OFFICE ADDRESS - California State University, Los Angeles

Bill Sanders
Curriculum Vitae
January 2015
California State University, Los Angeles
School of Criminal Justice & Criminalistics
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Office: 323-343-4622
Fax: 323-343-4646
PhD, Sociology, University of London (London School of
Economics/Goldsmiths College), London, UK
MPhil, Criminology, University of Cambridge (Trinity Hall College),
Cambridge, UK
BA, Sociology/Law and Society (Minor: Ethnic Studies), University of
California at Riverside, Riverside, CA
2013 - now
Professor, California State University Los Angeles, School of Criminal
Justice and Criminalistics, Los Angeles, CA
2008 - 2013
Associate Professor, California State University Los Angeles, School of
Criminal Justice and Criminalistics, Los Angeles, CA
Assistant Professor of Research, University of Southern California,
Keck School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Research Associate, Community, Health Outcomes and Intervention
Research Program, The Saban Research Institute, Childrens Hospital Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Lecturer, San Diego State University
Department of Sociology, San Diego, CA
Sociology, Criminology, At Risk/High Risk Youth, Substance Use, Violence, Sexual Risk,
Ethnography, Youth Gangs, Homeless Youth, Intersections of Crime and Public Health
Introduction to Sociology, Criminal Justice and Public Health, Criminological Theory,
Juvenile Justice, Gangs, Substance Use and Crime, Forensic Mental Health, Violence
2013 – 2017
Mentor, “University of Michigan Social Work/Nursing Bridges to
the Doctoral Program II”, National Center on Minority Health and
Health Disparities, R25, (PI: LA. Chadiha; A-L. Huynh-Hohnbaum)
Total Award: $573,930
2005- 2008
Principal Investigator, “Youth Gangs: Drug Use, Sexual Behavior,
and HIV Risk,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, R03
Total Award: $152,300
2007 – 2008
Ethnographer and analyst, “Non-medical Prescription Drug Use
among High Risk Youth” National Institute on Drug Abuse, R01 (PI:
SE. Lankenau)
Total Award: $2,150,000
2003- 2008
Ethnographer and analyst, “Ketamine Injection and HIV Risk among
High Risk Youth in Three Cities: New York, New Orleans, Los
Angeles,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, R01 (PI: SE. Lankenau)
Total Award: $2,429,762
1995 - 1996
Interviewer, “Residential Burglary in Cambridge” Institute of
Criminology, University of Cambridge, UK. (PI: T. Bennett).
2009 – 2010
Indirect Cost Recovery Fund, College of Health and Human
Services, California State University, Los Angeles. Total Award:
1998 – 2003 Supply (substitute) Teacher – Various primary (elementary) schools
throughout London, England, UK (e.g. Alfred Salter Primary School,
Southwark, London).
1993 – 1994
Substitute Teacher – Perris Elementary School District, Perris, CA
Various recognition awards from the City of Los Angeles, California State
Assembly and community based organizations.
Scholar’s Choice Book Award for Youth Crime and Youth Culture in the
Inner City (Routledge, 2005) Society for the Study of Social Problems
Taylor and Francis Publishing Company (2005)
Ashgate Publishing Company (2006)
Sage Publications (2008, 2009)
Jones and Bartlett (2011)
Wiley and Sons (2011)
Addiction (2009, 2010)
Pan American Journal of Public Health (2010)
Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy (2011)
City & Society (2011)
Violence & Victims (2012, 2013, 2014)
Journal of Youth Studies (2013, 2014)
Substance Use and Misuse (2013)
International Journal of Drug Policy (2014)
Pediatrics (2014 x 2)
Qualitative Sociology (2014)
Harry Guggenheim Foundation (2009)
Health Research Council of New Zealand (2013)
Curtin University (Australia), PhD External Reviewer (2010)
World Health Organization, European Report on Preventing Violence and Knife Crime in
Youth (2010)
1. Hoffman, B., Waters, N. & Sanders, B. (2014). Gang youth, peer social networks
and cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use patterns. Journal of Clinical and Psychiatric
Nursing, 27, 35-42. Available here:
2. Wagner K, Jackson Bloom, J, Hathazi D.S., Sanders B, & Lankenau S.E. (2013).
Control over drug acquisition, preparation, and injection: Implications for HIV and
HCV risk among young female injection drug user. ISRN Addiction. Volume 2013,
Article ID 289012. Available here:
3. Sanders, B. (2013). An overview of a gang diversion collaboration operated by the
Carson Sheriff’s Station in Los Angeles. The Journal of Gang Research, 21 (1), 4352.
