Florida Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE March 27-28, 2015 Embassy Suites Orlando-Lake Buena Vista South, Kissimmee, Florida ST RIV IN G F O R E XC EL L EN CE I N YOUR B USINESS LEARN NETWORK The Perfect Climate begins with the Benefit from the collective knowledge power of knowledge! Our speakers, of your HVAC-R colleagues and expert experts in their fields, will discuss timely presenters through interactive courses, subjects and share their experiences. a variety of networking opportunities RECEIVE up to 14 CILB-approved and informal social events. HVAC-R Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) contractors, company owners, service for Florida Contractor license renewal and project managers, CFOs, building requirements, including Advanced Code, officials and general contractors will Business Practice, Rules & Laws, Safety, benefit from Conference attendance. and Worker’ Compensation. CIB Provider #0003199 EXPERIENCE The AIRodeo Air Diagnostic Lab, featuring a hands-on experience with leading air diagnostic products and technologies. Participants use and compare hand-held devices such as hot wire anometers and flow hoods and larger test equipment such as blower door and duct blower gear. Our featured speaker this year is Dr. Joseph Lstiburek P.Eng, ASHRAE Fellow and founding principal of Building Science Corporation. New this year NATE Continuing Education Classes Featured Speaker: Joe Lstiburek, Ph.D., P. Eng. PERFECT CLIMATE Founding Principal Building Science Corporation Testing Duct Blasters, Blower Doors and Manometers Sucking and Blowing For Fun and Profit It is not always appreciated where the requirements for testing duct work come from? Why are we doing it in the first place? And why are we doing it this way? Why do we pressurize duct distribution systems and depressurize building enclosures when we test? Why can’t you use an air leakage test to determine air change? Where did the 2.5 Pa pressure difference between a bedroom and a common area come from? How come everyone wants to pressurize buildings during operation when most of the past half century we have been depressurizing in Florida with no problem? Why are townhouses different from apartment buildings, and both are different from houses? Which is more important - duct leakage or building envelope leakage? How can someone “game” the tests? How to keep from getting blamed for someone else’s problem? No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished HVAC Efficiency Not too many people understand that an air conditioner only dehumidifies when it is running. When we go to white roofs the air conditioning system does not run as much. When we go to low SHGC windows the air conditioning system does not run as much. When we go to compact fluorescent lights and LED lights the air conditioning system does not run as much. When we choose Energy Star appliances the air conditioning system does not run as much. When we increase insulation levels in walls and roofs the air conditioning system does not run as much. It gets better. Not too many people understand that when we require outdoor air humidity levels inside go up and that the greater the quantity of outdoor air the higher the indoor humidity. More outdoor air and higher energy efficiency - what could go wrong? Those of us in the HVAC business understand this. The people who write codes do not understand this. This session deals with the new realities and how to address them. AIRodeo PERFECT CLIMATE Experience Hands-on the leading air diagnostic products and technologies. AIR DIAGNOSTIC LAB Participants use and compare hand-held devices such as hot wire anometers and flow hoods and larger test equipment such as blower door and duct blower gear. Product Experts are there to demonstrate and explain the features and functions of the equipment used and compared in our diagnostic lab. Airflow and air pressure measurements on various fans and duct components can be collected using several different methods and types of diagnostic tools. Building and duct leakage measurement techniques and test equipment are used to demonstrate various uses; participants are assisted in taking these measurements exactly as done professionally in the field. Equipment provided by Honeywell Tropic Supply, Inc. The Energy Conservatory 2015 Conference Schedule PERFECT CLIMATE Friday, March 27 7:00am-8:00am 7:00am-4:00pm 7:00am-4:00pm 7:00am-4:00pm 8:00am-9:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by DeWayne Thomas - A Media Company Vendor Exhibits Network Breaks - Sponsored by Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group AIRodeo (GEN) Concurrent Workshops Contractor Regulation and Licensing (R&L) 1 hour CEU CILB Provider #0005401 - course #0609449 Determining the Real Cost of Your Sales, Advertising and Marketing (BP) 9:30am-10:30am Concurrent Workshops What You Don’t Know about Wage & Hour Laws Can Cost You BIG TIME (BP) Understanding OSHA Regulations (SAF) 10:30am-11:30am Concurrent Workshops What Is Your HVAC Business Worth? Start Today To Positively Impact Your Business Value (BP) Social Media and Your Business: Avoiding Pitfalls (BP) Distracted Driving: At What Cost? (SAF) 1 hour CEU CILB #0001107 - course #0607956 11:45-1:30pm AWARDS LUNCHEON - Sponsored by Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened to My SEER? (GEN) 1:45pm-2:45pm Concurrent Workshops The Role of the HVAC Contractor in Building Commissioning (GEN) Entrepreneurial DNA – A Breakthrough Approach to Building Your Team (BP) 2:45pm-3:45pm Concurrent Workshops Contractor Regulation and Licensing (R&L) 1 hour CEU CILB Provider #0005401 - course #0609449 Review of ACCA Manual S - Residential Equipment Sizing (GEN) 3:45pm-4:45pm Concurrent Workshops Understanding Benefits Paid Under the Florida’s Workers’ Comp Law (WC) Residential Ventilation - Code Required Calculations & Methods of Compliance for HVAC Contractors (GEN) 6:00pm-9:00pm PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION - Sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric Saturday, March 28 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by DeWayne Thomas - A Media Company 7:00am-Noon Vendor Exhibits 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks - Sponsored by Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group 7:00am-Noon AIRodeo (GEN) Concurent Workshops 7:30am-9:00am Humidity: Energy & Economics for HVAC Contractors (GEN) 8:00am-9:00am What Your Techs Should Know About Duct Leakage Testing (GEN) 1 hour CEU CILB Provider #0003199 - course #0609024 8:00am-8:15am AIRodeo Lab Wrap-up (Must complete lab portion prior) 9:00am-Noon Testing - Duct Blasters, Blower Doors and Manometers - Sucking and Blowing For Fun and Profit (GEN) Dr. Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker Noon-1:30pm FRACCA ANNUAL MEETING AND LUNCHEON - Sponsored by Carrier Enterprise 12:30pm-1:30pm Advanced Mechanical / Energy Code (ADV) 1 hour CEU CILB Provider #0003199 - course #0009078 1:45pm-4:45pm No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished - HVAC Efficiency (GEN) Dr. Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker ADV - Advanced Code BP - Business Practice R&L - Rules and Laws SAF - Workplace Safety WC - Worker’ Comp Schedule, speakers and course subject to change without notice. CILB CE Provider #0003199 Course Descriptions PERFECT CLIMATE BUSINESS CLIMATE WORKSHOP HIGHLIGHTS Social Media and Your Business: Avoiding Pitfalls (BP) You have heard the advantages of using electronic and social media for internal operations and marketing, but be careful of the legal pitfalls. Recent ruling from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) can leave your company at risk among others. Find out how to mitigate those risks in this workshop. What is Your HVAC Business Worth? (BP) All businesses re for sale it is just a matter of when. Be sure you are ready for that day by learning how to increase the value of your company through proper planning. What You Don’t Know About Wage and Hour Laws Can Cost You BIG TIME (BP) The Department of Labor (DOL) has been looking hard at construction contractors’ payroll practices and issuing big buck pay fines. Find out from this workshop what DOL looks for and how to correctly structure and calculate your wages including exempt/nonexempt, travel time, commissions to avoid fines. Understanding Benefits Paid Under Florida’s Worker’s Compensation Law (BP) Understanding the process for workers to be eligible for benefits and what and how benefits and medical bills are paid is critical to working with your injured employee. It can reduce employee misunderstandings of the benefits and rights and may also help reduce lost time. Understanding OSHA Regulations (BP) Workshop provides an overview of the OSHA regulations for construction along with an update on new regulations implemented in 2014 and 2015. Determining the Real Cost of Your Sales, Advertising and Marketing (BP) Learn how to measure the true cost of your company’s sales, advertising and marketing by drilling down to the expense per lead the effectiveness of the leads generated. Entrepreneurial DNA - A Breakthrough Approach to Building You Team (BP) Wish you had employees who think like an owner? Discover how to find employees with entrepreneurial DNA who can become highly effective members of your team and deliver superior customer service and satisfaction. TECHNICAL CLIMATE WORKSHOP HIGHLIGHTS ACCA Manual S - Residential Equipment Sizing (GEN) ACCA has updated Manual S. Learn what those changes are and how to utilize information form Manual J to accurately size HVAC equipment. Humidity: Energy and Economics for HVAC Contractors (GEN) Get prepared with this course for the new Florida Energy Code that requires houses to be so tight they will need mechanical ventilation with outside air that will require dehumidification. Residental Ventilation - Code Required Calculations nd Methods of Compliance for HVAC Contractors (GEN) This workshop reviews the new Florida Energy, Mechanical and Residential Code requirements for ventilation and methods of compliance. The Role of the HVAC Contractor in Building Commissioning (GEN) Commissioning is no longer just for LED (green) credit; it is now required under the new Florida Code. Learn what role the HVAC contractor plays in the process and documentation/testing needed to comply with the code. What Happened to My SEER? (GEN) There is a difference between factory SEER ratings and delivered SEER. Learn how to identify installation practices that affect HVAC system efficiency and the impact on the customer’s comfort and energy bills. What Your Techs Need to Know About Duct Leakage Testing (GEN) 1 hour CEU CILB Provider #0003199/course #0609024) There have been changes in duct leakage testing requirements. Learn what they are and why it is important the HVAC technicians understand the basics of testing. NATECONTINUING CONTINUINGEDUCATION EDUCATIONCLASSES CLASSES NATE NATE CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASSES NATE CONTINUING CLASSES NATE CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASSES WHATEDUCATION IS FRACCA? PERFECT CLIMATE WHAT IS FRACCA? PERFECT CLIMATE Sponsored Sponsored by by PERFECT CLIMATE PERFECT CLIMATE PERFECT CLIMATE PERFECT CLIMATE Sponsored by by Sponsored PERFECT CLIMATE Established in 2001, the Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA) is a non-profit trade association of dedicated Bonus: All attendees who complete the training will bytradecontractor Bonus: attendees who complete the training willreceive receive HVAC-R professionals, organized toRefrigeration promote theand interests of the Florida HVAC-R Contractor through lobbying, education Bonus: AllAll who complete training will Established inattendees 2001, theSupply Florida Air the Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA)legislative is aSponsored non-profit association of dedicated receive a $100 Tropic gift certificate. Bonus: All attendees who complete the training will receive Bonus: All attendees who complete the training will receive a $100 gift card from Tropic Supply. and enhanced public awareness. HVAC-R professionals, organized to promote the interests of the Florida HVAC-R Contractor through legislative lobbying, contractor education a $100 gift card from Tropic Supply. a $100 gift card from Tropic Supply. a $100 gift card from Tropic Supply. and enhanced awareness. Friday, March 27,public 2015 FRACCA’s strength is derived from its members: the association is comprised of more than 350 HVAC-R contractors and associated firms in Friday, March 2015 7:00am-8:30am Registration and Exhibits Friday, March 27, 27, 2015 eight chapters acrossRegistration state of Florida. Our members serve on advisory committees the Florida Building Commission, on local andfirms other FRACCA’s strength isthe derived from its members: the Regal association of moreforthan 350 HVAC-R contractors and associated in 7:00am-8:30 am Exhibits Friday, March 27, 2015 Friday, March 27,am 2015 8:30am-10:30am Motor Mastery; Instructor: Ken Darin, Beloit is(2comprised NATE CEU Credits) 7:00am-8:30 Registration andand Exhibits licensing boards and have aExhibits proactive influence onmembers rules and codes they are enacted.forThey are activeBuilding throughout Florida, working protect eight across the state ofInstructor: Florida. serve onbefore committees thewith Florida Commission, localtoand 8:30am-10:30 Motor Mastery; Instructor: Darin, Regal Beloit (2 NATE CEU Credits) 7:00am-8:30 am chapters Registration and 7:00am-8:30 am Registration and Exhibits 8:30am-10:30 amam Motor Mastery; Ken Darin, Regal Beloit (2advisory NATE CEU Credits) This course demonstrates howOur toKen identify an existing and/or replacement motor or without a nameplate byon looking at theother their chosen industry. This course demonstrates how to identify an existing and/or replacement motor with or without a nameplate by looking at the following: licensing boards and have a proactive influence on rules and codes before they are enacted. They are active throughout Florida, working to protect 8:30am-10:30 am Motor Mastery; Instructor: Ken Darin, Regal Beloit (2 NATE CEU Credits) 8:30am-10:30 am Motor Mastery; Instructor: Ken Darin, Regal Beloit (2 NATE CEU Credits) This course demonstrates how to identify an existing and/or replacement motor with or without a nameplate by looking at the following: following: OU Rexisting 2015 Sreplacement P ONmotor S OR Thisindustry. course demonstrates how how to• identify an existing and/or replacement withSwith or without a nameplate by looking at theatfollowing: their chosen This course to identify and/or motor or without a nameplate by looking the following: • demonstrates Application RPM •anVoltage • Application • RPM •OVoltage Table Tops 2015 S P ON S OR S •Frame Frame Size • UR Horsepower • Application •SizeRPM • Voltage •Type Type • •Application • •RPM • •Voltage Horsepower Table Tops Certified Refrigerant Services • Enclosure • Troubleshooting, much, much more! • Frame Size • Horsepower • Shaft • •Frame Size• Type • •Horsepower • •Type Enclosure Troubleshooting, andand much, much more! Shaft Certified Services CO2 Meter,Refrigerant Inc. • Enclosure andClass) much, muchmuch more!more! • Enclosure • Troubleshooting, and much, • Shaft • Federated Shaft • Troubleshooting, 10:30am-11:30am Distracted Driving; Insurance (Bonus 10:30am-11:30amDistracted Distracted Driving; Federated Insurance (Bonus Class) 10:30am-11:30am Driving; Federated Insurance (Bonus Class) CO2 Meter, Inc. Daikin Comfort See the importance of staying alert while driving! The course identify the differences internal and external distractions, and See the importance of staying alert while driving! The course will identify differences inin internal and external distractions, 10:30am-11:30am Distracted Driving; Federated Insurance (Bonus Class) 10:30am-11:30am Distracted Driving; Federated Insurance (Bonus Class) See the importance of staying alert while driving! The course willwill identify thethe differences inDaikin internal and external distractions, andand thethe Comfort DBPR effects that from these distractions. the effects that occur from these distractions. See the importance of staying alert alert while driving! The course will identify the differences in internal and external distractions, and the Seeeffects the importance of staying while driving! The course will identify the differences in internal and external distractions, and the that occur from these distractions. DBPR 11:30am-12:30 Indoor Air Quality; Instructor: Vosburgh, Sales Manager, Fresh-Aire (1 CEU Credit) Digital Image Business Solutions effects that occur from theseInstructor: distractions. 