P-8 & Back Cover SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-Cover & Back.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-Cover & Back.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS A loving home for every child YEARS A loving home for every child A note from the President Dear Friends, While our Family Based Care (FBC) Institute This year, we celebrate our 50th year of programme GuideStar, Give India, and the Credibility giving children in need of care and Villages consisting of SOS family homes Alliance. protection, a family, a home and a sense with an SOS mother and brothers and With this thought in mind, I, on behalf of of security. sisters primarily covers aspects such as the entire SOS family, thank you for being In this edition of SOS Messenger, we have Education, Preventive and Curative Health with us in our journey so far. 50 years gone back to covering lives of our little & Nutrition, Psychological support, Care and counting, your continued support to gems, the SOS children. When a child and Holistic Development of a once invest in our programmes will only comes to an SOS Children’s Village, he is orphaned brought ‘home’ in every sense of the community intervention programme, the word. He enjoys a life quite similar to Family Strengthening Programme (FSP), yours and grows up in a secure, healthy covers children of the most vulnerable lot environment, eventually joining hands i.e. children of widows, single women, with the rest of the society as a and Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. contributing, Spanning 3 to 5 years, the program aims responsible and aware through child, the the Children’s preventive individual. to enable families to move out of the Recent trends have shown us that more vicious cycle of poverty towards greater and more young people are coming dignity and self-reliance by ensuring forward and significantly contributing to education various noble causes in the development generating capacity development of the space. One such story that you will read care givers. about is that of Angad – a young boy aged SOS Children’s Villages of India is also only 15 years, who has involved himself one of the very few International NGOs heavily into philanthropic work from such a that have been empaneled with and/or young age. accredited by the National CSR Hub, Tata of children and of Social Sciences, the We build Families account for an immeasurable return in terms of smiles on the faces of the children we bring up. I thank you once again and with warm regards, S.Sandilya President SOS Children’s Villages of India income DONATION FORM MD142130N1 Or any-other amount you wish any-other amount I wish NOTE: You can claim your tax exemption via the donation reciept. 18001026905, SOS MESSENGER Cover P-2 SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P 2&3.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P2&3.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS P-3 YEARS A loving home for every child A loving home for every child 50 Years of changing lives – A journey beyond happy childhood Nurturing generations on end: The story of one of the oldest SOS children 2014 marks the 50th anniversary for SOS Children’s Villages of India. For each one of us at the organization, every second of last 50 years makes us proud and confident to reach out to more and more children in need of care and protection in the country. The first children’s village was set up in SOS mother and it was my turn to do all across India. In recent past, India has Greenfields, Haryana in 1964 and since so”, says a proud mother of three well – witnessed persistent high levels of then the organization has settled over four educated inflation, especially in the prices of basic generations of SOS children who were grandmother now. commodities and services like food, fuel, once Today, Padma’s eldest son is working transportation, education, etc. Also in rendered parentless or were abandoned. sons, who’s also a with Apollo Hospital in Delhi. Her Today, I can vouch for the hard-work that second has gone into not only providing a loving Engineering and the youngest one is home for every parentless or abandoned doing Civil Engineering. child “I am very lucky to have had an SOS but into building strong and supportive relationships between every child and his SOS family, helping them develop resilience and confidence to face life’s challenges. son has completed view of the global economic recession, his Family who gave me everything; a family, its values, education and prepared me to face life’s struggles. Today, I am leading a happy life with my loving husband & Padma’s story is one remarkable example children”, says Padma. of the same. Padma came under the care Padma loves to spend her time with her of Ms Tarawati Sharma, the oldest mother of SOS India, in the year 1970. She received her education after getting enrolled in a Government Girls School and growing up, granddaughter and cannot help but get nostalgic reminiscing of her days at SOS under the loving care of her mother Tarawati. the pressure on us to become completely self-reliant and raise funds for our programmes has only increased over time. These are tough times for us as an Four generations of once Padma is one of the oldest living organization as well as for the caregivers, parentless and abandoned children examples of the ‘empowerment’ SOS the SOS mothers and support staff to or of