4. Sanders, B. (2012). Gang youth, substance use, and drug normalization. Journal of
Youth Studies. 15 (8), 978-994. Available here:
5. Sanders, B., Lankenau, S., and Jackson Bloom, J. (2010) Putting in Work:
Qualitative Research on Substance Use and Other Risk Behaviors among Gang
Youth in Los Angeles. Substance Use and Misuse (Special Edition on Qualitative
Research on Substance Use). 45 (5), p. 736-753. Available here:
6. Lankenau S, Wagner K, Jackson Bloom, J, Sanders B, Hathazi D., & Shin, C.
(2010). The First Injection Event: Differences among Heroin, Methamphetamine,
Cocaine, and Ketamine Initiates. Journal of Drug Issues, 40 (2). Available here:
7. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., Jackson Bloom, J., and Hathazi, D. (2010) Recruiting
and Retaining Traveling Young Injection Drug Users. Substance Use and Misuse:
(Special Edition on Qualitative Research on Substance Use) 45 (5), p. 684-699.
Available here:
8. Sanders, B., Lankenau, S., and Jackson Bloom, J. (2009) Risky Sexual Behaviors
among a Sample of Gang-identified Youth in Los Angeles. The Journal of Equity in
Health. (Special Guest Editors from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention),
2 (1), p. 61-71. Available here:
9. Sanders, B., Schneiderman, J.U., Loken, A., Lankenau, SE., and Jackson Bloom, J.,
(2009) Gang Youth as a Vulnerable Population for Nursing Intervention. Public
Health Nursing 26 (4), p. 346-352.
10. Sanders, B., Lankenau, S., Jackson Bloom, J., and Hathazi, D. (2009) A Typology
of Drug-Related Offending among Homeless Young Injection Drug Users. Journal
of Drug Issues, 39 (4), p. 777-802. Available here:
11. Hathazi, D., Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., and Jackson Bloom, J. (2009) Pregnancy
and Sexual Health among Homeless Young Injection Drug Users. Journal of
Adolescence, 32, p. 339-335. Available here:
12. Sanders, B., Lankenau, S., Jackson Bloom, J., and Hathazi, D. (2008). ‘Research
chemicals’: Tryptamine and Phenethylamine Use amongst High-Risk Youth.
Substance Use and Misuse, 43 (3-4), p. 389-402. Available here:
13. Sanders, B., Lankenau, S., Jackson Bloom, J., and Hathazi, D. (2008) Multiple
Drug Use and Polydrug Use amongst Homeless Traveling Youths. Journal of
Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 7 (1), p. 23-40.
14. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., Jackson Bloom, J. and Hathazi, D. (2008). Subjective
Experiences on Ketamine: The Impact of Drug, Set and Setting. Addiction Theory
and Research: Special Edition on Ketamine Use. Guest Editors: Fiona Measham and
Karenza Moore, 16(3), p. 273-287. Available here:
15. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B. et al. (2007) Prevalence and Patterns of Prescription
Drug Misuse among Ketamine Injectors. Journal of Drug Issues, 3, p. 717-736.
Available here:
16. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., Jackson Bloom, J., Hathazi, D., Alarcon, E., Tortu, S.,
and Clatts, M. (2007) First Injection of Ketamine among Young Injection Drug
Users (IDUs) in Three U.S. Cities. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87, p.183-193.
Available here:
17. Lankenau, S. and Sanders, B. (2007) Patterns of ketamine use among young
injection drug users. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 39(1), p. 1-28. Available here:
18. Sanders, B. (2005) ‘In the Club: Ecstasy Use and Supply in a London
Nightclub’, Sociology, 39 (2), p. 241-258.
19. Sanders, WS. (2002). ‘Breadren: Exploring the Group Context of
Young Offenders in an Inner City English Borough,’ International
Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 26 (Spring/Fall),
p. 101–114.
