Ahmad Seleem a hm a ds el eem.c om github.com/ahmadseleem +1 (425) . 772 . 1274 / Seattle, WA. / @ ahmadon@me.com * ; Object i ve s I love to make beautiful things because, I want to see the world prettier and share this with people. ; Qua l ifi ca t i o n s // I love to do : - Web Development : Ruby on Rails 3.1+ ( Preferred ). Web Design: Responsive design using the Latest web standards as; HTML5, CSS3, jQuery ( CoffeeScript )…etc. UI / UX Design. System Administration: Linux, Mac OS X. ; Ed ucati o n = 08/2009 - 12/2010 …………………… L in u x S ec ur ity Sp ec ial ist Pro g ram , Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA, USA. The certificate covers the topics of RHCE plus more like; Bash 3.0 shell scripting, SELinux, and IPTables: - Linux and UNIX I. & II. - UNIX Shell Programming. - Linux+. - Linux Server Security. - Host System Security II. ( INTERNSHIP ) Involved in Planning the structure and designing a new web site for the college . User Experience Enhancing. Ahmad Seleem 1 = 2003 …………………………………. a ( 4 years ) Bachelor of Commerce, Major: Accounting, Faculty of Commerce, Zagazig University. ( Egypt ) = 2007 …………………………………. Courses : - SCJWCD “Sun Certified Java Web Components Developer”. - CCNA. ( Attendance ) - SCJP "Sun Certified Java Programmer”. = 2005 - 2006 ………………………… 9 months ( full time ) Course with Ministry of Communications in Egypt in co-operation with " YAT Education Center " includes : ( EGYPT ) - CIW Java Developer & CIW Web Master Designer. “Certified” - "Thompson" soft skills courses. “Certified” ; Work Ex p e ri e n c e - Ruby on Rails Developer ( Remotely - as a Contractor on a Rails project ) at Near-Apogee 02/2014 - 05/2014. I did a Ruby on Rails back-end project: The project exists as a private code repository for a developer’s projects to share with his clients. I used: ( Ruby on Rails 4.0, Postgres, Bootstrap, Minitest… ) The project had full testing coverage MiniTest. - Web Developer + Designer as a freelancer 04/2011 - present : These are some examples of my Solo work with Ruby on Rails: http://www.expresstowncars.com ( Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Zurb Foundation, Responsive, CoffeeScript… ) http://iscoffee.herokuapp.com http://prettystep.heroku.com - ( INTERNSHIP ) Involved in Planning and designing a new web site for the college, Edmonds Community College. 07/2010 - 09/2010. - Linux Security Specialist Certificate, Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA. 08/2009 12/2010.: Ahmad Seleem 2 The program was very practical and deep as for Scripting and actual System and Server Administration via SSH, that every student has his own VM ( CentOS ) that he manages remotely with SSH within the class or from home to do the homework which are practical tasks as for managing the VM via SSH and writing Bash Scripts; from analyzing System logs with Grep, AWK, Sed... to do advanced text manipulation and analyzing, to RAID installing and back-up scheduling, to using ACL and SELinux to manage files permissions, to firewall configuration, to web server configuration and administration. The certificate covers the topics of RHCE plus more Bash 3.0 shell scripting, SELinux, and IPTables. The Program divided in 6 levels or classes: - Linux and UNIX I. - Linux and UNIX II. - UNIX Shell Programming. - Linux+. - Linux Server Security. - Host System Security II. - Web Developer / Designer as a FreeLancer 05/2007 - Present. : The latest projects I did; Web development/design with Rails and an advanced use of CSS and HTML5: http://www.expresstowncars.com http://iscoffee.herokuapp.com http://prettystep.heroku.com - PHP Developer / Web Designer at QTech 03/2008 - 08/2008. ( EGYPT ) : Working as PHP developer using Joomla 1.0; my job was to install Joomla modules and test it and fix the code that causes conflicts and customize them to fit the client needs. I worked in about three projects… Working as a Front-End web developer using CSS and JS for customizing Joomla themes for the websites we were working on, I used CSS 2.1 and jQuery plugins with some customizing for them to fit our apps and resolving conflicts with other JS code. I have built a small CMS from scratch using ( vanilla ) PHP 5; That has a login system, a front-end and a back-end areas. Users could add new pages to the app and edit the contents of pages they have created with ease within the web forms…etc - Java Developer in INCODE Co. from 05/2007. ( EGYPT ) : Working in a desktop application for hospitals and and clinics, The application was written in J2SE 1.3, it was for managing patients history. I was working to add more features to it. - More than 3 Years experience in marketing and sales. ( EGYPT ) Ahmad Seleem 3 ; Com p u te r S ki l l s - Ruby on Rails 3.x / 4.x Programming Languages Scrip ting & other Languages Sourc e Code Co ntrol & Deploym ent IDEs & Edito rs ( Projects: a Weblog, Limousine => http://expresstowncars.com, Coffee Shop => http://iscoffee.herokuapp.com , Micro Messaging => prettystep.heroku.com ). - Swift & Cocoa for iOS. ( working in it ). - C programming Language. - JAVA - J2SE & J2EE ( I switched to Ruby on Rails ) - Ruby. CoffeeScript. JavaScript. ( jQuery, require.js, …etc ) BASH & ZSH. SQL. - Git => using “Github” for managing source code. - Deployment : ( Heroku ) for deploying Rails projects & Other managed Rails hosting like ( Digital Ocean ). - Vim / ( Emacs + Evil ). - TextMate. - Xcode. PostgreSQL. Oracle dev 10G: SQL. SQLite3. MySQL 5.* Databases - Networks - Essential Networking. - CCNA ( attended ). HTML5. CSS 2.1 & CSS3. ( Sass, Compass, Foundat ion, Bootstr ap ) Adobe PhotoShop CS5. Pixelmator 3.x. Adobe Fireworks CS5. Sketch for Mac. Other lang uages & To ols. - Ope r ati ng Sy ste ms - Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9. - RedHat Linux & CentOS. ( Administration & Scripting ) Ahmad Seleem 4 ; Add i tion a l In f or m a t i on s - Enjoy learning about anything that supports my work and improves my skills. Highly organized. Pay high attention to details. Excellent research abilities. Self motivated and works great under pressure. Hobbies: reading, drawing, researching, soccer, basketball. Eager to learn and flexible work outside normal working hours. ; R efere n c e s : Ava i l a b l e u p o n re q ue s t . … … …… … … … …… …… …… ……… … ……… … ……… … …………… == = = = == = == = = = == = = …… …… . = Ahmad Seleem 5
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