1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 大會歡迎詞 Welcome Remarks .............................................................. 1 理監事會 General Council & Supervising Council ........................... 2 論文摘要審查委員會 Abstract Review Committee .............................. 3 會議議程 Conference Agenda................................................................ 4 主題演講 Keynote Speakers .................................................................. 5 專題研討會議程及摘要 Mini-Symposium Agenda and Abstracts..... 9 壁報論文摘要 Poster Abstracts ............................................................. 35 地圖及路線指引 Map & Directions ........................................................ 64 工作人員名單 Staff List ........................................................................... 65 誌謝 Acknowledgements .................................................................... 66 1 大會歡迎詞 Welcome Remarks 歡迎各位會員及各界朋友們蒞臨國立臺灣師範大學,參與臺灣認知神 經科學學會 2015 年年會暨研討會! 特別感謝此次會議的合辦單位--國立臺灣師範大學,在人力、物力與 經費給予我們相當大的協助與支援。本次年會特別以教育為主題,邀請國 際知名兒童語言發展及特定語言發展障礙研究的傑出學者 Mabel Rice 教授, 以及注意力、學習與特殊教育研究學者 Jeanne Townsend 教授蒞臨演講, 精彩可期。本次年會亦規劃了包括體能運動與訓練、大腦與語言、決策神 經科學,以及老化認知神經科學等四場小型主題研討會。期待這些重要且 深具潛力的研究議題,能提供與會的國內認知科學研究人員與教育工作者 新的啟發。 去年秋天,由科技部人文司推動的「心智科學大型研究設備建置及共 同使用服務計畫」所成立的腦造影研究中心,在臺灣大學與成功大學相繼 成立、開幕,加上原本就已經運作完善的政治大學台灣心智科學腦造影中 心,國內認知神經科學研究人員已有了完善的儀器資源共享平台。在此之 際,臺灣認知神經科學學會將持續邁步向前,積極推動臺灣認知神經科學 學術研究、促進國內外研究機構的合作交流、以及媒合跨領域整合研究的 重要任務。我們希望藉由整合學界既有的研究經驗,將研究成果廣泛運用 在教育、運動與臨床醫學等相關領域,為我們社會貢獻心力。 這新舊年節交替之際,喜見來自各領域的國內外學界朋友們在台北齊 聚一堂,共同見證臺灣腦與心智科學研究新時代的來臨。 祝各位身心健康,闔家平安。 臺灣認知神經科學學會 理事長 洪 蘭 敬上 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 2 理監事會 General Council & Supervising Council General Council 理事長 Director General 洪 蘭 服務單位 Affiliation 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 秘書長 Secretary General 服務單位 Affiliation 黃植懋 國立交通大學生物科技學系暨研究所 理 事 Directors 吳 嫻 服務單位 Affiliation 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 吳仕煒 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 李俊仁 國家教育研究院測驗及評量研究中心 張育愷 國立體育大學競技與教練科學研究所 張智宏 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 郭文瑞 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 陳建中 國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所 鄭仕坤 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 顏乃欣 國立政治大學心理學系暨心理學研究所 襲充文 國立中正大學心理學系暨研究所 Supervising Council 監事長 Supervisor General 服務單位 Affiliation 葉怡玉 國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所 監 事 Supervisors 服務單位 Affiliation 曾志朗 中央研究院語言學研究所 戴浩一 國立中正大學語言學研究所 3 論文摘要審查委員會 Abstract Review Committee 姓名 Name 服務單位 Affiliation 吳建德 國立臺灣大學職能治療學系 張智宏 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 張葶葶 國立政治大學心理學系暨研究所 郭柏呈 國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所 顏妙璇 國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所 龔俊嘉 國立成功大學心理學系 表列審查委員名單係按照姓名筆畫順序排列。 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 4 會議議程 Conference Agenda Date: Saturday, January 24, 2015 時間:104 年元月 24 日(星期六) Venue: Education Building, National Taiwan Normal University 地點:國立臺灣師範大學教育大樓 8:30 – 9:00 Registration 報到 9:00 – 9:10 Opening Remark 開幕致詞 Longitudinal Language Outcomes in Children with 9:10 – 10:00 SLI: Phenotypes and Genetic Etiology Speaker: Mabel Rice University of Kansas Venue: 201 Conference Hall 地點: 201 國際會議廳 10:00 – 10:10 Break 中場休息 10:10 – 11:00 Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention: From Basic Research to Treatment Speaker: Jeanne Townsend University of California, San Diego 11:00 – 11:10 Break 中場休息 11:10 – 12:30 Assembly Meeting 會員大會 12:30 – 14:00 Poster Session & Lunch 壁報論文展示時間 & 午餐(自理) General Council & Supervising Council Meeting 理監事聯席會議 ( Venue: 201) Mini-Symposium A Brain and Language 14:00 – 15:40 15:40 – 15:50 15:50 – 17:50 Chair: Chen, Hsueh-Chih (陳學志) Mini-Symposium B Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging Chair: Huang, Hsu-Wen (黃緒文) National Taiwan Normal University Venue: 201 National Taiwan Normal University Venue: 202 Break 中場休息 Mini-Symposium C Mini-Symposium D Research in Physical Activity, Exercise, Sport, Cognitive Function, and Brain: Perspective on Taiwan Chair: Chang, Yu-Kai (張育愷) Decision Neuroscience and Experimental Economics National Taiwan Sport University Venue: 201 National Yang-Ming University Venue: 202 Chair: Wu, Shih-Wei (吳仕煒) 5 主題演講 Keynote Speakers Dr. Mabel L. Rice Professor, Department of Speech, Language & Hearing University of Kansas Mabel L. Rice is an international authority on language disorders in children and the genetics of language acquisition. In 2001, she was a Japan Society Fellow. In 2000, she was recognized as a Haydn Williams Fellow in Australia. She has been a visiting scientist at the Center for Cognitive Science at MIT, the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Institut fur Linguistik at the University of Potsdam in Germany, and the Hopital de la Salpetriere in Paris. She is the former editor of the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. At the University of Kansas, she directs the Child Language Doctoral Program, one of the first interdisciplinary programs in the country to train child-language specialists. She also directs the Merrill Advanced Studies Center and the Biobehavioral Neurosciences in Communications Disorders Center. She maintains an active research lab where students address fundamental questions about young children's language acquisition and language impairments. With Ken Wexler from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she developed the first test to successfully diagnose Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in children ages 3 to 8. The Rice/Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment was released by the Psychological Corporation in 2001 and is being used by school districts and speech language professionals. Dr. Rice has investigated the disorder SLI and other language impairments with research funding from the National Institutes of Health. Currently, she directs a longitudinal study of a grammatical marker in children with SLI and their family members. This study includes a subcontract for genetics analyses with Shelley Smith at the University of Nebraska Medical Center - Omaha. She collaborates with Rebecca Landa of Johns Hopkins University in a study of children with autism. She also leads a collaborative team with investigators Steve Zubrick and Kate Taylor at Curtin University in Perth Australia, in a large-scale study of the language acquisition of twins compared to single-born children, and their families. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 6 Abstract Longitudinal Language Outcomes in Children with SLI: Phenotypes and genetic etiology Mabel L. Rice, University of Kansas, USA Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) show persistent weaknesses in language growth relative to age peers, as well as strengths in the way language changes over time. Genetic influences are likely. This presentation will summarize the growth evidence from an ongoing longitudinal study, and suggest that epigenetic growth signaling functions may be contributing to the observed patterns of strengths and weaknesses that culminate in persistent language impairments into adulthood. 7 主題演講 Keynote Speakers Dr. Jeanne Townsend Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego Jeanne has studied Autism Spectrum Disorders for more than two decades with a primary interest in abnormalities of attentional function in autism and the influence of attention deficits on the development of the behavioral symptoms of autism such as disordered language and social communication. Her studies employ a variety of methods and techniques, including neuropsychological and behavioral testing, neurophysiological recordings (EEG, ERP), eye-tracking and structural and functional MR imaging. She has studied selective and shifting attention and the underlying brain networks in both normal and abnormal function for more than two decades, and has received NIH funding to conduct large studies of attentional function in autism, in other developmental disorders and in healthy aging. Jeanne's EEG studies of visual attention have highlighted abnormal attentional distribution in autism. Her EEG and fMRI studies of shifting attention between auditory and visual modalities have demonstrated difficulties manipulating attention in autism, a reduced ability to filter distracting information associated with normal aging, and individual differences in these skills in normal healthy young adults. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 8 Abstract Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention: From Basic Research to Treatment Jeanne Townsend, University of California, San Diego, USA Attention is the brain’s gatekeeper-filtering the masses of information which we are constantly challenged to process. Attention selects information for enhancement or inhibition and supports higher cognitive processes such as memory and language. Unlike memory and language, attention cannot be studied directly. What we study and observe is the effect of attention on brain activity and behavior. There is now a substantial knowledge base regarding the variety and timing of attentional processes and the underlying neural networks. Attentional networks are broadly distributed and are vulnerable to disruption during development, aging and by injury or pharmacology. There is recent evidence, however, that such disruption in attentional processes may be subject to correction by neuro-feedback training (commonly in the form of video games) and this training results in behavioral improvement that is accompanied by changes in brain activity that can be observed in EEG and fMRI. The extent and duration of these interventions is not yet clear, but this new direction is promising for treatment in a number of neuro-developmental disorders, stroke and perhaps to promote cognitive resilience in healthy aging. 9 專題研討會議程及摘要 Mini-Symposium Agenda and Abstracts Symposium A: Brain and Language Venue: 201, Education Building 地點:教育大樓 201 Chair: Hsueh-Chih Chen, National Taiwan Normal University 陳學志,國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 NO. Title Time Presenter 14:00-14:20 詹雨臻 14:20-14:40 戴汝卉 14:40-15:00 馮彥茹 15:00-15:20 陳昱君 15:20-15:40 廖家萱 笑話中的歧義與好笑成分之交互作用的腦神經機制:以 A1 fMRI 為工具 冷笑話真的很冷嗎?以 fMRI 探討失諧解困笑話及部份解困 A2 之無厘頭笑話的腦神經機制差異 A3 以 ERP 探討個別差異於幽默處理之三階段理論中的影響 Developmental changes in Brain Response to Mandarin Lexical A4 Tones in Late-Talking Children: A Longitudinal MMR Study Sentence context can affect the bilingual word identification A5 process: An assessment of Bilingual Interactive Activation Plus (BIA+) model with ERP Symposium B: Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging Venue: 202, Education Building 地點:教育大樓 202 Chair: Hsu-Wen Huang, National Taiwan Normal University 黃緒文 ,國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系 NO. Title Time Presenter 14:00-14:20 張智宏 14:20-14:40 吳恩賜 14:40-15:00 黃緒文 15:00-15:20 林慶波 Comparing Cognitive Ageing of Different Functional Domains B1 by Bits Individual Differences in the Effect of Age on Selective Neural B2 Processing: A Signature of Susceptibility B3 Age-related changes in basic integrative processes in language Brain structural and functional signatures for dementia, MCI, B4 and frailty Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 10 Symposium C: Research in Physical Activity, Exercise, Sport, Cognitive Function, and Brain: Perspective on Taiwan Venue: 201, Education Building 地點:教育大樓 201 Chair: Yu-Kai Chang , National Taiwan Sport University 張育愷 ,國立體育大學競技與教練科學研究所 NO. Title Time Presenter C1 身體活動、運動、認知功能、大腦當代研究之進程:臺灣視角 15:50-16:10 張育愷 C2 身體活動促進注意力缺乏過動症孩童之抑制控制 16:10-16:30 洪聰敏 C3 身體活動與健康老年人工作記憶:事件關聯電位研究 16:30-16:50 張育愷 C4 身體活動量對老年人額葉-頂葉 P300 振幅分佈改變之探討 16:50-17:10 豐東洋 C5 神經營養因子在運動提升認知表現的角色 17:10-17:30 蔡佳良 17:30-17:50 王駿濠 以競技運動經驗的角度探討運動訓練認知功能與神經可塑性影 C6 響的可能性 Symposium D: Decision Neuroscience and Experimental Economics Venue: 202, Education Building 地點:教育大樓 202 Chair: Shih-Wei Wu, National Yang-Ming University 吳仕煒,國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 NO. Title Time Presenter 15:50-16:10 王道一 D2 Testing ambiguity theories with a mean-preserving design 16:10-16:30 楊春雷 D3 The reduction principle under imprecise probability information 16:30-16:50 翁明宏 16:50-17:10 陳尹華 17:10-17:30 游家鑫 17:30-17:50 李芯如 Confucianism and preferences: Evidence from lab experiments in D1 Taiwan and China Stakes do matter for the proposing behavior in Ultimatum Games: D4 an fMRI study VMPFC as the neural locus for tDCS-induced improvement in D5 cognitive control Motivation can modulate the connectivity strength between the D6 pre-SMA and rIFG in a stopping task 11 Brain and Language 大腦與語言 Venue: 201, Education Building (教育大樓 201) 語言習得向來是國內教育界與社會大眾矚目的課題之一,本大腦 與語言專題提供五篇研究,企圖從不同角度去探討語言習得與應用的 本質。