Indian Council for Child Welfare National Awards for Bravery 2014 jk"Vªh; ohjrk iqjLdkj Presented by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi January 24, 2015 ______________________________________________________________________ Published by Indian Council for Child Welfare 4, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi-110 002, Phones: 23239539, 23234508 Telefax: 91-011-23232427, 23236616, Email : 2014 National Awards For Bravery jk’Vªh; ohjrk iqjLdkj Indian Council for Child Welfare Indian Council for Child Welfare The Indian National Committee of the United Nations Appeal for Children, formed in 1948, was the forerunner of the Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW). The Indian National Committee came into existence as an independent body in 1950. In 1952 the Save the Children’s Fund Committee of the All India Women’s Congress merged with the Indian National Committee for children to form the Indian Council for Child Welfare. A new constitution was framed and ICCW was registered on June 5, 1952 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. We Train Grassroot level child care workers We Conduct Homework study classes to guide and assist first generation learner Enrichment programme for improving the quality of education in government schools Aims and Objectives The Council strives to provide opportunities for development to disadvantaged children by Initiating and undertaking services for child welfare and development in India. Promoting enactment of legislation and reforms for the benefit of children Cooperating and collaborating with government, non-government, national and international organisations to meet the needs of children. Promoting dissemination of knowledge and information and educating the community about the needs of children. National integration camps for children Programmes with special focus on the girl child ranging from prevention of female infanticide to providing vocational training to adolescent girls and formation and strengthening of self help groups for women. We Honour Programme Implementation Children who distinguish themselves by performing outstanding acts of bravery The Council’s programmes have a wide spread coverage. These are implemented through State Councils functioning in 32 States and Union Territories and the district councils established under them. Budding child artists We Act As We Provide day-care facilities for children of working and ailing mothers in rural, tribal and A scrutinising agency for adoption and guardianship cases urban areas financial assistance to underprivileged children between 6-18 for their school An advocate of children’s rights. education under the Sponsorship programme. Children affected by terrorism and children with disabilities are also covered relief and rehabilitation services to special categories viz. street and working children, child beggars, children of prostitutes. Day-care and institutional services for children with disabilities. Institutional services for destitute and orphan children, juvenile delinquents help to children in distress. recreational facilities through bal bhawans and holiday homes 2 3 National Bravery Awards Bharat Award he Scheme of National Awards for Bravery was started by Indian Council for Child Welfare to give due recognition to the children who distinguish themselves by performing outstanding deeds of bravery and meritorious service and to inspire other children to emulate their example. T Resham Fatma js”ke Qkrek It was in 1957 that two children – a boy and a girl – were first rewarded for their presence of mind and courage. Since then ICCW decided to confer national awards on children every year. Uttar Pradesh 16 years 9 months Applications are received from various sources such as central/state government departments, panchayats, zila parishads, school authorities as well as State and Union Territory Councils for Child Welfare The selection is made by a high-powered committee constituted by ICCW comprising representatives from the President’s and Vice-President’s secretariats, Ministries of Women and Child Development, Human Resource Development (Department of Education), Youth Affairs & Sports, Social Justice & Empowerment, Health & Family Welfare, Railways, Defence, Home Affairs, Information & Broadcasting, Rural Development, Labour as well as the Police Department, All India Radio, Doordarshan, organisations such as National Bal Bhavan, SOS Children’s Villages of India, R.K. Mission and experienced members of ICCW. The Awardees are invited to Delhi where the Prime Minister of India presents the awards on the eve of Republic Day. The children then take part in the Republic Day Parade. In 1987-88 ICCW instituted the Bharat Award for an exceptionally outstanding, meritorious and gallant deed. The other special awards include the Geeta Chopra and Sanjay Chopra awards (instituted by ICCW in 1978) and the Bapu Gaidhani Awards (instituted in 1988-89). The awardees receive a medal, certificate and cash. Eligible awardees are granted financial assistance until they complete their schooling. In addition, ICCW provides financial assistance under its Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme to those undertaking professional courses such as engineering and medicine. For the others, this assistance is provided till they complete their graduation. Since the inception of the scheme in 1957, the Indian Council for Child Welfare has given awards to 895 brave children. 634 boys and 261 girls. 