21/01/2015 Overview of presentation • Introduction • Why participating in the FP? MIRRIS 2nd policy dialogue – Lithuania a case study • Identification of KU Leuven success factors • Belgium: past and present funding landscape • In depth analysis of 5 success factors • Conclusions Stijn Delauré, PhD www.kuleuven.be/eu EU-info@kuleuven.be Who am I ? • Résumé: Introduction o 1998-2003: PhD in Biotechnology (Ghent univ & Bayer BioScience) o 2003-2006: postdoc in Genetics & Microbiology (KU Leuven) o 2006-2011: EU liaison officer and EU project adviser (KU Leuven) o >2010: chairman EU officers community (LERU) o >2011: head of international research (KU Leuven) • Other activities (policy & good practice exchange): o EU: EARMA, Vision2020, Coimbra, BESTPRAC o Flanders: Europaplatform, Interuniversity EU working group o EC: MSCA Advisory Group member 1 21/01/2015 KU Leuven in the rankings KU Leuven ? HES ranking, number of FP7 contracts THES ranking 2014-2015 (Europe) Prelim.data, Nov. 2013, 80% budget allocated. Source: dep. EWI Comprehensive university 2013-2014 number % international students 41,225 16 professors 1,022 9 research staff 5,657 37 PhD degrees 625 40 Research expenses 2013: 418 M€ KU Leuven Funds: 21% (bottom-up) License income/year: >70 M€ UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON ETH ZURICH KU LEUVEN EPF DE LAUSANNE DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET TU DELFT KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON KIT KARLSRUHE KTH STOCKHOLM LUNDS UNIVERSITET UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL (overall score) UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON ETH ZÜRICH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON L-M-UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN EPFL (LAUSANNE) LONDON SCHOOL OF… UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH KING'S COLLEGE LONDON KAROLINSKA INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER KU LEUVEN ECOLE POLITECHNIQUE (FRANCE) SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE… LEIDEN UNIVERSITY G-A-UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN UNIVERSITÄT HEIDELBERG TU DELFT ERASMUS ROTTERDAM 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 20 40 60 80 100 www.kuleuven.be Ambition: top 10 of European universities KU Leuven in EU university ranking SIR 2012 (publications, collaboration) 6 Leiden CWTS EU 2013 (P) 6 THES EU ranking 2014 13 ERC grants 8 European competitive funds (FP7) 6 Technology Transfer (ITPEC 2008) (1) KU Leuven’s Horizon 2020 ambition Performing excellent science Training the best young researchers Collaborating with end-users, creating value 70 grantees (43 Starting Grantees) 136 actions (56 Training Networks) 562 projects in total (~261 M€) 2 21/01/2015 Horizon 2020: why participating? Researcher’s view • It’s good funding for my research (though complex) Why participating? • International collaboration (no alternative) • My scientific output increases (more publications, speaker at international conferences) • It increases the visibility of my research • Bringing my research to companies or other end-users • The EU project often leads to new collaborations • Prestige Horizon 2020: why participating? Our collaborations in FP7 (entity) Top 10 international partners Institutional perspective • National budgets for research decrease / remain constant while European budget for research increases with 50% • Prestige (high up in the ranking of a huge competition) • It’s implementing our internationalization strategy • It’s increasing our visibility in Europe • It funds very large as well as strategically crucial projects • Focus on H2020 (instead of also on other international funding) decreases administrative overhead 0% 2% 4% % participation in KU Leuven projects 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% Fraunhofer (DE) CNRS (FR) CEA (FR) UCLondon (UK) INSERM (FR) Nijmegen (NL) CNR (IT) EPFLausanne (CH) Imperial (UK) ETH Zürich (CH) 3 21/01/2015 Our collaborations in FP7 (country) Our collaborations in FP7 (EU13) Top 10 countries number of participations in KU Leuven FP7 projects (LT = 31st, LV = 36st) Number of participations