戴汝卉、陳學志、詹雨臻、卓淑玲、宋曜廷、張國恩以 fMRI 探討失諧解困笑話及部份解困之無厘頭笑話的腦神經機制差異。馮彥 茹、陳學志、宋曜廷、張國恩以 ERP 探討個別差異於幽默處理之三 階段理論中的影響。詹雨臻探討笑話中的歧義與好笑成分之交互作用 的腦神經機制。陳昱君、劉惠美以 ERP 探討語言發展遲緩學童於中 文語音辨識上之表現。廖家萱、詹曉蕙以 ERP 探討句子脈絡之於第 二外語學習者在字詞辨識歷程上的影響。綜合上述研究,以期更加瞭 解人們如何習得語言及其與相關因素之關聯性。同時亦欲藉由生理指 標的建立使得未來之教育目的/方針能有所依據,進而達到學習的最 大成效。 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 12 14:00-14:20 A1 笑話中的歧義與好笑成分之交互作用的腦神經機制:以 fMRI 為工具 詹雨臻 a a 國立清華大學學習科學研究所 幽默是人類獨有高層次的認知思考及情緒反應,它不但能緩衝壓力、調節情緒, 也是人際關係的潤滑劑,良好的使用幽默是有助於提升身心健康及促進人際因應。 歧義是笑話中常用的技巧,更是運用的基石之一。然而,單單使用語言歧義性卻 不見得會營造出好笑的氛圍,因此,「歧義」與「好笑」這兩者如何產生交互作 用及其腦神經機制正備受關注。笑話研究中雖有分離語音笑話和語意笑話的 fMRI 研究(Goel & Dolan, 2001)及探討歧義與好笑之交互作用的 fMRI 研究 (Bekinschtein et al., 2011),然而他們的材料並未區分出使用歧義技巧的不同笑 話類型的腦神經機制,而且他們皆採用單行英文趣謎的冷笑話為材料,但是中文 不同類型的語文歧義笑話,其認知和情緒歷程有其獨特性,而且語文笑話所引發 的愉悅情緒感受也是大於冷笑話。因此,本研究探討歧義和好笑的主要效果及交 互作用。本研究顯示,歧義笑話與非笑話條件相比,有較大活化在左半腦的腹側 前扣帶皮質(ventral anterior cingulate cortex, vACC) (BA 32/14/33, FWE corrected) 及背側前扣帶皮質(dorsal ACC, dACC) ,以及延伸至海馬旁迴、豆狀核(Lentiform nucleus)及視丘(Thalamus)。此外,兩者相比也在右半腦的海馬旁迴(BA35, FWE corrected)有較大的活化。雖然,輔助運動區(supplementary motor area, SMA, BA6)在多重比較達未校正的活化,但 Z 值也達到 4.11(p < 0.001 uncorrected, 20 voxels),該區域與笑的反應有關。 關鍵詞:功能性磁振造影、語意歧義笑話、笑話技巧、邏輯機制 13 14:20-14:40 A2 冷笑話真的很冷嗎?以 fMRI 探討失諧解困笑話及部份解困之無厘頭笑話的腦 神經機制差異 戴汝卉 a, 陳學志 a, 詹雨臻 b, 卓淑玲 c, 宋曜廷 a, 張國恩 d a 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 b 國立清華大學學習科學研究所 c 輔仁大學臨床心理學 系 d 國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所 本研究以行為實驗及 fMRI 技術探討能「完全解困」的失諧解困類笑話以及僅能 「部分解困」的無厘頭笑話(俗稱冷笑話)的腦神經運作差異。研究參與者在磁 振造影掃描過程中閱讀失諧解困類笑話及無厘頭笑話,且對每則笑話進行好笑程 度的評定,並在掃描結束後進行三項指標(好笑、驚訝及理解程度)的事後評定。 行為結果指出,失諧解困笑話的好笑、驚訝程度皆顯著高於無厘頭笑話,但在理 解程度上,兩者並無顯著差異。根據腦造影資料,排除好笑程度評分對腦區活化 的影響後發現,無厘頭笑話在右側枕葉舌回(R-Lingual Gyrus)、左側梭狀回 (L-Fusiform Gyrus)、左側枕下回(L-Inferior Occipital Gyrus)、左側中央前回 (L-Precentral Gyrus)、左側額下回(L-Inferior Frontal Gyrus)、左側額中回 (L-Middle Frontal Gyrus)、左側顳葉顳上回(L-Superior Temporal Gyrus)有較 大的活化;而失諧解困類笑話在左側後扣帶回(L-Posterior Cingulate)、右側角 回(R-Angular Gyrus)、右側頂下回(R-Inferior Parietal Lobule)、右側頂下回 (R-Inferior Parietal Lobule)、右側上邊緣迴(R-Supramarginal Gyrus)、右側 (R-Inferior Parietal Lobule) 、雙側楔前葉(R-Precuneus)有較大的活化。由此可 知,相較於失諧解困類笑話,無厘頭笑話會涉及較廣泛的神經網絡,此結果是因 為無厘頭笑話僅提供部分解困的線索,因此,個體必須動用更多的認知資源,如: 與語言相關的幽默處理、語意選擇歷程、尋找幽默刺激的資源使用及記憶編碼與 提取以理解無厘頭笑話。根據本研究發現,相對於已過的幽默研究,本研究結果 則有所突破,其更能釐清且區分失諧解困笑話及無厘頭笑話之神經機制,且更精 確區分出「完全解困」和「部分解困」的歷程,對於幽默的神經機制之理解有所 貢獻。 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 14 14:40-15:00 A3 以 ERP 探討個別差異於幽默處理之三階段理論中的影響 馮彥茹 a, 陳學志 a, 宋曜廷 a, 張國恩 b a 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 b 國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所 奠基於過去研究,本實驗旨在從個別差異的角度驗證幽默三階段理論。過去我們 透過趣謎、非趣謎以及無厘頭語句並輔以腦電波儀,從時間解析的角度建立幽默 三階段理論,同時找到了對應失諧、解困以及愉悅歷程之相對應的生理指標: N400, P600 及 LPP。但礙於受試者人數不足,我們並無法將個別差異納入考慮, 故本研究旨在透過比較受試者於幽默感知上的差異進一步確認各腦成份波於幽 默處理歷程中所扮演的角色。本研究共招募 58 位受試者,根據其在好笑程度中 的評定表現分為高分組及低分組。結果顯示高分組於腦電波上的反應更趨向典型: 於失諧階段中,由三種刺激材料所誘發的 N400 有顯著差異(無厘頭>趣謎>非趣 謎);於解困階段中,由無厘頭語句所誘發的 P600 顯著大於趣謎和非趣謎;於愉 悅階段中,由趣謎所誘發的 LPP 顯著大於非趣謎及無厘頭語句。相較之下,低 分組中由三種刺激所誘發的腦電反應就比較難以區分。此外,本研究發現高、低 分組在驚訝程度以及理解程度上的行為反應並無顯著差異,此行為結果亦反映在 腦電波上:縱觀三個幽默歷程,高、低分組於趣謎中的表現僅有 LPP 有顯著差 異,再次驗證了 N400,P600 及 LPP 於幽默歷程中所扮演的角色。 15 15:00-15:20 A4 Developmental changes in Brain Response to Mandarin Lexical Tones in Late-Talking Children: A Longitudinal MMR Study 陳昱君 a, 劉惠美 b a 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心 b 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系 The purpose of this study is using Mismatch Responses (MMRs) to explore the dynamic changes of Mandarin speech perception abilities and the relationship to language abilities in late-talking children. Participants were twenty children identified as late-talkers (LTs) between 2 to 2.5-years-old and 15 children with typical language development (TLD). LTs were further classified into non-late bloomer (non-LB) and late bloomer (LB) groups according to their performance in the standardized language tests at 4-year-old. ERP data were collected from 3 to 6-year-old. Synthesized speech stimuli varying in lexical tones (/i2/ rising vs. /i3/ contour tones) were used. Six frontocentral sites (F3/Fz/F4, C3/Cz/C4) were selected for analysis. Mean amplitudes of the MMRs were calculated for two intervals (185-335ms, 335-535ms), with starting point defined as 100 ms after the onset of acoustic difference between the standard and deviant. Group effect was found in the 3-4 years of age which showed that the non-LB group demonstrated more positive responses to the deviant than the TLD group during the interval of 185 to 335 ms at Fz and Cz (F(2,32)=4.15, 5.02, p<.05) and during the interval of 335 to 535 ms at Cz (F(2,32)=4.37, p<.05). At the age of 5, all three groups showed more negative responses to the deviant stimuli, but the maturation of MMRs could be observed in the subtle change of topography, with more prominent negative response in the frontal sites in the TLD group (F(1,14)=7.14, p=.018). Nevertheless, all three groups showed similar MMR pattern at six year of age and no more significant differences were found. In addition, correlations were found between the index of MMRs and children’s language performance, demonstrating the relationship between the early brain responses to speech perception and language performance. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 16 15:20-15:40 A5 Sentence context can affect the bilingual word identification process: An assessment of Bilingual Interactive Activation Plus (BIA+) model with ERP 廖家萱 a, 詹曉蕙 a a 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系 Bilingual Interactive Activation Plus (BIA+) model (Dijkstra & van Heuven, 2002) is one of the few modles that suggest sentence context could modulate the word identification process; however, it has not been thouroughly tested with congitive neuroscience tools. We adopted the ERP technique to examine how sentence context affects the word identification and the task/decision subsystems of this model. We focused on high-constraint sentences and manipulated their semantic and language expectancies. Semantic expectancy was achieved through manipulating the cloze probability of a sentence (i.e., the percentage of a word used to complete a sentence frame, high vs. low). As for language expectancy, the sentence context was presented in Mandarin, with the sentence-final word either kept in Mandarin (expected) or switched into Taiwanese (unexpected). Four conditions were constructed: High-cloze non-switched, High-cloze switched, Low-cloze non-switched and Low-cloze switched. The participants were 20 Mandarin-Taiwanese native speakers (6 females, mean age: 26). Our findings revealed that sentence context could affect the word identification subsystem semantically and phonologically, as indicated by stronger N400s in Low-cloze conditions and Switched conditions. Interestingly, we also observed a frontal negativity in Switched conditions, which might be associated with cognitive control in the task/decision subsystem. The onset of this negativity was earlier than the activation of semantic representation in the word identification subsystem. This finding was in disagreement with the encapsulated view on the word identification subsystem. We proposed that the BIA+ model could be modified to accommodate the early involvement of cognitive control incurred by the top-down sentence effect. 17 Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging Venue: 202, Education Building (教育大樓 202) The main goal of cognitive neuroscience of aging is to link the effects of aging on cognition to the effects of aging on the brain. Although it is reasonable to assume that cognitive aging is largely a consequence of cerebral aging, the relationships between these two domains are still largely unknown. The brain is an open system, and life span cognitive development is a dynamic, cumulative process that shapes the neurocognitive representations of ongoing interactions with the environment and sociocultural contexts through experiences. Given the complexity of the substantive issues, we should consider data from multiple sources and levels. This symposium has four talks, the first one focuses on the impacts of aging on human motor and cognitive control, the second talk examines patterns of neural activations as a function of individual differences on different cognitive functions, the third talk addresses age-related changes in language comprehension and the last one focuses on clinical and applied topics, such as the structural and functional distinctions between dementia, MCI and frailty. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 18 14:00-14:20 B1 Comparing Cognitive Ageing of Different Functional Domains by Bits 張智宏 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 Cognitive ageing has been assessed across multiple types of cognitive functions in the literature. Because tasks tailored to different functional domains often vary in their dependent measures and the scale of difficulty, the methodological differences pose barrier to make fair comparisons across functions directly. To address the comparability issue, the current study takes advantage of information theory to quantify tasks examining the domains of motor and executive control with the same scale of cognitive loading and response measure. An adapted version of Fitts’ paradigm and a majority judgment task were adopted for assessing motor and executive functions, respectively, where participants encountered trials with task difficulty varying in the units of bits, and their response time were analyzed by fitting a linear function between response time and the difficulty. We observed significant main effect of Group for both slopes and intercepts of the linear function, significant main effect of Task only for intercepts, and significant interaction only for slopes. While the results of slopes indicate differential ageing pattern for loading dependent processes in motor control (i.e., steeper in the elderly than in the young group) but not in executive function, the results of intercepts suggest an overall age-related decline for basic processing speed across both domains. As such, we directly compare distinct types of cognitive functions, and dissect their components parametrically for the comparison of age differences. Future work will apply the same approach to compare a wide array of cognitive functions and across the whole life span. 19 14:20-14:40 B2 Individual Differences in the Effect of Age on Selective Neural Processing: A Signature of Susceptibility 吳恩賜 a a 國立臺灣大學腦與心智研究所 The aging brain undergoes several neurobiological changes including declines in neuronal structure as well as efficacy of neurochemical processes. A general effect of these changes is that neural connections lose their processing fidelity. By this is meant that the ability of aged neural systems to filter and transmit information becomes laden with noise and non-selectivity. But does aging reduction in neural selectivity affect all persons equally? Evidence suggests that this is not the case. Rather, there is substantial variability in the manner in which different individuals age. In this talk, I will review studies from my past work that have characterised the general effect of aging on perceptual, memory, executive, and reward-learning systems and, critically, further evaluate the nature of individual differences in these effects. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 20 14:40-15:00 B3 Age-related changes in basic integrative processes in language 黃緒文 a a 國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系 Normal aging is accompanied by changes in both structural and functional cerebral organization. Although verbal knowledge seems to be relatively stable across the lifespan, there are age-related changes in the rapid use of that knowledge during on-line language processing. In particular, aging has been linked to reduced effectiveness in preparing for upcoming words and building an integrated sentence-level representation. The current talk addressed whether such age-related changes extend even to much simpler language units, such as modification relations between a centrally-presented adjective and a lateralized noun. Adjectives were used to elicit concrete and abstract meanings of the same, polysemous lexical items (e.g., “green book” versus “interesting book”). Consistent with findings that lexical information is preserved with age, older adults, like younger adults, elicited concreteness effects at the adjectives, with more negative responses to concrete adjectives over posterior (300-500 ms; N400) and frontal (300-900 ms) channels. However, at the noun, younger adults elicit concreteness-based predictability effects linked to left hemisphere processing and imagery effects linked to right hemisphere processing, contingent on whether the adjectives and nouns form a cohesive conceptual unit. In contrast, older adults showed neither effect, suggesting they were less able to rapidly link the adjective-noun meaning to form an integrated conceptual representation. Age-related changes in language processing may thus be more pervasive than previously realized. 21 15:00-15:20 B4 Brain structural and functional signatures for dementia, MCI, and frailty 林慶波 a a 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 Dementia is a mental disorder accompanied by global cognitive ability loss including memory, language, and attention in older people with abnormal aging. Due to the lack of disease-modifying treatment at present, early diagnosis becomes paramount in trying to prevent subsequent disability. In practice, a diagnosis is largely based on clinical history and cognitive examination supported by neuropsychological evidence of the pattern of cognitive impairment. However, the onset of cognitive symptoms largely results from neuronal death, which has caused irreversible neurodegenerative damage. To advance the diagnosis and prediction of dementia, there is a need of more sensitive instruments specifically developed for early diagnosis of the risk factors in dementia including effects of risk genes, physical frailty and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), where frailty is an age-related syndrome described as the decreased ability of an organism to respond to stressors. A number of studies have reported that frailty increases the risk of future cognitive decline and dementia. MCI is a nosological entity proposed as an intermediate state between normal aging and dementia. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the cognitive decline in dementia may arise from integrative abnormalities between functionally and/or anatomically related brain regions. Recent advances in brain network analysis shed some lights on the study of large-scale brain system disruptions by using graph theoretical approaches. Particularly, connectivity patterns of dementia were recently reported to fall into dissociated but dispersed brain networks, suggesting that the damage from the disease is transmitted along neuronal pathways rather than by proximity. They inferred that structural and functional connectivity patterns might serve as markers to predict the progression of dementia. Structural and functional deficits affects by risk genes, frailty, and MCI are under actively studied by means of modern MRI technologies to identify the early markers of dementia. A longitudinal cohort of MCI patients and healthy subjects with different aging range is under studying to clarify the links between genes, structural and functional changes, and cognitive performances. Related effects in brain plasticity through lifespan are studied as well to serve as a standard for further prognosis studies. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 22 Research in physical activity, exercise, sport, cognitive function, and brain: Perspective on Taiwan 體能訓練與運動 Venue: 201, Education Building (教育大樓 201) 15:50-16:10 C1 身體活動、運動、認知功能、大腦當代研究之進程:臺灣視角 張育愷 a a 國立體育大學競技與教練科學研究所 身體活動、運動對於認知功能的探究,可以追溯至 1970 年代 Spirduso 等人的研 究。其後在 Etnier 等 (1997)、Colcombe 與 Kramer (2003) 此些先驅的統合分析 發現,健身運動、身體適能對於認知功能有著顯著的正向效益後,身體活動、運 動對於認知功能的議題開始受到較大之矚目。該議題的發展亦隨著認知神經科學 非侵入式的儀器進展,拓展到大腦功能的探究,使得身體活動、運動、認知功能、 大腦的整合探討,成為該議題在當代研究之主流。在國際間相繼投入於身體活動、 運動對於認知功能與大腦的探討同時,臺灣學者也從未缺席,並在該議題當代研 究知識進程中,扮演著舉足輕重之角色。本次主題討論會之目的即在邀請該些臺 灣學者,進行身體活動、運動、認知功能、大腦議題中受到矚目或新穎研究之成 果分享。具體而言,張育愷博士首先針對身體活動、運動、認知功能、大腦議題 國際間之研究發展歷史與趨勢作簡要回顧;洪聰敏博士則聚焦於身體活動對於注 意力缺乏過動症孩童,在抑制控制之影響及其事件相關電位之變化。其後,張育 愷博士、豐東洋博士則針對身體活動對於老年人執行功能之影響,尤重於以事件 相關電位 P300 成分之變化與分佈作探究。不僅採用事件相關電位的探究,蔡佳 良博士進一步以大腦神經營養因子、類胰島素生長因子等生化指標,深入探討急 性健身運動對於認知功能的影響,使得該效應之神經生化機轉之建立成為可能。 最後,王駿濠博士則以競技運動經驗的角度,探討其對於認知功能與神經可塑性 影響的可能性,與日後在實務上之結合與應用。 Keywords:健身運動、競技運動、事件相關電位、執行功能、老年人、注意力 缺乏過動症孩童、神經生化機轉、神經可塑性 23 16:10-16:30 C2 身體活動促進注意力缺乏過動症孩童之抑制控制 洪巧菱 a, 洪聰敏 a a 國立臺灣師範大學體育學系 身體活動對於大腦認知功能效益的研究大部分聚焦在老年人身上,近年來開始拓 展到其他的族群,在這當中,針對注意力缺乏過動症 (ADHD) 孩童的研究也逐 漸受到重視。台師大運動心生理學實驗室也在這幾年開始進行此方面研究,橫斷 性研究發現體適能或基本運動能力較佳的 ADHD 兒童,有較佳的抑制控制行為 表現與 ERP 指標、較接近典型發展兒童的基準線 θ/α。而長期運動介入的研究也 發現參與此課程的 ADHD 兒童,其在抑制控制行為表現與基準線 θ/α 上也比控 制組佳。最後,一次性運動也發現有助於此類兒童之抑制控制與動作準備穩定性。 上述這些研究應用神經心理測驗,配合 EEG 與 ERP 的測量,提供初步證據支持 身體活動對 ADHD 兒童的核心認知效益。 關鍵詞:孩童、執行功能、抑制控制、身體適能 參考文獻 Chuang, L. Y., Tsai, Y. J., Chang, Y. K., Huang, C. J., & Hung, T. M. (in press). Effects of acute aerobic exercise on response preparation in a Go/No Go task in children with ADHD: An ERP study. Journal of Sport and Health Science. Huang, C. J., Huang, C. W., Tsai, Y. J., Tsai, C. L., Chang, Y. K., & Hung, T. M. (in press). A preliminary examination of aerobic exercise effects on resting EEG in children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorder. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 24 16:30-16:50 C3 身體活動與健康老年人工作記憶:事件關聯電位研究 張育愷 a a 國立體育大學競技與教練研究所 身體活動與認知功能間之正向關係已建立在多方的研究證據上,然而,是否身體 活動能影響老年健康族群之工作記憶,以及身體活動與認知功能間效應之機轉仍 未可知。為此,本此分享建立於 Chang 等 (2013) 對於該議題之研究發現而來。 具體而言,該研究旨在探討不同身體活動量老年人,在工作記憶及其所誘發之事 件相關電位成分波活化之差異與變化。該研究結果發現,身體活動量高之老年人 在行為之反應時間上,皆較身體活動量低之老年人短;且該正面效應並表現在不 同難度的工作記憶難度情境。另一方面,身體活動量高之老年人亦呈現較大之 P3 與 N1 振福,以及較短的 P3 潛伏時間。該結果暗示,身體活動與注意力資源 投入、增進刺激辨識有正向關聯;其並可能與早期工作記憶之編碼階段有所關 聯。 關鍵詞:老化、執行功能、工作記憶、身體適能 參考文獻 Chang, Y. K., Huang, C. J., Chen, K., F., & Hung, T. M. (2013). Physical activity and working memory in healthy older adults: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 50(11), 1174-1182. 25 16:50-17:10 C4 身體活動量對老年人額葉-頂葉 P300 振幅分佈改變之探討 豐東洋 a, 黃耀宗 a, 郭正煜 a, 蔣憶德 a, 王永順 b a 國立臺北科技大學體育室 b 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 探討不同程度身體活動量對於一般正常且健康的老年人在大腦執行控制功能中 的影響,是這個研究的第一個目的;為瞭解其中的差異情形,本研究徵召 51 位 參與者分為低身體活動量老人組 (17 人)、高身體活動量老人組 (17 人) 及年輕 人組 (17 人) 進行研究,並採取數字轉換作業(同質性作業及異質性作業)應用 在認知的評估中,以瞭解各組參與者在作業轉換表現的情形。結果顯示:1. 行 為表現的資料顯示出年輕人與高身體活動量老人的反應時間,無論在同質性作業 或異質性作業均顯著的快於低身體活動量老人;2.事件關連電位的資料也顯示年 輕人與高身體活動量老人均較低身體活動量老人有較快的 P300 潛伏時間及較大 的 P300 振幅。身體活動量對於老年人額葉補償機制的影響是本研究的第二個目 的,從結果中顯示老年人的 P300 振幅往額葉 (Fz) 增加的分佈趨勢明確,且高 身體活動量老人有較明顯的頂葉及額葉補償現象,顯示當老年人擁有較高的身體 活動量時,大腦可能會發展出較全面的額葉補償機制,並對認知作業之轉換表現 有正面的效益。 關鍵詞:老化、認知功能、運動、事件關聯電位 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 26 17:10-17:30 C5 神經營養因子在運動提升認知表現的角色 蔡佳良 a a 國立成功大學體育健康與休閒研究所 近十年來,已有相當多的文獻證實運動能有效地提升認知表現,但其中的生理生 化機制卻無任何的實證性研究來加以探討。有鑒於此,本研究將採用神經營養因 子 [例如:腦衍生神經滋養因子 (brain-derived neutrophic factor)、生長激素 (growth hormone)、類胰島素生長因子 (insulin-like growth factors) ] 與其它生化 指標 [例如:腎上腺皮質固醇 (cortisol)、同半胱胺雙 (homocystine)] 來了解這些 與神經元生長和認知表現相關的血液生化指標,對單次急性耐力運動或阻力運動 提升行為與大腦相關事件電位所佔的角色為何,希望藉由這些內分泌指標能更清 楚瞭解急性運動是如何的提升認知表現。 關鍵詞:運動型態、內分泌、認知電生理、急性運動 參考文獻 Tsai, C. L., Chen, F. C., Pan, C. Y., Wang, C. H., Huang, T. H., & Chen, T. C. (2014). Impact of acute aerobic exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness on visuospatial attention performance and serum BDNF level. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 41, 121-131. Tsai, C. L., Wang, C. H., Pan, C. Y., Chen, F. C., Huang, T. H., & Chou, F. Y. (2014). Executive function and endocrinological responses to acute resistance exercise. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 262. 27 17:30-17:50 C6 以競技運動經驗的角度探討運動訓練認知功能與神經可塑性影響的可能性 王駿濠 a a 國立成功大學體育健康與休閒研究所 人類的行為表現會因為學習或環境的刺激而改變,表現出大腦高度敏銳與可塑性。 一般而言,運動員除了具有較為優異的技能及體能條件之外,也能在運動場上展 現出過人的認知反應能力,反映了運動訓練對大腦的刺激與學習效果。然而,是 否運動員在脫離運動情境時仍可展現出優異的認知表現,則有待研究更進一步地 探討。有鑒於此,本研究將採用基礎認知作業,探討運動經驗與認知功能之間的 關聯性,並以腦電波探討其可能的神經機制。初步的研究結果顯示:從事開放性 運動的選手,在某些歷程如準備歷程、抑制控制及視覺空間能力比非運動員有較 佳的表現。另外,從腦電波的證據則發現了運動員有較大的 theta 波及 beta 波的 振盪活動,反映了投入較多的注意力資源與動作準備歷程。綜合上述研究發現, 運動訓練或許可當作促進認知或大腦學習的一種方式;此外,認知訓練或許也可 當作提高競技運動表現層次的方式之一。 關鍵詞:競技運動、認知功能、神經振盪活動 參考文獻 Wang, C. H., Tsai, C. L., Tu, K. C., Muggleton, N. G., Juan, C. H., & Liang, W. K. (2015). Modulation of brain oscillations during visuo-spatial processing: A comparison between female colligate badminton players and sedentary controls. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16, 121-129. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 28 Decision neuroscience and experimental economics Venue: 202, Education Building (教育大樓 202 會議室) In the last decade, there is considerable progress in neuroscience research that aims tounderstand the neurobiological basis of decision-making. During this period of growth, advances in theory and empirical results in decision neuroscience are largely inspired by experimental/behavioral economics and psychology. The message is clear. As decision neuroscience grows as a field, economics and psychology will continue to shape the neurobiological understanding of decision-making. In this symposium, our goal is to initiate a platform for cross-disciplinary interaction and dialogue. Recent progress from decision neuroscience and experimental economics will be shared and discussed. 29 15:50-16:10 D1 Confucianism and preferences: Evidence from lab experiments in Taiwan and China 王道一 a a 國立臺灣大學經濟學系 In this talk, I will present a series of experiments that investigated how Confucianism affects individual decision making in Taiwan and in China. We found that Chinese subjects in our experiments became less accepting of Confucian values, such that they became significantly more risk loving, less loss averse, and more impatient after being primed with Confucianism, whereas Taiwanese subjects became significantly less present-based and were inclined to be more trustworthy after being primed by Confucianism. Combining the evidence from the incentivized laboratory experiments and subjective survey measures, we found evidence that Chinese subjects and Taiwanese subjects reacted differently to Confucianism. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 30 16:10-16:30 D2 Testing ambiguity theories with a mean-preserving design 楊春雷 a a 中央研究院經濟研究所 Prominent models such as MEU/α-MP and KMM interpret ambiguity aversion as aversion against second-order risks associated with ambiguous acts. We design an experiment where the decision maker draws twice with replacement in the typical Ellsberg two-color urns, but with a different color winning each time. Given this set of mean-preserving prospects, MEU/α-MP, KMM and Savage’s SEU all predict unequivocally that risk-averse DMs shall avoid the 50-50 urn that exhibits the highest risk conceivable, while risk-seeking ones do the opposite. However, we observe a substantial number of violations in the experiments. It appears that the ambiguity premium is partially paid to avoid the ambiguity issue per se, which is distinct from notions of second-order risk. This finding is robust even when there is only partial ambiguity. 31 16:30-16:50 D3 The reduction principle under imprecise probability information 翁明宏 a a 國立成功大學經濟學系 Experiments are carried out to examine if choices under risk are consistent with the reduction principle when the decision maker lacks precise probability information. Participants are asked to choose between two risky options with probability information vaguely presented. When the difference between expected values is significant, participants' choices are mainly guided by the gap between expected values, regardless of whether the lotteries are single or compound. Nevertheless, participants tend to avert the compound lottery when the gap between expected values is insignificant. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 32 16:50-17:10 D4 Stakes do matter for the proposing behavior in Ultimatum Games: an fMRI study 陳尹華 a a 國立政治大學台灣心智科學腦造影中心 Previous ultimatum game studies show that raising stakes has little effect on proposers’ offers, possibly due to offsetting effects from higher conflict in higher stakes between “sentiment” toward low sharing and fear of rejection. We tested this hypothesis by asking subjects (proposers) to choose splitting money (NT$200 versus NT$2,000) either fairly (5:5) or unfairly (one of 6:4, 7:3, 8:2, and 9:1) in an fMRI paradigm. For subjects who chose to split the money fairly, longer decision time was spent in higher stakes. The conflict-related areas such as lACC, rOFC and PCC activated more. Furthermore, higher rOFC and rPCC activations were found to correlated to the longer decision time in higher stakes. Taken together, the cognitive and affective activities aroused by higher stakes provide evidence in support of our conflict hypothesis, indicating that stakes do matter for the proposing behavior. Moreover, we found the higher activations in the mPFC, particularly in BA8, along with the longer decision time for the slightly unfair offers (i.e., 6:4 and 7:3) than the very unfair offers (i.e., 8:2 and 9:1). These results suggested that proposers were thinking harder about the thoughts of responders possibly due to a higher uncertainty of rejection rate for the slightly unfair offers. 33 17:10-17:30 D5 VMPFC as the neural locus for tDCS-induced improvement in cognitive control 游家鑫 a a 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 Previous research has demonstrated the importance of brain stimulation in improving inhibitory control. However, the neural substrates underlying such artificially-induced improvement remain unclear. Here, by coupling anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (atDCS) with functional MRI, we show that atDCS can effectively increase stopping speed when stopping is required. Without atDCS, contrasts between stop and go trials showed activations in the pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA) and right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), which is consistent with prior research. Importantly, by contrasting stop-inhibition versus stop-response trials between atDCS and sham condition within each individual, we observed activation in preSMA and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), and an increase in effective functional connectivity between the two. Furthermore, such atDCS-induced BOLD increase in vmPFC was positively correlated with participants’ improvement in stopping efficiency. These results implicate that the rapid yet short-lived behavioral improvement from brain stimulation may be mediated by a novel, but functionally-connected, brain region as opposed to the regions behind normal and long-term cognitive training from previous fMRI studies. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 34 17:30-17:50 D6 Motivation can modulate the connectivity strength between the pre-SMA and rIFG in a stopping task 李芯如 a a 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 The stop-signal paradigm is a well-established paradigm for studying action control, which requires both participants’ fast going and accurate stopping. Brain areas including pre-SMA, right IFG, and subthalamic nucleus comprise a neural network to process the stop-signal. In this study, we tested if this control network can be modulated by motivation, i.e., the reward prospect. Reward prospect has been demonstrated to facilitate various cognitive and behavioral operations, particularly by enhancing the speed and energizing processes related to approaching reward. By including this factor, we compared the performance and neural involvement in the reward-related and reward-unrelated condition. Behaviorally, the participants performed better when they looked forward to gain the reward. This better performance was accompanied by the enhanced activity in the frontal-parietal attention networks. For action control, we found that the pre-SMA not only showed higher activity but also its coupling connectivity with the right IFG was strengthened. 35 壁報論文摘要 Poster Abstracts Time: 12:20-14:00 Venue: 2F Atrium, Education Building (教育大樓 2 樓中庭) NO. Title Presenter P01 Testing Effect is Affected by Different Social Stress 張翠珊 The distinct interaction patterns of attentional components in P02 healthy older adults with different age groups: evidence from the Attention Network Test (ANT) 路翰娜 P03 Do semantic radicals contribute to verbal short-term memory of Chinese characters? 陳瑞青 P04 Binding of musical pitch and audio-spatial memory in congenital amusia 謝宜蕙 P05 Effects of emotional expression and religion on trauma adaptation and well-being 謝宜儒 P06 Asymmetry in contrast polarity processing in behaving rats 吳聲暉 P07 人類海馬迴前後長軸向之功能特化檢驗 黃 菁 P08 Roles of the pre-SMA and rIFG in the selective stop-signal task: A TMS Study 李漢華 P09 The neural fate of the task-relevant and task-irrelevant features of an attended object 陳德祐 P10 The dynamic modulation of contingent attentional capture 張期富 Facial bipartisanship: Taiwanese public’s ability to discriminate P11 between the photos of the candidates of the two dominant political parties in Taiwan 胡舜傅 P12 P13 The development of the other-race effect in school-aged Taiwanese children: using a morphed face paradigm Semantic Ambiguity Effect on Chinese Character Naming - A Corpus-based Approach 戴佇歷 張亞寧 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 36 NO. P14 Title Building the Taiwanese Norm of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility Presenter 林美靜 Differential roles of theta and gamma oscillation within the P15 temporoparietal network in supporting binding—visual working memory: a transcranial alternating current stimulation study 曾祥非 Do the Abilities of Auditory and Visual Statistical Learning P16 Correlate with the Sensitivity to the Consistency of Phonetic Radicals? Evidence from Non-native Chinese learners 余安雅 P17 P18 P19 An encoding advantage for faces of own-race over other-race in Taiwanese participants: A morphed face study Visual lateralization effects and its neural manifestation in reading Chinese characters Age Reduces Striatal Selectivity and Increases Frontal Activation during Choice Value Processing P20 視知覺相關技巧對台灣學童中文識字能力之發展的影響 P21 P22 P23 Auditory sentence comprehension: Multiple effects of sentential constraint on word processing 運用動態因果模型去研究虛擬實境誘發體感覺事件相關電位 P300 神經網路 Holistic Processing of Faces May Underlie Performance on Taiwanese Face Memory Test (TFMT) P24 Prefrontal Activity in processing Face and Voice Information 陳君嫚 郭文瑞 蘇煜翔 宣恩盈 王雅藝 陳純娟 襲充文 黃世琤 37 Learning and Memory P01 Testing Effect is Affected by Different Social Stress 張翠珊 a, 鄭仕坤 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 A substantial number of studies have shown that testing is beneficial to long-term retention due to the engagement of retrieval practice. The effects of retrieval on subsequent memory performance are collectively referred to as the testing effect. Nevertheless, whether frequent quizzes are useful in educational intervention is not yet clear because testing not only modulates the learners’ cognition but also their attitudes and affects, such as anxiety. The current study examined the effect of social stress induced by rankings among competition on the testing effect. Thirty-two male participants learned Swahili–Chinese word pairs (half via repeated study and half via repeated testing). Half of the participants received negative feedbacks (low ranking) while the other group received positive feedbacks (high ranking) during the repeated testing. They then engaged in a memory test for the word pairs immediately and one week after the learning phase. The results showed that negative feedbacks but not positive feedback induced a higher level of anxiety, as indexed by a state-anxiety inventory. The testing effect was observed in both the immediate and the delayed test. Importantly, the testing effect was of a greater magnitude for the participants who received negative feedbacks than those who received positive feedbacks, particularly in the delayed test. This finding suggested that the testing effect might be enhanced by a social stress during the repeated testing. Keywords: testing effect, anxiety, social stress Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 38 Attention and Consciousness P02 The distinct interaction patterns of attentional components in healthy older adults with different age groups: evidence from the Attention Network Test (ANT) 路翰娜 a, 馮慧東 a, 陳秀雯 a, 林翠華 a a 香港中文大學 Introduction: Attention is a fundamental and complex function that affects cognitive abilities, and is reported to be susceptible to cognitive ageing and degeneration. The current study was aimed to evaluate the three attentional components (Alerting, Orienting, and Executive control) and their interaction in cognitively healthy older adults. Method: We evaluated 137 Chinese older adults (mean 72.41, Range 65-80 years of age) with a comprehensive cognitive battery and ANT. The participants were categorized into three age subgroups (Age 65-70, Age 71-75, Age >75) with matched demographics (gender, education) and global cognition. The comparison of three attention network components was carried out between-groups, and the interaction pattern of attentional components was detected within group. Results: (1) One-way ANOVA was used to compare the ANT score, and revealed that there were a significant age effect was found in executive control (F=4.55, p=0.012), in which Age >75 group had larger executive control effect than Age 65-70 group (p=0.012). (2) Two-way ANOVA for repeated measurement was used to detect the main effect and interaction effect within each group. We found the significant main effects of alerting, orienting and executive control in three different age groups. But, the interaction between alerting and executive control was significant only found in age 65-70 group (F=6.923, p=0.002); and the interaction between orienting and executive 39 control was significant only in age >75 group (F=4.549, p=0.021). There was no significant interaction effect in age 71-75 group. Conclusion: (1) Age has an effect on executive attention in cognitive healthy older adults, suggesting that executive attention decline is a sensitive sign to reflect cognitive ageing in the context of normal cognition. (2) The interaction effects of three attentional components are distinguished, suggesting that the interaction pattern may differentiate the healthy older adults with different age range." Keywords: Attention; Cognitive ageing; Attention network test; Executive control; Interaction; Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 40 Language P03 Do semantic radicals contribute to verbal short-term memory of Chinese characters? 