WRITTEN OUT The Scottish Press’ portrayal of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people S C O T L A N D www.stonewallscotland.org.uk WRITTEN OUT The Scottish Press’ portrayal of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people S C O T L A N D www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D Contents 5 Introduction by Calum Irving 6 Gay crime and wrongdoing 9 Gay makes the story 10 Gay and sex 11 Readers’ letters 12 Intros and lines 14 Not interested 15 Stereotypes reinforced 17 Political correctness gone mad 20 Reasons to be cheerful 23 Key findings 24 Conclusions & recommendations 25 Methodology www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D Introduction When working for lesbian and gay equality in Scotland, time and again you come across one problem: gay Scots do not want to talk to the press. People’s legitimate fear of being misrepresented prevents us from telling the story of gay Scotland. Why is this? And are we really so much worse off than the rest of Britain? This report aims to give us at least some of the answers. It aims to give an oversight of how lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues are reported and in some cases not reported. Covering a six month period, it shows the Scottish press still love anything ‘gay’. Different news values are still applied to gay and straight stories. Offensive stereotypes and language are still used and sexual orientation still equates simply to sex in the minds of many news editors. Whilst it’s not all bad, a considerable effort is required to make it clear to journalists and editors that gay is not fair game – and someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity shouldn’t ‘make’ a story of itself or justify vitriol. What the report tells us is that there is much that Stonewall Scotland could do to work with journalists and LGBT people to create a better balance of stories – to move coverage of gay stories from sensationalist to mainstream. I hope that it acts as a springboard to a fairer representation in the press for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Scots. Calum Irving Director, Stonewall Scotland www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 5 S C O T L A N D Gay crime and wrongdoing It quickly became clear during the period of A DEPUTY Headteacher has been forced to resign monitoring that gay people and gay issues often crop after downloading explicit gay porn onto his school up in stories of crime or wrongdoing. Although the computer. study did not look at how straight people are Married Allan Pollock quit his £45,000-a-year job at portrayed in these stories, it seems gay people are Charleston Academy, Inverness, after education featured in this context in a frequent, possibly chiefs found the X-rated material. disproportionate, way. The tabloids – and in particular the “red tops” – are the worst offenders. Here are some examples from the News of the World: But the News of the World can also reveal that dadof-two Pollock led a secret life – as a regular at a notorious gay pick-up spot nearby... Sources within the Highland Council were already concerned that he often visited the North Kessock “ picnic area – a mile from the school – which is known for seedy sex encounters. (“Head quits over gay porn shock”, 07/01/07) Soham murderer Ian Huntley has ended his obsession with Maxine Carr – and fallen in love with a GAY hairdresser. “ The monster, 33, spends hours every day in his jail cell with vile Dean Wood, who is serving life for a Its sister paper, the Sun, also covers similar stories: homosexual slaying. And he is showering his new boyfriend with gifts from an ARGOS catalogue! Guards have seen Wood, 29, holding Huntley's face “ in his hands and KISSING him on the lips. They share The son of a nurse hacked to death during Robert long SHOWERS together, and Wood was also spotted Mone and Thomas McCulloch's brutal Carstairs GROPING Huntley's groin when they were reading at a rampage told last night of his family's anger that the table. killers are being prepared for release. (“Huntley has a gay lover”, 17/06/07) Neil MacLellan, 46, was butchered with a homemade weapon when the gay lovers broke out of the IT'S a horror story that no parent would ever want to state hospital. read, but the reality is that gay priest Jeremiah (“Family's fury at free killer”, 13/07/07) McGrath WAS able to take his paedophile lover to a primary school. Scots gay serial killer DENNIS NILSEN won the right to (“Kids must be protected”, 17/06/07) receive hardcore pornography after arguing that a jail ban on it violated his human rights. Nilsen, who was jailed in 1983, insisted the ban violated his right to freedom of expression and the right to receive information. In particular Nilsen, who was jailed in 1983 for murdering six young men, said he should be able to receive explicit gay porn in prison. British prisoners had only been allowed to receive soft porn available on newsstands before the ruling. (26/01/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk “ 6 S C O T L A N D The Daily Record gives us: Many of these are major, newsworthy stories, regardless of the sexual orientation of the “ protagonists. But all too often it seems only the fact the person is gay turns a minor story into one worthy of publication. AN OBSESSED stalker followed an unsuspecting male jogger around for 10 years. It is also worth noting how often the stories focus on gay sex, making it out to be seedy. The capital letters David Leverett went to parks and nature reserves to in the first example leave us in no doubt about how watch the 37-year-old computer programmer. shocked we are supposed to be about Huntley's (“GAY STALKER'S 10-YR CRUSH; Jogger followed for a behaviour. The deputy headteacher is said to go to a decade”, 