EU13 - KU Leuven DE CZ UK 12 840 PL FR 9 HU 9 4 15 1260 SI 89 22 RO IT EE 22 NL 659 BG 24 179 ES SK 183 205 77 BE 561 324 34 LV CH LT 43 532 404 SE 421 HR 68 CY MT Project collaborations with Lithuania FP7 ENV Fission Project title European coordination action on human biomonitoring Safety and Efficacy of a New and Emerging Dental X-ray Modality Acronym COPHES LT entity VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS 3% SEDENTEXCT ICT A European Community of SMEs built on Environmental Digital Content and Languages SMESPIRE Accelerate SSL Innovation for Europe SSL-ERATE VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS PEOPLE PEOPLE SSH Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure TEMPLATE-ASSISTED DEPOSITION OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND DEVICES Training and collaboration on material developments and process improvements in oil and sugar production Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs ITEC SVIETIMO INFORMACINIU TECHNOLOGIJU CENTRAS VALSTYBES BIUDZETINE ISTAIGA - ITC Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom INFRA Corresponding pillar in Horizon 2020: 3% 8% ICT ICT KU Leuven strengths in FP7: ICT – Health – NMP – SSH CLARIN UAB AEROGEODEZIJOS INSTITUTAS 29% NMP 5% Health 8% KBBE Energy 13% Transport Societal Challenges Environment VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS ALEKSANDRO STULGINSKIO OIL&SUGAR UNIVERSITETAS VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO WALQING UNIVERSITETAS Industrial Leadership Space VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS TEMADEP ICT 3% 26% 2% SSH Security Budget distribution of KU Leuven FP7 projects Source: dep. EWI, Febr. 2014 4 21/01/2015 Success factors for higher education institutions (HEI) in EU and society at large KU Leuven’s aim: to be (at) the heart of the knowledge triangle Research & technology Success factors Higher Education • Recruit the best researchers • Perform the best science • Educate the best scientists & entrepreneurs Industry, SMEs, Society • Create value & transfer knowledge • Collaborate with society & industry Success factors – more down to earth 1. National funding base (leverage) 2. Climate of competition (for excellence) 3. Knowledge transfer (favoring intersectoral collaboration) 4. Size does matter (international networks) 5. Support structures (advice & representation) i. Belgium: R&I funding People ii. Access to information iii. Communication 5 21/01/2015 Belgium: R&I policy = regional Flanders: public R&I performing entities • 5 Universities • • • • • • 6.5 M 3.5 M 1.1 M inhabitants • FP7 collaboration with Lithuania • 55 LithuaniaFlanders project collaborations • 72 Lithuanian participants KU Leuven (>< Université Catholique de Louvain) Ghent University Antwerp University Free University Brussels Hasselt University 4 > 6 Research & Technology Organisations (RTOs) • • • • Imec (nano-electronics) VIB (biotechnology) iMinds (ICT for society) VITO (transport, energy,…) • • Flanders Make (added value manufacturing) SIM (materials) Institute for Tropical Medicine Public R&I spending (Lisbon: ≥1% GDP) Lithuania-Flanders collaboration in FP7 Fission KBBE ICT INFRA NMP Health PEOPLE Environment SPACE SSH Energy REGIONS SEC SME SiS TPT Source: EWI speurgids 2014 6 21/01/2015 Flanders: public R&I spending per target R&I spending in Flanders: 2.2 B€ (2014) Curiosity driven research programmes Companies Hybrid Universities Source: EWI speurgids 2014 Industry/societydriven research & innovation programmes Operational funding for universities & RTO’s (salaries, buildings,…) Source: EWI speurgids 2014 R&I spending in Flanders: universities Hercules (infrastruct.) R&I spending in Flanders: “industry” RTO research & innovation budget Curiosity driven research programmes University-led industrial research budget BOF FWO Flemish basic science foundation (competition) University research budget Source: EWI speurgids 2014 Flemish applied science & innovation agency (competition) Industry/societydriven research & innovation programmes Source: EWI speurgids 2014 7 21/01/2015 Budget breakdown Flemish univs Operational Subsidies Special Research Fund (BOF) UHasselt 4% VUBrussel 12% VUBrussel 10% KULeuven 37% UAntwerpen 14% UAntwerpen 12% KULeuven 43% Policy area: Education and Training KU Leuven: Competition & Leveraging UGent 32% UGent 33% Parameters: 55% Education 45% Science (capacity) Industrial Research Fund (IOF) UHasselt 3% Parameters: ‘Excellence’ in Science (output-driven) - PhD degrees Parameters: ‘Excellence’ in Innovation (output-driven) - Patents, spin-offs - Publications / Citations - Internationalisation and diversity - Industrial contracts - European R&I projects Policy area: Economy, Science and Innovation Policy area: Economy, Science and Innovation KU Leuven research policy Strategy: internal funds as leverage 1. Aiming for excellence at all levels o Bottom-up, no thematic ‘institutional’ policy o Balance comprehensive quality / excellence o Research policy assessment at the level of the Science Groups KU Leuven research expenses in 2013: 418 M€ 21% internal leverage 79% external 2. Improved support for young talents 3. Simplified funding programs o Leverage towards external funding and collaboration 4. Further internationalisation of research 5. Scientific integrity Bottom-up, no thematic allocation Competition, international peer-review 40% national 9% international (EU) Categories of funding: • C1: basic research • C2: socio-econ impact on long-term • C3: short-term socio-econ impact 23% private sector 7% other 6. Improved visibility of research output 8 21/01/2015 Research expenses 2013 across the KU Leuven Science Groups However, 25 years ago… • 11 Research policy at Belgian level: • Top-down, thematic allocation of funds • Virtually no competition for funding (“old boys club”) Biomedical Sciences • 38 15 Science, Engineering & Technology • Humanities & Socioeconomic Sciences except basic science foundation University funding: • Research budget: breakdown by rector’s decision • Virtually no competition for professor positions Other 36 % • No international bench marking at all • Then, 25-10 years ago… • • KU Leuven: “we are happy to be the best in Belgium” Smart Specialisation (from bottom up), Clusters for Excellence / Innovation All programmes (FWO, IWT, Hercules) changed design: • Bottom-up (no thematic allocation) • Competition in open calls for proposals Establisment of RTOs (Interuniversity institutes) • Practically no other thematic funding allocated anymore • ‘90: Set-up BOF (special research fund for universities) • ‘05: Set-up of IOF (industrial research fund for universities) • Serious international benchmarking for excellence • KU Leuven: “we want to be amongst the best in Europe” Life Sciences & Medical Technologies Materials Research Human Diseases & Health Engineering, Technologies & Research Processes Natural Resources (agro- Exploring Fundamentals of food-biodiversity) Nature Leuven Institute for Neuroscience & Disease (PF, ERC, Methusalem, VIB, hospital,…) Advanced ICT Approaches Economy & Society Arts & Culture Circuit design for electronic systems, micro- & nanoelectronics (PF, ERC,…) www.kuleuven.be/research/keydomains 9 21/01/2015 Clusters for Excellence / Innovation Molecular small animal imaging, eHealth (PF,…) Tissue engineering (ERC,…) Life Sciences & Medical Technologies Materials Research Centre (incl. recycling of rare earths) Materials Research Human Diseases & Health Engineering, Technologies & Research Processes Natural Resources (agro- Exploring Fundamentals of food-biodiversity) Nature Advanced ICT Approaches Economy & Society Capacity building Example: Health Sciences Campus Gasthuisberg • Biomedical Education • Biomedical Research • University Hospital Currently 2000 beds, 9000 employees Arts & Culture EIB investment of € 325 million Sustainable Energy (EIT-KIC) Food for the future & brain-gut axis in health (Methusalem,…) Cultural Heritage www.kuleuven.be/research/keydomains Leuven: one of the European ICT Hubs Impact on FP participation 1994-2013 KU Leuven in FP 300 0,60% 250 0,55% 200 0,50% 150 0,45% 100 0,40% 50 0 0,35% FP4 FP5 Budget KU Leuven (M€) FP6 FP7* Share of total FP budget Source: European Commission, via Flemish dep. EWI FP4, 1994-1998; FP5, 1998-2002; FP6, 2003-2006; FP7, 2007-2013 