陳瑞青 a, 林依禎 a, 陳香瑜 a, 吳嫻 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 Previous research has indicated that semantic and phonetic radicals contribute to recognition of Chinese characters. In our previous explorations, however, verbal short-term memory (STM) of Chinese characters in a probed serial recall task was only affected by the orthographic similarity among to-be-remembered characters when they shared phonetic but not semantic radicals. One potential problem of the previous study was that the memory accuracy of phonologically distinct Chinese characters, with or without shared semantic radicals, was high and might exhibit a ceiling effect. Hence, in the present study the same task of probed serial recall was employed with concurrent articulatory suppression. Specifically, three variables of Chinese characters were manipulated: with versus without the shared semantic radicals among the characters within a memory list, the transparent versus opaque semantic relationship between the semantic radical and the meaning of the whole character, and the semantic radical at the right versus left side of a character. With concurrent articulatory suppression, the overall STM accuracy from 16 college students was 0.63, which indicated that articulatory suppression did prevent the ceiling effect and possibly interfered phonological processing in STM. Critically, the results of this study demonstrated that shared semantic radicals among the to-be-remembered stimuli did not affect STM performance, nor did the semantic relationship between semantic radical and the whole character, or the position of the semantic radical, contribute to the verbal STM performance. Taking together, the present findings were consistent with our previous study in showing that semantic radicals did not affect verbal STM of Chinese characters. Keywords: semantic radicals, verbal short-term memory 41 Learning and Memory P04 Binding of musical pitch and audio-spatial memory in congenital amusia 謝宜蕙 a, 陳思禎 b a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 b 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 Remembering the identity of sounds often elicits automatic encoding of other sound features such as spatial information due to possible binding of these features in auditory short-term memory. The extent to which impaired processing in one domain is accompanied by deficits in processing the other can give support to a shared representational framework. Individuals with congenital amusia (CA), characterized by deficits in processing musical pitch, offer a unique opportunity to test this claim. We hypothesized that pitch processing impairment seen in amusia may be expected to be accompanied by an impaired sound localization ability if musical and audio-spatial processing draw on partly shared representations. In the current study we examined psychophysical thresholds and memory recognition ability for musical pitch sequences randomly presented from four (out of eight) loudspeakers equally spaced on a 180 degree semicircular arc. Ten congenital amusics and ten non-musically trained controls served as participants. In an ordered-probe recognition paradigm, participants were required to judge if either the musical pitch or location of the probe was identical to that of the previous sequence. We found that while amusics were consistently less efficient in identifying pitch sequences, performance on task-relevant sequences was not affected by task-irrelevant information. Both amusic and control participants were faster and more accurate in recognizing features of the intact probe as compared to those of the recombined probe, suggesting incidental binding of pitch and spatial features of sounds. Additionally, performance of amusics significantly declined when the probe contained new pitch features. Findings support automatic binding of musical pitch with spatial location in auditory short-term memory, and that amusics’ impaired pitch processing ability extends to modulate audio-spatial representation. Keywords: congenital amusia, short-term memory, audio-spatial, pitch, binding Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 42 Emotion P05 Effects of emotional expression and religion on trauma adaptation and well-being 謝宜儒 a, 高敏嘉 a, 陳永儀 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 Background: Previous research has found that repeated expression of a traumatic experience is beneficial to physical health. Religion is another factor that has been found to facilitate adaptation to psychological trauma. However, possible combined effects of written emotional expression and religion on health, particularly among an Asian sample remains unclear. Purpose: We evaluated the correlation among language use, religion, and well-being indicators in a Taiwanese student sample. These indicators included depressive, anxiety, physical, and PTSD symptoms. Other psychosocial variables included trait optimism, trait emotional intelligence, and emotional regulation. Method: Participants were 158 NCU students. Participants were assigned randomly to write about a trivial topic (CC), a traumatic experience (TC), or a traumatic experience from a religious/spiritual perspective (TRC). Baseline well-being indicators were administered before participants wrote for 3 sessions, 20 minutes, on a traumatic or neutral topic. Well-being indicators were administered again at 1-month follow-up. Result: Writing about a traumatic experience from a religious/spiritual perspective was associated with reduced depressive symptoms for those who with high trauma severity and lower trait emotional intelligence, but not for those who with higher trait emotional intelligence. For those with low trait of optimism, 43 writing about a traumatic experience from a religious/spiritual perspective was associated with reduced anxiety symptoms for participants with lower trait emotional intelligence, but not for those who with higher trait emotional intelligence. For participants with high trait of optimism, writing about a traumatic experience from a religious/spiritual perspective was associated with reduced anxiety symptoms for those who with higher trait emotional intelligence, but not for those who with lower trait emotional intelligence. Conclusion: Taking a religious perspective in writing about a traumatic experience could augment the beneficial effects of emotional expression, for those who may be less capable of expressing feelings, in reducing their depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 44 Sensation and Perception P06 Asymmetry in contrast polarity processing in behaving rats 吳聲暉 a, 葉俊毅 a, b a b 國立臺灣大學腦與心智科學研究所 國立臺灣大學心理學系 Humans can detect negative contrast (black on gray) better and more easily than positive contrast (white on gray). The black-over-white preference in visual perception is accordance with the findings that negative-contrast stimuli can evoke larger neuronal responses than positive-contrast stimuli in primary visual cortex (V1) (Zemon et al., 1988; Olmen et al., 2008; Yeh et al., 2009; Xing et al., 2010). In contrast, strong white-dominant responses were recently found in rodent V1 with the voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging technique (Polack & Contreras, 2012). Based on these findings, it is possible that rodents may prefer positive contrast to negative contrast. Here we used a two-alternative forced choice task to test the contrast preference in behaving rodents (Long Evans). We manipulated both the contrast (0%, 8%, 16%, 32%, 64%, 100%) and the mean luminance of the screen (high: 50 cd/m2, low: 20 cd/m2). Surprisingly, we found that rats can detect negative-contrast stimuli better than positive-contrast stimuli. The black-over-white bias is the largest at 100% contrast with the low mean luminance level (the mean difference of the correct rate is 12.27%, SE=2.94%, p=0.0013). On the other hand, rats on average had better performances in the high mean luminance condition than in the low mean luminance. The discrepancy between behavioral and neuronal results in rodents may be due to (1) the difference in the mean luminance (neuronal: 83 cd/m2; behavioral: 20 and 50 cd/m2) and (2) the duration of the stimuli (neuronal: 250 ms; behavioral: on until rats make a choice). Overall, our behavioral results show that rodents can detect negative contrast better than positive contrast. Future studies need to address the contradiction between the behavioral (negative-contrast preferences) and the neuronal (white-dominant responses in V1) results in rodents. Keywords: rat, contrast, black, brightness, luimnance 45 Learning and Memory P07 人類海馬迴前後長軸向之功能特化檢驗 黃菁 a, 林君昱 a a 國立成功大學心理學系 關於海馬迴(hippocampus)內不同分區是否有功能上之差異一直是個重要 的議題。許多研究已發現老鼠相對於人類海馬迴長軸向前端的位置細胞 (place cell)之位置域(place field)較後端來得大,但人類的相關證據仍不一致。 最近 Morgan 等人(2011)以 fMRI「適應效果」的派典來研究人類海馬迴, 但卻發現只有在左側海馬迴前端大腦活化降低之程度與相鄰地標刺激間 之距離相關。本研究參照並改進其派典,透過使用地標距離比其更短與更 遠之刺激來進一步檢測是否可能得到更符合動物研究的發現。本研究之結 果顯示兩相鄰地標刺激距離在數百公尺時,的確如 Morgan 等人之發現在 左側海馬迴前端與其有線性關係,但更深入的分析也有新的發現。在本研 究中亦將對此結果作更進一步的討論。 