Expression of CD28 and CD40 in Human Myeloma Cells: A Comparative Study With Normal Plasma Cells By Catherine Pellat-Deceunynck, Regis Bataille, Nelly Robillard, Jean-Luc Harousseau, Marie-Jose Rapp, Nadine Juge-Morineau, JohnWijdenes, and Martine Amiot CD28 and CD40 are important activation pathways for T and B lymphocytes, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the phenotype of plasma cells (PCs) and the expression of these two molecules, CD28 and CD40. Therefore, we have compared their expression on normal PCs from bone marrows and tonsils with that of freshly explanted malignant PCs from 31 patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and those from 12 human myeloma cell lines. For this purpose, we first described a new approach to identify plasma cells in bone marrow using two-color immunofluorescence analysis with anti-CD38 and B-B4 antibodies. B-B, specifically recognizes all PC; all B-B4cells are located within the CD38 bright fraction and vice versa. CD19 and CD56 expression, which was previously shown to discriminate normal from malignant PCs, was also evaluated. In the current report, we show that normal PCs express CD19, CD40, and CD56 (weakly as a subset) and lack CD28. Regardless of whether they express CD19, CD56is clearlyupregulated during the medullary chronic and accelerated phases of MM, but is absent in patients with extramedullary involvement. Although the level of CD40 expression is variable, only patients in accelerated phases expressed high CD40 levels. Finally, whereas CD28 was negative in chronic phase (as in normal PCs), it was expressed in 63% of the patients in accelerated phases and 100% of cell lines. Our data strongly suggest that both disease activity and medullary homing (or not) are correlated with theexpression of CD19, CD40, CD28, and CD56 on human myeloma cells. 0 1994 by The American Societyof Hematology. B countereceptors B7 and B7.2 present on antigen-presenting Although CD28 is one of the receptors best characterized on T cells, almost nothing is known about CD28 expression and function on plasma cells. Therefore, in this study, we have used a new approach using B-B, MoAb to identify the plasma cells, and compared the phenotype of normaland myeloma plasma cells for CD40 and CD28 expression in relationship withthat of CD19 and CD56. Analyzing a large panel of myeloma cells from patients with chronic to accelerated phases ofMM disease, we have looked for a possible correlation between the CD40 and CD28 expression and the disease activity. The physiologic significance of these antigens on PCsis discussed. -CELL MATURATION is accompanied by the coordinated acquisition and loss of cell surface antigens.’.’ Plasma cells (PCs) are characterized by the expression of cytoplasmic Ig and a recent report clearly indicates that PCs in the bone marrow (BM) can be easily identified by their very high level of CD38.3-5Traditionally, multiple myeloma (MM) has been regarded as a B-cell malignancy located in the BM and associated with the late stage of differentiation; nevertheless, the myeloma cell phenotype and morphology appear to be very heterogeneous from early to mature PCcx The immature PC or plasmablasts are the proliferating cells and represent a restricted compartment of the total malignant population. Despite the phenotypic heterogeneity of PCs, substantial progress has been made in establishing the phenotype of normal and malignant PCS.’.~These previous reports suggest that CD19 and CD56 expression profile can be used to distinguish myeloma from normal PCS.~.”.‘~ Indeed, it has been reported that all normal PCs from various tissues are CD19’ CD56-, whereas myeloma cells are often CD19CD56’ and never CD19+ CD56-.* Recently, immunophenotypic studies on human myeloma cell lines have found that CD40 can be expressed on few of them.“.” CD40 isusually expressed on B cells, dendritic cells, and carcinomas. The function of CD40 is of particular interest, because it has been shown that, in the presence of different cytokines (interleukin-4 [ G 4 1 and IL-lo), the activation through CD40 by monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) or gp39 (the CD40 ligand) can initiate both B-cell growth and differentiati~n.’~”~ A recent study indicates that stimulation through CD40 increases the proliferation of ANBL6, an IL-6-dependent human myeloma cell line.16 In contrast to the CD40 expression on fewcell lines, it has been shown that all freshly isolated myeloma cells from 7 patients express CD40.I6 In 1987, CD28, a T-cell-restricted antigen, was proved tobe present on the cell surface of several myeloma cell lines.I7 On T cells, two signals are required to stimulate proliferation: one is mediated through the T-cell receptor and the second one is delivered through CD28I8.I9 via the two Blood, Vol 84, No 8 (October 154, 1994 pp 2597-2603 MATERIALSANDMETHODS Patients. Phenotypic analysis of myeloma cells was performed in 31 patients with MM: 14 previously untreated patients, 1 in induction treatment with partial remission, and 16 with progressive disease (ie, relapse or primary treatment failure, despite one line of treatment or more). The diagnostic criteria were those of the American South- From the Laboratoire d’OncoginnPse Immunohimatologique, Institut de Biologie, Nantes; the Dkpartement d’Himatologie, Hdteldieu, Nantes; the Laboratoire d’Himatologie, Institut de Biologie, Nantes; and Innothirapie, Besaqon, France. Submitted February 28, 1994; accepted June 14, 1994. Supported by the Ligue Rigionale de Lutte contre le Cancer (no. 411). C.P-D. isarecipient of Conseil RigionaldesPaysdela Loire fellowship and M.A. is supported by the Centre National de la Recherche ScientiJque (CNRS). Address reprint requests CO Martine Amiot, PhD,Laboratoire d’Oncogkntse Immunohimatologique, Institut de Biologie, 9 Quai Moncousu. 44035 Nantes cedex 01, France. The publication costsof this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Sociev of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8408-0016$3.00/0 2597 PELLAT-DECEUNYNCK ET AL 2598 west Oncology G r o ~ p . ’Progressive ~ disease was defined as follows: greater than 50% increase of monoclonal Ig above previous levels, worsening anemia, and occurrence of new lytic bone lesions. Five of the patients with progressive disease presented extramedullary involvement. They were 18 IgG, 9 IgA, and 4 pure Bence-Jones only. The ratio of K/X was 19:12.With 4 exceptions, previously untreated patients have been described asin chronic phase, and patients with progressive disease as in accelerated phasewith or without extramedullary involvement. The 4 exceptions were the following: the unique patient (patient no. 5) in induction of treatment (less than 6 months from diagnosis) has been considered to be in chronic phase; 3 previously untreated patients (patients no. 17, 19, and 27) have been considered to be in accelerated phase, because of massive BM invasion (>50%), extensive new lytic bone lesions, and extramedullary involvement, in case no. 27. Thus, three homogeneous populations of patients have been referred in thetext, as shown in Table 2: 12 patients in chronic phase, mainly previously untreated ( l 1/12): 13 patients in accelerated phase without extramedullary involvement, mainly heavily treated ( 1 1/13); and 6 patients in accelerated phasewith extramedullary involvement, mainly heavily treated (5/6). Human myeloma cell lines. IL-6-dependent human myeloma cell lines XGl to XG8 were established in the laboratory.12 LP-I” and L363” were obtained from DSM (Braunschweig, Germany). Antibodies. MoAbs against the following antigens were used: CD19, CD28, CD38, CD40, and CD56; as well as the B-B,antibody. Anti-CD19-PE (phycoerythrin), anti-CD28-FITC (fluorescein), antiCD38-FITC, control IgGI-FITC, and control IgGl-PE were obtained from Immunotech (Marseilles, France); anti-CD56-PE from Becton Dickinson (Heidelberg, Germany); MoAb89” anti-CD40 and B-B4 antibody were, respectively, a gift from Dr J. Banchereau (SheringPlough, Dardilly, France) and from Dr J. Wijdenes (InnothCrapie, BesanGon, France). Cell preparations. Onthe occasion of a diagnostic iliac crest puncture, IO to 20 mL of BM aspirates was obtained and BM mononuclear cells were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation. Adherent cells were then removed by allowing total mononuclear cells to adhere to plastic flasks in RPM1 1640 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS) for 90 minutes at 37°C ina 5% COz humidified atmosphere. BM cells from healthy donors were, in addition, depleted of T lymphocytes by sheep erythrocyte rosetting. Tonsillar tissues were obtained from subjects undergoing tonsillectomy for chronic tonsillitis and purification of PCs was performed as described for normal BM. Biotinylution of purijied untibodies. PurifiedB-B,and antiCD40 antibodies were biotinylated using the following method. Antibodies (0.2 to 1 mg) were preliminilarily dialyzed in 0.1 moln NaHCO? pH 8.3 at 4°C andthe biotinylation reactions wereperformed for 2 hours at roomtemperature with 50 pg of biotinamidocaproate N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (Sigma B2643; Sigma, St Louis, MO) per milligram of antibody, freshly prepared in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at the concentration of 1 mg/mL. Phenotype unalysis of PCs. For immunofluorescence staining, 2 to 5 X IO5 cells were incubated with different FITC- or PE- or biotinylated MoAbs for 30 minutes at 4°C in the presence of 20% humanAB serum followed by incubation (30 minutes at 4°C) of streptavidin coupled to PE (Immunotech). Cells were fixedin 4% formaldehyde and analyzed on a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson). PCa were identified by specific B-B4’++and CD38”- immunofluorescence. For phenotype analysis, each MoAbwas associated with PE-streptavidin-biotinylated B-B4or anti-CD38-FITC. MoAbs against CD28-, CD38-FITC-conjugated were associated with biotinylated-B-B,, and MoAbs against CD19- and CD56-PE-conjugated and also biotinylated anti-CD40 antibodies were used in combination with anti-CD38-FITC. For Fig2E,B-B,-FITCwasused in combination with anti-CD56-PE. To determine the level of positivity for each marker, we divided the mean fluorescence intensity of each marker by the background staining. By this procedure, we distinguished three levels of positivity: weakly positive (+), 1.4 < fluorescence ratio c 10; positive (+ +), I O < fluorescence ratio 5 50; and brightly positive (+++), fluorescence ratio >50. RESULTS B-B4 specijicallyrecognizesall known thatnormal andmyeloma Pes. It i s nowwell PCs arefound only in A I l t +. m x a U) h 0 S0 l 0 0 150 288 256 FSC\Forward S c a t t e r -- I CD30 F a m 0 58 1 B B 150 288 250 FSC‘ Forward S c a t i e r -- I CD30 I Fig 1. Identificationof PCs in normal and myeloma BM. Human BM cells were freshly iroleted from BM aspirates from healthy donor MW IA, B, and C) and MM patient no. 12 (D.E, and F) as described under Materials and Methods. Scatter cytograms show the gate of the phenotype study (Aand D). Two-color analysis of BM cells with anti-CD38FlfC [x-axis, Log scale) and B-B,-biotin-streptavidin-PE lyaxis, Log scale) are presented (C and F); the PCs are locatedin the upper-rightquadrantregion. The corresponding controls with an irrelevant antibody are shown in 16) and (E). 2599 EXPRESSION OF CD28 AND CD40 INHUMAN MYELOMA CELLS E B A d 8 P 0 l CD38 I I CD38 I I BB4-FlTC 1 D C Y CD38 CD28 Fig 2. Immunofluorescence profile of normal PCs. Two-color analysis of normal BM cells with anti-CDlS-PE and anti-CD38-FITC (A), with anti-CD56-PE and anti-CD38-FITC (B), with anti-CD40-biotin-streptavidin-PEand anti-CD38-RTC (C), and with anti-CD28-RTC and B-B,-biotinstreptavidin-PE (D) are presented.When the two-color staining was performedwith anti-CD38, PCs were found in theright part of the cytogram, whereas PCs were found in the upper part of the cytogram when B-B4-biotin-streptavidin-PE was used for the staining. (E) represents atwocolor analysis of normal BM cells stained with anti-CD56-PE and B-B4-FITC; plasma cells were located in the right part of the cytogram. (A) and (C) were from MN3 and (B), (D), and (E) were from MN8. the CD38-bright fraction when analyzed by flow cytometry. Recently, the B-B4 MoAb was successfully used to purify PCs from BM cells of myeloma patients.28329 