Farmer B 012415_Layout 1
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 24, 2015-B25
2nd Annual Lawn & Garden
Consignment Auction
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Mowers, Zero Turns, Handhelds,
Utility Vehicles, Compact Tractors, Etc.
Anything “Outdoor Power” Related
Hosted by: Weaver’s Compact Tractor
22 Fish Hatchery Rd. Shippensburg, PA 17257
Contact us ASAP to have your items advertised.
Nevin, Andrew, Victor & Gordon Martin
ANDREW (717) 532-5382 • VICTOR (717) 658-9930
Email: / Lic# 2826L
For more information, call Victor @
717.658.9930 or James @ 717.477.9332
(Public Service Announcments)
FRI. FEB. 13 - 7th Edition
G.T.P.I. Sale, Lancaster,
PA. Managed by Landis
SAT. FEB. 14 - 9AM Truck,
crane, trailers, welders,
tools, 3200 N. Limestone
Road, Parkesburg, PA
19365 for E.L. Construction. PA Auction Co.
SAT. FEB. 14 - 9AM Mules,
Farm Equip., Etc. at 265
Long Ln., Honey Brook,
(Chester Co.) PA 19344
for Jonathon S. & Annie
Stoltzfus. Tim Weaver
Auction Service, AY2109.
(Blizzard/Ice Storm Date Mon. Feb. 9th)
(Off Maryland State Route 544)
Sale to be held at the farm 219 Double Creek Kifco 4 in. intake x 3 in. out 540 pto irrigaPoint Road north off State Route 544 (be- tion pump;
DELAWARE take Rte. 301 south (go past 3 pt. carousel planter (3 planter 10 cup units),
Hoober’s Store) app. 17 miles (ignore the first adj. width, S.S. openers, plant rack; Lannin
2 exit signs to Chestertown and stay straight 2 row 3 pt. carousel planter (2 planter 10 cup
ahead to Rte. 544) turn right (west) onto Rte. units), adj. width, S.S. openers, plant rack;
544, follow 6 miles to right (north) turn onto Also (1) complete 10 cup Lannin carousel
Double Creek Road app. 1 mile to first farm! transplanter unit to be sold separately; KenNORTHBOUND RTE. 13 TAKE RTE. 50 nco 3 pt. high speed plastic layer; Rain Flo
(from Salisbury, MD area) to Rte. 301 (or to 1600 water wheel transplanter; Selection of
Rte. 213 and between Centreville and Ches- water wheel planter spike wheels; Kennco 5
tertown turn east onto Rt. 544 follow 4 miles ft. raised bed maker with markers, trickle tape
to left (north) turn, onto Double Creek Road applicator and 50 gal. S.S. tank spray applicator; KMC 4 row 36 in. “hipper bedder”/shaper
follow app. 1 mile to first farm!
Arnold Farms a 350 acre wholesale vegetable with hyd. markers; Rain Flo 2600 raised bed
farm is liquidating assets related to commer- maker with trickle tape layer; Monosem 4 row
cial vegetable production to pursue other in- adj. width “sweet corn” vacuum planter, hyd.
markers, dry fert. and insect boxes; Reddick
terests. Selling will be:
TRACTORS/DOZER: NH “T6050” 4WD 3 pt. sprayer, 12 row hyd. fold booms, elec.
High Clearance with creeper gear only 814 controls, diaphragm pump; JD 6500 (tricycle)
hrs., open station ROPS canopy, factory “Su- high cycle row crop self propelled sprayer,
per Steer”, 540/1000 pto, 3 remotes, quick hydrostatic drive, 60 ft. folding booms, adj.