Keywords: 海馬迴(hippocampus)、位置細胞(place cell)、位置域(place field)、 適應效果(adaptation) 、重複抑制(repetition suppression) Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 46 Cognitive Control P08 Roles of the pre-SMA and rIFG in the selective stop-signal task: A TMS Study 李漢華 a, b, 呂明珊 a ,陳巧雲 c, 馬杰仁 a, 阮啟弘 a a 國立中央大學認知神經研究所 b 國立中央大學學習與教學研究所 c 國立中正大學犯罪防治學系 Although both the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) have been demonstrated to be critical for response inhibition, there is still considerable disagreement over the roles they play in the process. In a stop-signal task, since the stop signals usually appear abruptly and infrequently, it has been argued that neural activation observed during the task may reflect attentional processing associated with response inhibition rather than inhibitory control itself. To dissociate attentional capture from inhibitory control, some researchers have modified the stop-signal paradigm by adding an ignore condition which requires the same motor response as on a go trial but creates the same level of attentional capture as on a stop trial. A previous study by Sharp et al. (2010) found that pre-SMA but not rIFG activity differentiated participants who slowed their response on an ignore trial from those who did not. Given the same level of attentional capture these two groups of participants experienced, they argued for a role of the pre-SMA in response slowing and a role of the rIFG in attentional capture. In the present study, we investigated the subtle differences in involvement of the pre-SMA and the rIFG in a selective stop-signal task by applying transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). By classifying participants into a high-slowing and a low-slowing group, we found that temporary suppression of pre-SMA activity prolonged the ignore RT of those who exhibited low slowing but not those with high slowing, whereas disruption of the rIFG did not lead to significant changes in performance in either group. These results provide causal evidence that the pre-SMA but not the rIFG is associated with response slowing on ignore trials during selective stopping. Keywords: selective stop-signal task, pre-supplementary motor area, right inferior prefrontal gyrus, transcranial magnetic stimulation 47 Attention and Consciousness P09 The neural fate of the task-relevant and task-irrelevant features of an attended object 陳德祐 a, 游如淇 a, 蘇曜祥 a, 楊政達 a, a 國立成功大學心理學系 This study examined whether participants can selectively encode and maintain a feature of an object in visual working memory while ignoring the other task-irrelevant features. In addition, activities in brain regions processing these features were also explored. In this study, twenty-three volunteers, 13 females and 10 males (M = 22.92, SD = 1.46), participated in the event-related fMRI experiment. All images were acquired with a GE MR750 3T scanner. A modified delayed-matching-to-sample (DMS) task was adopted. On each trial, a memory stimulus is presented for 200 milliseconds followed by a 1-second random-dot mask and a test stimulus for 1.8 seconds with a jittered inter-trial interval of 3~5 seconds. In the selective-attention condition, participants were asked to match a feature (i.e., color) and ignore the other (i.e., shape); in the divided-attention condition, participants were required to match both color and shape of an object. Behavioral and fMRI results showed that when two features were equally salient, both of the features (color, shape) were processed regardless of the task relevancy. Significant BOLD activations were found in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and lateral occipital complex (LOC), which have been implicated in processing color and shape, respectively. These activations were comparable across all the conditions, suggesting that the task-irrelevant feature can elicit brain activation. Theoretical possibilities regarding the effect of feature-based attention on visual working memory is discussed.(This project was supported by Ministry of Science and Technology: NSC-102-2420-H-006-004-MY2.) Keywords: selective attention; memory; intraparietal sulcus; lateral occipital complex Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 48 Attention and Consciousness P10 The dynamic modulation of contingent attentional capture 張期富 a, 梁偉光 a, 曾祥非 a, 洪蘭 a, 曾志朗 a,b, 阮啟弘 a a 國立中央大學認知神經研究所 b 中央研究院語言學研究所 Contingent attentinal capture is considered as an interaction between top-down and bottom-up control of attention. Intuitively, attention is usually involuntarily captured by stimuli possessing highly salient properties, even when irrelevant to the individual’s current goal (e.g. Theeuwes, 1991). The capture becomes even more effective when these stimuli share certain target-defining features, which is contingent on current task setting (e.g. Folk, Remington, & Johnston, 1992). In the previous event-related potentials (ERP) studies, such contingent attentional reorienting often evoked N2pc (N2-posterior-contralateral) and Pd (distractor positivity) components, which index the focus of spatial attention. However, traditional ERP procedure averages trials to acquire sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. With the limited SNR and averaging procedure, it is hard to investigate the dynamic change of contingent attentional capture between trials. In the current study, we applied the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) on electroencephalography (EEG) data and compared the critical intrinsic mode function with traditional ERP components to testify the utility of EEMD on the cognitive experiment and possible dynamic change of contingent attentional capture. The behavioral data replicated the effect that attentional capture is contingent on the relevance of peripheral distractor. Meanwhile, the electrophysiological indices showed that task-relevant distractor evoked significant N2pc and attentional suppression related component Pd. The amplitude of N2pc and Pd did not interact with different sessions. The results of EEMD showed that the 6th IMF was positive correlated with ERP components and the frequency of the 6th IMF located in the theta band. Moreover, the pattern of the 6th IMF indicated that contingent capture modulated the phase-locked values in the theta brain wave. Keywords: contingent attentional capture, EEMD, IMF 49 Sensation and Perception P11 Facial bipartisanship: Taiwanese public’s ability to discriminate between the photos of the candidates of the two dominant political parties in Taiwan 胡舜傅 a, 陳宥蓁 a,b, 簡惠玲 a a 中國醫藥大學神經科學與認知科學研究所 b 中國醫藥大學中醫學系 "Democrats and Republicans can be differentiated from their faces,” discovered Rule and Ambady (2010) in their research under the same name. Extending their paradigm, the present study aims to delve into the role of age, number of elections attended, education, strategies in distinguishing among photos of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT, or Chinese Nationalist Party) candidates in Taiwan, an arguably bipartisan state. The present study consists of two experiments: Experiment 1 recruited 36 university students and Experiment 2, 36 25-55 yr-old adults, both groups gender-balanced. The same set of stimuli (photos of candidates,) were used in both experiments, stimuli controlled in such a way that the number of photos of the two parties, the gender of the candidates, and the number of candidates with glasses, were equated, and that candidates with extensive media coverage were excluded. Participants were asked to guess the party of candidate portrayed in the photo, and to indicate if they had already known to which party the candidate belonged; if they had, their response on that item was excluded in subsequent analyses. The open question “How did you guess?” was asked during an interview after the experiment. Consistent with Rule and Ambady’s study, both university students and adults aged between 25 and 55 “guessed” significantly better than chance (M=.535 (.06) >.50, p<.01). Even after we ruled out the observed response bias favoring KMT (c= -.15(.34) <0, p<.01) statistically, we still found an extant sensitivity, d’=.14 (.34) > 0, p<.01. Although age, education, and number of elections on which participants voted, had no significant effects on overall accuracy of “guessing”, we found an intriguing positive correlation between (r=.36, p=.007) adopting the strategy “face-to-internal-trait inferences” and high accuracy. In sum, KMT and DPP could also be differentiated by faces. Keywords: Facial bipartisanship, face perception, political affiliation Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 50 Sensation and Perception P12 The development of the other-race effect in school-aged Taiwanese children: using a morphed face paradigm 戴佇歷 a, 陳君嫚 a, 簡惠玲 a a 中國醫藥大學神經科學與認知科學研究所 The other-race effect (ORE) refers to better recognition for faces of one’s own race than faces of other unfamiliar races. Using a morphed face paradigm, Walker and Tanaka (2003) reported an encoding advantage for processing faces of own-race over other-race in Canadian Caucasians. The present study extended their approach to examine the encoding advantage hypothesis in school-aged children in Taiwan. Here we examined the developmental change of the other-race effect during childhood by testing a group of 6- to 12-year-old children and a group of undergraduate students as a comparison. The methods of constant stimuli, with a continuum of morphed pictures of Caucasian and Taiwanese female face images, were used. The participants were to perform a sequential 2AFC same/different face discrimination task. In each trial, participant would view an Asian or Caucasian parent face for 1 s, followed by either the same parent face or a different morphed face with equal probability. In the “different” trials, the Asian (or Caucasian) parent face will be followed by a morphed face consisting of 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60% contribution from that parent face and the remaining percent contribution morphed from the Caucasian (or Asian) parent face. The psychometric function on the percent of correct rejections for Asian- and Caucasian-parent conditions were separately fitted with an accumulative normal function. As predicted, undergraduate students were clearly superior at recognizing own race faces. For children, 11- to 12-year-olds recognized own-race faces more accurately than other-race faces, whereas 5- to 6-year-olds, 7-to 8-year-old recognized own- and other-race face equally well. A steady improvement in face discriminating ability occurs between 6 to 12 years was observed ; the slopes of the psychometric functions for the Asian condition gradually increased with age, while the slopes for the Caucasian condition remained shallow across this age range. Keywords: Other-race effect; face perception; child development; morphed faces; perceptual encoding 51 Language P13 Semantic Ambiguity Effect on Chinese Character Naming - A Corpus-based Approach 張亞寧 a, 李佳穎 a a 中央研究院語言學研究所 Words are considered semantically ambiguous if they have more than one meaning and can be used in multiple contexts. A number of studies have demonstrated ambiguity advantage in both naming and lexical decision tasks (e.g., Rodd et al., 2002). Semantic ambiguity is typically measured by the number of meanings based on dictionary definitions or subjective ratings. To provide more objective contextual measure of semantic ambiguity, a corpus-based approach has been developed. For example, Adelman, Brown, and Quesada (2006) derived contextual diversity of a word by counting the number of contexts in a text corpus contained the word. However, this measure may not reflect how various contexts associated with a given word relate to each other. That is even a word can be used in various contexts the meaning in each usage may be similar. To explore this, we performed latent semantic analysis on the Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus to compute contextual diversity of Chinese characters. We further computed the best number of distinct clusters grouped by the contexts that contained a given word by using a k-means algorithm, termed contextual distinctiveness. We demonstrated that contextual distinctiveness was superior to contextual diversity in predicting Chinese naming data. These result suggests that considering the substructure of various contexts associated with a given word can provide a relatively fine scale of ambiguity information for a word. Keywords: semantic ambiguity, linguistic context, naming Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 52 Attention and Consciousness P14 Building the Taiwanese Norm of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility 林美靜 a, 張智宏 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 The assessment of individual hypnotic susceptibility is crucial for systematic investigations on hypnosis in cognitive neuroscience. This report describes the status of on-going norm construction for a Taiwanese adaptation of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS-A) (Shor & Orne, 