Programme Wednesday, 21 January Introduction 12.00 13.00 VERA – Final Conference 21st and 22nd of January, 2015 ConceptandTargetGroup This conference will be the final event of the VERA Forward Visions on the European Research Area project. It is targeted at policy makers at the European level concerned with Science, Technology and Innovation Policies (STIP) and at stakeholder groups having followed and participated in VERA activities before. It is open to experts and everybody interested in the subject. The VERA foresight process focuses on the European Research and Innovation Landscapes and Governance in 2030. It is ‐ inspired by profoundly different future scenarios ‐ an exercise to look for policy issues we need to prioritize today. In that sense, we are trying to build a consensus among STI stakeholders: Looking out for those issues which appeared repeatedly in the different VERA backcasting approaches with stakeholders in focus groups and the VERA sympo‐ sium as well as in a policy “lensing” analysis done by the VERA team. The conference will offer these insights relevant for all STI policy makers, and it shall feed and inspire structured debates about the future of the European Research Area (ERA) and the political and societal priorities underpinning its (r)evolution. 13.30 13.45 14.00 14.20 14.40 14.50 15.15 15.45 16.10 Registration and Welcome Snack Welcome and Introduction to the VERA Project Dr. Stephanie DAIMER, VERA Coordinator Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research VERA – from the perspective of the funder Domenico ROSSETTI di VALDALBERO, PhD Principal Administrator, EC DG Research and Innovation Discussion, Chair: Alexander DEGELSEGGER, VERA Team Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) Challenges for ERA: New rationales and dimensions Evolving Dimensions of the European Research and Innovation Landscape Dr. Rafael POPPER (with J. Edler, E. Amanatidou, G. Velasco), VERA Team, University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Societal Challenges imply different ERA roles: an extreme illustration by the VERA scenarios Dr. Susanne GIESECKE (with S. Daimer, E. Marinelli, E. Amanatidou, P. Warnke, B. Teufel), VERA Team, Austrian Institute of Technology Desired futures and (un)intended trajectories. Reflections on the strategic stakeholder discourse Prof. Jakob EDLER, (with R. Popper et al.), VERA Team, University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Comments Fabienne GAUTIER, EC, DG Research and Innovation, ERA Policy and Reform (B2) Prof. Dr. Dietmar THEIS, formerly Siemens, honorary professor at Technical University Munich Discussion, Chair: Karel HAEGEMAN, VERA Team JRC‐Institute of Prospective Technology Studies Coffee break Policy “lensing” of VERA scenarios: Implications for today’s policies Policies for Research and Innovation with a long‐term perspective Prof. Philippe LAREDO (with A. Schoen, D. Robinson, J. Molas Gallart, H.G. Ordonez Matamoros, S. Kuhlmann, A. Degelsegger, K. Buesel), VERA Team, Université Paris‐Est Marne‐la‐Vallé, Institute for Research and Innovation in Society 16.30 16.50 17.30 19.00 The future role of EU level institutions and emerging actors Dr. Gonzalo ORDONEZ MATAMOROS (with P. Larédo et al.), VERA Team University of Twente Comments Prof. Manfred HORVAT, Senior Advisor, CESAER, Conference of Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research Matteo RAZZANELLI, Senior Policy Officer, Science Europe Dr. Lidia BORRELL DAMIAN, Director for Research and Innovation, EUA, European University Association Rudolf HIELSCHER, acatech, German National Academy of Science and Engineering, and Euro‐CASE, European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering Simon PICKARD, Director General, Academy of Business in Society, ABIS Discussion, Chair: Dr. Effie AMANATIDOU and Guillermo VELASCO, VERA Team, University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Dinner Thursday, 22 January Learning from scenarios: Things we cannot take for granted 9.00 9.05 9.25 9.45 10.20 10.50 Welcome Day 2 Torsti LOIKKANEN, VERA Team VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Scenarios challenge our today’s assumptions Prof. Stefan KUHLMANN (with P. Larédo et al.), VERA Team University of Twente Broadening the evidence: Results from comparing VERA and RIF Dr. Matthias WEBER, RIF project coordinator and Vice Chair of RISE Austrian Institute of Technology Comments Talita SOARES, Policy Officer, EARTO, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations Prof. Riitta MUSTONEN, Deputy Director NordForsk Dr. Katrien MAES, Chief Policy Officer, LERU, League of European Research Universities The international perspective: Jacques PLOUIN, Foresigth and Strategy Professional, Africa Department, UNESCO and Alexander DEGELSEGGER, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) Discussion: Chair: Radu GHEORGHIU, PhD, VERA Team, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Coffee break Of Scenarios and Visions: Different strategies for the consideration of futures in policy‐making 11.15 11.30 13.00 13.10 Introductory Reflections Dr. Philine WARNKE, VERA Team Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research Closing roundtable discussion Prof. Jordi MOLAS GALLART, VERA Team Ingenio (CSIC‐UPV) Valencia Nikos KASTRINOS, EC, DG Research and Innovation, Science Policy, Foresight and Data (A6) Attila HAVAS, PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Dr. John SMITH, KT2050 expert group and Senior Advisor to EUA, European University Association Chair: Dr. Douglas ROBINSON, VERA Team Université Paris‐Est Marne‐la‐Vallé, Institute for Research and Innovation in Society Concluding Remarks Dr. Stephanie DAIMER, VERA Coordinator Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research Snack Lunch Venue: FONDATION UNIVERSITAIRE, 11 rue d’Egmont, B‐1000 Brussels VERA Register for the final event and get to know the scenarios at! VERA is funded under the 7th Framework Programme by the European Commission.
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