Using twocolor staining with anti-CD38 and B-B, MoAbs, we showed that allB-B,-positive cells (B-B:++) are located in the CD38+ bright fraction (CD38+++)and vice versa. Representative cytograms of a healthy donor and a multiple myeloma patient are presented in Fig 1C and F. For healthy donors and MM patients, we next confirmed that the percentage of PCs determined byflow cytometry is identical to the one evaluated by morphology in May-Grunwald Giemsastained cytospin (data not shown). We took advantage of the B-B4 specificity in all the following phenotype analyses to first identify the PCs and then to study the expression of other cell surface markers that were usedin combination with B-B4 or anti-CD38 for two-color staining analysis by flow cytometry. CD19 and CD56 are expressed on normal PCs. In this study, we were interested in defining the CD28 and CD40 expression in relation with CD19 and CD56, which were known to distinguish normal from malignant PCs. For this purpose, we first established the expression of CD19 and CD56 antigens on normal PCs (Fig 2A). As expected from previous reports, normal PCs from BM (6/6 cases) and tonsil (212 cases) were positive for CD19 (Table 1). We can see that the CD19' fraction ranged from 63% to 90%. Although it was initially reported that normal PCs do not express CD56, we show that 5 of 6 donors possess a subpopulation of PCs that express a low level of CD56, as shown in Fig 2B. To confirm this result, we performed two-color staining using B-B,-FITC antibody that is restricted to the PCs. As expected, a subpopulation of B-B,-positive cells express CD56 (Fig 2E). Normal PCs are CD40+ but CD28-. The CD40 and CD28 molecules have been detected on myeloma cells, but their expression profile on normal PCs remains unknown. Also, we analyzed the CD28 and CD40 expression on normal plasma cells from tonsil and BM. We observed a single and homogeneous population CD40+ and CD28- (Table 1 and Fig 2C and D), but the CD40 level expression is weak on PCs from BM and higher on PCs from tonsils (data not shown). CD19 and CD56 expression on myeloma cells. The phenotype of 3 1 MM patients was analyzed and the results D40 2600 PELLAT-DECEUNYNCK ET AL Table 1. Phenotypic Analysis of Normal PCs Phenotype of PCs CD56 Healthy Donor CD19 % of PCS BM MNI MN2 MN3 MN4 MN5 MN6 MN7 MN8 Tonsil TI T2 2.5 1 1.5 0.4 1.6 2 1 1.33 ++ (90) ++ (66) ++ (66) ++ (85) ++ (80) ND ND (63) ++ - ++ (36) + (60) ++ (36) + (90) ND ND + (35) is variable, we, however, can notice that only patients with progressive myeloma present a high level o f CD40 expression, as shown in Fig 3E. Concerning CD28 expression, interestingly, none of the 8 patients with MM i n chronicphaseexpressedCD28,whereasCD28was detected in 63% of thepatients in acceleratedphase. Positive and negative representative CD40 and CD28 expression profiles are presented in Fig 3E and F and Fig 3G and H, respectively. DISCUSSION In this study, with the two-color immunofluorescence B-B4 antibodies, we demethodusinganti-CD38and +++ + (40) +++ 0.6 scribed a new and efficient approach to identify the PCs ++ + (331 2 ++ in the BM. Using this approach, we were able to examine Intensity of fluorescence is defined: +, weakly positive; ++, posithe expression of cell surface markers of PCs in BM contive; +++, highly positive, asdescribed under Materials and Methods. taining as little as 0.5% of PCs among the total mononuWhen both positive and negative cells were found, the percentage of clear cells. positive cells is indicated. The results presented here first establish that normal PCs Abbreviation: ND. not done. are CD19' and that CD56 is expressed on a subpopulation. The presence of CD19 on these cells is in agreement with a previous observation.' The finding that normal PCs express are summarized in Table2. In this study, we distinguished CD56 was contrary to previous reports, which may be extwo major groupsof patients according to the stageof the plained by the differences in the methods of identification disease: 12 were in chronic phase and 19 in accelerated of PCS.',~ With regards to the CD19 and CD56 expression