that how good the studio is in terms of performance. From their point of view, what are the strong lie in the gaps between. To search for what make you and your work individual. It is important points of Dive Architects? to do your own thing. 무엇인가. 중요한 것은 그 건물의 본질이 무엇인지를 그늘을만들어주는것이가장중요한문제였다. 현지에서 신뢰가밑바탕이되어야할텐데, 그들이평가하는다이브 세상에는무수한건축사무소들이존재한다. 건축업계에서의 알아내는것이다. 이런부분을연구할때존중심이있어야 쓸수있는적당한재료는콘크리트블록과대나무뿐이었다. 아키텍츠의강점은무엇이라고생각하나. 경쟁이란무엇이라고생각하는가. 당신은이시대에부합 하며감상적이되어서는안된다. 한켜를벗겨내면탐구할 우리는 속이 빈 표준 블록을 사용하여 거대한 차양벽을 우리의 강점은 우리의 경험과 개성과 헌신과 소통에 하는 사조 혹은 트렌드 등에 얼마만큼이나 반응하는가. 것이 또 한 켜 나타난다. 핵심은 그 건물의 의미가 무엇 만듦으로써건물을정의하는동시에비상계단과건물본체 있다고생각하지만, 프로젝트를 만드는것은건축주와의 리드해야한다고생각하는가. 인지를파악하는것이다, 성공적인레노베이션프로젝트는 사이에 거릴 두었다. 건물 밖을 보다가 건물 안을 볼 때 협력이다. 이런협력은꼭맞는해법을, 맞춤프로젝트를 전세계도처의디자인사무실이서로경쟁하고있는만큼 건물을앞으로끌어낸다. 눈이 적응하는 데에는 7초가 걸리기 때문에 창은 좁은 만들어내기위해하나로뭉쳐벌이는연구이다. 그러려면 경쟁이심하다. 어떻게보면우리는이전하면서일이좀더 홈이될수밖에없다. 유럽에서는냉기차단문제를생각 헌신과에너지와직접뛰는접근방법과유머가필요하다. 어려워지기도했다. 적어도단기적으로는그렇다. 런던에서 수단의<영국문화원>과같은아프리카지역에서의작업의 하는데그곳에서는열기차단문제를생각한다. 모든게 우리는 이런 조합이 최고임을 믿는다. 이렇게 협력하다 우리는안정된사무실이었다. 하지만우리의지식과포트 경우 특별히 고려되는 지역색이 있는지 궁금하다. 다른 거꾸로다. 그리고 실질적으로 문화적 측면이 있다. 예를 보면필연적으로건축주와가까운인간관계를맺게되고, 폴리오가그대로남아있다. 오늘날의경향과아이디어에 문화권에서 작업을 진행하는 동안 특별한 에피소드가 들면욕실을설계하는 방식이라든가메카를향해방향을 함께 일하는 작업이 끝나고서도 친구 관계가 지속되는 대해말하자면, 뭔가진품인것,‘나’ 를만드는것을찾아 있었는가. 잡는등이다. 남자가절대로여자와악수를하지않는다는 때가많다. 그렇게오랫동안함께일하고나면여러차원 내야 한다. 물론 웹이나 미디어나 영화 같은 것들에게서 우리는 영국문화원의 일을 맡으면서 수단의 하르툼과 사실까지도. 이 프로젝트에서 가장 보람 있었던 것은 에서 서로에 대해 잘 알게 될 수밖에 없다. 우리 생각에 끊임없이 파고 들어오는 메시지와 이미지를 무시할 수는 중동의 바레인에서 작업하게 됐다. 영국문화원의 기조는 프로젝트를 작업하면서 현지의 팀이 보여준 무한한 우리는 디자인에 대해 욕심이 많으면서도 양보에 대해 없다. 여기저기서 빌려오면 참 쉬울 것이다. 또 어쩌면 해외에서 현대 영국을 돋보이는 것이며, 따라서 현지 자부심을 경험했다는 것이다. 문화와 언어가 달라도 전혀 물러설 줄 모르지는 않는 사람들이다. 우리 목표는 건축가는모두절도광인지도모른다. 하지만그러다보면 문화를 그대로 반영하는 것과는 다르다. 하지만 대사관 많은 사람들이 누리게 될 것을 함께 만드는 작업. 아주 이런제약조건속에서최선의해법을만들어내는것이다. 뭔가를잃어버리게된다. 찾아야할것은그사이의틈새에 차원에서는 물론 현지의 풍습, 전통, 계획법 등을 존중 특별한경험이다. 중요한것은어떠한상황에서도긍정적측면을 찾아내는 놓여있는것이아닐까한다. 나를만드는것, 나의작업을 일이다. 가장보람있는것은건축주가우리자신만큼이나 독특하게만드는것을 찾아내는 것. 나자신의 것을하는 자부심을느낄때이다. 것이중요하다. 해야만 한다. 이 두 가지 경우 모두에서 극명한 지리적 차이가있었다. 하르툼에서는특히햇빛이강해서건물에 한클라이언트와꾸준히관계를유지한다는것은사무소의 ↳D i v e > GYM > New Beckenham A r c h i tBeREcEZtE sYOGA STUDIO Designer : Dive Architects Design team : Ia Hjärre, Andy Nettleton Client : Breeze Yoga Location : New Beckenham, UK Completion : October 2009 Built ar ea : 6 5 0 m 2 Finishing materi als : Polycarbonate, Glass and Metal Louvre Cladding, Solid Partitioning, Polished Concrete and Linoleum Flooring Photographer : Åke E:son Lindman Editor : Lee Eunjung The existing space is a former car workshop housed in the plinth of a 1960’s residential building in New Beckenham on the southern outskirts of London. The space comprises of two yoga studios, one ‘hot’ and one traditional yoga space. There are also treatment rooms a cafe, retail area and ancillary space such as changing and administration. Many functions to be housed in a relatively small area. The solution to this was to create a mezzanine level for the changing and treatment rooms over the hot yoga studio. The use of colour is also a response to the designation