06/06/07) place "known for seedy sex encounters". In other cases, however, it seems some minor stories would never have made the papers at all if it were not for the gay element. Some readers must “ wonder “If they were straight, would it be in the papers?” While the Sunday Mail tells us: Take the following examples and note the wording of “ the headlines: AN ARMY corporal sexually attacked a sleeping teenage soldier in a base in Iraq, a military court was told. “ A BITTER feud between two groups of lesbian lovers Bisexual Gordon MacGlashan, 45, who passed sparked a terrifying road rage battle between two himself off as a padre, bought the 18-year-old Scot women drivers. Margaret Grant reacted furiously after spotting gay drink in a NAAFI in Basra. The Royal Regiment of Scotland private fell asleep on a bench and awoke to find MacGlashan had his hands down his trousers. love rival Sharon Spence in another car on the A9, a court heard yesterday. She veered across in front of Miss Spence's car The soldier told the court: “I pushed him away and before braking fiercely - causing her rival to slam on the brakes. shouted. I felt sick because I'm not gay.” (“PERVERT 'PADRE'; Corporal groped teen”, 15/04/07) Sheltered housing warden Grant, 39, accelerated and slowed several times to box Miss Spence in on the road. And the cars narrowly avoided colliding with each “ other as they drove at 60mph, the court was told. The Daily Express and the Daily Mail also feature The incident was sparked by a feud between two stories along similar lines. groups of lesbians who had swapped a number of about which criminals, often notorious ones, are gay or might be. In some cases, this is unavoidable and essential to the story, but in others it seems to be mentioned just for the sake of it. partners in the past, Perth Sheriff Court heard. (“Lesbo rage”, Sun, 13/04/07) “ Some newspapers still feel compelled to remind us www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 7 S C O T L A N D “ KILLER Darleen Zavaroni enjoyed a steamy kiss with a female pal as she waited to be sentenced. The 24-year-old was filmed in the lesbian clinch at New Year, days before she admitted stabbing 27-yearold lover Allan Osbourne. One pal revealed: ‘She said she and this girl had done a lot more than just kissing.’ (“Fiend's lesbian kiss with pal,” Sun, 17/07/07) A MAN attacked his partner after his parents disowned him for being gay, a court heard. David Richardson, 22, grabbed James Tiffoney by the throat and bit him on the lip in Bennets nightclub, Glasgow, in January 2003. (“Man attacked gay lover in club,” Evening Times, 11/04/07) A MAN was attacked moments after leaving a gay nightclub by a thug who had wanted to go home with him. Colin McCluckie was waiting for a taxi near to Bennetts in Glasgow city centre when George Alexander approached. (“Gay bar brush off sparked attack,” Evening Times, 09/03/07) “ 8 The papers are still disproportionately interested when gay people do bad things and will constantly remind readers of the sexual orientation of gay criminals, even if it is not relevant to the offence committed. Stories that would not otherwise make the paper appear because the protagonists are gay, and in the context of crime stories, gay sex is often portrayed as seedy and sordid. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D Gay makes the story It’s not just in crime where the gay element makes The Daily Record tells us: the story, and throughout the press it’s easy to find articles which without the gay element would never appear in print. Take this example from Glasgow's Evening Times: “ TWO lesbians have achieved their dreams of becoming mums - thanks to a gay drag queen they “ met in a nightclub. Trainee lorry driver Stephanie Burns, 23, became Now Stuart admits he loves to dance. But he hadn't pregnant first after asking pal Joanne Bartle, 40, to banked on being propositioned by the male chief of help her find a sperm donor. They were introduced to female impersonator Ryan police. ‘When I told his friend I wasn't gay it caused a real Egeley, 21, who was desperate to become a dad. Stephanie said she was overjoyed when she found stink,’ says Stuart. ‘I was threatened and had to leave. It was a very she was going to have baby Elijah Jo, now 13 months scary moment.’ old. She said: ‘It was the best feeling in the world.’ (“Soap actor Stuart found his life in danger on his (18/07/07) “ “ travels...” 11/06/07) Again, it is unlikely this would be considered a story if Would this even have been mentioned if he had been the three involved were straight – but it is worth propositioned by a woman? noting that the tone of the piece is positive. It is clear that different news values are applied to gay and straight stories – stories that would not otherwise appear make the paper because the protagonists are gay. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 9 10 S C O T L A N D Gay and sex Newspaper coverage can often reinforce the view that Life in Weatherfield is far from gay for young Ryan as sexual orientation is all about sex. It is rare to read a he goes to Sonny's in order to get to the, er, bottom story about gay issues in an everyday context. of his break-up with Michelle. Unfortunately, when he Instead, gay people are much more likely to feature in gets there he actually finds out... the papers in the context of sexual health statistics, (Coronation Street review, Scotland on Sunday, or of gay education in schools purportedly 04/03/07) “corrupting” our youngsters. As far as many newspapers are concerned, gay people do not go GAY campaigners last night urged tourists to boycott home, put their slippers on and snuggle up next to the Orkneys in protest at a ban on a homosexual their long-term partner. wedding. (Sun, 08/01/07,had the headline, "We won’t take