on myeloma cells, our resultsconfirmthatmostPCsare phase. For CD19 and CD56 expression, irrespective of the CD19- CD56' or CD19+CD56+.' Comparing the level of different stages of the disease, two frequent phenotypes CD56 expression on myeloma andnormal PCs, we can conwere observed: CD19- CD56'(13 of 31 cases) and CD19' clude that CD56 is often upregulated on myeloma PCs. The CD56+ (1 1 of 31 cases). Moreover, as it had been indibiologic role of CD56 on PCs remains unknown, but it is cated in a previous report, we confirmed that the CD19' CD56- phenotype was never observed inMM patients. In reasonable to think that CD56 could be involved in homomost of the cases, the level of CD56 is higher than on typic adhesion with some cellular components of the BM environment or in heterotypic adhesion with some extracelnormal PCs, indicating that CD56 expression is upregulular matrix components, as has been described in other cellated on myeloma cells (Table 2). Analysis of the results lular models.20"2Analysis of the data obtained from patients 5 patients were CD19shows that myeloma cells from with extramedullary involvement supportsthenotion that and CD56-; the cytograms of 1 of these patients is shown in Fig 3B and D. It is of particular interest to note that 4 the loss of CD56 could berelated to thecapacity of myeloma cellstodisseminateout of theTheideathatCD56 of 5 of these patients in accelerated phase presented not upregulation and downregulation is underthe control of very only a BM infiltration butalso an extramedullary involveprecise mechanisms is consistent with earlier reports showment. This result strongly suggests a correlation between the subsequent lack of CD56 expression and the spreading ingthat CD56 can be downregulated during embryogenic migratory events and then reexpressed when target organs of malignant PCs. are rea~hed.".'~In relation to this observation, we can notice These patients who did not express CD56 on PCs still that the myeloma cells from the patient no. 31 were excluexpressed CD56 on the CD38+population corresponding to sively located in the peritoneal cavity. Because thecells had natural killer (NK) cells. This NK cell population CD56' all left the BM and were sited then in the peritoneal cavity, can be observed in theBM from myeloma patients(Fig 3D) where they highly proliferated, it is reasonable to think that as well as in normal BM (Fig 2B). CD56 would have been reexpressed once thenew organ was CD28 and CD40 expression on myelomacells. On all myeloma cell lines examinedso far, we observed that reached, ie, the peritoneal cavity. Finally, regardless of the ascitis, all BM or peripheral (case no.30) myeloma cells CD28 is always expressed and, furthermore, with a high from patients with extramedullary involvement are level of intensity (Table 3). On the other hand,7 of these C D 1 9 - C D K . Concerning CD19 and CD56 expression on 12 cell lines expressed different levels of CD40, and 5 cell lines were totally negative (Table 3). We next exam- human myeloma cell lines, the most frequent phenotype is CD19-CD56-. This result reflects our findings, because at ined the CD40 and CD28 expression on the 31 patients. least all XG celllineswere obtainedfromtheperipheral Theresultsanalyzedindependently of thedifferent blood of MM patients with extramedullary progression. groups of patients indicated that CD40 and CD28 were In the present report, whichfirst confirms the recent obserexpressed somewhat in two-thirds and 40% of MM patients, respectively (Table 2). Although the level of CD40 vation that CD40 is present on some human myeloma cell EXPRESSION OF CD28 AND CD40 IN HUMAN MYELOMA 2601 CELLS Table 2. Phenotypic Analysis of Myeloma Cells Phenotype of Myeloma Cells MM Patient No. - Disease Status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (M) Accelerated (EM) Accelerated (EM) Accelerated (EM) Accelerated (EM) Accelerated (EM) Accelerated (EM) mlg D D D D T D D D D D D D T T T T D T D T T T T T T T D T T T T % of PCS 5 10 4.5 2 1.3 31 6 33 7 3 3 28 5 4 3 2 85 22 50 20 8 8 2.5 20 19 40 65 26 40 90 85 CD19 CD56 CD40 ++C - +++ ++ +++ +++ +++ - CD28 + + + - + (42) ++ - + (60) ++ + - ++ +++ +++ + + - ++ ++ ++ (80) - ++ ND +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + ++ + (25) + (25) ++ ++ - + ++ +++ - - + (22) - - - +++ - - + + In all cases, cells were purified from BM except for patients no. 30 and 31. The cells were obtained from peripheral blood lymphocytes for highly positive, as described no. 30 and from ascitis for no. 31. Intensity of fluorescence is defined: +, weakly positive; ++, positive; under Materials and Methods. When both positive and negative cells were found, the percentage of positive cellsis indicated. Abbreviations: M, medullary involvement only: EM, extramedullary involvement; D, diagnosis; T, under treatment; ND, not done. +++, lines,",'* we describe the CD40 expression on PCs. Indeed, we show that all normal plasma cells express CD40, whereas two thirds of myeloma patients express CD40. Our percentage of myeloma cells expressing CD40 contrasts with the recent finding that all myeloma cells are CD40+.I6This discrepancy likely reflects differences in the number of patients studied, which was (l) larger in our study and (2) representative of the different disease stages. Moreover, our results on MM are in agreement with the variability of CD40 expression observed on cell lines. IL-6 has been shown to be the major myeloma cell growth factor, most probably functioning both as an autocrine and a paracrine f a ~ t o r . ~A' ,recent ~~ study indicated that signaling through CD40 induced an autocrine IL-6 production on one myeloma cell line, ANBL6, which has been described to proliferate only in presence of IL-6.I6 Because 3 of 8 myeloma cell lines that proliferated in response to IL-6 are CD40- in our hands, this important functional observation regarding CD40 does not seem to be a common feature of myeloma cells. In addition, this finding is also supported by the fact that one third of MM patients have been reported negative for CD40 and we can raise the hypothesis that IL-6 autocrine responsiveness triggered through CD40 cannot be the unique pathway for in vivo myeloma cell proliferation. Finally, the results presented in this report provide the first documentation of CD28 expression on normal and myeloma PCs. We determine that all myeloma cell lines established to date express CD28 and the results on myeloma patients clearly indicate that CD28 is only detected on MM cells from aggressive stages of disease. It is of importance to note that at least all myeloma cell lines established successfully in the laboratory'* were exclusively obtained from patients with aggressive stages of the disease and even with terminal disease, which is in good agreement with our results on CD28 expression depicted in this report. These findings could support the hypothesis that CD28 appears at one precise stage of B-cell differentiation. Therefore, a possible explanation for the absence of CD28 on normal PCs might be that this stage exists for a short period of time during normal development and is only accessible PELLAT-DECEUNYNCK ET AL 2602 E C A 3> cwel B F D H I " Fig 3. Heterogeneous immunofluorescence profile of malignant PCs of BM. Representative positive (A, C, E, and G) and negative (B, D, F, and H) profiles of PCs for CD19 (A and B), CD56 (C and D), CD40 (E and F), and CD28 (G and H). (A and C) Patient no. 18; (B and D) patient no. 27; (E and G) patient no. 29; (F and HI patient no. 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT when this compartment has been immortalized on cell lines or considerably enhanced in aggressive MM. It may repreWe thank the Department of Hematology (Prof J.-L. Harousseau) sent the plasmablastic compartment, overlapping the prolif- forproviding us withbone marrow samples;DrBanchereaufor erative cells. To address this hypothesis, we have started providing CD40 antibody: M. Etrillard and D. Puthier for technical looking at the labeling indexof myeloma cells. Despite the assistance; Drs R. Garand and F. Accard for their cytologic expertise; Dr L. Bataille-Zagury for editing the English text; and N. 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