1. Sanders, B. (forthcoming). Gangs: An Introduction. Oxford University Press.
2. Sanders, B, Thomas, Y, & Griffin-Deeds, B (eds.) (2013) Crime, HIV & Health:
Intersections of Criminal Justice and Public Health Concerns. Springer Press (NL)
3. Sanders, B. (ed.) (2006) Drugs, Clubs and Young People: Sociological and Public
Health Perspectives. Ashgate: Aldershot (UK).
4. Sanders, B. (2005) Youth Crime and Youth Culture in the Inner City. Routledge:
1. Sanders, B. (forthcoming). Ethnicity and alcohol and substance use policy. In: T.
Kolind, B. Thom, & G. Hunt (Eds.). Sage Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies
(Volumes I & II).
2. Sanders, B., Valdez, A., Hunt, G., Joe Laidler, K., Moloney, M., & Cepeda, A.
(2013). Gang Youth, Risk Behaviors and Negative Health Outcomes. In Sanders,
B, Thomas, Y, & Griffin-Deeds, B (eds.) Crime, HIV & Health: Intersections of
Criminal Justice and Public Health Concerns. Springer Press. (NL)
3. Sanders, B, Thomas, Y, & Griffin-Deeds (2013) Intersections of Public Health and
Criminal Justice. In Sanders, B, Thomas, Y, & Griffin-Deeds, B (eds.) Crime, HIV
& Health: Intersections of Criminal Justice and Public Health Concerns. Springer
Press. (NL)
4. Sanders, B. (2009). Raves In P. Korsmeyer & H. Kranzler (eds.) Encyclopedia of
Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior (3rd ed.) New York: MacMillian Press, Vol.
3, p. 320-323.
5. Sanders, B. (2009).Gangs and Drugs. In P. Korsmeyer & H. Kranzler (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior (3rd ed.) New York:
MacMillian Press, Vol. 2, p. 196-202.
6. Sanders, B. (2009). Hallucinogens. In P. Korsmeyer & H. Kranzler (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior (3rd ed.) New York:
MacMillian Press, Vol. 2, p. 222-226.
7. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., Jackson Bloom, J. & Hathazi, D. (2009). Migration
Patterns and Substance Use among Young Homeless Travelers. In Y.F. Thomas, D.
Richarson, and I. Cheung (eds.) Geography and Drug Addiction. Guilford, UK:
Springer Press, p. 65-83.
8. Sanders, B. and Lankenau, S. (2006) A Public Health Model for Studying Youth
Gangs. In J. Short and L. Hughes (eds.). Studying Youth Gangs. Latham, MD:
Altamira Press, p. 117-128.
9. Sanders, B. (2006). Young People, Clubs and Drugs. In B. Sanders
(ed.) Drugs Clubs and Young People: Sociological and Public Health
Perspectives Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, p. 1-12.
10. Sanders, B. (2006). In the Club Redux: Ecstasy Use and Supply in a
London Nightclub, In B. Sanders (ed.) Drugs, Clubs and Young People:
Sociological and Public Health Perspectives. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, p.
11. Sanders, WS. (1996). Rave Nation: A Pilot Case Study. In S. Fernando
Rodriguez (ed.). Understanding Sociology Through Multicultural Issues.
E. Bowers Publishing, Inc.: Dubuque, Iowa, p. 49-56.
INVITED PRESENTATIONS (sole presenter for all)
1. “Fighting among Gang Youth in Los Angeles”, Adolescent Grand Rounds, Division
of Adolescent Medicine, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. May
11, 2012.
2. “Gang Youth and Public Health: Research and Recommendations.” National
Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Los Angeles Chapter/Childrens
Hospital Los Angeles. Reflections on Teen Health Conference. Long Beach, CA.
February 12, 2011.
3. “The Illicit Use of Legal Substances.” The 6th International Conference on Nightlife,
Substance Use and Related Health Issues, Club Health 2010. Zurich, Switzerland.
June 7, 2010.
4. “Gang Youth, Risky Sexual Behaviors and Negative Health Outcomes.” Los
Angeles County Department of Public Health, Sexually Transmitted Disease
Program. Los Angeles, CA. February 19, 2010.