of function within the spaces. So quite simply the hot yoga studio is compact and condensed and strong in colour. The traditional studio is spacious and cool in colour. As the space had no shop frontage, the new facade is constructed from a mix of solid, opaque and translucent panels the arrangement of which is a reflection of the activities inside. The opaque screen is repeated along the back of the cafe area allowing light to filter through to the calmer waiting area outside the yoga studios. Text by Dive Architects 이프로젝트는런던남쪽교외의뉴베커넘에있는 1960년대의주거용건물기부에자리잡고있으며, 원래는카센터로 쓰이던공간이다. 공간은두개의요가스튜디오로구성되는데,‘핫’ 요가와전통적요가공간이다. 또요법실, 카페, 판매 구역, 그리고탈의실과사무실등보조공간을갖추고있다. 비교적작은공간에많은기능을수용해야했다. 이에대한 해법은핫요가스튜디오 위로중층을만들어탈의실과요법실을배치하는것이었다. 색의사용에서는공간내의 기능 표시도고려했다. 그래서아주단순하게, 핫요가스튜디오는꽉짜인공간으로응축되고강한색을사용했고, 전통요가 스튜디오는널찍하며시원한색상을배정했다. 공간에는전면이없었기때문에반투명/불투명한패널을혼합하여새로 파사드를만들었으며, 이들을배치할때에는안에서이루어지는활동이반영되게끔고려했다. 불투명한스크린은카페 구역의뒤에도사용하여, 요가스튜디오밖의비교적차분한대기공간에빛이스며들도록했다. View of reception 글: 다이브아키텍츠 View of cafe toward reception desk View-point andoftoilet General view cafeblocks toward bar 3D RENDERING Stairs leading to mezzanine floor View of hot yoga studio Locker in changing room 1 ENTRANCE 2 RECEPTION AREA 3 CAFE 4 BAR 5 KITCHEN 6 CIRCULATION 7 YOGA STUDIO 8 STAFF ROOM 9 OFFICE 10 TOILET 11 TOILET & SHOWER FOR DISABLED 7 7 8 5 6 9 10 View of traditional yoga studio 11 4 3 2 1 1 0 1 3 FLOOR PLAN View-point Facade and toilet blocks Entrance ↳D i v e > OFFICE > Sheffield Architects ELECTRIC WORKS BUSINESS CENTRE Design : Dive Architects Design team : Ia Hjärre, Andy Nettleton, Jasmin Meier Client : Sheffield City Council/Creative Space Management Location : Sheffield, UK Completion : May 2009 Built area : 5,000m2 Finishing materials : Floor / Glazed and solid partitioning, rubber and carpet, Wall / Acrylic cladding panels (conference room), Ceiling / Barrisol stretch (club area) Photographer : Åke E:son Lindman Editor : Lee Eunjung This project’s concept was to open an office building on the recently created ‘Sheffield Digital Business Campus’. <Electric Works> provides flexible office space over four floors aimed specifically at digital, creative and media businesses between 1-75 people. Supported by a conference area, meeting rooms and social areas such as ‘the club’ which allow both tenants and members to access the building and make use of the facilities, 24 hours a day. The base build, an anonymous four storey speculative office building aimed at larger more corporate companies was under construction when Dive were appointed. This gave the opportunity to intervene on elements that we felt would not sit so well with the fit out. For example the solid balustrades through the atrium were constructed in place of chrome and glass screens. More difficult was to work with the mechanical and electrical installation as it was never envisaged a building of this type would be divided up into eighty office units. Our task was to create a vital, inspiring and fun work space, where the office modules and the corridors should be designed in an