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-435_en.htm 10 21/01/2015 Collaboration with private sector FP7: 44% of partners in multipartner contracts Horizon 2020: 40% of partners in first grants Innovation & Tech transfer Transferring technology & knowledge KU Leuven Research & Development (LRD) founded in 1972 • 101 spin-offs (86 still exist) • 150 invention disclosures / year • 1300 new agreements for contract & collaborative research / year • 2012 license income: 80 M$ KU Leuven Research & Development • Research collaboration with private sector • Protection and exploitation of intellectual property • Spin-off creation & regional development • Networks for innovation and entrepreneurship Targetting ¾ professors lrd@kuleuven.be – http://lrd.kuleuven.be lrd@kuleuven.be – http://lrd.kuleuven.be 11 21/01/2015 Industrial Research Managers Industrial Research Managers ~ FP7 • 29 permanent positions, funded by IOF • Scientists, “business developers”, working decentrally ⇒ More applications, better success rate FP7 success rate • Focus on technology transfer • exploitation of research results • collaboration with private sector • attract new project funding average # FP7 applications / professor 8 60% met IOF manager Applications with IOF manager 50% alle ZAP-aanvragers Average KU Leuven rate 7 6 40% 5 30% 4 3 20% 2 10% • Strong private sector network, technology platforms • Leverage towards collaborative research (incl. EU) 1 0% 0 Biomedische Wetenschappen Biomedical Sciences Wetenschap & Technologie Science, Engineering & Technology Biomedische Wetenschappen Biomedical Sciences Wetenschap & Technologie Science, Engineering & Technology 12 21/01/2015 KU Leuven level: multi-campus university Networks Regional cooperation of KU Leuven campus and university colleges Driver of regional innovation, local collaboration with companies Flanders: strategic collaborations & RTOs ICT for societal challenges nano-electronics neuro-electronics biotechnology smart grids for smart cities 13 21/01/2015 League of European Research Universities Innovation networks (I) 21 leading Research-Intensive Universities • Good practices • • exchange amongst the members Develop research policies (e.g. doctoral education, open access, …) Advocacy on research and education issues (simplification, SSH, H2020 budget,…) • Stimulating knowledge exchange and partnering with other high-tech businesses (both SMEs and large companies) and innovation actors • Horizontal networks: o o Leuven.Inc Flanders Smart Hub www.leru.org Innovation networks (II) Innovation networks (III) • Vertical networks: o o DSP Valley LSEC EIT Energy (InnoEnergy) EIT Health (InnoLife) • Thematic centres: o o o o o o o CD3 L-MRC L-MTC LICT PharmAbs NERF LFoRCe EIT Materials (RawmatTERs) 14 21/01/2015 Other networks Why networks? Relevant for H2020? The EU institutions do not listen to individual researchers or single universities/companies/RTOs You need a network to engage in a H2020 project ⇒ get organized ! ⇒ improve yourself ! (exchange best practices) • Nationally? Internationally? • Per sector? Intersectoral? • Per scientific discipline? Interdisciplinary? Structure of Research Office (DOC) Vice-rector for Research Policy unit (2) Support structure Director IT architect (2) Communication (1) Internal Support & Contracts (6) Data & Analysis (4) Internal Funds & Operations (7) National Funds Support (3) Internat’al Funds Support (4) Industrial Research Support (1) 15 21/01/2015 Mission DOC • Inform & Stimulate • Lectures and workshops, Newsletter • Funding opportunities • Internal Funds (Special Research Fund(BOF)/ Industrial Research Fund (IOF)) • EU funding programmes, Government programmes (FWO, IWT, Hercules …) Support structure • Support for researchers • Policy on PhD studies & young researchers careers • Postdoctoral researchers & young researchers careers • Research proposal preparation (external funds), contract negotiation EU support team • Research policy • Regional/national incl. KU Leuven Association • International via LERU • Internal research assessment (future policy, level of Groups) KU Leuven EU-team Support service: KU Leuven EU-team idea→proposal DOC (Research Coordination