it up the isles".) us: “ “ Richard Littlejohn in the Daily Mail (25/05/07) tells Youngsters are also being treated to a puppet show The News of the World, on the other hand, is less starring two male Cinderellas. It's part of a £600,000 subtle: project aimed at 'familiarising' children with gay and lesbian relationships. I don't have a problem with talking about homosexuality in schools. But not primary schools, for “ heaven's sake. This is robbing young children of their A FURIOUS mum has taken her 13-year-old daughter innocence. out of school where she was made to read aloud from an Aids leaflet detailing unnatural sex acts. “ The use, or misuse, of language and jokes also help to “ (“Fury at girl's gay sex class”, 08/07/07) further this link between "gay" and "sex". Jokes alluding to anal sex are a particular favourite. For For many papers, it seems, gay=sex, and “unnatural” example: sex at that. “ At this point we really needed someone who could ram a firecracker up the collective rectum of the gathering thousands, so thank the Lord of the Dance for Scissor Sisters, who were my highlight of the weekend. (T In the Park review, Scotsman, 10/07/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D Readers’ letters Readers' letters were a surprising source of vitriol. The tone of the opinion pages can occasionally match Statements of remarkable homophobia and ignorance the postbag. One Daily Record commentator says: were contained in letters pages. “ “ I OBVIOUSLY lit the pink touch paper last week with HAVE any of our Lords and MPs with more than one my reference to those with unnatural sexual brain cell thought how easy it would be for predilections. paedophiles with no known history to say they are Yes, I'm getting fed up using the word "gay" out of gay and want to adopt a child? The result will be politeness. But I didn't see much politeness in my mail terrible, if not tragic. This is bound to happen. And bag or emails last week. any child brought up in a gay environment will have (Bob Shields, Comment piece, 20/03/07) experiment not interfere with their human right to an upbringing with no hidden agenda? “ no choice but to copy gay ways. Does this new social (Daily Express, 01/02/07) Also note the assumed link between paedophilia and homosexuality. Papers seem to be prepared to print letters containing a level of homophobic abuse which would not be I have no problem with homosexuality, having a gay accepted if it were racist. family member, whom I consider a perfectly normal human being.... (Daily Express, 27/03/07) Although this is a seemingly positive statement, the implication is that somebody might reasonably consider gay people not to be "normal". BRIAN Souter is one of 90 per cent of the Scottish people who are against the promotion of homosexual practices as an acceptable way of life. (Daily Express, 23/03/07) No reference was given for the statistic. GAYS should never be allowed to adopt children. They could never be the same as a proper mother and father. (Daily Record, 30/01/07) Over the past few years, millions in National Lottery funds have been squandered on inane projects such as aiding rodent farmers in South America, gay bars in Fife and extremely left-wing organisations. “ (Daily Mail, 20/07/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 11 S C O T L A N D Intros and lines One problem facing gay equality campaigners is that THE Catholic Church in Scotland last night furiously their voice or standpoint does not appear to be as accused ministers of creating a "thought crime" after newsworthy as those with a more conservative view. Tony Blair refused to exempt Catholic adoption This is naturally dictated by news values - a senior agencies from gay equality laws. church figure slamming the latest changes to the law (Scotsman, 30/01/07) is always a "better" line than people welcoming such a move. Church leaders, in particular, have a significant CATHOLIC adoption agencies will defy new antidiscrimination laws, the Church warned last night, as amount of space devoted to their views. This is the row over allowing gay couples to adopt particularly true in broadsheets or one-time threatened to divide religion and politics. broadsheets, such as the Press and Journal or the (Scotsman, 26/01/07) Scotsman. Take these examples of intros from the Scotsman or Scotland on Sunday: SCOTTISH ministers were accused of discrimination yesterday for asking Westminster to permit Catholic “ adoption agencies to turn away gay couples. (Scotsman, 25/01/07) THE Catholic Church in Scotland is threatening to take ADOPTION rights for gay couples in Scotland are legal action to block new anti-discrimination laws it under threat if new discrimination laws are blocked by claims will force faith-based adoption agencies to Ruth Kelly, the communities minister in England. close down. (Scotsman, 22/01/07) (Scotsman, 26/02/07) THE Catholic Church is to go to war over new CARDINAL Keith O'Brien said the government's legislation on rights for homosexuals, vowing to decision to compel Catholic adoption agencies to create "gay rights martyrs" if the laws are passed. place children with same-sex couples was evidence of (Scotland on Sunday, 28/01/07) a "deeply hedonistic society", where ancient morals were being replaced by "issues of life-style and choice". (Scotsman, 07/02/07) THE Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland has backed the Catholic Church in its war of words with the government over Tony Blair's decision to push ahead with controversial gay equality laws. (Scotsman, 31/10/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk “ 12 S C O T L A N D The Press and Journal can do the same: “ Holyrood was yesterday accused of undermining the traditional family by a Christian political party which launched its election campaign yesterday. (11/04/07) A Highland anti-gay crusader is to contest next month's Holyrood election for the Scottish Christian Party. (02/04/07) A SENIOR member of the Catholic Church in Scotland yesterday criticised the Labour Party and said he will not be voting for them at May's Holyrood election. “ (12/03/07) There are other examples of this in the Sun, the Edinburgh Evening News and the Sunday Mail. These papers will often include positive stories on gay issues too, but it is worth noting that in the interest of a "good" news line, prominence is often given to those with conservative views, or who come from a religious standpoint. This can get in the way of conveying the views of gay equality campaigners, who may end up at the foot of the story, if at all. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 13 14 S C O T L A N D Not interested Some papers do not seem very interested in covering gay issues at all. For example, the word "gay" only featured 58 times in the Press and Journal in the eight month period monitored, compared with over 600 mentions in other papers. Gay issues were also notably absent from Glasgow's Evening Times. Gay references would inevitably crop up in film or book reviews, and there would be brief news references, but any major treatment of issues central to gay life was absent. This contrasted notably with the Edinburgh Evening News' approach. It did not shy from news of Pride events, or features on the Gay Police Association, for example, and approached these in a positive way. In most publications, lesbian issues are given very little prominence. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D Stereotypes reinforced Some newspapers seem to portray a very one- EDUKASHUN News: February is Lesbian, Gay, dimensional view of gay life, where gay stereotypes Bisexual, Transgender History Month in which skools are reinforced. This is particularly obvious in the case will spend hours teaching this fascinating subject in of gay men, who are often depicted as highly camp or order to "counter the misinformation and prejudice harmless figures of fun. that fosters homophobic bullying" blah, blah. It is, This is largely done in two ways - language and inevitably, sponsored by the Executive. I pop into our context. Words like "mincing" and "prancing" are still local skool to ask them who William Wallace was. used regularly. Furthermore, some newspapers will Blank faces. Robert Burns? Dunno. Sir Winston latch on to stories about a gay person acting in a way Churchill? Eh? Aonghas the Mincing Cleric? All the which confirms a particular stereotype. The recent brats' hands go up! Hamilton court case of a gay hairdresser who was hit (26/01/07) with an ASBO (anti-social behavioural order) for playing Tammy Wynette's “Stand By Your Man” is a I WAS devastated to learn that Sir Peter Maxwell good example. A number of newspapers picked up on Davies has dropped his plan for a gay union in Orkney the story and followed it right the way through. due to some incomprehensible row over which The Daily Express is worthy of note for the way it registrar performs the ceremony. I was so looking latched on to camp stereotypes. These largely forward to a knees up (no juvenile puns, please) on featured in the Hickey diary column: Sanday. When Mrs H and I forged our own union all those years ago, I do not recall us being bothered who it happens, I suspected of wearing eye shadow. (12/01/07) “ “ officiated. In the event, it was Bishop Milburn who, as In the same vein as smuggling exploding cigars to Fidel Castro, Yank boffins came up with an even more outlandish secret weapon. According to recently released information passed on to me by cousin Hiram J Hickey Jr, the plan later abandoned was to This news story is along similar lines: spray a chemical over enemy troops, the effect of which would be to turn them into a regiment of prancing gay persons "Left, Right... Quick Mince", I suppose. I tell Hiram that we have a device which “ appears to have a similar effect on a large number of A COMPANY director who used his boss's money to people gathered in the same place. We call it the fund a lifestyle said to rival that of Posh and Becks Edinburgh Festival. was jailed for five years and three months yesterday... (14/06/07) One former colleague recalled ‘He loved Beyonce and even pranced about like her in the office. If he did not STRATHCLYDE Diversity 'n' Fire 'n' Rescue bosses may have a wife and child you would swear he was gay. In be interested to learn that next Sunday there is to be fact, a lot of the lads had a laugh when they found out a "Gay Pride in Latvia, Standing Up To Homophobia in he had spent £15,000 on women's lingerie. They Eastern Europe" event in Riga to which "activists" could imagine him wearing it.’ from Scotland are going. Maybe they should send (“Prison for cheat who used boss's credit cards”, Daily their pink-painted fire engine to show the force's Express, 21/03/07) (28/05/07) “ solidarity. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 15 S C O T L A N D While these are probably intended in a spirit of light A TAYSIDE cop is about to join Scotland's strangest heartedness, it is clear that camp stereotypes of gay club... the laydees. men would be reinforced in the mind of the reader. The Scottish Sun revealed yesterday, below right, The examples also undermine efforts to combat how the 48-year-old bobby will be getting a new ID. homophobia in Scottish society. He will wear a full female uniform and don a ginger Transgender issues are still very much seen by tabloids as a source of “fun”, and the coverage is even more prurient than on gay issues. The papers also seem to show absolutely no compunction when wig. But what sort of inner torment drives blokes to dress up like birds? Professor Vince Egan is one of the country's top is comes to “outing” transpeople and do so even experts on the subject. He teaches forensic more readily than they out gay, lesbian and bisexual psychology at Glasgow's Caledonian University with a people. Take these two examples from the Sun: specialist interest in sexual dysfunction. ("Frocky horror show", 24/01/07) “ EIGHT o'clock on Wednesday and an army of Unlike the Sun, we have deleted names to protect the subject’s privacy. Journalists seem largely unaware of the consequences of publicising someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity without their consent. “ 16 frighteningly ugly women are pouring into a boozer called Prism for bingo night. Or at least from a distance they LOOK like women.But then you see the poster on the door. And you realise that this isn't just any bingo night. It's Drag Queen bingo night. This example also highlights how the tone of reporting can detract from quite serious discussion. Although Now, I can't pretend that my devotion to this the professor’s commentary goes on to be quite column is such that I wiggled along to see how it thoughtful, references to Little Britain characters and went. Not when I got there and saw someone going in the term “sexual dysfunction” undermine his careful with the same frock. analysis. However, my sources tell me it went a little bit like: Many papers still rely on stereotypes when they "Two fat ladyboys... 88. Unlucky for some ... report on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender unprotected sex. Five and two... Danny La Rue." issues, and words like “mincing” and “prancing” are And someone shouted: "Really nicely-decorated still in the tabloid vocabulary. Although this might be house!" meant as light-hearted, it reinforces stereotypes in It was all part of Gay Pride Week right across British Columbia, an annual event that draws in tens of thousands from all over Canada and the States. (Bill Leckie column, 06/07/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk the readers’ minds. S C O T L A N D Political correctness gone mad The phrase “political correctness gone mad” is a SPECIAL courts dealing with discrimination cases favourite of the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday, involving homosexuals and other minorities are set to and is catching on with other tabloids to a lesser be created in Scotland. extent. Under the contentious scheme, selected sheriff These newspapers rejoice in suggesting that work courts would become centres for equality issues, with to further the cause of gay equality merely sheriffs and justice officials receiving special training. demonstrates how a “politically correct mafia” is They would deal with alleged discrimination involving taking over. the supply of goods and services. Workplace disputes Take these examples from the Daily Mail: would fall outwith their remit. Ministers yesterday announced that the move was “ in direct response to controversial equality laws approved earlier this year... And the NHS would be allowed to open special PLANS to squander £1million of taxpayers money on facilities for gays and lesbians and ethnic minority employing 20 diversity officers in the NHS to ensure groups to target illness and disease prevalent among homosexuals, immigrants and other minorities are them. not discriminated against have provoked widespread (13/06/07) public outrage. This comes as new figures have revealed that one in five patients contracts life- VIOLENT thugs will receive harsher sentences for threatening superbugs in the worst of Scotland’s assaults on gay people than for those on infection-ridden hospitals. All NHS resources should be directed towards heterosexuals under plans unveiled by the SNP. Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has promised to ensuring hospitals are clean and safe. More than introduce legislation that will see assaults on 1,000 Scots a day are fighting hospital-acquired homosexuals become 'aggravated hate crimes'. infections. In the face of this crisis, it is appalling This means judges will have to hand out harsher £1million should be wasted on political correctness. punishments if gay, lesbian or bisexual people are The PC obsession is now literally killing people, since attacked because of their sexuality. lives could be saved if this money was diverted to making hospitals infection-free. The head of this Directorate of Equalities and Planning will be paid a salary of £52,000, with 20 But campaigners last night questioned why attacks on gays should be punished more severely than those on heterosexual victims. Mr MacAskill revealed on Wednesday that the more staff bringing the bill up to £1million to harass Scottish Executive wants offenders who would have hard-pressed hospital staff with PC nonsense. Even been jailed for six months or less to be given militant gay pressure group Stonewall Scotland community service instead. concedes there is no problem to be resolved. Under this plan, the new announcement could see (Opinion piece, 13/07/07) thugs who attack homosexuals jailed while those who It’s also worth noting that “militant gay pressure target heterosexuals go free. group Stonewall Scotland” said nothing of the sort (“Anger over plan to punish thugs more severely if and has been both quoted out of context and victim is gay,” 08/06/07) misquoted. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 17 S C O T L A N D THE scene is a burning office block. Flames lick Another tactic used by the Daily Mail is to lump gay around the windows and thick, black smoke billows people in with other "controversial" minorities, e.g.: through the corridors, engulfing staff searching frantically for a way out. Thank heaven the burly firefighter wearing breathing apparatus arrives when he does. 