11:30am-12:30pm ndoor AirAir Quality; Nick Vosburgh, Sales Manager, Fresh-Aire UV (1NATE NATE CEU Credit) effects that occur from these distractions. 11:30am-12:30 pmIpm Indoor Quality; Instructor: NickNick Vosburgh, Sales Manager, Fresh-Aire UVUV (1 NATE CEU Credit) This class cover residential and commercial air purification systems. Learn more about: 11:30am-12:30 pm pm Indoor Air Quality; Instructor: Nick Vosburgh, SalesSales Manager, Fresh-Aire (1 CEU Credit) Digital Image Business Solutions 11:30am-12:30 Indoor AirNATE-recognized Quality; Instructor: Nick Vosburgh, Manager, Fresh-Aire UVNATE (1 NATE CEU Credit) This NATE-recognized class willwill cover residential and commercial air purification systems. Learn more about: FRSA - SIF This NATE-recognized class cover residential and commercial airUV purification systems. Learn more about: This NATE-recognized class will cover residential and commercial air purification systems. Learn more about: This NATE-recognized class will cover residential and commercial air purification systems. moreTechnology about: • IAQ Contaminants • APCO Features, Warranty & Installation •Learn Marketing, Advertising & Incentive Programs FRSA -Advertising SIF • IAQ Contaminants • APCO Features, Warranty & Installation • Marketing, & Incentive Programs Vecter • UV Technology / Blue-Tube • Application Specific Products • Competitors • IAQ• Contaminants • Marketing, Advertising & Incentive Programs • APCO Features, Warranty & Installation Advertising & Incentive Programs Features,Specific Warranty & Installation • •Marketing, •IAQUVContaminants Technology / Blue-Tube • •APCO Application Products Competitors Vecter Technology •Technology PCO Technology / APCO • Corporate Partnerships • UV•Technology / Blue-Tube • Application Specific Products • Competitors •TheThe IAQ Industry Wrap / Blue-Tube • •Application Specific Products • Competitors •UVPCO Technology / APCO • Corporate Partnerships IAQ Industry Wrap • PCO / APCO • Corporate Partnerships • Technology PCO Technology / APCO • The• IAQ • Corporate Partnerships WrapWrap TheIndustry IAQ Industry 12:30pm-1:30pm LUNCH LUNCH – ON YOUR OWN LOCATION 12:30pm-1:30pm – ON YOUR OWN 12:30pm-1:30pm Lake LUNCH –YOUR ON YOUR OWNMy SEER?; Instructor: Ted Brown, SpacePak (1 NATE CEU Credit) 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened Embassy Suites, Vista South 12:30pm-1:30pm LUNCH –Buena ON–Happened OWNOWN 12:30pm-1:30pm LUNCH ON YOUR LOCATION 1:30pm-2:30pm What to to My SEER?; Instructor: Ted Brown, SpacePak (1 NATE CEU Credit) 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened to My SEER?; Instructor: Ted Brown, SpacePak (1 NATE CEU Credit) Learn how toMy identify issues surrounding installation practices inNATE Florida how they affect central conditioning heating systems 4955 KyngsSuites, Heath Rd., Kissimmee, FLSouth 34746 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened SEER?; Instructor: Ted installation Brown, SpacePak (1 NATE CEU Credit) 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened to My SEER?; Instructor: Ted Brown, SpacePak CEUand Credit) Embassy Lake Buena Vista Learn how totoidentify issues surrounding practices in(1Florida and how they affect central air air conditioning andand heating systems Learn how to identify issues surrounding installation practices in Florida and how they affect central air conditioning and heating energy efficiency vs. factory rated efficiency. how toKissimmee, identify issues surrounding practices in Florida and how they they affectaffect central air conditioning and heating systems Learn to identify surrounding installation practices in Florida and how central air conditioning and heating systems 4955 KyngsLearn Heath Rd.,how FL 34746 energy efficiency vs.issues factory rated installation efficiency. systems energy efficiency vs. factory rated efficiency. 2:30pm-3:30 pmenergy Total System Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1 NATE Credit) energy efficiency vs. factory ratedrated efficiency. efficiency vs.Protection; factory efficiency. CANCELLATION POLICY 2:30pm-3:30 pm Total System Protection; Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1 NATE CEUCEU Credit) A thorough look at why burnouts occur, how to prevent them and the proper way to flush a system once a burnout occurs. training 2:30pm-3:30 pm Total System Protection; Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1 NATE CEU 2:30pm-3:30 pm Total System Protection; Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1 NATE CEU Credit) 2:30pm-3:30 pm Total System Protection; Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1 NATE CEU Credit) AllCANCELLATION cancellations must be in POLICY writing received no later than March 12, 2015 A thorough lookand at why burnouts occur, how to prevent themand andmay thebe proper way to flush a systemCredit) once a burnout occurs. TheThe training willwill include acid testing and acid neutralization. A thorough look at why burnouts occur, how to prevent them and the proper way to flush a system once a burnout occurs. The training will A thorough look at why burnouts occur, how to prevent them and the proper way to flush a system once a burnout occurs. The thorough look at why burnouts occur, prevent them andand themay proper subject to a $75 cancellation fee. Registrations non-refundable after12, this date. Hotel rooms include testing acidareneutralization. All cancellations must be inacid writing andand received no laterhow thantoMarch 2015 be way to flush a system once a burnout occurs. The training will 3:30pm-4:30 pm Coil Cleaning; Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1 NATE Credit) include acidCleaning; testing andwill acid include acid testing and acid neutralization. training will include acid testing and acid neutralization. cancelled hours of arrival beneutralization. charged night plus taxes. 3:30pm-4:30 Coil Instructor: Jody Long, Account Manager, (1 rooms NATE CEUCEU Credit) subject within topm a $7572 cancellation fee. Registrations areone non-refundable after thisNuCalgon date. Hotel The Clean Coil Program a comprehensive seminar dedicated to(1the and proper procedures to clean evaporator condenser coils. 3:30pm-4:30 pm pm Coil Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1toNATE CEU Credit) 3:30pm-4:30 Coil Cleaning; Instructor: Jody Long, Manager, NuCalgon NATE CEU Credit) 3:30pm-4:30 pm Cleaning; Coil Cleaning; Instructor: Long, Account Manager, NuCalgon (1safe NATE CEU Credit) Clean Coil Program aisJody comprehensive seminar dedicated the safe and proper procedures to clean evaporator andand condenser coils. cancelled within 72Thehours ofInstructor: arrival willJody beischarged oneAccount night plus taxes. The program will help determine which cleaning method should be utilized for a particular job based on the type and condition of the unit. The Clean Coil Program is a comprehensive seminar dedicated to the safe and proper procedures to clean evaporator and condenser coils. The Clean Coil aiscomprehensive seminar dedicated to thebe proper procedures cleanon evaporator condenser program will helpisdetermine which cleaning method should utilized forand a particular jobtobased typeevaporator and condition the unit. AWARDS LUNCHEON* TheThe Clean CoilProgram Program a comprehensive seminar dedicated tosafe theand safe proper procedures tothe clean andofcoils. condenser The program willprogram help determine cleaning method should be utilized for a for particular jobfor based on theontype and condition theofunit. The willthe help determine which cleaning method should be utilized particular job based the andon condition the unit. Johnstone Supply, Ware Group AWARDS LUNCHEON* Sponsor: coils.program The will helpwhich determine which cleaning method should beautilized a particular jobtype based theoftype and Registration $100 per attendee. Hotel Accommodations – Reserve By March 3, 2015 to guarantee Conference Rate per attendee. AllSponsor: attendees$100 are invited toSupply, FRACCA’s Annual Awards Luncheon Friday,Hotel March 27. The recipients Accommodations – Reserve By March 3, 2015 to guarantee Conference Rate Johnstone the Ware Group Registration condition of the unit. form required per attendee. Registration $100 perare attendee. Registration $100 per attendee. Hotel accommodations NOT Hotel Accommodations Reserve Byare March 3,required. 