Study on LBM/LES and Its Application at High Reynolds Number Flow a Si Haiqing a,1, Shi Yan College of Civil Aviation and Flight, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, 210016 ABSTRACT Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) combining with LES is developed in the paper to simulate fluid flow at high Reynolds numbers. A subgrid model is used as an LES model in the numerical simulation for high Reynolds flow. The idea of subgrid model is based on an assumption to include the physical effects that the unresolved motion has on the resolved fluid motion. It takes a simple form of eddy-viscosity models for the Reynolds stress. Lift and drag evaluation in the lattice Boltzmann equation takes momentum-exchange method for curved body surface. First of all, the present numerical method is validated at low Reynolds numbers. Second, the developed LBM/LES method is performed to solve flow problems at high Reynolds numbers. Some detailed quantitative comparisons are implemented to show the effectiveness of the present method. It is demonstrated that LBM combining with LES model can efficiently simulate high Reynolds numbers flows. KEYWORDS: Lattice Boltzmann Method; Subgrid Model; Wall Boundary Condition; Computational Fluid Dynamics; 1. INTRODUCTION Recently, the Lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) has emerged as a well-known alternative of computational technique in fluid dynamics for modeling fluid flow in a way that is consistent with the Navier-Stokes equation[1-2], due to its intrinsic advantages over conventional Navier-Stokes schemes. The LBM is an innovative numerical method based on kinetic theory to simulate various hydrodynamic systems; 1 Corresponding author: Si Haiqing, E-mail address: (H.Q. Si) it is a reasonable candidate for simulation of turbulence, flow-induced noise and sound propagation. The development of the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) was independent of the continuous Boltzmann equation. It was introduced to solve some of the difficulties of the Lattice Gas Automata (LGA). A parameter matching procedure based on the Chapman-Enskog analysis of the LGA need to construct a set of relaxation equations so that the correct hydrodynamic equations are derived. Compared to the second-order Navier-Stokes equations, the LBM is derived from a set of first-order PDE’s, the LBM formulation does not include nonlinear convection term while Navier-Stokes solvers have to treat such nonlinear one. Moreover, it is necessary for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to solve the Poisson equation, and then the pressure can be obtained. However, pressure in the LBM is determined directly from the state equation; the computing cost can be decreased. Furthermore, it has been shown that complex boundary geometries are treated easily in LBM. As a result, LBM has been widely emerged as a computational tool for practical engineering applications in the simulations of fluid flows[3-4] and aerospace industries[5]. It is well known that the LBM is often used as a direct numerical simulation tool without any assumptions for the relation between the turbulence stress tensor and the mean strain tensor. Thus, the smallest captured scale in the LBM is the lattice unit, and the largest scale depends on the characteristic length scale in the simulation. These scales are often determined by the available computer memory. Consequently, the LBM is able to resolve relatively low Reynolds number flows. Numerical studies[6] have shown that LBM can result in the numerical instability for simulating high Reynolds number flows if unresolved small scale effects on large scale dynamics are not considered. A better option is to combine the LBM and large eddy simulation (LES) model in order to solve the problem at high Reynolds numbers. A subgrid model is often used as an LES model in the numerical simulation for traditional Navier-Stokes equation. The idea of subgrid model[7] is based on an assumption to include the physical effects that the unresolved motion has on the resolved fluid motion. The model often takes a simple form of eddy-viscosity models for the Reynolds stress. Smagorinsky model[7] is one of all subgrid models, including the standard Smagorinsky model and Dynamic subgrid model. The standard Smagorinsky model uses a positive eddy viscosity to represent small scale energy damping. Nevertheless, the shortcoming of the standard one is that the eddy-viscosity could be large and positive at some scales smaller than test grids, while it can be large and negative at others sometimes[7]. Compared with the standard one, dynamic subgrid models[8] could include the dependence of the subgrid model coefficients on local quantities to overcome these side effects. 