sustainable. It is in this hour of need, India has been creating in last five ensure that quality of our work is not abandonment are leading constructive parentless children and children at when our friends and supporters all decades in the country. Thousands of compromised at any cost. The money lives today. They have an identity, a risk of losing parental care is the over the world are facing the financial children have grown up in SOS family that you would invest in the lives of once family to call their own and most reality we have created in the last five crunch and with India emerging as a homes and are now leading happy lives parentless and abandoned children, will importantly, set decades. And, this has been made strong self-sustainable nation, the and today, while we celebrate our not only give them a second opportunity examples for others to grow up to possible by the continuous support onus has fallen on us to cover our Growing up in the SOS Children’s Village Golden Jubilee, we thank you for to grow in a caring environment, but also become of donors and friends like you who costs and not compromise on the environment inculcated in her a deep supporting SOS children on a path to a enable us to take care of all their needs members of society. have not only supported our cause, quality care we have been providing sense of love and belonging and she brighter future. for and SOS Children’s Villages of but helped us financially as well as all these years, even for a second. We On behalf of the organization, I development. For us, your donating is India, as a leading child care NGO, has emotionally. take pride in taking up this challenge equal to loving a child. - As told by Mr not only grown by leaps and bounds In 2014, the big challenge and in this 50th year of transforming Rakesh Jinsi, Secretary General, SOS in the last 50 years of its existence, that lies ahead of us is to make our lives, we re-pose our faith in your Children’s Villages of India. but has continued to tread and toil on programmes – Family Based Care support. We believe in you. she developed an inclination towards teaching. Eventually, she underwent teachers’ training only to take up teaching as a profession. Padma got married to Mr RajKumar Baroka, working with Indian Airlines, in 1986 and became a mother in 1987. sacrificed her job for the sake of giving full attention to her newborn son. would love to tell you how important “ I h a d t o l e a ve m y j o b . I a l w a y s your role has been in helping us remembered the sacrifices made by my empower thousands of such Padmas their holistic growth children on a active the life verge that and has of contributing the path of looking after children in (FBC) need of care and protection. Programme (FSP) – 100% financially Nurturing childhood and Family Strengthening join us on website www.soschildrensvillages.in P-2 SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P 2&3.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P2&3.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS P-3 YEARS A loving home for every child A loving home for every child 50 Years of changing lives – A journey beyond happy childhood Nurturing generations on end: The story of one of the oldest SOS children 2014 marks the 50th anniversary for SOS Children’s Villages of India. For each one of us at the organization, every second of last 50 years makes us proud and confident to reach out to more and more children in need of care and protection in the country. The first children’s village was set up in SOS mother and it was my turn to do all across India. In recent past, India has Greenfields, Haryana in 1964 and since so”, says a proud mother of three well – witnessed persistent high levels of then the organization has settled over four educated inflation, especially in the prices of basic generations of SOS children who were grandmother now. commodities and services like food, fuel, once Today, Padma’s eldest son is working transportation, education, etc. Also in rendered parentless or were abandoned. sons, who’s also a with Apollo Hospital in Delhi. Her Today, I can vouch for the hard-work that second has gone into not only providing a loving Engineering and the youngest one is home for every parentless or abandoned doing Civil Engineering. child “I am very lucky to have had an SOS but into building strong and supportive relationships between every child and his SOS family, helping them develop resilience and confidence to face life’s challenges. son has completed view of the global economic recession, his Family who gave me everything; a family, its values, education and prepared me to face life’s struggles. Today, I am leading a happy life with my loving husband & Padma’s story is one remarkable example children”, says Padma. of the same. Padma came under the care Padma loves to spend her time with her of Ms Tarawati Sharma, the oldest mother of SOS India, in the year 1970. She received her education after getting enrolled in a Government Girls School and growing up, granddaughter and cannot help but get nostalgic reminiscing of her days at SOS under the loving care of her mother Tarawati. the pressure on us to become completely self-reliant and raise funds for our programmes has only increased over time. These are tough times for us as an Four generations of once Padma is one of the oldest living organization as well as for the caregivers, parentless and abandoned children