2015 to guarantee Conference Rate Rate Hotel Accommodations – Reserve By March 3, 2015 to guarantee Conference One form required perinvited attendee. ofOne the 2015 FRACCA Daikin Leadership the 2015 FRACCA Outstanding Company Awards will All attendees to FRACCA’sand Annual Awards Luncheon Friday, March 27. The– recipients ❏❏ Hotel accommodations are NOT required. Mail this form and your check/credit card payable to: One form required per attendee. OneMail form required per attendee. ❏ Hotel accommodations ARE requested at the Embassy Suites: Registration $100 per attendee. ❏ Hotel accommodations are NOT required. this form and your check/credit card payable to: be announced. Awards Luncheon is included in the full 1-day (Friday) or 2-day registration ❏ Hotel accommodations are NOT required. of the 2015 FRACCA Daikin Leadership and the 2015 FRACCA Outstanding Company Awards willARE requested at the Embassy Suites: ❏ Hotel accommodations FRACCA, 466 94th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Mailform this form and your check/credit cardisform payable to:the Check-in date:______________ date:___________ Mail this form and your card payable to: Hotel accommodations ARE requested at the Embassy Suites: FRACCA, 466 94th Ave. N.,check/credit St. Petersburg, FLand 33702 - check/credit packages. ❏Check-in Hotel accommodations ARE requested atCheck-out the Embassy Suites: One required per attendee. Mail this your date:______________ Check-out date:___________ be announced. Awards Luncheon included in full 1-day ❏ (Friday) or 2-day registration 727.576.3225 fax: 727.578.9982 pmanrique@fracca.org. FRACCA, 466 94th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702 FRACCA, 466 94th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702 date:______________ Check-out date:___________ date:______________ Check-out date:___________ 727.576.3225 - fax:466 727.578.9982 pmanrique@fracca.org. PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION* packages. card payable to: FRACCA, 94th Ave.-N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702Check-in - Check-in 727.576.3225 - fax:-727.578.9982 - pmanrique@fracca.org. 727.576.3225 fax: 727.578.9982 - pmanrique@fracca.org. #__Standard room(s) $139 + tax based single/double occupancy includes Sponsor: Electric PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION* #__Standard room(s) $139 + tax based on on single/double occupancy andand includes fullfull 727.576.3225 - fax:Mitsubishi 727.578.9982 - pmanrique@fracca.org. Name:_______________________________________________ breakfast. #__Standard room(s) $139 + tax based on single/double occupancy and includes full Name:_______________________________________________ #__Standard room(s) $139 + tax based on single/double occupancy and includes full Join your fellow AnSponsor: excellent opportunity network with your fellow HVAC-R contractors at the President’s Reception. breakfast. MitsubishitoElectric Name:_______________________________________________ ❏ 1 king or ❏ 2 queen beds;professionals Name:_______________________________________________ Please breakfast. Catered hors d’opportunity oeuvres and to cocktails provided Friday,HVAC-R Marchbreakfast. 27 from 6:00-7:00pm. ❏President’s 1 king bedbed or ❏ 2 queen beds; today. Please Join your fellow An excellent networkarewith your fellow contractors atselect: theselect: President’s Reception. Company Name:__________________________________ ❏ 1 king bed or ❏ 2 queen beds; Please select: Company Name:__________________________________ ❏ 1 king bed or ❏ 2 queen beds; Please select: _______ Reception included with all full 1-day (Friday) or 2-day registration packages. Catered hors d’ oeuvres and cocktails are provided Friday, March 27 from 6:00-7:00pm. President’s Room(s) must guaranteed a credit card. professionals today. _______ Room(s) must be be guaranteed by by a credit card. Company Name:__________________________________ Company Name:__________________________________ _______ _______ Reception included with all full 1-day (Friday) or 2-day registration packages. Room(s) must be guaranteed by a credit card. Promote the interests of the Room(s) must be❏Hotel guaranteed byguarantee a credit card. ______ Credit room only: ❏Visa MasterCard Discover ❏AMEX ______ Address:_______________________________________ Credit cardcard ❏Hotel room guarantee only: ❏Visa ❏❏ MasterCard ❏❏ Discover ❏AMEX Address:_______________________________________ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON AND______ MEETING* industry by❏AMEX becoming Promote the interests of the ______ CreditCredit card ❏Hotel roomroom guarantee only:only: ❏Visa ❏HVAC-R MasterCard ❏ Discover ❏AMEX card ❏Hotel guarantee ❏Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ Discover Address:_______________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ Sponsor: Carrier Enterprise GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON AND MEETING* involved. HVAC-R industry by becoming Email: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Use creditand card for NATE Continuing Education Classes AllSponsor: attendees are invited to join us for FRACCA’s General Membership❏ Luncheon Meeting, Carrier Enterprise involved. Email:Email: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ number:___________________________________Expire (mo/yr):__/__ Card number:___________________________________Expire (mo/yr):__/__ Card Saturday, Marchare 28.invited Luncheon included 1-day (Saturday) or 2-day registration packages. All attendees to join us for in FRACCA’s General Membership Luncheon and Meeting, For membership info contact Phone: _______________________________________ Name on Card: ________________________________CVC#:_____________ number:___________________________________Expire (mo/yr):__/__ Phone: _______________________________________ number:___________________________________Expire (mo/yr):__/__ Card Name on Card: ________________________________CVC#:_____________ Saturday, March 28. Luncheon included in 1-day (Saturday) orCard 2-day registration packages. FRACCA at 727-576-3225, Phone: _______________________________________ For membership info contact Phone: _______________________________________ Billing Address: _______________________________________________ on Card: ________________________________CVC#:_____________ *Additional tickets for all events may be purchased separately. NameName on Card: ________________________________CVC#:_____________ Billing Address: _______________________________________________ Mobile:__________________________________________ City: _________________________State:_______ Zip:______________ mail@FRACCA. org. FRACCA at 727-576-3225, Billing Address: _______________________________________________ Mobile:__________________________________________ Billing Address: _______________________________________________ *Additional tickets for all events may be purchased separately. City: _________________________State:_______ Zip:______________ Mobile:__________________________________________ Mobile:__________________________________________ Authorization (sign):____________________________________________ City: City: _________________________State:_______ Visit mail@FRACCA. usZip:______________ at Zip:______________ www.fracca.org org. _________________________State:_______ Authorization (sign):____________________________________________ Authorization (sign):____________________________________________ Authorization (sign):____________________________________________ Visit us at www.fracca.org BECOME A MEMBER BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! TODAY! 