'Now,' says the firefighter to the pitiful forms he can “ TAXPAYERS have been forced to foot a staggering barely see through the blackness. 'Can I perhaps £15million bill for gays, gipsies and asylum seekers establish from the outset if any among you have since devolution. lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender requirements New figures show the true extent of the funding which I should take into account during the course of bonanza for organisations representing minority saving your lives? groups since the Scottish Parliament was created in 1999. 'You will appreciate that time is rather of the essence in a rescue operation so I can't promise to They highlight the relentless rise of the 'diversity' accommodate every single request, but I will certainly agenda that has seen millions of pounds of public do my best. Rest assured, every reasonable effort will cash poured into promoting equality for gays, be taken to preserve the dignity of your sexual transsexuals, travellers and immigrants. orientation.' It is possibly the most absurd assurance The sum is enough to hire 600 police officers or 700 a firefighter could dream of giving in an emergency teachers, and last night there was a backlash as situation. But, thanks to Scotland's ever-inventive ministers were accused of pampering minorities at diversity lobby, it already has a firm footing in reality. taxpayers' expense. (“Tyranny of the diversity police,” 10/03/07) (“Anger over Executive's £15m funding for gays and gipsies”, 05/03/07) “ “ 18 All of these articles suggest to the reader that political correctness has gone crazy. Note the clever tactics used to haul in the readers, such as suggesting that taxpayers' money is being squandered. Also note the scare tactics, such as in the second paragraph of the first example ("literally killing people".) The articles are peppered with words such as “contentious” or “controversial” – but often this is no more than the reporter’s assertion, and not backed up by the substance of the article. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D And articles parodying the so-called “PC agenda” can It adds: ‘LGBT people can and do have children, be found elsewhere: sexual orientation or gender identity has nothing to do with good parenting or good child care.’… The section concludes: ‘Individual circumstances lead “ to varied family structures and parenting arrangements. It is important to be aware of this. ... the Equalities conference at the Reichstag this When talking to children, consider using 'parents', month. The usual lot will be there: creepy politicians; 'carers' or 'guardians' rather than 'mother' or 'father'.’ Lesbian, Gay and Transgender Operatives; ethnic Iain Dale, an openly gay Tory commentator who runs groups; Wimmin; persons in those electric buggies; his own political blog, said: ‘It's political correctness Mr Jack with the inevitable crowds of ‘skoolkids’; gone mad. The money spent on this stupid book could mincing clerics, etc etc. have paid for an operation.’ (Hickey diary, Daily Express, 15/02/07) (“NHS: Don't say mum and dad, it offends gays,” Sun “ 19/02/07) “ In some cases, there seems to be a wilful misunderstanding of what gay campaigners are Papers use the phrase “political correctness gone calling for. Writers sometimes choose to look at a mad” and scare tactics to suggest a PC mafia is perceived "worst case scenario" of what could somehow undermining the fabric of society. Often emerge from new equality guidance, such as people these stories rely on worst case scenarios and what loosing their jobs if they fail to comply. The following seems like wilful misunderstanding for their material. is a relevant example: “ THE NHS should ban staff from saying 'mum and dad' and 'husband and wife' to avoid offending gays, a taxpayer-funded report urges. Instead it suggests they consider using phrases like ‘guardians’ or ‘carers’. Without the change, there is a risk that gay couples or their children will be alienated, the document concludes. Last night the advice was dismissed as ‘politically correct nonsense’. The document is called Fair For All – The Wider Challenge – Good Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Practice in the NHS. It says: ‘Using the terms 'husband', 'wife' and 'marriage' assumes opposite sex relationships only and will automatically exclude all LGB people. "Using the term 'partner' and 'they/them' to refer to the partner will avoid this problem. This is also inclusive of all heterosexual couples, regardless of their marital status.’ www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 19 S C O T L A N D Reasons to be cheerful However negative much of the press coverage of the The Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday also carry LGBT community may be, it is worth noting that there plenty of positive comment pieces: is some positive reporting out there and even the conservative newspapers show signs that entrenched homophobic attitudes are beginning to change. The Edinburgh Evening News had very few negative “ articles, included positive articles on events such as Today, with Elton John a national treasure, gay Pride within its general news coverage, and carries weddings commonplace in Scottish town halls and - gay events in its listings columns. For example: most remarkable of all - a gay leader of Glasgow City Council, Souter's £1m propaganda campaign seems a relic from a bygone age. Yet this is the man who, if “ the SNP seizes power next month, will have bankrolled the party of government. SNP ministers THIS reveller dressed as a nun was one of the many will have to make decisions on moral issues such as marchers sporting fancy dress who took to the streets adoption by gay couples, sex education and the fight at the annual Gay Scotia parade. against HIV/Aids. Will he who pays the