THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, December 23, 2014. CITY OF LENEXA ORDINANCE NO. 1728 First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for Quivira Road Sidewalk and Intersection Improvements (83rd to 85th Street) will be accepted by the City of Lenexa, Kansas at the Community Development Department, Lenexa City Hall, 12350 West 87th Street Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas 66215, until 1:00 PM (local time) on January 28, 2015, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Lenexa City Hall. Any bid received after the designated closing time will not be considered and will be returned unopened. All bids shall be submitted to the Community Development Department Customer Service Staff (Main Level) in sealed envelopes addressed to the CITY OF LENEXA, KANSAS, ATTENTION: CITY CLERK, and marked “Bid for: Quivira Road Sidewalk and Intersection Improvements (83rd to 85th Street) Copies of plans, specifications, bidding documents and other Contract Documents are on file at: Drexel Technologies, Inc. 10840 W. 86th Street Lenexa, KS 66214 Bidders desiring Contract Documents for use in preparing bids may obtain a set of such documents at the address above. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE DREXEL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. WEBSITE SET FORTH BELOW NOTE: DAVIS BACON WAGE RATES APPLY TO THIS PROJECT EACH BIDDER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT IT HAS RECEIVED ANY AND ALL ADDENDA ISSUED BY CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH IB-10 OF THE INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. CONTRACTORS SHOULD READ AND BE FULLY FAMILIAR WITH ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS INCLUDING ADDENDA BEFORE SUBMITTING A BID. IN SUBMITTING A BID, THE BIDDER WARRANTS THAT IT HAS READ THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND IS FULLY FAMILIAR THEREWITH AND THAT IT HAS VISITED THE SITE OF THE WORK TO FULLY INFORM ITSELF AS TO ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AND SHALL INCLUDE IN ITS BID A SUM TO COVER THE COST OF ALL ITEMS OF THE WORK AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. No oral telegraphic, telephonic proposals or alterations will be considered. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. The following items must be included in the sealed envelope with the Bid: a. Bid Form; b. 5% Bid Security--Bid Bond, Cashier’s Check or Certified Check (see below); and c. Acknowledgment of Addenda Issued by City. Each bidder shall file with its bid a bid bond, a cashier’s check or a certified check drawn on an acceptable bank, made payable to City of Lenexa, Kansas, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid, which shall be retained by City of Lenexa, Kansas until a Contract for the project has been executed. Bid Bonds will be returned to the bidders, with the exception of the best and lowest and second best and second lowest responsible bidders, within twenty-one (21) days after their bids are rejected. The bid deposit of the lowest and the second lowest responsible bidders will be returned when the Performance Bond, Maintenance Bond and Statutory Bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount; required insurance certificates and other required documents shall have been furnished and the Contract Documents have been executed by the successful bidder. In the event the low bidder is unable to execute the Contract, for whatever reason, within the time provided in the Notice of Award, City may annul the Notice of Award and the bid deposit may be forfeited and City shall exercise its legal prerogatives, including, but not limited to, enforcement of its rights as to the bid security or specific performance. City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregularities therein. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by written request of the bidder received in the office of City Clerk, prior to the time and date for bid opening. From and after the release of this Notice, any party intending to bid on the above referenced Project, including their officers, employees, agents, or contractors are specifically prohibited from communicating with any elected or appointed official of the City, directly or indirectly, with regard to the award of the contract for the Project listed above, except as specifically authorized by the Instructions to Bidders. Any such unauthorized communication may result in the automatic disqualification of such bidder. ALL BIDDERS AGREE THAT REJECTION SHALL CREATE NO LIABILITY ON THE PART OF CITY BECAUSE OF SUCH REJECTION, AND THE FILING OF ANY BID IN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE SHALL CONSTITUTE AN AGREEMENT OF THE BIDDER TO THESE CONDITIONS. If this section is completed, a Pre-Bid Conference will be held at: Lenexa City Hall, Executive Conference Room (UL) January 21, 2015, at 1:00 PM 12/23 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 VEHICLE AUCTION First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 13, 2015. The following cars are to be sold at public auction January 27, 2015 at Almighty Tow Service, 8787 Lenexa Drive, Overland Park, KS 66214, 913-362-8699. 2005 Silver Chrysler 300 2C3JA63H25H578100 1/13 1/20 David F. Bryant III David F. Bryant III, City Clerk City of Lenexa, Kansas VEHICLE AUCTION First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 13, 2015. The following cars are to be sold at public auction January 27, 2015 at Johnson County Tow, 7932 Foster St, Overland Park, KS 66204, 913-362-8699. 