2. LATTICE-BOLTZMANN METHOD The governing equation of LBM for describing fluid flows is Boltzmann equation modeled by adopting the Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook[9] (BGK) collision model. In contrast to the traditional schemes of solving the discretized Navier-Stokes equations, LBM approach focuses on the microscopic scales via the discrete Boltzmann equation, and tracks particle distributions on a lattice. The standard Lattice Boltzmann equation involving of BGK model can be written into the following form: fα ( x + eα xδ t , y + eα yδ t , t + δ t ) − fα ( x, y, t ) δt = fαeq ( x, y, t ) − fα ( x, y, t ) τ , α = 0,1,L , M (1) Where, fα is the density distribution function along the α -direction at position ( x, y ) ; fαeq is local equilibrium distribution function; δ t is time-step; eα (eα x , eα y ) is the discrete velocity of particles at time t ; M is the number of the direction for the particle velocity; τ is the relaxation time, its definition is related to the kinematics viscosity and temperature by the following formulation: τ= ν T + Δt 2 (2) The macroscopic quantities, density and momentum density, can be obtained directly from the distribution function fα , their definitions are in the following form: M M α =0 α =0 ρ ( x, y, t ) = ∑ fα ( x, y, t ) , ρ u( x, y, t ) = ∑ fα ( x, y, t )eα (3) The pressure p can be obtained by the state equation of an ideal gas. Under some suppositions, the full compressible viscous Navier-Stokes equations can be derived from Lattice Boltzmann equations using a multi-scale analysis. In the simulation, the particle velocity model D2Q9 [10] is used in the present code. The discrete velocity set eα , equilibrium distribution function f αeq and weighting factors wα are given by ⎧(0, 0) α =0 ⎪ eα = ⎨(cos θα ,sin θα )c, θα = (α − 1)π / 2 α = 1, 2,3, 4 ⎪ ⎩ 2(cos θα ,sin θα )c, θα = (α − 5)π / 2 + π / 4 α = 5, 6, 7,8 ⎡ 3(e ⋅ u) 9(eα ⋅ u) 2 3u 2 ⎤ f αeq = wα ρ ⎢1 + α2 + − 2⎥ 4 2 2c ⎦ c c ⎣ ⎧4 / 9, α = 0 ⎪ wα = ⎨1/ 9, α = 1, 2,3, 4 ⎪1/ 36, α = 5, 6, 7,8 ⎩ . (8) (9) (10) For the treatment of boundary condition, Zou’s nonequilibrium bounce-back scheme[11] is applied on the far field boundary in the computational domain due to its second order accuracy. The boundary condition for the particle distribution functions on curved wall is handled with second-order accuracy based on Mei’s work[12]. Lift and drag evaluation in the lattice Boltzmann equation takes momentum-exchange method for curved boundary. Mei has shown that it is reliable, accurate, and easy to implement for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional flows. 3. SUBGRID MODEL FOR LES In the LES, the most common subgrid model is Smagorinsky one, where the anisotropic part of the Reynolds stress term is modeled as −2C Δ 2 S Sij (11) in which S = 2Sij Sij is the magnitude of the large scale strain rate tensor 1 ⎛ ∂u ∂u ⎞ Sij = ⎜ i + j ⎟ , 2 ⎜⎝ ∂x j ∂xi ⎟⎠ (12) C is the Smagorinsky constant, Δ is the filter width. Next, LBM is modified to simulate the filtered physical variables in the LBE. Firstly, the filtered particle distribution fα , is denoted as follows: fα ( x) = ∫ fα ( x)G ( x, x′)dx′ (13) Then the LBE can be written into a kinetic equation for the filtered particle distribution function: fα ( x + eα xδ t , y + eα yδ t , t + δ t ) − fα ( x, y, t ) δt = fαeq ( x, y, t ) − fα ( x, y, t ) (14) τ∗ The above equation for fα has the similar form as LBE, with the only difference in the relaxation time τ ∗ . Here, the turbulence relaxation time τ t is introduced into the present relaxation time to consider the effects of small scale fluid motion. Therefore, the efficient relaxation time can be written into the following: τ ∗ = τ +τt (15) Then the total viscosity can be denoted as follows: ν ∗ = ν +ν t Where ν = (16) τ 2τ − 1 is laminar viscosity, ν t = t is turbulence viscosity. According to 3 6 the present Smagorinsky subgrid model,ν t should be C Δ 2 S . 