施氏亞洲 2015 年首場拍賣會 重點推出 GRAHAM LYONS 直遞窖藏 稀世日本及蘇格蘭威士忌 施氏亞洲(ZachysAsia)將於 1 月 24 日上午 10 時假香港文華東方酒店舉 辦 2015 年首場拍賣會,呈獻一系列非凡私 人珍藏,匯聚珍罕波爾多、勃根地、蘇格蘭及日本威士忌。 施氏亞洲主席施睿傑(Jeff Zacharia)表示:「為迎接 2015 年的來臨,本次香港拍賣特別呈獻頂級勃根地及非凡波爾 多瑰寶,與及我們歷來推出最龐大的蘇格蘭及日本威士忌珍藏。是次威士忌珍品超過 250 批,陣容鼎盛,總批數 較我們 11 月拍賣推出的逾一倍,藏家不容錯過。」 著名藏家 Graham Lyons 窖藏精選 (編號 158-230) Graham Lyons 酒窖蔚為壯觀,堪稱世上規模最大的私人名酒窖藏之一。施氏在 2008 和 2010 年舉行的紐約拍賣會 上,推出窖藏中部份珍品,競投熱烈,並創下眾多世界拍賣紀綠。本場拍賣帶來之 Graham Lyons 精選均是優質上乘之瑰寶,來源超卓,大多數名釀皆於甫推出時購入,並一直完好貯藏於英國 Octavian 名 窖,精品包括: 編號 165-12 瓶 1982 年 Chateau Mouton Rothschild 估價:8 萬 5 千至 13 萬港元 編號 177-1 瓶 1982 年 6 公升裝 Chateau Leoville Las Cases 估價:2 萬 4 千至 3 萬 6 千港元 編號 196-6 瓶 1996 年 Griotte Chambertin Claude Dugat 估價:4 萬至 6 萬港元 來自倫敦金融鉅子之珍藏 會上亦將呈獻來自一位倫敦金融鉅子的珍品:3 瓶 2004 年的原木箱裝 Montrachet Domaine Leflaive,(編號 231,估 價:13 至 19 萬港元)。此箱美酒在當年釋出時購 入,並為了本次拍賣會,專程從英國 Octavian 名窖運抵香港。 來自香港藏家的波爾多佳釀(編號 271-400) 此窖藏滿載原木箱裝波爾多珍釀,保存上乘,精品包括 1 批 12 瓶 2004 年 Chateau Mouton Rothschild(估價:5 萬 5 千至 8 萬港元,編號 278-288,左圖),以及 1 批原木 箱裝 2005 年 Chateau Petrus(估價:每批 22 萬至 34 萬港元,編號 337-338)。 香港資深企業家之重量級藏品(編號 437-489) 本珍藏來自施氏一位重要客戶,匯聚過去數十年間的波爾多、勃根地及其他產區名莊傑 作,當中多數透過施氏購入,珍品包括: 編號 438-12 瓶 2005 年 Chateau Ausone 估價:10 萬至 15 萬港元 編號 458-12 瓶 1982 年 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion 估價:6 萬 5 千至 9 萬 5 千港元 編號 464-24 瓶 1959 年半瓶裝 Chateau Palmer 估價:14 萬至 20 萬港元(右圖) 編號 475-12 瓶 2002 年 Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux Emmanuel Rouget 2002 估價:11 萬至 16 萬港元(右圖) 拍賣會上其他勃根地精選: 編號 136-12 瓶 2007 年 Romanee St Vivant Cathiard 估價:7 萬至 10 萬港元(右圖) 編號 242-9 瓶 2005 年 Musigny Vieilles Vignes Comte Georges de Vogue 估價:6 萬 5 千至 9 萬 5 千港元 編號 420-6 瓶 1987 年 Gevrey Chambertin Clos St Jacques Armand Rousseau 估價:5 萬 5 千至 8 萬 5 千港元(右圖) 意大利皮埃蒙特名莊 GIACOMO BORGOGNO 直遞瑰寶(編號 401-409) 會上另一焦點為皮埃蒙特名莊 Giacomo Borgogno 之直遞精選,當中包括 1978 等優秀年份名釀。酒莊的窖藏在過 去數十載收藏了不少稀世珍品,本次拍賣乃搜羅 Giacomo Borgogno 窖藏珍寶的良機,實在不容錯過。重點拍品 包括 3 批 1978 年 Barolo Riserva Giacomo Borgogno 名釀(估價:每批 2 萬 4 千至 3 萬 6 千港元,編號 401-403)。 167 年陳年干邑 GODET GRANDE CHAMPAGNE COGNAC 施氏亞洲佷榮幸於本次拍賣呈獻一瓶非常珍罕的 1848 年 Godet Grande Champagne Cognac 原木箱裝(167 年陳釀)(估 價:12 萬至 18 萬港元,編號 490)。 著名的干邑家族高帝(Godet),為慶祝第 15 代傳人正式接管家族於大西洋鄰 近的酒窖及紀念家族近 500 年的輝煌釀酒歷史,特別推出一款年份干邑,並在全球市場上發行僅 10 瓶,稀世難 求。會上推出的一瓶正是這 10 瓶其中之一,非常難得,必令藏家趨之若鶩。 非凡蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌系列 施氏亦於本會上推出蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌系列,包括 Macallan、Glenlivet 及 Bowmore,當中大部份屬限量出 品,在市場上難得一見,極具收藏價值。 編號 505-1 瓶 1974 年 Ardbeg Single Cask 估價:1 萬 6 千至 2 萬 6 千港元 編號 525-1 瓶 38 年 Glenfiddich Ultimate 估價:4 萬 6 千至 7 萬港元 編號 584-1 瓶 1948 年(53 年珍釀)Macallan 估價:17 萬至 26 萬港元 編號 629-1 瓶 50 年 Springbank Millennium Edition 估價:3 萬 4 千至 5 萬港元 日本威士忌極品 日本威士忌部份同樣精彩,重點包括輕井沢單一麥芽威士忌極品。輕井沢成立於 1955 年,是日本最小的蒸餾所, 堅持採最用最優質的原料,並置於最好的西班牙雪利酒桶中熟成酒釀。輕井沢酒 廠於 2000 年停止生產,並於 2011 年關閉。