e€sir rrsu-S, €'fr fifuu, srf*ra frfifr{r. fugdr 6.f8.) rifr"q, rtt'qF=or6 ft'ftfr{t t-6.J iiu-&rg, h-8, kmfif fd"a,rry*trs Fn{r) fr"sH 1 Elril ft.gg ft'ftf,rfr 2 3. rfrii )d-6mr, rrfirg fu'frfir,,r')r6mr (fr.fx.), trfr'q nyo fr1ftnrzr_96 f* t€qr'*a d'ifr) HLru *: Ls/42-2015 kw2 a Fs 0)/gq fi{S 2o-01-2ot s fur:- Eligibility of daughters for grant of family pension. if€rF:- rhfrq *: Fkr6rrn, f+ f€.dr (fus ira,'Fs,. rrrffi l{-i s'6*6 m+') s rigo 3/27/2013-3FppC/ L3O7 flrs1 28-O7-2OL4 etilrs H foBem +rd tr 3 ireu xrfia. dvd d d"rfi nr.r.r Ffr o rss"rr3 F6'fka rrryei' 2:n; t-v o 6 Rl-6 )flofd 5-: 1. ?tnT fu-frfr A"{rdattrs. fr6 e.S.rfr .at S tfrfxl it-fr.s W3 gs-d'HLrir rfl{F fi+S, zo-oL-zoLs tifu, e*.r.fr.a,rd (frflE), ritrrs g yrr fr3r q.-d.€rEt fo3 AftTrr{'6igr }1 2. f.Bz*.fi.r{dfrfu(rsrf.s) G.,_.,r Tr ,-,,,_ ftss-#AryrndtBrsfr6 e.*.fi .at"S ffifxl trfrls ars -7)r{ * )r- t> - tsoty \^ N o. 3 127 ffitta/3'D |2013-3FPPC/130? GOVERNMENT OF PT'NJAB DEPARTMENT OF FINANCD (FINANCE PENSION POLICY & CO.ORDINATION BRANCH) Dated Chandigarh, the 2gth July,20l4 To ffi Subject :- All Heads of Departments, Commissioners of Divisions, Registrar, Punjab & Haryana High Court, District & Session Judges and All the Deputy Commissioners in the State. Eligibility of daughters for grant of famity pension. Sir/lvladam, I am directed to refer to this Department letter No. ltTlgg-lqplll/g709 dated 16.7.t998, Leffer No. 3/81105-3FPPC/6944 dated 30.8.2005 and letter No. 3/81/05-3Fppc/3g2 dated the l8th July, 2008 on the subject cited above. 2' In continuation of the above said leffers, the matter has been reconsidered in view of orders dated3.4.2014 passed by the Hon'ble High Court in Civil Writ petition No. 16693 of 2013 and it has accordingly been decided further that:- t) the daughterso irrespective of their marriage, upto the age of 25 years and continues to be unmaried then even beyond 25 years shall be entitled for pension subject to the usual condition that pension shall be stopped. iD if if she family she starts eaming livelihood, the family in case the daughter is suffering from any disability which prevents her from earning a livelihood, she will continue to get famity pension even after the age of 25 years, irrespective of her marriage. ' The above provisions are subject to other conditions being fulfilled as per relevant rules for the grant of family pension. 3 4. The relevant provisions of the Punjab CSR Vol.-II shall be deemed to have been amended to the extent of the contents of this letter and a notification for the same will be issued in due course. Yours faithfully, lk*t,o.h (KAMLESH ARORA) Deputy Secretary Finance Na. 3/27 l20l 3-3FPPC/1308 A copy is forwarded to the l. Dated Chandigarh, the 28th luly,2014 :- The Chief Secretary to the Government, a 2 All 2. secretaries and principal secretaries andAdministrative the Financial commissioners to the Government of Punjab' nicus Marg,New Delhi. Punjab' Punjab Bhawan Copet Resident Financial Commissioner' J. For information and necessary action' €^rg^l@L.'( Superintendent No. 3127 l20l 2014 Dated Chandigarh, the 28th July' 3-3FPPC/1309 A copy is forwarded to the :- l.SecretarytoGovernmentofHaryana,DepartmentofFinance,Chandigarh. 2.SecretarytoGovemmentofHimachalPradesh,DepartmentofFinance,Shimla. 3.Financesecretary,ChandigarhAdministration(U.T.),Chandigarh 4. Secretary to Punjab Vidhan Sabha' 5. Addl' Director, IAO (R)' Sector 22-D'Chandigarh' Chandigarh' (R) Punjab' All the Deputy Controllers (F&A)' IAO 6. T.President,PunjabStateAccountsServicesAssociation(Regd.),Sector22-D,Chandigarh. for information and necessary action' Qr*g^I@il''l SuPerintendent No. 3 127 12013-3FPPC/ I 3 2014 Dated Chandigarh, the 28th July' t0 A copy is forwarded to the :AccountantGeneral(A&E),Punjab.Pension-IllBranch,SectorlT'Chandigarh l. Chandigarh t Accountant General (Audit), Punjab' J. 4. 5. Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh' Shimla' Accountant General, Himachal Pradesh' General' Himachal Pradesh and UnionTertitory DeputyAccountantGeneral, Offtce oftheAccountant Sector 17, Chandigarh. 6. AllDistrictTreasuryoffrcersandTreasuryoffrcersinthestateofPunjab 8. Punjab Bhawan' New Delhi' Assistant Pay and AccoudtrOffrceq Punjab' Director, Pensions and Pensioner's Welfare' 9. Director, Public Relations, Punjab, Chandigarh' 7. 10. Chandigarh ' ChiefAccountant,ReserveBankoflndia,DepartmentofGovernmentandBankAccounts'Central No'8143' Bandra Mumbai' Office C-?, Bandra Kurla Complex' Post Box for information and necessary actron' €rug*l@a'( Superintendent funiab Govt'Prcss, S''4'S' Nagar/840U08-20 I 4
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