examples of the ‘empowerment’ SOS the SOS mothers and support staff to or of sustainable. It is in this hour of need, India has been creating in last five ensure that quality of our work is not abandonment are leading constructive parentless children and children at when our friends and supporters all decades in the country. Thousands of compromised at any cost. The money lives today. They have an identity, a risk of losing parental care is the over the world are facing the financial children have grown up in SOS family that you would invest in the lives of once family to call their own and most reality we have created in the last five crunch and with India emerging as a homes and are now leading happy lives parentless and abandoned children, will importantly, set decades. And, this has been made strong self-sustainable nation, the and today, while we celebrate our not only give them a second opportunity examples for others to grow up to possible by the continuous support onus has fallen on us to cover our Growing up in the SOS Children’s Village Golden Jubilee, we thank you for to grow in a caring environment, but also become of donors and friends like you who costs and not compromise on the environment inculcated in her a deep supporting SOS children on a path to a enable us to take care of all their needs members of society. have not only supported our cause, quality care we have been providing sense of love and belonging and she brighter future. for and SOS Children’s Villages of but helped us financially as well as all these years, even for a second. We On behalf of the organization, I development. For us, your donating is India, as a leading child care NGO, has emotionally. take pride in taking up this challenge equal to loving a child. - As told by Mr not only grown by leaps and bounds In 2014, the big challenge and in this 50th year of transforming Rakesh Jinsi, Secretary General, SOS in the last 50 years of its existence, that lies ahead of us is to make our lives, we re-pose our faith in your Children’s Villages of India. but has continued to tread and toil on programmes – Family Based Care support. We believe in you. she developed an inclination towards teaching. Eventually, she underwent teachers’ training only to take up teaching as a profession. Padma got married to Mr RajKumar Baroka, working with Indian Airlines, in 1986 and became a mother in 1987. sacrificed her job for the sake of giving full attention to her newborn son. would love to tell you how important “ I h a d t o l e a ve m y j o b . I a l w a y s your role has been in helping us remembered the sacrifices made by my empower thousands of such Padmas their holistic growth children on a active the life verge that and has of contributing the path of looking after children in (FBC) need of care and protection. Programme (FSP) – 100% financially Nurturing childhood and Family Strengthening join us on website www.soschildrensvillages.in P-4 SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P 4&5.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P4&5.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS P-5 YEARS A loving home for every child A loving home for every child Reintegrating SOS children into society Post-graduation 1% Others 6% Certificate Course 14% Graduation 1% Professional Course 29% Diploma 45% Last one year has seen a plethora 22 of them having undergone of positive developments at the college organization. Some of them you completing their gradutation and can see below. The total number of post-gradutation courses. SOS children under the Family Based Children’s Villages of India not only Care programme currently stands focuses on improving the academic at 6655 and last year, 183 out of performance of SOS Children, but them got first time employment also encourages imparting of soft after completing education, 161 of education, successfully Identity. That is what SOS has given to many such Gautams. their higher skills, interpersonal and computer Gautam is 6 years old and he has them having skills for their hostile growth and grown into a healthy, aware boy who development. is growing up in a loving environment completed a vocational course and with seven of his SOS brothers and Academic Performance (based on the last academic year) Class 10 Results A tale of selfless love and motherhood: How Gautam got back his identity • 35% - Education • 27% - Child’s family expenses 277(7%) 300 DID YOU KNOW? • 22% - Health 250 200 Every day, an SOS child attains proper education, eats healthy food, enjoys a • 16% - Admin expenses 150 100 class 11th voc./ certificate course normal childhood and grows in caring 46(13%) 29(8%) family environment. 