hitch, 4 sp power (16x16) shifter, power re- boom height; Nolts plastic lifter; IH 3 pt 4
verser, 320/90R50 rear tires and 320/85R34 row cultivator with side dress hoppers and
front tires, a real vegetable farm tractor here!!; gauge wheels; IH 3 pt 2 row cultivator; 3 pt
NH “T6050 Plus” 4WD cab tractor, 1167 2 row plastics cultivator; Three (3) 16 ft. self
hrs., outfitted with power reverser (16x16 unloading “sweet corn” wagons with walking
power shift) joystick control and brackets beam tandem axles; Four (4) 16 ft. flat rack
for a loader (never had loader unit) 10 front wagons on JD running gears each with flotaweights, 2 remotes, both pto’s, cast wheels, tion tires; Hydraulic pallet box dumper with
460/85R42 rear tires, 380/85R30 front tires, 3 hp elec. over hyd. power; Two row trickle
sharp rig now and right ready to be a load- tape unit (easily mounts for your application
er tractor!!; CIH MX100 4WD cab tractor, use); Haines 48 in. bristle brusher and sponge
left hand reverser, 540/1000 pto, 4 sp power absorber unit (is a washer without the washer
shift, 2 remotes, 18.4x38 rear and 14.9R28 unit); Befco 3 pt 2 row (2 heads) rotation with
front rubber, 4139 hrs.; CIH 5120 2WD, gauge wheels; Homebuilt 3 pt forklift unit;
open station ROPS bar, creeper gear, 4 re- GENERAL PURPOSE TOOLS: Two (2)
motes, 6 front weights, 5449 hrs., nearly new JD 8300 grain only drill units, both with dou320/90R46 rear tires, 10:00x16 front tires, ble disk openers (12 ft. with 21 disks) and (10
540/1000 pto; JD 6200 2WD, creeper gear, ft. with 19 disks); Two (2) Tyner tandem axle
ROPS canopy, 12.4x42 rear tires, 10:00x16 5 ton fert. tender boxes with unload augers;
front tires, 2 remotes, 5199 hrs., sells with JD 215 14 ft. transport disk, 7 inch spacings;
pr of 80 gal. side mount saddle tanks and pto JD 100 3 pt 8 ft. gang disk; IH 700 5-b 3 pt
pump unit; JD 5103 2WD, folding ROPS semi-mt plow with coulters; Long 4-b 3 pt
bar, only 1591 hrs, 4 front weights, 11.2x38 switch plow; KMC 16 ft. S-tine field cultivarear tires, custom raised 3 inch front axle tor; Brillion 18 ft. crowfoot cultipacker with
for high clearance in vegetable crops; Three transport; Brillion 18 ft. solid packer; Woods
(3) Ford 5000 diesel tractors, front weights, pull type 5 ft. rotary mower; Rhino 1400A
all open station ROPS bars, each with rear (heavy duty) 3 pt 8 ft multi-angle scraper
hyd., 1 with 13.6x38 tires has creeper gear!, blade; 4 row S-tine cultivator; IH 55 11 shank
other two are 15.5x38 and 12.4x42 rear tire chisel plow; Brillion 5 shank ripper; NH 254
sizes; Oliver 1650 gas, narrow front, 14.9x38 hay tedder; IH 35 rake with dolly wheel front;
tires, Hydro shift, sells complete with 2 row IH 990 (9 ft.) haybine;
mid mount cultivator unit; Oliver 1650 wide See equipment line up at the farm Mon. Feb.
front, gas tractor (hasn’t been recently used, 2nd through auction day Feb. 7th! Or see picmay need attention); Some original Oliver tures on our web page:
front weights; CAT D5B solid original dozer, TERMS OF SALE: Honorable checks will
hyd. up/down/tilt blade; Pair of 18.4x38 snap be accepted from persons known by and in
on duals; Brand new set of 13.6x28 tires on good standing with either the Auction CompaJD rims;
ny or the Arnold Family. Unknown Persons
GENERATOR/IRRIGATION/ICER: JD shall present, at registration, a currently dated
3 cyl diesel power unit generator currently 3 “Letter of Good Standing” from their banker,
phase 480 volt (can be single or three phase signed, on official letterhead, specifically ad110/240), 2251 hrs.; Three (3) Ag Rain T40 dressed to the Arnold Farm Auction, Febturbine drive hard hose travelers, 1250 ft. x 4.4 ruary 7, 2015. “Unknown persons with acID hose, tandem axles, turntables, Nelson 200 ceptable ID but without a bank letter MUST
Big Guns on carts; Two (2) Reel Rain 1033 LEAVE purchase until check clears. Valid ID
hard hose travelers, Honda engine returns, required for ALL bidder cards! See PIC770 ft. x 3.3 ID hose, single axle, turntable, TURES on website:
Nelson 150 guns on carts; Two (2) Fresno 48 Owned by Arnold Farms/ Bob Arnold Diin. s.s. sand filters with auto. backflush!; Ice rect questions to Bob’s Fax 410-778-5944;
crusher/blower powered by Ford 4 cyl. gas Email to: ArnoldFarms@baybroadband.