4 Deed : On the afternoon of 1st February 2014, Resham Fatma was on her way to attend her coaching class. Her 38 year old maternal uncle Shri Riaz Ahmed, forced her into a car at knife-point. He threatened her with dire consequences if she declined his marriage proposal. When Resham did not give in to his demands, her Uncle pulled her by her hair towards him and started pouring acid on her head. Although she tried to defend herself for the next 15 minutes, her efforts proved futile. Gathering all her strength, Resham pushed him & jumped out of the car. Riaz chased her while she was running. An Auto-rickshaw that was passing by, stopped & Resham got into the auto. The auto-driver took her to the nearby Police Station. From there, she was taken to the hospital. Her head, face & thighs were affected by the acid attack. She also lost her hair on the right side of the head permanently. Resham displayed rare grit and determination in fearlessly fighting off her tormentor. dk;Z % 1 Qjojh 2014 dh nksigj] js”ke Qkrek viuh dksfpax d{kk ds fy, tk jgh FkhA mlds 38 o’khZ; ekek fj;kt vgen us pkdw dh ukasd ij mls tcju dkj esa /kdsykA mlds lkFk “kknh ds izLrko dks lgefr u nsus ij] js”ke dks rjg&rjg ls Mjk;k /kedk;k vkSj xaHkhj ifj.kke Hkqxrus dh psrkouh nhA tc js”ke us gkj ugha ekuh] rc mlds ekek us mlds cky idM+dj viuh rjQ [khapk vkSj mlds flj ij rstkc Mkyuk “kq: dj fn;kA ;|fi og [kqn dks cpkus ds fy, iUnzg feuV rd yM+rh jgh] ij mlds iz;Ru foQy jgsA lkgl cVksjrs gq, js”ke us mls /kDdk fn;k vkSj dkj ls dwn x;hA fj;kt us mldk ihNk fd;kA rHkh ,d vkWVks tks ogk¡ ls xqtj jgk Fkk] :dk vkSj js”ke vkVks esa cSB x;hA vkWVks pkyd us mls lehih iqfyl LVs”ku igq¡pk;k tgk¡ ls mls rqjUr vLirky ys tk;k x;kA ,flM vVSd ls mldk flj] gkFk] psgjk vkSj cky cqjh rjg izHkkfor gq,A js”ke us fuHkhZdrk ls vius geykoj dk lkeuk dj vn~Hkqr lkgl vkSj n`<rk+ dk ifjp; fn;kA 5 Geeta Chopra Award Sanjay Chopra Award Gunjan Sharma xqatu “kekZ Devesh Kumar nsos”k dqekj Assam 13 years 9 months Uttar Pradesh 16 years 10 months Deed : The incident occurred in Simaluguri town of Sivasagar district. On the afternoon of 4 December 2013, an armed miscreant suddenly came out of a hotel, holding two pistols in his hands & fired two rounds in the air to scare away the people. At gun-point, he hijacked a van carrying 11 school children. The miscreant forced the driver to turn the vehicle & proceed towards Mathurapur. All the students were crying. Gunjan Sharma, the oldest amongst them, volunteered to be taken hostage provided the other children be let off. Suddenly the school van fell in a ditch near the border at Santak. Leaving the van driver & 10 children there, the miscreant forcefully took Gunjan as hostage & escaped into the dense forests towards the neighbouring State. At around 3.45 a.m, he abandoned Gunjan in the forest & fled. Gunjan walked for an hour & reached a hut. The resident of the hut immediately informed the police and Gunjan was recovered. Deed : On the morning of 15 May 2014, Devesh Kumar had gone to drop his father at his school. As soon as he reached there and stopped his bike, he heard the Principal of the girls' school shouting for help. His father told him to go and help the Principal. Immediately he went to her rescue. On being informed by her that thieves had snatched her gold chain, Devesh chased the miscreants & confronted them. As Devesh kicked the bike-rider, the latter instructed his accomplice to shoot him. The pillion rider shot Devesh in the waist and both of them fled. The passersby took Devesh to the hospital where he underwent an operation. Gunjan Sharma displayed dauntless valour and sense of duty in saving her school students from the clutches of the abductor. dk;Z % 15 ebZ 2014 dh lqcg] nsos”k dqekj vius firk dks muds Ldwy NksM+us ds fy, x;k FkkA tSls gh ogk¡ igq¡pdj mlus viuh ckbd jksdh] mls dU;k fo|ky; dh iz/kkuk/;kfidk ds fpYykus dh vkokt lqukbZ nhA mlds firk us mls tkdj mudh enn djus dks dgkA “kh?kz gh og muds cpko ds fy, igq¡pkA mUgksaus pksjksa }kjk viuh lksus dh psu [khaps tkus dh ckr crk;h] ftls lqurs gh nsos”k us cnek”kksa dk ihNk fd;k vkSj mudk lkeuk djus yxkA tSls gh nsos”k us ckbd ij vkxs cSBs cnek”k dks ykr ekjh] mlus vius lkFkh dks mls xksyh ekjus ds fy, dgkA rHkh ihNs cSBs cnek”k us nsos”k dh dej esa xksyh ekj nh vkSj nksuksa Hkkx [kM+s gq,A jkgxhjksa ds }kjk nsos”k dks vLirky ys tk;k x;k tgk¡ mldk vkWijs”ku fd;k x;kA dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk flolkxj ftys ds fleyqxqM+h dLcs esa ?kVhA 4 fnlEcj 2013 dh nksigj] ,d gksVy ls vpkud ,d cnek”k nksuksa gkFkksa esa canwd fy, ckgj fudyk vkSj yksxksa dks Mjkus ds fy, gok esa nks xksfy;k¡ pyk nhA canwd dh uksad ij mlus ,d Ldwy dh oSu dks vxok dj fy;k] ftlesa 11 cPps lokj FksA vigj.kdrkZ us pkyd dks xkM+h ?kqekdj eFkqjkiqj dh rjQ tkus ds fy, ckf/kr fd;kA lHkh Nk=ksa dks jksrs ns[k] xqatu “kekZ] tks mu cPPkksa esa lcls cM+h Fkh] us vigj.kdrkZ ls fuosnu fd;k fd og mls ca/kd cuk ys exj ckdh cPpksa dks NksM+ nsA rHkh vpkud lkard ckMZj ds ikl oSu ,d x<~<s esa fxj x;hA oSu pkyd vkSj nl cPpksa dks ogha NksM+dj] tcju xqatu dks ca/kh cukdj] vigj.kdrkZ ?kus taxyksa ls gksrk gqvk iM+kSlh jkT; esa pyk x;kA lqcg ds djhc ikSus pkj cts mlus xqatu dks taxy esa NksM+k vkSj Lo;a Hkkx [kM+k gqvkA ,d ?kaVk iSny pyus ds i”pkr xqatu ,d >ksiM+h rd igq¡phA ftlesa jgus okys O;fDr us rqjUr iqfyl dks lwfpr fd;k vkSj xqatu dks <wa< fy;k x;kA Devesh Kumar set an example for many children with his courageous and gallant act. nsos”k dqekj vius lkgfld ,oa ohjrkiw.kZ d`R; ls dbZ cPpksa ds le{k ,d mnkgj.k cu x;kA xqatu “kekZ us vius