Current Issue
Our 35th Year Serving Troy’s Business Community Every Monday
Monday, Jan. 26, 2015
Big Beaver
Retail Plaza
Is Another
Step Forward
Vol. 35, No. 21
Student Auditions to
Be Held at Ridgedale
Ridgedale Players will hold auditions for James and the Giant Peach
by Roald Dahl on Saturday, Jan. 31 at
2 p.m. "A little magic can take you a
long way" & that's what this adventure will bring you! Students ages 818 are welcome. Actual performance
dates are March 28-29. Ridgedale
Players Theatre is located at 205 West
Long Lake Rd. Troy, 48098. For more
information contact director, Kate
Jeffries, 248-961-1444 or Katejeffries@ or visit www.ridgedaleplay
next five-year plan, 48 percent of
respondents favored a dog park.
That may be because there are
currently 5.311 licensed dogs in Troy.
That number is growing since Oakland
County started knocking on doors
“This is one more piece of the
puzzle in making Big Beaver a world
class street,” observed Troy Planning
Director Brent Savidant, as he introduced another new proposed retail
development for Big Beaver to the
Troy Planning Commission.
In fact, the past two years have
seen quite a bit of activity for the
Planning Department and the
Building Department. In an update of
activity, the Building Department
noted that through December 2014
there was a valuation of $194,846,276
for permits, compared to 2013, when
the valuation was $136,415,480.
Among the new business faces
coming to Troy in 2014 were:
Poppleton Ridge Site Condominiums
on Big Beaver, east of Adams; the
Walsh College expansion on
Livernois; Advanced Landscape &
Builders Supply on Birchwood; St.
Mark Coptic Orthodox Church expansion on Livernois, Children’s Hospital
of Michigan on Big Beaver; Field and
Stream in the Oakland Mall complex
on 14 Mile; the Kresge Foundation
Headquarters expansion; Penske
Automotive Group expansion on
Maple and Amber Town Center on
There also were many renovations underway in the city.
See DOG PARK, page 4
See PLANNING, page 2
Thursday Teas at Two
at Historic Village
Michigan Women on the topic on
January 29’s Thursday Teas at Two –
at the Troy Historic Village, 2-3 p.m.
Opened to the public on June 10,
1987 — the anniversary of this state’s
ratification of women’s suffrage —
the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame
tells the stories of Michigan women
who have achieved great things.
Emily Fijol, Executive Director of the
Michigan Women’s Historical Center
& Hall of Fame, will share with us the
history of the Center and the stories
of some famous inductees, 1950s to
the present day.
Registration is required, call 248524-3570 for details. Fee: $7.
Fathering Boys into
Men is Library Topic
The fundamentals of boys as
men-in-the-making will be held at the
Troy Library on Monday, Jan. 26,
from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. This is Session 1
of 4 – Play and Be Strong. For details:
Pull & Save
Our Bridal Issue
Maureen McGinnis Sworn in as New 52-4 District Judge in Troy
IN CEREMONIES LAST THURSDAY at Troy High School, from which she graduated, Maureen Mcginnis, standing at left,
was sworn in as a 52-4 District Judge. During the ceremony, presided over by Oakland County’s Executive Director L.
Brooks Patterson, seated at right, Mayor Dane Slater presented Judge McGinnis with a Troy flag for her courtroom,
while her husband, Kevin Kleinstiver, seated at left, looked on.
Expect Fundraising to Bring Troy a Dog Park
When you ask people what they
wish for, when cost is no object, you’ll
get some interesting answers.
This was true last Monday when
the Troy Parks & Recreation Board
hosted a public forum on what residents wanted, or didn’t want, at the
dog park slated for 16.58 acres of cityowned land on Livernois, just south of
Zion Christian Church. It does have
wetlands and flood plains, but there’s
not much residential around it, so an
occasional barking dog isn’t likely to be
a problem.
For many in attendance it was their
first participation at a public forum,
and they had ideas to present. They
wanted the best for their pets, and they
wanted them protected from “bad
dogs,” and in some cases outsiders
who didn’t own a dog. One group wanted the parking to be only for dog park
members. But remember, this is a city
park with plans for future development
as a family park site in the rear. Some
folks suggested key fogs and key card
readers for entry – a very expensive
And, what about the kinds of
shots needed? All dogs will, undoubtedly have to be licensed, which means
they have a rabies vaccination,
although many seemed to think parvo
and kennel cough shots would be
good, too.
Some people seemed a bit concerned that visitors to their home
might not be able to use the dog park.
Guest passes? You can walk your dog
in any of Troy’s 18 parks, it just has to
be on a leash.
One idea included giving dogs a
temperament test before they could
use the park...probably not going to
happen at a public park.
While staff didn’t offer their own
ideas for rules and entry, they have collected that information from other dog
Despite a shelter and bathrooms
being listed in Phases II and III, these
also seemed a priority to many, as were
benches, water and shade.
Moderated by DOWF Public Works
Manager Kurt Bovensiep, he reminded
the those in attendance that the city
wants this to be a community dog park.
A dog park wasn’t quite the priority it is today when the Parks & Rec
Department surveyed residents back
in 2007. Only 19 percent of respondents favored a dog park. But times
have changed and in the last survey
taken to prepare for the department’s
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Page 2
January 26, 2015
It Was a Brisk Year for
Building in Troy
Troy Kiwanis Welcomes Guests
The Troy Kiwanis Club welcomes
Melissa DiVietri as the speaker at its
Tuesday, Jan. 27, noon meeting at
She’s a well-known media specialist and blogs about Detroit to her
300,00+ followers. Kiwanis works to
make the world a better place for children. If you’d like to help, try the
luncheon; you’re first visit is free. For
details, call 248-649-0780.
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What Would the City of
Troy Look Like? 1958
Predictions vs. 2015
George Vilican a partner in the
planning firm Vilican Lehman defended the need for the City of Troy’s comprehensive zoning ordinance. He stated:
When built up Troy will have
about 133,000 people, of which 17,960
will be school children. You will
require 250 acres for schools, 145
acres for parks and recreation areas,
198 acres for shopping centers, and
1,872 acres for industry. While you are
yet in a state of open, rolling land
without too much built-up area, you
must plan this gigantic growth or you
will end up like Detroit, unable to find
land for schools, parks and even
industry. . . Under this ordinance and
your planning for the future, we are
hoping to take the long view and
avoid the mistakes others have made.
Following approval of the ordinance in 1957 three local newspapers
published copies of an editorial praising Troy for having the foresight to
plan for the future.
Compare their predictions with
statistics from 2015 graciously provided by Nino Licari, the Assessor for the
City of Troy:
• Population- 82,821 (in 2013)
• Troy School District - 662.9
• Troy Parks - 467 acres developed parks, 111.15 acres undeveloped
park land
• Commercial zoning includes
shopping centers - 2,860.3 acres
• Industrial zoning - 1,694.5 acres
The Troy Historic Village is publishing a different story each day in
2015 that highlights a person, discovery, or event that occurred
locally, regionally, or nationally
between 1955 and 2015 that helped
shape our lives and our community. 365 Stories is a great way to
commemorate the 60th anniversary
year of the City of Troy. The
Somerset Gazette is pleased to
reprint our favorite story each
week. Find all the stories at or
Someone in the Family
Headed to College?