piper call the Gay, bisexual and transgender communities walked tune? through the city centre in a major celebration of unity (Political comment, Kenny Farquharson, Scotland on and diversity. Sunday, 25/03/07) (“Revellers get back in habit at gay parade,” 25/06/07) “ 20 It also carries positive feature-length pieces on gay issues – for example, "At ease with faith and their sexuality" (15/06/07) about three people who felt challenged by their sexuality but grew to be comfortable with themselves; "When Policing seemed like another world" (20/04/07) piece on the Gay Police Association and how attitudes in the police are changing; and an opinion piece by the Director of Stonewall Scotland. The Herald and Sunday Herald seem much less afraid than other papers to address gay issues. Between them, they have this year carried features on gay stars such as Beth Ditto, Andy Bell, Colin and Justin, Alan Carr, Rhona Cameron and Sandi Toksvig. Their sexual orientation may be alluded to, but that is generally one small part of the interview and it is treated in a non-salacious way. Other features such as the Sunday Herald's unsensational treatment of the Glasgow drag scene (08/07/07), "25 Years of love and fear" (09/06/07) about the partner of Terrence Higgins, and numerous other pro-gay stories and comments add up to a pretty positive picture. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D I'VE been struggling with this, and I know it might be Scotsman news stories often start with a positive gay unpopular, but I have to be honest about what I rights stance: believe, because I think it's vitally important for our society. There is in our midst a group of people whose activities I find unacceptable. I have heard them argue that their actions are “ based on profound, sincere and even unchangeable THE Kirk is considering giving gay ministers in civil feelings. That, quite simply, they can't help what they partnerships the same pension rights as those with do because they were made that way. That they are wives. entitled to have their beliefs respected. That they are (26/05/07) entitled to be treated in the same way as everyone else. THE leader of a radical Christian community has Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I simply do not spoken out at the General Assembly in favour of believe that this group of people is entitled to be homosexuality and same-sex partnerships. treated as morally equivalent to those who hold other (23/05/07) beliefs and have other social practices..... In short, I do not feel that I should have to treat In 2000, just one third of Scots said they were members of the Roman Catholic Church in the same completely at ease with homosexuality. That figure way that I treat non-Catholics. I do not believe their has now risen to more than 60% following a series of unions, their traditions, their lives, have the same liberalising measures, including equal rights for gay worth, value or merit as those who do not profess the couples in areas such as adoption and the advent of same faith. I choose to focus on the vile acts of abuse civil partnerships. Only 6% of Scots are now committed by some Catholic priests, and to treat as "completely against" homosexuality compared with 20 per cent in 2000. clergy and many unmarried observant Catholics... (Sex survey, 11/02/07) “ abnormal the abstinence practised by all Catholic There, in black and white on the page, the overt sectarianism looks ugly and alien, a grotesque recall of days long gone and unlamented, and a grim echo of the football-terrace vitriol that still scars parts of modern Scotland. Even typing the previous paragraph The Evening Times manages to report some court feels uncomfortable - and I don't even mean it. cases or tribunals involving gay people in a factual, But if you substitute "homosexual" for "Catholic", it is balanced and unsensational way. also a fair sketch of the Catholic hierarchy's position The Press and Journal reports positively on Aberdeen's on government regulations that will enforce equal Pride event, and a police constable who was awarded treatment of all people, regardless of their sexual for her efforts with the Gay Police Association. It also practices. And it cannot be accepted in a liberal carries positive readers' letters and an article with society... comedian Craig Hill. “ (Comment, James Kirkup, Scotsman, 31/01/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 21 S C O T L A N D The Sun carries factual articles and will give voices to SIR Elton John has urged the public to stand up and gay rights campaigners, such as in: speak out against homophobia... (“Stop gay bashing, says star,” Daily Record, 22/03/07) However, the headline is still in their “ inimitable style. A VIDEO showing Aberdeen fans hurling homophobic GAY rights activists are to hold a kiss-in after two men abuse at Rangers star Nacho Novo is being were arrested for smooching in public in Italy. investigated by police. (Sunday Mail, 29/07/07) (“Cops probe into Novo abuse vid,” 24/05/07) AND “ STAGECOACH tycoon Brian Souter's £500,000 The Daily Record’s editorial on a businessman's donation to the SNP sparked fury last night. tribunal win was the most positive piece amongst a The 52-year-old previously funded the unsuccessful sea of coverage, and was in stark contrast to the campaign to prevent the abolition of Section 28, stance taken by a number of other newspapers, which which blocked the promotion of homosexuality in chose to tear him apart: schools. SALESMAN Jonah Ditton won nearly £120,000 in an (“£500K Souter gift fury,” 19/03/07) employment tribunal after he was taunted for being FROM America's world of sport, more proof that The Land Of The Free is one of THE great misnomers. gay. He deserves every penny. It sounds an incredible sum, especially as he was