lkFkh Nk=ksa dks vigj.kdrkZ ds paxqy ls cpkdj vfMx lkgl ,oa dÙkZO;ijk;.krk dk ifjp; fn;kA 6 7 Bapu Gaidhani Award Bapu Gaidhani Award Rumoh Meto :eks ehrks Riya Chaudhary fj;k pkS/kjh Arunachal Pradesh 13 years 6 months Uttar Pradesh 15 years 4 months Posthumous ej.kksijkUr th Deed : The incident occurred on 8 November, 2013 when the transmission lines of the Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Scheme of Hunli had been electrically charged for inspection by the Regional Quality Monitoring Team, Guwahati. Rumoh Meto was helping his parents in the fields when he noticed 32 year old Milu Mega stuck to a 33 KV high voltage line. Hearing his cries, Rumoh jumped upon the victim to get rid of the live wire but was thrown off by the electric current. Determined to save his life, Rumoh once again pushed him forcefully & succeeded in the second attempt. In the process, both of them were violently thrown away by the raging current. An unconscious Milu Mega was rushed to the hospital. The high voltage current had resulted in serious wounds & burns all over his body. Rumoh Meto saved a precious life with his valorous act. dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk 8 uoEcj] 2013 dks gquyh esa ?kVhA i;Zos{k.k ny] xksgkVh ds }kjk jktho xka/kh fo|qrhdj.k ;kstuk dk fujh{k.k fd, tkus gsrw]fo|qr lapj.k ykbuksa esa fo|qr izokg fd;k gqvk FkkA :eks ehrks [ksr esa vius ekrk&firk dh enn dj jgk Fkk fd mlus 32 o’khZ; ehyw esxk dks ,d 33 fdyks okV “kfDr okyh fo|qr rkj esa fpidk ik;kA mldh ph[ksa lqudj] :eks mlds Åij dwn iM+k rkfd mls uXu rkj ls NqM+k lds] ijUrq og Lo;a Hkh >Vds ls nwj tk fxjkA mldk thou cpkus dk n`<+ fu”p; dj] :eks us ,d ckj fQj iwjh “kfDr ls mls /kDdk fn;k vkSj nwljs iz;Ru esa og lQy gks x;kA fo|qr izokg bruk rhoz Fkk fd mlds >Vds ls og nksuksa nwj tkdj fxjsA vpsr ehyw esxk dks vLirky ys tk;k x;kA vR;ar rst fo|qr /kkjk ds laidZ esa vkus ds dkj.k mldk iwjk “kjhj xaHkhj :i ls ?kk;y gks x;kA Deed : On 10 March 2014, Riya Chaudhary was preparing for her exam. Her younger brother had gone to school and her parents were busy in their daily chores. Suddenly Riya heard some commotion from outside. Once there, she saw her parents & uncle surrounded by some miscreants. Riya was stunned to notice dangerous weapons in their hands. All of a sudden, they started firing. Seeing them targetting her father, she rushed ahead & stood in front of him. The bullet that was aimed at her father, hit her in the chest. Undeterred Riya continued to shield her father. Meanwhile Riya's mother was also shot at twice by the miscreants.Seeing this, she fell down at the scene of crime. Riya Chaudhary displayed heroic courage and sacrificed her life to save her father. dk;Z % 10 ekpZ 2014 dks fj;k pkS/kjh viuh ijh{kk dh rS;kjh dj jgh FkhA mldk NksVk HkkbZ Ldwy x;k gqvk Fkk vkSj mlds ekrk&firk vius nSfud dk;ksZa esa O;Lr FksA rHkh vpkud fj;k dks ckgj ls dqN “kksj lqukbZ fn;kA ogk¡ tkdj mlus ns[kk fd mlds ekrk&firk vkSj rkÅ th dks dqN cnek”kksa us ?ksj j[kk FkkA mu yksxksa ds gkFkksa esa [krjukd gfFk;kj ns[kdj fj;k nax jg x;hA vpkud mu yksxksa us Qk;fjax “kq: dj nhA mlds firk dks fu”kkuk cuk, tkrs ns[k] og nkSM+dj muds vkxs vM+ xbZA tks xksyh mlds firk ij pykbZ xbZ Fkh] og mlds lhus esa yx xbZA brus ij Hkh fj;k fopfyr gq, cxSj] vius firk dks cpkus ds fy, muds vkxs vM+h jghA blh nkSjku cnek”kksa }kjk pyk;h x;h nks xksfy;k¡ fj;k dh ek¡ dks yx xbZaA ;g ns[kdj fj;k ekSds ij gh fxj iM+hA fj;k pkS/kjh us vn~Hkqr lkgl dk ifjp; nsrs gq, vius firk dk thou cpkus ds fy, vius izk.kksa dh vkgwfr ns nhA :eks ehrks us vius ijkØe ls ,d cgqewY; thou cpk fy;kA 8 9 Bapu Gaidhani Award Monika alias Manisha eksfudk mQZ euh’kk Zeal Jitendra Marathe t+hy ftrsUnz ejkBs Uttarakhand 16 years Gujarat 13 years 11 months Posthumous ej.kksijkUr Deed : The incident occurred in Kaleshwar village of district Chamoli. On the afternoon of 15 June 2014, Monika was washing clothes at the bank of Alaknanda river with her two younger sisters. Suddenly, 10 year old Sahil, a neighbour, slipped in 7-8 feet deep water & started drowning. Seeing this, Monika without caring for her own life, immediately jumped into the river. Catching hold of Sahil's hair, she brought him towards the river bank safely. As the river was in full spate, Monika could not save herself and drowned. Monika's valiant act and the fearless sacrifice of her life saved a child. dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk peksyh ftys ds dkys”oj xk¡o dh gSA 15 twu 2014 dh nksigj] eksfudk viuh nks NksVh cguksa ds lkFk vyduank unh ds fdukjs diM+s /kks jgh FkhA vpkud iM+kSl esa jgus okyk 10 o’khZ; lkfgy 7&8 QqV xgjs ikuh esa fQly x;k vkSj Mwcus yxkA ;g ns[krs gh] viuh tku dh ijokg fd, cxSj] eksfudk rqjar ikuh esa dwn iM+hA lkfgy ds cky idM+dj] mlus mls lqjf{kr unh ds fdukjs igq¡pk;kA pwafd unh vius iw.kZ osx esa Fkh] eksfudk [kqn dks ugha cpk ik;h vkSj Mwc x;hA eksfudk us lkgl vkSj fuMjrk ls ,d cPps dks cpkrs gq, vius izk.kksa dk cfynku fn;kA Deed : On 20th February 2014, a school picnic was organized for the students & their teachers at Caravan Resort near Shivrajpur. While returning in the evening, the driver of one of the buses lost control. As a result, the bus fell on the right side & was dragged for nearly 100 metres. With the impact, the students, who were sitting on the left side of the bus were thrown off from their seats. Everyone started screaming & shouting. As the bus went out of control, however, Zeal became alert. Noticing the broken window pane, she got out of the bus & then helped other injured students to get