4. NUMERICAL RESULTS 4.1 Circular cylinder in low Reynolds numbers flow To validate the program developed in the paper, low Reynolds numbers flow around a circular cylinder is firstly simulated here. As depicted in Fig.1, fluid with the velocity U = 0.1 flows around the cylinder from the left to the right. Re = UD ν is Reynolds number, and D is diameter of the cylinder. Uniform grids in Fig.2 are used in the simulation; cylinder is immersed in the present grid. Two different cases for Re = 20 and Re = 40 are shown in the following figures. Fig. 3 reveals stream line in the flow field for the different cases, it is clearly seen that their stream lines between upper half-plane and lower half-plane are symmetry. Vorticity contours for the different Re can found in Fig.4, symmetry vortex pairs attached on the cylinder are also obviously seen in the figure. Drag evaluation in the lattice Boltzmann equation takes momentum-exchange method for curved boundary. Fig.5 shows the time history of drag for these two cases. Comparisons between the present result and the referred one are given in Table 1, it is further demonstrated from the table that the program developed in the paper could be able to simulate low Reynolds flow field, which provides a possibility to model high Reynolds number flow problems using the presented method. Here, the data in Table 1 is extracted at non-dimensional time 20. Next, high Reynolds flows will be tested according to the coupled LBM and LES. Fig.1 Computational domain Fig.2 Computational mesh Re=20 Re=40 Fig.3Stream line for Re=20 and 40 Re=20 Re=40 Fig.4Vortex contours for cylinder Re=20 Re=40 Fig.5Time history of Cd for cylinder Table1 Comparisons of lift and drag Lift Drag Re=20 Re=40 Keller and Nieuwstadt [13] 1.786 4.357 Dennis and Chang [14] 1.88 4.69 The present 1.85 4.72 Keller and Nieuwstadt [13] 2.053 1.55 Dennis and Chang [14] 2.045 1.52 The present 2.24 1.62 4.2 Lid-driven cavity flow at high Reynolds numbers Lid-driven cavity flow is considered here to validate the simulation for high Reynolds flow using the present developed LBM/LES model. It is a classic problem for studying the complex flow in a simple geometry. As shown in Fig.6, flow is driven by the uniform velocity U on the top boundary of square cavity; vortex will be formed inside the cavity depending on the different Reynolds number Re. A uniform grid is used in the present simulation in Fig.6. Fig.7 reveals the stream line and vortex contours at Reynolds number 7500 and U=0.1. From this figure, the complex vortex structures are found, main vortex lies in the center of the cavity, small vortex also exists in the corner of the cavity around the main vortex, and a second vortex is also clearly seen in the lower right of the cavity. Detailed quantitative comparisons of the vortex position can be found in the Table 2 in order to show the ability of the present LBM/LES for simulating high Reynolds flow. Compared with Ghia’s results[15], the calculated results in the paper can keep consistent with them for the different vortex positions. It is expected that LBM/LES is used to simulate high Reynolds number flow around the complex bodies. Fig.6 Computational domain and grids Fig.7 Stream lines and vortex contours for cavity flow Table 2 Comparisons of Vorticity positions inside the cavity Main vortex Lower left Coordinates Ghia’s result The present result X 0.5117 0.5098 Y 0.5322 0.5267 X 0.0645 0.0681 Y 0.1504 0.1571 X 0.7813 0.7953 Y 0.0625 0.0652 vortex Lower right vortex 4.2 NACA0012 airfoil at high Reynolds numbers NACA0012 airfoil at high Reynolds flow is simulated at Re = 5 ×105 and Re = 6.6 ×105 using the present method, where Re = UC / ν , C is the chord of NACA0012 airfoil. U is set to be 0.2 in the numerical simulations. The calculations at two different Reynolds numbers are performed to compare with experimental result in order to show the ability to simulate high Reynolds numbers flow. The angle of attack (AOA) in the first calculation is 70, a range of AOA from 00 to 140 is applied in the second one. The computational domain and mesh are depicted in Fig.8, where the different boundary conditions are imposed at the inlet, outlet, top boundary, bottom boundary and wall. Fixed velocity and pressure are imposed at the inlet and outlet