2006 Gray Ford Five Hundred 1FAFP231X6G108394 2008 White Chevrolet Impala 2G1WB58K089218697 1/13 1/20 1/20 PAGE PAGE THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 1729 First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING PAGE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PAGE PAGE THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING PAGE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING PAGE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PAGE PAGE THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING PAGE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING PAGE 1/20 PAGE PAGE 10 THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 1412 First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. ORDINANCE NO. 1412 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONCURRENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS; AMENDING AND REPEALING EXISTING SECTIONS 5-103.28 AND 5-1026 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MISSION HILLS, KANSAS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF MISSION HILLS, KANSAS: SECTION 1. Existing Section 5-103.28 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mission Hills, Kansas, is hereby amended to read as follows: 5-103.28. Concurrent Construction Project: A Substantial Construction Matter, other than an Outdoor Recreational Facility or Pool, for which a valid building permit exists at the same time as a valid building permit for at least one other Substantial Construction Matter, other than an Outdoor Recreational Facility or Pool, that is located within five-hundred (500) linear feet and on the same or an abutting street, as measured along the street(s) in each direction from the subject property. A Substantial Construction Matter, other than an Outdoor Recreational Facility or Pool, that has already commenced as the only Substantial Construction Matter within five-hundred (500) linear feet in either direction and is still involved in Significant Construction Activity shall become classified as a Concurrent Construction Project at the time that a valid building permit is issued for another Substantial Construction Matter, other than an Outdoor Recreational Facility or Pool, within five-hundred (500) linear feet on the same or an abutting street, at which time all of the Concurrent Construction Project requirements shall become applicable. A Substantial Construction Matter, other than an Outdoor Recreational Facility or Pool, for which Significant Construction Activities have commenced prior to the effective date of this Ordinance shall not become a Concurrent Construction Project. 7. Implementation and/or installation of all of the foregoing pre-construction and construction requirements that relate to or involve physical components will be confirmed by the City Inspector prior to issuance of the permit for construction/exterior work, and must be retained on-site and maintained in good condition through the completion of construction activities. SECTION 2. Existing Section 5-1026 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mission Hills, Kansas, is hereby amended to read as follows: 5-1026. Permit Application for Construction Work; Special Requirements for Substantial Construction Matters and Concurrent Construction Projects. A. Building Permit Required. An application for a building permit to erect, construct, reconstruct, or alter any structure, whether temporarily or permanently, that involves any such work on a principal building shall be filed by the owner of the property with the City Clerk upon forms prescribed, and unless otherwise specified below, shall set forth, agree to, or include by attachment thereto, the information set forth below. M. Concurrent Construction Project Requirements. 1. Agreement as to Off-Street Parking for Concurrent Construction Project. For any Concurrent Construction Project, the Applicant shall develop a plan to accommodate the off-street parking requirements for as many worker vehicles as practicable and as reasonably under the circumstances, as determined by the City Administrator or designee at the time of submittal of the construction drawings for a Concurrent Construction Project or at such time as the project qualifies as a Concurrent Construction Project, whichever is earlier. The determination of what is practicable and reasonable under the circumstances may include the consideration of various factors, including, but not limited to, the following: topography and physical conditions of the property; existing tree coverage and landscaping designated to remain after construction; configuration and location of existing structures on the property designated to remain after construction; the existence of viable subsurface improvements such as utilities and sprinkler systems; the space and layout of the street and other properties along the street; and traffic conditions. 2. Public Meeting Prior to Commencement of Concurrent Construction Project. Within ten (10) days of issuance of a building permit associated with a Substantial Construction Matter that qualifies as a Concurrent Construction Project, the City shall provide notice to convene a public meeting at City Hall, or other appropriate location within the City, to enable the owners of affected Concurrent Construction Projects (both the newly approved project as well as any existing project which became a Concurrent Construction Project as a result of the newly approved project) to provide an overview of the projects, exchange names and telephone numbers, and to discuss issues and strategies to minimize impacts to the neighborhood and the residents throughout the respective construction processes. Notice shall be provided to all owners of property located within five-hundred (500) linear feet of the subject properties, and on the same or an abutting street, as measured along the street(s) in each direction from the subject properties At a minimum, each public meeting shall be attended by all owners or representatives of all owners (in person or by telephone conference call) and contractors of Concurrent Construction Projects. The City Administrator or a designated representative shall attend the public meeting. B. Application for Building Permit. A Building Permit Application (for exterior work) must be completed and filed with the City. C. Architectural Review Board Checklist. The ARB may prepare, approve and, from time to time, update an ARB Checklist which identifies certain information that must be submitted for consideration by the ARB to adequately describe and to facilitate the ARB’s understanding and analysis of the proposed project. The ARB Checklist shall be satisfied in its entirety, unless specified elements are waived by the City Administrator or the City Architect