6(2%) 50 0 Diploma Under process 2. Reach out to us: • For individual donations, contact kanchan.sen@soscvindia.org Class 12 Results • For corporate donations, contact Out of 225 children,196 graduated from Class 12, progressing as follows: • Follow us on Facebook – 50 www.facebook.com/sosindia, 40 7(4%) 6(2%) 10 0 YouTube – voc./ certificate course Diploma Degree (professional) Simple graduation Under process Twitter – http://twitter.com/SOSVillageINDIA. • Call us on our Toll Free: 1800 102 6905 Spread over six acres of land, this Children’s Village was established in 1989 and is located at Hulimavu, near 'Meenakshi Temple' on the city's day, at the hospital, I saw him discussing about the blood cells with one of the nurses. I was so surprised and proud to see his confidence and knowledge”, says his proud mother. Gautam studies in 1st standard very fond of animals and village pets. Gautam’s SOS mother – Thousands of once parentless or “You know he is a very smart kid! One and is a bright kid at school. He is also outskirts. The sort of kindness, self-esteem, abandoned children are growing up in Rohini, recounts her son’s story, “I was loving family homes at SOS Children’s overwhelmed with emotions when he Villages spread across the length and was brought home. I can never forget breadth of India. Every family home that comprising mother, extremely weak when he had just brothers and sisters is leading to the arrived and I knew he would need all Rohini’s sacrifices and caring nature development of an SOS child with a my care to help him become healthy is symbolic of the change SOS mothers are sense of belonging and a spirit of again”. bringing into thousands of once parentless of an SOS sharing. www.youtube.com/user/SOSCVIndia, and 30 20 • For donation and sponsorship related maalika.chadha@soscvindia.org 60(31%) 53(27%) 60 akshay.singh@soscvindia.org queries, contact 70(36%) 70 Today, his eyes show contentment, love and stability. 1. How is your money spent? Out of 398 children, 358 graduated from Class 10, progressing as follows: sisters. day. He looked frail and confidence and belongingness that one gets to see in him at such a tender age is only the result of his mother’s selfless, endless love. Rohini’s selfless love to take care children’s lives. When a child loses parental Gautam’s story will tell you how. As a of Gautam during the initial days care, he doesn’t merely lose food, clothing six months old infant, Gautam was helped Gautam to regain his strength and shelter, but his sense of identity. extremely low and immunity as an infant. In fact, he Through our unique family based care, we immunity when he was brought home weak and had was named Gautam after a naming have tried and given back an identity to the to SOS Children’s Village Bangalore. ceremony at the village itself. Today, children who’ve lost their families. P-4 SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P 4&5.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P4&5.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS P-5 YEARS A loving home for every child A loving home for every child Reintegrating SOS children into society Post-graduation 1% Others 6% Certificate Course 14% Graduation 1% Professional Course 29% Diploma 45% Last one year has seen a plethora 22 of them having undergone of positive developments at the college organization. Some of them you completing their gradutation and can see below. The total number of post-gradutation courses. SOS children under the Family Based Children’s Villages of India not only Care programme currently stands focuses on improving the academic at 6655 and last year, 183 out of performance of SOS Children, but them got first time employment also encourages imparting of soft after completing education, 161 of education, successfully Identity. That is what SOS has given to many such Gautams. their higher skills, interpersonal and computer Gautam is 6 years old and he has them having skills for their hostile growth and grown into a healthy, aware boy who development. is growing up in a loving environment completed a vocational course and with seven of his SOS brothers and Academic Performance (based on the last academic year) Class 10 Results A tale of selfless love and motherhood: How Gautam got back his identity • 35% - Education • 27% - Child’s family expenses 277(7%) 300 DID YOU KNOW? • 22% - Health 250 200 Every day, an SOS child attains proper education, eats healthy food, enjoys a • 16% - Admin expenses 150 100 class 11th voc./ certificate course normal childhood and grows in caring 46(13%) 29(8%) family environment. 6(2%) 50 0 Diploma Under process 2. Reach out to us: • For individual donations, contact kanchan.sen@soscvindia.org Class 12 Results • For corporate donations, contact Out of 225 children,196 graduated from Class 12, progressing as follows: • Follow us on Facebook – 50 www.facebook.com/sosindia, 40 7(4%) 6(2%) 10 0 YouTube – voc./ certificate course Diploma Degree (professional) Simple graduation Under process Twitter – http://twitter.com/SOSVillageINDIA. • Call us on our Toll Free: 1800 102 6905 Spread over six acres of land, this Children’s Village was established in 1989 and is located at Hulimavu, near 'Meenakshi Temple' on the city's day, at the hospital, I saw him discussing about the blood cells with one of the nurses. I was so surprised and proud to see his confidence and knowledge”, says his proud mother. Gautam studies in 1st standard very fond of animals and village pets. Gautam’s SOS mother – Thousands of once parentless or “You know he is a very smart kid! One and is a bright kid at school. He is also outskirts. The sort of kindness, self-esteem, abandoned children are growing up in Rohini, recounts her son’s story, “I was loving family homes at SOS Children’s overwhelmed with emotions when he Villages spread across the length and was brought home. I can never forget breadth of India. Every family home that comprising mother, extremely weak when he had just brothers and sisters is leading to the arrived and I knew he would need all Rohini’s sacrifices and caring nature development of an SOS child with a my care to help him become healthy is symbolic of the change SOS mothers are sense of belonging and a spirit of again”. bringing into thousands of once parentless of an SOS sharing. www.youtube.com/user/SOSCVIndia, and 30 20 • For donation and sponsorship related maalika.chadha@soscvindia.org 60(31%) 53(27%) 60 akshay.singh@soscvindia.org queries, contact 70(36%) 70 Today, his eyes show contentment, love and stability. 