2032 E. Square Lake Rd. • Suite 300 • Troy
(248) 813-8540 Fax 813-8598
Financing Your College Education
is the topic at the Troy Library on
Thursday, Jan. 29, from 6:30 - 8
p.m. Parents and students are invited
to a free college financial information
seminar hosted by TPL. Seminar will
focus on navigating the financial aid
process, applying for scholarships,
calculating financial aid, and determining the right financial fit for your
PLANNING, From page 1
Now coming before the Planners
is petitioner Stonefield Engineering
and Design which has submitted the
Preliminary Site Plan application for a
proposed multi-tenant retail development on Big Beaver Road.
The property is currently zoned
BB (Big Beaver Form Based) District.
The Planning Commission is responsible for granting Preliminary Site Plan
approval for this item.
Savidant noted that the new
development will replace a non-conforming building. And, because it is
one-story, the parking has to be in the
back. He added that this development
even has parking for six bikes instead
of the required two. “That makes me
smile,” he told the planners, who are
all hoping to see bikers everywhere in
the not-too-distant future.
Planned for the new building are a
Qdoba Mexican Restaurant and a multiple tenant retail/restaurant building.
Troy’s Planning consultant,
Carlisle-Wortman, had few concerns
about this site plan. Two more trees,
please, and can the planners see samples of the building materials, which
Stonefield staff had in hand for the
meeting. The Stonefield team also
noted that they had plans for more
landscaping after construction, like
trellises and benches.
Planning Commission Tom Strat
did have one worry, based on what
others had done a bit west on Big
Beaver. He worried about someone
taking retail space and turning it into
office space and blackening off the
transparency of the required windows.
Savidant, however, said he
believes the city has solved that problem. Buildings in the Big Beaver Form
Based District are “required and obligated” to maintain transparency. “If
they don’t, we’re going to ticket
them,” he assured the planners.
And so, building continues in Troy
in the new year.
Elefant, Design & Strategy Opens in Troy!
A private ribbon cutting event was held as Elefant, Design & Strategy recently celebrating the Grand Opening of their new location in Troy at 2145
Crooks Rd. on the corner of Maplelawn.
Elefant is a multi-disciplinary graphic design firm successfully translating
visual communication into various channels (static print, digital platforms,
interactive web applications). Flexibility, creative thinking and problem solving are applied to each design solution including: brand image and system
development, periodicals and publications, responsive website design and
development as well as mobile application design maximizing and emphasizing user experience.
Pictured here cutting the ribbon are owners Elena Kapintcheva (middle) and
Stanimir Gospodinov (far right) along with members of City Council and the
Troy Chamber. Visit their website ( and like
their facebook page (Elefant Facebook) to follow their upcoming adventures
and achievements.
January 26, 2015
Emad Nakkash, MD Ophthalmologist
Specializing In Surgery For:
• Diabetic Eye
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Ridgedale Players One Act Play
Festival will be presented Friday &
Saturday, January 30 & 31 from 7 - 10
p.m. Join us for an evening of original
works by local playwrights. The
evening includes drama, comedy and
Get in out of the cold and enjoy
theatre! Pre-glow snacks are at 7 p.m.
and the performances start at 7:30
Admission is FREE! Donations
toward the Ridgedale Players Capital
Campaign accepted at the door.
Ridgedale Players are located at
205 W Long Lake Rd., just west of
Livernois, in Troy.
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Page 3
“We treat our patients like they’re family”
Genealogical Society
Meets at St. Stephen’s
On Tuesday, February 3, the
Oakland County Genealogical Society is
pleased to present a program by Rob
Workshop”. Mr. Hoffman will explain
where and how to begin to organize and
archive your family analog possessions.
It includes the top ten preservation mistakes and how to avoid them. Please
join us for this interesting and informative presentation.
We will meet at St. Stephen's
Episcopal Church, 5500 N. Adams Road
in Troy. It is located on the east side of
Adams Road about halfway between
Long Lake Rd. and Square Lake Rd.,
where Westview Rd. intersects from the
west. The meeting will start at 7 p.m.
and the public is invited. There is no
charge. The church has a flat entrance
and ample lighted parking.
For more information, please contact Irv Rabideau at 248-673-4339, or via
email at The
OCGS website is
Clinic of Rochester Hills
"Vines in the Garden"
The Meadow Brook Garden Club
will meet Friday, January 23, in the
Ballroom of Meadow Brook Hall, 480
South Adams Road, Rochester MI
48309-1904. Coffee and refreshments
will be served at 9:15 a.m. with program to follow at 10:00 a.m. featuring
guest speaker Sue Grubba, Master
Gardener and owner of Creative
Scapes. Sue will introduce you to the
world of vines and demonstrate what
they can add to your landscape while
using very little space in your soil. In
their own twisting, twining or clinging
ways, vines offer privacy along with a
variety of colors and fragrances while
also attracting wildlife.
Guests are welcome. There is a
Reservations are not required. For
more information, call 248‑364‑6210,
or, or
South Blvd.
3080 John R Rd • Rochester Hills
(Just South of Auburn Rd.)
Most Insurances Accepted
Page 4
January 26, 2015
Rep. Howrylak Hosts February Office Hours
State Rep. Martin Howrylak will host
February district office hours in Troy
and Clawson to discuss state and local
government with residents of the 41st
House District.
Howrylak, R-Troy, invites people
with questions or suggestions about
government to attend the two office
hours, which will take place at the following dates and locations:
Saturday, Feb. 21 at Troy Public
Library, 510 West Big Beaver Road, from
3 to 4:30 p.m.; and
Monday, Feb. 23 at Blair Memorial
Library, located at 416 N. Main St. in
Clawson, from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
“We will begin considering legislation for the new session and I want to
adequately identify the priorities of residents in the district,” Howrylak said. “I
intend to focus on issues that are important to people in the district, and receiving feedback during office hours is one of
the tools I use to gain that information..”
No appointment is necessary. Those
unable to attend may contact Howrylak
toll-free at 877-248-0001 or by email at
1071 E. Long Lake Rd. • Troy • 248.227.1111
No one
stacks up to
A Little Theft, and a Lot of Drivers on Grass
■ It’s going to
be hard to make
change. I get the breaking in through the
drive-up window, obviously a slender
thief, but the report that the safe was
open...not how does that happen?
However, that’s what was reported by
the Burger King on 14 Mile Rd. A reported $754 in cash was missing as they
arrived at 5:30 a.m. to open up.
Seems like this victim knows
the suspect. A Booth resident reported
that her 2003 Pontiac Transport was
taken by a suspect without her permission. Did s/he ask and our victim said no?
■ I’m guessing our criminal was
asked to use the PIN number and couldn’t do it. Oh, or maybe there wasn’t
enough money in the account.
Complainant advised police that he was
contacted by his bank that someone
attempted to use his debit card to purchase a $300 gift card at Walgreen’s.