5. “Violence and Trauma: How Do They Affect You?” The 2009 Urban Adolescent
Health Summit, National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center, Charles
Drew University of Medicine and Science. Los Angeles, CA July 9, 2009
6. “Developing a Public Health Strategy for the Study of Gang Youth”, Society of
Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. March 27, 2009
“The Health of Gang Affiliated Youth”, Families and Children Lunchtime Brown
Bag, Department of Social Work, University of Southern California. Los Angeles,
CA. September 16, 2008
8. “Measuring Gang Intervention Efforts”, Injury Science Symposium, Childrens
Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA. May 23,
9. “The Role of Public Health Nurses in Facilitating Gang Violence Prevention”,
Injury Science Symposium, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern
California. Los Angeles, CA. May 23, 2008
10. “Qualitative Research on Gangs in the London Borough of Lambeth”, 9th Annual
Eurogang Conference, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA. May
22, 2008
11. “A Public Health Study of Gang Youth in Los Angeles: Methods and Preliminary
Findings”, Keynote Speaker, University of South Carolina, Department of
Psychology, Symposium on Violence. Columbia, SC. March 30, 2007
12. “A Public Health Study of Youth Gangs: Methods and Preliminary Findings”,
Interagency Gang Task Force 6th Annual Anti-Gang Violence Conference. Los
Angeles, CA. November 17, 2006
13. “Young People, Crime and Gangs”, Boys and Girls Club of America Regional
Meeting on Youth at Risk. Orange County, CA. September, 2006
14. “Crystal Methamphetamine: Profiles of Users and Consequences of Use”, CLARE
Foundation. Santa Monica, CA. September, 2006
15. “Young women and crime” Seventh Annual Women’s Leadership Symposium –
“Women and the 21st Century: Health, Job and Family”. San Fernando Valley, CA.
April 8, 2005
16. “Research and analysis – strategy and techniques”, San Fernando Valley Youth
Action Commission Leadership Training, City of Los Angeles Department of
Recreation and Parks. San Fernando Valley, CA. March 31, 2005
17. “Anti-social affiliations”, San Fernando Valley Youth Action Commission
Leadership Training, City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. San
Fernando Valley, CA. March 10, 2005
18. “Psychology of Youth Crime – Schools and Delinquency”, Education and Beyond
Conference, Youth for Positive Change, Regional Collaborative. San Fernando
Valley, CA. January 15, 2005
PRESENTATIONS (all oral unless otherwise stated; * denotes graduate student)
1. Balian, A.* & Sanders, B. ‘Health care disparities among ethnic minorities with
histories in the justice systems.’ American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, CA. November, 2014
2. Sanders, B. ‘On the rise of the illicit use of legal substances among youth.’
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. August, 2011.
[short-listed for press release]
3. Buck, U., Lemus, S.*, Noya, F. & Sanders, B. ‘Examining the effectiveness of a
multi-agency gang intervention collaboration in Los Angeles: The Gang Diversion
Team.’ American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
November, 2010.
4. Hoffman, B. & Sanders, B. ‘Drug use among gang youth, their friends and family:
Further analyses.’ Presented at the 5th International Conference on Social Science
Research, New Orleans, LA, September, 2010.
5. Sanders, B., Thomas, Y. & Griffin-Deeds, B (Hosts) Crime, Health and HIV
Symposium. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, August, 2009.
6. Sanders, B., Hunt, G., & Valdez, A. ‘Gang Youth, Risk Behaviors and Negative
Health Outcomes’, Presented at the Crime, Health and HIV Symposium. American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August, 2009.
7. Hoffman, B. & Sanders, B. ‘Drug use among gang youth, their friends and family.’
Presented at the International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt
Conference XXIX, San Diego, CA, March, 2009.
8. Jackson Bloom, Lankenau, Alarcon, Hathazi, & Sanders ‘Staying Safe in New
Orleans following Hurricane Katrina: The Experiences of Young Injection Drug
Users.’ Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San
Diego, CA, November, 2008.
9. Lankenau, Jackson Bloom, Sanders, et al. ‘Modeling longitudinal trajectories of
ketamine injection among young injection drug users.’ Presented at the American
Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, November, 2008.
10. Lankenau, Sanders, et al. ‘Poly-Victimization in the Lives of Young, Homeless
Injection Drug Users.’ Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual
Meeting, Boston, August, 2008.
11. Lankenau, Sanders, et al. Towards an Explanation of Subjective Ketamine
Experiences among Young Injection Drug Users. Presented at the American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, August, 2008.
