FILING PROGRAMME FOR INCOME TAX RETURN FORMS (ITRF) IN THE YEAR 2015 1. SUBMISSION OF FORMS BE, B, BT, M, MT, P, TP, TJ AND TF FOR YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2014 1.1 Due Date For Submission Of ITRF For Year Of Assessment 2014 Due Date For Submission Of ITRF Source Of Income 1.2 For Those Who Do Not Carry On Any Business 30 April 2015 For Those Who Carry On Business 30 June 2015 Grace Period For Submission Of ITRF Via e-Filing (e-BE, e-B / BT, e-M / MT Dan e-P) (a) ITRF furnished via e-Filing after the due date for submission of the relevant form shall be deemed to be received within the stipulated period if the form is received within 15 days after the due date for submission of the form. (b) For failure to furnish within the allowable period, penalty may be imposed under subsection 112(3) of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967) based on the due date for submission of the ITRF. Example: The due date for submission of Form BE for Year of Assessment 2014 is 30 April 2015. The grace period for e-Filing of Form BE (e-BE) for Year of Assessment 2014 is given until 15 May 2015. If a taxpayer furnished his Form BE for Year of Assessment 2014 via e-Filing (e-BE) on 16 May 2015, the receipt of his ITRF shall be considered late as from 1 May 2015 and penalty under subsection 112(3) of ITA 1967 shall be imposed. (c) This grace period also applies to payment of the balance of tax under subsection 103(1) of ITA 1967. 1 1.3 Grace Period For Submission Of Paper ITRF By Post – Borang BE, B, BT, M, MT, P, TP, TJ Dan TF (a) ITRF received by LHDNM via post after the due date for submission of the relevant form shall be deemed to be received within the stipulated period if the form is received within 3 working days after the due date for submission of the form. (b) This grace period also applies to payment of the balance of tax under subsection 103(1) of ITA 1967 for ITRF sent by post. (c) This grace period is NOT APPLICABLE for hand-delivery of ITRF. 1.4 e-Filing System For Forms BE, B, BT, M, MT And P For Year Of Assessment 2014 And Form E (Remuneration For The Year 2014) The e-Filing system for individuals, partnerships and employers will be made available with effect from the following date: Type Of ITRF Individual Module Tax Agent Module (TAeF) 1 March 2015 1 March 2015 e-BE, e-B / BT, e-M / MT, e-E and e-P 2. SUBMISSION OF FORMS C, C1, PT, TA, TC, TR AND TN FOR YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2014 AND YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2015 2.1 Due Date For Submission Of ITRF Subsections 77A(1) and 103(1) of ITA 1967, the Saving and Transitional Provisions of Finance Act 2007 (Act 683) and Finance Act 2009 (Act 693) state that the submission of the ITRF and payment of the balance of tax and debt due to the Government shall be made by the last day of the seventh month from the date following the close of the company’s accounting period. 2 2.2 Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships, Trust Bodies And Cooperative Societies Which Are Dormant And / Or Have Not Commenced Business (a) Pursuant to subsection 77A(1) of ITA 1967, every company, limited liability partnership, trust body and co-operative society shall for each year of assessment furnish the ITRF within seven months from the date following the close of the accounting period. As such letters of exemption from submitting the ITRF, which have been issued by LHDNM branches, shall henceforth be cancelled with effect from the date of the letter issued by LHDNM to the accounting / professional bodies on 18 August 2014. (b) Companies, limited liability partnerships, trust bodies and cooperative societies which are dormant and / or have not commenced business, are required to furnish the ITRF (including Form E) with effect from Year of Assessment 2014. (e) Companies, limited liability partnerships, trust bodies and cooperative societies which have not commenced operation need not furnish Form CP204. (d) Companies, limited liability partnerships, trust bodies and cooperative societies which own shares, real properties, fixed deposits and other similar investments are not considered as dormant. (f) Companies, limited liability partnerships, trust bodies and cooperative societies which furnish false information shall be subject to the provisions under section 113 and section 114 of ITA 1967. (g) Registration of company income tax file can be applied manually similiar to limited liability partnerships, trust bodies and cooperative societies. The registration form can be downloaded from the LHDNM Official Portal > Forms > Return Forms > Registration. However, companies are encouraged to apply for the registration of income tax file via e-Daftar. 