■ This is not a crime we want to
see become a trend. Complainant
advised she was sitting in the Rochester
Road restaurant at 6 p.m. on a Thursday
when a green laser was aimed at her eye
from a vehicle in the lot. Complainant
advised she had immediate vision loss
from the laser. The suspect vehicle fled
the area. This is dangerous and foolish
behavior, and definitely not a joke. This is
definitely an assault.
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arrested for “Operating While
Intoxicated.” Breath test results were
■ These drivers on marijuana are
out of hand this winter. Officers
stopped a vehicle for a red light violation at Beach and Maple. Officers detected an odor of intoxicants coming from
the driver. The driver admitted to drinking and failed field sobrieties. The driver
advised officers he was in possession of
marijuana. The driver, a 40-year=old
from West Bloomfield, was arrested for
“Operating While Intoxicated and
Possession of Marijuana.” Breath test
results were .11%.
■ A little football revelry?
Officers stopped a vehicle after observing it swerving out of its lane at I-75 and
Crooks last Sunday evening. Officers
detected an odor of marijuana coming
from the vehicle, and observed marijuana all over the inside of the vehicle.
The driver advised a ”grinder” was in
the console as well. The driver, an 18year-old from Troy, failed field sobrieties and was arrested for “Possession
of Narcotic Paraphernalia, Possession
of Marijuana and Operating under the
Presence of Drugs.” A blood draw was
conducted with results pending.
■ You always wonder, if the electronics are still there, who knows you
have these collectibles? An Abbotsford
resident reported that the back glass
door was smashed to the residence.
Missing from the home were collectable
Note: If you have any information on the aforementioned crimes,
or any other offenses, please call the
Troy Police Department at 248-5243477. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may call 248-524-9777 and
leave a message.
Citizens Make Requests for the Dog Park
DOG PARK, From page 1
Most for
the holidays!
Cell Phone
■ This combination almost spells
s-l-e-e-p. Officers were dispatched to a
person asleep at the wheel in a gas station lot. Officers observed a strong
odor of marijuana coming from inside
the vehicle. The driver admitted to having the marijuana and had a medical
marijuana card. The marijuana was
located in a case next to the driver in
the vehicle which is a violation to transport medical marijuana that way. Inside
the case the officer found a large number of Xanax pills not in a prescription
bottle. The driver, a 35 year old from
“Possession of Narcotics.”
■ We are seeing too much of this
among our young people. Officers
stopped a vehicle for an equipment violation. Officers detected an odor of marijuana coming from inside the vehicle.
The driver admitted to smoking marijuana and having marijuana in the vehicle. Officer discovered a glass jar with
marijuana inside, a pipe used to smoke
marijuana and rolling papers. The driver, a 17-year-old from Macomb, was
cited for “Possession Of Marijuana and
Possession Of Narcotic Paraphernalia.”
■ And then...Officers stopped a
vehicle for a stop sign violation at Big
Beaver and Sparta. Officers detected a
strong odor of marijuana coming from
the vehicle. The driver provided the officers with the marijuana that was hidden
under the steering wheel. The driver, a
22-year-old from Washington Twp., was
cited for “Possession of Marijuana.”
■ Don’t worry, the drunk drivers
are still out there. Officers investigated
an accident where the responsible driver rear ended a vehicle at Big Beaver
and Crooks. The driver smelled strongly
of intoxicants. The driver admitted to
drinking and failed field sobrieties. The
driver, a 36-year-old from Vassar, was
looking for unlicensed dogs, and issuing tickets if those dogs don’t become
licensed members of the community.
(They didn’t knock on your door?
They’re not done yet, be forewarned.)
At this forum, no expense would be
spared for the dogs or their owners.
There are a number of dog parks in the
communities surrounding Troy. One
very popular one is the county’s dog
park in Madison Heights. It’s only $5.00
to visit and if you buy a park pass for
the year at $30.00, you can go everyday
and visit lots of other county parks for
free. The county also has a gold-standard dog park at Orion Oaks, which
one forum member called “Disneyland
for Dogs,” but it isn’t really close.
The city has some plans already
for this park site – which means the
city will keep down the mosquito population, cut the grass, empty the trash
and plow the snow in the parking lot.
Those plans call for two parks each for
large and small dogs, so they can rotate
their use to keep them in shape.
Down the center of the park will be
a path that would become part of a
paths and trails development in the
Bovensiep noted that the city
plans to start a four-phase development of this park. Phase I would
include a paved parking lot, walkways,
and gated, fenced areas for the dogs.
That development is expected to cost
about $327,000. But city has only put
$76,000 in their budge toward a park.
The rest will have to come from
other sources, like dog lovers. Don’t
say “grants,” those are not readily
available for dog parks. Staff has
looked into that avenue.
Rather, think fundraising, and
contributions, and even naming rights
for the park and the four fields for the
dogs to roam, or perhaps a shelter to
keep you out of the rain, or sun. You
might even be able to buy a paver in
your dog’s memory, or honor, or a
That fundraising task will be up to
a Parks & Rec Dog Park Development
Team, being chaired by Steve Toth.
They expect to be busy this spring.
Kirsten Nieslsen Hartig was out with
her dog, despite the weather. His
name is Louie and he's a 6-year-old
rescue dog (Beagle and German
Shepherd mix). “The best dog ever!”
the judge declares.
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The History of the Bachelor Dinner
More commonly known today as
the bachelor party, this celebration in
the groom's honor was originally
called the bachelor dinner, or stag
Like many other wedding traditions, the custom has stood the test of
time. It first came about in the fifth
century, in Sparta, where military
comrades would feast and toast one
another on the eve of a friend's wedding. Even today, a bachelor party customarily takes place quite close to the
actual wedding date, as it has become
known as the groom's last taste of freedom.
Despite the risqué entertainment
that is associated with stag parties
today, bachelor parties have not
always entailed this controversial element. Although rowdy and boisterous,
bachelor parties are traditionally
organized to allow the jittery groom
and his wedding attendants to release
some anxieties before the big day.
January 2015
Who Pays For What: The Dollars & Cents
This comprehensive guide helps
specify the financial responsibility of
everyone involved in your wedding.
The bulk of many wedding etiquette questions center around financial issues. In past generations, the
bride's family paid for the majority of
the wedding expenses. The groom's
lucky family got off with just the
rehearsal dinner, and the groom himself paid for the honeymoon, the
bride's rings, and assorted other small
That was then. Nowadays, with
the costs of weddings growing and
many couples marrying later when
they are more likely to have careers
and incomes of their own, more brides
and grooms are contributing to, or
even picking up entirely, the cost of
the wedding. And the parents of many
grooms are also contributing more
than in the past; a popular option is to
have the bride's family, the groom's
family, and the couple each contribute
o beginning
beginning tto
o eend,
nd , m
ake your
your wedding
wedding Epic.
For reference, the following is the
traditional breakdown of expenses:
Bride's family pays for:
Engagement party (optional)
Wedding invitations and other stationery (announcements, thank-you
notes, etc.)
