FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 21, 2015 – No. 2 News Release California Department of Education and San Mateo County Office of Education Host Launch of English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework REDWOOD CITY, CA – January 21, 2015 – In collaboration with the California Department of Education, the San Mateo County Office of Education hosted a launch event for the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (ELA/ELD Framework) on January 20, 2015. The launch event, one of three events statewide, aimed to increase awareness of the framework and build momentum for statewide implementation among the nearly 200 teachers, instructional coaches, principals, and administrators in attendance. The California State Board of Education adopted the ELA/ELD Framework in July 2014. The framework provides guidance on implementing the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts/Literacy and the California English Language Development Standards, and it includes instructional strategies that ensure all students learn to read, write, and communicate effectively. The San Mateo County Office of Education has been actively involved in supporting the rollout of the ELA/ELD Framework. The launch event allowed participants to delve into the framework with subject-matter experts and educational leaders. Speakers included Bill Honig, former California Superintendent of Public Instruction and founder of the Consortium on Reading Excellence (CORE); the three lead authors of the ELA/ELD Framework, Nancy Brynelson, Hallie Yopp Slowik, and Pam Spycher; and Tom Adams and Carrie Roberts, California Department of Education. Participants represented schools and districts in almost 20 California counties, ranging from Monterey County to Humboldt County to Amador County. The third and final launch event will take place in Fresno County on February 10, 2015. For more information about the launch events, visit the California Department of Education’s website at #### Contact Information: Nancy Magee, Administrator for Board Support and Community Relations San Mateo County Office of Education 650-802-5553 For more information about the San Mateo County Office of Education’s work on the ELA/ELD Framework, please contact Nabila Massoumi, Ed.D., Coordinator, English Learner Services at or 650-802-5348.
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