unconventional way. It was this division of office space that became the more intricate task than creating the open communal areas on the 1st floor of the building. We were very conscious of avoiding a prison like run of circulation with small cells. The circulation initially came from tracing patterns of electrical circuitry and cable diagrams developing over time to make corridors that began to define a footprint and graphic that runs throughout the building. Informing the design of the communal areas and purpose made elements such as the reception desk, bar bench and storage. We deliberately chose to condense the circulation space by lowering the already low ceiling and using a backdrop of dark grey surfaces contrasted with strong colours giving the office spaces a lighter and more spacious feel. All offices have glazed screens looking onto the corridor with circulation diagrams used as the manifestation. At the 1st floor level the reception is located in a tall, narrow atrium space. Part of the brief from the client was to install a slide within this area. It makes for a swift and fun exit in approximately 7 seconds from the 4th floor to ground. From reception there are clear views through the core of the building to the club and conference area. The club is an informal meeting point and cafe area for office tenants and their visitors, and for members who are not tenants of the building. The conference facility provides flexible ‘black box’ space for up to 200 people and sits along side three book-able meeting rooms. The faceted facade of the conference area is offset against the whimsical curve of the base build facade defining varying informal seating areas. The room itself is clad in honeycomb acrylic sheets which when back lit at night act as the light source for the break out spaces around it. View of social area named 'the club' Text by Dive Architects 3D RENDERING FOR RECEPTION 이 프로젝트의 개념은 최근 완성된‘셰필드 디지털비즈니스 캠퍼스’ 에 사무실 건물을 개설하는 구체화하면서 안내데스크, 바벤치, 수납공간 등의요소가 만들어졌다. 우리는이미 낮은 천장을 것이었다. <일렉트릭 웍스>는 구체적으로 1~75명 규모의 디지털, 창작 및 미디어 기업들을 더욱 낮추고 또짙은 회색 표면을배경으로 강한색상을넣는 방법으로동선 공간을 의도적으로 대상으로, 4개층에걸쳐유연한사무실공간을제공한다. 대회의장, 회의실, 그리고‘더클럽’같은 응축하여사무실공간에더밝고더널찍한느낌을주었다. 모든사무실은복도쪽을유리로처리하여 사교구역등의지원시설을갖추고있으며, 입주자나회원이건물에접근하여 24시간내내시설을 복도를 내다볼 수 있게 했고, 안전을 위해 동선 안내도를 유리의 표시물로 사용했다. 1층에서 이용할수있도록한다. 다이브가일을맡았을때는더규모가큰기업들을대상으로하는4층규모의 리셉션은좁고높은안마당공간에자리잡고있다. 건축주의요구사항에따르면이구역에미끄럼 개성없는투기형사무실기반건물이시공되던중이었다. 덕분에우리는그다지잘어울리지않을 틀을 설치하게 되어있었다. 4층에서1층까지 약7초 만에 빠르고도 신나게 빠져나갈 수있다. 것으로생각되는요소에변화를줄기회를 얻었다. 예를들면안마당에는크롬/유리 스크린대신 리셉션에서는건물의코어를통해클럽과대회의장구역을향하는선명한조망이제공된다. 클럽은 견고한난간이만들어졌다. 더어려웠던부분은기계/전기설비였는데, 이런유형의건물이80개의 사무실입주자와방문객, 그리고건물입주자가아닌회원들을위한비공식적모임을위한곳이자 사무실 유닛으로 분할되리라고는당초 예상하지 못했기 때문이다. 우리의 과제는 생기가 넘치고 카페 구역이다. 회의 시설로는 200명까지 수용할 수 있는 유연한‘블랙박스’ 가 마련돼 있으며, 영감을주며신나는작업공간을만드는것이었으며, 이에따라사무실모듈과복도를독창적으로 예약을통해사용할수있는회의실세개가그와나란히자리잡고있다. 대회의장구역의파사드는 디자인해야 했다. 건물 1층의 개방된 공동 구역을 만드는 일보다 사무실공간을 분할하는 일이 각면으로이루어져있어, 여러가지비공식적좌석구역을정의하고있는기반건물파사드의변덕 더복잡했다. 우리는작은방들을따라동선이교도소처럼전개되는상황을만들지않기위해아주 스러운곡선이주는느낌을상쇄시킨다. 실자체는벌집구조의아크릴로마감했는데, 밤에조명을 의식적으로신경을썼다. 