Services of bridal consultant
Wedding gown and accessories
Flowers for ceremony and reception sites
Bouquets for bridesmaids
Bridal party transportation to ceremony and reception
Family's wedding attire
Bride pays for:
The groom's ring
The bridesmaids' luncheon
Gifts for the bridesmaids
Wedding gift for the groom
Attendants pay for:
Bachelor and bachelorette parties
Gifts for the bride and groom
(can purchase individual gifts or
chip in on a group gift)
Wedding attire and accessories
Transportation to and from wedding town or city
Groom's family pays for:
Engagement party (optional)
Rehearsal dinner
Their own wedding attire
Groom pays for:
The bride's rings
The marriage license
Officiant's fee
His formalwear
Personal flowers: the bride's bouquet, boutonnieres for wedding party,
corsages for mothers and grandmothers
Gifts for the groomsmen
Wedding gift for the bride
Gifts for parents
Transportation to the honeymoon
The Meaning Behind
the Bride’s Bouquet
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Did you ever consider walking down
the aisle clutching a bundle of garlic and
Well, if you're a stickler for tradition, you might want to think about it.
Until modern times, brides did carry garlic and dill. The practice probably originated from the time of the Plague, when
people clutched the herbs over their
noses and mouths in a desperate effort
to survive.
Over time, brides added bettersmelling flora to the arrangement, and a
whole dictionary of meaning arose to
define each type of blossom.
“Come, let's be a comfortable couple and take care of each other! How
glad we shall be, that we have somebody we are fond of always, to talk to
and sit with.”
—Charles Dickens
January 2015
Wedding Traditions From Around the World
It is a challenge to make your wedding planning unique amongst all the
weddings you and your friends will
attend together. One of the most fun
and creative ways to make your wedding stand out is to use a tradition
from your family or religious background. The following are some customs from around the world that you
may be able to use to make your special day a little different.
Wedding cakes in France were
typically a Croque en Bouche (pastry
balls filled with cream and stacked in
a pyramid then drizzled in caramel).
What a great change from the traditional wedding cake.
The French may have started the
“after party” as well. Cheverie is the
tradition of guests clanking pots and
making noise in front of the honeymoon suite. Traditionally the groom
invites the guests in the room for
some snacks and drinks. The noisier
part of this tradition might not go
over very well if the honeymoon suite
is in a crowded hotel or bed and
breakfast, but if you plan to spend the
night at home, invite your friends
back for a while.
Jumping the Broom has become
a very popular African tradition in
wedding planning. Slaves could not
legally marry, so to symbolize a bond
between husband and wife, the couple would jump a broom to start their
new beginning together.
Candied almonds are traditionally
served at Italian weddings. The bitterness of the almond and the sweetness
of the candy is said to remind everyone that marriage is for better and for
worse. Life is bitter and sweet.
Another fun Italian wedding
planning tradition is to cut up the
groom’s tie and auction the pieces off
for money. Cash is given to the bride
and groom to use on their honeymoon.
Traditional Japanese weddings
include the ceremonial drinking of
sake. The bride and groom drink nine
cups of sake, symbolizing the bonding
of the couple. Family and guests also
drink sake to reaffirm the bond.
Traditionally Indian brides are
decorated with henna prior to the
wedding. At some wedding celebrations Mehndi artists are hired to decorate the hands and feet of wedding
guests to wish the new bride happiness and luck in her future.
At the end of a Jewish wedding
ceremony, the groom steps on a glass
and breaks it. This wedding planning
custom has a couple of explanations.
One states that the noise will scare
away evil spirits, the other states that
the couple will stay married as long as
it takes to reassemble the glass.
Having a piper lead the processional and recessional is a great way
to incorporate Celtic tradition into
your wedding planning. Hiring a
ceilidh band for the cocktail hour or
party is another great way to add
Celtic flavor.
At Russian weddings, a friend of
the couple gives a toast at the beginning of the reception. All of the guests
are to drink the champagne and throw
the glasses to the floor. If the glass
breaks when it hits, it is considered
good luck for the bride and groom.
Again, this is a tradition that works
best at home rather than in a public
reception facility.
This is just a small selection of
ways to incorporate ethnic traditions
into your wedding planning. The
Internet is a valuable resource to find
all kind of unusual ways to celebrate a
wedding day. From ceremony to dinner and dancing, there are thousands
of year's worth of customs to try.
Perfect Wedding
“We are all a little weird and life's a
little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible
with ours, we join up with them and
fall in mutual weirdness and call it
—Author Unknown
“Love - a wildly misunderstood
although highly desirable malfunction
of the heart which weakens the brain,
causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to
glow, blood pressure to rise and the
lips to pucker.”
—Author Unknown
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FRENCH CROQUE EN BOUCHE (pastry balls filled with cream and stacked in
a pyramid then drizzled in caramel)
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Troy | 248.269.8424 | 755 W. Big Beaver Rd.
Giving the Bride Away, Paperwork and Old Time Ceremonies
Up to and during the Middle Ages,
weddings were considered family/community affairs. The only thing needed to
create a marriage was for both partners
to state their consent to take one another as spouses. Witnesses were not
always necessary, nor were the presence
of the clergy. In Italy, for example, the
marriage was divided into three parts.
The first portion consisted of the
families of the groom and bride drawing up the papers. The bride didn't
even have to be there for that. The second, the betrothal, was legally binding
and may or may not have involved consummation. At this celebration, the
couple exchanged gifts (a ring, a piece
of fruit, etc.), clasped hands and
exchanged a kiss. The "vows" could be
a simple as, "Will you marry me?" "I
will." The third part of the wedding,
which could occur several years after
the betrothal, was the removal of the
bride to the groom's home.
The role of the clergy at a medieval
wedding was simply to bless the couple.
It wasn't official church policy until the
council of Trent in the 15th century that
a third party (i.e., a priest), as opposed
to the couple themselves, was responsible for performing the wedding. In the
later medieval period, the wedding ceremony moved from the house of the bride
to the church. It began with a procession
to the church from the bride's house.
Vows were exchanged outside the
church and then everyone moved inside
for Mass. After Mass, the procession
went back to the bride's house for a
feast. Musicians accompanied the procession.
A Unique Boutique Salon
4975 Livernois • Troy (In Bootleg Plaza)
SW Corner of Long Lake & Livernois
• Wedding and Event Stylists
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January 2015
Handwritten Cards or
Notes are the Perfect Gesture
(Family Features) Everyone loves
to discover a handwritten card or
note among a thick stack of mail.
Regardless of how many electronic
words we get bombarded with each
day, the personal touch of a message
written by hand remains a special
gesture that never goes out of style.
From choosing a card or stationery that reflects a personal style
to accenting the letter with the right
seal or stamp, every detail matters to
underscore a thoughtful message.
Stamps are often one of the first
details noted by a letter recipient, so
choosing a stamp such as the loveletter themed Sealed with Love
from or your local post
office is perfect for the occasion.
Not sure what sentiment to write
for the occasion? Here are a few
Notes of appreciation: Whether
the recipient gave you a gift, hosted
you for dinner or did a special favor,
keep the message brief and sincere.