2015 Conference Schedule 2015 Conference Schedule Florida Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association 2015 Conference Schedule 2015 Conference Schedule PERFECT CLIMATE PERFECT CLIMATE Florida Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association PERFECT CLIMATE PERFECT CLIMATE AT-LARGE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Friday,March March27 27 Friday, AT-LARGE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION established 2001 Friday, March 27 Friday, MarchRegistration/Continental 27 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored DeWayne Thomas A Media Company 7:00am-8:00am Breakfast - Sponsored by by DeWayne Thomas - A-Media Company established 2001 Name ofofCompany: ____________________________________________________________________________ Name Company: ____________________________________________________________________________ 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental - Sponsored by DeWayne Thomas - A Media Company 7:00am-4:00pm Vendor Exhibits Breakfast 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by DeWayne Thomas - A Media Company 7:00am-4:00pm Vendor Exhibits Name of Company: ____________________________________________________________________________ 7:00am-4:00pm Vendor Exhibits 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks - Sponsored Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group 7:00am-4:00pm Vendor Exhibits 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks - Sponsored by by Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks by Johnstone Supply - The-Ware GroupGroup 7:00am-4:00pm AIRodeo (1 credit) 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks Sponsored by Johnstone Supply The Ware 7:00am-4:00pm AIRodeo (1- Sponsored CEU-CEU credit) Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ 7:00am-4:00pm AIRodeo (1 CEU credit) 8:00am-9:00am Concurrent Workshops 7:00am-4:00pm AIRodeo (1 CEU credit) City: _________________________________________________ St.:________ Zip: _______________________ 8:00am-9:00am Concurrent Workshops City: _________________________________________________ St.:________ _______________________ 8:00am-9:00am Concurrent Workshops Contractor Regulation and Licensing (R&L; 1 credit CEU CILB Provider #0005401 -Zip: course #0609449) 8:00am-9:00am Concurrent Workshops City: _________________________________________________ Zip:#0609449) _______________________ Contractor Regulation and Licensing (R&L; 1 credit CEU CILB Provider St.:________ #0005401 - course Phone: _____________________________ Fax: ______________________ Mobile:________________________ Contractor Regulation and Licensing (R&L; 1 credit CEU CILB Provider #0005401 course #0609449) Determining Real of Your Sales, Advertising and Marketing 1 CEU credit) Contractor Regulation and Licensing (R&L; 1 credit CEUand CILB Provider #0005401 - credit) course #0609449) Determining thethe Real CostCost of Your Sales, Advertising Marketing (BP;(BP; 1 CEU Phone: _____________________________ Fax:Fax: ______________________ Mobile:________________________ Phone: _____________________________ ______________________ Mobile:________________________ Determining the Real Cost of Your Sales, Advertising and Marketing (BP; 1 CEU credit) 9:30am-10:30am Concurrent Workshops Determining the Real Cost of Your Sales, Advertising and Marketing (BP; 1 CEU credit) 9:30am-10:30am Concurrent Workshops Preferred Method of Contact: ❏Don’t EmailKnow❏ Fax Wage❏&US MailLaws Can Cost You BIG TIME (BP; 1 CEU credit) 9:30am-10:30am Concurrent Workshops What You about Hour 9:30am-10:30am Concurrent Workshops What You Don’t Know about Wage & Hour Can Cost You BIG TIME (BP; 1 CEU credit) Preferred Method ofYou Contact: ❏Know Email ❏US ❏Laws US1Laws Mail Preferred Method of What Contact: Email ❏OSHA Fax ❏ Mail What Don’t Know about Wage &Fax Hour Laws Cost You BIG TIME (BP; (BP; 1 CEU Understanding Regulations (SAF; CEU credit) You❏Don’t about Wage &(SAF; Hour Can Cost You BIG TIME 1 credit) CEU credit) Understanding OSHA Regulations 1 Can CEU credit) Years in Business: ________ Number of Employees: _____ Contractor License Number: _______________________________ Understanding OSHANumber Regulations (SAF;(SAF; 1 CEU 10:30am-11:30am Concurrent Workshops Understanding OSHA Regulations 1 credit) CEU credit) 10:30am-11:30am Concurrent Workshops Years in Business: ________ of Employees: _____ Contractor License Number: _______________________________ Years in Business: ________ Number of Employees: _____ Contractor License Number: _______________________________ 10:30am-11:30am Concurrent Workshops What Is Your HVAC Business Worth? Start Today Positively Impact Your Business Value 1 CEU credit) Brief description of Concurrent company/services (non-contractor): ______________________________________________________ 10:30am-11:30am Workshops What Is Your HVAC Business Worth? Start Today To To Positively Impact Your Business Value (BP;(BP; 1 CEU credit) WhatofWhat Iscompany/services Your HVAC Business Worth? Start Today To Positively Impact Your Business Value (BP; 1 CEU credit) Social Media and Your Business: Avoiding Pitfalls (BP; 1 CEU credit) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief description (non-contractor): ______________________________________________________ Is Your HVAC Business Worth? Start Today To Positively Impact Your Business Value (BP; 1 CEU credit) Social Media and Your Business: Avoiding Pitfalls (BP; 1 CEU credit) Brief________________________________________________________________________________________ descriptionSocial of company/services (non-contractor): _____________________________________________________ Media and Driving: Your Business: Avoiding Pitfalls 1 CEU Distracted At What Cost? (SAF; 1(BP; credit CILB #0001107 - course #0607956) Social Media andDriving: Your Avoiding (BP; 1 credit) CEU credit) Distracted AtBusiness: What Cost? (SAF; 1Pitfalls credit CILB #0001107 - course #0607956) Representative of Company: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Distracted Driving: At What Cost? (SAF; 1 credit CILB #0001107 course #0607956) 11:45-1:30pm AWARDS LUNCHEON Sponsored by Johnstone Supply The Ware Group Distracted Driving: At What Cost? (SAF; 1 credit CILB #0001107 course #0607956) 11:45-1:30pm AWARDS LUNCHEON - Sponsored by Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group Representative ofAWARDS Company: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________ 11:45-1:30pm AWARDS LUNCHEON -toSponsored by Johnstone Supply - The-Ware Group 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened to-My SEER? (GEN; 1 CEU credit) 11:45-1:30pm LUNCHEON Sponsored by1Johnstone Supply The Ware Group 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened My SEER? (GEN; CEU credit) Alternate Representative: __________________________________Email: _________________________________ Representative ofWhat Company: ________________________________ Email: _______________________________ 1:30pm-2:30pm Happened to My SEER? (GEN;(GEN; 1 CEU1 credit) 1:45pm-2:45pm Concurrent 1:30pm-2:30pm What Happened toWorkshops My SEER? CEU credit) 1:45pm-2:45pm Concurrent Workshops Alternate Representative: __________________________________Email: _________________________________ 1:45pm-2:45pm Concurrent Workshops Role of the HVAC inAssociate Building Commissioning (GEN; 1 -CEU credit) 1:45pm-2:45pm Concurrent Workshops Dues: $______________ -Contractor $300 in/ Building - $400 / (GEN; Affiliate $100) TheThe Role of(Contractor the HVAC Contractor Commissioning 1 CEU credit) Alternate Representative: __________________________________Email: _______________________________ The Role ofEntrepreneurial theofHVAC Contractor Building (GEN; 1/ CEU credit) DNA Breakthrough Approach to Building Team (BP; 1 CEU credit) TheEntrepreneurial Role the(Contractor HVAC Contractor in Building Commissioning (GEN; 1Your CEU credit) Dues: $______________ -A$300 / Commissioning Associate - $400 Affiliate -(BP; $100) DNA – A–in Breakthrough Approach to Building Your Team 1 CEU credit) Associate Member At-Large $400 Annually Affiliate Member At-Large $400 Annually Contractor Member At-Large $300 Annually Entrepreneurial DNA – A Breakthrough Approach to Building Your Team (BP; 1 CEU credit) 2:45pm-3:45pm Concurrent Workshops Entrepreneurial DNA – A Breakthrough Approach to Building Your Team (BP; 1 CEU credit) 2:45pm-3:45pm Concurrent Workshops AnAssociate individual orcredit firmCEU that does not$400 possess the - course Any individual or firmAt-Large that holds$400 an interest At-Large Annually Affiliate Member Annually AnContractor individual orMember firm (that has a proper At-Large $300qualifier) Annually Business Qualifier: ______________________________________ Email:_______________________________ 2:45pm-3:45pm Concurrent Workshops Contractor Regulation Licensing (R&L; 1Member CILB Provider #0005401 #0609449) 2:45pm-3:45pm Concurrent Workshops Contractor Regulation andand Licensing (R&L; 1 credit CEU CILB Provider #0005401 - course #0609449) An individual or firm that does not possess the licensing described for contractor membership in the activities of our industry, but does not Any individual or firm that holds an interest that “Registered” or “Certified contract in Licensing Anisindividual or firm (that has proper qualifier) Contractor Regulation and Licensing 1 credit CEU CILB Provider #0005401 - course #0609449) Review oftoa ACCA Manual - (R&L; Residential Sizing (GEN; 1#0005401 CEU credit) Contractor and (R&L; 1Equipment credit CEU CILB Provider - course #0609449) Review ofRegulation ACCA Manual S -SResidential Equipment Sizing (GEN; 1 CEU credit) licensing described for membership and legally sells a(GEN; or1-service to the directly product or service salenot and in the provide activitiesa of our industry, butfordoes Mechanical, Class AReview airorofconditioning, Class BS- air that is “Registered” “Certified toManual contract Dues: $______________ (Contractor $300 / Associate -Sizing $400 /product Affiliate $100) Review ACCA Manual S - Residential Equipment 1 Contractor CEU credit) 3:45pm-4:45pm Concurrent Workshops of ACCA -inResidential Equipment Sizing (GEN; CEU credit) 3:45pm-4:45pm Concurrent Workshops and the legally sells Workers’ a productComp or service to the1 CEU credit) industry. does not personally or through an employer, directly provide a product or service for sale and conditioning, sheet metal. Contract members Mechanical,orClass A air conditioning, Class B airPaid Under 3:45pm-4:45pm Concurrent Workshops Understanding Benefits Florida’s Law(WC; (WC; 3:45pm-4:45pm Concurrent Workshops Understanding Benefits Paid Under the Florida’s Workers’ Comp Law 1 CEU credit) Affiliate Member At-Large $400 Annually Contractor Member At-Large $300 Annually Associate Member At-Large $400 Annually industry. qualify for Contractor or Associate membership. does not personally through an employer, areconditioning, voting members. or sheet Residential metal.Benefits Contract members Understanding Paid Under the Florida’s Workers’ Comp Law (WC; 1 Compliance CEU1 credit) Ventilation -Under Code Required Calculations &Comp Methods of for HVAC Contractors 1 CEU credit) Benefits Paid Florida’s Workers’ (WC; CEU credit) Residential Ventilation - Code Required Calculations Methods of Compliance HVAC Contractors (GEN; credit) Any individual or(GEN; firm1 CEU that holds an interest An are individual or firmUnderstanding (that has a proper qualifier) Anthe individual or firm&that doesLaw not possess thefor This could be education professionals, qualify for Contractor or Associate membership. voting members. Residential Ventilation - Code Required Calculations &Sponsored of Compliance for HVAC Contractors (GEN;(GEN; 1 CEU credit) 6:00pm-9:00pm PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION -Methods Sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric Residential Ventilation Code Required Calculations & Methods of Compliance for HVAC Contractors 1 CEU credit) 6:00pm-9:00pm PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION by Mitsubishi Electric in the activities of our industry, but does that is “Registered” or “Certified” to contract licensing described for Contractor membership regulatory officials, etc. This could be education professionals, 6:00pm-9:00pm PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION - Sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric HOSPITALITY RECEPTION by Mitsubishi notregulatory directly provide a product in6:00pm-9:00pm Mechanical, Class APRESIDENT’S air conditioning, Class and legally- Sponsored sells a product or service Electric to the officials, etc. or service for sale and does not personally or through an B airconditioning, or sheet metal. Contractor industry. Saturday, March Saturday, March 2828 employer, qualify for Contractor or Associate members are voting members. Saturday, March 28 Saturday, March 28 Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: Company _________________________ 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored DeWayne Thomas A Media 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by by DeWayne Thomas - A-Media Company This could be education Authorized of Company Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date:membership. _________________________ 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by DeWayne Thomas - A Media Company 7:00am-Noon Vendor ExhibitsRepresentative 7:00am-8:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by DeWayne Thomas - A Media Company 7:00am-Noon Vendor Exhibits professionals, regulatory officials, etc. Authorized of Company 7:00am-Noon Vendor Exhibits 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks -Representative Sponsored Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group 7:00am-Noon Vendor Exhibits 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks - Sponsored by by Johnstone Supply - The Ware Group 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks by Johnstone Supply - The-Ware GroupGroup 7:00am-4:00pm AIRodeo (1 7:00am-4:00pm Network Breaks -credit) Sponsored by Johnstone Supply The Ware 7:00am-4:00pm AIRodeo (1- Sponsored credit) Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ 7:00am-4:00pm (1 credit) Concurent Workshops 7:00am-4:00pmAIRodeo AIRodeo (1 credit) Concurent Workshops Authorized Representative of Company Concurent Workshops 7:30am-9:00am Humidity: Energy & Economics HVAC Contractors (GEN; credits) Concurent Workshops 7:30am-9:00am Humidity: Energy & Economics forfor HVAC Contractors (GEN; 1.51.5 CEUCEU credits) 7:30am-9:00am Humidity: Energy &Techs Economics for HVAC Contractors (GEN; 1.5 CEU credits) 8:00am-9:00am What Your Techs Should Know About Duct Leakage Testing 1 credit CILB Provider #0003199 - course #0609024) 7:30am-9:00am Humidity: Energy &Should Economics forAbout HVAC Contractors (GEN; 1.5 (GEN; CEU(GEN; credits) 8:00am-9:00am What Your Know Duct Leakage Testing 1 credit CEUCEU CILB Provider #0003199 - course #0609024) Make checks payable to Florida RACCA, Inc. 8:00am-9:00am What Your Techs Should Know About Duct Leakage Testing (GEN; 1 credit CEU CILB Provider #0003199 course #0609024) 8:00am-8:15amWhat AIRodeo Wrap-up (Must complete lab portion prior)(GEN; 1 credit CEU CILB Provider #0003199 - course #0609024) 8:00am-9:00am Your Techs Should Know About DuctlabLeakage Testing 8:00am-8:15am AIRodeo LabLab Wrap-up (Must complete portion prior) T h-Wrap-up e V(Must o i(Must ccomplete e Blower ocomplete f Make tlab hDoors eportion Fand l oprior) rManometers i dprior) a to A iFlorida C o n RACCA, dRACCA, i t iBlowing o nInc. i n gForIFun n d u sProfit t r y (GEN; 3.5 CEU credits) checks payable tor -Florida Inc. Make checks payable 8:00am-8:15am AIRodeo Lab Wrap-up 9:00am-Noon Testing Duct Blasters, Sucking 8:00am-8:15am AIRodeo Lab lab portion 9:00am-Noon Testing - Duct Blasters, Blower Doors and Manometers - Sucking andand Blowing For Fun andand Profit (GEN; 3.5 CEU credits) 94th Florida 33702 TLstiburek, hBlasters, eThBlower VeoVoic i c466 e eoDoors fSpeaker tt Manometers hAvenue e Manometers F l oN,r iSt. dSucking aPetersburg, ACon iand r Cdit o nion d iin t igoFun nniand n gsProfit Ir nyProfit d u (GEN; s 3.5 t r CEU y3.5 credits) of h e Florida A ir I du t 9:00am-Noon -Dr.Duct Blasters, Doors and Blowing For (GEN; Dr. Joe Featured 9:00am-Noon Testing Testing Duct Blower and Sucking and Blowing For Fun and CEU credits) Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker P: 727 . 576 .94th 3225 /LUNCHEON f: 727 .St.578 .Petersburg, 9982 / Florida Email: mail@fracca.org 466 94th Avenue N, St. Florida 33702 466 Avenue N, Petersburg, 33702 Dr. Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker Noon-1:30pm FRACCA ANNUAL MEETING AND Sponsored by Carrier Enterprise Dr. Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker Noon-1:30pm FRACCA ANNUAL MEETING AND LUNCHEON - Sponsored by Carrier Enterprise www.fracca.org P: 576 .727 3225 / f:- .Sponsored 727 ./578 . 9982 /Provider Email: mail@fracca.org P:Mechanical 727 .MEETING 576727 ./AND 3225 / f:Code . 