3 (h) The registration of income tax file for companies which are dormant and / or have not commenced business can also be applied online via e-Daftar at the LHDNM Official Portal: (i) (i) Opening Date of Accounts (ii) Closing Date of Accounts (iii) Operational Date Not mandatory to fill up these items. For the purpose of submission via e-Filing (e-C), companies which are dormant and / or have not commenced business are required to complete the ITRF as follows: 2.3 (i) Accounting Period Mandatory to fill up this item. Period is as reported in the annual return to SSM. (ii) Basis Period Mandatory to fill up this item. (iii) Business Code Enter the business code for the type of business as registered with SSM. (iv) Business / Partnership Enter amount ‘0’ if there is no Statutory Income income. Submission Of Company ITRF Via Electronic Medium Or Electronic Submission Pursuant to the provision of subsection 77A(1A) of ITA 1967 which takes effect from the Year of Assessment 2014, a company shall furnish its ITRF on an electronic medium or by way of electronic transmission to LHDNM. Manual submission of ITRF (paper return) to LHDNM is NOT DEEM RECEIVED for the purpose of section 77A of ITA 1967. 2.4 Grace Period For Submission Of Company ITRF Via e-Filing: (a) Company ITRF furnished via e-Filing after the due date for submission of the relevant form shall be deemed to be received within the stipulated period if the form is received within 1 month after the due date for submission of the form. This grace period applies to: 4 Company ITRF (e-C and e-R) for the Year of Assessment 2014 where the due date for submission of the form falls in the calendar year 2015; and Company ITRF (e-C) for the Year of Assessment 2015. (b) For failure to furnish within the allowable period, penalty can be imposed under subsection 112(3) of ITA 1967 based on the due date for submission of the ITRF. Example I: The due date for submission of Form C Year of Assessment 2014 for the accounting period ending 31 December 2014 is 31 July 2015. Grace period is given until 31 August 2015 for e-Filing of company ITRF (e-C and e-R) for Year of Assessment 2014 for the accounting period ending 31 December 2014. If a taxpayer furnished his Year of Assessment 2014 company ITRF for the accounting period ending 31 December 2014 via e-Filing (e-C and e-R) on 1 September 2015, the receipt of the ITRF shall be considered late as from 1 August 2015 and penalty under subsection 112(3) of ITA 1967 shall be imposed. Example II: The due date for submission of Year of Assessment 2015 company ITRF for the accounting period ending 31 August 2015 is 31 March 2016. Grace period is given until 30 April 2016 for e-Filing of Year of Assessment 2015 company ITRF (e-C) for the accounting period ending 31 August 2015. If a taxpayer furnished his Year of Assessment 2015 company ITRF for the accounting period ending 31 August 2015 via e-Filing (e-C) on 1 May 2016, the receipt of the ITRF shall be considered late as from 1 April 2016 and penalty under subsection 112(3) of ITA 1967 shall be imposed. (c) This grace period also applies to payment of: (i) the balance of tax under subsection 103(1) of ITA 1967; and (ii) debt to the Government under Finance Act 2007 (Act 683) and Finance Act 2009 (Act 693). 5 2.5 e-Filing System For Submission Of Company ITRF (e-C) For Year Of Assessment 2015 The e-Filing system for companies will be made available with effect from 1 April 2015. 