Weekly Bulletin - Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva

WEBSITE: www.ebcg.ch
Sam Fiore
EBCG weekly
This evening our Guest Speaker, Pastor Juan Requena, will bring the
message/ Esta mañana nuestro invitado, el pastor Juan Requena,
traerá el mensaje:
“Hope for a Bris Life in Our Branches/
Esperanza por un Mondo Roto ”
Sam Fiore
Klaus Pluntke
Luckson Ngwira
Nana Leigh
Charles Savory
Sarah Appiah
Denise Allen
Brian Cabrera
Nicolas Couture
Carine de Bruyn
Michelle Fiore
Alex Meija
Andrew Osborne
David Ssali
Sunday, 25 January 2015
A Bible teacher and pastor, Pastor Requena studied theology at CEEB
and at the Centro de Investigaciones Bíblicas (CEIBI). And is Pastor of
an evangelical church in Spain, the Iglesia Evangelica de Castelldefels.
Diplomado en Teología por el CEEB y por el Centro de Investigaciones
Bíblicas (CEIBI), Master en Teología Pastoral por el CEIBI. Pastor
Requena es el Pastor de la Iglesia Evangélica en Castelldefels (España).
Recently in this Series...
“His Light in Our Hearts”
“His Love for Our Neighbor”
“His Life in Our Branches”
Coming Soon in this Series...
“We are... The Bride of Christ” - Feb 1st
“We are... Ambassadors of Christ” - Feb 8th
“We are... The Body of Christ” - Feb 22 –Evening Service, 5pm
Betsy Gano,
Church Secretary
Hannah Leigh,
Youth Ministries
Nana Leigh,
Pastoral Care
Discussion Guides for this Series available on the Book Table
If you are
here for the
first time, kindly fill
in the YELLOW
CARD and hand it
to the steward
Find us next to
the book stall to
the right of the
Visit our website
and listen to
today's sermon at
Please turn
off your
phone before
the service.
Evangelical Baptist Church of
-Chapelle de l'Oratoire, 7 rue Tabazan (Old Town), 1204 Geneva - 022 311 4301 - info@ebcg.ch
Annual General
Meeting, Monday,
9th Feb. at 7:45pm
(Prayer time from
Please mark your calendars for the Annual General Meeting for all
EBCG Members on Monday, 9th February in the back of the Oratoire.
There will also be a time of prayer before the AGM, starting at 7;15 in
the Oratoire.
Freedom in Christ
Starting in February
The next Freedom in Christ course starts on 16th Feb. 2014. This 9–
week course leads to a better understanding of our new identity in
Christ and how this enables us to deal with unresolved issues from
the past. This new understanding will then lead to greater maturity
and fruitfulness as Christ's disciples. Groups for Men and Women are
being organized with more details to follow. Please find fliers and
application forms at the Welcome Desk. And for more information,
contact Sarah Appiah (jessies@bluewin.ch, 022.788.21.65)
Youth Ski Retreat,
weekend of 6th-18th
February in
All teenagers are invited to join us for our Youth Ski Retreat from 6th
to 8th of February 2015! It's taking place at the Fiore's home in
Peillonnex, with skiing in Samoens. Our theme for the weekend is the
Beatitudes. This will be a great opportunity to spend good quality time
together, grow spiritually and meet youth from other Churches in the
Geneva area as well! For more information please contact Hannah
Leigh (youth@ebcg.ch / 078 704 97 89).
Men’s Fellowship
Breakfast at Tavern
de la Madeleine
Sat. 31st January at
Men of faith, join us for a breakfast and testimony at la Taverne de la
Madeleine on Saturday, 31st January at 10am. Mark La Roux will
share about his work as a missionary. If you are not yet registered in
the EBCG men's mailing list, please contact Nicolas CoutureMiambanzila at couturenicolas@gmail.com or 079 544 2811.
Special Ladies
Afternoon with guest
speaker Carolyn Ros
on 9 February
Author, teacher and speaker Carolyn Ros will be speaking in the
EBCG Coffee Room on 9 February, from 14:00-16:00. Her topic will
be “The Power of Faith in Face of Adversity.” Pick up a flier at the
welcome Trolley for more information.
Bulletin Notices
Please let Betsy have any notices for the bulletin by 9am on Thursday
morning at the latest at info@ebcg.ch.
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people
with peace.