unit (with hose, blow ice over sweet corn); net Or Cell Phone 410-708-5002
Auction Conducted by James P. Pirrung and Associates
P.O. Box 607, Wayland, New York
Phone: 585-728-2520
Fax: 585-728-3378
FRI. FEB. 13 - 1PM Graded
Feeder Pig Sale at Carlisle
Livestock Market, Inc. 548
Alexander Spring Road,
Carlisle, PA 17013.
SAT. FEB. 14 - (2) Real estate - 11AM: 1020 N. College St. & 1PM: 6 Muth
Ave., Myerstown, PA
17067 for Dion Houser.
Gingrich & Hoover, Auctioneers.
TUES. FEB. 17 - 9AM
Mules, farm equip., etc. at
150 Sproul Rd., Christiana
(Lanc. Co.) PA for David P.
& Linda King. Tim Weaver
Auction Service, AY2109.
TUES. FEB. 17 - 1PM Real
estate at 3425 Fry St.,
Sarasota, FL in Pinecraft
for Jonas F. & Elizabeth F.
Kauffman. H.K. Fisher
Auctioneers, AU005055.
TUES. FEB. 17 - 7PM Fed
Cattle Sale at Carlisle
Livestock Market, Inc., 548
Alexander Spring Road,
Carlisle, PA 17013.
WED. & THURS. FEB. 18 &
19 - 8:30AM Wed.: Lawn
& Garden, misc. Thurs.:
Farm machinery, tractors.
Marion Auction, LLC,
5150 Horst Rd., Chambersburg, PA 17202.
WED. FEB. 18 - 8:30AM
14th Annual Catalog Work
Horses at 834 Wallace
Road, New Holland (Lancaster Co.) PA 17557.
Mel Hoover, Auctioneer,
WED. FEB. 18 - 10AM 1st
Annual Plug Sale, greenhouse items, perennials,
annuals, etc. at Oxford
Produce Auction, 200
Union School Rd., Oxford,
PA 19363. Petersheim &
Longenecker Auctioneers.
Horses & Mules
Category 90
Lancaster Farming
Public Auction
For Paradise Equipment LLC
FRI., JAN. 30th, 2015 at 9am
At: Paradise Sales Barn, Paradise, PA
Directions: Approximately 8 miles east of Lancaster, PA on route 30 turn on
Meadow Lane to sale on right.
Genie 40’ boom lift; JLG 60’ boom lift; Snorke 80’ boom lift; Hyster3500lb,
3-stage, cushion tires, lp; Hyster 5000lb, 3-stage, electric; Yale 5000lb,
3-stage, electric; Yale 4000lb, 3-stage. Electric; Cat 3500lb, 2-stage, cushion
tires, lp; Hyster 12,000lb, 3-stage, cushion tires, lp; Clark 5000lb, 3-stage,
cushion tires, lp; Hyster 3000lb, 2-stage, cushion tires, lp; Clark 5000lb,
2-stage, pneumatic tires, gas; Hyster 5000lb, 2-stage, pneumatic tires, lp;
Yale 5000lb, 2-stage, cushion tires, lp; Yale 5000lb, 3-stage, pneumatic tires,
lp; Clark 5000lb, 3-stage, cushion tires, lp; Cat 6000lb, 2-stage, pneumatic
tires, lp; Clark 6000lb, 3-stage, cushion tires, lp; Clark 5000lb, 2-stage, cushion tires, lp; Nissan 5000lb, 3-stage, cushion tires, lp; Clark 3000lb, 3-stage,
cushion tires, lp; Daewoo 5000lb, pneumatic tires, lp; Clark 5000lb, 3-stage,
pneumatic tires, gas; Taylor Dunn warehouse cart; Clark 6000lb, 2-stage,
pneumatic tires, lp; Toyota 5000lb, 3-stage, cushion tires, lp; Clark 6000lb,
2-stage, pneumatic tires, lp; A/C 7000lb, 2-stage, pneumatic tires, lp; Nissan
5000lb, 30stage, electric; Yale & Raymond order pickers; Hyster & Crown
counter balance; manual & electric pallet jacks; JLG 20’ scissor lift; EZGO gas golf cart; 1997 Hyster 6000lb, dual wheel, low hrs; Hyster 15,500lb,
2-stage, dual wheel; 1998 Hyster 5000lb, 3-stage, diesel; Genie Z-45/22
boom lift lp, 4 wheel drive; Hyster 8000lb, 2-stage, pneumatic tires, lp;
Bridgeport 2-hp milling machine; Cincinnati 1-hp milling machine w/power
feed table; Supermax YCM-16VS milling machine power feed table & DRO;
K & T 10-hp milling machine w/power feed table; Acra Turn Model 1340
engine lathe; 4” x 6” belt /disc sander; Greenerd 3E arbor press; drill presses;
Dewalt 12” radial arm saw; hydraulic lift table; 15” jointer; Parks 12” planer;
Lincoln DC-600 welders; 4’ box & pan brake; Scotchman cold saw; Jet 10”
table saw; Conestoga 16” band saw; Jet power feed; Marvel 8 bandsaw; Wellsaw band saw; Foley Belsaw; Holzma panel saw; Southbend AC-3 Simple
stain; 12’ 150 ton hydraulic press brake with back gage (needs controls);
Stanley Vidmar tool cabinets; Hydraulic pump testing unit; Ingersol Rand
5-hp compressor; Quincy 5-hp compressor; Stainless steel, Aluminum, &
steel, angle, channel, pipe, bar stock; heat seal tunnel; cardboard bailer; Coats
10-10 tire changer; flammable cabinets; new mowers; Oster pipe master; John
Deere 4 cylinder diesel w/clutch; Dayton 50-kw generator; Lister 2-cylinder
diesel; Stainless sheets; Shrink wrap machine; Generac 1.3L generator; bakers aid roator; Bunn coffee warmers; slicers; meat grinder; Hobart scales;
Frymaster fryers; Chest freezer; steam kettle; stainless sink; Stainless refrigerator; Hobart Model 1712 slicer; Hobart Model D-300 auto mixer; hand &
power tools; tooling; plumbing, electrical, hardware, Skids of birdseed; pallet
racking, steel dump hoppers;
Office Equipment
Desks, chairs, file cabinets, white boards, cabinets, tables, bookcases;
5% Buyers Premium
Visit our Web Site:
For sales inquiries contact us at: or call
Larry Goolsby @ 717-687-5645
Cash or Honorable PA Check Only
All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising.
Not Responsible for Accidents
Auctioneer: Mel Hoover
Phone: (610) 683-7161
Fax: (610) 683-5429
Get Your Greenhouse Growing!
Plug & Plant Liner Sales:
Feb. 7th & Feb. 21st,
March 7th & March 21st.
Annuals, perennials, grasses, succulents, herbs, etc.
Partial Listing Only: Calibrachoa, Begonia, Coleus, Fuchsia,
Sweet Potato Vine, Lantana, Petunia, Verbena, Vinca, Citronella Geranium, Purple Fountain Grass, Spike, Pansy, Viola, &
lots more.
Hay, straw & firewood auction every Sat. @ 9 A.M.
Annual Grower’s Meeting held at
Fleetwood Grange at 9:00 A.M. Fri.
Feb. 13, 2015
For info call 570-622-4225, ext. 15