578 Email: mail@fracca.org / www.fracca.org Noon-1:30pm FRACCA ANNUAL MEETING LUNCHEON by Carrier Enterprise 12:30pm-1:30pm Advanced Mechanical /.Energy Code(ADV; (ADV; 1- CEU credit CILB #0003199 - course #0009078) Noon-1:30pm FRACCA ANNUAL AND LUNCHEON Sponsored byProvider Carrier Enterprise 12:30pm-1:30pm Advanced Energy 19982 CEU credit CILB #0003199 - course #0009078) www.fracca.org 12:30pm-1:30pm Advanced Mechanical / Energy Code (ADV; 1 CEU credit CILB Provider #0003199 course #0009078) 1:45pm-4:45pm Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished - HVAC Efficiency (GEN; credits) - course #0009078) 12:30pm-1:30pm Mechanical /GoEnergy Code (ADV; 1 CEU credit (GEN; CILB Provider #0003199 1:45pm-4:45pm NoNo Good Deed Shall Unpunished - HVAC Efficiency 3.53.5 CEUCEU credits) (For Association Use Only)Advanced 1:45pm-4:45pm No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished HVAC Efficiency (GEN; 3.5 CEU credits) Dr. Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker 1:45pm-4:45pm No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished HVAC Efficiency (GEN; 3.5 CEU credits) Action of the Board of Directors (For Association Use Only) Dr. Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker Accepted: _____Effective Date: ___________________ Joe Featured Speaker Dr.Lstiburek, Joe Lstiburek, Featured Speaker Action of____Denied: the BoardDr. of Directors Signed: ____________________________________________ Accepted: ____Denied: _____Effective Date: ___________________ - Advanced Code - Business PracticeR&LR&L - Rules LawsSAFSAF - Workplace SafetyWCWC - Worker’ Comp (Officer or Executive Director of Code FRACCA) ADVADV - Advanced BP BP - Business Practice - Rules andand Laws - Workplace Safety - Worker’ Comp Signed: ____________________________________________ Schedule, speakers and course subject to change without notice. CILB CE Provider #0003199 ADV -ADV Advanced Code BPof- Business Practice R&Lsubject -R&L Rules- to and Laws SAF - SAF Workplace Safety WC - Worker’ CompComp - Advanced Code BP - Business Rules and Laws - Workplace WC - Worker’ Schedule, speakers andPractice course change without notice. CILB CE Safety Provider #0003199 (Officer or Executive Director FRACCA) Schedule, speakers and course subject to change without notice.notice. CILB CE Provider #0003199 Schedule, speakers and course subject to change without CILB CE Provider #0003199 2015 Speaker Highlights PERFECT CLIMATE Gregg Anderson - “Determining the Real Cost of Your Sales, Advertising and Marketing” Anderson is an entrepreneur with strong domestic and international marketing and business development knowledge in the construction, printing, electronics, medical testING, manufacturing & search engine/web development industries. He has 30+ years of business turnaround experience. Andy Äsk - “Humidity: Energy & Economics for HVAC Contractors” Äsk is a consulting engineer located in Cape Coral, FL. He specializes in the diagnosing, remediating, and retrofitting of existing HVAC systems for the purpose of improving performance, energy utilization, and Indoor Air Quality, work that now includes evaluating Building Enclosure Performance. Rosemary Brehm - “Entrepreneurial DNA – A Breakthrough Approach to Building Your Team” Brehm is an entrepreneur who founded turningpoints2results to work with clients who want to grow results by assessing and aligning people to successful entrepreneurial strategies. With over 25 years consulting experience, she works with privately held businesses, professional firms, corporations, nonprofit entities, professional associations. Ted Brown - “What Happened to My SEER?” Brown brings with him more than 40 years of HVAC experience covering all facets of the industry from contracting and wholesale distribution to manufacturer representation and instructor for HVAC and refrigeration seminars. Brown currently works with SpacePak, a division of Mestek Institute with at focus on small duct high velocity systems. Peter V Burns – “What Your Techs Should Know About Duct Leakage Testing” Burns is a Technical Sales Rep for The Energy Conservatory (TEC), the manufacturer of the Minneapolis Blower Door and Duct Blaster System. He has over 25 years of field experience in building performance diagnostics and insulation contracting. Oscar Calleja - “Residential Ventilation - Code Required Calculations and Methods of Compliance for HVAC Contractors” Calleja is a member of the Florida Building Commission TAC and M&E; he holds an Industrial Engineering degree from UM; and is the current President of FRACCA. He is VP, Engineering of Engineered Air, LLC in Pompano Beach, FL. Bob Cochell - “Advanced Mechanical / Energy Code” Cochell is President of Gulf Coast Air Systems, Inc. of Tampa, a member of the State of Florida Energy TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) and a frequent speaker at FRACCA events. Trenton Cotney - “Contractor Regulation and Licensing” Cotney is a lawyer with Trenton Cotney, PA in Tampa handling all aspects of construction litigation and arbitration, including OSHA defense, lien law, bond law, and bid protests, as well as construction document review and drafting. Cotney is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Court Mediator and Qualified Court-Appointed Arbitrator specializing in disputes involving construction law issues. Jim Dunmire - “What Is Your HVAC Business Worth? Start Today To Positively Impact Your Business Value” Dunmire is a Board Certified Intermediary, Business Broker specializing in HVAC Industry Re-Sale. He received a 2011 & 2013 Top Producer Award. Dunmire has extensive experience selling HVAC businesses from Main Street size to Multi-Million dollar investment acquisitions and is experienced in both Residential and Commercial HVAC re-sales. He is licensed by the Florida Real Estate Commission with over 30 years of experience in business ownership/business brokerage. Al LaPera -” The Role of the HVAC Contractor in Building Commissioning” LaPera is Senior Project Manager at TLC Engineering for Architecture where he monitors department production, project budgets and schedules, serving as the focal point for communciation between the TLC team and the architect’s design team. Vanessa Palacio - “Understanding Benefits Paid Under the Florida’s Workers’ Comp Law” Palacio joined the FRSA Self Insurers Fund (FRSA-SIF) as the Claims Manager in May 2014. She has 25+ years of insurance industry experience in California and Florida, working exclusively with Workers’ Comp for the majority of those years. She holds a 5-24 adjusting license. Jack Rise, CMS - “Review of ACCA Manual S - Residential Equipment Sizing” Rise is a Certificate Member Specialist of the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society. He has extensive industry experience having worked as a contractor for 18 years, as a distributor of HVAC products for 13 years and for a major HVAC manufacturer for 5 years. In 2004 he formed his own company, Jack Rise HVAC Technical Training, and works out of his office in Tampa, FL. Alfred Roush, Esq, SPHR - “What You Don’t Know about Wage & Hour Laws Can Cost You BIG TIME” Roush is a licensed attorney in the state of Florida, active member of The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), the Labor and Employment Section, former member of National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA), member of the labor/employment and business section of the Florida Bar. Brian Wagner - “Social Media and Your Business: Avoiding Pitfalls” Wagner has been an attorney for 15+ years and practices in the area of commercial litigation. He frequently speaks at conferences and in-house seminars through the country on various legal topics related to litigation and commercial law. He is a shareholder in the law firm of Mateer & Harbert, P.A., in the Orlando, FL office. FRACCA MEMBERS! Why You Should Be Insured By The FRSA Self Insurers Fund! Your FRACCA Endorsed Workers Compensation Insurance Provider Our Excellent safety services combined with outstanding claims management have enabled us to give back to our members OVER $127 Million in Dividends Here is our recent dividend history: Year 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Dividend $6,000,000 $6,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $8,000,000 $4,500,000 $7,000,000 $10,500,000 $11,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 8,000,000 % of Premium Returned 39% 56% 42% 