1. How is your money spent? Out of 398 children, 358 graduated from Class 10, progressing as follows: sisters. day. He looked frail and confidence and belongingness that one gets to see in him at such a tender age is only the result of his mother’s selfless, endless love. Rohini’s selfless love to take care children’s lives. When a child loses parental Gautam’s story will tell you how. As a of Gautam during the initial days care, he doesn’t merely lose food, clothing six months old infant, Gautam was helped Gautam to regain his strength and shelter, but his sense of identity. extremely low and immunity as an infant. In fact, he Through our unique family based care, we immunity when he was brought home weak and had was named Gautam after a naming have tried and given back an identity to the to SOS Children’s Village Bangalore. ceremony at the village itself. Today, children who’ve lost their families. P-6 SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P 6&7.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P6&7.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS A loving home for every child A loving home for every child SOS Children’s Village Chennai – A safe haven, a home for SOS Children Story of a young SOS friend Village village campus, which caters to the established in the year 1979 to care campus has a Primary School, Medical educational needs of children in the for children without parental care in Centre, & village up to 5th standard and also a Indian State of Tamil Nadu. The Community Centre. The Campus also few children under the SOS Family Children’s has Vidya Strengthening Programme (FSP) and emergency relief to families affected Ganapathi Temple which was built in some from the economically weaker by the 2004 tsunami and has always 1981 for the Village community as well sections in the neighborhood. The The SOS Children's Village Chennai was Village provided worked in close partnership with local agencies and community-based organizations in order to identify families who are in need of support from P-7 our family-strengthening programme. a Children's Tailoring temple Centre called Sri as for the neighbourhood. There is also a youth facility in the Children's Villages premises which houses young boys. school has a learning Centre with computers and internet facilities, for the school and village children. The Indian Philanthropy Report 2013 by Bain & Company talks about how young people in India significantly influence their families’ charitable giving and how the young donors show higher potential than other age groups to increase their contributions. The same country, according to the World Bank, stands at the 3rd position in terms of the Purchasing Power Parity, while the World Giving Index supporting SOS Children’s Villages of world. and different for our society, but was India? indecisive as to what route I should Angad: I was able to sponsor Shagun, take. My parents and I felt it was futile a girl living in SOS Children’s Village to merely donate gifts or money to the Bawana for the next two years. When I ing in raising funds for various noble poor, and tried to think of alternative moved to New Delhi last year, being causes in the development space. Thus ways which would, in some way, new here meant that such an endeav- the need to have younger people to employ my skills and enterprise. As our seemed difficult. As I made friends come forward and contribute to socie- previously mentioned, I like to sing, and at school and outside, and felt settled, ty is becoming more and more impera- most parties see me singing something the concept of Art4Education evolved tive. at someone’s behest. So, I came up in my mind - a group of socially And, there are some who have realized with this idea of recording CDs with conscious, talented teenagers dedi- covers of famous songs and give them cated to giving back to society’s uting towards a cause as noble as that to people I knew for a nominal sum, underprivileged, through their own of SOS Children’s Villages of India, raising money for charity. I took the efforts and talents. It took some effort raising funds for once parentless and help of one of the local radio stations’ and time but I managed to convince abandoned children now living in SOS recording facilities and then burnt my friends to join this endeavour. I villages across India. discs at home, labelling them as, “My collected photography, art and digital Voice, My Choice”, featuring songs in art from all my teammates, and got Hindi, English, Punjabi and French. I them reprinted and framed. Catalogue and banners were made, and we put this need at a very young age, contrib- We bring to you a conversation with child and the directors of Social Welfare department referred her to SOS Children’s Villages of India. SOS as the youngest member of the family Mother Ms Gracy took Merin in her lap home. Merin grew up under the loving SOS: That’s wonderful, Angad! So, day, I felt like doing something special so, in coming forward and participat- abandoned as an unwanted female mind? out of the list of 153 countries in