本場拍賣帶來的輕井沢珍品包括: 編號 662-1 瓶 1965 年(21 年珍釀)輕井沢 Ocean 估價:8 萬 5 千至 13 萬港元 編號 667-1 瓶 1977 年輕井沢#4010 估價:1 萬 8 千至 2 萬 8 千港元 編號 699-1 瓶 1984 年輕井沢#7857 估價:2 萬 4 千至 3 萬 6 千港元 編號 722-1 瓶 1980 年輕井沢 估價:4 萬至 6 萬港元 會上尚推出另一重要日本威士忌珍品,包括羽生伊知郎的《紙牌系列》,以 1985 至 2000 年間之酒釀蒸餾而成, 每款瓶身皆有不同的花式及數字,別具匠心,深得藏家青睞。 2014,羽生伊知郎推出系列中最後兩張牌:黑白小丑牌及彩色小丑牌。本次特別帶來此珍稀系列典藏(編號 647653):包括市面上幾乎絕無僅有的黑白小丑牌,以及彩色小丑牌(估價:6 萬至 9 萬港元,編號 653)。另一代表作 為《鑽石系列》13 瓶(估價:26 萬至 40 萬港元,編號 652)。 其他日本威士忌拍品: 編號 654-661 – 響 21 年份陶瓷瓶系列 估價:8 千至 1 萬 2 千港元 編號 727-2 瓶 35 年竹鶴威士忌 估價:3 萬 6 千至 5 萬 5 千港元 編號 738-1 瓶 25 年山崎純麥威士忌 估價:1 萬 6 千至 2 萬 4 千港元 www.zachys.com/auctions www.zachysasia.com ZACHYS ASIA 2015 NEW YEAR AUCTION FEATURING GEMS FROM HISTORIC CELLAR OF GRAHAM LYONS & HIGHLY IMPORTANT WHISKIES Zachys Asia is thrilled to kick off 2015 with The New Year Auction at 10am on 24 January at Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong. As the first auction event of Zachys Asia this year, the sale will feature a number of outstanding private collections, bringing together a dazzling array of rare and exceptional Bordeaux, Burgundy, Scottish and Japanese whiskies. Jeff Zacharia, President of Zachys Asia, said: "We are kicking off the 2015 auction season with a fabulous Hong Kong sale. It is filled with top notch Burgundys, amazing Bordeaux and our biggest offering of Japanese and Scotch whiskies ever. With over 250 lots of whiskies we have more than double the amount of whiskies we had in the spectacular November sale last year.” A SPECTACULAR OFFERING FROM THE HISTORIC CELLAR OF GRAHAM LYONS (Lots 158-230) The cellar of Graham Lyons is one of the single greatest collections of rare wines in the world. In 2008 and 2010, Zachys presented in New York the jewels from a grand parcel of this ground breaking cellar which set numerous auctions records. The selection on offer stands out with impeccable provenance and magnificent storage conditions. Almost all wines were purchased on initial release and have since been stored at Octavian in the United Kingdom until this auction. Highlights include: Lot 165 - 12 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1982 Estimate: HK$85,000-130,000/ US$11,000-17,000 Lot 177 - An imperial of Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1982 Estimate: HK$24,000-36,000/ US$3,200-4,600 Lot 196 - 6 bottles of Griotte Chambertin Claude Dugat 1996 Estimate: HK$40,000-60,000/ US$5,500-8,000 DIRECT FROM THE COLLECTION OF A LONDON BASED TITAN OF FINANCE Zachys is delighted to present 3 bottles of rare Montrachet Domaine Leflaive 2004 in original wood case from an excellent collection of a London based titan of finance(Estimate: HK$130,000-190,000/ US$17,000-24,000, Lot 231). It was purchased on release and shipped to Hong Kong from Octavian especially for this auction. A FABULOUS COLLECTION OF GREAT BORDEAUX FROM THE COLLECTION OF A