Don't ever hesitate to send a note of
appreciation just to let someone
know how truly special they are.
Unexpected notes are always wonderful to receive.
Birthday cards: Celebrate one's
personal accomplishments in the
past year and any special events
planned in the next year ahead. End
by telling your friend or loved one
why he or she is so important to you.
That message may just be the best
gift you can give.
acknowledging the birth of a baby or
the recent wedding of a friend or relative, pick a card they will want to
save and treasure for years to come.
When writing your sentiment inside,
keep congratulations simple and let
them know you share in their joy.
New job: Starting a job at a new
company or changing one's career
path can be a time for renewal and
exciting beginnings. A sincere message wishing a friend or loved one
luck and adding advice that he or she
might find helpful is often a welcome
message to show someone you care.
Condolence cards: If a friend is
going through a difficult time, share
special memories you have of the
person who passed away and why
you will miss having that person in
your life. End by offering to call or
visit in the near future. These gestures, plus the card itself, will remind
the recipient they aren't alone in their
Remember, cards and notes are
about letting another person know
how much their friendship, gifts or
presence means to you. Follow a simple formula, add a few personal
touches and you will soon be writing
cards with ease.
Photos courtesy of Daniel
Afzal/United States Postal Service
2360 Rochester Court • Troy • 48083
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Picano’s Is the Perfect Place for a Celebration
PICANO’S ITALIAN GRILLE on Rochester Road celebrated its 30th anniversary as a Troy eatery last Wednesday. Proprietor Dominic Picano, center,
stopped throughout the restaurant to greet guests like Sandy Macknis, left,
and Jeanne Stine. Picano’s serves delicious homemade Italian fare, many
from his mother Assunta’s recipes. It’s not only a great place to dine, but
Picano’s has two nice, romantically decorated party rooms, one larger than
the other. They are the perfect place to host wedding festivities like a shower, rehearsal dinner or even a small reception. Not getting married? This is a
delightful place for a birthday or anniversary party, too. For details, call 248689-8050.
January 2015
10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring Your Photographer
(BPT) - Some moments are simply
too important to trust to a camera
Your wedding will be one of the
most memorable times of your life and
no one can capture it better than a
professional photographer. So how do
you find the right one? As you begin
the interview process, here are 10
questions to help you determine if
you've found the best photographer
for your wedding.
1. Does the photographer have a
gallery of wedding images you can
Reviewing sample work allows
you to see the photographer's
strengths and weaknesses - don't fool
yourself, every photographer has
them. You'll also be able to get an idea
of their style. Are they formal with an
eye for the perfect picture or do they
love to capture the hidden moments
when no one is looking? Look for
images that you can see yourself in.
Think of three words that describe
you and share those with your photographer. Every photographer has a
style and reviewing their gallery can
help you determine if theirs is right for
2. What is the photographer's
working style?
Some photographers are orderly
and operate like wedding planners.
Others prefer to sit back and let the
events of the wedding unfold. It's
important that you find someone who
can understand and meet your expectations. Discuss this ahead of time and
ask away, so that you understand how
well the photographer's working style
matches your own.
3. Is the photographer available
for an engagement session?
An engagement session does more
than provide you with priceless
images together before you get married. It's also your first opportunity to
work with your photographer and
develop a relationship that will allow
you to be completely at ease on your
big day. Use this session to confirm if
the photographer is indeed the right
person to capture your wedding.
4. Will the photographer create a
detailed shot list?
This list will ensure no important
photo is missed during the commotion and excitement of the big day. You
should be able to create that list
together, add to the list leading up to
the day and have a copy of that list the
day of. Take an honest look at what
images really matter and fill your photographer in on situations he or she
might need to be aware of in order to
prevent awkward moments, and to
ensure that he or she can get the shots
that matter most.
5. What kind of lighting will be
Whether you have an indoor or
outdoor wedding, you'll want to make
sure your photographer has professional grade lighting equipment to
deliver the images your wedding
6. Does the photographer have
backup equipment?
You've prepared contingency
plans for every other aspect of your
wedding; your photographer should
as well. A true professional photographer won't miss your perfect shot
because of a technology issue. He or
she will always bring one or two backup cameras, lenses, flashes, additional
lighting equipment, extra memory
cards, and batteries.
7. Does the photographer have
liability insurance?
Accidents happen at weddings
and if one of your guests trips over
your photographer's light stand, it's
good to know you both are protected.
Your reception venue may even ask
the photographer to submit a certificate of liability ahead of time.
8. Will there be one photographer or two?
A second shooter increases the
probability that no shot will be
missed, especially if you are having a
large wedding. If there will be two photographers, ask to meet them both to
get a feel for their personalities and
how well they might blend in on your
big day.
9. What will happen to the
images after your wedding?
Will your images be backed up to
a hard drive or the cloud once
processed? How long will your photographer keep the images afterward?
Will they be kept for a couple of years
or dumped immediately? If you have
any concerns about losing your photos, knowing what the photographer
plans to do with your images after
your wedding is important.
10. When will you get your photos?
No, you won't get your pictures
the day after; no photographer can
deliver that quickly. It's a good idea,
though, to get a general idea of the
timeline ahead of time. You might even
be able to agree on getting a couple of
images ready for social media use
very quickly. But obtaining your photos will likely take several weeks. To
help with the wait, some photographers will send you a sneak peak with
a few images. Just ask ahead of time!
You won't be able to see everything that happens during your wedding day. The right photographer will
capture moments you never knew
existed. To learn how you can find the
perfect photographer for your wedding, visit
Indian Wedding Celebrations Last for Days
palms, wrists, arms, legs, and feet are
On the big day, the bride and groom
put flower garlands around each other's
necks in the Var Mala Ceremony to show
the bride has accepted the groom as her
– Luxpresso at Business Insider
As part of the pre-wedding ceremonies, there is an Engagement
Ceremony where the bride and groom
exchange rings and the families
exchange gifts and sweets. The Mehendi
Ceremony is usually held at the bride's
home before the wedding ceremony and
is the celebration when the bride's
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Flowers that Symbolize Marriage & Love
American Linden: Matrimony
Ambrosia: Love returned
Azalea: Love, romance
Coreopsis: Love at first sight
Forget-Me-Not: True love
Ivy Geranium: Favored by the
Pea: Happy marriage
Peony: Happy marriage and
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Safflower: Marriage, welcome
Stephanotis: Weddings
Red Tulip: Declaration of love
Rose: Love in all its forms
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January 2015
Building Your Registry as a Team
(Family Features) One essential
piece of the wedding puzzle involves creating a registry that makes it easy for
guests to celebrate your union with gifts
that reflect your personality as a couple.
Before Building Your Registry
It's no wonder why guests love the
ease and simplicity of a gift registry. But
many couples may not know where to
begin when setting out to create this useful list. Here are some helpful pointers
from Macy's to help you get started on
creating a perfect wedding registry:
• Meet with a Consultant: These
trained professionals are on site to assist
and discuss everything you want and
need. It's a good place to start if you have
questions on what items to include and
what brands are available.