51% 74% 32% 33% 33% 30% 31% 33% If you are not in the FRSA-SIF for your worker’s compensation needs and you want to find out more about what you are missing, don’t hesitate to call Linda at 800-767-3772, ext. 222 or Debbie at extension 233 or visit our website at www.FRSASIF.com. FRSA-SIF – “the best in safety, the best in service…and our results speak for themselves.” WHAT IS FRACCA? PERFECT CLIMATE Established in 2001, the Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA) is a non-profit trade association of dedicated HVAC-R professionals, organized to promote the interests of the Florida HVAC-R Contractor through legislative lobbying, contractor education and enhanced public awareness. FRACCA’s strength is derived from its members: the association is comprised of more than 350 HVAC-R contractors and associated firms in eight chapters across the state of Florida. Our members serve on advisory committees for the Florida Building Commission, on local and other licensing boards and have a proactive influence on rules and codes before they are enacted. They are active throughout Florida, working to protect their chosen industry. OU R 2015 S P ON S OR S Table Tops Certified Refrigerant Services CO2 Meter, Inc. Daikin Comfort DBPR Digital Image Business Solutions FRSA - SIF Vecter Technology LOCATION Embassy Suites, Lake Buena Vista South 4955 Kyngs Heath Rd., Kissimmee, FL 34746 CANCELLATION POLICY All cancellations must be in writing and received no later than March 12, 2015 and may be subject to a $75 cancellation fee. Registrations are non-refundable after this date. Hotel rooms cancelled within 72 hours of arrival will be charged one night plus taxes. AWARDS LUNCHEON* Sponsor: Johnstone Supply, the Ware Group All attendees are invited to FRACCA’s Annual Awards Luncheon Friday, March 27. The recipients of the 2015 FRACCA Daikin Leadership and the 2015 Federated Outstanding Company Awards will be announced. Awards Luncheon is included in the full 1-day (Friday) or 2-day registration packages. PRESIDENT’S HOSPITALITY RECEPTION* Sponsor: Mitsubishi Electric BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON AND MEETING* Sponsor: Carrier Enterprise Promote the interests of the HVAC-R industry by becoming involved. *Additional tickets for all events may be purchased separately. For membership info contact FRACCA at 727-576-3225, mail@FRACCA. org. Visit us at www.fracca.org An excellent opportunity to network with your fellow HVAC-R contractors at the President’s Reception. Catered hors d’ oeuvres and cocktails are provided Friday, March 27 from 6:00-7:00pm. President’s Reception included with all full 1-day (Friday) or 2-day registration packages. All attendees are invited to join us for FRACCA’s General Membership Luncheon and Meeting, Saturday, March 28. Luncheon included in 1-day (Saturday) or 2-day registration packages. Join your fellow professionals today. Florida Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association AT-LARGE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION established 2001 Name of Company: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ St.:________ Zip: _______________________ Phone: _____________________________ Fax: ______________________ Mobile:________________________ Preferred Method of Contact: ❏ Email ❏ Fax ❏ US Mail Years in Business: ________ Number of Employees: _____ Contractor License Number: _______________________________ Brief description of company/services (non-contractor): ______________________________________________________R Representative of Company:________________________________ Email:______________________________________B Business Qualifier: ______________________________________ Email: __________________________________ Alternate Representative: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Dues: $______________ (Contractor - $300 / Associate - $400 / Affiliate - $100) Contractor Member At-Large $300 Annually An individual or firm (that has a proper qualifier) that is “Registered” or “Certified" to contract in Mechanical, Class A air conditioning, Class B air conditioning, or sheet metal. Contractor members are voting members. Associate Member At-Large $400 Annually An individual or firm that does not possess the licensing described for Contractor membership and legally sells a product or service to the industry. Affiliate Member At-Large $400 Annually Any individual or firm that holds an interest in the activities of our industry, but does not directly provide a product or service for sale and does not personally or through an employer, qualify for Contractor or Associate membership. This could be education professionals, regulatory officials, etc. Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Authorized Representative of Company Make checks payable to Florida RACCA, Inc. The Voice of the Florida Air Conditioning Industry 466 94th Avenue N, St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 P: 727 . 576 . 3225 / f: 727 . 578 . 9982 / Email: mail@fracca.org www.fracca.org (For Association Use Only) Action of the Board of Directors Accepted: ____Denied: _____Effective Date: ___________________ Signed: ____________________________________________ (Officer or Executive Director of FRACCA) 2015 FRACCA EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION PERFECT CLIMATE March 27-28, 2015 Mail this form and your check made payable to: FRACCA, 466 94th Ave. N. | St. Petersburg, FL 33702 | 727.576.3225 | fax: 727.578.9982 | mail@fracca.org First Name: ____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________________ (Please use a separate form for each registrant) Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State:______ Zip:_______________________ Ph:_______________ Fx: ______________ E-mail:______________________________________________________ Hotel Accommodations - Reserve by March 3rd for conference room rate Embassy Suites Lake Buena Vista South • 4955 Kyngs Heath Road • Kissimmee, FL 34746 Hotel accommodations are NOT required. Hotel accommodations ARE requested at the Embassy Suites: Check-in date:______________ Check-out date: ___________ #___ Standard room(s) $139+ tax ( 1 king bed or 2 double beds; based on double occupancy and includes full breakfast) Additional adults: # of adults _______ x $10 each + tax per night = _________ (Do not include children under 17) DO NOT CALL HOTEL DIRECTLY FOR RESERVATIONS. Credit card (Hotel room guarantee only): Visa Mastercard Discover AMEX Card number: ___________________________________________________________________ Expire (mo/yr):_______________ Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________________ CVC#:__________________ Billing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________State:_______ Zip:______________ Authorization (sign): ________________________________________________________________________________________ Conference Registration Full Registration (includes meals, workshops, and President’s Reception) Special meal accommodations requested _______________________________ Full Spouse/Guest Registration (includes meals, workshops, President’s Reception) Name(s)___________________________________________________ Special meal accommodations requested _______________________________ Conference Selections (a la carte) 1-Day Registration Friday (includes meals and workshops for that day) Special meal accommodations requested _______________________________ 1-Day Registration Saturday (includes Dr. Joe Lstiburek classes and meals for that day) Special meal accommodations requested _______________________________ Awards Luncheon Only (Fri. 3/27) Special meal accommodations requested _______________________________ President’s Reception (Fri. 3/27) General Membership Luncheon (Sat. 3/28; CEU not included) Special meal accommodations requested _______________________________ Individual Courses (to be announced February on website www.FRACCA.org) FRACCA Member $400 NonMember $500 $195 $195 $250 $350 $300 $400 $50 $50 $30 $50 $30 $50 tba tba TOTAL FEES Please bill credit card listed above for my conference registration ❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard ❏ Discover ❏ AMEX REQUIRED: Conference Total $ _________ Initial ___________ Check Enclosed ______ Total
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