1962). Currently, the Taiwanese HGSH-A was carried out on eighty three participants (36 females and 47 males), and has shown the following features: (1) 18.1% of the participants are of high hypnotizability (scored > 9), 65.1% are of medium hyponitizability (scored between 4 and 9) and 16.8% are of low hypnotizability; (2) the results also show consistent trend in response rate of each item with previous reports in the literature. The reliability and validity of the normative data were also assessed: The discriminating power of every item, which indicates the extent to which it discriminates between individuals of high and low hypnotizability, ranged between 0.18 ~ 0.91; Cronbach’s alpha for the whole scale was 0.905, showing good internal consistency. Finally, factor analysis found four factors explaining 46.25% of total variance. To summarize, although currently the sample size of the Taiwanese normative data is still quite small, it already shows good discrimination power and high reliability, as well as similar features to versions in other languages. The development of the Taiwanese HGSHS-A norm looks promising at this stage, and it will become an useful tool for initial screening of hypnotic susceptibility in Taiwan. Keywords: hypnotisability, HGSHS-A, norms, Taiwanese 53 Learning and Memory P15 Differential roles of theta and gamma oscillation within the temporoparietal network in supporting binding—visual working memory: a transcranial alternating current stimulation study 曾祥非 a , 張育庭 a, 阮啟弘 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 How does the brain enable us to remember two or more object representations in visual working memory (VWM) without confusing them? This “gluing” process, or binding, refers to the ability to join certain features together while keeping them segregated from others in order to form correct object representations of the external world (e.g., I saw a green circle and a red triangle, and not the other way around). Recent neuroimaging research has reported higher BOLD response in the left fusiform gyrus and left parietal cortex when participants perform a VWM binding task, especially during the memory maintenance period (Parra et al., 2014). However, less is known about how the two regions work together to support such process. In this study, transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) was used to test whether neural oscillation in the range of theta (6 Hz) and gamma (40 Hz) band, which have been shown to affect general working memory performance (Lisman & Jensen, 2013), may play a causal role in mediating feature binding. In addition, phase differences of 0° (in-phase) and 180° (out-phase) were also manipulated under each active stimulation condition to account for the different ways through which neural entrainment may occur (Fell & Axmacher, 2011). Our preliminary results showed an enhancement effect of out-phase gamma stimulation in binding performance on the low-performers, with no facilitatory or inhibitory effect from in-phase gamma entrainment. Furthermore, out-phase theta stimulation impaired high performers’ ability to detect shape (single feature) changes, but not binding changes, whereas in-phase theta stimulation had no effect in either direction. Together, these results suggest that the left temproparietal network supports the VWM via different oscillatory mechanisms, depending on the nature of the representation: whereas single-feature representations rely on oscillations in the theta frequency range, bound representations of multiple features are maintained via gamma-range entrainment. Keywords: transcranial alternating current stimulation, theta oscillation, gamma oscillation, binding-visual working memory, parietal cortex, temporal cortex Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 54 Language P16 Do the Abilities of Auditory and Visual Statistical Learning Correlate with the Sensitivity to the Consistency of Phonetic Radicals? Evidence from Non-native Chinese learners 余安雅 a, 宣恩盈 a, 吳嫻 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 Statistical learning has been proposed to be a domain general ability. However, this characteristic has not been rigorously examined before. Recent studies have demonstrated the predictive power of statistical learning in the visual modality (VSL) on the success of learning Hebrew and Chinese as a second language (L2), while statistical learning in the auditory modality (ASL) shows relatively little, if any, correlation with most language proficiency indices. Such results, which may be due to the fact that most language proficiency indices are literacy-based and thus draws heavily upon the visual input processing skills rather than speech or auditory fluency, imply that the ability of statistical learning is modality specific. Following this reasoning, although ASL did not correlate with the performance of L2 learners in the task of lexical decision, it is possible that it would correlate with these learners’ knowledge of the correspondence between Chinese orthography and phonology that is indexed by their sensitivity to the consistency of phonetic radicals embedded in Chinese characters. We thereby examined the correlation between the performance of lexical decision and the consistency of Chinese characters of 105 non-native Chinese-learners. The results showed that the participants’ accuracy and reaction time correlated significantly with the frequency and consistency of Chinese characters. Moreover, there was a significant negative correlation between the ASL ability and the reaction time of lexical decision. However, neither ASL nor VSL correlated significantly with participants’ sensitivity to the consistency or frequency of Chinese characters. These findings could be caused by the fact that the stimuli were still visually presented in the lexical decision task employed in the present study. Further studies with tasks that require auditory or speech processing skills directly are needed to determine the effect of ASL on L2 learning of spoken materials. Keywords: bilingualism, statistical learning, modality specificity, lexical decision, consistency 55 Sensation and Perception P17 An encoding advantage for faces of own-race over other-race in Taiwanese participants: A morphed face study 陳君嫚 a, 胡舜傅 a, 戴佇歷 a, 簡惠玲 a a 中國醫藥大學神經科學與認知科學研究所 The other-race effect (ORE) in face recognition refers to better performance in recalling faces of our own race. Yet little is known as to the exact stage of visual processing at which ORE came into play. Using a morphed face paradigm, Walker and Tanaka (2003) reported a small but significant advantage at the stage of visual encoding for faces of own-race over other-race in Canadian Caucasians. The present study adopted Walker and Tanaka’s approach to further explore the encoding advantage hypotheses in Taiwan, a mono-racial society. A set of morphed pictures of Caucasian and Taiwanese male and female face images were used as the stimuli. In each trial, the participant viewed a Asian or Caucasian parent face followed by either the “same” face or a “different” face, morphed with a photo of the other race to a certain percentage (90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, or 40%), and the probability for the “same” and “different” trials were equal. The results showed that Taiwanese participants (N=20, 10 females) had a higher correct rejection rate for Asian-parent condition than that of Caucasian-parent condition. The results were further fitted with accumulative normal psychometric functions and showed that the participants, males and females alike, had a significantly lower discrimination threshold (15.22% for Asian vs. 35.79% for Caucasian faces) and a steeper slope (1.15 for Asian vs. 0.909 for Caucasian faces) in the own-race condition. To sum up, our findings supported the encoding advantage hypothesis for faces of own-race over other races. Keywords: Other-race effect; face perception; morphed faces; perceptual encoding Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 56 Language P18 Visual lateralization effects and its neural manifestation in reading Chinese characters 郭文瑞 a, 陳春宇 a a 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 The goal of this study is to examine neural and psychological basis of visual lateralization of Chinese characters using a bilateral visual presentation protocol and fMRI. Chinese characters were simultaneously, bilaterally presented to the participants, one in the LVF and one in the RVF. On the same (visual) presentation frame, there was a central cue (< or >) accompanying the two characters to indicate which character (the LVF one or the RVF one) to attend and process for lexical decision. For robustness checking, frequency of the characters was included as a variable and varied (low, medium, and high). Results of single-character and two-character word conditions show processing profiles opposite to each other for the left and right visual targets. That is, while a LVF/RH advantage was revealed in the single-character condition, a RVF/LH advantage was found for the two-character word condition. Our findings are consistent with the behavioral data previously reported (Tzeng et al., 1979). Neural manifestation of the advantage effects were revealed well in fMRI data also, suggesting the way of how Chinese characters are processed in the brain. Keywords: sentence processing, compounding, merging 57 Decision-making P19 Age Reduces Striatal Selectivity and Increases Frontal Activation during Choice Value Processing 蘇煜翔 a, 吳恩賜 a a 國立臺灣大學心理學系 The ventral striatum and prefrontal cortex, involved in value prediction during choice processing, show age-related decline in dopamine efficacy. In this study, we postulated that such diminished dopamine efficacy might reduce neural selectivity of value encoding in older adults relative to younger adults. In tandem, there may be age-related overactivation in other frontal areas reflecting secondary processing due to the reduced fidelity of value encoding. We conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment using a lottery-choice task to investigate age-related neural differences related to choice value processing. 40 younger and 40 older healthy adults saw numbers depicting the probability of winning and losing specified point values in the scanner. For each trial, participants chose to accept or decline the offer and then outcome feedback was provided. Behaviorally, older adults were more likely to accept choices coding low probabilities of winning compared to younger adults, with relatively longer response times in low probability conditions as well. As expected, whole-brain analysis of fMRI data revealed less sensitivity to increasing probability levels in older compared to younger adults in bilateral nucleus accumbens (NAcc). In addition, left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) showed overactivation in older relative to younger adults particularly for responses to low probability conditions. Further functional connectivity analysis showed that older adults had negative connectivity between left DLPFC and right NAcc, which was absent in younger adults. Thus, older adults have more difficulty in effectively processing choice values, and specifically overvalue low probability choices. Importantly, our study uncovers a novel mechanistic link between age-related reduction in neural selectivity in the bilateral NAcc and overactivation in the DLPFC during value encoding. Keywords: Aging, Decision-making, fMRI, reduced selectivity, increased activity Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 58 Language P20 視知覺相關技巧對台灣學童中文識字能力之發展的影響 宣恩盈 a, 廖長彥 b, 古麒毓 b, 陳德懷 b, 辜玉旻 c, 吳嫻 a a 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 c 國立中央大學學習與教學研究所 b 國立中央大學網路與學習科技研究所 由於中文字形與字音間對應的規律程度與透明性不及拼音文字系統,早期許多學 者認為聲韻覺識並不是中文字習得過程的有力指標,然而後來許多的相關研究還 是證實了此一變項對中文識字的影響。