12. Sanders, et al. ‘Towards an Epidemiology of Violence among Gang Youth in Los
Angeles.’ Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting,
Atlanta, November, 2007.
13. Sanders, et al. ‘Subjective Experiences on Ketamine: The Impact of Drug, Set and
Setting’ Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting,
Atlanta, November, 2007.
14. Sanders, et al. ‘Policing in New Orleans post-Katrina: Reports from Young
Injection Drug Users.’ Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2007.
15. Sanders, et al. ‘Violence in the Lives of High Risk Youth: A Descriptive
Epidemiology.’ Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, Washington DC, November, 2007.
16. Jackson Bloom, Lankenau, Sanders, & Hathazi ‘Longitudinal Trends in Multiple
Drug Use among Young IDUs’. Presented at the American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November, 2007.
17. Hathazi, Lankenau, Sanders and Jackson Bloom ‘Health status and service
utilization among young injection drug users’. Presented at the American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November, 2007.
18. Lankenau, Sanders et al. ‘A Longitudinal Analysis of Ketamine Use among Young
Injection Drug Users. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association
Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November, 2007.
19. Sanders et al. “‘Gateway’ Theory vs. ‘Synthetic Drug Use’: Exploring Theories of
Illicit Substance Use amongst High Risk Youth.” Society for the Study of Social
Problems Conference, New York, August, 2007.
20. Sanders et al. “A Public Health Study of Gang Youth in Los Angeles: Preliminary
Analysis.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, August,
21. Lankenau, Sanders, et al. “Prescription Drug Misuse among Young Injection Drug
Users.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, August,
22. Lankenau, SE., Alarcon, E., Jackson Bloom, J., Sanders, B., and Tortu, S.
“Comparing Drug Using Patterns among Young Injection Drug Users in Pre- and
Post-Katrina New Orleans,” Society for the Study of Social Problems Conference,
New York, August, 2007.
23. Sanders, Bill “The Qualitative View: Risk Behaviors and Strategies for Risk
Reduction among Drug Users.” Plenary Host, National Institute on Drug Abuse
International Forum, Quebec City, June 2007
24. Sanders et al. “Illicit Substance Use among Gang-Identified Youth in Los Angeles”
Poster, College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting, Quebec City,
June 2007
25. Sanders et al. “Epidemiology of tryptamine and phenethylamine use amongst high
risk youth.” American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, November,
26. Lankenau, Sanders, et al. “Risk Behaviors among a Cohort of Young Ketamine
Injectors.” American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, November,
27. Hathazi, Lankenau, Sanders et al. "Sexual Health and Pregnancy among Homeless
Young Injection Drug Users (IDUs).” American Public Health Association
Conference, Boston, November, 2006.
28. Jackson-Bloom, Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Clean Rigs: The Local Impact of
Syringe Access.” American Public Health Association Conference, Boston,
November, 2006.
29. Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Drug Use in New Orleans among High-Risk Youth after
Katrina.” American Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, August,
30. Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Non-Medical Prescription Drug Use among High-Risk
Youth.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Conference, Montreal, August,
31. Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Recruiting and Retaining Transient Young Injection
Drug Users (IDUs) in Los Angeles.” Society for the Study of Social Problems
Conference, Montreal, August, 2006.
32. Sanders, et al. “Polydrug Use amongst ‘Traveling’ Homeless Youth.” Society for
the Study of Social Problems Conference, Montreal, August, 2006.
33. Sanders, et al. “Phenethylamine Use amongst Young People: Effects,
Administrations, and Experiences.” Society for the Study of Social Problems
Conference, Montreal, August, 2006.
34. Sanders, B. ‘A Public Health Study of Youth Gangs: Methods and Preliminary
Findings’, Grand Pediatric Rounds, The Saban Research Institute, Childrens
Hospital Los Angeles, July, 2006.
35. Sanders, B. “A Public Health Model for Studying Youth Gangs” Poster. The Saban
Research Institute Annual Poster Sessions, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, June,
36. Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Prescription Drug Misuse and Health Risks Among
Young IDUs.” College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting,
Scottsdale, AZ, June, 2006.
37. Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Most Recent Injection of Ketamine Among Young
Injection Drug Users (IDUs) in Three U.S. Cities.” 17th International Conference on
the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Vancouver, BC, May, 2006.