처음에동선은건물전체에서조금씩모습을드러내기시작한전기배선 넣으면그주변의휴식공간을밝히기위한광원역할을한다. 패턴과케이블배치도를따라복도를만들면서윤곽이잡히기시작했다. 공동구역의설계와목적을 View of reception 글: 다이브아키텍츠 View toward rest area View of corridor in conference area View of rest area View of corridor General view of conference room 1 ENTRANCE 2 RECEPTION 3 OFFICE 4 REST ROOM 5 THE CLUB 6 CONFERENCE ROOM 7 KITCHEN 8 MEETING ROOM 9 REST AREA 3 4 2 5 1 4 9 7 6 8 8 View of office area 8 0 1 5 10 FLOOR PLAN View-point toiletcolours blocks Doors withand various View of meeting rooms in conference area ↳D i v e > EDUCATION > Khartoum A rBRITISH c h i t COUNCIL e c t s KHARTOUM Design : Dive Architects Design team : Ia Hjärre, Andy Nettleton, Henri Bredenkamp Client : British Council Location : Khartoum, Sudan Completion : October 2006 Built area : 1,000m2 Finishing materials : Exterior / Concrete, Brick, render and Bamboo shading, Interior / Glazed and solid partitioning, Terazzo and carpet flooring, plasterboard ‘raft’ ceilings Photographer : Åke E:son Lindman Editor : Lee Eunjung We were initially asked by British Council to provide some ideas for a small refurbishment project which was largely guided by requirements to upgrade security. Those requirements grew as the project developed which led to reconstructing most of the building. This gave us the opportunity to address problems with the building overheating by reducing window opening sizes and building a new brise soleil wall which also acts to screen an external fire escape stair. The internal refurbishment is arranged around public areas on 1st floor providing an information centre and seminar rooms. On 2nd floor are offices and some guest accommodation. A series of ‘rafts’ were constructed in the ceiling to house and conceal services and to avoid a suspended ceiling which would have reduced the ceiling height. Due to the irregularities of the original concrete structure the rafts provide a sculptural element throughout the space and also frame the panels of colour. The colours themselves were a response to some of the scenes we experienced on trips in and around Khartoum. Text by Dive Architects 애초에우리는영국문화원으로부터주로보안강화를위해필요한사항에따라진행되는소규모의새단장프로젝트를 위해약간의아이디어를제공해달라는부탁을받았다. 프로젝트가진행되면서그런필요사항이점점늘어나마침내는 건물의거의전체를재시공하기에이르렀다. 이로써우리는창의개구부를줄이면서건물이과열되는문제와차양벽을 새로세우는문제를다룰기회를얻게됐다. 이차양벽은외부의화재대피용비상계단을가려주는역할도한다. 실내의 새단장은 정보센터와 세미나실 등을 수용하는 1층의 공공구역을 중심으로 진행됐다. 2층은 사무실과 손님용 숙소 몇 개를갖추고 있다. 설비를 수용하는 동시에 가려주는 목적으로 천장에일련의‘구름다리’ 를 만들어, 설비 때문에 천장고가낮아지지않도록했다. 원래콘크리트구조물이불규칙했기때문에새로만든구름다리는공간전체에걸쳐 조각적 요소가 되어주는 동시에 색을 담는 틀이 되었다. 색 자체는 우리가 하르툼과 그 주변을 여행하며 본 몇몇 장면에서착안한것이다. General view of information centre 글: 다이브아키텍츠 ELEVATION 1 ENTRANCE 2 STUDY AREA 3 INFORMATION CENTRE 4 SEMINAR ROOM 5 TOILET 6 TERRACE 5 3 4 5 4 3 2 4 1 General view of study area 6 0 1 5 10 FLOOR PLAN View-point and toilet blocks View of terrace View of a new brise-soleil wall View toward entrance ↳D i v e > HOUSE > London A r c h i t e c tMsE W S H O U S E Design : Dive Architects Design team : Ia Hjärre, Andy Nettleton, Catherine Pease Client : Private Location : London, UK Completion : June 2006 Built area : 180m2 Photographer : Åke E:son Lindman Editor : Lee Eunjung A converted mews house off Oxford Street retaining only the surrounding outer brick walls. The 1st floor was formerly used as a five-space garage with a two bedroom flat above. Remodelled to become a family house with a roof garden. Alterations to the exterior of the building were very restricted by local planning legislation. The street elevation was retained with alterations made at the 1st floor to relocate the former side entrance to the centre of the house, which contributed to giving a better internal layout. Two ‘cuts’ are made through the house. Horizontal - a roof light the full length of the house. Vertical - the new stair forming circulation through the space but also distributing the natural light from roof light. Living spaces and bedrooms are distributed across the two floors rather than as traditionally, the 1st floor living rooms and the 2nd floor bedrooms. By lowering the floor construction over the garage space four ‘stepped’ levels are created through the house and allow a roof terrace to be set between the butterfly roofs. The location of the stair organises the living spaces, connecting the levels, the stair becomes more open and lighter in its construction as it rises to the roof. Every opportunity is taken to bring natural light into the depths of the house, which is surrounded, on three sides by other buildings. As well as the roof light the cantilevered roof terrace is glazed on either side, bringing natural light to the 2nd floor living spaces, new openings have also been made towards a narrow courtyard towards the neighbouring building. The result is a series of complex and intriguing spaces with varied qualities of light and achieves a unique family home. View of Kitchen and bar View from roof floor toward 2nd floor Text by Dive Architects View toward lounge under the stepped roof View toward living room View from living room toward bedroom on 1st floor ROOF TERRACE KITCHEN LOUNGE ENTRANCE LIVING ROOM SECTION 옥스퍼드거리부근의마사를개조한것으로마사의흔적은대지테두리를두르고있는벽돌벽밖에 두 개의층에고루배치했다. 차고공간 위의바닥 구조를낮춤으로써 주택전체에 걸쳐네 개의 남아있지않다. 1층은예전에다섯대를수용할수있는차고로쓰였고, 그위층침실두개규모의 ‘차등진’층이만들어지면서날개지붕사이에옥상테라스를만들공간이생겼다. 계단은그위치로 주거가있었다. 이를옥상정원이있는가족용주택으로개조했다. 건물외장에대한변경은현지의 인해층과층을연결하면서생활공간을조직하며, 지붕을향해올라가면서구조적으로더욱개방적 도시계획법에따라엄격히제한돼있었다. 도로측입면은유지하되1층을변경하여예전에옆에있던 이고밝아진다. 3면에서다른주택에에워싸여있는 이주택속으로 자연광을깊숙이끌어들이기 BEDROOM 입구를주택중앙으로옮겼는데, 덕분에주택내부의배치가더나아졌다. 주택을따라두곳을‘도려’ 위해모든조건을최대한활용했다. 지붕창뿐아니라외팔보구조의옥상테라스도양측을유리로 냈다. 하나는길이방향으로주택전체에걸쳐낸지붕창이다. 수직으로는공간의동선을형성하는 처리하여2층의생활공간에자연광을끌어들인다. 또새로인접건물쪽에있는좁다란안마당을 계단을만들었는데이는또지붕창으로부터들어오는자연광이고루퍼지게하는역할도한다. 생활 내다보는개구부를만들었다. 그결과빛의성질이다양하게달라지면서호기심을자아내는일련의 공간과침실의경우전통적으로는1층에생활공간을두고2층에침실을두지만, 이프로젝트에서는 복잡한공간이만들어졌고, 가족을위한독특한주거가탄생했다. 