boundary, respectively. Non-reflective boundary condition is applied at the top and bottom boundary. In the present study, density distribution function at all the far field boundaries is estimated using the non-equilibrium bounce-back scheme from Zou and He[11]. No-slip boundary is implemented on the body wall, where Guo’s non-equilibrium extrapolation scheme[16] is used to calculate the density distribution function. Lift and drag evaluation in the lattice Boltzmann method also takes momentum-exchange method for curved airfoil boundary. Table 3 shows the comparison of lift and drag coefficients between the present and the referred results for Re = 5 ×105 and AOA=70. From the table, it is clearly seen that the calculated result from LBM/LES could obtain good agreements with others for Cl and Cd from Imamura’s[17]. Fig.8 Computational domain, boundary and grid Table 3 Detailed comparisons of Cl and Cd at Re = 5 ×105 , AOA=70 Method PowerFlow T. Imamura (B-L model) T. Imamura (Laminar) CFL3D (S-A model) Present (LBM/LES) Cl 0.63 0.6979 0.55±0.11 0.7449 0.714 Cd 0.028 0.0177 0.03±0.015 0.0157 0.0162 Detailed quantitative comparisons are performed to compare with experimental results at Re = 6.6 ×105 , where a range of AOA from 00 to 140 is applied in the simulation. The relation between Cl, Cd and AOA would be shown in the figure using the presented method. As depicted in the Figs.9-10, the present result could provide reasonable agreement with experimental and other referred one from Imamura’s GILBM[17] before fluid separation happens on the upper surface of the airfoil. However, it is also obviously seen that there exists some differences with the experimental result after separation in Fig.9-10. The similar phenomena are also found in the other numerical methods[17]. The predicted stall angle is 110 here using the present method, which approaches the experimental one. Experimental data GILBM Present 1.2 1 Cl 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 AOA Fig.9 Lift coefficient vs different AOA at Re = 6.6 × 105 0.035 Experimental data GILBM Present 0.03 Cd 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0 5 10 15 AOA Fig.10 Drag coefficient vs different AOA at Re = 6.6 × 105 5. CONCLUSIONS Compared with the other methods, the present method combining the LBM and large eddy simulation (LES) model could solve the problem at high Reynolds numbers flows. As one of all subgrid models, Smagorinsky model can provide a positive eddy viscosity to represent small scale energy damping. For the treatment of boundary condition, non-equilibrium bounce-back scheme has been applied on the far field boundary in the computational domain. The boundary condition for the particle distribution functions on curved wall is handled using second-order accuracy scheme. Lift and drag evaluation in the lattice Boltzmann equation takes momentum-exchange method for curved boundary. The developed program is firstly to simulate low Reynolds number circular cylinder flow field, it proves that it could provides a possibility to model high Reynolds problems using the present method. Next, lid-driven cavity flow and NACA0012 airfoil flow are calculated to show the ability of combination LBM with LES for simulating high Reynolds number flow. Some comparisons demonstrate that the present calculated results could obtain good agreement with experimental ones. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by Special Foundation of China Postdoctoral Science (Grant No.: 201104565) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 11272151). CONFLICT OF INTERESTS The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. REFERRENCES [1] Shan, X., Yuan X.F., and Chen, H., Kinetic theory representation of hydrodynamics: a way beyond the Navier-Stokes equation, Journal of Fluid Mechanic, 550: 413-441, 2006. [2] Chen, S. and Doolen, G., Lattice Boltzmann method for fluid flows, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 30: 329-364, 1998. [3] Adam, J.-L., Ricot, D., Dubief, F., and Guy, C., Aeroacoustic simulation of automobile ventilation outlets, JASA. 123(5):3250, 2008. [4] Balasubramanian, G., Crouse, B., and Freed, D., Numerical simulation of real world effects on sunroof buffeting of an idealized generic vehicle, AIAA Paper 2009-3348, 2009. 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