Office) • Stijn Delauré*, Iesel Van der Plancken*, An Jansen*, Marieke Verlinden, Ann-Sofie Stuyck • +32-16-320-944 or +32-16-324-053 • EU-info@kuleuven.be * PhD °master proposal→project LRD (Tech Transfer Office) • Elke Lammertyn*, Sofie Heroes°, Tine Heylen°, Sarah Malevé°, Myriam Witvrouw*, Monique Vanhaeren°, Ilse Brondeel, Karolien Mariën°, Caroline De Meester • +32-16-320-621 or +32-16-326-520 • EU@lrd.kuleuven.be + back offices (finances, legal, IP, HR) lobby idea→proposal networking stimulate-inform-support Experts, networks, industrial research managers proposal→project advice-support Research Coordination Office (DOC) project→post-project support-monitor-report Tech. Transfer Office (LRD) Financial incentives Finance dep. EU project management team Dedicated support team for international research projects www.kuleuven.be/eu/contact 16 21/01/2015 “Lobby” (advocacy) phase (DOC) Pre-award phase (DOC) • Policy level: • Information meetings o o o Flemish Europaplatform > European Council, EC Flemish Interuniversity Council > European Parliament, Council LERU > European Commission, Parliament • Work Programme level: o o o Flemish Programme Committee Stakeholder network Vision2020 thematic clusters Stimulate membership of European Technology Platforms and other “mixed” associations H2020@kuleuven.be – www.horizon2020.be o o o In each department Bilateral meetings Horizon 2020 launch event • News letter – website – focussed mailing • Training courses o Proposal writing, management, mock interviews • Financial incentives H2020@kuleuven.be – www.horizon2020.be Pre-award phase: information flow • Getting access to early information is crucial o FP7: some lessons learnt The earlier a research can start preparing, the higher the quality of the application • Sources of information: o o NCP, networks Don’t get info from NCP? • Go elsewhere: UKRO, Nether, KoWi, BESTPRAC • Or reorganise the NCP: Europaplatform • Targetted communication of the early information to researchers is even more important H2020@kuleuven.be – www.horizon2020.be 17 21/01/2015 Analysis of facts & figures: crucial to improve support service and policy Success rate ERC (2008-2012) % FP7 applicant professors e.g. SSH: lower participation in FP7, lower success rate in ERC % Participation: • • • • Upstream boost of SSH in H2020 (LERU effort) Targeted information meetings & mailings Recruitment of decentral EU support staff member (ongoing) Interdisciplinary working group Heritage@KULeuven (i.a.) ⇒ increased requests for meetings with EU team ⇒ # SSH applications increased in first calls ERC success rate: • Involve vice-deans for research in ‘pre-selection’ process • Draft review panel for StG & CoG proposals from SSH (pilot) • Communication “Failing is not a problem, it’s an opportunity” ⇒ more SSH applications selected for 2nd step (StG) ⇒ # SSH applications increased BMS: biomedical sciences; HSS: humanities & social sciences; SET: science, engineering & technology (KU Leuven Science Groups) Horizon 2020 participation (applications) Excellent Science SSH strategy in Horizon 2020: Data < 01.10.2014: 407 applications FP7 > Horizon 2002: simplified • One portal for all actions • More open topic description • Two-stage submission & evaluation * Industrial Leadership • Reimbursement rate 100+25 • Electronic signature Societal Challenges • Reduced time recording * (15.01.2015: 599 applications) • … 18 21/01/2015 But also “complexification” • Portal: reduced accessibility for newcomers • Oversubscription, lower success rate • Second evaluation step: success rate too low • Personnel cost calculation (hourly rates based on last financial year) Conclusion • Declaration of exclusivity for full time employees * • Impact of Time-to-Grant on consortium agreement * • … Success factors, towards Horizon 2020 1. Use national/Structural funding as leverage Good luck ! 2. Create climate of competition for excellence 3. Favor intersectoral collaboration 4. Get hooked up: networks (size does matter) 5. Establish proper support structures Stijn Delauré KU Leuven EU-team EU-info@kuleuven.be +32-16-32-09-44 www.kuleuven.be/eu 19
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