글: 다이브아키텍츠 1 ENTRANCE 2 GARAGE 3 HALLWAY 4 LIVING ROOM 5 BEDROOM 6 BATHROOM 7 7 LOUNGE 8 8 DINING 9 KITCHEN 10 MASTER'S BEDROOM 10 9 6 2ND FLOOR PLAN 2 4 1 3 5 5 6 0 1 3 1ST FLOOR PLAN View-point and toilet blocks View of roof floor entrance Street view PUBLIC DESIGN WHITES GROUNDS BERMONDSEY Client : Southwark Council, Pool of London Regeneration, More London Location : Bermondsey, UK Completion : February 2007 Design : Dive Architects Built area : 600m 2 Photographer : Åke E:son Lindman Editor : Lee Eunjung PLAN MODELING A skate space under the railway arches View of fence surrounding the space Inside the fence <Whites Grounds> forms part of an overall strategy ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel’ to make the <화이트 그라운즈>는 버몬시의 거친 지역과 모어런던 강변 사이를 연결하는 어둡고 지저분한 transition through the dark and dirty railway arches between the rough estates of Bermondsey 철로아치를더 안전하고 목적의식이뚜렷하게 만들기 위해우리가전체전략으로내놓은‘터널 and the More London riverside feel more safe and purposeful. Southwark Council, More 끝의 빛’ 의 일부분을 이룬다. 사우스와크 지방의회와 모어런던 및 런던재생연합이 힘을 합쳐 London and Pool of London Regeneration joined forces under a section 106 Agreement to 협의조항 106조에 따라 십대들이놀 수 있는 공간을 만들기로했다. 4개 업체가 초청을 받았고 create a play space for teenagers. Four practices were invited and to our delight we won the 기쁘게도 그 중우리가 프로젝트를맡게됐는데, 어쩌면 우리의접근방법과 또 우리라면 정말로 commission, perhaps due to our approach and belief that we really would add imaginative and 이 프로젝트에 기발하고 진정한 애정을 보여주리라는 믿음 덕분인 것 같다. 처음부터 우리는 genuine care to the project. From the start we set a strong agenda on how to involve and 다양하게섞인공동체를끌어들이고북돋아주기위한강한안건을제시했다. 분석을통해우리는 inspire a diversely mixed community. Through analysis we formed an understanding of the 십대들이 할 수 있는 활동과 그것이 실제로 어떤 모양이 될지 사람들이 올바로 이해하게 했다. activities available to teenagers and what they would really like. Then we had to maintain this 그런다음계획과정내내이런이해의정신이유지되도록해야했고, 또프로젝트를위한자금이 spirit through the planning process and again when faced with the possibility that the project 사라질가능성이생겨났을때다시금그정신을되살려주어야했다. 우리는이지역의학교여섯 would lose its funding. We approached six local schools to get a variety of age groups involved 곳과 접촉하여 여러 연령층이 참여하는 워크숍을 진행했고, 이어 우편함과 우리 디자인에 대한 in workshops followed by an event in the arch to show all the material, together with responses 반응과 함께 모든 재료를 보여주는 행사를 아치에서 열었다. 사람들의 반응을 바탕으로 우리는 from mail shots and our designs. With feedback we consolidated on the activity to be urban 이곳에서 수용할 활동으로‘도심의 스케이트보드 타기’ 가 좋겠다는 결정을 내렸다. 조사 결과 skateboarding. The consultation showed the children wanted to feel safe and be supervised but 아이들은안전과보살핌을원하지만어른들이그역을맡는것은원치않는다는사실이드러났다. not by grown ups. The form of the enclosure derives from the three sections of the arches. 장소의 형태는 아치의 세 부분에서따왔다. 물리적 장벽이필요했는데 이는 아연 도금된 개방된 There had to be a physical barrier, which is formed by an open galvanised fence. All materials 형태의울타리로구성했다. 모든재료는오래쓸수있으면서도반달리즘에도견디어야했으므로 had to be vandal proof and with long-term usage in mind so the skate surface is cast in-situ 콘크리트를현장에서타설하여스케이트면을만들었는데, 콘크리트는스케이트를타는사람들이 concrete which also has good ‘pop’, something the skaters are looking for. To get the curves, 즐기는좋은소리를내는재료이기도하다. 곡면과변이와턱부분을제대로만들기위해스케이트 transitions and ledges right we consulted a skateboarder for advice. The project was on site in 보드를즐기는사람에게조언을구했다. 프로젝트는 12주만에완공됐다. twelve weeks. Text by Dive Architects 글: 다이브아키텍츠
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