Psalm 29:11
Study Groups
Prayer Meeting
Pre-service prayer meeting - 11:15-11:40am Pigeonnier-1st fl. room in the Chapelle by the balcony
Worship Service
Chinese Congregation at 3.30pm, FBCG, Eaux-Vives
Contact Apollo Go, apollo.go.geneva@gmail.com
EBCG Ladies
Bible Study
EBCG Coffee Room at 1:30am. Contact Ruth Bourgeois
(grbourgeois@sunrise.ch, 022 348 9437)
Young Adults Group
YAGs Group at 8:00pm, location varies. Contact: Lisa
Gano: (079 586 2128) or yagscore@yahoo.groups.com
Intercessory Prayer
Meeting in Malagnou. Contact Carine de Bruyn
(carinedebruyn@greenmail.ch, 079 667 7135)
Bible Study
Passini Residence in Plainpalais at 7:30pm
Contact Christina Passini (labosupea@gmail.com
022 328 7641, 078 772 5049)
Grand Lancy
Bible Study
Meets on 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 8:00pm. Contact: Denise
Allen (allendgva@gmail.com, 079 838 27 18)
Wednesday Prayer Meeting
Mid-week Prayer Meeting at 7:00pm, EBCG in Coffee
Room. Contact: Jan Kuster (kuster_janine@bluewin.ch)
Mothers Support
Group Bible Study
Mothers Support Group at 9:30am, EBCG Coffee Room.
Contact: Carol Pluntke (022 782 9268) (Babysitting
Chambesy Ladies
Bible Study
Li Residence in Chambesy from 10:00am. Contact Yu
Yen Li (yu-yen@bluewin.ch) or Irma Cascioli
Bible Study
BoBs Mens Fellowship, Thursday 7:30pm.
Dinner, bible study, discussion & sharing. Contact: Ben
DeBruyn (b.debruyn@valartis.ch, 079 621 4623)
Malangou Ladies
Bible Study
De Bruyn Residence from 11:00am. Contact: Carine de
Bruyn (carinedebruyn@greenmail.ch, 079 667 7135)
Bible Study
Ngwira Residence 10 ch des Grands Bonnets, Bellevue,
7:30pm Contact: Luckson Ngwira (022 774 0033)
Youth Focus (14-18)
Rock Solid (10-14)
FOCUS meets in EBCG Coffee Room 6pm –8pm except
2nd Friday—ROCK SOLID meets 2nd Friday- Contact:
Hannah Leigh (youth@ebcg.ch, 078 704 9789)
Couples Group
Location varies. Contact: Elmer or Rahel Sharp
(rahel_cascioli@yahoo.com, 079 746 52 70 or
elmer.sharp@gmail.com, 078 607 30 72)
Hispanic Bible Study Discussion group in Malagnou. Contact: Alex Mejia
(alexandermejia77@gmail.com, 079 444 4706)
Men’s Breakfast
Fellowship Group
Meets on last Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the
Taverne de la Madeleine in the Old Town. Contact:
Nicholas Couture-Miambanzilla
(couturenicolas@gmail.com, 079 554 2811)
If you would like someone to pray with you…
at the close of the service, please find the "Prayer Corner" at the front left of the sanctuary. You
may also, write your prayer request and place it in the Prayer Box on the Welcome desk.
Save these Dates
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast: Saturday, 31st January, 10:00am
Annual General Members Meeting: Monday, 9th February, 7:45pm
Youth Ski Retreat: Friday - Sunday, 6th-18th
Church Retreat 2015: Friday - Sunday, 8th-10th May, 2015
Mission Project for the Month
Mission Projects
for the Year
Goff Ministry
Sundar Dhoka,
Nepal Clinic
YFC Middle East
Jews4Jesus, Suisse
YFC Middle East
Salaam Alaikum
LINK Au Pairs
Salaam Alaikum
FBC Bethlehem
Susan & Al Goff
Al and Susan Goff give leadership to
GAiN International which is the
humanitarian aid ministry of Campus
Crusade for Christ, International. GAiN
expresses the love of Jesus Christ in the
toughest places on earth by relieving
suffering and restoring dignity.
GAiN does this by providing humanitarian projects to be a catalyst
for relationships between Christians and groups that are resistant to
Christian work due to tribal, political, social or religious issues.
GAiN provides psychosocial care, medical care, humanitarian
supplies, clean water and food.
In 2014 GAiN was able to work in 38 countries helping around 1.5
million people and exposing close to one million to the Gospel
through the combination of the Jesus Film, the humanitarian project
and our local staff and pastors sharing the Gospel.
Al and Susan and their two children, Matthew (14) and Joshua (12)
lived in Geneva and were members of the EBCG. Al served as a
deacon and an elder during their time in the church. Susan helped
lead the women’s ministry.
As staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, Al and Susan are supported
by people like you who want to help the Body of Christ grow
through compassion, evangelism and discipleship.
Thanks for supporting John Sagherian in Dec. for: CHF 1282.95
Banking Details:
Payments should be made to Evangelical Baptist Church, Chapelle de L'Oratoire,
7, Rue Tabazan, 1204 Geneve. Account No.240-820903.00K, Clearing No. 240.
IBAN: CH37 0024 0240 8209 0300k. BIC (SWIFT): UBSWCHZH80A.
UBS Account No. for payment with Redslips: 80-2-2.
Pastoral Care:
Please contact Sam Fiore (079 786 7338); Nana Leigh (079 746 3740); Klaus Pluntke (022 782 92 68);
Luckson Ngwira (022 774 0033); Charles Savory (+33 6 36 96 02 97) for inquiries or any other matter.