out. Several students & teachers suffered serious injuries. Using her teacher's mobile phone, Zeal informed police and the ambulance. She also stopped the passersby for help. Zeal kept on tapping the cheeks of the injured & talking to them to keep them conscious till the ambulance arrived. She, then, helped carrying the injured children to the ambulance. Zeal showing no fear saved several lives with her courageous act. dk;Z % 20 Qjojh 2014 dks] ,d Ldwy ds }kjk cPpksa rFkk muds VhplZ ds fy, dkjok¡ fjlkVZ] f”kojktiqj esa ,d fidfud dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k FkkA “kke dks okilh ds le;] cPpksa dh ,d cl] pkyd ds fu;a=.k ls ckgj gks x;hA ftlls cl nkabZ rjQ iyVdj] djhc 100 ehVj rd pyrh pyh x;hA bl >Vds ls cl dh ck¡;h vksj cSBs cPps viuh lhVksa ls mNy iM+sA lHkh ph[k&fpYyk jgs FksA exj tSls gh cl dkcw ls ckgj gqbZ Fkh] t+hy rqjUr lrdZ gks x;h FkhA f[kM+dh dk VwVk “kh”kk ns[kdj] og cl ls ckgj fudyh vkSj nwljs t[eh Nk=ksa dks Hkh ckgj fudyus esa enn dhA dbZ cPps vkSj VhplZ xaHkhj :i ls ?kk;y FksA viuh Vhpj ds eksckby ls t+hy us iqfyl vkSj ,Ecqysal dks Qksu fd;kA jkgxhjksa dks jksddj muls enn dh xqgkj dhA tc rd ,Ecqysal ugha vkbZ] ?kk;yksa dks gks”k esa j[kus ds fy,] t+hy muds xky FkiFkikrh jghA rRi”pkr ?kk;yksa dks ,Ecqysal rd igq¡pkus esa enn dhA t+hy us vius fuHkhZd ,oa lkgfld dk;Z ls dbZ thou cpk,A 10 11 Sahanesh. R lkgus”k- vkj Ashwini Bandu Ughade Karnataka 13 years 9 months Maharashtra 13 years 2 months th Deed : On the afternoon of 5 June 2014, some school students were returning home in their school bus. As the bus took a turn, a biker who was coming from the opposite side, tried to overtake a car. As the road was narrow, he failed in doing so and fell near the wheels of the school bus. In order to save him, the bus driver turned the bus to the left side but lost his control. The bus fell into the paddy fields beside the road. Trapped inside, the children started screaming & shouting. Breaking the front glass of the bus, Sahanesh pulled the students and the driver out of the bus. Sahanesh & his brother received some injuries in the accident. vf”ouh caMq m?kM+s Deed : The incident occurred in Mehenduri village of district Akole. On the morning of 9th June 2014, Ashwini and her younger sister Rohini went to the neighbouring farm in search of some food. After collecting mangoes, they were returning home. Rohini was at a distance of 2 metres from Ashwini when a leopard suddenly attacked her. Hearing her sister's cries, Ashwini turned behind and ran to rescue her. The leopard had caught Rohini's head in its jaws and her legs in its paws. Ashwini hit the leopard's head with the mangoes & thus pulled Rohini out from the leopard's jaw. The leopard fled towards the sugarcane field before the crowd gathered. The girls were then taken home & were given the necessary first aid. Sahanesh saved several lives with his resolute, courageous and timely act. Ashwini's extraordinary bravery saved her sister's life. dk;Z % 5 twu 2014 dh nksigj] dqN Nk= viuh Ldwy cl ls okil ykSV jgs FksA tSls gh cl eqM+h] lkeus ls vkrs gq, ckbd lokj us ,d dkj ls vkxs fudyus dk iz;kl fd;kA exj jkLrk ladjk gksus ds dkj.k og ,slk ugha dj ik;kA vkSj Ldwy cl ds ifg, ds ikl fxj iM+kA mls cpkus ds iz;kl esa pkyd us cl dks FkksM+k cka;h vksj ysus dh dksf”k”k dh exj og dkcw ugha dj ik;kA ftlls cl lM+d ds fdukjs [ksrksa esa fxj x;hA vanj Q¡ls gq, cPpksa us ph[kuk&fpYykuk “kq: dj fn;kA cl ds lkeus dk “kh”kk rksM+rs gq,] lkgus”k us lHkh Nk=ksa vkSj pkyd dks ckgj fudkykA bl nq?kZVuk esa lkgus”k o mlds HkkbZ dks PkksVsa vk;haA Lkkgus”k us vius fu”p;iw.kZ] lkgfld o lkef;d d`R; ls dbZ thou cpk fy,A dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk vdksys ftys ds esganqjh xk¡o dh gSA 9 twu 2014 dh lqcg] vf”ouh viuh NksVh cgu ds lkFk] ikl ds gh [ksr ls [kkus ds fy, dqN [kkstus xbZ FkhA ogk¡ ls dqN vke bdÎs djus ds i”pkr] os ?kj okfil ykSV jgh FkhaA] vf”ouh ls 2 ehVj dh nwjh ij Fkh tc vpkud ,d rsn¡q, us ml ij geyk dj fn;kA viuh cgu dh ph[ksa lqudj] vf”ouh ihNs eqM+h vkSj mls cpkus ds fy, nkSM+ iM+hA rsn¡q, us dk flj vius eq¡g esa vkSj mlds iSj vius iatks esa tdM+ j[ks FksA vf”ouh ds gkFk esa tks vke Fks] mUgha ls mlus rsnq¡, ij okj fd;k vkSj fdlh rjg viuh cgu dks mlds paxqy ls NqM+k;kA yksxksa ds ogk¡ bdÎk gksus ls igys gh rsn¡qvk xUus ds [ksr dh vksj Hkkx x;kA yM+fd;ksa dks ?kj ys tkdj izkFkfed mipkj fn;k x;kA vf”ouh ds vlk/kkj.k “kkS;Z ls mldh cgu dk thou cp x;kA L. Brainson Singh ,y- czsulu flag Ripa Das jhik nkl Manipur 10 years Tripura 7 years 7 months th Deed : On the morning of 20 May 2014, Shri Kishorjit had gone out while his wife was in the washroom. Their six year old son, Wayengamba, was playing in the courtyard. He was trying to make a long rope by connecting a piece of ordinary rope with a live wire let down from a loose connection on the wall when he got electrocuted. Seeing his brother lying on the floor, Brainson immediately rushed to the spot & tried to move him but he too felt the shock. Brainson kicked off the wire yet again which was lying beneath Wayengamba so violently that he fell down with a sprain on his leg & bruises on his cheeks. But he succeded in his effort. Deed : The incident occurred on the morning of 24th April 2014, when a major fire broke out in the tea stall in front of Ripa Das's house. Since the area was thickly populated with many houses all around, the fire started spreading within seconds. Ripa Das and her one year old brother Ishaan were resting in one room while their mother & grandmother were sleeping in the adjacent room. Hearing the