• Look for Special Programs: Some
stores offer special features, such as
Macy's, whose Dream Fund allows guests
to contribute any amount to the ultimate
gift card, so the bride and groom can
later choose exactly what they want.
• Start Early: Most couples like to
register 4-6 months before their wedding
• Register Together: Whether it's instore, online or both - make a day of it
and have fun.
• Choose Different Price Points:
Guests will appreciate a varied list that
has many gift options to fit their personal budget.
Blissfully Engaged? Tell us your
“Bliss List”
Grand Prize: $5,000 Credit Toward a Maggiano's Wedding Reception
Second Prize: $3,500 Credit (maximum) toward a Maggiano's
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Great for a Shower.
• Create a Registry That Reflects
You: If you're a laid-back, easygoing couple, consider registering for a more casual dinnerware pattern that you can use
every day, then mix in some fancy pieces
to use for those special occasions.
istering for drinkware, be sure to register
for a few extras in each glass size in case
some break down the road.
• Protect Your Cutlery: Be sure to
choose a sturdy cutting board to protect
your knife blades from chips and cracks.
Making the Right Choices
With all the things needed to properly stock your home, selecting the right
ones can seem overwhelming. Here are
some tips to keep in mind while adding
to your registry:
• Select Your Settings: A five-piece
setting is meant to serve one person and
includes a dinner plate, salad plate,
bread and butter plate, tea cup and
saucer. If you want to serve eight guests,
you will need to register for eight fivepiece settings.
• Factor in Some Extras: When reg-
You can keep your cutlery in top condition by registering for a honing steel and
knife sharpener.
• Stock Up on Kitchen Must-Haves:
When it comes to cookware, make sure
to stock up on the essentials.
• Opt for the Basics: White dinnerware allows you to transform the look of
your table year-round by changing the
dÈcor and accessories around it.
Visit for a
full registry checklist, helpful tips and more
information on Macy's Dream Fund.
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January 2015
New & Popular Bridal Shower Themes
From he Editors of Perfect Wedding
The main reason for throwing a wedding shower in the first place is to help
prepare the bride, and the groom, for the
beginning of their new lives together.
Wedding showers serve as the perfect
event for friends and family to provide
the happy couple with the appropriate
accessories and items they will need in
their home. However, the venue to
which this will all take place can be
enhanced with bridal shower themes,
party tips and wedding ideas to help
make the wedding shower almost as
memorable at the wedding itself.
Best Laid Plans
Some useful tips for throwing the
most memorable bridal shower include
the timing, hosting, venue, guest list and
theme. It is important to consider the
timing as it is considered normal to
throw a wedding planning shower about
two months prior to the wedding as the
bride may have several showers to
attend. Most of the time, the bridesmaids all come together to plan the wedding shower, but mostly the maid of
honor will plan the event and pay for the
When choosing the location of the
shower it should cater to the personality
of the bride. Such locations may include
a formal event hall, a botanical garden,
hotel suite or private home. The guest
list could depend on who is throwing the
shower, for example the bride’s boss
may throw a shower consisting of coworkers or a sorority sister may throw a
party inviting all college friends. The
bride may experience many different
showers with many different people and
Popular Bridal Shower Themes:
Whatever the wedding idea behind
the festivities, it is important to consider
the personalities of the bride and groom.
Their hobbies and backgrounds should
be used to cater to their needs. Some
popular bridal shower themes include:
Lingerie showers: One of the most
popular bridal shower themes is the
Lingerie Shower. Have guests come
dressed in their pajamas, serve food that
would resemble that of a slumber party
and of course every guest brings lingerie
as a gift.
Honeymoon showers: If it is a honeymoon shower, have the theme of the
party resemble the location of the honeymoon with food served in that particular area. For example, if the couple is
going to Hawaii, create a luau and have
guests bring gifts such as sun screen,
sun glasses, beach towels and bathing
suits. If the couple is going somewhere in
Europe, have guests bring gifts such as
travel journals, cameras, alarm clocks,
translation booklets and serve food
reflecting the culture of the country
being visited.
Making Memories showers: For a
making memories shower, popular gift
ideas include picture frames, photo
albums and scrap books. Close friends
of the bride and groom can bring framed
pictures of the happy couple to help decorate their new home. The bride’s and
groom’s favorite food can be served to
enhance the personalized theme on
behalf of the couple.
Spa showers: The spa shower
includes the bride and guests meeting at
a local day spa or bringing a mobile spa
to the shower venue to treat everyone to
massages, manicures and facials. Gifts
can include nail polish, at home manicure and pedicure sets, at home facial
products, towels and flip flops. Food
served can include chocolate covered
strawberries and champagne.
Kitchen Showers: Another one of
the popular bridal shower themes is the
kitchen shower. Guests bring kitchen
and cookware items for the bride to
stock her kitchen. For food purposes,
this party is treated as a potluck as
shower guests often bring over homemade dishes and recipes for the bride to
Stock the Bar Showers: This type of
event is also another great couples
bridal shower theme. Guests can bring
various types of beer, wine and liquor.
Glassware, blenders and other bar
equipment is also good. It goes without
saying that the party will include various
cocktails and spirits chosen among the
bride’s favorite drinking pleasures. helps couples through the challenging, but always
exciting process of planning a wedding
and honeymoon. Any wedding planner or
bride can benefit from the unique wedding
ideas, trends, and helpful wedding planning tools at
“A man in love is incomplete until
he is married. Then he's finished.”
— Zsa Zsa Gabor
Handfasting and How it Influenced Marriage
The old way in Great Britain for couples to pledge their betrothal was for
them to join hands, his right to her right,
his left to her left, so from above they
looked like an infinity symbol. Done in
front of witnesses, this made them officially "married" for a year and a day, following which they could renew permanently or for another year and a day.
This was called "handfasting" and was
used extensively in the rural areas where
priests and ministers didn't go all that
often. Sharing a cup and pledging their
betrothal in front of witnesses used to
accomplish the same thing (usually
done in taverns) but was eventually outlawed in most of Europe.
Handfastings (ancient word for
weddings) were traditional before weddings became a legal function of the government or a papal responsibility taken
ConCorde Inn
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over by the formal religions in the early
1500's. The very word Handfasting
derived its origin from the wedding custom of tying together, as a symbol to
their clan, tribe or village of their decision to be bound together in family living. The traditional length of time was a
year and a day, or 13 moon cycles. If the
marriage proved to last over this period
of time, then the vows would be renewed
for a lifetime or they renewed them for
"as long as love shall last".
Often during this (trial) period of
time the bride would be referred to as a
Virgin, or 'a woman not owned by a man'.
The wedding would be best arranged
during the time of the new moon, for the
new moon symbolizes new beginnings,
the beginning of a new cycle and also
looks like the Moon Goddess smiling
down on them in the night sky.
Brides-to-Be Show at St. Lucy’s in Troy
Planning a wedding? There will be
a bridal showcase at St. Lucy’s on
Wattles, just east of Livernois, on
Sunday, Jan. 25, from noon to 3:30 p.m.
