Camel Talk El Hasa Shriners Post Office Box 5190 Ashland, KY 41105 - 5190 Return Service Requested January - March 2015 NON - PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID ASHLAND, KY PERMIT # 11 WWW.ELHASA.ORG 12 A Publication of El Hasa Shriners Ashland, Kentucky Volume 15 - Number 1 March 27-29 SASA Mid Winter - Roanoke, VA May 7-10 Funfest - Pigeon Forge, TN July 3-10 Imperial Session - Houston, Texas September 16-20 SASA - Myrtle Beach, SC October 17-23 Potentates Trip, Punta Cana El Hasa Shriners at Ashland Kentucky presents A Spring Extravaganza Antique Show and Sale of Antiques and Collectibles April 17 - 19, 2015 Friday April 17 6-8pm Saturday April 18 9am-5pm Sunday April 19 10am-4pm Admission $3.00 For more information contact Malvin Bailey 304-360-0988 John “Willie” Paholsky 740-532-6126 Dennie Salyers at 606-928-8573 Proceeds are for the benefit of El Hasa Shriners and are not Tax deductable 2 11 Camel Talk El Hasa Shriners Next Camel Talk Deadline March 15 e mail articles to 2015 Elected Divan Richard (Big) Thompson (Tish) Bob Pigman (Ruby) John (Skip) Holley (Rhonda) Rob Channell (Teresa) Jerry Blevins (Shelli) Vic Hopper Jr.. P.P. (Lana) Fred Wood Jr. P.P. (Tonya) Potentate Chief Rabban Assistant Rabban High Priest & Prophet Oriental Guide Treasurer Recorder 2015 Appointed Divan James (OJ) Daniel (Leslie) Patrick Leighty (Jessica) John Dixon (J.J.) Dick Neal (Angie) Luke Clary (Susan) Bill Tooley (Peggy) 1st Ceremonial Master 2nd Ceremonial Master Director Marshall Captain of the Guard Outer Guard Trustees Rob Marshall (Patricia) Jim Rodman (Judy) Charles Young (Judith Kay) 606.571.3962 606.325.3290 606.922.0402 Treasurer Emeritus Director Emeritus Joe Hart P.P. (Ruby) Dan Allen (Pat) This publication is directed to the interest of the Nobility of El Hasa Shriners. The opinions and statements expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the polices or opinions of El Hasa Shriners nor of the Imperial Council of Shriners International Notice Unless Otherwise Stated Proceeds from activities announced in this publication are for the benefit of El Hasa Temple, its Clubs & Units. 10 3 Welcome New Members, You are now a Noble of El Hasa Shriners. Shriners are distinguished by an enjoyment of life and a commitment to philanthropy. They enjoy parades, trips, dances, dinners, sporting events and other social occasions. They support what has been called the “World’s Greatest Philanthropy,” Shriners Hospitals for Children, a network of 22 pediatric specialty hospitals, operated and maintained by the Shriners. It is the mission of our officer’s and committees to plan for every Nobles interest and pleasure. Our sincere hope is that you will actively participate in El Hasa Shrine affairs. Become involved in your temple and let the good times roll. 2015 New Nobles Shawn G. Goodman Thomas Neil Kidd Robert Andrew Linton Donny Owens, Jr. Willie Allen Sowards Gregory Lee Stillwell February 7 7:00 pm til 12:00 am It’s time for “FROGGIN” at El Hasa Nobles and Guests Affiliated Ben T. Heath $30 Donation Per Person Ticket entitles holder to following: * Unlimited Mexican Delicacies By “Fiesta Bravo”* * Refreshments* * Music* * Fun* Must be 21 to Enter Proceeds are for the benefit of El Hasa Shriners and are not Tax deductable El Hasa Oriental Band Called From Labor Western Party 2015 Saturday January 31 6:00pm til Midnight Donald S. Bartram Larry Grey Carpenter William Hartman Hall Samuel A. Jackson Bobby Jarvis Michael W. Musser James A. Pack Bill F. Scott James Lee Alley Music by: Larry Pancake James E. Boggs, P.P. Gayle Forrest Cater Paul Edward Conley Clyde P. Meadows Carl C. Worthington Gerald Keith Bayes Barbeque * Drinks $25.00 per Person Tickets available at the door US Route 180 Cannonsburg, KY 606.928.9529 Graden N. Walter, Jr. Samuel E. Hollback William E. Waggoner Earl E. Willis Gary Wayne Burchett Conrad R. Jones John Robert Paulin James E. Stewart James W. Young, Jr. All proceeds are for the benefit of the El Hasa Oriental Band and are not tax deductible William S. Hayton 4 9 El Hasa Temple Cash Party January 24, 2015 All Nobles Are Invited El Hasa Spring Ceremonial And Fez Presentation In Honor of Illustrious Sir Fred Wood Jr. P.P. $5,000 CASH PRIZE Reverse Raffle Only 300 Tickets will be Sold Full Steak Dinner, Including Salad, Large Ribeye, Baked Potato and Roll $50 per Ticket Doors Open @ 6:00pm Drawing Starts @7:00pm Continuous Refreshments Included BLACK JACK, POKER, CRAPS AND PULL TIPS AVAILABLE Saturday March 14, 2015 9:00am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 3:00pm Candidate Registration First Section Lunch Second Section Fez Presentation and Reception El Hasa Shrine 13450 State Route 180 Ashland, KY 41105 606-928-9529 Ladies are encouraged to attend the Ladies Luncheon and Return for the Fez Presentation and Reception. Transportation to and from the Ladies Luncheon will be available Leaving El Hasa Temple at 10:30am Proceeds are for the benefit of El Hasa Shriners and are not Tax deductable TEMPLE, UNIT AND SHRINE CLUB DUES ARE THE LIFE BLOOD OF OUR ORGANIZATION. CHECK YOUR CARDS !PLEASE WEAR FEZ! 8 5 “2015 PARADES” Date Area Line Up Step Off April 18 Pikeville Ky 10am 2pm May 9 Pigeon Forge Tn 8am 9am May 23 Grayson Ky 12pm 1pm May 25 Ironton Oh 9am 10am July 4 Olive Hill Ky 12pm 1pm September 5 Salyersville Ky 11am 12pm September 7 Catlettsburg Ky 9am 10am September 12 Hindman Ky 11am 12pm September 18 SASA Myrtle Beach SC 4pm 5pm September 26 West Liberty Ky 12pm 1pm October 3 Paintsville Ky 12pm 2pm October 3 Greenup Ky 2pm 4pm October 8 Morehead Ky 5pm 6pm October 10 Prestonsburg Ky 12pm 2pm October 10 Louisa Ky 1pm 2pm November 7 Ceredo Kenova WV 11am 12pm November 24 Ashland Ky 6pm 7pm December 3 Russell Ky 6pm 7pm December 5 Flatwoods Ky 12pm 1pm El Hasa Final Four Party Saturday, April 4, 2015 16’ BIG SCREEN Two Fantastic Games Doors Open @ 4pm Food and Ice Cold Beverage Available 6 7
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