HONG KONG GENTLEMAN(Lots 271-400) All wines in this very high quality consignment are in pristine condition and mostly in original wood cases. Highlights include a parcel of 12 bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2004 (Estimate: HK$55,000-80,000/ US$7,000-10,000 per lot, Lot 278-288, illustrated left) and a parcel of Petrus 2005 in original wood case (Estimate: HK$220,000-340,000/ US$28,000-44,000 per lot, Lot 337-338). TOP NOTCH BORDEAUX AND OTHER CLASSICS FROM A SENIOR HONG KONG ENTREPRENEUR(Lots 437-489) This amazing collection comes from one of our best and most respected clients of Zachys, featuring some of the world's greatest fine wines from the last few decades. Most of these gems were originally purchased from Zachys. Highlights include: Lot 438 - 12 bottles of Chateau Ausone 2005 Estimate: HK$100,000-150,000/ US$13,000-19,000 Lot 458 - 12 bottles of Chateau La Mission Haut Brion 1982 Estimate: HK$65,000-95,000/ US$8,500-12,000 Lot 464 - 24 half-bottles of Chateau Palmer 1959 Estimate: HK$140,000-200,000/ US$18,000-26,000 (illustrated right) Lot 475- 12 bottles of Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux Emmanuel Rouget 2002 Estimate: HK$11,000-160,000/ US$14,000-20,000 (illustrated right) OTHER BURGUNDY HIGHLIGHTS Lot 136 - 12 bottles of Romanee St Vivant Cathiard 2007 Estimate: HK$70,000-100,000/ US$9,000-13,000 (illustrated right) Lot 242 - 9 bottles of Musigny Vieilles Vignes Comte Georges de Vogue 2005 Estimate: HK$65,000-95,000/ US$8,500-12,000 Lot 420 - 6 bottles of Gevrey Chambertin Clos St Jacques Armand Rousseau 1978 Estimate: HK$55,000-85,000/ US$7,000-11,000 (illustrated right) A RARE DIRECT OFFERING FROM THE CELLARS OF GIACOMO BORGOGNO IN PIEDMONT (Lot 401-419) Zachys Asia is honored to present a very special winery-direct offering from the library collection of Giacomo Borgogno going back to the 1978 vintage. All wines on offer are in pristine condition. For decades, the winery has been holding back bottles for library stock and this is an excellent opportunity to acquire bottles coming straight from its cellars. A highlight is a parcel of 12 bottles of Barolo Riserva Giacomo Borgogno 1978 (Estimate: HK$24,000-36,000/ US$3,200-4,600 per lot, Lot 401-403). A RARE BOTTLE OF GODET GRANDE CHAMPAGNE COGNAC 1848 (167 YEARS) Zachys Asia is delighted to offer a rare and unique bottle of Godet Grande Champagne Cognac 1848 (167 YEARS) from the Godet family in original wood case (Estimate: HK$120,000-180,000/ US$15,000-24,000, Lot 490). To celebrate the 15th generation takeover of the house’s unique Atlantic side cellar and the craftsmanship acquired over an almost 500 year family journey, the house of Godet is releasing a truly unique vintage Cognac from their private collection. Not only is this one of only ten bottles being released globally by the Cognac house, but it is also the very FIRST release in the world. AN EXQUISITE COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH SINGLE MALTS A superb collection of the finest Scottish Single Malts including Macallan, Glenlivet, and Bowmore will also be featured. Many offerings are of limited releases and are very highly sought after in the market. Lot 505, A bottle of Ardbeg Single Cask 1974 Estimate: HK$16,000-24,000/ US$2,000-3,200 Lot 525, A bottle of Glenfiddich 38 Year Old Ultimate Estimate: HK$46,000-70,000/ US$6,000-9,000 Lot 584, A bottle of Macallan Fine and Rare 53 Year Old 1948 Estimate: HK$170,000-260,000/ US$22,000-34,000 Lot 629, A bottle of Springbank 50 Year Old Millennium Edition Estimate: HK$34,000-50,000/ US$4,400-6,500 EXCEPTIONAL JAPANESE WHISKY Lovers of Japanese Whisky will appreciate the legendary single malts produced by Karuizawa Distillery on offer in this sale. Founded in 1955, Karuizawa was the smallest distillery in Japan and only used the best ingredients, distilled in small batch and aged their Whiskey in the finest Spanish sherry casks. Karuizawa distillery stopped production in 2000 and was completely closed in 2011. Lot 662 - A bottle of Karuizawa Ocean 21 Year Old 1965 Estimate: HK$85,000-130,000/ US$11,000-17,000 Lot 667 - A bottle of Karuizawa 1977 - #4010 Geisha Estimate: HK$18,000-28,000/ US$2,400-3,600 Lot 699 - A bottle of Karuizawa 1984 - #7857 Samurai Estimate: HK$24,000-36,000/ US$3,200-4,600 Lot 722 - A bottle of Kawasaki 1980 - #6165 Estimate: HK$40,000-60,000/ US$5,500-8,000 Ichiro Akuto, the superstar of Japan’s modern Whisky era, has released a very special “Playing Card” series from selected Hanyu casks. Each bottle has a different card face and contains Whiskies from casks distilled as early as 1985 and as late as 2000. In 2014, the two final cards were released: a monochrome joker and the other, a color joker. Collections will be delighted to find a rare collection of this highly sought after Card series (Lots 647-653), featuring the one and only single cask featuring Black & White Joker which is almost impossible to find in the market, together with Colour Joker (Estimate: HK$60,000-90,000/ US$8,000-12,000, Lot 653). Another highlight in the Malt Card series is Suit of Diamonds comprising 13 bottles (Estimate: HK$260,000-400,000/ US$34,000-55,000, Lot 652). OTHER JAPANESE WHISKY HIGHLIGHTS Lot 654-661 - Hibiki 21 Year Old Ceramic Bottle Estimate: HK$8,000-12,000/ US$1,000-1,600 per lot Lot 727 - 2 bottles of Nikka Taketsuru 35 Year Old Estimate: HK$36,000-55,000/ US$4,600-7,000 Lot 738 - A bottle of Yamazaki Pure Malt 25 Years Old Estimate: HK$16,000-24,000/ US$2,000-3,200 www.zachys.com/auctions www.zachysasia.com
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