You’ll get lots of ideas here, plus
every bride can register to win up to
$20,000 in door prizes, one of which
could be a honeymoon trip. Non
Brides can also register to win a gift
basket. Admission is $7 in advance
and $9 at the door.
Go to for
details, or call 586-228-2700.
David John Entertainment
January 2015
Thinking of a Destination Wedding?
Those at www.weddingdestina have some places you’re
sure to find romantic.
Bora Bora – Nothing says sexy like
Tahiti’s overwater bungalows, built on
stilts over neon-blue waters and featuring glass-paneled walls and floors — all
the better for drinking in the views
Turks and Caicos – One glance at
the sugar-white sand of Grace Bay
Beach, and you’ll understand why
Turks and Caicos has become one of
the Caribbean’s hottest destinations.
The resort vibe on the main island of
Providenciales is decidedly elegant,
and nonstop service from a trio of East
from all sides. A-list pairs including
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban and
Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher
have crossed the Pacific to honeymoon
here. Thanks to recently relaxed legal
requirements, visiting couples can now
make it official right on the sand or in
one of these sumptuous digs. Or head
to Le Meridien Bora Bora, where you
can say I do in an overwater chapel in
front of an altar made of shells.
Coast gateways (Atlanta, Miami and
New York) makes it convenient as well.
Exchange vows in the stark white sand,
and hold a posh reception on a restaurant terrace turned outdoor lounge.
For fun, take your group on a sunset
pleasure cruise, hopping Turks and
Caicos’ eight inhabited islands and
countless uninhabited cays by sunset.
Paris – For centuries lovers have
flocked to the City of Light. Long residency requirements in France make
this city better for symbolic ceremonies, but your venue options are
endless, from chic restaurants to pristine gardens. Don’t miss the chance to
indulge in Paris’ celebrated museums;
only here can you admire voluptuous
forms like Venus de Milo in the vast
halls of the Louvre. Even dining here is
a sensual affair, from sweet, buttery
escargot at famed L’Escargot
Champagne made and bottled a mere
45-minute train ride away. The pièce de
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la résistance: a moonlight riverboat
tour along the Seine.
Santorini – Say I do on a rocky
clifftop overlooking a whitewashed village: Imerovigli sits above the volcanic
shores of Red Beach; Oia, on the
island’s north side, offers prime views
of blazing sunsets. Take in the backdrop with a tour through the vine-tangled grounds of the Volcan Wines
Museum or the hillside ruins of Ancient
Thera, which date to the fourth century B.C. For your reception, celebrate
like the Greeks do with a leisurely meal
that lasts till the wee hours and features fresh seafood, crisp Assyrtiko
white wine (the island has six wineries)
and, of course, some lively ouzo toasts.
There are more, and lots of good
advice, just check the website.
Some Reception Advice
for Mothers of the
Bride, and Groom, too
Take this advice from Sandy Malone,
star of TLC's "Wedding Island," is the
owner of Weddings in Vieques, a destination-wedding planning company off
the coast of Puerto Rico. It will make the
memories a lot more pleasant for everyone.
Oh, mama! Remember: This day is
about your son or daughter.
Support the happy couple, but don't
try to stand out too much. Watch your
dress color, no white, ivory or champagne, please.
That means no flirting with the staff
and going easy on the booze.
Respect the bride's wishes and don't
try to change any details.
Don’t be late, you’re not the star on
this special day.
Regardless of how you feel about
your daughter's new spouse, do not
express displeasure with them or their
family during the wedding weekend.
Italian! As Only Mamma Can Make It!
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Please call for details.
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January 26, 2015
“The Wedding Ringer” Both Amusing & Entertaining
(Josh Gad) is the
pathetic but likable hero of “The
Wedding Ringer,” a guy with a sexy
fiancé Gretchen (Kaley CuocoSweeting) who’s more in love with his
bank account than his bod or his
heart. Doug spends the first several
minutes of this film begging every
male he’s ever known to be his best
Doug has no friends and no
groomsmen. Luckily, he hooks up
with Jimmy Callahan (Kevin Hart), a
fast-talking best-man-for-hire who
provides Doug with an entourage of
groomsmen -- some looking like they
came off a chain gang. (The most recognizable one is Jorge Garcia of
“Lost.”) Jimmy calls the package “The
Golden Tux,” and refers to it as a
near-impossible feat. As the groomsmen memorize facts about Doug and
rehearse lines to prepare for the big
day, it’s obvious they’ll all become
best buddies by movie’s end.
While this isn’t a new concept
(think “Wedding Crashers” and “I
Love You, Man”), Gad and Hart are a
winsome duo. Gad is the guy with all
heart, and Hart is the one with a polished exterior that’s slowly chipped
away. Director Jeremy Garelick shows
the early Jimmy in montages, as he
saves the day with a heartfelt speech
on the wedding day and charms even
the most incredulous guests, not to
mention a bridesmaid or two.
Jimmy’s usually in and out of the
grooms’ lives, but for some reason,
he can’t seem to shake off Doug.
There are raunchy and crass
scenes, especially one involving a
dog. There’s an over-the-top scene
with Doug accidentally setting
Gretchen’s grandmother (Cloris
Leachman) on fire. Another scene in
which the boys play football with
Gretchen’s overbearing dad and his
cronies (including NFL vets Joe
Namath and John Riggins) seems to
have been tossed in to add humor,
but it’s not all that funny.
The most hilarious and wellchoreographed scene involves Doug
and Jimmy showing off some amazing
dance moves. The earnestness and
chemistry between Gad and Hart ultimately saves this film from mediocrity
Page 5
Do You Know an Incredible Kid?
Do you know someone, between the
ages of 5 and 12 that has been a positive
influence in their home, school or community? If so, give them the recognition
they deserve. Nominate them for their
admirable contributions. Commending
our wonderful youth is an essential
aspect of a healthy community. By recognizing their positive efforts, the
Incredible Kid Recognition shows young
people that the community cares about
them, appreciates their contributions,
and wants them to live a healthy and
drug free life.
The Troy Community Coalition for
the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol
Abuse, partners with the Troy Police
Department and the community to commend these young individuals for their
honorable contributions. The nominees
will have their efforts recognized at a special Coalition ceremony held at the Troy
Community Center on Thursday,
February 26th. Take the time to nominate
an Incredible Kid from your neighborhood or school and be sure to spread the
word to your friends and family to do the
same. The deadline for nominations is
February 2nd so be sure to submit your
nomination today!
The form can be found at: and are available at the Troy
Community Coalition office (4420
Livernois). You can contact the Coalition
office at 248-823-5088 if you have any
questions or if you would like the nomination form mailed or emailed. In order
for the Coalition to continue offering prevention and educational programs benefiting all who live or work in Troy, donations are greatly appreciated with the
entry. Due to space limitations at the
Troy Community Center, nominations
will only be accepted for individuals
and/or small groups.
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Page 6 ■
Page 10
January 26, 2015
July 22, 2013
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Holy Saint Anthony, gentle and Powerful
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January 26, 2015
Coming Soon — Designer Babies?