2.6 Grace Period For Submission Of Paper ITRF By Post – Forms C1, PT, TA, TC, TR And TN (a) ITRF received by LHDNM via post after the due date for submission of the form shall be deemed to be received within the stipulated period if the form is received within 3 working days after the due date for submission of the form. (b) This grace period also applies to payment of the balance of tax under subsection 103(1) of ITA 1967 for ITRF sent by post. (c) This grace period is NOT APPLICABLE for hand-delivery of ITRF. (d) For failure to furnish within the allowable period, penalty can be imposed under subsection 112(3) of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967) based on the due date for submission of the ITRF. Example: The due date for submission of Form C1 Year of Assessment 2015 for the accounting period ending 31 March 2015 is 31 October 2015. Grace period is given until 4 November 2015 for the submission of Form C1 Year of Assessment 2014 for the accounting period ending 31 March 2015. If a taxpayer furnished his Form C1 Year of Assessment 2015 for the accounting period ending 31 March 2015 via post on 5 November 2015, the receipt of the ITRF shall be considered late as from 1 November 2015 and penalty under subsection 112(3) of ITA 1967 shall be imposed. 6 2.7 Application For Extension Of Time For Submission Of ITRF (a) Application for extension of time can be made provided that the application is received by LHDNM at least 30 days before the due date for submission of the form. Otherwise, the application received will be rejected. Example: For accounting period ending on 31 May 2015, the due date for submission of company ITRF is 31 December 2015. Where there is application for extension of time, the application together with reason(s) must be furnished before or on 1 December 2015 at the latest. (b) The application for extension of time to pay the balance of tax and debt due to the Government has to be submitted together, if also required. (c) The application must be furnished together with reasonable and strong justification. Application will be considered based on the merit of the case. (d) The application must be addressed to: Pengarah Bahagian Dasar & Operasi Jabatan Operasi Cukai Menara Hasil, Aras 12 Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8 63000 Cyberjaya Selangor Darul Ehsan (e) Grace period is NOT APPLICABLE to cases for which extension of time have been approved. 7 3. Form E (Remuneration For The Year 2014) 3.1 Due Date For Submission Of Form E Form E 2014 is issued to employers on 31 January 2015. Subsection 83(1) of ITA 1967 stipulates that the form must be furnished before or on 31 March 2015. 3.2 Grace Period For Submission Of Form E Via e-Filing (e-E) (a) Form E furnished via e-Filing (e-E) after the due date for submission of the form shall be deemed to be received within the stipulated period if the form is received before or on 30 April 2015. (b) For failure to furnish within the allowable period, a compound can be imposed under paragraph 120(1)(b) of ITA 1967 based on the due date for submission of the ITRF. 3.3 Grace Period For Submission Of Form E By Post (a) Form E received by LHDNM by post after the due date for submission of the form shall be deemed to be received within the stipulated period if the form is received within 3 working days after the due date for submission of the form. (b) This grace period is NOT APPLICABLE for ITRF furnished by hand. 3.4 Application For Extension Of Time For Submission Of Form E (a) Application for extension of time can be made provided that LHDNM receives the application at least 30 days before the due date for submission of the form. Otherwise, the application received will be rejected. 8 Example: The due date for submission of Form E is 31 March 2015. If there is an application for extension of time, the application together with reason(s) have to be furnished before or on 1 March 2015. (b) The application must be furnished together with reasonable and strong justification. Application will be considered based on the merit of the case. (c) The application must be addressed to: Pengarah Bahagian Dasar & Operasi Jabatan Operasi Cukai Menara Hasil, Aras 12 Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8 63000 Cyberjaya Selangor Darul Ehsan (d) Grace period is NOT APPLICABLE to cases for which extension of time have been approved. 3.5 Form C.P. 8A / C.P. 8C (EA / EC) To Be Rendered To Employees Pursuant to the provision under subsection 83(1A) of ITA 1967, employers are required to prepare Form C.P. 8A / C.P. 8C (EA / EC) for the year ended 2014 and render the completed form to all their employees before or on 28 February 2015. 3.6 Procedure On Submission Of Form E And C.P. 8D (a) The form has to be submitted to Pusat Pemprosesan Maklumat. (b) Form C.P. 8D can be submitted through the following methods: (i) e-Filing if Form E is furnished via e-Filing; (ii) Furnish the txt file on CD as per the data specification in Part A of Appendix 1; (iii) Furnish the file in Microsoft Excel on CD as per the specification in Part B of Appendix 1; or (iv) Send C.P. 8D in paper form. 9 (c) Submission via e-Filing is encouraged. Employers not using the e-Filing method may submit C.P. 8D using method 3.5(ii)(b) or 3.5(ii)(c) above especially for employers with 20 employees or more. 3.7 Prefill Of Remuneration Particulars In e-Filing To facilitate taxpayers’ use of e-Filing in line with current technological development, LHDNM is further reinforcing its e-Filing system by obtaining remuneration particulars of taxpayers from their employers for prefill in their respective e-Filing forms. Prior to signing and sending the forms electronically, taxpayers using e-Filing may alter the prefilled particulars if there’s a change. Employers are encouraged to furnish the particulars online using eData Praisi which can be accessed via the LHDNM Official Portal before or on 21 February 2015. The format for Information_Layout For Prefill can be obtained from the LHDNM Official Portal. To ensure compliance with the required format, format check can be done via e-Data Praisi. Particulars furnished are acceptable as C.P. 8D particulars for Form E. Enquiries can be e-mailed to Address: Jabatan Operasi Cukai Menara Hasil, Aras 12 Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan 10 4. Repayment Case 4.1 Appendices / Working Sheets Appendices / Working sheets used for computation need not be submitted together with the ITRF. Only the following appendices or working sheets in relation to repayments cases have to be furnished: (a) Appendix B1 / HK-3 in respect of tax deduction under section 51 of the Finance Act 2007 (dividends); (b) Appendix B2 / HK-6 pertaining to tax deduction under section 110 of ITA 1967 (others); (c) Appendix B3 / HK-8 regarding the claim for tax relief under section 132 of ITA 1967; atau (d) Appendix B4 / HK-9 relating to the claim for tax relief under section 133 of ITA 1967. 4.2 Original Dividend Vouchers Original dividend vouchers need not be submitted together with the ITRF. Taxpayers are only required to furnish original dividend vouchers if requested for audit purpose. 4.3 Other Documents Other documents relating to the claim for tax deduction under section 110 of ITA 1967 (others) and foreign tax deducted in the country of origin have to be furnished only if requested for the purpose of audit. 5. Penalty Reduction In The Rate Of Penalty Under Subsection 112(3) Of ITA 1967 For Cases Other Than Company ITRF For cases other than company ITRF which are liable for penalty under subsection 112(3) of ITA 1967, the rate of penalty stipulated by LHDNM can be reduced by 5% if the relevant ITRF is submitted via e-Filing. 11 6. Concession For The Payment Of Tax Under Subsection 103(2) Of ITA 1967 Grace Period For The Payment Of Tax / Balance Of Tax For assessments raised under sections 91, 92, 96A and subsections 90(2A), 90(3), 101(2) of ITA 1967, the tax / balance of tax must be paid within 30 days from the date of assessment. Nevertheless, a grace period of 7 days is given. Note: This Programme is applicable until the following year’s Programme is issued. 12 LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA APPENDIX 1 C.P. 8D INFORMATION LAYOUT - Pin. 2014 STATEMENT OF REMUNERATION FROM EMPLOYMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2014 AND PARTICULARS OF INCOME TAX DEDUCTION UNDER THE INCOME TAX RULES (DEDUCTION FROM REMUNERATION) 1994 PART A: GUIDE ON SUBMISSION OF C.P. 8D PARTICULARS IN TXT FILE EMPLOYER’S PARTICULARS PARTICULARS TYPE LENGTH EXPLANATION EXAMPLE integer 10 Employer’s E number. Enter without E in front 2900030000 Employer’s Name variable character 80 Employer’s name as reported to LHDNM Syarikat Bina Remuneration For The Year integer 4 Relevant year of remuneration 2014 Employer’s No. Example of txt data: 2900030000|Syarikat Bina Jaya|2014 Note: Every field is separated by a delimiter | and saved in txt file. 13 Jaya EMPLOYEE’S PARTICULARS PARTICULARS TYPE LENGTH EXPLANATION EXAMPLE Employee’s Name variable character 60 Name as per identity card. Ali bin Ahmad Income Tax No. integer 11 Income tax number as given by LHDNM. Leave the item blank if the employee has no income tax number. 