the themselves back from giving and more was only 10 days old. She was found doubtful middle step. how have you contributed towards Gmeiner School situated inside the Children’s Village Chennai when she contributing to society came to your Angad: Three years ago on my birth- It tells us that people simply hold Merin was brought home to SOS the money themselves, eliminating the (WGI) ranks her at the 134th position There is also an SOS Hermann Merin’s Story: SOS: So, how did the thought of care of Ms Gracy and today, she is Angad Srivastava – a 15 year old living studying in 5th standard in SOS Hermann Gmeiner School Chennai. Merin has four younger brothers and sisters and has four elder sisters to take care of her. She is also a bright student in her school and loves to learn martial arts in her free time. Merin is growing happily in SOS Children’s Village Chennai and is growing up to become an aware, contributing member of society. in Delhi and an ardent supporter of sold about 50 copies. SOS Children’s Villages of India. Then began the task to look for a suita- up our stalls as a well-knit team, at two SOS: Tell us about yourself, Angad? ble organization to donate to. As most exhibitions in late 2013. people know, a lot of NGOs today are Our just fronts and the money is usually resounding success! We collected pocketed. This is why SOS Children’s ` 31,200/- which we then donated to Villages appealed to me, because SOS Children’s Villages of India, to instead of giving money to others to sponsor the living and education of implement reforms, they actually use two underprivileged children. Angad: I am a 15-year-old student, an amateur photographer, a graphics designer, a blogger and a techie currently living in New Delhi. I also enjoy singing, cooking, philosophizing, gaming, watching movies and reading. maiden venture met with join us on website www.soschildrensvillages.in P-6 SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P 6&7.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-P6&7.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS A loving home for every child A loving home for every child SOS Children’s Village Chennai – A safe haven, a home for SOS Children Story of a young SOS friend Village village campus, which caters to the established in the year 1979 to care campus has a Primary School, Medical educational needs of children in the for children without parental care in Centre, & village up to 5th standard and also a Indian State of Tamil Nadu. The Community Centre. The Campus also few children under the SOS Family Children’s has Vidya Strengthening Programme (FSP) and emergency relief to families affected Ganapathi Temple which was built in some from the economically weaker by the 2004 tsunami and has always 1981 for the Village community as well sections in the neighborhood. The The SOS Children's Village Chennai was Village provided worked in close partnership with local agencies and community-based organizations in order to identify families who are in need of support from P-7 our family-strengthening programme. a Children's Tailoring temple Centre called Sri as for the neighbourhood. There is also a youth facility in the Children's Villages premises which houses young boys. school has a learning Centre with computers and internet facilities, for the school and village children. The Indian Philanthropy Report 2013 by Bain & Company talks about how young people in India significantly influence their families’ charitable giving and how the young donors show higher potential than other age groups to increase their contributions. The same country, according to the World Bank, stands at the 3rd position in terms of the Purchasing Power Parity, while the World Giving Index supporting SOS Children’s Villages of world. and different for our society, but was India? indecisive as to what route I should Angad: I was able to sponsor Shagun, take. My parents and I felt it was futile a girl living in SOS Children’s Village to merely donate gifts or money to the Bawana for the next two years. When I ing in raising funds for various noble poor, and tried to think of alternative moved to New Delhi last year, being causes in the development space. Thus ways which would, in some way, new here meant that such an endeav- the need to have younger people to employ my skills and enterprise. As our seemed difficult. As I made friends come forward and contribute to socie- previously mentioned, I like to sing, and at school and outside, and felt settled, ty is becoming more and more impera- most parties see me singing something the concept of Art4Education evolved tive. at someone’s behest. So, I came up in my mind - a group of socially And, there are some who have realized with this idea of recording CDs with conscious, talented teenagers dedi- covers of famous songs and give them cated to giving back to society’s uting towards a cause as noble as that to people I knew for a nominal sum, underprivileged, through their own of SOS Children’s Villages of India, raising money for charity. I took the efforts and talents. It took some effort raising funds for once parentless and help of one of the local radio stations’ and time but I managed to convince abandoned children now living in SOS recording facilities and then burnt my friends to join this endeavour. I villages across India. discs at home, labelling them as, “My collected photography, art and digital Voice, My