38. Lankenau, Sanders et al. “Mapping the First and Most Recent Injection of
Ketamine Among Young Injection Drug Users.” NIDA/AAG Symposium on
Geography and Drug Addiction, Chicago, IL, March, 2006.
39. Lankenau, Sanders, et al. “Ketamine use and HIV risk: Results from New York,
New Orleans, and Los Angeles,” Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Philadelphia, December, 2005.
40. Sanders, B. and Lankenau, S. “Public health model for studying gangs,” Annual
Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, December, 2005.
41. Hathazi, D., Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., et al. “Normalization of polydrug use
among homeless traveler youth,” Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Philadelphia, December, 2005.
42. Bloom, J., Lankenau, S., Sanders, B. et al. “Injection drug use trajectories among
adolescents and young adults,” Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Philadelphia, December, 2005.
43. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B. et al. “A comparison of risk behaviors and injection
practices among two samples of ketamine injectors,” American Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August, 2005.
44. Sanders, B. and Lankenau, S. “Recreational prescription drug use amongst young
people in New York City,” Society for the Study of Social Problems Conference,
Philadelphia, August, 2005.
45. Sanders, B. (2004) “In the club: Ecstasy use and supply in a London Nightclub”.
American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Nashville, November 2004.
46. Sanders, B. Lankenau, S.,and Bloom, J. “Ketamine, crime, and the informal
Economy”, American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Nashville,
November 2004.
47. Lankenau, S. and Sanders, B. “Becoming a Ketamine Injector: A Preliminary
Analysis of High-Risk Youth in New York City.” Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 2004.
48. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B, Clatts, M., and Bloom, J. “Ketamine injection practices:
Comparing two samples of IDUs recruited in New York City.” American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC. November, 2004.
49. Lankenau, S. and Sanders, B. “Patterns and frequencies of ketamine injection in
New York City”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San
Francisco,August 2004.
50. Lankenau, S., Sanders, B., and Clatts, M. “Methods for researching new hidden
populations of IDUs: Ketamine injectors in New York. Poster presented at the AIDS
International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, 2004
51. Sanders, B. “The importance of social biography and oral history in qualitative
methods.” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, November,
52. Sanders, B. “Bouncer: Exploring a drugs culture in a London nightclub: a work in
progress.” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, November,
53. Sanders, B. “Proteck ya neck: Exploring the group context of delinquency and
youth crime in an inner city London borough.” American Society of Criminology
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November, 2000.
54. Sanders, B. “Media, crime, and censure.” California Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November, 1995.
Academy of Violence and Abuse (invited, 2011)
American Public Health Association
American Sociological Association
American Society of Criminology
National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse (invited, 2010; lifetime member)
Society for the Study of Social Problems
INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE (past and present)
Institutional Review Board
Academic Information Resources Subcommittee (technology use at CSULA)
Educational Participation in the Community (linking students to community based
Recruitment, Tenure & Promotion
Graduate Curriculum Committee
Recruitment Committee
Recruitment, Tenure & Promotion
Curriculum Committee
Ad-hoc subcommittees
Link students to volunteer opportunities within the community
Mentor undergraduate writing projects (via CRIM 499 option)
Grade graduate theory comprehensives
Grade/mentor graduate special topics comprehensives
Guest lecture in other departments (as requested)
Participate in college seminars (as requested)
Convene workshops on publishing articles, books, or book chapters (as requested)
Marshall service at Honors Convocation and Commencement
Deliver lectures on gangs, crime, violence, and risky sexual behaviors when requested at
local community based organizations, gang intervention agencies, and schools (occasional
and ongoing)
Proposal development and review for Los Angeles’ Office of Gang Reduction and Youth
Development Program (2008)
Collaboration with the Carson and Temple Sheriff’s Stations with the Gang Diversion
Teams (ongoing since 2010) (visit here: )
Collaboration with 2nd Call, gang intervention organization in Los Angeles (ongoing since
2007) (visit here:
Expert Witness for the topics gangs and sociocultural anthropology Los Angeles Superior
Courts (ongoing since November 2011). Expert testimony has been provided on criminal,
juvenile and Federal cases. Oral and written testimony has been offered in Los Angeles,
Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Visit here: