14. Academic record Degree Discipline AN NNOUNCEME ENT Yearr Class Univ. Masters Bachelorr Ph.D. Traiining Program mme on Signature of the applicant Date : Place : on Emerging Issues in Agricultural A l 15. Recommendations of foorwarding Institute Po olicy Researrch __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 19 9-25 March, 2015 Signature Duration: 7 Dayss Backgrround Agriculture is now facing new challenges‐ deccelerating eteriorating soil health, productivvity growth, de unsustain nable use of watter, rising input costs c and climate change, besides structural prob blems of decliningg landholding size and excessive employment pressure. If these trends we ere to continue, th hey would bility of agriculture and food severely undermine the viab e food and nutrition to such security. Ensuring adequate a large population, withoutt much food importts, will be a majorr challenge for agricultural reseaarch and developm ment policy. On su upply side, land and water have beeen and will re emain the most limiting constrain nts. n various This training will provide knowledge on emergingg issues in agriculttural policy researrch which the agricultural scientists can think fro om their del. It is respectivve domains and present the mod conceived with ideas to o provide insight to the participants about the various facets of aggricultural economicc and policy reseaarch. It aims to achieve the followingg: Designatio on: Address : n Chief Patron Date : Course Dire ector : Dr. Rajnii Jain 1. Course Coordinatorr 2. CERTIF FICATE It is certiffied that the inform mation was furnished by the office reco ord and was found correct. Signature and designation of the sponsoring au uthority : Dr. S S Ra aju Objecttives e participants to em merging To seensitize and expose agriccultural issues. To im mprove understand ding of the emergingg issues in aggricultural policy ressearch. Course e Content : Prof. Ram mesh Chand ICAR‐Natio onal Centre for A Agricultural Econom mics and Policy R Research New Delhi Agricultural techno ological innovationss and options Food and nutrition security Climate change, rissks and risks managgement Marketing and trad de aspects Sustainable agricultural system Gender issues in aggriculture Agricultural employyment. Eligibility The course is open for scientists /teachers/extension specialists working in ICAR institutes and SAU’s. A total of 25 candidates shall be registered based on the following eligibility criteria. Master’s degree in agricultural economics/ statistics/computers/extension and allied disciplines Working in a position not below the rank of Scientist/Assistant professor Working knowledge of Computers Nominations The application for participation may be sent in the format given in the brochure. If more copies are required, typed copies may be made locally for use of applicants. It must be duly forwarded by the competent authority of the institution. Besides post, nominations will also be accepted through e‐mail/fax. Last date for receipt of nomination is 16 February, 2015 and selected candidates will be informed by 23 February, 2015. Registration Fee No registration fee is required. The course is free of all costs. Travel and other arrangements Participants will be paid travel fare to and fro journey as per entitlement on submission of tickets. Free boarding and lodging will be provided to participants during the training program as per ICAR’s guidelines. Please note that, no accommodation in the guest house will be provided to the family members or guests of the participants. Each participant should make his/her own transport arrangements to reach the guest house. All correspondence may be addressed to Dr. Rajni Jain (Course Director) and Principal Scientist Dr. S S Raju (Course Coordinator) and Principal Scientist National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), P. B. No. 11305 Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, Pusa, New Delhi‐110 012 Email : rajni@ncap.res.in rajni.jain@icar.gov.in raju@ncap.res.in ss.raju@icar.gov.in Phone: 011‐25848731, 25847628 (Ext 216/207) Fax : 011‐25842684 About NCAP NCAP established in 1991, is carrying out Agricultural Economics and Policy Research and also engaged in capacity strengthening in NARS. NCAP is well equipped with computers, email and internet connectivity. More details about NCAP are available at www.ncap.res.in. Location NCAP is located in IASRI campus, Pusa, New Delhi (closer to R Block round about, New Rajendra Nagar). The Centre is about 2 Km from Rajendra Place Metro Station, 7 Km from New Delhi Railway station, 12 Km from old Delhi Railway station, about 16 Km from Nizamuddin Railway Station and about 22 Km from Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi. Climate The climate at Delhi in the month of March is moderately pleasant ranging from 150C to 320C.. Application format for participation in training programme on “Emerging Issues in Agricultural Policy Research” during 19‐25 March 2015 at NCAP, New Delhi 1. Full name (in block letters) ___________________ 2. Designation_________________________________ 3. Present employer address _____________________ __________________________________________ 4. Address to which reply should be sent (in block letters) ____________________________________ 5. Email ____________________________________ 6. Mobile___________________________________ 7. Phone with STD Code (O) _____________________ 8. Phone with STD Code (R) _____________________ 9. Date of birth________________________________ 10. Sex: Male/Female ___________________________ 11. Teaching/research/professional experience (mention post held) during last 5 years and number of publications ______________________________ __________________________________________ 12. Marital status: Married/Unmarried 13. Mention if you have participated in any Training/Summer/Winter School/Short Courses etc. during the previous years under I.C.A.R./Other organizations _______________________________ _________________________________________
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