Choice”, featuring songs in art from all my teammates, and got Hindi, English, Punjabi and French. I them reprinted and framed. Catalogue and banners were made, and we put this need at a very young age, contrib- We bring to you a conversation with child and the directors of Social Welfare department referred her to SOS Children’s Villages of India. SOS as the youngest member of the family Mother Ms Gracy took Merin in her lap home. Merin grew up under the loving SOS: That’s wonderful, Angad! So, day, I felt like doing something special so, in coming forward and participat- abandoned as an unwanted female mind? out of the list of 153 countries in the themselves back from giving and more was only 10 days old. She was found doubtful middle step. how have you contributed towards Gmeiner School situated inside the Children’s Village Chennai when she contributing to society came to your Angad: Three years ago on my birth- It tells us that people simply hold Merin was brought home to SOS the money themselves, eliminating the (WGI) ranks her at the 134th position There is also an SOS Hermann Merin’s Story: SOS: So, how did the thought of care of Ms Gracy and today, she is Angad Srivastava – a 15 year old living studying in 5th standard in SOS Hermann Gmeiner School Chennai. Merin has four younger brothers and sisters and has four elder sisters to take care of her. She is also a bright student in her school and loves to learn martial arts in her free time. Merin is growing happily in SOS Children’s Village Chennai and is growing up to become an aware, contributing member of society. in Delhi and an ardent supporter of sold about 50 copies. SOS Children’s Villages of India. Then began the task to look for a suita- up our stalls as a well-knit team, at two SOS: Tell us about yourself, Angad? ble organization to donate to. As most exhibitions in late 2013. people know, a lot of NGOs today are Our just fronts and the money is usually resounding success! We collected pocketed. This is why SOS Children’s ` 31,200/- which we then donated to Villages appealed to me, because SOS Children’s Villages of India, to instead of giving money to others to sponsor the living and education of implement reforms, they actually use two underprivileged children. Angad: I am a 15-year-old student, an amateur photographer, a graphics designer, a blogger and a techie currently living in New Delhi. I also enjoy singing, cooking, philosophizing, gaming, watching movies and reading. maiden venture met with join us on website www.soschildrensvillages.in P-8 & Back Cover SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-Cover & Back.ai file Open Size (w) 43.2 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) SOS Brochures April-2014-DM-Cover & Back.ai file Close Size (w) 21.1 cm x (h) 27.9 cm 07.04.2014 (Sandy) YEARS A loving home for every child YEARS A loving home for every child A note from the President Dear Friends, While our Family Based Care (FBC) Institute This year, we celebrate our 50th year of programme GuideStar, Give India, and the Credibility giving children in need of care and Villages consisting of SOS family homes Alliance. protection, a family, a home and a sense with an SOS mother and brothers and With this thought in mind, I, on behalf of of security. sisters primarily covers aspects such as the entire SOS family, thank you for being In this edition of SOS Messenger, we have Education, Preventive and Curative Health with us in our journey so far. 50 years gone back to covering lives of our little & Nutrition, Psychological support, Care and counting, your continued support to gems, the SOS children. When a child and Holistic Development of a once invest in our programmes will only comes to an SOS Children’s Village, he is orphaned brought ‘home’ in every sense of the community intervention programme, the word. He enjoys a life quite similar to Family Strengthening Programme (FSP), yours and grows up in a secure, healthy covers children of the most vulnerable lot environment, eventually joining hands i.e. children of widows, single women, with the rest of the society as a and Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. contributing, Spanning 3 to 5 years, the program aims responsible and aware through child, the the Children’s preventive individual. to enable families to move out of the Recent trends have shown us that more vicious cycle of poverty towards greater and more young people are coming dignity and self-reliance by ensuring forward and significantly contributing to education various noble causes in the development generating capacity development of the space. One such story that you will read care givers. about is that of Angad – a young boy aged SOS Children’s Villages of India is also only 15 years, who has involved himself one of the very few International NGOs heavily into philanthropic work from such a that have been empaneled with and/or young age. accredited by the National CSR Hub, Tata of children and of Social Sciences, the We build Families account for an immeasurable return in terms of smiles on the faces of the children we bring up. I thank you once again and with warm regards, S.Sandilya President SOS Children’s Villages of India income DONATION FORM MD142130N1 Or any-other amount you wish any-other amount I wish NOTE: You can claim your tax exemption via the donation reciept. 18001026905, SOS MESSENGER Cover
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