on a case-specific basis. D. Registered Boundary Survey. No less than two (2) copies of a registered boundary survey of the tract or parcel of land upon which the proposed structure is to be located showing the exact dimensions of the tract or parcel, identification of corner pins, the location and dimensions of any existing structure, the location and dimensions of the proposed structure, the distance between the property lines of the tract or parcel and the building lines of any existing or proposed structure, and the square foot area of the tract or parcel, provided that the City Administrator may waive all or part of this requirement if: (a) the Administrator determines that the work for which the permit is sought does not increase the amount of lot area covered by any structure; (b) the work for which the permit is sought is to replace an existing structure with a like structure at the same location and the Administrator determines that the existing structure was properly located in accordance with a registered boundary survey of the tract or parcel of land in question; or (c) if the Administrator determines that the proposed structure is clearly not near any lot line and clearly will not encroach upon any setback requirements; provided, however, that the City Administrator may not waive this requirement for any fence or wall or retaining wall, that is closer than ten (10) feet to any lot line, unless said fence is a fence return. E. Architectural Drawings. If the permit is for a principal building, a detached accessory building or any addition or attachment to either building, no less than two (2) copies of architectural drawings, prepared and signed by an architect, drawn to scale and showing the dimensions, elevations and exterior design of such structure, and if such structure is to be attached to an existing structure, showing the dimensions, elevations and exterior design of the existing structure. F. Detailed Drawings. If the permit is for an accessory structure, no less than two (2) copies of detailed drawings signed by the person preparing them, prepared to scale, showing the dimensions, elevations and exterior design of the proposed structure and the existing structure, and if such structure is to be attached to an existing structure, showing the dimensions, elevations and exterior design of the existing structure; provided that if the City Administrator deems the nature and scope of the work to be performed to be substantial, the City Administrator may require architectural drawings prepared by an architect or, if the structure involved is a fence, walkway, driveway, flagpole or antenna and the City Administrator determines that the nature and scope of the work to be performed with respect to any such structure is insubstantial, the City Administrator may require such drawings as the Administrator determines are necessary to ensure compliance with the Zoning Regulations. G. Flood Hazard and Sewer Permit. Whatever information the City Administrator or Clerk may require as evidence of having obtained a flood hazard and development permit and an outside sanitary sewer construction and connection permit if required by the City Administrator or Clerk. H. Surface Drainage. Whatever information the City Administrator or Clerk may require as evidence that the work for which the permit is required will not cause the surface drainage to change in a manner that would adversely affect surrounding properties, including but not limited to, a drainage study signed by a registered civil engineer so certifying. I. Work Related to Gas or Oil Well. If the purpose for which the permit is requested is in any manner related to the locating, drilling or establishing of a gas or oil well, such information as the City Administrator or Clerk deems necessary to establish that the applicant has fully complied with all statutes of the State of Kansas pertaining to the regulations of oil and gas wells, to establish that if the permit is granted, there will be no hazard to safety created thereby and such other information as the City Administrator or Clerk deems appropriate. J. Compliance with all Applicable Laws. Whatever information the City Administrator or Clerk may require as evidence of compliance with all relevant laws, ordinances and regulations as the City Administrator or Clerk deems appropriate. K. Additional Information and Drawings. Any other information or drawings that the City Administrator or Clerk may require, including but not limited to: (a) information required under the provisions of the Building Code, Chapter V, Article 10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mission Hills, Kansas, as amended from time to time; (b) the type, height and location of fencing surrounding any pool; (c) drawings depicting the dimensions and area of any watercourse located on the property; and (d) the proposed height of the foundation of any structure in relation to the elevation of the tract or parcel prior to any construction. L. Agreement as to Construction Site Control and Maintenance for Substantial Construction Matter. A complete and fully executed building permit application, which represents an agreement on behalf of Applicant and Applicant’s agents to comply with any and all construction-related requirements as set forth in Chapter 5, generally, and specifically including the following elements which must be installed, implemented and/or completed prior to commencement of Significant Construction Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. place a tarped or covered receptacle on-site for food, trash, garbage and other nonconstruction debris, under the agreement to have the contents removed and disposed by a licensed disposal company on a weekly basis or more frequently if necessary to prevent a condition constituting a nuisance; place a dumpster on-site for construction debris, under the agreement to have the contents removed and disposed prior to the contents exceeding the height of the dumpster walls, or more frequently if necessary to prevent a nuisance condition; the dumpster shall be tarped or covered during off-site removal and support; place a portable toilet on-site, under