03770324020 Identity Card / Police / Army / Passport No. Variable character 12 Priority is given to new I/C no. followed by police no., army no. and passport no. 730510125580 or A2855084 or T0370834 Passport no. is for foreigners. Total Gross Remuneration decimal 11 Total gross remuneration RM 50000.70 dan excluding the value in RM 50000.20 are sen. reported as 50000 Tax Exempt Allowances / Perquisites / Gifts / Benefits decimal 11 Total of tax exempt allowances / perquisites / gifts / benefits without the value in sen. RM 445.60 and RM 445.20 are reported as 445 MTD decimal 11 Total MTD with value in sen. RM 2555.25 and RM 2555.90 CP38 decimal 11 Total CP38 with value in sen. RM 1058.45 and RM 1058.85 Example of txt data: Ali bin Ahmad|03770324020|730510125580|50000|445|2555.25|1058.45 Mike Thompson|5822221110|ZZ5842211|20200|400|1520.45|3200.00 Note: Every field is separated by a delimiter | and saved in txt file. 14 PART B: GUIDE ON SUBMISSION OF C.P. 8D PARTICULARS IN MICROSOFT EXCEL 1. LHDNM has prepared the C.P. 8D format in Microsoft Excel 2003 to assist the employers in preparing the data. This program can be obtained from the LHDNM Official Portal. 2. Employers who have submitted prefilled information need not complete and furnish Form C. P. 8D. 3. The usable medium is CD. 4. Employers who use the Microsoft Excel facility provided by LHDNM are required to name the file using the following standard: YYHHHHHHHHHH_TTTT.XLS YY HHHHHHHHHH TTTT Example: : : : particulars of employer and employees (MP) E no. year of remuneration Employer using Microsoft Excel with the E No. 2900030000 for the year 2014. One (1) fail under the name MP2900030000_2014.XLS shall be sent to LHDNM. 5. For employers with their own computerised system and many employees, they are encouraged to prepare the data in txt using the format provided above (Part A). 6. For employers who choose not to use the Microsoft Excel, the employer and employees’ particulars shall be kept in 2 different files. However, they must be uploaded onto the same CD using the file name according to the following standard: YHHHHHHHHHH_TTTT.TXT Y HHHHHHHHHH TTTT Example: : : : particulars of employer (M) or employees (P) E no. year of remuneration Txt file sent by an employer with the E No. 2900030000 for the year 2014. Two (2) files shall be sent by LHDNM under the name: (i) M2900030000_2014.txt (ii) P2900030000_2014.txt - consisting of employer’s particulars consisting of employees’ particulars 15 A Guide Regarding Errors Which Appear While Using The Microsoft Excel Format Provided: No. ERROR ERROR MESSAGE 1 E No.: Entry of non-digit value or value exceeding 10 digits. 1. Value received is in digit 2 Employer’s Name: Entry of employer’s name which exceeds 80 characters. Length exceeding 80 3 Remuneration For The Year: Entry of non-digit value or value exceeding 4 digits. Value is not in digit or exceeding 4 digits 4 Employee’s Name: Entry of employer’s name which exceeds 60 characters. Length exceeding 60 5 Income Tax No.: Entry of non-digit value or value exceeding 11 digits. Value entered is not in digit or exceeds 11 6 Identity Card / Police / Army / Passport No.: Entry of information exceeding 12 characters. Length exceeding 12 7 Total Gross Remuneration: Value entered exceeds 11 digits or includes the value in sen. Value exceeding 11 digits or includes the value in sen. 8 Tax Exempt Allowances / Perquisites / Gifts / Benefits: Value entered exceeds 11 digits or includes the value in sen. Value exceeding 11 digits or includes the value in sen. 9 MTD: Value entered exceeds 11 digits or does not include the value in sen. Value exceeding 11 digits or does not include the value in sen. 10 CP38: Value entered exceeds 11 digits or does not include the value in sen. Value exceeding 11 digits or does not include the value in sen. 16 2. Number of digits exceeding 10
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