不僅如此,近年來在關於詞素覺識與視知 覺技巧等認知因素的相關研究中,也發現這些認知因素亦與中文識字能力有關。 可惜目前較少有整合性的研究,來驗證這些認知因素對中文識字之發展過程的影 響力大小,因此本研究嘗試以低年級學童共 214 位為研究對象,分析綜合各個認 知因素與中文識字指標間的關係。結果顯示,視知覺技巧與中文指標中聽讀詞彙 量、閱讀理解不僅有顯著相關,當排除智力、聲韻覺識與詞素覺識的影響之後, 對這兩項中文指標依然有獨立的解釋力。 Keywords: 聲韻覺識,詞素覺識 59 Language P21 Auditory sentence comprehension: Multiple effects of sentential constraint on word processing 王雅藝 a , 黃緒文 a a 國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系 The current study examined sentence comprehension processes with auditory stimuli. Participants listened to strongly and weakly constraining sentences followed by predicted and unpredicted (but plausible) words for comprehension. Consistent with prior work with visual presentation, predicted endings elicit smaller N400s than unpredicted items, and this was true both within strongly and weakly constraining sentence frame. Also, predicted word in strongly constraining contexts elicited smaller N400 amplitudes than that in weakly constraining contexts. Moreover, the frontal positivity associated with the cost by the revision of unpredicted words in strongly constraining sentences was displayed from 700 to 1100 ms post-stimulus onset. These findings suggest that context effects on word processing unfold over multiple processing stages, and the processes between visual and auditory modality share similar stages. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 60 Sensation and Perception P22 運用動態因果模型去研究虛擬實境誘發體感覺事件相關電位 P300 神 經網路 林宜樺 a, 薛楷勳 a, 陳純娟 a a 國立中央大學生物醫學工程研究所 本研究目的為使用動態因果模型去探討被動式體感覺 P300 在大腦中的神經網路。 當中被動式體感覺 P300 是以虛擬實境所建立的新異刺激程序所誘發。十位男受 試者(22-29 歲)被要求用慣用手去接虛擬球。接球任務有兩種刺激條件:標準刺激 (有力回饋)與靶刺激(無力回饋),發生機率分別為 80%與 20%。 DCM 結果顯示,頂葉-額葉網路較能解釋大腦在被動式體感覺新異刺激程序下的 活動,當中以 Forward 連結調變的重要性又高於 Backward 連結調變,Forward 的連結調變意味著感覺的訊息、目標的自動偵測、刺激驅使的注意力處理和記憶 的更新與儲存所產生的變化。 Keywords: Dynamic causal modelling, Somatosensory passive P300 61 Sensation and Perception P23 Holistic Processing of Faces May Underlie Performance on Taiwanese Face Memory Test (TFMT) Ya-Hsin Chenga,b, Kuanhao Chenga,b, Vicky Y.-H. Chena,b, and Gary C.-W. Shyia,b a 國立中正大學心理學系暨研究所 b 國立中正大學認知科學研究中心 The main goal of the present study was twofold: (a) to establish a test that utilizes face images collected and normed in the Taiwanese society in order to provide a culturally calibrated tool for assessing face memory ability, and (b) to examine the relationship of face memory performance with a range of face tasks to reveal the underlying processing that may play an important role in face memory. To create the face memory test, we followed the procedure of the popular Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT) (Duchaine & Nakayam, 2006), and drew upon images from a Taiwanese face database created by Shyi, Huang and Yeh (2013). Like CFMT, the Taiwanese Face Memory Test (TFMT) was administered in three stages with increasing difficulty. The results of TFMT from 52 participants showed an almost identical pattern reported by Duchaine & Nakayama (2006), lending credence to the validity of TFMT. We then correlated participants’ performance on the TFMT with their performances on an array of three face tasks that tapped, respectively, component (feature), configural, and holistic processing of faces. Only performances on the face composite task, which presumably reflects holistic processing of faces, were significantly correlated with that on TFMT, and in particular the latter two stages of TFMT, which tapped memory of face identities rather than mere face images. Taken together, these findings not only highlights the importance of creating culturally calibrated tool for assessing face memory ability, but also implicates that holistic processing of faces may underlie participants’ performance on TFMT. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 62 Sensation and Perception P24 Prefrontal Activity in processing Face and Voice Information Shih-Tseng Tina Huanga,b, Ming-Chun Leea a 國立中正大學心理學系暨研究所 b 國立中正大學認知科學研究中心 The present study investigated the brain activity in processing information of emotional face and voice. Twenty young adults participated. Congruous and incongruous faces and voices of angry and sad emotion were presented. In a congruous angry (or sad) pair, an angry (or sad) face was presented with an angry (or sad) tone. The incongruous angry pairs contained an angry face presented with a sad tone or neutral face with angry tone. And, the incongruous sad pairs contained sad face with angry tone or neutral face with sad tone. In the event-related potential procedure, congruous emotional pairs were presented in 85% and the incongruous pairs were in 15% of the trials. The results found the latency of P120 and N170 were greater at Pz than at Fz and Cz. Results also found higher mean amplitudes (MAs) of P300-500 on sad than on angry pairs. Similarly, the MAs at F3 and F4 found greater on sad than on angry pairs. It was also found a significant interaction of emotion and sex on P3 at F3 and F4, suggesting male participants performed higher activation on the sad pairs than on the angry pairs. The results suggested a greater activation at the parietal lobe at the initial phase and male tended to perform higher activation in the integration of sad pairs of face and tone than angry pairs. I. Introduction Previous research suggested that the judgment of the emotional tone of a spoken utterance is influenced by a simultaneously presented face expression (De Gelder, Böcker, Tuomainen, Hensen, Vroomen, 1999).In processing facial expressions alone, differential ERP patterns were found at occipital-temporal regions within 300ms post facial stimuli (Leppanen, Kauppinen, Peltola, Hietanen, 2007).It was also found that males showed an asymmetric functioning in processing facial expression, whereas females showed a more bilateral functioning at the early perceptual process (Proverbio, Brignone, Matarazzo, Del Zotto, Zani, 2006). The present study investigated the gender differences of brain activity in processing emotional faces and voice utterance in both the perceptual and integrative processes. II. Method Participants: Twenty college students, 10 males and 10 females, were recruited from the National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan to participate in the study. They were aged 63 between 18 and 24, with no history of neuropathology, and all with normal or corrected vision. Stimuli: Two types of stimuli, congruous and incongruous pairs of emotional facial expression and voice utterance, were used. In each congruous pair, an angry (or sad) voice fragment combined with a congruous angry (or sad) face expression. In each incongruous pair, an angry voice expression was paired with a sad face, or a sad face paired with an angry voice. Apparatus: As illustrated in Figure 2, the SynAmps2 brain-wave recording system of Compumedics NeuroScan was used for recording EEG/ERPs. Sixty-four electrodes NeuroScan quickcap for EEG recording was mounted on participants’ scalp with 64 electrodes planted at the standard 10-20 system locations and additional intermediate positions. The EEG was amplified by the battery-operated SYNAMPS amplifiers with a gain of 30,000 and a band pass of 0.01-70Hz. The impedance of all electrodes was kept below 5KΩ. The two reference electrodes were set at M1 and M2. The horizontal and vertical eye movements were recorded at HEOG and VEOG, respectively. EOG artifacts were eliminated and epochs beginning 200 msec prior to stimulus onset and continuing for 1000 msec were defined and used. The brainwave data were filtered between 0.1 and 30 Hz. Procedure: During the experiment, each participant was asked to sit in a chair facing a 17-inch screen and viewed a set of facial expressions also heard passively sentences that were uttered with different emotional tones . A pair of earphones was used for eliminating other environmental noise while listening to the speech stimuli.The sound stimuli were programmed and presented by the software, E-prime (version 1.0) Figure 1. Data analysis: ERP data were analyzed in terms of three temporal phases, namely the initial phase (100-300 ms after stimulus onset), the morpho-syntactic phase (300-500 ms), and the integration phase (500-1000 ms). The pre-processing of the EEG data including epoching, filtering (bandpass: 0.1 Hz – 70 Hz, notch: 50 Hz), re-referencing, baseline correction , artifact rejection, and averaging. Finally, a sample grand average was calculated for each condition of emotional tones. III. Results In the event-related potential procedure, congruous emotional pairs were presented in 85% and the incongruous pairs were in 15% of the trials. The results found the latency of P120 and N170 were greater at Pz than at Fz and Cz. Results also found higher mean amplitudes (MAs) of P300-500 on sad than on angry pairs. Similarly, the MAs at F3 and F4 found greater on sad than on angry pairs. It was also found a significant interaction of emotion and sex on P3 at F3 and F4, suggesting male participants performed higher activation on the sad pairs than on the angry pairs. The results suggested a greater activation at the parietal lobe at the initial phase and male tended to perform higher activation in the integration of sad pairs of face and tone than angry pairs. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 64 地圖及路線指引 Map & Directions 自行開車 1. 國道 1 號:於圓山交流道(建國北路) →建國高架→信義路匝道口下高架 (沿建國南路直行至和平東路右轉)→國立臺灣師範大學(圖書館校區)。 2. 國道 3 號:於木柵/深坑交流道下;接三甲台北聯絡道→辛亥路(至復興南 路口右轉) →復興南路(直走至和平東路口左轉))→和平東路一段→國立 臺灣師範大學(圖書館校區)。 3. 停車資訊:國立臺灣師範大學地下停車場(半小時 25 元)-台北市大安 區和平東路一段 162 號、129 號。 搭乘捷運 1. 淡水信義線、小南門新店線 『古亭站』5 號出口往和平東路方向,直行約 8 分鐘即可到達。 2. 台電大樓站:小南門新店線『台電大樓站』4 號出口往師大路方向直行約 8 分鐘即可到達。 搭乘公車 搭乘 15、18、235、237、278、295、662、663、672、907、和平幹線至「師大 站」或 「師大一站」 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館校區 65 工作人員名單 Staff List 會務工作人員 姓名 Name 吳 嫻 服務單位 Affiliation 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 吳仕煒 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 宋曜廷 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室 李如蕙 中央研究院腦磁波實驗室 李俊仁 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 張育愷 國立體育大學競技與教練科學研究所 張智宏 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 郭文瑞 國立陽明大學神經科學研究所 陳學志 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 黃植懋 國立交通大學生物科學學系暨研究所 黃緒文 國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系 名單按姓名筆畫順序排列 場務工作人員 姓名 Name 服務單位 Affiliation 吳淯瑋 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 李沅翰 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 李佳瑋 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 李垚暾 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室 谷潔如 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 姚在府 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 郭書豪 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室 陳亦竹 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 陳映竹 國立臺灣師範大學 黃珮娟 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室 劉兆婷 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 蕭亦佑 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室 簡靜玲 國立臺灣師範大學 名單按姓名筆畫順序排列 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting 錯誤! 所指定的樣式的文字不存在文件中。 66 誌謝 Acknowledgements 國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫辦公室 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 國立交通大學 I-RiCE 行政院科技部 中央研究院腦磁波實驗室 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所
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