the agreement to have the contents emptied on a periodic basis so as to prevent a nuisance condition; install and maintain a Construction Fence to remain in place until the owner or contractor requests the removal of the fence and represents that all constructionrelated safety and nuisance issues have been resolved, and the City Administrator or designee has concurred; pay a reasonable, City-specified deposit on the “no parking” signs (which shall be refunded upon the return of the signs in good condition at the conclusion of the project) and install the City-provided “no parking” signs on one side of the street as necessitated by the construction; agree, as the site will reasonably allow, to minimize impacts to neighboring properties by: (i) limiting the duration of soil stockpiles greater than eight feet (8’) in height to sixty (60) days after setting the foundation, with appropriate allowance for weather days, as determined by the City Administrator; (ii) limiting the height of soil stockpiles to eight feet (8’) after backfilling; (iii) restricting the location of soil stockpiles and other activities that may result in excessive compaction of soil, thereby ensuring sufficient distance from significant slopes, boundary lines, and trees greater than twenty-seven inches (27”) in circumference (measured at fifty-four inches (54”) above ground surface), including the avoidance of areas within the drip-line of trees on adjoining properties; and (iv) complying with applicable requirements established in the Land Disturbance Ordinance, as set forth in Chapter V, Article 13 of the City Code; and install a City-provided sign on the gate or the Construction Fence within three feet (3’) of the gate or if there is no Construction Fence then in the front yard, so as to be plainly visible to the public; the sign shall identify the name of the contractor/company, the name of the primary contact, the business telephone number of the company, and the Code-authorized daily work periods. The Applicant shall pay a reasonable, City-specified deposit on the construction information sign which shall be refunded upon the return of the sign in good condition at the conclusion of the project. The City shall provide to all residents entitled to notice pursuant to the ARB process a written information summary containing the same information that is provided on the construction information sign, as well as the name and direct telephone number of the primary contact (available 24-hours a day). The written information summary shall be provided upon the commencement of construction. N. Pre-project and Post-project Topographical Elevation Survey for Rebuild Projects. For any Rebuild Project, the Applicant shall provide a pre-project and post-project topographical elevation survey. O. When Application Deemed Filed. No application shall be deemed filed until the applicant has submitted to the City Clerk all information required hereunder. SECTION 3. Existing Sections 5-103.28 and 5-1026 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mission Hills, Kansas, are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication, or the publication of a certified summary thereof, in the official City newspaper. PASSED by the City Council this 12th day of January, 2015. APPROVED by the Mayor. /s/ Richard T. Boeshaar Richard T. Boeshaar, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Megan Nelson Megan Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Neil R. Shortlidge Neil R. Shortlidge, City Attorney 1/20 ANNUAL MEETING First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. ANNUAL MEETING The De Soto Cemetery Board is having its annual meeting for the election of officers on Tuesday, February 3, at 7:00 pm at the De Soto Senior Center 32905 W. 84th St. 1/20 THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. CITY OF LEAWOOD, KANSAS 143rd STREET IMPROVEMENTS – NALL TO WINDSOR NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids shall be received by the City of Leawood, Kansas, at the office of the City Clerk until 10:00 AM, entral Legal Time on February 11, 2015, for the construction, complete, of 143rd STREET IMPROVEMENTS – NALL TO WINDSOR, said work to include: full depth concrete pavement reconstruction, curb and gutter, sidewalk, enclosed storm sewer, grading, street lighting, signalization, and special plantings, and other construction. All bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the City Clerk, City of Leawood, 4800 Town Center Drive, Leawood, Kansas 66211, and shall be clearly marked “143rd IMPROVEMENTS – NALL TO WINDSOR (IN CAPITAL LETTERS)”. At the above stated time and place, all bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the designated closing time will be returned unopened. Copies of the Contract Documents are available for viewing and or purchase at in their eDistribution plan room. Contractors desiring Contract Documents for use in preparing bids may also obtain a set of such documents from Drexel Technologies, 10840 West 86th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66214; 913-371-4430. Requesting party assumes responsibility for all related charges. Bidders are encouraged to attend a Pre-Bid Conference to be conducted on February 4, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time in the Council Chambers at City of Leawood City Hall, 4800 Town Center Drive, Leawood, Kansas 66211 Each bidder shall file with their bid proposal a cashier’s check, certified check, or bid proposal bond, drawn on an acceptable bank in an amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. Nonresident corporations that are not already registered with the Kansas Secretary of State, and all nonresident individuals and partnerships are required by law to register with the Director of Revenue, State Office Building, Topeka, Kansas, and to pay a fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each and every contract, as a precedent to commencing work on the contract. For contracts in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) the foreign contractor shall file with the Director of Revenue an acceptable bond in amount of ten percent (10%) of the contract. No bid may be withdrawn within a period of thirty (30) calendar days from and after the date fixed for opening bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities or irregularities therein. In accordance with various Federal and State civil rights legislation, the City of Leawood does not discriminate against individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, medical condition or disability. 