English-born NBA basketball player John Amaechi has sacked by the Glasgow firm he worked for after just told how he kept his sexuality hidden until he retired eight days. from the sport...because the two states where he But he was subjected to a humiliating, non-stop earned his living were among the THIRTY-THREE campaign of verbal abuse from company boss Warren where you can be sacked for being gay. Paul. Think about that. More than half of the supposed (Record View, 13/02/07) champion of liberty sees homosexuality as a crime. “ (Bill Leckie column, 20/02/07) Clearly, almost all the papers are perfectly capable of fair reporting of gay issues when it suits them. The Daily Record and the Sunday Mail were generally fairly positive. There was plenty of factual and unsensational reporting of gay issues, e.g.: “ RIGHT Said Fred singer Richard Fairbrass was attacked at a gay rights demonstration in Moscow yesterday. (Daily Record, 28/05/07) www.stonewallscotland.org.uk “ 22 S C O T L A N D Key findings . . Many papers are still disproportionately interested when gay people do bad things and will constantly remind readers of the sexual orientation of gay criminals. It is clear that different news values are applied . . Some papers do not seem interested in covering gay issues at all, and in most papers lesbian issues receive very little prominence. Many papers still rely on stereotypes when they report on lesbian, gay, bisexual and to gay and straight stories – stories that would transgender issues, and words like “mincing” not otherwise appear make the paper because and “prancing” are still in the tabloid the protagonists are gay – and this is a problem vocabulary. Although this might be meant as which needs to be addressed. light-hearted, it reinforces stereotypes in the . . Newspaper coverage can often reinforce the view that sexual orientation is all about sex, and that gay people do not form committed, long . term relationships. Some of the most out-of-date and jaw-dropping statements of homophobia and ignorance were contained in letters pages. While most papers would never dream of printing vitriolic racist abuse on their letters pages, they do not hesitate to give their most homophobic readers . readers’ minds. Papers use the phrase “political correctness gone mad” and scare tactics to suggest a PC mafia is somehow undermining the fabric of society. Often these stories rely on worst case . scenarios and what seems like wilful misunderstanding for their material. On a more positive note, almost all the papers are perfectly capable of fair reporting of gay issues when it suits them. a forum for their ignorance and prejudice. In the interest of a "good" news line, prominence is often given to those with conservative views, or who come from a religious standpoint. This can get in the way of conveying the views of gay rights campaigners, who may end up at the foot of the story, if at all. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 23 24 S C O T L A N D Conclusions and recommendations Although positive changes have been made, fair To tackle these problems and improve press coverage reporting and representation of LGBT issues in of LGBT issues we need: Scotland’s press is still the exception and not the rule. . . . . . . While different news values are still applied to gay and straight stories, offensive stereotypes and language are used and sexual orientation equates simply to sex in the mind of many news editors, gay people are simply not being served by the press – and papers suffering circulation squeezes are ignoring and alienating a large potential readership. The attitudes of the press also have an important impact on the chances of achieving LGBT equality – of winning over the hearts and minds of Scotland’s people, as well as getting equality laws on the statute books. While papers still print offensive, biased and inaccurate stories about gay people, is it any wonder that their letters pages are a source of homophobic vitriol? www.stonewallscotland.org.uk More everyday stories about LGBT people in a non-sexualised context. Increased use of confident, media-trained LGBT people as case studies to illustrate and explain why “controversial” or easily misunderstood laws and policy changes are necessary. Resources for the LGBT community to improve communication with and feedback to the press, especially for groups who do not access traditional forms of media. Better monitoring of national and local papers to see how LGBT issues are covered. Improved resources for journalists to explain central issues, relevant vocabulary, and to put them in touch with appropriate case studies. Formal and informal training and awareness raising for journalists on LGBT issues. S C O T L A N D Methodology This study was a qualitative examination of how gay issues were presented in the written media over an eight month period. This study was restricted to analysis of Scottish newspapers or stories in London-based papers which have a Scottish link or would be likely to appear in the Scottish editions. It analysed articles published between January 1st and August 15th, 2007. The research involved the following publications: Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Daily Record, Sunday Mail, Edinburgh Evening News, Evening Times, Herald, Sunday Herald, News of the World, Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday, Sun and Press and Journal. www.stonewallscotland.org.uk 25 26 S C O T L A N D ContactFor further copies and information contact: Stonewall Scotland 9 Howe Street Edinburgh EH3 6TE Telephone: 0131 557 3679 Email: info@stonewallscotland.org.uk Design - createpod@gmail.com C Stonewall Scotland 2007 O www.stonewallscotland.org.uk www.stonewallscotland.org.uk S C O T L A N D
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