Should he be
5’10 to be a tennis
star…or 6’11” to
play in the NBA? Should she have blue
eyes or brown? Well-muscled to carry
a football through a defensive backfield, or long and lean to outdo
Michael Phelps in an Olympic pool?
In the not too-distant future, these
questions – and more – will be commonplace when deciding what your
child will be.
Dr. Tony Perry, a British-born
cloning expert currently at Rockefeller
University in New York, recently
announced that he has perfected a
technique to perform precise DNA
editing at the moment of conception.
“We used a pair of molecular scissors and a molecular sat-nav (satellite
navigation) that tells the scissors
where to cut.” Cut what, you ask?
Sequences of genetic information. In
short, Dr. Perry has devised and is
rapidly perfecting the technique to cut
out certain sequences of genetic information from the nascent embryo and
replace it with a different sequence.
In fact, the process is approaching 100% efficiency, a more advanced
technique in what is called “Crispr
technology”, the most accurate way of
editing DNA to date.
The implications are huge, so
much so that a growing number of
leading scientists and bioethicists are
urging a public debate on the issue,
forseeing a future of so-called ‘designer babies’, and without regulation,
only the imagination can limit what
people would do.
It is one thing for geneticists to
use molecular scissors to snip out a
sequence of DNA that would lead to a
future of disease or some debilitating
condition; it is something else altogether different to order up a baby
with desirable physical traits.
Want blue eyes? Check. Lighter
skin? Check! High cognition? You
It doesn’t take too much imagination to see what would happen if parents were given total control over
designing their baby. Undesirable
traits, often determined culturally,
would be obliterated, replaced by
what is popular at that time.
Every baby would be good-looking, with medium skin tone, athletic
builds, well-endowed by gender, and
possess high intellect. And although
there would certainly be differences
among those designer babies, they
would be far fewer and less distinct.
Hitler was trying to do this very
thing back in the 1930s and 40s; you
only have to remember Dr. Mengele to
know of his experimentation – often
times horrific and cruel – to concentration camp victims. Although crude
and often times barbaric, the goal was
the same, to produce a baby with
desired traits, at that time Aryan with
blue eyes and blond hair, good builds,
and smart.
Without any regulatory oversight, the overall genetic pool will
shrink dramatically, leaving the entire
species more vulnerable to harm; with
less diversity, contagions are more
likely to find fewer of us naturally
immune to it.
Not to mention that designer
babies will reflect current cultural attitudes towards race, sexual orientation, hair, facial features, and other
physical attributes that wax and wane
over time.
While there is obviously some
benefit to snipping out DNA
sequences that would lead to autism,
the grieving process and how to help
patients, their families and HOM staff..
If you would like to learn more
about volunteer opportunities for
Hospice of Michigan or to sign up as a
volunteer, visit or contact Wagner at 313-5786259 or
For those who have experienced a
loss, HOM encourages a waiting period
of one year before becoming a volunteer to allow for the processing of grief.
A nationally recognized leader in
end-of-life care, Hospice of Michigan is
the original and largest hospice in
the state. The nonprofit cares for more
than 1,700 patients each day, raising
more than $4 million each year to cover
the cost of care for the uninsured and
underinsured. For more information,
Page 7
Automation Alley’s Technology Outlook Luncheon
ADHD, cancer, heart disease, and
other conditions that we don’t deem
healthy, I suspect that parents will use
molecular scissors to tailor-make their
babies, reflecting what THEY perceive
as the perfect baby with the perfect
And what if the features they
select are not the ones the parents
possess? What will a fair-skinned
baby think when it’s old enough to see
its parents are more darkly-complected? What if a baby has a nose and
ears dramatically different from mom
and dad? What if a child with an IQ of
160 is born to average parents?
I don’t think we have to answer
those questions today, but that day is
rapidly approaching, and we had better be ready for it.
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Business leaders, economic developers and entrepreneurs alike: Mark
your calendars for Automation Alley’s
Technology Industry Outlook, to be held
Thur., Feb. 12, at the Colony Club in
Automation Alley will debut the
2014 Automation Alley Technology
Industry Report, an important tool for
the business community to brand and
promote Southeast Michigan as a center
for cutting-edge tech companies and
highly skilled workers.
Find out how Southeast Michigan
stacks up against other major technolo-
gy hubs across the nation, including
Silicon Valley, and discover where the
region is headed as Anderson Economic
Group provides a regional economic
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Technology Center
Spotlight, 11:30 a.m. – noon Lunch, Noon
– 1 p.m. Welcome and program
The cost is: Members – $40 and NonMembers – $50
For more information and to register
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“Providing Excellent Care
With Compassion and Dignity”
Dr. Staci Hopkins
& Dr. Melissa Kennedy
to Our Team!
Hospice of Michigan Seeks Volunteers
Hospice of Michigan, the largest
nonprofit hospice and palliative care
organization in Michigan, is seeking
volunteers to help support patient
While opportunities for an HOM
volunteer are virtually limitless, some
of the organization s more specific and
immediate needs include care by:
Professional and licensed massage
therapists, hairstylists and manicurists
Art and music therapists
Musicians who can perform at a
patient s bedside
Volunteers with a pet. While a
therapy animal licensed isn t required,
the animal must be current on all vaccinations and will be observed by HOM
before working with patients.
Prospective volunteers will be
asked to go through a training course
during which they will learn more
about HOM, the principles of hospice,
We Offer:
• State-of-the-Art Care
for Women
• Individualized Health Care
Plans for Every Patient
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Obstetrical and
Gynecological Services
for Women of All Ages
Staci Hopkins, M.D. & Melissa Kennedy, M.D.
Rochester Hills/Wellpointe Bldg.
Lake Orion
4550 Investment Dr. • Suite 200
1701 South Blvd. East • Suite 200
1455 South Lapeer Rd. • Suite 208
January 26, 2015
Mondrian Properties has 5 new luxurious communities
opening in the heart of Troy, with new floorplans and 2
new model homes, complete with Mondrian’s signature
upscale amenities and award-winning conveniences.
Troy School District | Starting in the high $300,000s
HURON ESTATES: Award winning floorplans
feeding into Bemis, Boulan and Troy High schools.
CHATWAL PARK: An Inviting community
convenient to Troy High School.
BEACHVIEW ESTATES: Lush, heavily landscaped garden and walk-out
basement community with custom appointments.
PINERY WOODS: Welcome home to the elegance of new floor plans
with the convenience of location.
*HUNTERS PARK: Single family homes with
luxurious amenities and timeless sophistication.
Join us Saturday, February 7
As We Unveil 5 New Communities
And 2 Brand New Models in Troy
Please Call Our New
Model at 248.680.9074
For Grand Opening
Incentives and to
Schedule an
Appointment for a
Tour on February 7
Square Lake Rd
Hunters Park
New Model Home
2057 Bridle Path
Long Lake Rd
Event by Appointment Only
*New Model Home 2057 Bridle Path in Hunters Park
Our Unveiling Event Starts here on February 7
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Page 8