1/20 /s/ Debra Harper Debra Harper, CMC, City Clerk VEHICLE AUCTION First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. UNCLAIMED VEHICLE AUCTION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC INTERNET BIDS ONLY Pursuant to K.S.A. 8-1102 and K.S.A. 58-211 the following vehicles will be sold at public auction on Friday, January 30, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. unless claimed by the owner and all tow and storage charges are paid in full. This auction is open to the public at Pre bidding begins at 6:00 pm on Friday, January 23, 2015 and continues until the live internet sale begins Friday, January 30, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. VEHICLES CAN BE INSPECTED AT: LUCAS TOWING 1303 OTT STREET, OLATHE, KS ALL SALES ARE FINAL WITH NO REFUNDS YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED USER OF TO BID ON VEHICLES TERMS OF AUCTION: All sales are final. No refunds. All sales are “as is” “where is” and there are no guarantees or warranties expressed or implied. The paperwork to obtain a new title will cost $80.00 per vehicle. There is no guarantee paperwork will obtain a new title for you in your state. Please check with the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state for details. You must agree to all sale disclosures. Nationwide Transportation of vehicles can be arranged 2002 Ford Windstar 2FMZA50462BB01649 Loan Max Susan L Foley 1996 Chrysler Sebring 3C3EL55H9TT322155 Gerald L Whiteside 1995 Toyota Corolla 2T1AE09BXSC100786 Titlemax of Missouri Carlotta M Boettcher 1995 Mercedes WDBHA28E1SF138351 Travis Sim Smith 2004 Saturn Vue 5GZCZ53464S866275 NRF 2001 5TH Wheel 1B9GN242711155612 NRF 1/20 1/27 TREASURER'S QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. VEHICLE AUCTION First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Allied Towing & Blue Valley Towing Service have impounded vehicles for local police departments and property owners and they will be sold at public (silent bid) auction on Jan. 29, 2015 for cash unless positive proof of ownership can be presented, all fees must be paid (tow & storage)at the time of pick up. Bids will be accepted at 15485 South HWY 169 Olathe Ks 66062 Gates open at 8:00 am. To view cars Bidding starts at 10:00 am. All bids must be received by 2:00 pm. We will notify the winning Bidder the following business day. Paperwork $85.00 Keys $40.00 1. 2003 KAWA ZR1000A1 JKAZRCA173A006697 2. 2004 CHEV CAVALIER 1G1JC52F747345431 3. 2000 NISS MAXIMA JN1CA31DXYT731237 4. 1997 DODG INTREPID 2B3HD46T4VH790357 5. 2002 CHEV IMPALA 2G1WF55K429373933 6. 2001 CHEV CAVALIER 1G1JF12T317124250 7. 2000 DODG GRAND CARAVAN 2B4GP2431YR794810 8. 2003 TOYO TUNDRA 5TBBT481X3S415356 9. 1997 CHEVROLET BLAZER 1GNDT13W2V2230060 MICHAEL COLVIN OR WORLD WIDE SECURITY SERVICES 11401 W 99TH ST. OVERLAND PARK KS 66214-2410 10. 1997 HONDA CIVIC 1HGEJ6225VL094551 MARIVEL HERNANDEZ-GREGORIO 3045 l LAFAYETTE AVE KANSAS CITY 66104-4231 11. 1998 HONDA CIVIC 2HGEJ6341WH121002 MELISSA ANNE JONES 7725 TWILIGHT LN. LENEXA KS 66217-9407 12. 1999 FORD EXPLORER 1FMAU24E9XUA55770 JAMES A EDDY 9501 W 93RD OVERLAND PARK KS 66212-4802 13. 1998 CHEV CAMARO 2G1FP22K2W2111715 LARRY WAYNE 9536 CONNELL DR. OVERLAND PARK KS 66212-5120 14. 1995 SATURN S 1G8ZH1275SZ336218 ASHLEE SAMANTHA HUBER 7819 ENGLAND DR. OVERLAND PARK KS 66204-2415 15. 2006 PONTIAC G6 1G2ZG558564125886 LADONNA NEWTON 6727 BALES AVE KANSAS CITY MO 64132 A1 AUTO SALES 5401 PROSPECT AVE. KANSAS CITY MO 64130 MISSOURI LICENSE & TITLE 3301 GILLHAM PLZ KANSAS CITY MO 64109 16. 2004 NISSAN SENTRA 3N1CB51DX4L826422 JACQUELINE WALTER 4727 # 105 KANSAS CITY MO 64112 CENTRIX FUNDS SERIES CLPF 6872 S POTOMAC ST. ENTRENNIAL, CO 80112 1/20 1/27 VEHICLE AUCTION First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. VEHICLE AUCTION KIDDS TOWING AND RECOVERY 4839 MERRIAM DR OVERLAND PARK, KS 66203 AUCTION 02-03-15 AT 10:30 AM LIVE AUCTION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC PURSUANT TO K.S.A. 8-1102 AND K.S.A. 58-211 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 3RD, 2015 AT 10:30 AM UNLESS CLAIMED BY THE OWNER AND ALL TOW AND STORAGE CHARGES ARE PAID IN FULL. ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS. ALL SALES ARE “AS IS”. 1995 CHEVROLET BERETTA 1G1LV15M3SY323004 2005 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WP521859222851 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WT55K569376080 1999 CHRYSLER SEBRING 4C3AU42N0XE131311 2002 DODGE CARAVAN 2B8GP44352R784394 1999 DODGE DURANGO 1B4HR28Y4XF702552 2005 DODGE NEON 1B3ES56C45D198436 1998 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAFP74W6WX118597 2002 FORD ESCORT 3FAFP13P52R197339 2001 FORD F-150 1FTRW08L11KE89339 2000 FORD FOCUS 1FAFP34P8YW328134 1992 FORD TAURUS 1FALP5247PG182325 2000 MITSUBISHI DIAMANTE 6MMAP67P3YT005912 2001 MITSUBISHI DIAMANTE 6MMAP67P41T000787 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA JN1CA31A2YT213127 2001 PONTIAC GRAND AM 1G2NF52T01M560821 2001 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 1G2WK52J41F111824 1997 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 1P4GP44R1VB467476 2002 SUZUKI XL-7 JS3TY92V124110636 1/20 1/27 PAGE 11 1/20 PAGE 12 THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. CITY OF LEAWOOD, KANSAS 2015 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS – 89TH STREET AND MISSION ROAD NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids shall be received by the City of Leawood, Kansas, at the office of the City Clerk until 10:00 A.M., Central Standard Time on Thursday, February 5th, 2015, for the construction, complete, of the 2015 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS – 89TH STREET AND MISSION ROAD, said work to include: pavement removal, curb removal, excavation and compaction, grading, curb replacement, paving, storm sewer removal and replacement, sanitary sewer removal and replacement, sodding, tree and shrub removal and replacement, and other construction. All bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the City Clerk, City of Leawood, 4800 Town Center Drive, Leawood, Kansas 66211, and shall be clearly marked “2015 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS – 89TH STREET AND MISSION ROAD “. At the above stated time and place, all bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the designated closing time will be returned unopened. Copies of the Contract Documents are available for viewing or purchase at Drexel Technologies, 10840 West 86th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66214. Information regarding this project can be found in the “Public Jobs” link on the website. Contractors desiring Contract Documents for use in preparing bids may obtain a set of such documents on-line at in their eDistribution plan room and at the address stipulated below for a nonrefundable fee of $70.00 made payable to Larkin Lamp Rynearson. Mail or deliver corporate, certified, or cashiers’s checks to: Drexel, Attn: Distribution, 10840 West 86th Street, Lenexa, Kansas, 66214-1632. Additional assistance is available at Each bidder shall file with their bid proposal a cashier’s check, certified check, or bid proposal bond, drawn on an acceptable bank in an amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. Nonresident corporations that are not already registered with the Kansas Secretary of State, and all nonresident individuals and partnerships are required by law to register with the Director of Revenue, State Office Building, Topeka, Kansas, and to pay a fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each and every contract, as a precedent to commencing work on the contract. For contracts in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) the foreign contractor shall file with the Director of Revenue an acceptable bond in amount of ten percent (10%) of the contract. No bid may be withdrawn within a period of thirty (30) calendar days from and after the date fixed for opening bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities or irregularities therein. In accordance with various Federal and State civil rights legislation, the City of Leawood does not discriminate against individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, medical condition or disability. 1/20 /s/ Deb Harper Deb Harper, City Clerk, CMC Principal Amount* $155,000 160,000 165,000 170,000 175,000 180,000 185,000 190,000 200,000 *Subject to change, see Notice of Bond Sale dated January 12, 2015. The Bonds will bear interest from the date thereof at rates to be determined when the Bonds are sold as hereinafter provided, which interest will be payable semiannually on March 1 and September 1 in each year, beginning on September 1, 2015. Book-Entry-Only System. The Bonds shall be registered under a book-entry-only system administered through DTC. Paying Agent and Bond Registrar. Treasurer of the State of Kansas, Topeka, Kansas. Good Faith Deposit. Each bid shall be accompanied by a good faith deposit in the form of a cashier’s or certified check drawn on a bank located in the United States of America or a wire transfer in Federal Reserve funds immediately available for use by the Issuer in the amount of $42,000.00. Delivery. The Issuer will pay for preparation of the Bonds and will deliver the same properly prepared, executed and registered without cost to the successful bidder on or about February 26, 2015, to DTC for the account of the successful bidder. Assessed Valuation and Indebtedness. The Equalized Assessed Tangible Valuation for Computation of Bonded Debt Limitations for the year 2015 is $84,521,668. The total general obligation indebtedness of the Issuer as of the Dated Date, including the Bonds being sold, is $9,810,000. Approval of Bonds. The Bonds will be sold subject to the legal opinion of Gilmore & Bell, P.C., Kansas City, Missouri, Bond Counsel, whose approving legal opinion as to the validity of the Bonds will be furnished and paid for by the Issuer, printed on the Bonds and delivered to the successful bidder as and when the Bonds are delivered. Additional Information. Additional information regarding the Bonds may be obtained from the undersigned, or from the Financial Advisor at the addresses set forth below: DATED: January 12, 2015. City of Fairway, Kansas Attn.: City Administrator/City Clerk 4210 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 100 Fairway, Kansas 66205 Phone No.: 913-262-0350 Fax No.: 913-262-4607 Financial Advisor: 1/20 George K. Baum & Company 4801 Main Street, Suite 500 Kansas City, Missouri 64112 Attn: David Arteberry Phone No.: 816-863-3230 Fax No.: 816-283-5326 Bids may be delivered in person or mailed to the City Clerk. However, any response which is mailed but does not reach the City Clerk by the deadline time set forth above will not be accepted. City Clerk Overland Park City Hall 8500 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, Kansas 66212 The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses and to waive any technicalities or irregularities therein. No respondent may withdraw his or her proposal for a period of thirty (30) days from the deadline date specified above. 1/20 NOTICE TO BIDDERS First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. CITY OF LENEXA NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for Lenexa Monument Signage 2015 will be accepted by the City of Lenexa, Kansas at the Community Development Department, Lenexa City Hall, 12350 West 87th Street Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas 66215, until 1:00 PM (local time) on February 11, 2015, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Lenexa City Hall. Any bid received after the designated closing time will not be considered and will be returned unopened. All bids shall be submitted to the Community Development Department Customer Service Staff (Main Level) in sealed envelopes addressed to the CITY OF LENEXA, KANSAS, ATTENTION: CITY CLERK, and marked “Bid for: Lenexa Monument Signage 2015 Copies of plans, specifications, bidding documents and other Contract Documents are on file at: Bids. SUBJECT to the Notice of Bond Sale dated January 12, 2015, written and electronic bids will be received on behalf of the City Administrator/City Clerk of the City of Fairway, Kansas (the “Issuer”) in the case of written bids, at the address set forth below, and in the case of electronic bids, through PARITY® until 11:00 a.m., Central Time, on FEBRUARY 9, 2015 for the purchase of the above-referenced bonds (the “Bonds”). No bid of less than 99.0% of the principal amount of the Bonds and accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery will be considered. Bond Details. The Bonds will consist of fully registered bonds in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. The Bonds will be dated February 26, 2015, and will become due on September 1 in the years as follows: Written and Facsimile Bid and Good Faith Deposit Delivery Address: Respondents must submit their response not later than: 2:00 p.m. Central Time on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE DREXEL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. WEBSITE SET FORTH BELOW (GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PAYABLE FROM UNLIMITED AD VALOREM TAXES) Year 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Specifications for this bid may be obtained from the City of Overland Park website at http://www.opkansas. org/doing-business/bids-and-proposals/ Bidders desiring Contract Documents for use in preparing bids may obtain a set of such documents at the address above. $2,100,000* CITY OF FAIRWAY, KANSAS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2015-A Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 The City of Overland Park, Kansas (subsequently referred to as the City) is requesting bids for Brocade MLXe Core Routers. Drexel Technologies, Inc. 10840 W. 86th Street Lenexa, KS 66214 SUMMARY NOTICE OF BOND SALE First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. SUMMARY NOTICE OF BOND SALE Principal Amount* $35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 150,000 REQUEST FOR BID First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. CITY OF OVERLAND PARK Request for Bid Brocade MLXe Core Routers EACH BIDDER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT IT HAS RECEIVED ANY AND ALL ADDENDA ISSUED BY CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH IB-10 OF THE INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. CONTRACTORS SHOULD READ AND BE FULLY FAMILIAR WITH ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS INCLUDING ADDENDA BEFORE SUBMITTING A BID. IN SUBMITTING A BID, THE BIDDER WARRANTS THAT IT HAS READ THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND IS FULLY FAMILIAR THEREWITH AND THAT IT HAS VISITED THE SITE OF THE WORK TO FULLY INFORM ITSELF AS TO ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AND SHALL INCLUDE IN ITS BID A SUM TO COVER THE COST OF ALL ITEMS OF THE WORK AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. No oral telegraphic, telephonic proposals or alterations will be considered. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. The following items must be included in the sealed envelope with the Bid: a. Bid Form; b. 5% Bid Security--Bid Bond, Cashier’s Check or Certified Check (see below); and c. Acknowledgment of Addenda Issued by City. Each bidder shall file with its bid a bid bond, a cashier’s check or a certified check drawn on an acceptable bank, made payable to City of Lenexa, Kansas, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid, which shall be retained by City of Lenexa, Kansas until a Contract for the project has been executed. Bid Bonds will be returned to the bidders, with the exception of the best and lowest and second best and second lowest responsible bidders, within twenty-one (21) days after their bids are rejected. The bid deposit of the lowest and the second lowest responsible bidders will be returned when the Performance Bond, Maintenance Bond and Statutory Bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount; required insurance certificates and other required documents shall have been furnished and the Contract Documents have been executed by the successful bidder. In the event the low bidder is unable to execute the Contract, for whatever reason, within the time provided in the Notice of Award, City may annul the Notice of Award and the bid deposit may be forfeited and City shall exercise its legal prerogatives, including, but not limited to, enforcement of its rights as to the bid security or specific performance. City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregularities therein. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by written request of the bidder received in the office of City Clerk, prior to the time and date for bid opening. From and after the release of this Notice, any party intending to bid on the above referenced Project, including their officers, employees, agents, or contractors are specifically prohibited from communicating with any elected or appointed official of the City, directly or indirectly, with regard to the award of the contract for the Project listed above, except as specifically authorized by the Instructions to Bidders. Any such unauthorized communication may result in the automatic disqualification of such bidder. ALL BIDDERS AGREE THAT REJECTION SHALL CREATE NO LIABILITY ON THE PART OF CITY BECAUSE OF SUCH REJECTION, AND THE FILING OF ANY BID IN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE SHALL CONSTITUTE AN AGREEMENT OF THE BIDDER TO THESE CONDITIONS. If this section is completed, a Pre-Bid Conference will be held at: Lenexa City Hall, Executive Conference Room (UL) February 5, 2015, at 1:00 PM 1/20 David F. Bryant III David F. Bryant III, City Clerk City of Lenexa, Kansas THE LEGAL RECORD • JANUARY 20, 2015 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICES VEHICLE AUCTION First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Unclaimed Vehicle Auction *OPEN TO THE PUBLIC * INTERNET BIDS ONLY* Pursuant to K.S.A. 8-1102 and K.S.A. 58-211 the following vehicles will be sold at public auction on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 7:00 pm unless claimed by the owner and all tow and storage charges are paid in full. This auction is open to the public at Pre bidding begins at noon Saturday, January 24, 2015 and continues until the live internet sale begins at 7:00 pm Saturday, January 31, 2015. Vehicles can be inspected at Pro-Tow L.L.C. 11410 W 89th Street, Overland Park, KS starting Saturday, January 24 thru Saturday, January 31 from 9 am to 5 pm weekdays. Terms of Auction: ALL SALES ARE FINAL NO REFUNDS! ONLY REGISTERED USERS OF MAY BID ON VEHICLES. This sale is by internet bid only! All sales are “AS IS” AND “WHERE IS” there are NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES. Paperwork to obtain title is $100.00 per vehicle. There is NO GUARANTEE the paperwork we provide will obtain a title for you in your state. Please check with your state for title requirements. You must agree to all sale disclosures and be registered user of to qualify as a bidder for this sale. Nationwide transportation of vehicles can be arranged by Pro-Tow L.L.C. at 913-262-3300. YR MAKE 1 1982 Mercury Zephyr TAN 1MEBP71BXCK632458 Estrada Domingo E 2 1988 Toyota Pickup BLUE JT4VN63C3J0026433 Adam James Witt 3 1991 Acura Integra GOLD JH4DA9455MS048501 Aguirre Glenda 4 1992 Ford F150 BLUE 1FTEX15Y6NKB99850 5 1993 Honda Accord GREEN 1HGCB7694PA190011 Wood Brenda Kay / Vaughn Harry 6 1994 Chevrolet C1500 GOLD 1GCDC14Z1RZ206332 America Facio / Ramsey Rain 7 1994 Mazda B-Series BLACK 4F4CR16X2RTN07546 Cordell Duane B / Car Title Loans 8 1994 Toyota Camry GREEN 4T1GK13E0RU014701 Robert Bruschi / Sanchez James 9 1995 Lexus GS 300 BLACK JT8JS47E4S0106377 William Paul Gray / Simmons Brittany / Mid American Title L 10 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo WHITE 2G1WW12M0V9304949 Clevenger Kelly 11 1997 Chrysler Cirrus GREEN 1C3EJ56H2VN574448 Trantham Frank M & Claire L 12 1997 GMC Yukon BLUE 1GKEK13RXVJ705376 Susana Jean Almarez / Estis Kelvin / Titlemax of Missouri 13 14 1997 1998 Pontiac Acura Sunfire RL WHITE WHITE 1G2JB1242V7584019 JH4KA9677WC007869 Sweeney Justin K Cole Ryan Hurst & or Isaiah Akeem Roath / Flink James D & Jamie B / State Farm Ban / Metro Title Services 15 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier GREEN 1G1JC1243WM107202 Kate W Vasconellos / Sellars Amanda A / Loan Max 16 1999 Chrysler LHS SILVE 2C3HC56G0XH259724 Marissa Helen Comer / Titlemax of Missouri 17 2000 Honda Accord BLACK 1HGCG1649YA040559 Allyssa Sarah Mapes 18 2001 Ford Escord BLACK 3FAFP11381R158209 Parks Todd R 19 2001 Oldsmobile Aurora WHITE 1G3GR62H814106023 Derenique Lyrionne Green / Titlemax of Missouri / Mehl Kim E / 20 2001 Oldsmobile Intrigue WHITE 1G3WH52H01F154256 Hill Torrance Lee 21 2002 Saturn L Series BLUE 1G8JT54F82Y518931 Greg A Cox / Guinn April & Swoboda Andrew / Buckeye Title Loans 22 2003 Ford Focus Grey 1FAFP34303W219768 Ruth A Oatman / Jp Morgan Chase Bank 23 2003 Ford Mustang GRAY 1FAFP49Y83F302973 Lindquist Kendall L / Capital One Auto Fin 24 2003 Hyundai Sonata SILVE KMHWF25H93A736562 Byron Charles Morgan / Americredit Financial Serv Inc 25 2004 Chevrolet Express WHITE 1GCGG25U541116294 PULLED 26 2004 Honda Civic BLUE 1HGEM22534L083394 Madison Darrah Spurgeon / Twin City Fire Ins Co 27 2005 Chevrolet TrailBlazer SILVE 1GNDT13S452126389 Mcclendon Evelyne & Christopher / Midwest Title Loan 28 2005 Chrysler 300 BLUE 2C3JA53G85H529064 Garrett Beth A / American Credit Acce 29 2005 Ford Escape BLACK 1FMCU94105KD63687 Fabela-Ojeda Elisa / Buckeye Title Loans 1/20 VIN# LAST KNOWN OWNER PAGE 13 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS First published in The Legal Record, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL For PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES The City of Prairie Village is requesting consultant proposals for the following: Type of Work Roadway and Stormwater Construction Activities Consultant Task Projects On-Call Construction Inspec2015 and 2016 Paving and tion Drainage Programs and Administration *Right-of-Way Activities On-Call field inspection Fiber Installation *Right-of-Way Activities: These services include reviewing right-of-way permit applications and field monitoring the installation of various telecommunication utilities within the City of Prairie Village rightof-way and their restoration efforts. Proposals should include information demonstrating proficiency and relevant experience for both types of work listed above. Additional items for consideration: • Temporary work zone traffic control • Proposed staff • Availability The proposal should include the name of the principal to be responsible for the work, as well as the primary contact(s). The proposals must include information outlining the above areas for evaluation to include firm experience, staff capabilities, references for the last three years for similar work, and a statement as to why your firm should be considered by the City. The proposal shall be no more than eight (8) single-sided pages in length, excluding the cover letter. Other tasks may be included in each contract as the need arises. Interested parties may obtain a copy of the scope of services (along with sample Agreements), for the above RFP, from the Public Works Department located at 3535 Somerset Drive. Proposals will be accepted by the City Clerk, City of Prairie Village, 7700 Mission Road, Prairie Village, Kansas, until 3:00 PM on Friday, February 20 , 2015.. Please provide five copies of each proposal you submit. After reviewing the proposals, the City may select firms to make an oral presentation to the City. Due to specific project needs, multiple consultants may be selected from this request. Please direct questions to Melissa Prenger, Sr Project Manager, or 913-385-4655. No questions will be accepted after the close of business on Friday, February 13, 2015. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities or irregularities therein. No proposal may be withdrawn within a period of thirty (30) days from and after the date fixed for receiving the proposals. Joyce Hagen Mundy, City Clerk 1/20
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