noise, they woke up to notice the fire spreading rapidly. Both of them ran outside leaving the kids behind. Sensing the danger, Ripa held her brother tightly in her arms and came out of the flames safely. Three shops, two houses with seven rooms were burnt to ashes by the devastating fire. Brainson Singh saved the life of his younger brother with his fearless action. Ripa Das exhibited exceptional courage in saving her brother showing no fear for her own life. dk;Z % 20 ebZ 2014 dh lqcg] Jh fd”kksjthr ?kj ls ckgj Fks tcfd mudh iRuh Luku?kj esa FkhA mudk 6 o’khZ; iq=] ok;uxkack] ?kj ds vkaxu esa [ksy jgk FkkA fo|qr dk ,d rkj nhokj ls yVdk iM+k FkkA ml rkj dks ,d NksVh jLlh ls tksM+dj] og ,d yach jLlh cukus dk iz;Ru dj jgk Fkk fd og rkj ls fpid x;kA vius HkkbZ dks Q”kZ ij iM+k ns[k] czsulu rqjUr ml rjQ nkSM+k vkSj mls gVkus dh dksf”k”k djus yxkA exj mls Hkh rhoz >Vdk yxkA czsulu us ,d ckj fQj ok;uxkack ds uhps ncs rkj dks bruh tksj ls ykr ekjh fd mlds iSj esa eksp vk x;h o xkyksa esa t[e gks x, vkSj og uhps fxj x;kA ijUrq mldk iz;kl lQy jgkA dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk 24 vizSy 2014 dh lqcg ?kVh tc jhik nkl ds ?kj ds lkeus fLFkr pk; dh nqdku esa vpkud vkx yx xbZA ?kuh vkcknh okyk {ks= gksus ds dkj.k] {k.kHkj esa vkx pkjksa rjQ QSyus yxhA jhik nkl vius ,d o’khZ; HkkbZ b”kku ds lkFk ,d dejs esa vkjke dj jgh Fkh tcfd mldh ek¡ vkSj nknh cxy ds gh dejs esa lks jgs FksA “kksjxqy lqudj] tSls gh mudh vk¡[k [kqyh mUgksaus ns[kk fd vkx rsth ls QSy jgh FkhA cPpksa dks ogha NksM+] os nksuksa ckgj dh vksj nkSM+sA [krjs dks Hkk¡irs gq,] jhik us vius HkkbZ dks dldj idM+k vkSj vkx dh yiVksa ls lqjf{kr ckgj fudky yk;hA bl Hk;kud vkx esa rhu nqdkusa vkSj nks edkuksa ds lkr dejs tydj [kkd gks x,A czsulu us fuHkhZdrkiwoZd vius HkkbZ ds izk.kksa dh j{kk dhA jhik nkl us viuh tku dh ijokg fd, cxSj fuMjrk ls vius HkkbZ dks cpkdj vHkwriwoZ lkgl dk ifjp; fn;kA 14 15 Balram Dansena cyjke Mulsuk Hiral Jitubhai Halpati ghjy thrwHkkbZ gyifr Chhattisgarh 11 years 8 months Gujarat 17 years 8 months Deed : The incident occurred in the Sukhapali village of the district of Raigarh. On the th afternoon of 19 April 2014, Balram & his friends were swimming in a 15 feet deep pond. 8 year old Chandrakant was taking a bath at that time with his friends when suddenly he found himself stuck in the deep water. As he didn't know swimming, he started drowning. Seeing this, Jeevardhan swam towards the drowning child. As Chandrakant held his hand, the water being very deep, Jeevardhan felt himself unable to save him. He himself was drowning so he tried to free his hand from Chandrakant's grip and started shouting for help. Without wasting a single moment, Balram rushed to their help. Balram caught hold of the child and brought him above the water level where Jeevardhan & other friends helped them getting out of the pond. Balram's brave act thus saved the drowning child. dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk ftyk jk;x<+ ds lq[kkikyh xk¡o dh gSA 19 vizSy 2014 dh nksigj] cyjke vkSj mlds fe= ,d 15 QqV xgjs rkykc esa rSjkdh dj jgs FksA mlh le; ogk¡ 8 o’khZ; pUnzdkar vius fe=ksa ds lkFk Luku dj jgk Fkk fd vpkud og rkykc dh xgjkbZ dh vksj pyk x;kA pwafd mls rSjuk ugha vkrk Fkk] og Mwcus yxkA ;g ns[kdj tho/kZu Mwcrs gq, ckyd dh rjQ igq¡pkA T;ksagh pUnzdkar us mldk gkFk idM+k] ikuh vR;Ur xgjk gksus ds dkj.k] tho/kZu us Lo;a dks mls cpkus esa vleFkZ eglwl fd;kA og [kqn Hkh Mwcus okyh fLFkfr esa igq¡p x;kA blfy, pUnzdkar ls viuk gkFk NqM+kus dk iz;kl djrs gq, og enn ds fy, fpYykus yxkA fcuk le; xok¡,] cyjke mu nksuksa dh enn ds fy, igq¡pkA cPps dks idM+dj og mls ikuh dh lrg rd yk;k tgk¡ ij tho/kZu vkSj vU; lkfFk;ksa us mudh rkykc ls ckgj vkus esa enn dhA Deed : On 7th January 2014, Bhaveshbhai Rana had gone to Bhinar village with his wife to offer prayers. While returning, he stopped his bike on the Purna river bridge. His wife Manishaben was disposing off the holy waste into the river when her 4 month old child Uddhav accidentally slipped off her lap and fell into the river from a height of 30 feet. Both the parents started shouting for help. At that time, Hiral Jitubhai was returning home from school. Hearing their cries, he immediately jumped into the 10 feet deep water & brought the child safely to the river bank. Hiral's brave and spontaneous action saved the drowning infant. dk;Z % 7 tuojh 2014 dks] Jh Hkkos”kHkkbZ jkuk viuh iRuh ds lkFk iwtk ds fy, Hkhukj xk¡o x, gq, FksA okilh ds le; mUgksaus viuh ckbZd iwjuk unh ds iqy ij jksdhA mudh iRuh euh’kkcsu unh esa cph gqbZ iwtu lkexzh folftZr dj jgh Fkh fd vpkud mudh xksnh ls mudk pkj eghus dk cPpk fQlydj] 30 QqV dh Å¡pkbZ ls uhps unh esa fxj x;kA nksuksa ekrk&firk enn ds fy, fpYykus yxsA ml le; ghjy thrwHkkbZ vius Ldwy ls okfil ?kj ykSV jgk FkkA mudh ph[ksa lqudj] mlus rqjar 10 QqV xgjs ikuh esa Nyk¡x yxk nh vkSj cPps dks lqjf{kr unh ds fdukjs ys vk;kA ghjy us “kkS;ZiwoZd le; jgrs ,d Mwcrs gq, f”k”kq dh tku cpk;hA cyjke us vius lkgliw.kZ dk;Z ls Mwcrs gq, cPps dh tku cpk;hA 16 17 Rajdeep Das jktnhi nkl Anjith. P vaftr- ih Jharkhand 16 years 9 months Kerala 12 years 7 months th Deed : On the morning of 20 October 2013, some children had gone to a pond located some distance away from their village for Laxmi-visarjan. After the ritual, most of the children had left when Rajdeep Das was informed by a child that some girls were drowning in the pond. Rajdeep immediately jumped into the 8 feet deep pond and searched for the girls. He was exhausted by the entire process, however with great effort, he managed to bring all the girls out of the water. Rajdeep also gave the girls first-aid. Deed : On 15th December 2013, two boys Sanjay & Nashim aged 15 years & 13 years respectively, went for fishing to Kunduchira river. Ignoring the high tide, they swam to the centre of the river with a fish net hoping to get a good catch. However, they soon lost control in the flow. As that part of the river was extremely muddy, they were entrapped in the mud. Their efforts to escape proved futile. Hearing their cries, Anjith, who was playing nearby, rushed to the spot and jumped into the 15-20 feet deep river. An expert swimmer, he first dragged Nashim to the shore. Diving into the water, a second time, he found Sanjay stuck in the mud. Lifting him up, Anjith brought him safely to the shore too. Rajdeep saved three precious lives with his valiant & selfless act. dk;Z % 20 vDVwcj 2013 dh lqcg] dqN cPps vius xk¡o ls dqN nwj cus ,d rkykc ij y{eh foltZu ds fy, x, gq, FksA foltZu ds mijkar dkQh cPps okfil ykSV pqds Fks fd rHkh jktnhi nkl dks fdlh cPps }kjk dqN yM+fd;ksa ds rkykc esa Mwcus dh lwpuk nh x;hA jktnhi rqjUr gh 8 QqV xgjs rkykc esa dwn iM+k vkSj cfPp;ksa dks ryk”kus dk iz;kl djus yxkA bl lEiw.kZ izfØ;k esa og dkQh Fkd pqdk Fkk] fQj Hkh fujUrj iz;kl ls og mu yM+fd;ksa dks <w¡<dj ckgj fudkyus esa lQy jgkA jktnhi us mUgsa izkFkfed mipkj Hkh fn;kA jktnhi us vius lkgfld ,oa fuLokFkZ dk;Z ls rhu cgqewY; thou cpk,A Anjith's resolute courage saved two precious lives. dk;Z % 15 fnlacj 2013 dks] 15 o’khZ; lat; ,oa 13 o’khZ; ukf”ke eNyh idM+us ds fy, dqaMqphjk unh ij x,A unh ds mQku dks utjvankt djrs gq,] os nksuksa eNyh idM+us dk tkyk fy, unh ds chpkschp pys x,A exj] cgko esa os [kqn dks l¡Hkky ugha ik,A pwafd unh dk og fgLlk vR;Ur eVeSyk Fkk] os nksuksa ogk¡ /k¡lus yxsA cp fudyus ds muds iz;Ru foQy gks jgs FksA mudh ph[ksa lqudj] vaftr tks ikl gh esa [ksy jgk Fkk] ?kVukLFky dh vksj nkSM+k vkSj 15&20 QqV xgjs ikuh esa dwn iM+kA viuh dq”ky rSjkdh ls og igys ukf”ke dks unh ds Nksj rd yk;kA fQj og ikuh esa x;k rks lat; dks feV~Vh esa yFkiFk ik;kA mls Hkh mBkdj] vaftr lqjf{kr fdukjs rd ysdj vk;kA vaftr ds vfMx lkgl us nks cgqewY; thou cpk fy,A 18 19 Aqil Mohammad N. K. vfdy eksgEen ,u- ds- Midhun P. P. fe/kqu ih- ih- Kerala 9 years 6 months Kerala 14 years 2 months Deed : On 7th December 2013, 3 ½ years old Ashmil and his mother had gone to bathe in the Chaliyar river. While his mother was washing clothes, Ashmil slipped & fell into the 12 feet deep river. By the time his mother noticed this, he was moved 5 meters away by strong currents. As she didn't know swimming, she started screaming for help. Hearing her cries, Aqil Mohammad, who was playing nearby, rushed to the spot. Seeing Ashmil struggling for his life, he dived into the water & pushed the drowning boy towards the river bank saving his life. Aqil Mohammad's spontaneous act of courage saved a child. dk;Z % 7 fnlEcj 2013 dks] lk<+s rhu o’khZ; vf”ey vkSj mldh ek¡] Pkkfy;kj unh esa Luku djus ds fy, x, gq, FksA mldh ek¡ diM+s /kks jgh Fkh] mlh nkSjku vf”ey fQlydj 12 QqV xgjh unh esa fxj x;kA tc mldh ek¡ dh utj ml ij iM+h] og ikuh ds cgko esa 5 ehVj dh nwjh rd cg pqdk FkkA rSjkdh u tkuus ds dkj.k] og cscl enn ds fy, fpYykus yxhA mldh ph[ksa lqudj] vfdy eksgEen tks fd ikl gh [ksy jgk Fkk] nkSM+dj ?kVukLFky ij igq¡pkA vf”ey dks vius thou ds fy, la?k’kZ djrs ns[k] og rSjrk gq, ogk¡ igq¡pk vkSj Mwcrs gq, ckyd dks /kdsydj lqjf{kr unh ds fdukjs rd igq¡pk;kA Deed : On 12th January 2014, an 8 year old boy Sreehari was riding his bicycle when suddenly he slipped & fell into an unused well after hitting a stone near it. The children near the play ground began crying. Hearing the noise, Midhun reached there. He saw Sreehari trying hard to escape from the well. Immediately Midhun jumped into the 8 metres deep well & saved the drowning boy. Midhun saved Sreehari's life with his timely intervention and courageous act. dk;Z % 12 tuojh 2014 dks] ,d vkB o’khZ; ckyd Jhgfj lkbfdy pykrs gq, vpkud ,d dq¡, ds ikl iRFkj ls Vdjk;k vkSj dq¡, esa fxj iM+kA ikl gh ds eSnku esa [ksy jgs cPpksa us fpYykuk “kq: dj fn;kA “kksj lqudj] fe/kqu ogk¡ igq¡pk rks ns[kk fd Jhgfj dq¡, ls cpdj fudyus ds fy, dkQh iz;Ru dj jgk FkkA rqjar gh fe/kqu us vkB ehVj xgjs dq¡, esa Nyk¡x yxk nh vkSj Mwcrs gq, ckyd dks cpk fy;kA fe/kqu us vius lkef;d o lkgfld dk;Z ls Jhgfj dk thou cpk fy;kA vfdy eksgEen ds lkgfld d`R; ls ,d cPps dk thou cp x;kA 20 21 G. Tooldev Sharma th- rwynso “kekZ Stevenson Lawriniang LVhosulu ykfjfu;k¡x Manipur 9 years 4 months Meghalaya 14 years 6 months th Deed : On the afternoon of 15 August 2013, G. Tooldev Sharma was watching television with his parents. He went to the washroom near the bamboo fence of his courtyard where he noticed a 3 year old boy falling into the pond located 30 feet away from his house. Tooldev immediately rushed to rescue the little boy from the 6 feet deep pond. Catchinghold of his shirt's collar with one hand, Tooldev held onto a bamboo pole on the side of the pond. As he didn't know swimming, he shouted loudly for help. Both of them were then pulled out by his parents & neighbours. Deed : On 4th July 2013, Calvinstone and three of his friends were swimming in a pond. As Calvinstone did not know swimming, he soon started drowning. Frightened, the other friends cried out for help. Stevenson Lawriniang & his friend were coming back from school when they heard the cries. They immediately rushed to the spot. Taking his uniform off, Stevenson jumped into the 6-8 feet deep pond and brought the child safely out of the pond. Stevenson's valorous action saved a life. Tooldev displayed spontaneous courage in saving a precious life. dk;Z % 15 vxLr 2013 dh nksigj] th rwynso “kekZ vius ekrk&firk ds lkFk Vh-oh- ns[k jgk FkkA vius vkaxu esa cuh ck¡l dh nhokj ds lehi og “kkSp ds fy, x;k rks mlus ns[kk fd ,d 3 o’khZ; cPpk] mlds ?kj ls 30 QqV dh nwjh ij cus rkykc esa fxj jgk FkkA rqjar gh rwynso ml cPps dks cpkus ds fy, 6 QqV xgjs rkykc dh vksj HkkxkA ,d gkFk ls mldh deht dk dkWyj idM+rs gq,] nwljs gkFk ls mlus rkykc ds fdukjs cus ck¡l ds [kaHks dks idM+kA pwafd og rSjuk ugha tkurk Fkk] og enn ds fy, fpYykus yxkA mlds ekrk&firk o vU; iM+kSfl;ksa ds }kjk mu nksuksa dks rkykc ls ckgj fudkyk x;kA dk;Z % 4 tqykbZ 2013 dks] dsyfouLVksu vkSj mlds rhu fe= ,d rkykc esa rSjkdh dj jgs FksA Bhd ls rSjkdh u vkus ds dkj.k] dsyfouLVksu Mwcus yxkA ?kcjkdj mlds fe=ksa us enn ds fy, fpYykuk “kq: dj fn;kA LVhosulu ykfjfu;k¡x vkSj mlds fe= ml le; Ldwy ls okfil ykSV jgs Fks tc mUgksaus ph[kus dh vkokt lquhA rqjar gh os ?kVukLFky dh vksj HkkxsA vius Ldwy dh iks”kkd mrkjdj LVhosulu 6 ls 8 QqV xgjs rkykc esa dwn iM+k vkSj cPps dks lqjf{kr rkykc ls ckgj fudkydj ys vk;kA LVhosulu ds “kkS;ZiwoZd d`R; ls ,d thou cp x;kA rwynso us ,d cgqewY; thou cpkdj vlk/kkj.k lkgl dk ifjp; fn;kA 22 23 Mesak K. Remnalalnghaka esld ds- jseukyy³g~kdk Mizoram 14 years 7 months Mhonbeni Ezung eksucsuh btqax Nagaland 8 years 5 months Posthumous ej.kksijkUr Deed : On the afternoon of 28th November 2013 ,Mesak alongwith his friends had gone to the Tiau river 14 kms away from their village. Being aware of the deep whirlpool in the river and the fact that all of them didn't know swimming, Mesak asked his friends to stay away. Therefore, they were all sitting at the bank of the river. Suddenly a friend noticed 13 year old Lalhuthanga drowning in 5 metres deep water. Despite the fact that Mesak didn't know swimming, he instantly jumped into the river & tried to save his friend. Unfortunately both of them lost their lives. Mesak made the supreme sacrifice of his life in trying to save his friend. dk;Z % 28 uoEcj 2013 dh nksigj] esld vius fe=ksa ds lkFk] muds xk¡o ls 14 fdeh- nwj fLFkr frz;km unh ij x;k gqvk FkkA unh esa xgjk Hk¡oj Fkk vkSj mu lcdks rSjkdh ugha vkrh Fkh rks esld us mu lcdks ikuh ls nwj jgus ds fy, dgkA blfy, os lc unh ds fdukjs gh cSBs gq, FksA vpkud ,d fe= us] 13 o’khZ; yygqFk³k dks 5 ehVj xgjs ikuh esa Mwcrk ik;kA rSjkdh u tkurs gq, Hkh] esld vfoyEc unh esa dwn x;k vkSj vius fe= dks cpkus dk iz;kl djus yxkA nqHkkZX;o”k nksuksa dk gh thou var gks x;kA esld us vius fe= dk thou cpkus ds fy, vius izk.kksa dh ije vkgwfr ns nhA Deed : During the winter vacation, Mhonbeni had gone to stay with her grandmother at the latter's village. As the vacations were coming to an end, her grandmother decided to take her for an outing to Anunga river. Once there, they caught some fish & cooked their meal. Before having the lunch, her grandmother went to wash hands in the river. As her grandmother was washing her hands, her blood pressure suddenly shot up & she fell into the 5 ½ feet deep river. Seeing this, Mhonbeni shouted & ran to rescue her. She tried to pull the old lady out but because of her weight, Mhonbeni couldn't hold her & she fell again into the river. However, she persisted with her effort and at last succeeded in bringing her out. As her grandmother was not in a condition to go back to the village, Mhonbeni first gave her some food & then rushed to the village to get some help. She returned alongwith some villagers who took her grandmother to the hospital. Mhonbeni's courageous action saved her grandmother's life. dk;Z % lfnZ;ksa dh Nqêh ds nkSjku] eksucsuh viuh nknh ds lkFk jgus muds xk¡o x;h FkhA mldh Nqfê;k¡ [kRe gksus tk jgh Fkh] rks mldh nknh ek¡ us r; fd;k fd mls ?kqekus vuUxk unh ys tk,A ogk¡ igq¡pdj mUgksaus eNfy;k¡ idM+h vkSj viuk Hkkstu idk;kA [kkuk “kq: djus ls igys] mldh nknh gkFk /kksus ds fy, unh rd x;hA gkFk /kksrs le; vpkud mudk jDrpki c<+ x;k vkSj og lk<+s ik¡p QqV xgjh unh esa fxj xbZA ;g ns[k] eksucsuh fpYykbZ vkSj mUgsa cpkus ds fy, HkkxhA mlus o`+) efgyk dks ckgj fudkyus dh Hkjiwj dksf”k”k dh ijUrq muds otu ds dkj.k] eksucsuh mUgsa l¡Hkky ugha ikbZ vkSj og nqckjk unh esa fxj xbZA fQj Hkh eksucsuh iz;kljr jgh vkSj varr% mUgsa ckgj fudkyus esa lQy jghA mldh nknh okfil xk¡o tkus dh fLFkfr esa ugha Fkh] rks eksucsuh us igys mUgsa dqN f[kyk;k rRi”pkr enn ysus xk¡o dh vksj HkkxhA dqN xzkeh.kksa dks ysdj og okfil igq¡ph ftUgksaus mldh nknh dks vLirky igq¡pk;kA eksucsuh ds lkgliw.kZ d`R; ls mldh nknh dk thou cp x;kA 24 25 Labhanshu ykHkka”kq Gaurav Kumar Bharti xkSjo dqekj Hkkjrh Uttarakhand 15 years 8 months Uttar Pradesh 15 years 7 months Posthumous ej.kksijkUr th Deed : The incident occurred on the afternoon of 24 May 2014, when Labhanshu was practising wrestling near the banks of Ganga river in Rishikesh. A person entered in the river to drink water. Suddenly his leg slipped & he fell into the fast flowing river. His friend tried to save him but both of them started drowning. Noticing this, Labhanshu, at once, jumped into 40 feet deep river & brought both the boys out of the water safely. Deed : On the morning of 11th March 2014, Gaurav's friends Vikas & Deva were swimming in the Saryu river. Suddenly Vikas started drowning . Seeing this, Gaurav jumped into 30 feet deep water. He managed to bring Vikas to the river bank but he himself lost his balance and was caught in the deep whirlpool. Frightened, Deva started shouting for help. Hearing the cries, a boatman rushed to rescue Vikas. Gaurav lost his life in the incident. Labhanshu's heroic act saved two lives. Gaurav sacrificed his life in his valiant effort to save his friend. dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk 24 ebZ 2014 dh nksigj dh gS tc ykHkka”kq _f’kds”k esa xaxk unh ds fdukjs viuk dq”rh dk vH;kl dj jgk FkkA ,d O;fDr ikuh ihus ds fy, unh esa mrjkA vpkud mldk iSj fQlyk vkSj og unh ds cgko esa cg x;kA mlds fe= us mls cpkus dk iz;kl fd;k ijUrq og Hkh Mwcus yxkA ;g ns[krs gh] ykHkka”kq us rqjUr 40 QqV xgjh unh esa Nyk¡x yxk nh vkSj nksuksa yM+dksa dks lqjf{kr ikuh ls ckgj fudky yk;kA ykHkka”kq ds ohjrkiw.kZ dk;Z ls nks thou cp x,A dk;Z % 11 ekpZ 2014 dh lqcg] xkSjo ds fe= fodkl ,oa nsok lj;w unh esa Luku dj jgs FksA vpkud fodkl Mwcus yxkA ;g ns[krs gh] xkSjo us 30 QqV xgjs ikuh esa Nyk¡x yxk nhA fdlh izdkj og fodkl dks rks unh ds fdukjs rd ys vk;k ijarq mldk “kjhj vfu;af=r gks x;k vkSj og xgjs Hk¡oj esa Q¡l x;kA ?kcjkdj] nsok us enn ds fy, fpYykuk “kq: dj fn;kA mldh ph[ksa lqudj] ,d ukfod fodkl dks cpkus ds fy, igq¡pkA bl nq?kZVuk esa xkSjo dh e`R;q gks x;hA xkSjo us vius fe= dks cpkus ds lkgfld iz;kl esa Lo;a dk cfynku ns fn;kA 26 27 Selection Committee - 2014 Vishal Becharbhai Katosana fo”kky cspjHkkbZ dVksluk Gujarat 10 years 2 months Deed : The incident occurred on the afternoon of 14th Oct, 2013. Two 7 year old children, Divyaben & Yash had gone to bathe in a 15-20 feet deep pond. Vishal's grandmother who was washing clothes there noticed both of them drowning & started shouting for help. A person present there, tried to save them. Noticing the hands of the drowning children, Vishal Becharbhai, who had come there to hand over clothes to his grandmother for washing, immediately jumped into the pond. Making both the children hold on to his shoulders, Vishal brought them safely out of the water. Vishal's spontaneous and extraordinary courage saved two lives. dk;Z % ;g ?kVuk 14 vDVwcj 2013 dh nksigj dh gSA nks lkr o’khZ; cPps] fnO;kcsu ,oa ;”k] 15&20 QqV xgjs rkykc esa Luku djus x, FksA fo”kky dh nknh tks ogk¡ diM+s /kks jgh Fkh] mUgksaus nksuksa cPpksa dks Mwcrs ns[kk rks enn ds fy, fpYykus yxhA ogk¡ ij mifLFkr ,d O;fDr us] mUgsa cpkus dk iz;Ru fd;kA fo”kky cspjHkkbZ viuh nknh dks diM+s nsus ds fy, vk;k Fkk fd mls ikuh esa Mwcrs gq, cPpksa ds gkFk fn[kkbZ fn, vkSj og rqjUr rkykc esa dwn x;kA nksuksa cPpksa dks vius gkFkksa dk lgkjk nsdj] fo”kky mUgsa lqjf{kr ikuh ls ckgj ys vk;kA fo”kky us vnE; lkgl ls nks thou cpk fy,A 28 Representatives from : President of India’s Secretariat Vice-President of India’s Secretariat Ministry of Women & Child Development Ministry of Defence Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Railways Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Ministry of Labour Ministry of Rural Development Delhi Police Directorate General Doordarshan, Prasar Bharati All India Radio, Prasar Bharati Municipal Corporation of Delhi Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi Department of Women & Child Development, Govt. of NCT of Delhi Ramakrishna Mission SOS Children’s Villages of India National Bal Bhavan Office Bearers of ICCW 29 Children Honoured with National Bravery Awards 2014 Km. Resham Fatma Satyalok colony, Bagh No.2 Kanpur Road Lucknow-226023 Uttar Pradesh Km. Zeal Jitendra Marathe 501/5, Manubhai Tower(A) Opp. Faculty of Arts, (M.S.U.) Sayajigung,Vadodara-390005 Gujarat Km. Gunjan Sharma Near Aastha Hospital Masjid Road, Ward no. 17 Graham Bazar Dibrugarh-786001 Assam Master Sahanesh.R Solur, Magadi Taluk Ramanagara District-562127 Karnataka Master Devesh Kumar Village + Post Nanamau Thana Kuraoli District Mainpuri Pin code-205265 Uttar Pradesh Master Rumoh Meto C/o Komini Meto Editor The Roing times PO/PS Roing Lower Dibang Valley District-792110 Arunachal Pradesh Late Km. Riya Chaudhary D/o Shri Suresh Pal Village & P.O. Mundhbhar P.S. Bhora Kalan Dist. Muzaffarnagar-251319 Uttar Pradesh Late Km. Monika @ Manisha D/o Shri Chandra Mohan Vill Kaleshwar P.O. Umatta Dist. Chamoli Uttarakhand Km. Ashwini Bandu Ughade At Mehenduri Post Rumbhodi Tal Akole,Dist. Ahmednagar Pin-422601 Maharashtra Master L. Brainson Singh Keishamthong Hodam Leirak Imphal-795001 Dist. Imphal West Manipur Km. Ripa Das Vill: Netaji Pally P.O. Belonia P.S. Belonia Dist. South Tripura Master Balram Dansena Village Sukhapali P.O. Bonda Th.Baramkela Dist. Raigarh Pin-496554 Chhattisgarh Master Hiral Jitubhai Halpati Moto Halpativas, Viraval Dist. Navsari-396445 Gujarat 30 Master Rajdeep Das At Barmasia PO-Kundahit Dist: Jamtara Pin code-815359 Jharkhand Late Master Mesak K.Remnalalnghaka S/o Shri Lalmuansanga (L) Thingsai Lunglei District Mizoram Pin-796581 Master Anjith P. S/o Shri Chandran Parayi Parayi House Moozhikkara (P.O.) Thalassery. Kannur District-67103 Kerala Ms. Mhonbeni Ezung Orchid Colony Wokha Nagalnd-797111 Master Aqil Mohammad N.K. Nenmanikkara (H) (Post) Pazhoor Mavoor (Via)673661 (Pin) Kozhikode Kerala Master Midhun P.P Chithira Mettadi P.O. Porora Pin-670702 Kannur Dt,. Kerala Master G. Tooldev Sharma Yaiskul Hiruhanba Leikai P.O. & P.S. Imphal District Imphal West-795001 Manipur Master Labhanshu 61/44/2, Chandreshwar Nagar Dayanand Ashram Marg Pehalwan Market Rishikesh-249201 Uttarakhand Late Master Gaurav Kumar Bharti S/o Shri Shambhu Nath Bharti Nandna Ward-East Ward No. 10 Paina Road Barhaj Bazar Dist.-Deoria-274601 Uttar Pradesh Master Vishal Becharbhai Katosana At-Madargadh Teh-Sayla Distt.-Surendranagar Gujarat (363430) Master Stevenson Lawriniang Pungsaniang P.O. Mairang West Khasi Hills District Pin-793120 Meghalaya 31
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